The Henderson County
Board of Commissioners met for a special called meeting at 7:00 p.m. in the
Commissioners= Meeting Room of the
Henderson County Office Building. This was a joint meeting with the Board of
Public Education.
Those present were: Chairman Grady Hawkins, Vice-Chairman Larry
Young, Commissioner Bill Moyer, Commissioner Charlie Messer, Commissioner
Shannon Baldwin, County Manager David
E. Nicholson, and Clerk to the Board Elizabeth W. Corn. Budget and Management
Director Selena Coffey and Finance Director J. Carey McLelland were also
Also present were School
Superintendent Dr. Tom Burnham and the following members of the Board of
Education: Chairman Ervin Bazzle, Ken Butcher, Jane Orwoll, Melissa Maurer,
Debbie Reemes, and Kristin Huntley.
Absent from the School Board was Betsy Copolillo. Dr. David Sink was present from Blue Ridge
Community College.
Absent was: Public Information Officer Chris S. Coulson.
Chairman Hawkins called
the meeting to order and welcomed all in attendance. Chairman Hawkins stated that the purpose of the meeting was a FY
2003-2004 Budget Workshop to discuss education.
Chairman Hawkins
reminded those present that in the County=s public education budget there are two
facets, one dealing with Blue Ridge
Community College and the second dealing with the Board of Public Education.
Commissioner Moyer asked
Dr. Sink what effect it would have on BRCC if the County Manager=s recommended budget
were adopted because it is $116,000 short of the submitted budget from
BRCC. Their submitted budget had a 2.5%
Dr. Sink stated that it
would have an adverse affect on what they do. They might have to come back to
the Board later in the budget year. Basically 10% of their budget comes from
local government and 90% comes from Raleigh.
At this time they do not know what is coming down from Raleigh. The local funding deals with their building
and grounds and capital request. Those
needs are driven by program needs and enrollment growth. In the last five years they have experienced
an almost 50% enrollment increase.
Utilities are increasing, some even doubling. Their budget request included
an increase for utilities. There was no
increase in personnel for the local request.
Dean Bell stated that enrollment was up 11% in the past year and up 75%
in the past 5 years. In the same time
their operating budget had increased only 23%.
Commissioner Moyer felt
that a 2.48% increase in the BRCC budget was not adequate. He made the
motion to fund BRCC=s budget request.
Much discussion followed
after which a vote was taken. The
motion failed with Commissioners Moyer and Messer voting in favor.
Dr. Sink and Dean Bell
left the meeting.
Chairman Hawkins
reminded everyone that at the 11th hour of the budget proceedings by
the State last year the State Legislature took $500,000 of Henderson County=s ADM monies. That was a real half million dollars that in
a five year planning process this Board has been working on to use this money
to finance almost $40 million worth of school projects. This was a big part of our funding stream
for debt service. This year=s State budget is
looking to cut our public schools budget by another $800,000. The County Manager has been working with the
Board of Education to see where we can maximize and recoup some of those
Commissioner Moyer
reminded everyone that we had a very tough year last year and the Board asked the
Board of Education to help us out and they gave back in excess of $500,000 to
help the County=s budget.
Board of Education Chair
Ervin Bazzle reminded everyone that their number one goal is the education of
our children. There was a 20% increase
in medical insurance this year. What
was not funded directly impacts their capability of providing services to our
kids. There was some discussion of
whether or not the State will fund the planning allotments for K-2 levels. Mr. Bazzle then discussed capital
expenses. He mentioned the Dana sewer
problem. Dr. Frank Yeager is working
with the Health Department on this issue. There are basically three options:
Buy additional property (adjoining/minimum of
seven acres ) and extend the field line.
This option is cost prohibitive plus the State requires now that you
pre-treat before discharging into a septic field. So this option is off the table.
Package treatment plant.
Do new sewer line.
2 and 3 are comparable in cost, about $420,000 to $500,000 for the project.
Nicholson discussed school funding as listed in his memo to the Board of
Commissioners dated June 9, 2003. Mr.
Nicholson explained the loss of sales tax if/when Mills River incorporates.
much discussion, it was the consensus to continue to plan to lower class size
and look at a new long-term plan for a source of revenue, possibly an increase
in property tax. The current funding source is exhausted. Henderson County is making $5 million a year
debt service payments for schools.
much more discussion, Commissioner Moyer made the motion to fund the current
expense difference, $401,214 and to fund $400,000 of additional capital funding
and to use these figures for guidelines for David to work forward with the
budget. A vote was taken and the motion
carried four to one with Commissioner Baldwin voting nay.
Nicholson stated he would put together for the Board a funding plan and have it
ready for the Board for Thursday night=s meeting.
Hawkins made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:41 p.m. All voted in favor and the motion
W. Corn, Clerk to the Board Grady Hawkins, Chairman