STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA                                                            BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

COUNTY OF HENDERSON                                                                                             NOVEMBER 14, 2003


The Henderson County Board of Commissioners met for a special called meeting at 8:30 a.m. in the Cafeteria Building at the WNC Justice Academy in Edneyville.  The purpose of the meeting was a Fall Retreat (day  two of two days).


Those present were:       Chairman Grady Hawkins

Commissioner Bill Moyer

Commissioner Charlie Messer

Commissioner Shannon Baldwin

County Manager David E. Nicholson

County Attorney Angela S. Beeker

Planning Director Karen C. Smith

Budget and Management Director Selena Coffey

Fire Marshal Rocky Hyder

County Engineer Gary Tweed

Finance Director J. Carey McLelland

Facilitator Steve Allen

Clerk to the Board Elizabeth W. Corn.


Also present were:          Larry Rogers, President of Partners for Economic Progress

                                    Dick Baird, WHKP Radio Commentator

                                    Joel Burgess, Reporter for Times-News


Absent was:  Vice-Chairman Larry Young.


Some Commissioners needed to leave early and it was decided that they would work through the issues and goals and adjourn about noon and staff would stay to work in the afternoon on the Strategic Plan along with Mr. Steve Allen.


The day was begun with review of the following Strategic Issues:

            1.         Mission of County Government

            2.         Growth Management

            3.         County Economy

            4.         Fiscal Priorities


Steve Allen distributed handout “A – Is it a Strategic Issue?” and there was some discussion. He then distributed two more handouts for Board review:  “B – SWOT Analysis” and “C – Strategy Development”.


At this point goals were discussed and established as follows:


Strategic Issue #1 Growth Management


Goal    #1        Develop Growth Plan

                        1.         Understand four major current pillars of economy

                        2.         10 year projections

                        3.         Understand role of infrastructure placement (utilities)

                        4.         Preservation of natural resources

                        5.         Evaluate impact of local ordinances

                                    Evaluate and update County Code Book

                        6.         Evaluate impact of growth on service delivery


Goal    #2        Complete the Comprehensive Plan

                        1.         Ordinance and zoning review

                        2.         Develop and Implement Plan

                                    a.         Prioritize Timetable for specific areas

                                                i.e.  Industry, Residential, etc.

                                    b.         Address lag between growth plan and CCP


Goal    #3        Situational Awareness

                        1.         LGCCA – Find out and coordinate efforts

                        2.         Establish periodic review schedule

                        3.         State level


Some discussion of the Mission Statement was had relative to the strategic issues.


Due to time constraints, Mr. Allen jumped to the fourth strategic issue for some discussion.


Strategic Issue # 4  Fiscal Priorities


Goal    #1        Prioritize what you spend money on


Goal    #2        Review programs in context of Mission Statement

                        1.         Personnel

                                    a.         Pay grade and salary review

                                    b.         Staffing Analysis

                                    c.         Identify time restraints on goals and priorities

                        2.         Equipment

                        3.         Facilities

                        4.         Program existence

                                    a.         Determine respective roles (staff/Commissioners)


Goal    #3        Facilities


Goal    #4        Pursue Alternative Revenue Sources

                        1.         Impact fees

                        2.         User fees

                                    a.         Business licenses

                        3.         Sales Tax Distribution formula

                        4.         Pursue State Level Initiatives; tax menu

                        5.         Grants



A break was taken for lunch at approx. 11:45 with lasagna and salad being served in the cafeteria of the Justice Academy. After lunch most of the Commissioners and the Clerk left.  Other staff and Mr. Allen stayed on through the afternoon.  Commissioners Baldwin and Moyer had left earlier.







Elizabeth W. Corn, Clerk to the Board              Grady Hawkins, Chairman