The Henderson County
Board of Commissioners met for a regularly scheduled meeting at 5:30 p.m. in
the Commissioners' Conference Room of the Henderson County Office Building.
Those present were: Chairman Grady Hawkins, Vice-Chairman Larry
Young, Commissioner Bill Moyer, Commissioner Charlie Messer, Commissioner
Shannon Baldwin, County Manager David
E. Nicholson, County Attorney Angela S. Beeker, and Clerk to the Board
Elizabeth W. Corn.
Also present were:
Planning Director Karen C. Smith, Budget and Management Director Selena Coffey,
Fire Marshal/Emergency Management Coordinator Rocky Hyder, Public Information
Officer Chris S. Coulson, Paralegal Connie Rayfield, Finance Director J. Carey
McLelland, County Engineer Gary Tweed,
and Deputy Clerk to the Board/Volunteer Coordinator Amy Brantley.
Chairman Hawkins called
the meeting to order and welcomed all in attendance.
Commissioner Moyer led
the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.
Rev. Paul Chandler, Oak
Forest Baptist Church, led the invocation.
Commissioner Messer
asked that one item be added to the agenda, an update on the Human Services
Building testing. Chairman Hawkins
added it as D-2 under Staff Reports.
There were no other
changes suggested to the agenda.
Chairman Hawkins made the motion to approve the agenda as amended.
Chairman Hawkins made
the motion to approve the consent agenda with the time of 11:00 a.m. added to
item G, setting a public hearing. All
voted in favor and the motion carried.
Consent Agenda consisted
of the following:
Draft minutes were
presented for the Board=s review and approval of
the following meetings:
7, 2003, regular meeting
16, 2003, regular meeting
22, 2003, special called meeting
Financial Report - March
Cash Balance Report -
March 2003
Non-departmental expense
includes the annual property/liability and worker=s compensation insurance premiums paid to
the NCACC Risk Management Pools. The
remaining costs of $50,552 will be allocated out prior to fiscal year end.
The Revaluation Reserve
Fund is reporting a year-to-date deficit primarily due to $45,000 in printing
and postage expense incurred during the months of January and March to mail out
property reappraisal notices and brochures to the public.
The Travel and Tourism
Fund year-to-date deficit is primarily due to a slowdown time in the
travel/tourism business during the winter months. Therefore, occupancy tax collections are at their lowest during
this time of year.
The deficits reported in
the CDBG-Scattered Site Housing and Mills River Watershed Protection Projects
are temporary deficits due to timing differences in the expenditure of funds
and the subsequent requisition of funds to reimburse these expenditures.
The Human Services
Building Project deficit is due to architectural fees and demolition/abatement
work performed at the former Carolina Apparel Building. It is anticipated that these costs will
either be recouped from financing proceeds for the project or proceeds from the
sale of the land and building.
Henderson County Public
Schools Financial Report - March 2003
This financial report
was provided for information and consent approval.
Tax Collector=s Report
Terry F. Lyda, Henderson
County Tax Collector, had submitted the Tax Collector=s Report dated May 1,
2003 for the Board=s consent approval.
Agriculture Advisory
The Agriculture Advisory
Board had submitted their 2002 annual report for information only. No action was necessary.
Nursing/Adult Care Home
Community Advisory Committee
The Community Advisory
Committee had submitted their annual report for the year ending April 2003. No
action was necessary.
Request for Public
Hearing on Road Names
Rocky Hyder had
submitted a request for a public hearing date to be set to name the following
Old Name Proposed
Patrie Dr Reservoir
Glenn J Dr Magnolia
Spring Pl
New Street Names (no
previous name)
E. Byrd Ln
Windy Gap Ln
Windswept Way
Askew Ln
Laughter Farm Ln
Staff had recommended that the public
hearing be set for May 21, 2003. In his motion to approve the consent agenda, Chairman Hawkins
added the time for the hearing as 11:00 a.m.
Juvenile Justice and
Delinquency Prevention Grants
The Henderson County Juvenile Crime Prevention Council (J.C.P.C.) has approved funding for local juvenile prevention programs. These funds for Fiscal Year 2003-2004, in the amount of $203,010 are available for this purpose through the State of North Carolina. Each program is required to provide a 30% match.
The programs approved by the J.C.P.C. are
as follows:
J.C.P.C. Administrative Expenses $ 7,500
Youth Mediation Services/PACES $36,173
Project Challenge NC $51,739
Juvenile Crime Prevention Team $41,592
Non-Secure Detention $ 2,500
Psychological Services for Juvenile Court $14,100
Education & Social Development Program $ 7,814
Reserve funds for Mental Health Services $41,592
These grant
applications have been recommended for approval to the Board of Commissioners
by the J.C.P.C. They will then be
forwarded to Raleigh before the May 15, 2003 deadline.
In addition, as
part of the grant application process, each county is required to submit an
annual plan for juvenile crime prevention and intervention services and
J.C.P.C. certification. These items
have also been completed and approved by the J.C.P.C. The plan and J.C.P.C. certification were included in the package
and recommended to the Board for approval and signature.
of Public Hearing Re: Rezoning Application# R-02-07
Properties, LLC, Applicant
Application #R-02-07 was submitted in its original form on December 20, 2002; a
modification of such application was submitted on Wednesday, February 12,
2003. The Henderson County Planning
Board completed its review of Rezoning Application #R-02-07 at its meeting on
Tuesday, February 19, 2003, when it voted 4 to 1 to send to the Henderson
County Board of Commissioners an unfavorable recommendation regarding all
versions of such application.
In accordance
with Section 200-76 of the Henderson County Zoning Ordinance and State Law, the
Board scheduled a Public Hearing regarding Rezoning Application #R-02-07, to be
held on Monday, May 19, 2003 at 7:00 p.m. in the auditorium of West Henderson
High School.
On April 25,
2003, Arthur F. Cleveland of Conomo Properties, LLC, Applicant, submitted a
letter withdrawing Rezoning Application #R-02-07. The Board has the option of either canceling or continuing
forward with the Public Hearing. It was
Staff=s recommendation that the Board cancel such Public Hearing.
Academy Sewer System
The Edneyville
Fire and Rescue Department has filed a request for sewer service with the
Henderson County Utilities Department.
The applicant is requesting approval to connect, by constructing a pump
station and force main, to the County=s wastewater treatment plant that serves
the Justice Academy. The applicant
proposes to discharge 250 gallons of wastewater per day. There is adequate capacity available at the
treatment plant to meet this request.
The Utilities
Department recommended approval of this application being conditional upon the
Applicant complying with the Henderson County
Sewer Use Ordinance and the
and regulations.
The proposed pump station and force main will be
funded, constructed, owned and
by the applicant.
Ten feet separation shall be maintained between
the County=s existing 3-inch
force main and the applicant=s 2-inch line.
Applicant shall furnish evidence of any and all
required private easement for the project
the Henderson County Utilities Department.
Applicant shall furnish copies of any required
NCDENR permits as well as any
encroachment to the Henderson County Utilities Department.
Applicant shall pay a monthly flat rate
sewer fee of $68.75 to Henderson County.
on County Comprehensive Plan (CCP) and Other Major Planning Initiatives
Staff provided
the issue update which summarizes the tasks related to the CCP and the other
major planning initiatives that were completed over the past month. The update also included actions for the
coming month. No action was necessary.
The Board of
Commissioners had asked that these be included on the agenda for special
recognition of our departments= and employees= achievements.
Chris Coulson,
Henderson County Public Information Officer, won an award in the Public
Relations Association (PRAWNC) of Western North Carolina=s Best of the
Mountains Awards competition.
The award was
won for the 2002 Report to the Citizens, an annual report.
Advisory Committee
Hawkins reminded the Board that the Environmental Advisory Committee was
created by the Board of Commissioners on March 17, 1999. The Committee was granted an initial two
year term, that was extended on May 7, 2001 and is due to expire on June 30,
2003. The Board should consider whether
it wishes to extend the term of this Committee. In extending the life of such Committee the Board can either set
a term of year(s) or continue the Committee indefinitely. He asked that the Board think about this
one. It will be placed back on the
April 21 meeting for action by the Board.
Mr. Nicholson
had advised that besides determining the future existence of this committee,
the Board would also need to decide if a Commissioner wished to serve in an
Ex-Officio/Nonvoting capacity and determine if there are any specific projects
it wished to assign to this Committee.
Waste Advisory Committee
Hawkins had also received a letter from Mr. Bill Farrell requesting that he no
longer be the Chairman of the Solid Waste Advisory Committee but he does desire
to remain on the committee. He stated that the Board would get an update on the
10 year solid waste plan so the Board can take a look at that committee at the
same time.
of Vacancies
The Board was
notified of the following vacancies which will appear on the next agenda for
Cane Creek Water & Sewer District Advisory
Committee - 2 vac.
Juvenile Crime Prevention Council - 1 vac.
Hawkins reminded the Board of the following vacancies and opened the floor to
Nursing/Adult Care Home Community Advisory
Committee - 9 vac.
There were no
nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.
Mountain Area Workforce Development Board - 1
There were no
nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.
Child Fatality Prevention Team - 1 vac.
Hawkins nominated Crit Harley to position #2.
There were no other nominations.
Chairman Hawkins made the motion to accept Mr. Harley by
acclamation. All voted in favor and the
motion carried.
Asheville Regional Housing Consortium - 1 vac.
Moyer nominated Bob Ogden. There were
no other nominations. Chairman
Hawkins made the motion to accept Mr. Ogden by acclamation. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Travel & Tourism - 1 vac.
Hawkins stated that he had several phone calls from people who were interested
in filling out an application for this committee. He asked that this be held open for a vote.
Young nominated Vanessa Mintz. There
were no other nominations at this time.
This item was rolled to the next meeting.
Juvenile Crime Prevention Council - 1 vac.
Messer nominated Debbie Reemes. There were no other nominations. Chairman Hawkins made the motion to
accept Ms. Reemes by acclamation. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Transportation Advisory Committee - 2 vac.
Baldwin nominated Erica McArthur.
Commissioner Young nominated Jack Summey. Chairman Hawkins nominated Jim
Crafton. There was some discussion of
possibly adding additional positions to this committee. No action was taken at this time. The Board will plan to take action on this
committee at the May 21 meeting after reviewing the TAC Charter.
Regional Vision 2010 (Land-of-Sky) - 1 vac.
Following some
discussion, Chairman Hawkins made the motion to name David Nicholson as the
Board=s representative to this and allow him latitude to send a staff member in
his absence as he feels necessary or appropriate. Mr. Nicholson does not feel that he would be able to attend every
meeting but he would send an appropriate staff member, dependent upon what was
on the agenda. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Gary Tweed
informed the Board that the City of Asheville Water Department has requested
that they be allowed to make a change to the Regional Water Line serving FED
EX, formerly American Freightways. The
existing 12 inch Regional Water Line runs from the 24 inch ABHWA transmission
line on Fanning Field Road approximately 500 feet to a Fire Hydrant at the end
of the water line. The service to FED
EX is off the 12 inch water line. In
order to maintain water quality in the 12 inch line the City of Asheville
frequently flushes the water line through the fire hydrant at the end of the
line. The City of Asheville would like
to relocate the service closer to the 24 inch water transmission line and turn
off the 12 inch water line. Doing so
would make the existing fire hydrant inoperable.
Staff has
evaluated the proposal and feels that a fire hydrant is needed in this
area. Should we agree to allow the City
of Asheville to make this change, then it is recommended that a new fire
hydrant be installed near the entrance drive to FED EX.
In addition, a
new substation for the Mills River Fire and Rescue Department, located just
beyond FED EX on Fanning Field Road, is planning to connect to the 24 inch
water transmission line and would like a fire hydrant at that location as well. The Mills River Fire Department Chief has
indicated that they would be willing to cover the cost of this hydrant. This service would not require the
construction of a regional waterline just a connection to the transmission line.
Mr. Nicholson
provided this information to the Board for informational purposes. He does not think that the County has a role
in the specific locations of fire hydrants.
All parties seem to have agreed to this proposal.
As for the
connection for the Mills River station, there is no request for a regional line
to be constructed. As the Board
continues its discussion over the renegotiation of the Regional Water
Agreement, we need to remember that we now have several customers in northern
Henderson County that are served directly off the transmission line.
Following much
discussion of this issue, Commissioner Baldwin made the motion to approve
this request contingent on them placing the new tap on the existing 12"
line and that the fire hydrant be installed as specified in the plans presented
to the Board. All voted in favor and
the motion carried.
Mr. Nicholson
had written a memo to the Board on the issue and reviewed it and other
information at this time, the memo follows:
AI am writing
to convey my thoughts on the concept of Outcome Budgeting. As you will recall from previous staff
presentations, we began working with departments in the Fall of 2002 to develop
meaningful, measurable outcomes that gauge achievement of their departmental
goals and objectives. We initially
began this process in Fiscal Year 1996-97.
That year, our department heads were asked to provide service level
indicators that would give budget staff and Commissioners a clear indication of
work loads and the levels of service being provided to our citizenry. The gathering of this important information
continued until Fiscal Year 2002-03, when we were forced to deal with the
implications of the State=s budget crisis, our subsequent loss of
state-collected taxes and reimbursements, and the delayed adoption of the state
budget. For these reasons, I
recommended a budget that would simply Abridge the gap@ between the current
fiscal year and Fiscal Year 2003-04 and didn=t include the extra detail that
the Board had become accustomed to receiving.
I believe that
outcome budgeting can provide Henderson County with a tool by which to ensure
operational accountability and program efficiency and effectiveness. It can help to measure how well departmental
resources are used to achieve their goals, objectives, and outcomes, thereby
ensuring that the County=s citizens are receiving an optimal return from their
tax dollars. However, outcome budgeting
goes beyond allocating resources based on achievement of outcomes. It will also assist the County in
identifying benchmarks and innovative or improved methods of public service
As I mentioned
earlier, staff has been working with departments since October of 2002 in
developing outcomes that adequately measure achievement of their goals. This is not a process that can be
established overnight. We have learned,
as have other counties, that some services are not easily measured and the
measuring of outcomes may not be the most efficient manner in which to
operate. We have also realized that
many department heads and their budget staff will need training on outcome
budgeting. Finally, the largest
obstacle we have found in implementing full outcome budgeting is that
departments do not have a clear understanding of the goals and objectives that
they should pursue. For this reason,
staff has developed recommendations that will incorporate a countywide
strategic planning process with outcome budgeting.
First, staff
recommends that the Board of Commissioners go through the Fiscal Year 2003-04
budget deliberations as has been set forth in the budget calendar with the
understanding that staff has provided outcomes and service level indicators
wherever possible. Within the
Recommended Budget, the Board will see departmental overviews, which describe
the essential departmental functions, as well as goals and objectives
established by the individual departments.
In addition, the departmental overviews will provide expenditures
categorized as personnel, operational, and capital, revenues offsetting
expenditures, number of positions within the departments, and measures/service
level indicators. Some of these
measures will only assess outputs (quantity of work performed or workload
measures), but a few will assess efficiency (amount of outcome produced per
amount of allocated resources), effectiveness (degree to which goals and
objectives were met), and outcomes (whether the department met their intended
Commissioner Moyer disagrees with the
concept. He favors zero based
Commissioner Baldwin stressed that we
need some sessions to understand the process.
Chairman Hawkins agreed with Mr.
Nicholson=s idea of having a fall workshop to develop and understand the
Chairman Hawkins stated that the Board=s
intent was to get the verbiage in a form ready to present to the public and set
a public input session at this meeting.
Angela Beeker informed the Board that the
changes requested by them at a previous meeting had been made. The Board requested that this item be placed
on the agenda for discussion before setting a public input session on the
proposed ordinance. She reviewed the
proposed Ordinance with the Board.
Following much discussion it was the
consensus of the Board to remove some language from (c) of Section 196-10 of
the proposed ordinance. It now reads - AIt is unlawful to discharge a firearm
in any manner which actually results in the projectile leaving the property on
which it is being fired.@
Chairman Hawkins asked that the new draft
ordinance be put online and be available for review in the Public Library.
1. Robert Dowman - Mr. Dowman is a 51
year old resident of Henderson County, living here for 12 years. In the last 15 months he has had 3 cars
vandalized, two on Hwy. #25 and one at Sugar Loaf. They were all vandalized on a Sunday night. He stated that he has staked out the lot his
cars are on - right across from Hunter=s Chevrolet. He stated that there is no coverage there. He has been there three week-ends. He stated that he is a Vietnam Veteran with
two combat ribbons. He stated he is not
worried about a terrorist in Iraq, he=s got to go to bed at night worried about
who=s stealing his stuff off the road.
2. Sam Summey - Mr. Summey stated
that the ordinance doesn=t address shotgun firing. He told the Board that if they crafted the ordinance like they
discussed they would eliminate all bird hunting in Henderson County. He wanted to go on record as saying AI don=t
bird hunt in Henderson County but there are other individuals in the county
that are bird hunters and shot typically will travel 300-400 yards, even in the
smaller sizes which can fall on somebody else=s property, not necessarily on
their houses. Again it=s a common sense
3. Bob Nelson - Mr. Nelson asked if
this would in any way impair hunting.
He is a hunter. AHow is this gonna affect game laws and such ...@ He
stated that he appreciated the Commissioners and felt that they had used some
common sense about this.
Chairman Hawkins explained that item 13
in the proposed ordinance addressed that, it doesn=t affect the game laws at
Mayor=s Cup Raft Race
AIn celebration of River Month, over the
past years, Land-of-Sky has sponsored the Mayor=s Cup Raft Race. This event has proven to be an exciting and
welcome friendly competition among our Region=s elected officials which have
made up 10, sometimes more, teams. Last
year the City of Asheville was victorious.
This could be your year to win - so gather up your team. All equipment (rafts, paddles, life jackets)
will be provided. There is no entry
fee, but employee bonuses for taking county or city officials= places in the
raft are allowed (if done discretely).
The date for the Mayor=s Cup Raft Race
has been set for Sunday, June 8 with a tentative start time of 3:30 p.m. at
French Broad River Park. The purpose of
the ARaft Race@ is to acknowledge the importance of the French Broad River to
the four-county region as a cultural, economic, natural and recreational
resource and is held in conjunction with the French Broad River Month
All preparations are well underway for
this celebration but we need your support.
Your teams will make the Mayor=s Cup Raft Race another successful event
on our beautiful French Broad River.@
Mr. Nicholson stated that we are looking
for volunteers. There was some discussion of who would represent Henderson
County as our team.
Following discussion of the issue,
Commissioners Moyer and Messer wish to be part of the team once again. Commissioner Baldwin was volunteered by
someone else. Commissioner Moyer stated
that two of our deputies had shown interest in returning: Duane Frickel and Ken
Chairman Hawkins asked Mr. Nicholson to
work to put our team together.
Update on Human Services
- add-on
Mr. Nicholson explained that the soil
borings have been done and the reports returned to us. It appears that the property at Blue Ridge
Community Colleges is rated AMarginal, at best@. An engineer has been asked to take a look at the reports to see
what the actual costs would be for site work to improve the land. An architect has been asked to look at it
from the standpoint of what additional costs there would be to construct
something on that site. Mr. Nicholson
stated that staff will be present to explain these items at the May 21 Board
Chairman Hawkins questioned whether the
Kaplan Auditorium would be large enough for the public hearing on the Animal
Services Ordinance scheduled for May 20 at 7:00 p.m.
Mr. Nicholson stated that the auditorium
seats about 165 people. Usually if we
have an overflow crowd, we make sure everyone has an opportunity to speak. This meeting and location has been
announced. If we have too many people
present for the hearing, we may have to schedule a second date.
Chairman Hawkins stated that he had
received a request from Partners for Economic Progress, wanting to have
a joint meeting with the Board of Commissioners to update them on Advantage
West, Carolina West, and of course our old Committee of 100. Following some discussion the Board agreed
to offer a couple of dates to them for such a joint meeting:
May 27 at 5:00 p.m.
May 28 at 5:00 p.m.
Some Commissioners asked to see the
agenda for this meeting prior to the date.
Public Hearing - Weapons
Firing Ordinance
Mr. Nicholson was asked to try to locate
a large meeting place and bring possible dates back to the Board at the May 21
Budget Workshops
The Board of Commissioners will receive
the FY 2003-2004 Budget at the May 21 Board Meeting. Following some discussion the following budget workshops were
Friday, May 23 at 1:00
Wednesday, May 28 at
6:00 p.m.
Chairman Hawkins made
the motion for the Board to go into closed session as allowed pursuant to NCGS
143-318.11 for the following reasons:
1. (a)(6) To
consider the qualifications, competence, performance, character, fitness,
conditions of
appointment, or conditions of initial employment of an
individual public
officer or employee or prospective public officer or
employee; or to hear or
investigate a complaint, charge, or grievance by or
against an individual
public officer or employee.
All voted in favor and
the motion carried.
There being no further business to come
before the Board, Commissioner Messer made the motion to adjourn the meeting
at 9:47 p.m. All voted in favor and the
motion carried.
Elizabeth W. Corn, Clerk to the Board Grady Hawkins, Chairman