The Henderson County
Board of Commissioners met for a regularly scheduled meeting at 5:30 p.m. in
the Commissioners' Conference Room of the Henderson County Office Building.
Those present were: Chairman Grady Hawkins, Vice-Chairman Larry
Young, Commissioner Charlie Messer,
County Manager David E. Nicholson, County Attorney Angela S. Beeker, and
Clerk to the Board Elizabeth W. Corn.
Also present were:
Planning Director Karen C. Smith, Budget and Management Director Selena Coffey,
Fire Marshal/Emergency Management Coordinator Rocky Hyder, Public Information
Officer Chris S. Coulson, Paralegal Connie Rayfield, Planner Josh Freeman, and
Deputy Clerk to the Board Amy Brantley.
Absent were
Commissioners Bill Moyer and Shannon Baldwin.
Chairman Hawkins called
the meeting to order and welcomed all in attendance.
Commissioner Messer led the Pledge of
Allegiance to the American Flag.
David Nicholson gave the
There was none. Chairman
Hawkins made the motion to approve the agenda as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Chairman Hawkins pulled
two items from the consent agenda for some discussion, item AH - Waterline &
Sewerline Extension(s)@ and item AJ - Update on County
Comprehensive Plan and Other Major Planning Initiatives.@ There were no other adjustments.
Chairman Hawkins made
the motion to approve the consent agenda minus AH & J@. All voted in favor and the motion carried. The Consent Agenda consisted of the
Draft minutes were
presented for the Board=s review and approval of
the following meetings:
10, 2003, special called meeting
12, 2003, special called meeting
18, 2003, regular meeting
Tax Collector=s Report
Terry F. Lyda, Tax Collector,
had provided the Tax Collector=s Report dated July 2, 2003, for the Board=s information.
CCPT Annual Report
The Community Child
Protection Team had presented their annual report for the Board=s information. No action was required.
Environmental Advisory
Committee 2003 Annual Report
The Environmental
Advisory Committee had presented their 2003 Annual Report for the Board=s information. No action was required.
Medical Emergency
Ambulance Transport, Inc.
On June 19, 2002, the
Board approved a request to grant a contract to Medical Emergency Transport,
Inc. for hospital-to-hospital transport of patients from hospitals in Henderson
County to Mission/St. Joseph=s in Asheville and to provide other out-of-county ambulance
transports. At that time the State EMS
permanent regulations were still in the draft form and this one-year contract
was let in place of renewing their franchise.
The State regulations and the Henderson County EMS Ordinance have since
been adopted and it has been determined that Emergency Medical Transport Inc.
must complete an application for a new franchise.
Staff requested that the
Board extend the existing contract until September 30, 2003 in order to allow
Emergency Medical Transport Inc. to complete their application for a new
BMX Lease
On April 16, 2003, the
Board of Commissioners approved a Resolution renewing the lease of
approximately 2.2 acres of the field previously known as Field #8 to the
National Bicycle League, for the operation of a BMX bicycle track.
The original 3/10/00
lease listed the Lessee as USA CYCLING, INC. d/b/a National Bicycle
League. At the time of the renewal we
were advised that the two entities were canceling their affiliation and that
USA CYCLING, INC. should be removed as Lessee.
The National Bicycle League has now notified us that they are still a
part of USA CYCLING, INC. and the correct name for the Lessee is USA CYCLING
INC., d/b/a National Bicycle League.
Staff therefore requested that the Board re-adopt the April 16, 2003
Resolution with the minor
modification of adding USA CYCLING, INC. as the new Lessee. The April 16, 2003 Resolution was in the
agenda packet for the Board=s information.
CDBG Contracts
Regency Development
Associates applied for a Community Development Block Grant in 2003 on behalf of
Henderson County for the Parkside Commons Project. Land-of-Sky Regional Council was chosen to provide assistance in
the administration of these funds for Henderson County. The draft Technical Services Contract is an
agreement between Henderson County and Land-of-Sky Regional Council to
authorize this assistance for the administration of the grant. Also presented for Board review was a
Project Agreement between Henderson County and Parkside Commons Limited
Partnership, authorizing Regency to move forward with the project on behalf of
Henderson County.
Staff requested that the
Board authorize the Chairman to sign both documents to continue the project.
Register of Deeds -
Request to use Restricted Funds for Automation Enhancements/Technology Upgrades
The General Assembly
enacted legislation that required counties to place 10 percent of certain
revenues generated by the Register of Deeds Office into a fund to pay for
future information technology upgrades and automation enhancements which began
in January 2002. This fund which is a
portion of the County=s Restricted General
Fund Balance has in excess of $127,000 as of June 30, 2003. Only the Board of Commissioners may
authorize the use of these restricted funds.
A budget amendment was
presented requesting to use the Register of Deeds Restricted General Fund
Balance for Automation Enhancements to upgrade computer hardware and to
implement a Document Management (Imaging) System within the Register of Deeds
Office. The total cost for the computer
hardware upgrade and new imaging system is $76,059 per the cost estimates.
Mr. Nicholson informed
the Board that the Register of Deeds Office is very excited about taking these
necessary steps to upgrade technology and implement a new system to scan/image
and manage documents in an effort to increase efficiencies, store data
requiring less space and reduce copying/paperwork within their department. They have worked very closely with the
Information Technology Department on this project. It would be appropriate for the Board to consider adopting the
prepared budget amendment to appropriate the Register of Deeds Restricted
General Fund Balance since it is required to be used for this very purpose.
Discussion of items AH & J@
Waterline &
Sewerline Extension(s)
The City of
Hendersonville has requested any County comments on proposed
waterline/sewerline extension(s).
This is a project to
extend existing water lines to provide water service to Etowah Golf
Villas. The project requires
approximately 737 linear feet of water lines sized as follows:
6" C900/DR18 = 595 ft.
2" PVC/SDR 13.5 = 142 ft.
Water pressure and flow
in this area are as follows:
Static Pressure = 95 psi.
Residual = 35 psi.
Flow =
700 GPM
The intended use of this
property is residential with 34 residential units. Fire protection will be provided by the installation of one fire
hydrant. The entire cost of the proposed
water line extension is to be paid for by the owner/developer, Glade Holdings,
Inc. of Hendersonville, North Carolina.
Based on the above
information, the Water and Sewer Department can support the additional
connections and recommended approval of the project contingent upon approval of
the final plans and specifications from the Water and Sewer Department.
The proposed project
conforms with the County Land Use Plan.
It does not have adequate hydrant location and spacing. Minimum fire flow is 1,000 gallons per
minute and the estimated flow at present is 700 gpm.
Chairman Hawkins
expressed concern because the water pressure is down from what is required in
this area.
Rocky Hyder stated that
there is a lot of development in the Etowah area and waterline extensions are
common place. The residual pressure is
certainly a concern for fire service.
Mr. Hyder stated that he would continue to express concern in the area
until the elevated tank in the area is placed in operation. He thinks that would certainly resolve some
of the issues.
Chairman Hawkins suggested
some correspondence from the Board of Commissioners to Mayor Niehoff expressing
concerns in the Etowah area.
Update on County
Comprehensive Plan (CCP) and Other Major Planning Initiatives
Staff had provided an
issue update which summarized the tasks related to the CCP and the other
major planning initiatives that were completed over the past month. The update also included anticipated actions
for the coming month.
No action was required.
Chairman Hawkins stated
that he had received from Beverly Williams (N.C. DOT) an update on the
transportation plan a few days ago.
Based on their current schedule, Ms. Williams says that they will have
some recommendations ready in October, they=ll have the travel model elements completed by
the end of the year, and they hope the new transportation plan will be adopted
as early as April of 2004.
Chairman Hawkins stated
that our staff has been able to contract with Insight Research to get a citizen
survey out. There will be about 2,000
surveys randomly distributed for feed-back.
Staff has also contracted with Culture Connection to create a
Spanish-language version of the survey.
Staff is in the process of reserving about 14 different meetings sites
and locations. They will begin to have
these meetings toward the end of August.
They will be on Thursday evenings.
Karen Smith and Jack Lynch will participate in an interview regarding
the CCP for the Channel 11 Program, ACounty Connections@, on July 11, 2003. Staff has also been meeting with the folks
in Mills River on some update planning in that area.
Chairman Hawkins moved
that items AH & J@ be accepted in the
consent agenda. All voted in favor and
the motion carried.
Notification of Vacancies
The Board was notified
of the following vacancies which will appear for nominations on the next
Nursing/Adult Care Home Community Advisory
Committee - 1 vac.
EMS Quality Management Committee - 1 vac.
Juvenile Crime Prevention Council - 1 vac.
Hawkins reminded the Board of the following vacancies and opened the floor to
Blue Ridge Community College Board of Trustees -
2 vac.
of the Board of Commissioners= Rules of Procedure, a vote will be taken on these
on August 4, 2003.
Cane Creek Water & Sewer District Advisory
Committee - 2 vac.
couple of vacancies have been reserved for the Town of Mills River.
Environmental Advisory Committee - appointment
of a Chairman.
Charter calls for the Board of Commissioners to appoint the Chairman to this
Hawkins reminded the Board that there was a very good annual report in the
consent agenda for the Environmental Advisory Committee. The Charter did not address the requirement
for Planning Department Staff to be on the Committee. Chairman Hawkins felt it would be better to not designate people
by name to serve as the Staff to the Committee. This would give the County Manager more flexibility to utilize
his staff. Our Planning Staff are
certainly busy. Chairman Hawkins
moved that the second sentence in the Charter be stricken to give Mr. Nicholson
more flexibility in that area. There
was no discussion on the motion. A vote
was taken and the motion carried unanimously.
Young nominated Hall Waddell for the Chairman of the Environmental Advisory
Committee. Chairman Hawkins made the
motion to accept Mr. Waddell by acclamation. All voted in favor and the motion
Henderson County Board of Health - 1 vac.
were no nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.
Juvenile Crime Prevention Council - 8 vac.
Hawkins nominated Mike Neyman to position # 1 and Morton Lazarus to position #
19. There were no other
nominations. Chairman Hawkins made the
motion to accept these two nominees by acclamation. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Nursing/Adult Care Home Community Advisory
Committee - 8 vac.
Hawkins nominated Viola Walker, Paul Kintner, and Vivian Kintner for positions
#2, 4, and 5. There were no other
nominations. Chairman Hawkins made the
motion to accept these three nominees by acclamation. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Senior Volunteer Services Advisory Council - 1
were no nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.
SmartStart - 1 vac.
were no nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.
the Public Hearing on Regulating the Discharge of Firearms, several citizens
stated the need for a public firing range in this area. They spoke about the range that is now a
part of the DuPont State Forest as well as a Federal funded program to
establish ranges. Staff had received
responses from State agencies to our inquiries concerning weapons firing
Supervisor of the DuPont State Forest had been contacted to find out the status
of the firing range there. They have no
intention of re-opening the range. It
does not comply with their management objectives. They have developed a trail along the side of the range and
around the hill just above where the targets were located so they feel it would
be a safety issue now to re-open the range.
Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission had been contacted regarding the
Pittman-Robinson Act as well as our local legislators. These funds can be utilized to help
establish firing ranges but they are also used for Hunter Safety Training
Programs. We had received a letter back
from Representative Carolyn Justus with some valuable information concerning
the program. Approx. $850,000 of these
funds come back to North Carolina but the majority of those monies go to the
Wildlife Resources Commission who do Hunter Training Programs with the
funds. One firing range was completed
recently in North Carolina and another is planned for Jackson County.
NC Wildlife Commission sent us a lengthy application for applying for these
funds. All range development projects are subject to the following
The proposed range must provide a place for
hunter education students and instructors to learn/practice safe gun or bow
handling and live firing, or, must provide opportunities for the public to
sight-in and practice with their recreational/hunting firearms or archery
Ranges must be open to the public. Commercial ranges, private facilities, law
enforcement ranges and facilities strictly for competitive shooters do not
qualify for funding.
Applicants must be prepared to match at least
50% of the approved elements of the project cost.
Maximum requests for funds cannot exceed
All projects must have an expected useful life
of at least 10 years.
Acceptance of financial assistance carries a
requirement that the range be made available for the NC Wildlife Resources
Commission Hunter Education Program.
The range (organization) must have at least 10
years land tenure, by deed or lease and document appropriate zoning.
Application will not be considered if land
acquisition has not been completed.
Incomplete applications will not be considered.
Nicholson stated that if there is a group of people in our community interested
in working with Henderson County on this, staff will be happy to provide the
information to them.
Messer stated that we have two large parcels of property in our county that are
State/Federal owned. He felt we should
pursue this.
Hawkins suggested going back to the minutes of the public hearing we had at the
library on the Weapons Firing Ordinance and get some names of interested
persons and correspond to them with the pertinent information.
Town of Mills Rivers was recently incorporated.
it was proposed that the Town contract with Henderson County for the provision
of certain ordinance enforcement services; however the charter makes no mention
of this. A prepared memorandum
explained the County ordinances which are no longer in effect, those which will
remain in effect for a short period of time (60 days from incorporation) and
those which were unaffected by the incorporation.
requested the Board consider the issue and give staff direction on how to
proceed in dealing with the Town of Mills River.
Nicholson stated that he met with Angela Beeker immediately upon the
incorporation of the Town of Mills River to find out what the status was on a
number of county ordinances, county rules, and regulations within the Town of
Mills River. He knew there would be
some serious issues that needed to be dealt with.
Beeker had provided the Commissioners with a copy of the Charter that passed as
well as a memo from her re: AEffect of Mills River Incorporation on County
Ordinances@. She explained that there
are two main sources of authority that the county has to adopt ordinances, one
is police power and the second is land use.
For the ordinances that we have on the books that were adopted pursuant
to the police power, as soon as the Town was Incorporated, we lost jurisdiction
over the following ordinances:
Abandoned and Junk Vehicles
Animal Control
Massage Parlors
Noise Ordinance
Outdoor Advertising Sign Regulation
Incinerator Ordinance
Water Supply/Watershed
following ordinances were adopted pursuant to the county=s land use regulation
authority and will therefore cease to be effective 60 days after the effective
date of incorporation or until the Town adopts its own land use ordinance
regulating the same subject matter, whichever comes first:
Building Inspections
Communications Towers
Manufactured Home Parks
Subdivision of Land
Vested Rights Ordinance
Zoning Ordinance
are also ordinances which are not affected by the incorporation and will
continue to remain in effect:
Emergency Management (NCGS 166A-7)
Emergency Medical Services (NCGS 153A-250 and
Farmland Preservation (NCGS 106-735 thru 743)
Mountain Ridge Protection (NCGS 113A-206 and
Solid Waste Ordinance (Part of it) (NCGS Chapter
153A Article 15)
Sewer Use Ordinance (Part of it) (NCGS Chapter
153A Article 15)
Water Policies (Par of it) (NCGS 153A Article
following ordinances were not adopted as part of the police power, but still
cease to be effective as of June 25, 2003:
Cable Television (NCGS 153A-137)
State of Emergency (NCGS 14-288.13 through
Fire Prevention (NCGS 143-138(e))
Pawnbrokers (NCGS 91A-6)
Property Addressing (NCGS 153A-239.1)
Sewer Use (Part of it) (NCGS Chapter 153A
Article 15)
Water Policies (Part of it) (NCGS Chapter 153A
Article 15)
Beeker had also provided the Board with a map prepared by the Planning
Department showing the boundaries as described in the enacted charter. This is not an official map. The Boundary is currently being
surveyed. The Town has 18 months to
complete the survey.
was much discussion with the question being asked about the possibility of
Mills River contracting with Henderson County to provide enforcement of some of
these ordinances and policies.
Snyder, Interim Mayor of the Town of Mills River, came forward at the request
of Chairman Hawkins. Chairman Hawkins explained that there were two different
Bills on the incorporation of Mills River.
One had a number of things that had already been discussed and Mills
River and Henderson County already had a plan to implement in a fairly orderly
fashion. The Bill that passed was not
that Bill.
Snyder stated that there was one Bill that Mills River asked to be drafted and
it included the Charter and many things that their Attorney and the County
Attorney had worked out, as well as the referendum. For some reason the referendum got excluded and then a week or
two later they realized that the AGentleman=s Agreement@ or the items that had
been mutually agreed to had also been excluded.
Hawkins suggested that a convenient time be found in the very near future for
the Mills River Board and the Board of Commissioners to sit down and review
these items in question. Both Attorneys
and staff would need to look at suggested contracts of whatever services Mills
River needs. Specifically, we need to
address land use, zoning, and planning and how Mills River plans to take that
over or get the county to do it or whatever.
Snyder asked ACan we contract with you all, just like we talked about? You know contract, you know go back to the
Gentleman=s Agreement that we had and I=m, I=m comfortable with it.@
Beeker - AYou can do the same thing with those. Until you enter into such a contract we have no jurisdiction on
police power and we only have jurisdiction on the land use piece for 60 days,
until you enter into such a contract.@
Snyder - ADo you need a resolution from us as a - willing to enter into a
contract - I mean@
Hawkins - AI don=t think so. I think
what we need to do is just sit down and decide you know what they are exactly
and go that way after our staff=s looked at em. Is that what you=re thinking?@
Beeker - AYes, a resolution won=t be legally required but - I mean procedurally
if you all wish to do that that would be fine.@
Hawkins - ABut uh I think as soon as the two Boards can get together and look
at whatever Sharon and Angie=s got worked up and just put that on the table and
go through em.@
Snyder - AOK@
Hawkins - AIs - probably as quickly as possible so that you don=t.@
Snyder - AOK, what about in the interim? I mean if we hold a meeting next week
or - is everything - I mean can we continue business as usual as far as the
county is until we officially sign a - a contract?@
Hawkins - AI=ll have to leave that to the - my gut feeling is NO but only
because we hadn=t done the contract you know.@
Beeker - AIt=s up to you to decide what you=re willing to do as a Board. If - for the police power ordinances - they
can give permission for our ordinances to apply by adopting a resolution but
you have to agree to it in the interim.
If you wish to do that you could legally but that=s your judgement call.@
Hawkins - AOK, and the police power ordinances - because we=re doing the land
use for 60 days anyway so we=ve got time to do that one. So uh - so we could make a - or they could
make a resolution and let us have it and@
Beeker - AYes sir, they would make such a resolution and say we give permission
and request that you enforce your police power ordinances in our
jurisdiction. But it has to be by
resolution of their Board that would come to you for then approval - I=d say -
say they did that Thursday night, at your next meeting you could take action on
that if you wish.@
Messer - AAngie, so basically if we reach an agreement - you know both parties
reach an agreement then that would pretty much be the same thing that you all
wanted to start with@
Snyder - AYes@
Messer - Abut - you know we would be setting the dates and the timeline and
everything instead of the General Assembly which I think is@
Beeker - AThat=s correct and if - on a long-term basis if the Board is still
willing to enforce ordinances in their jurisdiction I would recommend it be by
contract, not just by a resolution.@
Hawkins - AAnd I would think that the resolution would stipulate that it is by
resolution until we=re able to finish the contract and then everybody knows
exactly what they=re doing - you know a year or two years from now.@
Snyder - AWell, it=s our intention of our Council to contract with yuns.@
Hawkins - AOK@
Snyder - AJust to keep it business as usual and - and kinda what I=m afraid of
and that=s why I asked the question - is if we adopt this Thursday night at our
meeting then you all say put it on the agenda for next week then can you all
continue until@
Hawkins - AUntil we have a joint meeting and look at the contract?@
Snyder - AYes@
Hawkins - AYeh, I would think so.@
Beeker - AAs of next Wednesday but between now and next Wednesday NO, not on
the police power.@
Snyder - AOK@
was then discussed that the next Board of Commissioners= meeting was two weeks
away or July 23.
Beeker - AOK, well it would be two weeks then.@
Hawkins - AOK, is it possible for this Board to adopt at our meeting their reso
- pending receipt of their resolution?@
Beeker - AYou could put the elements in that I think you would be agreeable to.@
Hawkins - AAnd then - and then so then when you hit it Thursday night you=d
have it.@
Snyder - ARight@
Beeker - AThe Board could authorize you to sign a resolution that we would
draft for your signature stating that the county would be willing to enforce
your police power ordinances - or I guess any that you could.@
Hawkins - AOK@
Beeker - AUh - you know until such time as - I would put a time limit on
it. You might say for the same 60 day
period. That would@
Hawkins - AFor 60 days - that would give us time to get@
Beeker - AUntil August 24 or whatever so that they all expire at the same time.@
Snyder - ARight@
Beeker - AWould be the simplest way to do it I think.@
Hawkins - AOK@
Snyder - ACould you all adopt a resolution uh tonight?@
Beeker - AThat=s what the Chairman=s talking about.@
Hawkins - AThat=s what I=m trying - I=m trying to get one worded up there so I
think then if I made a motion that uh pending a resolution from the interim
Town Council at Mills River that the county enforce those police powers that we=re
able to enforce for the next 60 days or until August 24 pending our formal
Synder - AYes@
Beeker - AThat means on August 24 that we would lose jurisdiction again.@
Hawkins - AYeh, and between now and then we ought to have a meeting and get
some of those others worked out.@
Snyder - ARight, I agree.@
Hawkins - AOK is that agreeable to the Board.
Is there any discussion on that motion.
I=ll put it on the floor. OK,
all those in favor of that motion say aye.@
Hawkins - AOK so that=s unanimous. So
if - I think if your Board will make it=s adoption@
Snyder - AThursday night@
Hawkins - AOf the resolution - when you meeting? Thursday night? Thursday
night - then this will be able to go in effect as soon as Ms. Beeker gets
it. That=ll shorten your window there.@
Snyder - AAlright@
Hawkins - AAnd I think the other thing that we need to discuss there and the
specifics of it so we=ll have an agenda.@
Snyder - ASure@
Hawkins - AAnd when - and when they get that set uh then we=ll put out a
special meeting notice that we can concur on and that=ll give you a little time
and we=ll try to do that within the next couple weeks.@
Snyder - AAlright@
Beeker - AIf you want to ask Sharon to draft that resolution between now and
Thursday and fax it to me I=ll be happy to look at it.@
Snyder - AWell, she=s out of town.@
Beeker - AOh, OK.@
Snyder - ACan you get me a copy of the resolution - I mean of - now will we@
Hawkins - AAll we - all we have is authority for me to sign and go and enforce
our police ordinances in your town until such time that we get our contracts
basically so we won=t have anymore action on our Board. The next action will be on your Board to get
your resolution.@
Snyder - ASo - so we will approve a resolution saying that it=s OK for you all
to do that@
Hawkins - AThat we can exercise jurisdiction in your town.@
Snyder - AOK, OK.@
above part of the meeting was done verbatim at the request of County Attorney
Angela Beeker.
Mr. Snyder stated that
they are in the process of an official on-the-ground survey right now and it
should be completed within the next week or so.
Affordable Housing
Chairman Hawkins made
the Board aware of an e-mail from Maggie MacCormack, Land-of-Sky Regional
Council of Governments, which notified him of a new web site available listing
affordable housing in a number of counties including Henderson County - ASocialserve.com.@
Health Department Site
David Nicholson reminded
the Board of a letter received from Dr. David Chapman, Chair of the Board of
Public Health dated June 17, 2003. The
letter stated that they have reviewed the two sites they understood the county
was still considering for the possible location of the Health Department, the
site but not the structure of the Carolina Apparel Building on the Spartanburg
Highway and the Blue Ridge Community College Campus site. By unanimous vote, they indicated that they
wish to be out at Blue Ridge Community College and not at the Spartanburg
Highway site. They also did not
recommend that the Environmental Health Division be removed from the Health
Department and put together with the other Land Development departments.
First of all Mr.
Nicholson stated it was apparent that they did not understand the soil samples
and the study done at the Blue Ridge Community College Campus site and clearly
the costs associated with that building.
They spoke to an engineer who told them that a 40,000 sq. ft. building
could be done on this site. Mr.
Nicholson stated that an 80,000 sq. ft. building could be done on the site, it=s
just a matter of how much site work you want to do on the property. Mr. Nicholson strongly recommended to the
Board of Commissioners to continue in accordance with the plan to separate the
Environmental Health Division be put with the other Land Development
departments. The Board of Commissioners
has stated repeatedly that we need a centralized place where people can get
Chairman Hawkins
suggested responding to the Board of Health making certain they understand the
Board is not still looking at sites. If we are able to utilize the
Spartanburg Highway site for the Health Dept. the Environmental Health Dept.
would just be across the street so the co-location concern is not a real issue.
Fire Dispatchers
During budget
deliberations there was some discussion of hiring some additional dispatchers
with specific training as fire dispatchers.
Rocky Hyder stated that
the Fire and Rescue Advisory Committee consulted with all the Fire Departments
regarding the fire dispatcher issue.
The general comments back to the Fire and Rescue Advisory Committee from
11 of the 12 represented departments were that they understand the need for additional
dispatchers in the 9-1-1 center because as we begin to expand that service
level and we move to the emergency fire dispatch certification level certainly
it takes a dispatcher more time to spend with each caller as we provide a
greater level of service, however they felt like the request for funding as
proposed was disproportionate to the amount of time actually spent on fire
dispatch calls. Their estimate was
about 23% of the time in dispatch was spent dispatching fire/EMS calls. Basically 70% or more of the calls are EMS
related. They were open to a proposal
that would include the municipalities that have law enforcement dispatch from
that particular facility and more proportionate funding associated with the
It was stated that the
municipalities do not participate in the funding for the 9-1-1 center at this
time. All the dispatching for fires occurs at our 9-1-1 center, including the
Facilities Update
The Board=s last
direction to staff was to look at the cost and the site issues associated with
removing the Carolina Apparel Building (the old warehouse) and placing a new
80,000 sq. ft. Human Services Building on the property that would house
Department of Social Services and the Department of Public Health. Mr. Nicholson had prepared a ARequest for
Proposal for a Feasibility Study@ and that was officially presented to the
Board at this time. Mr. Nicholson
mailed this out to 12 different Architectural/Engineering type firms. It will also be in the Times-News in
the next couple days. Bill Byrnes will
be the main contact.
Mr. Nicholson stated
that hopefully we will get some responses and can get it to the Board quickly
and we can get this building underway.
1. Elaine Liddy - Ms. Liddy is a
Fletcher resident and a long-time user of the Jackson Park facilities, mostly
the tennis courts. She considers it a
privilege to have Jackson Park available for use. She spoke about growing the sport of tennis in this area and how
it cannot grow without additional courts.
She spoke of the benefit of wellness programs and programs for
recreation. She stated that to grow
tennis in Jackson Park, we need more than four courts. Four courts will not support the US Tennis
Association. To be part of the WNC
Tournaments we must have more than four courts also.
Chairman Hawkins made
the motion for the Board to go into closed session as allowed pursuant to NCGS
143-318.11 for the following reasons:
1.(a)(4) To discuss matters relating to the location or
expansion of industries or other businesses in the area served by the public
2.(a)(5)(ii) To establish, or to instruct the public body=s
staff or negotiating agents concerning the position to be taken by or on behalf
of the public body in negotiating (ii) the amount of compensation and other
material terms of an employment contract or proposed employment contract.
3.(a)(6) To consider the qualifications, competence,
performance, character, fitness, conditions of appointment, or conditions of
initial employment of an individual public officer or employee or prospective
public officer or employee; or to hear or investigate a complaint, charge, or
grievance by or against an individual public officer or employee.
All voted in favor and
the motion carried.
Action following closed
Chairman Hawkins made
the motion to accept Mr. Stan Duncan=s contract for employment as our new Tax
Assessor. All voted in favor and the
motion carried.
Application #R-03-01 (R-40 to R-20)
Bernie Mann,
Applicant/Executor for the Estate of Philip A. Mann
Luther E. Smith &
Assoc. P.A., Agent
Chairman Hawkins made
the motion for the Board to go into public hearing. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Josh Freeman informed
the Board that Bernie Mann had submitted an application requesting that the
County rezone 1 parcel totaling 3.82 acres from an R-40 Estate Residential
zoning district to an R-20 Low-Density Residential zoning district. The parcel proposed for rezoning (hereafter,
Athe Subject Parcel@) is located on Kanuga Road (SR #1127) just Southwest of
the intersection of Kanuga Road and Crooked Creek Road (SR #$1267).
The Henderson County
Planning Board reviewed the application at its meeting on Tuesday, May 20,
2003, and voted unanimously (7 to 0) to send an unfavorable
recommendation to the Board of Commissioners.
In accordance with
Section 200-76 of the Henderson County Zoning Ordinance and State Law, a Notice
of Public Hearing regarding Rezoning Application #R-03-01 was published in the
Hendersonville Times-News on June 18, 2003 and June 25, 2003. The Planning Department sent notices of the
hearing via first class mail to the applicant and the owners of properties
adjacent to the Subject Property on June 17, 2003. Planning Staff posted signs advertising the hearing on the
Subject Property on June 19, 2003.
Mr. Nicholson had
informed the Board that following the Public Hearing action to approve, modify,
or deny Rezoning Application #R-034-01 would be appropriate.
Planning Staff=s
recommendation was to deny the request.
Mr. Freeman detailed several reasons for the recommendation.
Public Input
1. Bernard Mann - Mr. Mann is the
applicant. The property in question
belonged to his Father. He built two
residential dwellings situated fairly
close together on the parcel of land.
He wishes to separate the two to aid in selling of these two residential
dwellings. He cannot subdivide the property as R-40 but rather would have to
sell as one parcel. R-20 would allow
them to separate the homes with proper set-backs and then come to the Board for
a PUD (planned unit development) application.
2. Luther Smith - Mr. Smith deferred to
answer any questions at the end.
3. Linda Mager - Ms. Mager spoke in
opposition to the rezoning request. She is a resident of Crooked Creek Subdivision,
on the parcel most affected by a change in zoning. She is one of the roof lines that Mr. Mann would look down
4. James Calloway - Mr. Calloway is
President of the Crooked Creek Property Owner=s Association and spoke in
opposition to the requested zoning change.
They feel that a zoning change could devalue their property as well as
change the character of the community.
5. Barry Sheffter - Mr. Sheffter
represented 1/3 of the Devonwood Development and spoke in opposition to the
rezoning request.
6. Boyce Orr - Mr. Orr and his wife
own the property to the rear of the property in question. He spoke in
opposition to the rezoning request.
7. Terri Lamb - Ms. Lamb=s property
is adjacent to Mr. Mann=s property. She
spoke in opposition to the rezoning request.
Chairman Hawkins made
the motion to close the public hearing.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Following discussion Commissioner
Messer made the motion to accept the Planning Board=s recommendation denying rezoning
application R-03-01. All voted in favor
and the motion carried.
Adjustment of Agenda
Chairman Hawkins asked
to adjust the agenda to add some discussion about a Noise Ordinance pursuant to
discussion regarding Mills River Incorporation.
Our Noise Ordinance
states that the jurisdiction applies only to the unincorporated areas
therefore, Chairman Hawkins made the motion to amend 125.3, which applies to
the jurisdiction on the noise ordinance, to read
AThe chapter shall apply
to all unincorporated areas of Henderson County and to those incorporated areas
of any city or town specifically requesting its enforcement by Henderson County
upon the consent of the Henderson County Board of Commissioners@. All voted in favor and the motion
Ms. Beeker will make the
change to the Noise Ordinance and put it on the consent agenda for
ratification by the Board at the next
The Board reviewed the
calender. Ms. Beeker will work with
Mills River Attorney Sharon Alexander about a proposed date for a joint meeting
of the two Boards.
There being no further
business to come before the Board Chairman Hawkins made the motion to
adjourn the meeting at 7:46 p.m. All
voted in favor and the motion carried.
W. Corn, Clerk to the Board Grady
Hawkins, Chairman