22, 2003
The Henderson County Board of Commissioners met for a special called
meeting at 2:00 p.m. in the Commissioners=
Conference Room of the Henderson County Office Building at 100 North King
Street, Hendersonville, North Carolina.
Those present were: Chairman Grady Hawkins, Vice-Chairman Larry Young,
Commissioner Bill Moyer, Commissioner Charlie Messer, Commissioner Shannon
Baldwin, County Manager David E. Nicholson, Deputy Clerk to the Board Amy
Brantley, and Public Information Officer Chris Coulson.
Also present was Dr. Tom Burnham, Superintendent of Schools. Present from the Board of Public Education
were: Chairman Ervin Bazzle, Vice-Chairman Melissa Maurer, Kristin Huntley,
Betsy Copolillo, Ken Butcher, Jane Orwoll and Debbie Reemes.
Chairman Hawkins called the meeting to order and welcomed those in
attendance. The purpose of this meeting was a joint budget meeting with the
Board of Public Education.
Chairman Hawkins stated the need to reset the Public Hearing date for
the 191 rezoning issue. The meeting had been scheduled for May 8th,
but there was a conflict with the West Henderson High School Auditorium. Chairman
Hawkins made the motion to set May 19th for the R-02-07 rezoning
hearing at West Henderson High School Auditorium. All voted in favor and the
motion carried.
Chairman Hawkins noted that the Board of Commissioners had come up with
several goals they thought might be beneficial. Those goals were:
Reducing the drop out
rate particularly at the high school level
Improvements in
performance at the high schools
Improve end of course
test scores, particularly for minorities (using the end of grade tests, SAT=s and number of students promoted on the first test)
Class size reduction
Determine the number of
teachers teaching outside their career field
Determine how well we
are preparing students for life after school
Review of Strategic Planning Process and Strategic
Ervin Bazzle reviewed the Henderson County Public School (HCPS)
Strategic Plan. He gave a brief history of the Strategic Plan, and provided the
Board a copy of that working document. He noted that the Board of Education
meets every year at the beginning of the year, and looks at the Strategic Plan
to determine the progress of each goal, strategy and action. As those items are
accomplished, they are removed from the Strategic Plan. He outlined the
following goals, and spoke briefly to each one:
Goal 1: Focus on Every Child
Mr. Bazzle stated that North Carolina is probably the most accountable
state in the country, being tested more than any other state in a lot of
different ways. Unless you express to your students, parents and teachers that
you expect certain things from them, they will never perform to that level.
Goal 2: Retain and Recruit Outstanding Faculty and Staff
One way to retain teachers and improve their quality is to give them
time to improve their education. The system offers some continuing education,
and the opportunities for teachers to improve their own qualifications.
Goal III: Lower Class Size
Mr. Bazzle stated that the more we can get instruction directly to a
student, the better off we=ll be. That was
a goal in 1999, and still is because we=re
not there. Certain goals had been met in the Kindergarten, 1st and
possibly 2nd grades, but not in the rest of the grades. An
environment that is conducive to learning has to do with discipline, being
ready to go to school, and expectations of parents. Teaching these skills early
on goes a long way toward how students perform.
Goal IV: Develop and Maintain Safe, Quality Facilities
Mr. Bazzle reminded the Board that they had been involved in this for
the past three years. He stated that we are currently in a position to be proud
of most of the facilities. Maintenance of those facilities is a full time job
and an ongoing process, but one which has been handled well.
Mr. Bazzle explained how the Strategic Plan was used to develop the
budget. Each appropriation item is tied to a specific goal and a specific
objective with the Strategic Plan. He stated that he was on the Board when it
didn=t work, and having been on both sides he knows that
the Strategic Plan works, and that it addresses the needs of the community and
the schools.
Mr. Bazzle spoke to Chairman Hawkins=
goal of addressing how well we are preparing students for life after school. He
stated that he had worked with Job Ready before it was a Chamber process, he
worked with it when it was a joint effort between the schools, the community
college and the chamber, it is now within the Chamber as Workforce Development.
This is an ongoing process, we are six years into the process and a lot of things
are going on within the community.
Discussion of Improvement of End of Grade Minority
Dr. Burnham agreed that there is no other public profession that is
assessed to the level that education is assessed, with the results being
publicized to the extent that they are. He noted that in grades 3-12, there are
about 38 different assessments administered during the course of the year. When
you add the number of field tests the state puts in place to support the
assessment model, that adds another 37 assessments. That makes approximately 75
different assessments occurring in the school district in the course of a year,
driven by the state assessment model.
Dr. Burnham spoke to some new Federal Legislation, called ANo Child Left Behind@. He stated that it would bring accountability to education in a lot of
places in the country where accountability has not existed. There is a lot of
emphasis on sub-populations in this program, the special needs children who
have never been looked at in a comprehensive model before. The downside is that
it will lead to more assessment, unless some way is found to blend Federal and
State assessments.
The overall result of the program will be the Federal Government
driving the schools, in the same context they have driven Special Education. A
model will deem each school=s success based
upon the lowest performing sub-population present in a school. If any group is
not deemed to be successful in terms of making a year=s growth on an assessment model, then that school will
fail to be successful.
Dr. Burnham spoke to Chairman Hawkins=s question about the number of teachers deemed to be appropriately
certified. He answered that all Henderson County teachers are deemed to be
appropriately certified. Some of those teachers may be going through the
process of lateral entry, through which they have five years to become
certified teachers.
Dr. Burnham then discussed the results of strategic planning, and
becoming a goal driven organization. In 1999, Henderson County had four schools
that were recognized by the state as being high performing schools, schools of
distinction. Based on the last school year, we now have five schools of
excellence, ten schools of distinction, and one school of progress. These
statistics make Henderson County one of the most successful school districts in
the state.
Dr. Burnham addressed some of Chairman Hawkins=s earlier questions. He stated that Henderson County
currently ranks 8th in the state on the SAT. He was unsure about
minority student population on that test, but stated he would find the answer.
With regard to the number of students not successful on the first
administration of ABC=s, he answered 10% or less. It was his belief that
most of those were special needs children.
He then discussed minority achievement, displaying several charts that
indicated the percentage of students at or above Level III in Reading,
Mathematics, and High School End-of-Course. He specifically discussed the
levels for African-American and Hispanic students. In general, percentages had
increased across the board for the levels. One exception was Hispanic students
on the High School End-of-Course tests. Dr. Burnham stated what had been found,
was that Hispanic students coming into the system in high school not only could
not read English, but for the most part were also unable to read Spanish.
Dr. Burnham outlined and discussed the following key points of the
Minority Achievement Action Plan:
Implement STAR
(Student/Teacher Achievement Ratio) findings regarding improving student
achievement among minority students.
Evaluate Sheltered
Instruction model for LEP (Limited English Proficiency) students in high
Enhance cultural
awareness through targeted staff professional development to improve teacher
and staff ability to build connections.
Implement and support
AIM (Action/Inspiration/Motivation) Club at middle and high school levels.
Modify and fund changes
in staffing patterns to implement instructional delivery changes.
Focus ultimately on
quality teachers, not programs, in closing the achievement gap.
Identify and internalize
a system of Core Values.
Discussion of Reduction in Dropout Rates
Ken Butcher discussed a chart outlining the dropout rate percentage
over a three year period. He noted that the state dropout rate was 5.25% with
Henderson County being at the state average. He explained that dropout rates
are based on Grades 9 through 12. To calculate the rate for the upcoming year,
on the 20th day of school the number of students who are gone from
school (those who have left and not gone to another school or those who were
asked to leave) would be divided by the day 20 population of all four grades.
What is misleading about that statistic is that when you look at the number of
students from kindergarten versus those who graduate, the cumulative dropout
rate is around 22%. There followed discussion over the statistics, and why
dropout rates were higher at some schools than others.
The Dropout Reduction Action Plan was reviewed. It contained the
following points, some of which were discussed in depth:
Establish the Balfour
Concept in partnership with the Blue Ridge Community College as an educational
environment to support potential dropouts.
Collaborate with
National Dropout Prevention Center to develop a vision for the Balfour Concept.
Conduct visits to model
school sites.
Develop and distribute
Dropout Survey to the previous two years=
dropouts (parents and students).
Continue K-12 attendance
policy initiative.
Ensure that all children
will be reading on grade level by the end of the first grade (Literacy Academy)
and will remain on grade level every year thereafter (Extended School Year).
Continue early childhood
educational initiatives which were begun this school year.
Provide mentoring,
service learning and work-based learning experiences to our students.
Continue higher levels
of expectations and ensure challenging curriculum for all students.
Continue to provide
quality Extended Day and Extended Year programs.
Strengthen school
transition plans.
Reorganize middle school
daily schedule to increase instructional focus on the core curriculum.
Implement new middle
school courses - Introduction to Computer Applications and Exploring Technology
Re-direct focus of
comprehensive school counseling program to emphasize prevention as well as
Emphasize parent and
community communication plan.
Broaden efforts to
recruit highly qualified teachers.
Continue the lower class
size initiative to provide more individual attention and better learning
opportunities during the early years.
There also followed much discussion of how the Strategic Plan has
worked to help achieve the goals previously discussed. Dr. Burnham stated that
he had never worked without such a plan, and that it had been most important in
the progress seen in the schools. The budget problems within the state were
discussed with regard to how they will affect the schools ability to continue
implementing the Strategic Plan. Ken Butcher spoke at length about how funding
affects students, especially those students already at some risk.
Chairman Hawkins thanked the Board of Education for the dialogue and
benchmarks brought to the meeting. He thanked them for the job they were doing.
There being no further business to come before the Board, Chairman
Hawkins made the motion to adjourn the meeting at approximately 3:37 p.m. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Amy R. Brantley, Deputy Clerk to the Board Grady Hawkins, Chairman