The Henderson County Board of Commissioners met for a regularly
scheduled meeting at 9:00 a.m. in the Commissioners' Conference Room of the
Henderson County Office Building.
Those present were: Chairman
Grady Hawkins, Vice-Chairman Larry Young, Commissioner Bill Moyer, Commissioner
Charlie Messer, Commissioner Shannon Baldwin, County Manager David E.
Nicholson, County Attorney Angela S. Beeker, and Deputy Clerk to the
Board/Volunteer Coordinator Amy Brantley.
Also present were: Budget and Management Director Selena Coffey, Finance Director J. Carey McLelland, County
Engineer Gary Tweed, Sheriff George Erwin, Risk Management Director Bill
Byrnes, Paralegal Connie Rayfield, Assistant County Attorney Russell Burrell,
and Public Information Officer Chris Coulson.
Present in the audience from the Sheriff=s Department were: Mose Highsmith, Billy Wilson, Rodney Raines, Jimmy
Edney, Eddie Watkins and Mac Varnadore.
Chairman Hawkins called the meeting to order and welcomed all in
Chairman Hawkins led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance to
the American Flag.
Rev. Anthony Craver, Washington Street Pentecostal Holiness Church,
gave the invocation.
Chairman Hawkins made the following changes to the agenda:
Remove Item AK@ from the Consent Agenda, and move it to Update on Pending Issues #2.
Move Discussion
Item AB@ - Budget Goals - Sheriff=s Department, to immediately follow Nominations.
Add Discussion
Item AC@ - Manager=s
Chairman Hawkins made the motion to approve
the agenda as revised. All voted in
favor and the motion carried.
Commissioner Moyer asked to pull Item AI@ - Solid Waste Advisory Committee - By-laws
for some discussion.
Chairman Hawkins made the motion to approve
the Consent Agenda as revised. All
voted in favor and the motion carried. The CONSENT AGENDA consisted of
the following:
Draft minutes were presented for the Board=s review and approval of the following
February 19, 2003, regular meeting
March 4, 2003, special called meeting (continuation of March 3 mtg.)
March 4, 2003, special called meeting
Tax Collector=s Report
Terry F. Lyda, Tax Collector, had provided the Board with the Tax
Collector=s Report dated March 18, 2003.
Tax Refund Requests (17)
A list of 17 tax refund requests was submitted for Board approval.
Tax Release Requests (16)
A list of 16 tax release requests was submitted for Board approval.
Health Insurance Portability And
Accountability Act (AHIPAA@)
Privacy Policies Federal regulations pursuant to
the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (AHIPAA@) require certain County departments to comply with its privacy
requirements, effective April 14, 2003. To comply with HIPAA, significant
actions continue to be required of the County. The Board took the first
required step toward HIPAA privacy compliance, the designation of Henderson
County as a Ahybrid entity@ under HIPAA, by resolution dated June 19, 2002. That resolution also
directed the Legal Department to survey each unit of County government to
determine which departments perform Acovered functions@ under HIPAA privacy rules, and to set out a plan to bring Henderson
County government into compliance with HIPAA privacy rules.
A resolution set out which departments make up the HIPAA Ahybrid entity@, adopted policies required by HIPAA privacy rules, and allowed certain
future modifications to these policies by the heads of the departments which
were included in the Ahybrid
entity@. The Ahybrid entity@ for
HIPAA privacy purposes in Henderson County consisted of : (1) the units of the
Department of Public Health not included in environmental health and animal
control; (2) the Emergency Medical Services department; (3) the Information
Technology Department; and (4) the Legal Department. That resolution is
attached hereto and incorporated as a part of these minutes.
CDBG Contracts: Habitat for
In January 2003, the County applied for and received $160,000 in
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Housing Development funds for
infrastructure development in the Habitat for Humanity Highlander Woods
Subdivision. Land-of-Sky Regional Council was chosen to provide assistance in
the administration of these funds for Henderson County. Presented to the Board
was a Technical Services Contract, which was an agreement between Henderson
County and Land-of-Sky Regional Council to authorize this assistance with the
administration of the grant. Also presented to the Board was a Project
Agreement between Henderson County and Habitat for Humanity, authorizing
Habitat for Humanity to move forward with the project on behalf of Henderson
WCCA - Community Services Block Grant Program
Western Carolina Community Action (WCCA) was applying for the
continuation of the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG). The CSBG provides
the funding foundation for WCCA=s Self-Sufficiency and Homeownership Programs. They receive those funds
annually based on a five-year application cycle from the Department of Health
and Human Service Office of Economic Opportunity. This was the fifth year of
the funding cycle, and there were no significant changes to the application
with the exception of a 7% budget reduction.
The WCCA Board was expected to approve the application at their March
13th meeting, and the application had gone through the required public
hearing process. It was requested that the Board of Commissioners approve the
filing of the continuation application for the WCCA CSBG.
Resolution Authorizing the Disposition of
Personal Property by Private Sale
Henderson County had received a bequest of two passenger vehicles from
the Estate of Hilde Bleu Roland for the benefit of the Henderson County Animal
Shelter. One vehicle was a 1987 Oldsmobile Station Wagon with 117,455 miles and
the second vehicle was a 1999 Cadillac with 21,108 miles. Staff requested
approval and authorization from the Board to sell the two vehicles by private
sale at a negotiated price with the proceeds to benefit the animal shelter. A
draft resolution was presented to the Board for their consideration.
Child Fatality Prevention Team Annual Report
The Child Fatality Prevention Team had submitted their Annual Report
for 2002 for the Board=s
review. No action was necessary. It was for information only.
Item AI@ - Solid Waste Advisory Committee (SWAC) -
By-laws (Pulled Item)
Commissioner Moyer questioned some of the wording in the proposed
by-laws. He reminded the Board that when the Environmental Advisory Committee
was established, litter and litter control were charged to them. He noted a
statement in the proposed SWAC By-laws that referred to litter. He questioned
whether there was any intention of giving them any responsibilities in the area
of litter.
Chairman Hawkins suggested this item be pulled from this agenda, and
brought back to the Board following staff research on the EAC and SWAC. He
stated that the Spring 2003 Litter Sweep will be coming up April 21st
- May 5th, which will need to be coordinated through either the EAC
or SWAC.
Notification of Vacancies
The Board was notified of the following vacancies which will appear for
nominations on the next agenda:
Mud Creek
District Advisory Council - 1 vac. & Appoint Chairman
At the previous meeting, Commissioner Moyer had indicated a willingness
to serve on this committee. Chairman Hawkins questioned whether Commissioner
Moyer would be willing to also serve as the Chair of that Board, to which he
also agreed. Chairman Hawkins made the motion to appoint Commissioner Moyer
as Chairman and to fill the vacancy. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
County Planning Board - 3 vac.
Chairman Hawkins reminded the Board of the following vacancies and opened
the floor to nominations:
Care Home Community Advisory Committee - 9 vac.
There were no nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the
next meeting.
Solid Waste Advisory Committee -
2 vac.
Chairman Hawkins nominated Terry Maybin for reappointment to this
Board. Chairman Hawkins made the motion to accept Mr. Maybin by acclamation.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
3. Mountain
Area Workforce Development Board - 1 vac.
There were no nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the
next meeting.
4. Child Fatality Prevention Team - 1 vac.
There were no nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the
next meeting.
Regional Housing Consortium - 1 vac.
There were no nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the
next meeting.
EMS Quality
Management Committee - 1 vac.
Chairman Hawkins stated that there existed one vacancy due to a
resignation, and a request for two additional positions, one voting and one
ex-officio/non-voting. Chairman Hawkins nominated Frank Simpson as the
ex-officio/non-voting member, and Larry Russell as the voting member. Amy
Brantley noted that Mr. Russell would be a voting member, and Mr. Simpson would
be an ex-officio/non-voting member. The actual vacancy, for which Judy Lathrop=s name had been submitted, was specified for
an Emergency Department Nurse.
Chairman Hawkins restarted his nomination, nominating Ms. Lathrop to
the vacant position for which she is qualified. He then nominated Mr. Simpson
as the ex-officio/non-voting member. Ms. Brantley questioned whether the Board
wished to also nominate Mr. Russell as an additional voting member. Following
brief discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to have staff do some
additional research on the by-laws, and roll this item to the next meeting.
Chairman Hawkins withdrew his nominations pending that research.
Solid Waste Advisory Committee - Revisited
Commissioner Baldwin confirmed that there was an application on file
for the Solid Waste Advisory Committee. He nominated Katie Breckheimer to the
vacant position. Chairman Hawkins made the motion to accept Ms. Breckheimer
by acclamation. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Budget Goals - Sheriff=s Department
Chairman Hawkins reminded the Board that the three largest departments
in county government, Sheriff=s Department, DSS and the Health Department, consume between 2/3 to 3/4
of the county budget. In this budget cycle, the Board wished to have some
discussion with those three agencies on their goals, and the goals on which the
Board would like them to work. At their March 3, 2003 meeting, the Board
proposed several goals and objectives for the Sheriff=s Department for the FY 2003-2004 budget.
Those goals and objectives were:
Reduce the
crime rate in the County
Reduce the
unsolved crime rate in the County
Reduce the
number of auto accidents within the department
Open up more
community watch initiatives
vehicle expenses (i.e. expense per mile compared to other counties, policy on
use of vehicles, lease versus purchase)
Sheriff George Erwin was present to discuss those proposed goals and
objectives. He referred to the Commissioner=s Mission Statement on the wall, pointing to the goal Ato protect one another@, which is what members of the Sheriff=s Department do everyday. He noted that the
Sheriff=s Department had received 27 National and
State Awards for innovation and creativity, which was also in keeping with the
Mission Statement.
Sheriff Erwin provided the Board some figures on the crime rate trend
for Henderson County. He stated that in 1992 there were 1,379 crimes reported
to the Sheriff=s Office when the population was 62,418. In
2002, the population grew by 10,000 and reported crimes were reduced by 227.
Over the last two years, crime in Henderson County has come down 10.2%. He
discussed ways in which crime can be reduced, but stated that the Department
has to have the resources necessary to continue crime prevention techniques.
He stated that he recognized the position the Board was in because of
the State. He noted the following things the Sheriff=s Department had done to try to reduce crime
in a tight budget year.
The Department
had brought in $160,000 in collected fees.
$250,000 in Federal and State grants.
Brought in over
$700,000 in revenues to offset their budget.
Sheriff Erwin discussed the Uniform Crime Report (UCR), and how reports
taken in make the crime rate appear to go up. Since taking his oath as a law
enforcement officer 25 years ago, he has spent everyday trying to reduce crime
and clear as many reported crimes as possible.
Commissioner Messer asked Sheriff Erwin to briefly describe the new
CopLink program. Sheriff Erwin noted that the clearance rate last year for
violent crime was 64%, the state average was 51.9%. The clearance rate last
year for property crime was 25%, the state average was 19.3%. CopLink allows police forces to connect with
all other databases in law enforcement and share information, which assists in
a much quicker clearance of crime. Henderson County received a $200,000
allocation from the Federal Government for this program. That money will be
used to connect all the law enforcement agencies in Henderson County, and he
explained how that would occur. In future phases he will look to connect this
system with Asheville/Buncombe and Greenville/Spartanburg.
Sheriff Erwin described ways in which the department has tried to keep
the expense per mile down on his fleet. He sited examples such as the lease of
6 cylinder vehicles rather than 8 cylinder, and the purchase and use of a
global electric motor car.
Jan Prichard, Human Resources Director, was present to introduce the
County=s draft Smallpox vaccination Policy and
update the Board on relevant information regarding smallpox vaccinations for
County employees. She presented and discussed the following policy for Board
Henderson County Smallpox Policy
The emerging concerns regarding terrorism in our Country have created
the environment that has caused the President to develop a plan for vaccination
against smallpox, a disease that was eradicated several decades ago. The President=s plan calls for several phases of vaccination. Phase I involves a small number of public
health and hospital staff who are most likely to encounter the disease if we
had cases in our community. Phase II has a broader scope that includes those
needed for widespread vaccination, all hospital staff and other first
responders including emergency medical staff, fire and rescue staff and law
enforcement staff and other County staff as designated by the Public Health Director. There are no specific plans to vaccinate
more widely at this point in time. Vaccination in the first two phases is
strictly voluntary. It is important,
however, that we provide a climate in which employees are willing to accept the
vaccine so that Henderson County has a prepared workforce if vaccination is
needed on a large scale throughout the County.
By the adoption of this policy, it is the intent of the Board of
Commissioners as the policy making body for Henderson County to indicate
understanding of the issues related to smallpox vaccination, support the
availability of the vaccine for those staff at risk of exposure, and
demonstrate support for the staff responsible for this work.
The small pox vaccinia is a live vaccine (cowpox)
making it very different from the vaccines that we all receive today and there
are some risks associated with taking the vaccine. There are side effects and
risks associated with the smallpox vaccine.
Most people experience normal, usually mild reactions that include a
sore arm, fever, and body aches.
However, other people experience reactions ranging from serious to life
threatening. People most likely to have
serious side effects are those who will be excluded due to present or past
health conditions. In the past, about 1
person for every 100,000 people vaccinated for the first time experienced
reactions that, while not life-threatening, were serious. These reactions included a toxic or
allergic reaction at the site of the vaccination (erythema multiforme), spread
of the vaccinia virus to other parts of the body and to other individuals
(inadvertent inoculation), and spread of the vaccinia virus to other parts of
the body through the blood (generalized vaccinia). These types of reactions may require medical attention. In the past, between 14 and 82 people out of
every 1 million people vaccinated for the first time experienced potentially
life-threatening reactions to the vaccine.
Based on past experience, it is estimated that 1 or 2 people in 1
million who receive the vaccine may die as a result. Careful screening of potential vaccine recipients is essential to
ensure that those at increased risk do not receive the vaccine.
These potential risks create concern among staff regarding the need to
protect their families and other close contacts, protect the clients they see
through their work, protect their accrued leave, and avoid large out-of-pocket
expenses for medical care.
The Board of Commissioners is of the opinion that it
is in the best interest of the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of
the County that essential County employees be offered the vaccine in order that
there be sufficient immunized personnel to assist the public in the event of an
outbreak; therefore, the Board of Commissioners establishes the following
1. That the
Director of Public Health, or the Director=s
designee, in conjunction with the relevant Department Head (i.e., Emergency
Management, EMS), identify those County employees for whom vaccination is
recommended under Phase I and Phase II of the Federal vaccination program. The employees so identified will be offered
the opportunity to take the vaccine.
Acceptance of the vaccine is completely voluntary and subject to medical
2. If an
employee who is offered the vaccine under Phase I and Phase II elects to take
the vaccine, and as a result of taking that vaccine becomes ill and requires
medical treatment, the employee should file an Employee Injury Report for
Workers= Compensation benefits. Coverage under Workers= Compensation is determined by our insurance
carrier. If such claim is denied, the
employee will be instructed to file a medical claim under his/her individual
health care plan. For employees who are
enrolled in the County=s health care plan, this is Blue Cross and Blue Shield
of North Carolina (BCBSNC). Treatment
for adverse reactions must be provided by a County designated medical provider
3. If an
employee who is offered the vaccine under Phase I and Phase II elects to take
the vaccine, and as a result of taking that vaccine becomes ill such that
absence from work is required as certified by his/her health care provider, the
employee shall be reimbursed sick leave days for such absence, up to seven
working days. Absences for which the
employee receives compensation as covered under the County=s Worker=s
Compensation insurance will not be reimbursed in order to avoid double payment.
Employees are required to use his/her available sick and/or vacation leave
during the first seven days of absence.
Employees who do not have enough sick and/or vacation leave may applied
for Shared Leave. Determination of
whether an absence is the result of taking the vaccine is at the sole
discretion of the Director of Public Health, or the Director=s designee.
Approval for leave reimbursement is at the sole discretion of the County
Manager in consultation with the Director of Public Health and the employee=s department head.
4. Employees
other than those identified under Phase I and Phase II who voluntarily receive
the vaccine and experience an adverse reaction will be instructed to file a
medical claim under his/her individual health care plan. For employees who are enrolled in the County=s health care plan, this is Blue Cross and Blue Shield
of North Carolina (BCBSNC). These
employees will not be covered under Workers=
Compensation and will not be offered any other special benefits.
Mr. Nicholson, Mrs. Prichard and Barbara
Stanley answered several questions from the Board on the specifics of the
policy. Commissioner Young questioned whether there were any plans to provide
the vaccine to the general public. Ms. Stanley answered that there were no
plans at this time, barring an event that might precipitate it. Commissioner
Young also questioned whether employees signed a consent form for the
vaccination, or a declination form if they did not wish to take it. Ms. Stanley
answered that there is a very involved consent form, but the CDC had
recommended that there not be a declination form for various reasons.
Following several additional questions, Chairman
Hawkins made the motion to adopt the policy as presented and make it
retroactive to employees who have already received the vaccination. All voted
in favor and the motion carried.
Selena Coffey reminded the Board that at
their March 3, 2003 meeting, staff was directed to research the various options
for tax department structures. She provided findings from a tax department
survey conducted in August, 2000. That survey was distributed to the Board
showing a comparison of tax department structures for North Carolina counties
similar in population to Henderson County. She also provided for the Board=s information a copy of the County=s current Assessor job description, as well
as examples of job descriptions for a Tax Administrator.
Ms. Coffey had recently updated the survey,
and provided some new figures to the Board. 76% of counties in the state have a
Tax Administrator who is over the entire department. 21% of counties have an
appointed Tax Collector and an appointed Tax Assessor, two separate positions
both appointed by the Board. 3% currently have an elected Tax Collector and an
appointed Tax Assessor.
Chairman Hawkins discussed the very old local
bills governing tax offices, and the various anomalies within Henderson County
with respect to the Tax Collector. He also pointed out that a Tax Administrator
has to be dual qualified, or have the qualifications for both the Tax Assessor
and the Tax Collector. He felt the important steps to take if the Board wished
to pursue a change were:
local legislators on having our current local bills repealed.
When looking to
hire a new Assessor, make them aware that the county is anticipating switching
to a different system.
Commissioner Moyer stated that he felt before
anything else happened, the Board needed to determine the right organizational
structure for Henderson County. Commissioner Baldwin agreed, and stated that
the best reporting function also needed to be determined. Angela Beeker noted
that statutorily, a Tax Administrator could report to the County Manager but
the Tax Assessor and Tax Collector must report to the Board.
There followed much discussion of the various
options that might be open to the Board regarding the time frame of such a
change, especially given that the Tax Collector would begin a new four year
term in October. Chairman Hawkins asked Mr. Nicholson to look into whether the
current Tax Collector would have the necessary certifications to serve as the
Tax Assessor, and to do some work on determining the best organizational
structure for the county. Once those issues have been answered, he asked Mr.
Nicholson to bring the item back to the Board for a structural recommendation,
and to allow some dialogue with the County Attorney and Tax Collector about the
various available options.
Mr. Nicholson reminded the Board that at the
last meeting, the Board asked staff to see whether the Human Services Building
could be moved to the front of the BRCC property. The County received from
William Lapsley & Associates, a conceptual site plan for a Acampus@ site on the BRCC land, which would house Health and Human Services, as
well as Land Development buildings and an Animal Shelter. Mr. Nicholson briefly
discussed some additional options and configurations for the buildings.
The County also received some cost estimates
on site preparation. Those costs were broken into three categories:
Access Road and
Utility Improvements (1700LF X 24' Wide) = $357,000
Health and
Human Services Building and Parking Areas = $563,000
Development Building and Parking Areas = $361,000
The total for all site preparation came to
$1,281,000 according to these projections.
Mr. Nicholson stated that especially with all
the rain in the past few weeks, he recommended that some soil drillings be
done. He recommended that if the Board was going to seriously consider the
property, that core drillings be done to determine what it would take to do
foundations and the like. He presented
the cost figures from a company who would do the work. Their cost proposal was:
Human Services
Building Site $ 6,876.00
Costs $ 1,000.00
Total $ 7,876.00
Land Development Building Site $ 4,356.50
Animal Shelter
Site $ 2,489.50
Total for all Sites $14,722.00
There followed some discussion on the size of
the property, the differences in the various elevations on the property, and
the concern of the how wet the property is. Chairman Hawkins stated that he
felt the soil drillings should be done, but requested that enough be done to
truly determine the soil quality of the building sites. Commissioner Moyer
made the motion to authorize spending the money to perform the appropriate core
drilling samples on the property at the Blue Ridge Community College to
determine whether a portion of the property is buildable. All voted in favor
and the motion carried.
1. Dick Baird - Mr. Baird expressed
displeasure over the three minute time limit on informal public comments. He
noted three additional goals he felt were appropriate for the Sheriff=s Department. He requested that the Board take
immediate action on the Tax Department structure. He referenced the desperation
of farmers in the state, and the inequity in the ad valorem tax on land, and
requested that the Board change the procedure. He stated that there was a need
to develop physical development in children, and suggested the Board add six
soccer fields, six tennis courts and an indoor recreation facility. He finally
discussed a tax revenue assessment, and suggested the budget grow by about
4.5%, or to $78,000,000.
Recently, the Board had considered its
various options with regard to the Carolina Apparel Building located on
Spartanburg Highway. Pursuant to direction given at the March 3, 2003 meeting,
Staff had prepared a Resolution authorizing the County Attorney and Staff to
advertise the sale of the Carolina Apparel Building pursuant to the sealed bid
procedure (NCGS 160A-268). The Resolution contemplated the Board setting a
minimum bid on the lot and setting the dates of the advertisement and opening
of the sealed bids.
Ms. Beeker stated that based on her
calculation, the total acreage of the site is about 6.76 acres. Close to $3
million had been expended on all five properties, including the recent
demolition work. She noted that once the property is put out to bid, it must be
left out for 30 days. In the Resolution, Ms. Beeker proposed the following
April 1st - Property advertised in
the newspaper.
May 2nd - Bids accepted.
June 30th - If the Board chose to
accept a submitted bid, closing would take place by June 30th.
Ms. Beeker stated that it was important to
note that in order to legally put a piece out for sale, that property has to be
declared surplus property. Therefore for now, the Board has to say it is
surplus property which the County does not intend to use. She clarified that
the Board could change it=s mind later and decide to use the property, however the Resolution
states that it is surplus property.
She reminded the Board that based on previous
conversation, she had included in the Resolution a minimum bid of $3 million,
but explained that the use of a minimum bid and the schedule were at the Board=s discretion. She stated that she had worked
to compile all the information on the property so potential bidders could be
completely informed about the property.
Commissioner Moyer suggested that a minimum
bid not be included in the Resolution, to provide a more accurate picture of
what the property is worth. Chairman Hawkins questioned Mr. Nicholson on the
time frame of receiving the information back from the core drillings. He
pointed out that this might be surplus property now, but if those drillings
show that the BRCC property is not buildable, it may no longer be surplus. Bill
Byrnes stated that it would take about four weeks to get the information, so
the middle of April. It was the consensus of the Board to adjust the time frame
accordingly, having the bids accepted mid-May rather than May 2nd.
Following some additional discussion,
Commissioner Moyer made the motion to approve the Resolution with the deletion
of any reference to a minimum bid requirement and changing the dates to move it
back to mid-May. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Chairman Hawkins called for a brief recess to
change video tapes.
PUBLIC HEARING - Rural Operating Assistance
Program (ROAP) Rural General Public (RGP) Program
Chairman Hawkins made the motion for the
Board to go into public hearing. All
voted in favor and the motion carried.
David White, from Western Carolina Community
Action (WCCA), stated that it had been the recommendation of the WCCA Board of
Directors, the Henderson County Public Transit Advisory Board, and the WCCA DOT
consultant in Asheville, that Apple Country Transportation accept the
formulated amount of $123,714 from NCDOT to continue providing EDTAP, Workfirst
and RGP services at a level comparable to last year. They further recommended
acceptance of the requested amount of $169,338 to continue providing public
transportation, expanding morning hours and adding a route to Fletcher. It was
noted that another light transit vehicle had been awarded to Apple Country
He noted that Apple Country needed to solicit
$30,000 to meet the local match for the public transit project for next year.
$5,000 had been requested from Henderson County to help support the project.
Other local governments and local businesses were also requested to help in
meeting the match.
Mr. White answered several questions from the
Board including the costs for the various options, money previously received
for the matching grant, and the number of people using the public transit
service. Commissioner Young asked what the figures looked like with regards to
rider numbers. Mr. White stated that the numbers have been going steadily
upward, with the latest average being between 800-900 passengers per week on
the routes. When the route first started in June 2002, there were about 300-400
per week. WCCA projected 16,000 passenger trips for the first year, but will
probably end up well over 25,000 passenger trips.
Public Input
1. David White - Mr. White spoke prior to the
Public Input portion of the Public Hearing.
2. Paul Stepp - Mr. Stepp thanked the Board
for their past support of public transportation, and hoped the Board would
continue to support it. He felt the legend of the past Board would be that they
were there when public transportation returned to Hendersonville and Henderson
3. Dick Baird - Mr. Baird stated he recalled
that when the bus system was inaugurated, it had been stated that the county
would not be asked for any funding for three years. He asked the Board to deny
the $5,000 request.
Chairman Hawkins
confirmed that the action being requested today was for Henderson County to
apply for the available funds. The County was not being asked for the $5,000
match at this time.
Chairman Hawkins made the motion to approve
the filing of the grant. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Chairman Hawkins made the motion for the
Board to go out of public hearing. All
voted in favor and the motion carried.
1. State Budget Mr.
Nicholson stated that on March 5th, the Governor proposed his
budget. He reminded the Board that the Governor presents a budget, and the General
Assembly really does the work on it. Several things included in the proposed
budget were:
Public School
Capital Fund (ADM Fund) - This fund is 1% of Corporate Income Tax, and is used
to pay off debt service on schools. It was to be kept by the state for one year
last year, but has now been proposed to be kept for an additional year.
Reduction of
class size - The Governor has proposed a reduction in class size. Mr. Nicholson
stated there would need to be some capital planning in the system.
Hold Harmless
Clause - Originally when the additional sales tax was added to replace the
reimbursements, for counties who received less than they would have with the
reimbursements, the state promised to fund the difference and hold the counties
harmless. The Governor has now indicated that is a promise the state will not
2 Cent
Sales Tax - When the state put in the 2 cent sales tax to guarantee that counties would get their
reimbursements, they said that sales tax would expire at the end of the fiscal
year. The Governor has now proposed that temporary state tax continue.
Mr. Nicholson thanked Angela Beeker and Connie
Rayfield for providing to him regular information on various legislative bills
that had been introduced. Several items of recently proposed legislation were:
Reduction of
Medicaid funding for local governments - 5 year phase out.
Shift in
Medicaid funding from lower tier counties to Tier 4 and 5 counties. Such
legislation would increase the Henderson County match from 5% to 15%. That
translates to an increase from $4 million to $12 million.
Chairman Hawkins stated that he felt
Henderson County should lead the charge, and challenge the Governor on taking
these monies from the County. He felt that it was obvious from the Governor=s actions that he had no interest in
education other than further diluting the cost that will be thrust upon the
counties. Chairman Hawkins distributed to the Board a draft letter he proposed
to sent to the Governor expressing the County=s feeling about his budget decisions. It was the consensus of the Board
to send that letter.
2. County Government Week, April 7-11, 2003
Chris Coulson gave a brief presentation
regarding the Fourth Annual County Government Week, being held April 7 - 11,
2003. The theme for the week was Counties Care for Kids. She noted the
following activities that will take place throughout the week:
Monday- Mercury thermometer exchange for
digital thermometers at the Health Department.
Tuesday- Lion King=s Folktales - a professional acting troop at
the Library in the evening.
Wednesday- Blood Drive in the Commissioner=s meeting room.
Thursday- Parenting classes, for parents with
children up to the age of 12 held at DSS.
Friday- 4H will have an after school program,
Adventures in Learning, at Cooperative Extension.
Saturday- Car seat safety checks and safety
kits in the Walmart parking lot.
David Nicholson requested the Board consider
a Resolution authorizing that week as County Government Week. A draft
Resolution had been prepared for their consideration. Chairman Hawkins made
the motion to adopt the Resolution as presented originally in the Consent
Agenda, but now in this Discussion Item. All voted in favor and the motion
Chairman Hawkins reminded the Board that they
had been looking for some public input on the Weapons Firing Ordinance and the
Animal Control Ordinance. He felt both of those items might have fairly large
crowds associated with them. He suggested those public input sessions be held at
an alternate location and in the evening to allow people to attend the
Commissioner Moyer felt there still needed to
be substantial changes made to the Weapons Firing Ordinance prior to seeking
public input. Chairman Hawkins requested that Ms. Beeker bring that one back to
the Board at an April meeting, for review of the Ordinance and to set a date
for public input.
Chairman Hawkins stated that the Animal
Control Ordinance was ready for public input. He suggested Thursday, April 17th
and requested Mr. Nicholson try to find a location at one of the high schools.
Mr. Nicholson stated that April 17th fell during the schools spring
break. He stated that he would research several locations. April 17th
was set as a tentative date, to be confirmed at the April 7th
Chairman Hawkins stated that with regard to
setting a workshop for the Regional Water Agreement, he had spoken with Mayor
Niehoff who had some ideas. He was still working on an agenda and a date for
that, and would bring it back to the Board once he had coordinated something
with Mayor Niehoff and Mayor Worley.
Chairman Hawkins reminded the Board that the
NCACC Regional Meeting would be held on April 23rd at the
Waynesville Country Club. He requested anyone who wished to attend, to let Ms.
Brantley know that she might register them.
David Nicholson reminded the Board of a need
to schedule a Budget Meeting with the Board of Education. He had proposed a
meeting date of April 16th, which members of the Board of Education
were unable to attend. The Board of Education proposed the meeting be held
Wednesday, March 26th at 2:00 pm. Due to several conflicts, the
Board asked Mr. Nicholson to propose an alternate date to the Board of
Education, and bring that back to the Board at their April 7th
Mr. Nicholson also reminded the Board of a
need to schedule a meeting for the NC DOT Secondary Road Program. He had
received a call from NCDOT requesting that the Board hold that meeting on May
14th at 10:00 am. Chairman Hawkins made the motion to set the DOT
Secondary Road Program Hearing at 10:00 on the 14th of May. All
voted in favor and the motion carried.
Budget Goals - Social Services & Public
The Board had requested time during regularly
scheduled meetings to discuss proposed goals and
objectives for select departments as part of
the Outcome-Focused Budgeting process. Per the budget calendar, the
Board was scheduled to discuss proposed goals for the Department of Social
Services and the Department of Public Health at this meeting. These will be
further discussed with the respective departments during the Board=s April 7, 2003 regularly scheduled meeting.
Goals identified for the Department of Social
Services were:
Reports to the
Board regarding Child Support payments. Chairman Hawkins stated that in the
past dollar figures had been reported, but requested that the percentage of
people making payments also be included.
Reducing the
amount of time a child is in foster care.
Reduction of
the number of people on the list for daycare services.
Establish a
goal regarding statistics on the number of cases opened, people entered into
the system, and how many of those cases achieved a desired result.
Commissioner Baldwin spoke briefly about
success. He questioned how success is defined for DSS cases. He did not know
what kind of statistics were currently being kept, but felt any information
would be helpful.
Goals identified for the Health Department
exercises on response to emergency situations.
Adopt at least
one or two phases of the Animal Control Ordinance for implementation.
Track and
possibly reduce the time it takes for a septic permit application to be
Track and
possibly reduce inoculation costs per child.
Manger=s Report
Commissioner Baldwin stated that with
starting the Outcome-Focused Budgeting process, he felt it would be
helpful for the County Manager to provide a schedule of when programs can be
implemented by departments. He requested a monthly update on the progress that
had been made with respect to that. He also requested the Board receive a
steady update on the County Comprehensive Plan process. Mr. Nicholson stated he
would be happy to provide that information.
There being no further business to come
before the Board, Chairman Hawkins made the motion to adjourn the meeting at
approximately 12:05 p.m. All voted in
favor and the motion carried.
R. Brantley, Deputy Clerk to the Board
Grady Hawkins, Chairman