The Henderson County
Board of Commissioners met for a regularly scheduled meeting at 9:00 a.m. in
the Commissioners' Conference Room of the Henderson County Office Building.
Those present were: Chairman Grady Hawkins, Vice-Chairman Larry
Young, Commissioner Bill Moyer, Commissioner Charlie Messer, Commissioner
Shannon Baldwin, County Manager David
E. Nicholson, County Attorney Angela S. Beeker, and Clerk to the Board
Elizabeth W. Corn.
Also present were:
Finance Director J. Carey McLelland, Planning Director Karen C. Smith, Budget
and Management Director Selena Coffey, Fire Marshal/Emergency Management
Coordinator Rocky Hyder, Public Information Officer Chris S. Coulson, and
Deputy Clerk to the Board Amy Brantley (present through Nominations).
Chairman Hawkins called
the meeting to order and welcomed all in attendance.
Commissioner Baldwin led
the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.
David Nicholson gave the
Chairman Hawkins stated
that there was no longer a need to discuss industry relocation in closed
session so he deleted item # 1 from the closed session.
Chairman Hawkins stated
that if the timing is such that the Board has not had informal public comments
prior to Staff Report AB@ which is discussion of
the FY 2003-2004 budget, to take some public comment prior to hearing the
discussions from the Board on the budget.
There were no other
adjustments to the agenda. Chairman Hawkins made the motion to approve the
agenda as adjusted. All voted in favor
and the motion carried.
Chairman Hawkins made
the motion to approve the consent agenda as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried. The Consent Agenda consisted of the
Draft minutes were
presented for the Board=s review and approval of
the following meetings:
14, 2003, special called meeting
2, 2003, regular meeting
3, 2003, special called meeting
6, 2003, special called meeting
Tax Collector=s Report
Terry F. Lyda, Henderson
County Tax Collector, had presented the Tax Collector=s Report for the Board=s consent approval,
dated June 11, 2003.
Deputy Tax Collector=s Report
Darlene B. Burgess,
Deputy Tax Collector, had presented the Deputy Tax Collector=s Report for the Board=s consent approval,
dated June 11, 2003.
Tax Refunds
A list of 12 tax refund
requests was presented for the Board=s approval.
Tax Releases
A list of 60 tax release
requests was presented for the Board=s approval.
Home and Community Care
Block Grant
The Executive Committee
of the Planning for Older Adults Committee recommended that the County use the
Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Home and Community Care Block Grant in the same manner as
the current fiscal year. These amounts
have been included in the proposed budget:
Housing Assistance
Corporation Housing and Home Improvement $ 8,250.00
WCCA Medical Transportation 22,845.00
General Transportation 121,975.00
Pardee In-Home Aide 82,675.00
VHP In-Home Aide 90,011.00
Pardee Pavilion Adult Day Care 20,626.00
Adult Day Health Care 5,157.00
Council on Aging Senior Center Operations 24,050.00
Land-of-Sky Senior Companion 3,233.00
Council on Aging Congregate meals 28,832.00
Home Delivered meals 196,874.00
WCCA Liquid Supplement 9,000.00
Pisgah Legal Services Legal Service 8,308.00
Waterline & Sewerline
The City of
Hendersonville requested any County comments on proposed waterline/sewerline
extension(s). This is a project to extend existing sewer lines to
provide sewer service to Park Ridge Hospital EMS at Appleland Business
Park. The project requires approx.
1,030 linear feet of sewer lines sized as follows:
D.I.P./CL350 = 1,030 ft.
The intended use of the
property is commercial. The amount of
wastewater generated by this project will be approximately 1,280 gallons per
day. The entire cost of the proposed water line extension is to be paid for by
the owner/developer, Fletcher Hospital Inc. of Fletcher, North Carolina.
Based on the above
information, the Water and Sewer Department can support the additional connections
and recommends approval of the project contingent upon approval of the final
plans and specifications from the Water and Sewer Department.
The second project is to
extend existing water lines to provide water service to Park Ridge
Hospital EMS at Appleland Business Park.
The project requires approximately 310 linear feet of water lines sized
as follows: 6" DIP-CL350
= 350 ft.
Water pressure and flow
in this area are as follows:
Static Pressure = 85 psi.
Residual = 50 psi.
Flow = 1,000 GPM
The intended use of this
property is commercial. Fire protection
will be provided by the installation of one fire hydrant. The entire cost of the proposed water line
extension is to be paid for by the owner/developer, Fletcher Hospital, Inc. of
Fletcher, North Carolina.
Based on the above
information, the Water and Sewer Department can support the additional
connections and recommends approval of the project contingent upon approval of
the final plans and specifications from the Water and Sewer Department.
Request for Extension of
Improvement Guarantee for Macedonia Lake Subdivision
On November 4, 2002, the
Board of Commissioners approved an application submitted by Tom McHugh, agent
for developer Joe D. Spearman, for an improvement guarantee for Macedonia Lake
Subdivision. As required by the
Performance Guarantee Agreement for the improvement guarantee, the developer
posted with Henderson County an irrevocable letter of credit in the amount of
$77,321.00 to cover the cost of completing road improvements in the
subdivision. The Agreement also
required that the required improvements be completed by June 30, 2003. The expiration date on the original letter
of credit is September 1, 2003.
The Planning Department
had received a letter from Mr. McHugh requesting that the County extend the
deadline for completing the improvements specified in the original Agreement
from June 30, 2003 to August 31, 2003. Mr.
McHugh=s letter states that the
delay has been caused by adverse weather conditions. Section 170-39 of the Subdivision Ordinance allows the Board of
Commissioners Aupon proof of difficulty@ to grant extensions to
completion dates for improvement guarantees for a maximum of one additional year,
provided that the time between initiation and completion of the required
improvements does not exceed two years.
If the Board of
Commissioners agrees to extend the completion date for the improvement
guarantee for Macedonia Lake, staff had presented a draft Performance Guarantee
Agreement for the Board=s consideration which
reflects the new completion date of August 31, 2003, and requires that an
amended letter of credit be submitted which has an expiration date not earlier
than 60 days after such new improvements completion date. The new Performance Guarantee Agreement must
be executed by the relevant parties if the Board approves the extension
Mr. Nicholson informed
the Board that the extension, if granted, would not cause the developer to exceed
the two-year maximum time period for completion of the required
improvements. Therefore, he recommended
that the Board approve the request to extend the completion date for the
improvement guarantee for Macedonia Lake Subdivision to August 31, 2003,
provided that an amended letter of credit be submitted in accordance with the
new Performance Guarantee Agreement.
Chairman Hawkins
reminded the Board of the following vacancies and opened the floor to
Blue Ridge Community College Board of Trustees -
2 vac.
were five nominees for these two positions: Dr. Dowdeswell, Russell Burrell,
Dr. Richard Todd, Tom Orr, and Ted Carland.
Ms. Corn polled the Board and each nominee received two votes.
rules of procedure, as reviewed by our County Attorney, are to roll a tie vote
to the next first of the month meeting if all members are present. Commissioners Moyer and Baldwin will be
absent so the tie vote will be rolled to the first meeting in August, August 4.
Cane Creek Water & Sewer District Advisory
Committee - 2 vac.
were no nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.
Environmental Advisory Committee - 9 vac.
nominations were made at the last meeting: Katie Breckheimer, Marilyn Westphal,
Bill Hiatt, Dennis Honnold, Jay Rogers, Larison Lambert, Arthur Hudson, Hall
Waddell, William Harper, James Barnette, and Tony Campano. Commissioner Young nominated Ruth Burge at
this time.
were twelve nominees for nine positions.
It was the Board=s consensus to appoint the current members to the two
year terms. There needs to be 5 3-year
terms and 4 2-year terms.
Corn polled the Board and the appointees were as follows:
Bill Hiatt
Dennis Honnold
Jay Rogers
Arthur Hudson
Hall Waddell
William Harper
Tony Campano
Ruth Birge
Moyer made the motion to appoint Katie Breckheimer, Hall Waddell, William
Harper, and Arthur Hudson to the four year terms. The others will be three year
terms. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Hawkins stated that Art Cooley, Fielding Lucas, and Barbara Neal have served on
the Committee the full term limit and he thanked them for their services on
behalf of the Board of Commissioners.
Henderson County Board of Health - 2 vac.
Messer nominated David Jones.
Commissioner Young nominated Greta Baker. Both of these nominees were for position # 10. There were no other nominations.
Corn polled the Board and Greta Baker received three of the five votes. The appointee was Greta Baker.
Juvenile Crime Prevention Council - 19 vac.
at the June 2nd meeting were: Athena Brooks, Karen Couch, Kevin
Lauritsen, Maria White, Jim Gaillard, Margo Nagel, Rodney Wesson, Shannon
Baldwin, David Nicholson, Ben McKay, and Robbie Goolsby. There were no other nominees at this
Hawkins made the motion to appoint these eleven nominees by acclamation. All voted in favor and the motion carried. There
are eight vacancies remaining.
Library Board of Trustees - 2 vac.
the last meeting Stan Shelley, Candler Willis, and Madeline Daubert were
nominated. Commissioner Moyer had been
unable to contact Ms. Daubert to confirm her desire to serve on this Board so
he withdrew her nomination.
Hawkins made the motion to appoint Stan Shelley and Candler Willis by
acclamation. All voted in favor and the
motion carried.
Mountain Area Workforce Development Board - 1
Hawkins nominated Mike Williams. He
made the motion to appoint Mike Williams by acclamation. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Nursing/Adult Care Home Community Advisory
Committee - 8 vac.
were no nominations made at this time so this item was rolled to the next
Senior Volunteer Services Advisory Council - 1
were no nominations made at this time so this item was rolled to the next
SmartStart - 1 vac.
were no nominations made at this time so this item was rolled to the next
Zoning Board of Adjustment, Laurel Park - 1 vac.
Hawkins nominated Art Harrington. There
were no other nominations. Chairman
Hawkins made the motion to appoint Mr. Harrington by acclamation. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
and Rescue Advisory Committee
a recent budget workshop, the Board of Commissioners discussed the role of this
committee in reviewing the role and budget of the Henderson County Rescue
Squad. The Board requested to see the
by-laws of the committee.
question that Commissioner Moyer had was AIs the Rescue Squad participating
through this process?@
Hyder came forward and stated that the Rescue Squad is represented by the
Henderson County Fire and Rescue Association.
They do participate in the process of electing the members for this
Board. Rocky explained that until this
year they have had an officer on the Fire and Rescue Association Board.
for the Board were the same versions of the Animal Control Ordinance which were
presented at the last meeting:
a clean copy (without strikethroughs and add-ins
showing) of the basic Animal Control Ordinance
with technical corrections as made by the Legal
Department (white pages),
the basic Animal Control Ordinance with
strikethroughs and add-ins indicated (green pages),and
the draft Ordinance including amendments # 2, #
3, # 7, and # 9 as previously requested by the Board (blue sheets).
Chapman, Board of Public Health Chairman, stated that the Board of Health was
delighted with the guidance the Board of Commissioners provided at the last
meeting he attended. At that meeting
the Commissioners expressed strong interest in the following programs: a new
shelter, a stronger ordinance concerning nuisance, licensure which addresses
spaying/neutering, a restraint ordinance, and limitations of the number of
pets, especially in high density neighborhoods.
Chapman came to the meeting with an implementation plan of the animal control
program and ordinance. The Program cannot be done overnight. Dr. Chapman provided a time-table for the
Board to guide them through the vision that the Board of Health has. He
emphasized that these are major changes in the Program.
June 18, 2003 Commissioners approve the general plan for updating Animal
Services in Henderson
Commissioners approve the Animal Services
Commissioners approve the contract with Shelter
Planners of America.
Health Department begins search for additional
Health Department begins work to make addition
to Animal Control trailer.
Health Department begins work on other items
approved in the budget (such as ordering radios, etc.)
July 3, 2003 Three-day review by Shelter Planners of
America (We will ask for some immediate input -
especially concerning our Basic Ordinance).
Aug. 1, 2003 Adopt our Basic Ordinance plus amendment #
2 and #9.
Sept. 1, 2003 Receive final report from the Shelter
Planners of America.
Oct. 1, 2003 Have the final shelter design and type of
construction approved by the Commissioners.
Dec. 1, 2003 Commissioners to accept bid on shelter and
begin construction.
Feb. 1, 2004 Implement Basic Ordinance (six months
after it was adopted) and 24/7 injured animal coverage.
July 1, 2004 Move into new Animal Services Center and
adopt amendments on licensure, exotic animals, pick-up of animals, notification
of injury to domestic animal, and security dogs.
Jan. 1, 2005 Implementation of amendments concerning
licensure, exotic pets, pick-up of pets, notification of injury, and security
July 1, 2005 Adoption of amendments concerning animal
restraint and microchipping.
Jan. 1, 2006 Implementation of amendments concerning
animal restraint and microchipping.
Chapman reviewed the above timetable and answered questions from the
Board. He then briefly touched on the
following items: citations, municipalities, extended hours, registration,
Camellion Software, building addition, microchipping, A/C Supervisor II, new
Animal Control Officer, new Kennel Attendant, additional Secretary, radios, new
Chapman asked the Board APlease provide approval for our plan or provide
specific direction for the changes that you desire. We would like to move forward.
Please consider hiring the Shelter Planners of America or an equivalent
company to provide their expertise for the development of the shelter and final
evaluation of what we have planned. We
feel that this will help prevent mistakes in the future. Please develop some
flexibility in the ordinance implementation so that we have what we need before
we are expected to provide that service and that we are providing the existing
services at an appropriate level before new services are added.@
Moyer felt that the Board needed to adopt this plan. It can be added to or revised later.
discussion, Commissioner Moyer made the motion to approve the timeline and
the concept of the plan suggested by the Board of Health. This is a fluid plan and changes can be
made. All voted in favor and the motion
Moyer made the motion to authorize the County Manager and the County Attorney
to go to Shelter Planners of America with specific language to cover what we
proposed ordinance
voted in favor and the motion carried.
Baird - Mr. Baird presented his version of the
Henderson County Budget for FY 2003-2004.
He discussed his recommendations on things to cut out of the proposed
budget and things to re-think or do Ahis way@.
The handout of his comments was 5.5 typed pages. His proposal was a 45 cent tax rate and a
total budget of $78,018,528.
Hawkins called a brief technical break.
YEAR 2003-2004 BUDGET
had drafted a Budget Ordinance for the Board=s consideration in adopting the FY
2003-2004 Budget.
Hawkins asked Mr. Nicholson to review his memo ABudget Issues - 8@. A big issue
in the memo was Mills River Incorporation.
The Incorporation process seems to be on a fast track and it may take
place before the anticipated January 1, 2004 date. The House Bill has now been approved and it says that it is
effective upon passage. In figuring the
budget Mr. Nicholson used an incorporation date of January 1, 2004 for the
purposes of distribution of the Sales Tax.
He discussed several options with the Board of how to deal with the
possible loss of $544,000:
Reduce Expenditures - several items that the
Board had considered as enhancements to the budget could be eliminated or
Increase Revenues - the Board could consider an
additional 0.5 cent on the Property Tax.
This would bring in $424,549 and leave us short $119,451. The shortage
could come from one of the following:
Fund Balance - The Board could appropriate the
amount needed to cover the loss due to Mills River. However, this would place non-recurring revenue within the budget
that will have to be made up in next year=s budget.
Watch and See - Another alternative would be to
adopt the budget and continue to monitor our financial position throughout the
Nicholson=s recommendation was the same as in his original budget submission:
we should increase the tax rate to cover the loss of Mills River. It is not fair to the County=s Departments,
School System or the College to not receive funds due to this
incorporation. He suggested that the
Board increase the tax rate by an additional 0.5 cent, utilize the $108,638 in
Contingencies and take the $10,813 from Fund Balance.
also updated the Board about Fire Dispatchers stating we are continuing to
discuss the proposal about raising the Fire District Taxes by 2 cent to fund
the Fire Dispatchers positions. We are
expecting that several Departments will discuss this item at their meeting this
evening and the Fire Advisory Committee will hold a special called meeting on
Tuesday evening.
Nicholson stated that ABudget Issues - 9@ was basically the draft budget
ordinance plus a Property Tax Chart.
Commissioner Moyer had requested a chart that broke out the motor
vehicles from the real and personal tax levy.
Mr. Nicholson included the chart in memo # 9. Based on this chart, we will reduce the motor vehicle levy by
$482,106 due to the change in valuation methods. This is equivalent to over one-half cent of the property tax
was much discussion by the Board regarding the Mills River Incorporation.
Mr. Nicholson made the following recommendation
to the Board:
Mills River
Incorporation (sales tax) -
One-half cent
property tax increase (full 6 months) + 424,549
Short Difference - $119,451
Animal Control
Operating Costs (as requested) + 179,681
Contingencies + 108,638
Budget Still
Short Difference -$190,496
was the consensus of the Board to increase taxes by one-half cent. There was discussion to withhold $150,000
from recreation for four tennis courts at Jackson Park. It was also the consensus to let the $40,496
ride and hope that our sales taxes make it up.
There was discussion about maintenance versus expansion in the recreation
budget and it was the consensus of the Board to maintain what we have in the
parks before adding or expanding facilities.
It was also the Board=s consensus to reapply monies back to the
recreation department budget if this budget year allows.
was instructed to revise the draft Budget Ordinance and bring it back to the
Board following closed session.
Moyer commented that the budget would not provide sufficient funds for the
animal shelter which we clearly need. He hopes there can be a public
fund-raising effort to help defer the costs for the animal shelter.
Board reviewed the Important Dates calendar.
There was some information in the packet about the 2003 NACo Annual
Conference to be held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Hawkins made the motion for the Board to go into closed session as allowed
pursuant to NCGS 143-318.11 for the following reasons:
1.(a)(5)(ii) To establish, or to instruct the public
body=s staff or negotiating agents concerning the position to be taken by or on
behalf of the public body in negotiating (ii) the amount of compensation and
other material terms of an employment contract or proposed employment contract.
2.(a)(6) To consider the qualifications, competence,
performance, character, fitness, conditions of appointment, or conditions of
initial employment of an individual public officer or employee or prospective
public officer or employee; or to hear or investigate a complaint, charge, or
grievance by or against an individual public officer or employee.
voted in favor and the motion carried.
Hawkins made the motion for the Board to adjourn closed session and reconvene
in open session. All voted in favor and
the motion carried.
Nicholson reviewed the revised Budget Ordinance and reviewed the changes with
the Board. The tax rate is 47.5 cents per $100 valuation and the FY 2003-2004
is $79,977,463.
Young made the motion to adopt the Budget Ordinance, draft #2 as
presented. All voted in favor and the
motion carried.
being no further business to come before the Board, Chairman Hawkins made the
motion to adjourn the meeting at 1:25 p.m.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Elizabeth W.
Corn, Clerk to the Board Grady
Hawkins, Chairman