The Henderson County
Board of Commissioners met for a regularly scheduled meeting at 5:30 p.m. in
the Commissioners' Conference Room of the Henderson County Office Building.
Those present were: Chairman Grady Hawkins, Vice-Chairman Larry
Young, Commissioner Bill Moyer, Commissioner Charlie Messer, Commissioner
Shannon Baldwin, County Manager David
E. Nicholson, County Attorney Angela S. Beeker, and Clerk to the Board
Elizabeth W. Corn.
Also present were:
Planning Director Karen C. Smith, Budget and Management Director Selena Coffey,
Public Information Officer Chris S. Coulson, Fire Marshal Rocky Hyder, Finance
Director J. Carey McLelland, Planner Josh Freeman, and Assistant County
Attorney Russell Burrell. Deputy Clerk to the Board Amy Brantley was present
through nominations.
Chairman Hawkins called
the meeting to order and welcomed all in attendance.
Commissioner Baldwin led
the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.
David Nicholson gave the
Chairman Hawkins
requested one item be added to the agenda under Staff Reports – Update on
Pending Issues. Commissioner Baldwin
wanted to add an item #2 “Strategic Plan”.
Chairman Hawkins made the motion to accept the agenda as
revised. All voted in favor and the
motion carried.
Chairman Hawkins pulled
item “J – Water Line Extensions” for
some discussion.
He had some concerns
about the Ingles Market Water Line Extension.
It does not have adequate hydrant location and spacing. He stated that continues to be an area of
concern from a safety standpoint, particularly for fire-fighting. The City continues to run water lines out in
the county without the adequate hydrant locations and spacing series. The County has sent letters in the past
expressing concern over this issue.
Chairman Hawkins made the motion to approve the consent
agenda as presented. All voted in favor
and the motion carried.
Henderson County Public Schools Financial Report – November
The Public School System
had provided their November financial report for the Board’s consent approval.
Henderson County Financial Report – November 2003
Cash Balance Report – November
These two reports were
submitted for Board information and consent approval.
Non-departmental expense
includes annual property/liability and worker’s compensation insurance premiums
paid to the NCACC Risk Management Pools.
The remaining $153,048 in expense will be allocated out to all
departments prior to fiscal year end.
The County Services
Building Project deficit is due to architectural fees, demolition/abatement and
utility line relocation work performed at the former Carolina Apparel
Building. It is anticipated that these
costs will be recouped from financing proceeds for the project in 2004.
The $15,294 deficit in
the CDBG-Highlander Woods Project and the $16,294 deficit reported in the Mills
River Sewer Project is temporary due to a timing difference in the expenditure
of funds and the subsequent requisition of funds to reimburse these
Approval of Closed Session Minutes
The Board was requested
to adopt the following motion:
Motion – The following
closed session minutes are hereby approved and shall be deemed sealed as
provided by Section 11-6 of the Henderson County Code:
1. Minutes for the closed sessions held on
November 26, 2002, December 2, 2002, December 18, 2002, November 3, 2003, and
December 1, 2003, each as presented and revised during the closed session of
December 17, 2003.
Pawnbroker’s License Renewal – Etowah Pawnbroker, Inc.
Bruce Gosnell who
operates Etowah Pawnbrokers, Inc. had filed an application to continue
operating a pawnshop at the Etowah Shopping Center in Henderson County.
Mr. Gosnell first
applied for a pawnbroker’s license in 1990 and has renewed his
application/petition every year since.
If approved, this license will expire on September 30, 2004. A complete renewal application had been
submitted and was attached for the Board’s review with the exception of his
financial records. They were submitted,
but were not included with the agenda item in order to maintain their
confidentiality in accordance with the public policy of the State.
The County Attorney had
reviewed the application/petition and the attachments and believed that
everything was in order. Should the
Board wish to renew such license, action at today’s meeting to renew Mr.
Gosnell’s pawnbroker’s license through September 30, 2004, would be
Petitions for addition to State Road system
Staff had received road
petitions to add the following road(s) to the state maintenance system:
1. Oxford
2. Old
Town Way
3. Patriots
It has been the practice
of this Board to accept road petitions and forward them to NC Department of
Transportation for their review. It has
also been the practice of the Board not to ask NC DOT to change the priority
for roads on the paving priority list.
The County Manager
recommended the Board accept these petitions and forward the requests to NC
Department of Transportation.
Tax Collector’s Report
Terry F. Lyda had
submitted the Tax Collector’s Report dated January 2, 2004, for the Board’s
Elected Officials Salaries
At the December 17, 2003
meeting, the Board approved salary increase for the Sheriff, Tax Collector, and
Register of Deeds. However following
the meeting, staff realized they had listed the Sheriff’s current salary
incorrectly. The Board was requested to
correctly approve the cost of living increase for the Sheriff.
Position Current Proposed
Sheriff $69,256 $70,641
Update on County Comprehensive Plan and Other Major Planning
Staff had provided an
issue update which summarized the tasks related to the CCP and other major
planning initiatives that occurred over the past month. The update also included anticipated actions
for the coming month.
Voluntary Dismissal and General Release – Hensley v.
Henderson County #02 CVS 1662
A Voluntary Dismissal
and General Release was provided for information purposes and for entry into
the minutes as required by N.C.G.S. 143-318.11(a)(3). No Board action was required.
Water Line Extensions – see above – pulled and discussed.
The City of
Hendersonville had requested County comments on four proposed water line
extensions for the following projects:
1. Ingles Markets, Inc. – Mills River
2. Mountain Vista Subdivision
3. Shuey Knolls Subdivision
4. Skytop Farm Subdivision
The County’s review
sheets as well as the Project Summary sheets from the City of Hendersonville
for each project were attached for Board review.
Chairman Hawkins reminded
the Board of the following vacancies and opened the floor to nominations:
1. Apple
Country Greenways Commission – 1 vac.
There were no
nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.
2. Downtown
Hendersonville, Inc. – 1 vac.
There were no
nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting. Chairman
Hawkins asked Ms. Brantley to contact Downtown Hendersonville, Inc. to see if
they have any recommendations to fill this vacancy.
3. Henderson
County Transportation Advisory Committee – 18 vac.
Chairman Hawkins
suggested that the Board look at the up-dated charter Ms. Brantley had provided
for this Committee. The change on that
charter is to stagger the terms so that we won’t be having 18 vacancies at one
time again in the future.
Chairman Hawkins made the motion to approve the charter as
presented. All voted in favor and the
motion carried.
Chairman Hawkins
suggested taking the five municipalities and assigning the positions of # 14
through # 18 for ease of trying to work through this. That left 13 positions to fill. He asked Ms. Brantley to contact
the municipalities for their nominees.
Chairman Hawkins
nominated Chip Gould, Duane McKibbon, Larry Blair, and Ron Schwartzel.
Commissioner Baldwin
nominated Erica McArthur and Renee Kumor.
Commissioner Messer
nominated Robert Johnston and Jack Lynch.
Commissioner Young
nominated Joe Wright, Flaughn Lamb, Jim Crafton, Jack Summey, and Don
Chairman Hawkins
nominated John Antrim, Virgil McClure, Tedd Pearce, and Irv Hendricks.
Commissioner Messer
nominated Paul Stepp.
Commissioner Moyer
nominated Javonni Burchett and Rick Merrill.
There were 20 nominees
for 13 positions. The Clerk will poll
the Board at the next meeting.
Chairman Hawkins
nominated Eddie Henderson to fill the Town of Fletcher slot and Keith Maddox to
fill the Laurel Park slot.
Commissioner Moyer
reminded the Board that when this was first set up the Board discussed having a
person from the Emergency Medical Services because of their extensive use of
the roads (formerly Ray Bryson), someone from the school system because of the
school bus information they could offer (formerly Dr. Flynn), someone from law
enforcement (formerly Rodney Raines), and someone from the public transporation
sector (formerly Javonni Burchett).
Chairman Hawkins asked Ms. Brantley to contact those agencies between
now and the next meeting.
4. Henderson
County Zoning Board of Adjustment – 1 vac.
There were no
nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.
5. Juvenile
Crime Prevention Council – 3 vac.
There were no
nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.
6. Land-of-Sky
Regional Council – 1 vac.
Chairman Hawkins stated
that it was getting harder for him to attend these meetings. Commissioner Baldwin has stated that he
would be interested in serving on that Council. Chairman Hawkins named Commissioner Baldwin as the secondary
member since he serves as the primary member.
7. Mud Creek
District Advisory Council – 3 vac.
The current members are
Commissioner Moyer, Tom Cooper, and Bill Merrill. Chairman Hawkins nominated these three for reappointment. There were no other nominations at this
time. Chairman Hawkins made the motion to
appoint these three as the Mud Creek District Advisory Council and that they
also serve as the County Water and Sewer Advisory Committee. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
8. Nursing/Adult
Care Home Community Advisory Committee – 13 vac.
There were no
nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.
9. Planning
for Older Adults Block Grant Advisory Committee – 15 vac.
There were no
nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.
10. Senior
Volunteer Services Advisory Council – 1 vac.
There were no
nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.
Josh Freeman updated the
Board on the public input process associated with the Henderson County
Comprehensive Plan. On March 3, 2003
the Board of Commissioners authorized a revised CCP schedule. That revised schedule was in the agenda
packet. This revision added a public
input component to the comprehensive plan schedule. Since March 3 staff has been developing and executing that public
input process. The overall public input
process was summarized on a chart on page 2 of attachment 1of the staff
Josh Freeman explained
that there were five primary components to the public input process:
1. Citizen Survey
2. Community Meetings
3. Community Committee
4. Informal Public Input
5. Scanning Outside Data Sources
He explained that the
two most important components of that process are the citizen survey and the
community meetings.
Kate Stockman, Henderson
County Dispute Settlement Center (DSC), thanked the Board for the experience,
stating that it enabled them to get to know our county better. She reviewed the Citizen Input Process with
the Board stating 14 public input meetings were held which ran from August 28 through
December 4. They were organized to
educate the participants about planning and their community profile, to help
them become comfortable with the small group sharing process that was
introduced to them, and then to gather focused input of information the Board
wished them to gather.
Each meeting’s agenda
was the same: First an explanation of
the land use planning process, secondly specific information about each fire
district that Josh offered, and thirdly the DSC gave information about their
services as well as an explanation of the small group process. Then they divided up into small groups after
a brief break and gathered information from the participants. The small group format was consistent with
each meeting. Josh and staff had
provided reference information that folks could look at directly that were
included in his slide show. Literacy
volunteers from the Blue Ridge Literacy Council were available at almost every
meeting to help anyone who was not comfortable reading or writing or writing
legibly “cause if we couldn’t read the writing we couldn’t record their
feedback.” All the placemat forms were
completed individually by the participants in each small group and then flip
chart information was recorded by each facilitator based on comments that were
stated and discussed by the group. The
information needed was gathered through six different questions focusing on the
individual fire districts. The first
set of questions was about the current community assets and needs and the
second set of questions was about future community growth and needs. The current community assets and needs
questions were “Identify one to three things that are really positive about
this area of the county, why, and circle the one item that’s the most
important”. The second question was
“Identify one to three things that are your concerns about this area of the
county, why, and to circle the most important” so that folks would be able to
focus on the most important during group discussions. Future growth and needs dealt with four questions: The first was
“What does your community have now that you would like to see maintained or
increased over the next ten to twenty years and what does your community have
now that you would not like to see over the next ten to twenty years
increased.” While the second set of
future questions dealt with what was not available now in their community “What
does your community not have now that you would like to see brought in the next
ten to twenty years and what does your community not have now that you would
not like to see brought into the community over the next ten to twenty
years”. Based on those six questions
and the response of the participants, volumes of information were collected.
Kate Stockman then
reviewed how they compiled the information and summarized the information
compiled from the placemats. They did
not analyze the information, that’s what county staff will do.
From Question 1 “What is
positive about your community” the natural resources was the top response
countywide with 41% of respondents stating that the natural resources are the
most positive thing about their area. Secondly 22% of the respondents valued
their community which includes the people, the history, and the churches of a
community. So 63% of the respondents
felt the natural resources and the community environment or sense of place was
the most important.
From Question 2 “What
concerns you about your fire district and community” the two top answers fell
into the categories of planning and infrastructure with 61% total who had
concerns about planning and infrastructure in the area, followed by
services. Those services for the most
part are public services.
Next - dealt with what
folks like and want in their communities, questions 3 and 5. The most frequent response had to do with
services, 32% of the countywide responses dealt with liking and wanting
services. Infrastructure was 17% while
business and natural resources and planning gathered 12 to 14% of the responses
as what they like and want.
Next – dealt with
questions 4 and 6 of what people don’t like and don’t want in their
community. The top response was
planning. These responses were positive
and negative in nature but showed the area of concern. Large business was the
second area of response and infrastructure was the third.
Commissioner Baldwin
thanked Kate and the Dispute Settlement Center for the work they did, it was
super smooth and very professional.
Josh Freeman introduced
Tolley Mitchell, Insight Research, who said he enjoyed working with the county
staff. The county provided them with a
list of property owners from which they drew a random sample and mailed out
just over 2,000 surveys which were distributed by first class mail. They were returned by business reply mail,
postage paid. The surveys were
anonymous. However the surveys were
coded in two fashions: first of all by
fire district and then by whether or not the person lived inside or outside a
corporate limits. Of the 2029 surveys distributed, 101 were returned to the
county by the post office as undeliverable.
A total of 596 surveys were returned to Insight Research in time for
processing, for a response rate of 31%.
This was considered a very good response rate, given that surveys such
as this often yield response rates of 10 to 20%. The highest response rates
were from Gerton, Bat Cave, Hendersonville, and Valley Hill. Dana and Green River had lower response
rates. About one third of the responses
were from respondents inside corporate limits. The response rate was similar
for Incorporated and Unincorporated citizens.
Mr. Tolley stated that we are dealing with a 95% confidence level or
higher. The statements where there was
the strongest agreement were “An attractive, pleasing community is good for
economic growth and development” and “Development should respect the rural and
scenic qualities of the county”. There
was strong agreement with the following: “Development should be visually
attractive”, “Growth and development should be directed away from flood-prone
areas”, “A clean, safe, and natural environment is good for economic growth and
development”, “Growth and development should be environmentally responsible”,
and “Development should respect cultural and historic sites”. On most of the statements on the survey
there was at least modest agreement.
There was considerably weaker agreement with the three items: “There is
a need for more affordable housing in Henderson County”, “Commercial
development in rural areas should be concentrated near road intersections”, and
“The County’s economic development policies should support tourism”. Mr. Tolley stated that in several different
areas they found that there is not strong support across the board for the county
doing more to bring in more tourists.
Under policies and
regulations the question was “How important is it that county regulations
address each of these items?” The two
items that had the strongest support were “Protect water quality” and “Protect
air quality”. The weakest support was
for “Promote the construction of affordable housing in each community” and
“Regulate outdoor lighting”.
Under spending
priorities the question was “How important is it that the County’s spending
address each of these items?” Again
water quality and air quality rose to the top.
The weakest support was “Support a public transportation system” and
“Programs to encourage tourism”.
For the question “Which
road improvements, if any, are most needed in your community?”. The strongest
answers were for: Repaving 45.6%,
Shoulder Improvement 38.6%.
For the question “Which
of these recreational items, if any, are most needed in your community?”. By far the most chosen answer was walking
and bike trails with almost half the respondents choosing that answer. A distant second was a swimming pool. That varied a lot, depending on
community. Gymnasium/fitness facilities
was third with other choices way down the list.
For the question “Which
of these services, if any, are most needed in your community?” The most chosen answer was restaurants at
21%. Daycare was next at 13.1% with
grocery store at 10.2% and banks at 9.4%.
Mr. Tolley stated that
there were 76 pages of information in the survey report and he had just tried
to hit the highlights.
Josh Freeman stated that
this had been an incredible learning experience for staff. With the two contractors he felt that a
really top-notch public input process was developed. He thanked Insight Research and Dispute Settlement Center for
their hard work. All the public input
gathered so far, both the survey and the community meeting results are in the
Planning Department. They will be going
to the public libraries some time this week as well as a variety of other
places around the county. They will
also be on the County Web Page at www.hendersoncountync.org
at the Comprehensive Plan link.
Mr. Freeman stated that
from this point forward what staff will be doing is taking this information and
sorting through it with the Advisory Committee and with the Planning Board and
trying to come up with a summary of what the information says. Once they have completed the summary
document, they will use it throughout the development of the various chapters
of the comprehensive plan, looking back to that document for guidance on
staff’s recommendations and using the information to help make decisions as we
move forward. Staff intends to finish a
draft of the comprehensive plan by June 1.
The Board will likely have a rough draft to them prior to June 1.
Mr. Freeman stated that
staff is available for presentations.
They have one planned for next week with the Civitan Club. They also conducted a Latino meeting in
Commissioner Young asked
if we were still on track to have our comprehensive plan completed by May of
’04. Josh Freeman answered that June 1
there will be a copy in the Commissioner’s boxes. The schedule from that point forward will be up to the Board of
Commissioners to determine how to move forward.
Commissioner Baldwin
asked “As we move forward do we have two boards doing the same thing? Would it be wiser for us to try and
consolidate those two committees? Would
it be helpful?”
Josh Freeman answered
“That’s probably not a question for me to answer necessarily. But I will say that the Advisory Committee –
we will be using barring some change in the structure – we will be using the
Advisory Committee to bounce off drafts of various chapters of the document and
that will happen on an increasingly regular basis from this point forward.
Whether you restructure that process, I’d have to defer that.”
Commissioner Baldwin
stated that the Board has the authority to appoint Ad Hoc Committees to do
planning but at the end of the day it’s the North Carolina General Statutes
that recognize that the Planning Board is an advisory body, specifically with
regard to long-range planning. He felt
it was important for the Board to use that body as the state has assigned for
the use to be exercised. He stated he
didn’t have a problem continuing with the Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee
but he thought that to have two committees to give input on the same item might
result in a mixed message. He would rather see the two Boards work together in
such a way that there is consensus from one body when it comes to the end.
Chairman Hawkins stated
that informal public comments had been overlooked on the agenda. He made the motion to amend the agenda and
add this item. All voted in favor and
the motion carried.
1. Dick Baird – Mr. Baird addressed
the Animal Control Ordinance which was on the agenda for discussion at this
meeting. He referred to Section 66A-12,
stating that the County is giving officers a license to execute dogs and he thought
that needed to be looked at closely.
Mr. Baird stated “you
put garbage in and you get garbage out”.
He said be leery of the CCP Citizen Survey Report because it only went
out to property owners. He stated
“you’re getting a very specific segment of this county that’s responding, the
richer, the older, the property owners.
You’re missing out on the young folks who are struggling. You’re missing out on a lot of people who
are just getting by. They are a valid
segment of our community that don’t have a voice, particularly in this one… be
very leery of this one.”
Karen Smith stated that
at the Board of Commissioners’ November 19 meeting the Board discussed a
proposed amendment to the County’s Water Supply Watershed Protection Ordinance
(“WSWS Ordinance”) to add a requirement for a minimum 100-foot buffer for
development that uses the “10/70” or Special Intensity Allocation (SIA) provisions. Staff proposed the amendment after receiving
written notice from the staff of the North Carolina Department of Environment
and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality (DWQ), that the County’s ordinance
needed to be revised to be consistent with State rules regarding the buffer
required for projects developed under the “10/70” provisions.
After discussing the
proposed amendment at that time, the Board of Commissioners, in summary:
1. Directed staff to have the State review
the County’s WSWS Ordinance in its entirety
to see if there were any other issues regarding its compliance with
State rules.
2. Requested that the County Planning
Board review the proposed amendment regarding the 100-foot buffer requirement
and return a recommendation within 30 to 45 days. The Board of Commissioners raised the possibility of the Planning
Board recommending a moratorium on SIAs within 30 to 45 days if it was not
ready to make a recommendation on the proposed amendment until the issue of
SIAs could be studied in more detail.
3. Asked that the County Planning Board,
in cooperation with the Town of Mills River, examine broader issues of where
the County should take its WSWS Ordinance in the future. The Commissioners suggested that this might
include studying whether the County should grant to the Town of Mills River any
of the County’s “10/70” allocation in the event that the Town decides to adopt
its own Watershed Ordinance and/or whether the County should add, subtract or
modify the “10/70” or other provisions in its ordinance. The Planning Board was to respond back to
the Board of Commissioners regarding a timeframe for completing such a
In response to the
direction from the Board of Commissioners, the following actions have occurred:
1. The Planning Director staff sent a
letter to State staff requesting a full review of the County’s WSWS Ordinance.
No response had been received as yet.
2. The County Planning Board discussed the
proposed amendment to the WSWS Ordinance at its meeting on December 16,
2003. During that meeting, the Planning
Board discussed a staff report that provided background information on the
proposed amendment as well as a summary of input on the subject that staff
gained from a meeting of the Mills River Planning Committee. The Planning Board also heard comments from
two members of the Mills River Town Council and reviewed correspondence
submitted by the Town that indicated that Steve Zoufaly, of the DWQ, had
submitted a request (via e-mail) to the North Carolina Attorney General’s
Office for an opinion on whether the 100-foot buffer requirement applies to
development using the “10/70” provisions.
After much discussion and a failed motion to recommend adoption of the
proposed amendment, the Planning Board voted 3 to 2 to recommend that the Board
of Commissioners impose a 45 day moratorium on further SIA permits and that the
Commissioners request an Attorney General’s opinion regarding the applicability
of the 100 foot buffer. For reference,
staff had attached a draft table (Attachment 6) to the agenda packet showing
the County’s Watershed Administrator’s most recent calculations of the amount
of SIA used and remaining in Henderson County as well as a draft map
(Attachment 7) showing the location of SIA applications approved to date.
Ms. Smith informed the
Board that Ms. Beeker had talked with someone in the Attorney General’s
office. They understood that this
person had issued a verbal opinion to Steve Zoufaly with DWQ and that e-mail
back to Ms. Beeker indicated that the Attorney General’s office had told DWQ
staff verbally that they agreed with the way DWQ was interpreting the 100-foot
buffer requirement. After that verbal
opinion was provided, apparently the Town of Highlands requested a written
opinion and the Attorney General’s office is working on that written opinion.
3. Regarding the broader issues related
to the WSWS Ordinance, on December 16, 2003, the County Planning Board agreed
to establish a subcommittee to study the subject. The Planning Board decided to appoint three of its members to the
subcommittee and to ask the Mills River Planning Committee to appoint two
members. Regarding a timeframe for
completing its study, the Planning Board decided to inform the Board of
Commissioners that its work could take until at least June 30, 2004.
She reviewed several
options the Board of Commissioners had regarding the 100 foot buffer issue,
including, but not limited to, the following:
1. The Board could set a public hearing on
the proposed amendment to the WSWS Ordinance to add the 100-foot buffer
2. The Board could consider adopting the
proposed amendment without holding a public hearing per Section 192-26 of the
WSWS Ordinance.
3. The Board could consider implementing
the Planning Board’s recommendations to impose a moratorium on SIAs under the
WSWS Ordinance and request an Attorney General’s opinion on the 100-foot buffer
question. In order to impose a
moratorium, staff would need to draft an ordinance and the Board would need to
hold a public hearing on such ordinance.
The County Manager had
provided the following recommendation:
“I can not recommend
that the Board impose a moratorium. I
would suggest that the Board amend the WSWS Ordinance to meet the State’s
requirement of a 100-foot buffer. The
reason that I make this recommendation to you is two fold. First, I believe that Henderson County’s
current WSWS Ordinance is out of compliance with State regulations and by law
we must meet the minimum standards. I
realize that some persons would like to wait until we receive further
clarification from the AG and have suggested that the best approach would be
the moratorium route. However, this
would prevent a person who wishes to meet the State’s minimum standard of 100
feet from proceeding with their development.
This approach would accomplish both concerns – putting a hold on any
development of less than 100 foot (same as would exist under a moratorium) but
allow development that meets or exceeds the State’s minimum standards to
Much discussion
followed. Chairman Hawkins reviewed a
letter with staff he had received today from Mayor Roger Snyder, Town of Mills
River – “It’s an update where the Town of Mills River is concerning the buffer
requirements that are located in the watershed. It says their attorney along with the Town Attorney of Highlands
has officially requested an opinion.
Roger says that he has also contacted a Staff Attorney with the North Carolina
League of Municipalities that specializes in Environmental Affairs to contact
the Attorney General regarding an opinion on this issue. The Town of Mills River has made a request,
Highlands has made a request, and apparently the League of Municipalities has
made a request for the Attorney General to make some kind of ruling. He goes on to say that we also support
Henderson County Planning Board’s recommendation to wait on the State Attorney
General’s review of this regulation from the Division of Water Quality. Along with the Planning Board’s
recommendation is also approved a request for the County Attorney to join in on
this request.”
Angela Beeker expressed
a concern that the standard in our ordinance is dependent upon somebody else’s
interpretation. She felt the Board
could formally request the Environmental Management Commission to clarify it’s
rules and felt that should happen just to make things crystal clear.
Ms. Beeker recommended
the Board hold a public hearing. She
reminded the Board that since this ordinance was adopted under police powers,
in order to amend it tonight the vote would have to be unanimous, otherwise it
would have to come back for a second reading.
Commissioner Baldwin made the motion that the Board amend
the Ordinance to comply with what the Division of Water Quality has said that
we need to do and that is to create a 100-foot buffer so that we’re in
compliance with State Law. He amended
his motion to include a revision to Chapter 192, Part 1, of the Henderson
County Code (the Water Supply Watershed Protection Ordinance) by adding a
requirement for a minimum 100-foot buffer for development that uses the “10/70”
or Special Intensity Allocation (SIA) provisions. A vote was taken and the motion passed four to one with
Commissioner Moyer voting nay.
Chairman Hawkins stated that the motion carried but for a police power
ordinance it will have to come back to the Board for a second reading. He stated that we may or may not get an
opinion from the Attorney General between now and the next meeting.
Commissioner Moyer
requested staff to write to the Division of Water Quality and to also get a
ruling from the Attorney General, not from a Staff Attorney regarding the
policy of the State. Chairman Hawkins directed Ms. Beeker to correspond as
requested in both instances.
Chairman Hawkins made the motion for the Board to go into
closed session as allowed pursuant to NCGS 143-318.11 for the following
1. (a)(3) To
consult with an attorney employed or retained by the public body in order to
preserve the attorney-client privilege between the attorney and the public
body, which privilege is hereby acknowledged.
To consult with an attorney employed or retained by the public body in
order to consider and give instructions to the attorney with respect to a
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
David Nicholson reminded
the Board that during their mid-month November meeting they asked him to get up
with the folks from the Public Health Department and see where we stood from
the standpoint of the ordinance and the shelter. He met with them last month.
He introduced the following who were present at that meeting:
Dr. David Chapman, Chairman of the Board of Public Health
Tom Bridges, Director of Public Health
Brenda Miller, Animal Control Supervisor
Russell Burrell, Assistant County Attorney
At the meeting they went
through some of the proposed changes and how they proposed some things would be
handled. They also discussed the
Mr. Nicholson informed
the Board that the agenda item is a replacement of the current Animal Control
Ordinance. It basically cleans up, adds
a few bits and pieces but does not have all the programs, services and
amendments that the Board saw in the first draft a few months ago. From a facilities standpoint we are not
prepared to do a lot of those programs.
They did feel it was appropriate to go ahead and replace the current
ordinance. He asked Russell Burrell to
give the Board a quick overview of the changes in the draft ordinance.
Russell Burrell reviewed
the following which were changes (in italics) from what the Board originally
saw months ago:
Sec. 66A-2. Authority
and Territorial application.
This Article is adopted pursuant to the power granted the
county in N.C.G.S. 153A-121, 153A-127, 153A-153 and 153A-442. This chapter shall apply to all
unincorporated areas of Henderson County and to those incorporated areas of any
city or town specifically requesting its enforcement by Henderson County upon
the consent of the Henderson County Board of Commissioners. (In making such a request, the city or town
must comply with the requirements of N.C.G.S. 153A-122.) The provisions of this
chapter shall be enforced by the Animal Control Officer of the County of
Henderson County may contract annually with any municipality
located within Henderson County to enforce any animal restraint ordinance
(“leash law”) adopted by such municipality, on such terms and conditions
(including the acceptability of the terms of such restraint ordinance) as are
deemed advisable. Such contract shall
require any such municipality to reimburse to Henderson County all the costs
associated with the enforcement of such a restraint ordinance.
.5. Effective Date.
Sections 66A-19.3 and Section 66A-19.4 shall not be effective until an
effective date for such Sections is adopted by the Board of Commissioners of
Henderson County at a meeting subsequent to the meeting at which the remainder
of Chapter 66A is initially adopted.
Pending such effective date, Animal Service employees and its supervisor
are hereby empowered, upon having knowledge of a violation which would result
in a civil penalty under Section 66A-19.4 if such section were in effect, to
issue a warning citation, notifying the recipient of the violation alleged and
the penalty which would result from such violation if Section 66A-19.4 were at
that point effective.
Sec. 66A-61. Reserved.
3. Effective
date. Except as stated expressly above,
this Ordinance shall be effective on adoption.
Mr. Burrell first
addressed Sec. 66A-2. This makes this
ordinance, if adopted by the Board, effective within the municipalities if
those municipalities first request the Board to make it effective in the
municipalities and the Board agrees to do so.
It uses language that is consistent with other ordinances the Board has
passed in the past that deal with this specific issue. The second paragraph of 66A.2 allows animal
control to, if the Board contracts with the municipalities to allow them to do
so, enforce leash laws (restraint ordinances) within municipalities so long as
the terms and conditions of some contract that allows that are acceptable to
the Board of Commissioners. Staff would recommend that those terms be that
whatever leash laws that the Board chose to enforce be consistent in the
municipalities so there would not be a different leash law in Fletcher from the
City of Hendersonville or another of the municipalities. And, of course, that the cost associated
with the enforcement of the leash law be covered by that contract and be
reimbursed to the county.
Currently Hendersonville
and Laurel Park are the only municipalities with a leash law. Should they wish to, they could contract
with Henderson County to enforce a negotiated leash law.
Mr. Burrell explained
that the second major change was in the provision about citations. He stated that the citation provision really
cannot be enforced from a facilities standpoint at the present time. If you tried to enforce that you would end
up picking up so many animals that you don’t have a facility to handle. This change delays the effective date of any
kind of citation enforcement until such time as the Board votes and sets an
effective date for citation enforcement.
It also states that in the meantime the animal control folks can hand
out warning tickets stating that there is a provision of the animal control
ordinance that has been adopted that is not yet effective, that you have
violated and had it been effective today your penalty would have been xxx. This will educate people of the existence of
the ordinance and of the violations that they would have incurred. This will
also give us some data of the number of violations we might deal with in the
Mr. Nicholson asked if
the Board wished to have a public hearing.
This is a police power ordinance and does not require a public hearing;
however, if the Board decides to adopt it, it would have to be a unanimous vote
or the Board would have to bring it back to a future hearing.
Ms. Beeker stated that
each of the municipalities would need to adopt a resolution requesting the
County to enforce the ordinance in their municipality.
Following discussion, Commissioner Young made the motion to adopt
the revised Animal Control Ordinance, effective March 1, 2004.
More discussion
followed. A vote was taken and the motion carried unanimously.
Animal Shelter
Mr. Nicholson had issued
a memo to the Board dated January 2 which he reviewed at this time. Mr. Nicholson had met with representatives
from the Health Department to discuss the construction of the Animal
Shelter. Shelter Planners of America
had projected the cost of a new shelter between $600,000 and $850,000. We have
only budgeted $400,000 from Fund Balance.
He reviewed the following alternatives with the Board for beginning the
1. Construct a
$400,000 Shelter This would allow us to begin the
construction immediately. However, the
size would have to be greatly reduced.
This size facility would not allow for the County to provide any
additional programs such as a “leash law”.
The facility could be designed to allow for expansion at a later point.
2. Increase the
amount of Fund Balance Appropriated Another option would be to provide
additional funding this current year by appropriating additional Fund
Balance. This would allow for the
construction of a shelter that would meet our needs. However, it would reduce Fund Balance.
3. Wait until FY
2004-05 The construction
of the facility could be postponed until the new fiscal year and appropriate
additional funds. This would only cause
a delay in the start date.
4. Utilize the Solid
Waste Fund Gary Tweed approached Mr. Nicholson
concerning this alternative. The Animal
Shelter will sit on property owned on the Solid Waste Enterprise Fund. Gary suggested that the Solid Waste Fund
construct and own the shell of the building and that Animal Control (General
Fund) would fund the cost of upgrading and provide the necessary
equipment. An agreement would be drawn
up between the Animal Shelter and the Solid Waste Fund to lease the
facility. The asset would be owned by
Solid Waste and at some point should the Animal Shelter move the facility could
be used for solid waste activities.
Staff had spoken to our
auditors concerning the financial implementation of such an arrangement. They saw no problems since the facility
would be owned by the Solid Waste Fund.
Mr. Nicholson suggested
the Board consider alternative 4. He
strongly believed that we need to proceed with the construction of a shelter
and then amend the ordinance to allow the additional services that the
community is requesting. This
alternative would allow us to proceed immediately with the selection of an
architect for the project. If the Board
is not comfortable with this option, he recommended alternative 3 that would
delay the project until next fiscal year.
Following discussion on
this issue, Chairman Hawkins made the
motion to authorize staff to begin selection of an architect. A vote followed and the motion carried
unanimously. We have $400,000
budgeted so we can fund the start of the process.
The Board has set the
budget calendar for the coming year. In
the meantime the Board held a retreat and developed a strategic plan which will
mold the budget process this year.
Discussion followed
about zero-based budgeting, outcome-based budgeting, and performance-based
budgeting and the pros and cons of each.
Mr. Nicholson stated
that he felt the Board set as one of the goals in the strategic plan – to go
through each department and analyze what each department’s programs are and
whether they are in line with the mission statement of this Board of
Commissioners. Mr. Nicholson explained
that will take a while because it is a pretty substantial effort. Staff plans to put together a full CIP
(Capital Improvement Projects) plan again for this budget process. Mr. Nicholson explained that Department Heads
will be meeting on January 7 for their budget direction from the County
Manager. They will each receive a copy
of the Strategic Plan.
Mr. Nicholson and staff
will pull two or three departments out for scrutiny of their programs and
whether or not they fit with the Board’s mission statement. It will take several years to work through
all the departments in such detail. Mr. Nicholson felt that staff received
definite direction from the Board through the Strategic Plan.
Ms. Coffey thanked the
Board for the hard work they did on developing the Strategic Plan this year and
stated that would be the foundation for this year’s budget process. Hopefully the Board will be able to see some
elements of the Strategic Plan in every department’s budget.
Copies Policy
Chairman Hawkins brought
up the fact that we currently do not have a copies policy. Staff had a request in December for a
sizable copy job. The Chairman had
questioned about a policy for charging at that time. In discussing this item with the County Attorney it became
apparent what a job it would be to justify the cost if we did charge for
copies. It also would create a problem
with keeping records regarding petty cash in all our departments.
Chairman Hawkins
suggested that we make available via information to everyone that we can that
there is a lot of information online that is available to them. The County Library has computers for public
use also.
There was much
discussion concerning a policy. The
County Manager stated he would put the question out there on the County
Manager’s list serve to see what other counties are doing. It was the consensus of the Board for the
County Manager to pursue this further.
Strategic Plan
Commissioner Baldwin
felt that there should be an addendum to this document, to calendar the action
steps and to assign responsibilities to the appropriate staff person to carry
those things out so that the Board could see things moving forward as they do
and who is responsible for doing them.
David Nicholson stated
that Ms. Coffey had just today sent him a proposed format for calendaring and
assigning responsibilities to the Strategic Plan. Staff will work on that and present it to the Board soon. He would like to see the Board adopt it but
give staff some flexibility in it. Then
the Board can hold staff accountable for completing the Strategic Plan.
The Board reviewed the
Commissioners’ calendar.
On January 15 the Water
and Sewer Advisory Committee will meet.
Commissioner Messer has a Cane Creek Water and Sewer District Advisory
Committee meeting in Fletcher on January 8.
On January 13 at 3:00 and 7:00 the Highway #25 North Study meeting (for
public input) will be held.
Chairman Hawkins
reminded the Board of the up-coming special called meeting for Vested Rights
scheduled for January 14.
There being no further
business to come before the Board, Chairman
Hawkins made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:20 p.m. All voted in favor and the motion
Elizabeth W. Corn, Clerk
to the Board Grady
Hawkins, Chairman