16, 2003
The Henderson County
Board of Commissioners met for a special called meeting at 7:30 p.m. at the
Mills River Town Hall, 5406 Boyleston Highway Suite #3.
Those present were: Chairman Grady Hawkins, Vice-Chairman Larry
Young, Commissioner Bill Moyer, Commissioner Charlie Messer, Commissioner
Shannon Baldwin, Planning Director Karen Smith, Budget and Management Director
Selena Coffey, Paralegal Connie Rayfield and Deputy Clerk to the Board Amy
Present from the Town of
Mills River were: Interim Mayor Roger Snyder, Council Members Linda Brittain,
Wayne Carland, Lois Pryor and Jimmy Cowan, Clerk to the Board Sue Powell and
Attorney Sharon Alexander.
Roger Snyder called the
meeting to order.
Mayor Snyder led the
Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.
Rev. Katie Bryant, Mills
River United Methodist Church, gave the invocation.
Roger Snyder announced
the upcoming CCP Meeting for the Mills River area. He urged citizens to attend
that meeting to give their input. He then introduced the Mills River Town Council.
Chairman Hawkins
introduced the Commissioners. He stated that the Board had supported the
incorporation efforts of Mills River and congratulated them on being the newest
municipality in the county. Because that incorporation had happened faster than
anticipated, some adjustments had to be made to give the Town the best start. To do that, the Boards held a
joint meeting in July looking at a number of ordinances the Town had requested
the County continue to enforce. By statute, some ordinances expire immediately
upon incorporation, some 60 days following incorporation, while others are not
affected. Following the incorporation, the County sorted through 20-30
ordinances to determine how to apply those ordinances in Mills River as
requested by the Town Council. Those ordinances have been on the Board’s agenda
for the last two meetings, because to apply in Mills River, the ordinances had
to be amended to include the now incorporated area.
A contract does exist
that both Boards had already approved except for the fees and costs. Some of
the dates on that contract may also be adjusted. A list of net expenses to the
County, associated with Mills River incorporating, had been faxed to Mayor
Snyder. Unfortunately, an explanation of those fees had not been sent, and
Chairman Hawkins felt that led to some of the fees being misunderstood. What
the county then did was generate a new chart that provided the best estimate on
the cost to the County to enforce certain ordinances in incorporated Mills
River. Not included on that list were three separate contracts that the Town of
Mills River will need to secure with other County agencies: the Sheriff, Tax
Assessor and Board of Elections.
Chairman Hawkins stated
that it was not the intention of the Board to charge Mills River any more for
services than what other municipalities are being charged. However, the areas
that remain to be agreed upon are the costs for those services.
Jimmy Cowan stated that currently the biggest issue is in the area of Planning and Zoning. One reason Mills River wanted to incorporate was to control their own destiny and create their own future. He stated that while he realized there was no way Mills River could do that while the County continued to provide Planning and Zoning, it would take time for Mills River to accomplish a good planning process. Mills River had originally asked for two years, and felt that to be forced to come up with a good Planning and Zoning Ordinance in 30 days was asking too much.
Chairman Hawkins noted
that the County had been very involved in some on-going planning in Mills
River, particularly in the area of where sewer lines will be run. When that
sewer line is introduced, it will almost automatically bring the possibility of
high-density residential areas and industry. The county had anticipated
updating the County’s Land Use Map as well as suggested zoning along where the
sewer will go. A lot of the study that goes into preparing the land use map and
the zoning maps has been done and is available, along with any other planning
the county has done in the Mills River area. He stated that Mayor Snyder had
suggested that the planning function be extended until January, and questioned
whether that was what the council was asking for.
Jimmy Cowan stated that
at the last council meeting, it had been discussed that January was probably
the earliest feasible time. Without at least that much time, they would be
faced with having nothing or having to enact a moratorium. He did not feel that
either of those options was best for the citizens of Mills River, or for the
region. January 1st would be the earliest possible date, but an
extra month or two would be appreciated.
Chairman Hawkins stated
that if the agreement was extended until January 1st, it would cut
the $66,896 cost estimate for planning in half, since it was predicated on a 12
month cycle. He questioned how the rest of the Board felt about extending that
agreement. Following discussion from each of the Commissioners, it was the
consensus of the Board that an extension of the agreement for a reasonable time
was acceptable. Commissioner Baldwin also stated that a Planner is available to
the Town from the Department of Commerce, and that the middle ground would be
for Henderson County to continue with business as usual but not get into
municipal planning.
Roger Snyder provided
some background information with regards to planning. Approximately a year and
a half ago, a Planning Committee was formed. It’s chairman had worked with
Karen Smith, sharing information back and forth. Because so much work has
already been done, it would be a waste to not incorporate some of that work
into the plan for Mills River. Because the incorporation took everyone off
guard, they were asking for time to get their Planning Committee shifted into
high gear, and to get some of the information the County already has as their
There was some
discussion of the sewer line. Commissioner Messer clarified that the funds for
the sewer line were already in place, and had been for about two years.
Chairman Hawkins stated that the County had been looking at a master sewer plan
in northern Henderson County for several years, particularly in the area of the
package plant near the intersection of Highway 191 and 280 because that area is
upstream of the water supply. The County had been able to secure a $1.5 million
dollar grant from the federal government and another $500,000 from the Clean
Water Trust Fund at the state. The first place that line will go is to Mills
River School, because there is a sewer problem over there. Prior to running the
sewer line, rights-of-way must be obtained, and the County is about half way
through with that process. Chairman Hawkins also discussed the presence of the
Appalachian Elktoe Mussel, which had also created an environmental issue.
Commissioner Baldwin
questioned the Town’s plans with regards to hiring a Planner. Wayne Carland
stated that until day before yesterday, they didn’t have a dollar, so they
didn’t have a sense of direction. Roger Snyder confirmed that up to this point
people have been paying the rent and the light bill out of pocket. In their
charter, they assumed that the county would contract with them for two years on
planning and zoning. They had planned to appropriate money beginning in the
third year for a Planner.
Commissioner Baldwin
stated that there is a difference between municipal planning and county
planning. He asked if the first step in their planning process was to take
county ordinances, tweak them, and adopt those as Mills River Ordinances. Linda
Brittain stated that they would like to maintain the current level of county
planning, but not have the county start special things for the town. Jimmy
Cowan noted that a planning committee had been in place for about a year, and
eventually they do want to do their own planning. However, he was not concerned
with a lot of change happening in the next year or two.
There followed
discussion regarding the various concerns associated with the county continuing
to perform planning and zoning functions in the newly incorporated town.
Commissioner Baldwin posed several questions to the Council regarding possible
situations where differences of opinion concerning zoning might occur.
Commissioner Moyer spoke about how the Comprehensive Plan would assist in
making such future zoning decisions. Commissioner Young stated that when the
Town incorporated, it was an invitation to people to come to the Town of Mills
River. He felt the Town should go ahead and take control of their own destiny.
Following additional
discussion, Chairman Hawkins queried the Board to determine their feelings on
extending the contract date. It was the consensus of the Board to extend the
September 30th date to March 1, 2004 with respect to Planning.
Commissioner Baldwin clarified the expectation that Mills River would have of
County Planning Staff’s time. Wayne Carland stated that he expected the County
to keep doing the same things it had been doing. Any municipal planning will be
up to the Town of Mills River.
Jimmy Cowan stated that
in the beginning of the incorporation process, one of the services discussed
was police protection. Some residents felt that the area wasn’t getting the
necessary police protection. There were early discussions with the Sheriff’s
Department, and Sheriff Erwin had stated that he would continue to provide the
same level of service following the incorporation as he had before. The only
additional expense that would be incurred would be for any additional requests.
Because he felt that the Planning function was similar, he questioned the need
for the County to charge Mills River for that function. He stated that the Town
was actually taking away the need to plan for Mills River, the County would
just have to enforce what they’ve got.
Chairman Hawkins stated
that the change the County would see would be a decrease in revenues available
with which to run county government. The decrease is estimated to be about $1.1
million dollars that the Town of Mills River will now have to work with. There
was discussion concerning the services offered by the county, and the amount of
money now available with which to offer those services.
Roger Snyder questioned
the clause in the contract dealing with the cost of litigation. He stated his
objection, saying that “just because we are contracting with the County, I
don’t feel that Mills River, if the Planning Department makes a decision which
Mills River has absolutely no control over, that Mills River should foot the
attorney.” He felt that was like writing the County a blank check to be cashed
when needed. There was further discussion about who should be liable in the
event of litigation stemming from Planning and Zoning decisions made in Mills
River. Chairman Hawkins stated that litigation was not addressed in the
contract. He suggested that the Town Attorney and the County Attorney address
the matter and see if they could find some reasonable resolution.
Chairman Hawkins
questioned the term on the services listed in the contract, with the exception
of land use which will be March 1st. It was currently listed for
four years, and he questioned whether that was what the Council wanted. It was
the consensus of the Council to have those terms remain at four years. There
was then discussion of the fees associated with the various Ordinances.
Selena Coffey explained
how the expenditures and revenues for the Planning Function had been derived.
She listed a number of functions performed by the Planning Department that went
into derivation of the “Net Estimated Expense”. That expense was estimated at
$58,170. At a previous meeting, the Board asked how the County generally costs
out administration fees. One way is, as with grants, there is usually a 15% -
20% administration fee for administration of grants. Applying the 15% figure puts
the estimated expense at $66,896. Ms. Coffey also spoke to several services
that are provided to the other municipalities at no cost, and explained that
those services would also be offered to Mills River at no cost. There followed
much discussion on the various fees, and fairness to the Town of Mills River
versus the other municipalities.
Roger Snyder noted that
even if a Planner from the Department of Community Assistance started
immediately, it would take six months to a year for that Planner to make
recommendations. Following that, there should be community meetings for Mills
River residents to give their opinions. He admitted that Mills River and the
County got caught with the quick incorporation, but asked for help by
continuing to receive the same level of service.
Chairman Hawkins asked
the Board “if Mills River is wanting to pick up their planning function at the
first of March, would anybody object to just taking the planning function off
the block, assuming you’re gonna pick it up on one March…and going with the,
with the $34,500 on those other top two ordinances?” It was the consensus of
the Board to proceed with this option. Following some additional discussion,
the Council also agreed to proceed. Mayor Snyder stated “I’ll agree to it, but
just a note for the record, Mills River’s paying twice for the same
Chairman Hawkins made the motion that on the original document, the first item #3 should remain the same at four years, under #5, the Land Use Ordinance would be for a period until March 1, 2004, the paragraph under Item E on page 3 both dates would read March 1, 2004, and #9 would be $34,500 annually for fees and costs. The motion was an amendment to the Interlocal Agreement. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Mayor Snyder asked for a
motion for the Town to approve the Agreement. Wayne Carland made the motion and
Lois Pryor seconded the motion. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Chairman Hawkins stated
that the only remaining item was for the attorney’s to look at the litigation
issue and bring back some recommendations.
Chairman Hawkins made
the motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:35 pm.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Amy R. Brantley, Deputy Clerk to the
Board Grady Hawkins,