The Henderson County Board of Commissioners met for a regularly
scheduled meeting at 9:00 a.m. in the Commissioners' Conference Room of the
Henderson County Office Building.
Those present were: Chairman
Grady Hawkins, Vice-Chairman Larry Young, Commissioner Bill Moyer, Commissioner
Charlie Messer, Commissioner Shannon Baldwin,
County Manager David E. Nicholson, County Attorney Angela S. Beeker, and
Clerk to the Board Elizabeth W. Corn.
Also present were: Planning Director Karen C. Smith, Budget and Management
Director Selena Coffey, Finance Director J. Carey McLelland, Fire Marshal Rocky
Hyder, Planner Autumn Radcliff, Public Information Officer Chris S. Coulson,
and Deputy Clerk to the Board/Volunteer Coordinator Amy Brantley.
Chairman Hawkins called the meeting to order and welcomed all in
Chairman Hawkins lead the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.
Dr. Tom Blair, from Trinity Presbyterian Church gave the invocation.
Chairman Hawkins added one item to Update on Pending Issues as #2 - AHuman Services Building@.
Chairman Hawkins moved that the agenda be approved as presented. All
voted in favor and the motion carried.
Chairman Hawkins pulled Item AG@ - Waterline and Sewerline Extension(s).
Angela Beeker stated that she had a clarification on Item AF@ - Extension of time for
Printpack, Inc. Mr. Keith Love, plant manager, had contacted Ms. Beeker to
clarify that the cover sheet states the equipment is already in place, but
should say the equipment will be in place by the 20th. No change was
required to the addendum.
Chairman Hawkins spoke to Item AG@ - Waterline and Sewerline Extension(s). He
reminded the Board that frequently when these extension requests are received,
the projects do not have adequate fire hydrant location or spacing. The County
had made note of this on previous extension requests sent back to the City, but
it was unknown whether the City added additional hydrants to those extensions.
He wished to make note on this particular request that the County had a
particular concern on the installation of the fire hydrants, and ask for a
response from the City on how previous concerns had been addressed. Mr.
Nicholson will look into how those requests have been handled by the City.
Chairman Hawkins moved that the consent agenda be approved as amended
with the clarification from Ms. Beeker on Item AF@ and the addition of a comment on the
waterline extension. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
The CONSENT AGENDA included the following:
Tax Collector=s Report
[Note from the Clerk: The Tax
Collector's report was not included in the materials presented to the Board for
approval. Only the cover page was
Tax Releases
The Tax Assessor had submitted a list of 85 tax release requests for
the Board=s approval.
Tax Refunds
The Tax Assessor had submitted a list of 18 tax refund requests for the
Board=s approval.
Financial Report - November 2002
Cash Balance Report - November 2003
Non-departmental expense includes the annual property/liability and
worker=s compensation insurance premiums paid to the
NCACC Risk Management Pools. Those costs will be allocated out to individual
departments on a pro-rata share basis prior to fiscal year-end. The report had
been provided for the Board=s review and consent approval.
Henderson County Public Schools Financial Report - November 2002
The report had been provided for the Board=s review and consent approval.
Extension of time for Printpack, Inc.
In December of 2001, the County entered into an incentives agreement
with Printpack, Inc. to increase the taxable capital investment in Henderson
County. The Agreement requires that Printpack make a capital investment through
a building expansion and purchase of capital equipment in the amount of $8.5
million. In exchange, the County agreed to pay $22,000 in incentives to be paid
over a 3-year period. The Agreement requires that Printpack complete its
capital investment no later than February 28, 2003. It also requires that they
certify that the capital investment is complete and paid for by March 31, 2003.
The equipment will be in place by the 20th, and their
purchase agreement has a deadline for making the equipment operational by March
1, 2003; however, they, as a matter of practice, typically withhold a retainage
on new equipment to make sure that the equipment operates as it should prior to
their paying 100% of the price. They have therefore requested that the dates be
extended. They would like the deadline for completion to be extended to April
30, 2003, and the date for certification to be extended to May 31, 2003.
An addendum to the incentives agreement prepared by the County Attorney
was included for the Board=s consideration. It was very straightforward, and simply extended the
deadlines as requested.
Waterline and Sewerline Extension(s)
The City of Hendersonville had requested any County comments on
proposed waterline and sewerline extensions. Copies of the City=s requests and the County=s review sheets were presented for Board
The Project Name of the proposed extensions was:
Sunrise Ridge
As discussed earlier in the meeting, the County will express a
particular concern on the installation of the fire hydrants, and will ask for a
response from the City on how previous concerns had been addressed.
Chairman Hawkins reminded the Board of the following vacancies and
opened the floor to nominations:
1. Nursing/Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee - 10 vac.
Chairman Hawkins nominated Jean Justus to Position #17. Chairman
Hawkins made the motion to suspend the rules and appoint Ms. Justus to Position
#17. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
2. Fire & Rescue Advisory Committee - 1 vac.
There were no nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the
next meeting.
3. Governmental Financing
Corporation - 3 vac.
Mr. Nicholson explained that any time Henderson County issues
Certificates of Participation to do long term financing projects, a financing
corporation such as this must be used. The money borrowed flows through the
Financing Corporation then on to Henderson County. Originally there were three
members of the Corporation, however about a year ago the membership was
increased to five.
Chairman Hawkins nominated Fielding Lucas to fill one of the vacancies.
There was discussion over the necessary number of members, and whether it made
more sense for a Commissioner to fill a position. It was the consensus of the
Board to decrease the membership back to three members. Chairman Hawkins
withdrew his nomination, and stated that he would serve on the Board. Commissioner
Moyer made the motion to have Chairman Hawkins serve on the Board. All voted in
favor and the motion carried.
4. Henderson County Comprehensive Plan
Advisory Committee - 1 vac.
Commissioner Young nominated Larry Blair to serve on that committee. Chairman
Hawkins made the motion to accept Mr. Blair by acclamation. All voted in favor
and the motion carried.
Commissioner Moyer reminded the Board that Bill Blalock had been
serving as the Chairman of that Committee, as appointed by the Board of
Commissioners. This appointment will be discussed at the next meeting.
Juvenile Crime
Prevention Council - 1 vac.
There were no nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the
next meeting.
Angela Beeker reminded the Board that at the mid-October meeting, a
group of citizens spoke to some concerns over gun shots being fired in the
neighborhood that resulted in bullet holes on their property. The Board was
presented with some ordinances from other counties, and requested that Ms.
Beeker draft an ordinance based on those examples.
Ms. Beeker had worked with Mose Highsmith, Sheriff=s Staff Attorney, and they had put together
an ordinance based on their discussions and Mr. Highsmith=s discussions with other jurisdictions that
have similar ordinances in place. Primarily, the ordinance would be enforced by
criminal penalties. It was organized to fit into the County Code, and proposed
to add a Part 2 to Chapter 196 on the discharging of firearms. It would be
enacted pursuant to NCGS 153A-129, which specifically states that the Board may
regulate the discharge of firearms, but cannot prohibit anything the game laws
She noted that there would be three basic restrictions on the discharge
of firearms:
A person cannot
discharge a firearm within 300 feet of a building designed to be occupied or
used by humans without the building owners permission. That permission would
have to be in writing.
It is unlawful
for any person to discharge a firearm carelessly or heedlessly in wanton
disregard for the safety of others.
It is unlawful
for any person to discharge a firearm on the property of another without their
There followed some discussion on the statement Aa building designed to be occupied or used by
humans@, with the concern being that there might be
a future clarification and interpretation problem. Ms. Beeker stated that she
would clarify that statement and add some different language.
The ordinance would not prohibit discharging a firearm when used:
In lawful
defense of a person=s
To take birds
or animals pursuant to the game laws
Pursuant to
lawful directions of law enforcement officers
By persons
lawfully engaged in pest control of the taking of dangerous animals
By members of
the armed forces acting in the line of duty
At historical
ceremonial or commemoration functions held for such purpose, provided in no
event shall live ammunition be used or discharged.
There was some discussion among the Board regarding how firing ranges
would be affected by the ordinance. Chairman Hawkins suggested that some
language be added that would not prohibit firing a weapon within 300 feet of a
structure if there was sufficient land or a backstop to prevent the projectile
from leaving the property. Ms. Beeker expressed concern that such wording would
make the ordinance harder to enforce because in many instance it would be a
judgement call as to whether adequate precautions had been taken. There
followed much discussion on the various intricacies of the language to be used
in the ordinance, especially in regards to firing ranges.
Commissioner Messer made the motion to accept the ordinance to regulate
the firing of weapons in Henderson County as discussed. Commissioner Moyer questioned whether that
motion would include the clarification of structures used by humans? Chairman
Hawkins stated that he hoped the Board would open the topic up for public
discussion at a future meeting prior to adoption. He felt it would be appropriate
for Commissioner Messer to withdraw his motion, have staff do some research and
bring it back. Commissioner Messer agreed to withdraw his motion. It was the
consensus of the Board to schedule some time for public comment on the
ordinance, and have it back on the agenda following those comment
Selena Coffey presented the AFY 2003 Budget Report@ to the Board for their review. That report is attached hereto and
incorporated as a part of the minutes. Ms. Coffey discussed the report in
detail, and Mr. Nicholson spoke to the intricacies of sales taxes and ad
valorem taxes.
Commissioner Baldwin questioned the current level of the fund balance.
Mr. Nicholson stated that going into the year, the county had 13%. With what
had been appropriated, without anything being returned, the county was now
between 10% and 10.5% at year end. He explained that the Local Government
Commission recommends the county have 8%, or half of what other similar size
counties have in unrestricted fund balance.
Commissioner Young questioned what percent of the budget consisted of
Medicaid. Selena Coffey answered that it was $3.89 million dollars, of a $73
million dollar budget. Mr. Nicholson pointed out that North Carolina is one of
only seven states in the U.S. where the counties have any responsibility for
Medicaid. He also noted that if a county does not pay their required portion,
by law the state can withhold it from their sales tax payment.
At their January 6, 2003 meeting, the Board made preliminary
Commissioner assignments to several of the Boards and Committees. A number of
the Boards which previously had a Commissioner representative, do not actually
require such representation. The Board requested that staff bring back
recommendations regarding what action, if any, would be necessary for those
Boards and Committees on which a Commissioner will no longer serve.
Staff had compiled the following list of the Committees affected, and
recommendations on possible alternatives. Commissioners served on the following
Boards as staff contacts or representatives, and did not fill a position.
Therefore no action was required:
Advisory Committee
Employee Suggestion
Solid Waste
Advisory Committee
C Alliance
for Human Services
Advisory Committee
Cane Creek
Advisory Committee
Mud Creek
District Advisory Council
Baldwin felt that unless a Commissioner had someone which they wished to
nominate, those positions should be left vacant. Commissioner Messer stated
that he might be able to serve on the Cane Creek Advisory Committee, schedule
allowing. David Nicholson stated that Committee is now meeting only as needed,
and hasn=t had a meeting for several months.
Ms. Beeker
stated that the Mud Creek District Advisory Council is required to have a
County Commissioner member per the contract entered into with the City of
Hendersonville. Chairman Hawkins asked the Board to consider whether they would
care to serve on that Council, and stated that they find a representative prior
to their next meeting.
Amy Brantley
noted that the Alliance Human Services wished to have a County representative
on their Board, regardless of whether the member was a Commissioner. David
Nicholson stated that Selena Coffey currently served on that Board, and would
be willing to continue her work with that group. It was the consensus of the
Board to have Ms. Coffey serve as the County representative on that Board.
The following
Committees had a Commissioner representative as requested in the committee=s charter. A change should be made to the
Charter of the following to withdraw that requirement:
Advisory Committee
Advisory Committee
It was the consensus of the Board to make the changes necessary to no
longer require a Commissioner to serve on those two committees. Commissioner
Moyer did state that he felt it important that the Environmental Advisory
Committee continue to have a Commissioner representative.
At their January 6, 2003 meeting, the Board requested information
regarding report requirements for Boards and Committees. The following chart
denotes those Boards that have such a requirement, and the frequency with which
those reports are due.
Agriculture Advisory Board Annually
Apple Country
Greenway Commission Annually
- on or before February 1st
Cane Creek Water &
Sewer District Advisory Committee Annually
Child Fatality Prevention
Team Annually
Community Child Protection Team Annually
EMS Quality Management
Committee As
needed or requested
Environmental Advisory Committee Annually
Local Emergency Planning
Committee Annually
- on or before February 1st
Nursing/Adult Care Home CAC Annually
Recreation Advisory Board Monthly
Transportation Advisory Committee Annually
Travel and Tourism
Committee Quarterly
and Annually
David Nicholson requested
that Ms. Brantley contact those Boards to facilitate the receipt of
those reports. He stated
that they could be placed on the Consent Agenda for review.
Historic Courthouse Committee Charter
David Nicholson presented the Board a Charter
for the Historic Courthouse Committee. Chairman Hawkins noted that the Charter
called for the life of the Committee to be about six months, that they must
operate under the North Carolina Open Meeting Laws, and should submit a report
to the Board quarterly.
Commissioner Moyer questioned the use of the
term Ato review@ under the charge to the committee. He felt that the Board wanted them
to make specific recommendation rather than just review information. It was the
consensus of the Board to change that wording to Aprovide recommendations@.
Chairman Hawkins noted the following groups
identified to make up the committee:
City of
Travel &
Chamber of
Business and
Merchants Association
and Historical Society
Preservation Society
Beautification Committee
News Media
Members of
Commissioner Moyer stated he felt Veteran=s organizations have an interest in the building,
and that they should have a representative on the Committee. It was the
consensus to add a member
form a Veteran=s organization. There was some discussion regarding contacting those
various groups to request assistance in finding people interested in serving on
the Committee.
It was the consensus of the Board to
establish the Historic Courthouse Committee under the Charter as indicated, and
ask staff to correspond with the groups listed and ask for assistance with
identifying potential members.
Human Services Building
Chairman Hawkins reminded the Board that
there had been an offer from BB&T on a financing package for the plans as
they currently stand. Additionally, the Board had looked at some requests for
bids, along with the original financing package. Subsequent to that, when the
Board requested that Mr. Nicholson go back to BB&T to explore a financing
plan, there had been some additional charges added to the original package.
At their retreat, the Board made plans to
have a more detailed discussion on the Human Services Building at their
February 3rd meeting. To have a full discussion at that meeting,
Chairman Hawkins thought the County Manager should inquire into what types of
financing are now available to go with the bid packages.
David Nicholson stated that there were
several different ways to do the financing on the project. Because of the
previous time constraints, he explored doing an installment contract financing
which was where the additional fees were introduced. He explained that he would
like to go back and talk to BB&T, and devise an appropriate calendar if the
Board wished to proceed with a COPS issue. He reminded the Board that instead
of using a professional estimator, the county had a construction firm provide a
construction estimate for the project. With those numbers, and looking at the
COPS issue and the time frame associated, Mr. Nicholson felt he could bring
back some additional information at the next meeting.
Chairman Hawkins reminded the Board that he
had distributed a memo concerning another piece of land that might be available
as a potential site. Commissioner Moyer stated that there are other options,
and these options should be explored. One example is the Blue Ridge Community
College (BRCC). BRCC has offered the County the choice of a site on which a
Human Services Building could be constructed. There would be no cost for the
land, though there would be some site preparation costs. He felt that the
existing building should be sold, and other sites investigated. There followed
much discussion on the pros and cons of the BRCC site. The Board asked David
Nicholson to correspond with BRCC on the various possibilities, and report back
to the Board on February 3rd.
1. Bruce Gosnell - Mr. Gosnell was not
present to speak when called.
2. Eva Ritchey - Ms. Ritchey spoke to the
Board as the coordinator of Million-Mom-March, North Carolinians Against Gun
Violence. This organization is very interested in common sense gun laws. She
wished to go on record as opposing the 300 foot limit as too close. The types
of guns available today make this distance not appropriate. She stated that she
did not feel the Board should look at a firearms ordinance apart from the noise
ordinance. She also stated that she felt the NRA should be contacted for their
opinions on the ordinance.
3. Frank Holden - Mr. Holden was not present
to speak when called.
4. Leon Allison - Mr. Allison stated that he
felt people had the right to own and fire weapons, but did not have the right
to discharge that weapon in the direction of a home, a building or a barn. He
did not have a problem with people firing weapons toward their own house as
close as they wished. He felt that the ordinance had to be written in a way to
give the police force in the County the authority to make an informed decision,
including some rules and regulations on which to base those decisions.
He also spoke to the Carolina Apparel
Building. He stated that he had noticed as a Planning Board member, that 99.9%
of rezoning applications deal with traffic situations. He stated that locating
the Health Department on Spartanburg Highway would not change the traffic
pattern. However he did not feel that Allen Road would be a suitable site.
The National Park Service had developed a
Management Plan for the Carl Sandburg Home Historic Site. Included within that
Plan was a proposed boundary expansion for the Site. Should the Board decide to
support that boundary expansion, a draft Resolution was presented for their
Connie Backlund, Site Superintendent,
provided the Board some background on the planning process. She explained that
they are a unit of the National Park Service, established by congress in 1968.
They had been under a Master Plan for the last 35 years, which has now been
accomplished and completed. Over the last four years, they had engaged the
community in another long range planning process, and had crafted a General
Management Plan. This plan will guide the future of the site for at least 20
The issues being dealt with in the long range
plan were:
The growing
number of visitors, especially those from the immediate area.
A growing need
for added parking.
The changing
context of the park, including areas on the park boundaries.
Over the past year, the National Park Service
had worked very closely with the Village of Flat Rock to find common ground in
what is best for the community at large with regards to this expansion. She
summarized the important points of the land portion of the plan as (1) always
willing seller and willing buyer, and (2) the land is all to the west of Hwy.
25 and to the south of Little River Road. She continued her discussion, elaborating
on the various uses for the expansion, and the owners of the land where they
might wish to expand. One of those land owners is the Conservation Trust for
North Carolina, who are holding 22 acres to be purchased by the Site by
November, 2003.
Commissioner Moyer made the motion that the
Board adopt the Resolution as presented. All voted in favor and the motion
Selena Coffey provided a brief overview of
the HOME Program. She explained that it is federal money that comes from the
Housing Urban Development Division of the Federal Government. Henderson County
is a member of the Asheville Regional Housing Consortium, and this year the
Consortium estimates that it will get $1.4 million dollars from HOME Program
funds. 30% of that is set aside for Community Housing Development Organizations
(CHDO=s), and administration of the program. The
remaining 70% goes to the Consortium, with is divided out to the member
governments of the Consortium. Therefore, Henderson County=s HOME Program allocation is an established
allocation that Henderson County is responsible for using within the county.
The money received is for use in the unincorporated parts of the county, and is
based on population. Occasionally, funds go back to the Consortium and are used
by other agencies. To compete for those funds, agencies must have a very good
time line of how they are going to spend that money.
Habitat for Humanity requested $96,945.75 for
Phase I of the Highlander Woods Development. Highlander Woods is a 16 family
development on South Highlander Drive. These funds being requested for this
year, are gap funding requests to cover the remaining land cost of $33,360, and
the remaining infrastructure costs for road paving of $63,585.
Housing Assistance Corporation requested
$150,000 for Downpayment Assistance for the Village at King Creek project, as
well as any other downpayment need. HOME funds in the amount of $165,000 were
awarded for this project during the 2002 program year.
Chairman Hawkins made the motion that both
projects be approved, and that Ms. Coffey be directed to come back with as much
money at the Consortium level as possible. All voted in favor and the motion
Chairman Hawkins called a five minute
technical recess.
for a Special Use Permit for Expansion to a Preexisting Mining and Extraction
Operation. Application #SP-02-01 by Junius Grimes
Chairman Hawkins made the motion for the
Board to go into a Quasi-judicial proceeding.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Chairman Hawkins - AJust
a couple of comments, uh, a quasi-judicial proceeding is being held today on
the following petition: Application for a Special Use Permit for Expansion to a
Preexisting Mining and Extraction Operation, Application #SP-02-01 by Mr.
Grimes. A quasi-judicial proceeding, much like a court proceeding, is a
proceeding in which one's individual's rights are being determined. The
proceedings will be conducted under the Henderson County Board of Commissioners
Rules of Procedure for Quasi-judicial Proceedings. Only persons who can
demonstrate that they will be affected by the outcome of the decision are
allowed to participate in the proceedings. Just as a general overview, all
persons who speak and participa, participate including any witnesses that will
be called, will be placed under oath.
The Board will ask the petitioner or the petitioner=s attorney what evidence the petitioner wishes to
present in support of the request. Then
after the petitioner is finished, anyone else who has expressed a desire to be
a party and, and, uh, who the Board has recognized as a party would then be
allowed to present their evidence. All
parties will be given an opportunity to ask questions of all witnesses
testifying in this proceeding. The
Board will be given an opportunity to ask questions also. After the evidence is
presented the Board will discuss the issues raised and will make a
decision. The Board=s decision must be made in writing within 45 days of
the hearing. Uh, Ms. Beeker do you have any special instructions to the Board,
uh, prior to, uh, identifying the parties to the proceedings?@
Angela Beeker - AYes I do thank you Mr. Chairman. Um, I just want to
remind the Board members and inform the new Board members, um, that in a
quasi-judicial proceeding an applicant is entitled to know everything that is
being considered when the Board makes the decision. So, therefore, um, it is
appropriate that if you have been to the site or have spoken with the applicant
or gained any information outside of the hearing, that you would reveal that so
that the applicant could know and have a chance maybe to address anything that,
um, you might be relying on that is not formally part of the proceeding.@
Chairman Hawkins - AEveryone
understand that? Okay. At this time we=ll
identify the, uh, parties to the proceeding. The Board acknowledges the
petitioner Mr. Grimes, and the Planning Staff as parties to the proceedings.
Uh, are there any other persons present who can demonstrate that they will be
affected by the outcome of this proceeding and who wish to be a party to the
William Lapsley - AMr.
Chairman, uh, I=m representing the applicant.@
David Nicholson - ATo
the, to the mic please.@
Chairman Hawkins - AIf
you would come on up Mr. Lapsley and we=ll
get you sworn, uh, if it=s the pleasure of the Board if they=re, uh. Is there anyone else? Would you please come
forward sir and state your name.@
Richard Anderson - AUh,
Richard Anderson. We own the property directly in front of the quarry.@
Chairman Hawkins - AOkay.
Anybody have any objections to him being a part of the proceedings, obviously
David Nicholson - AYou
need to go over there too.@
Chairman Hawkins - AAny,
uh, I see Karen and, uh, does any of you have witnesses you plan to call that
will need to be sworn also.@
Karen Smith - AThis
is Daniel Gurley our Zoning Administrator, he=ll be doing the primary presentation.@
Chairman Hawkins - AOkay.
Anyone else? Witnesses? Ms. Corn if you would, uh.@
Angela Beeker - AUm.
Before you do, if each of you could make sure the Clerk has your address, for
purposes of the order.@
Elizabeth Corn - AEach
of you must touch the Bible with your left hand, raise your right hand. Do you
swear or affirm that the testimony that you shall give to the Board of County
Commissioners shall be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so
help you God?@
In unison - AI
Chairman Hawkins - AIf
you=d take just a minute and let Ms. Corn get your mailing
address, or sometime get that to her. We=ll
begin our proceeding with evidence. Uh, we=ll
start out with a staff overview. Uh, Karen are you gonna give that or.@
Karen Smith - AMr.
Gurley=s gonna...@
Chairman Hawkins - AMr.
Dan Gurley - AOkay
good morning Board. Um, the applicant Mr. Junius Grimes is applying for a
special use permit, um, through his agent today Mr. William Lapsley, a local
land surveyor, um, for an expansion to a pre-existing mining and extraction
operation. Um, this is being done under Section 200-32.1.F(1)(C) of the
Henderson County Zoning Ordinance for the property known as Hooper=s Creek Quarry. Um, the expanded area of operation is
approximately .72 acres, as indicated on the, uh, site plan given to us by, by
Mr. Lapsley. Um, and basically this expansion will allow the owners to relocate
a sediment basin and enlarge it=s waste fill
site. Um, the, this is the first special use permit that the County has
received regarding regulated uses in the Open Use District. Um, as a rel, as a
related issue the applicant is also requesting a variance, um, from the
specific site standard, um, the fencing requirement for, um, mining and
extraction operations. The quarry expansion is proposed an a property that is
owned by Hooper Creek Quarry, LLC, um, it=s
located off of Hoopers Creek Road. Um, the subject is located approximately 635
feet west of the intersection of Hoopers Creek Road and Jackson Road. The
majority of the subject property is within the County=s jurisdiction. Um, a small portion including the
entrance and the section of the access road, um, falls within Fletcher=s extraterritorial jurisdiction. Uh, the subject
property contains approximately 32.5 acres. Five acres are currently governed
by state and federal mining permits. The proposed expansion requires a
modification to the applicant=s state mining
permit, and County staff has felt since then, that modif, since that amendment
is being necessary, a, um, special use permit would be necessary as well. Um,
we=ve attached a copy of the application of the state
mining permit to the packets that you received. Um, the details of the
operation are discussed in the attachment, um, entitled Hoopers Creek Quarry
Special Use Permit, Supplemental, um, information, and that=s attachment #3. Um, a special use permit is required
when there=s an expansion to one of the uses that=s listed in the Zoning Ordinance under, uh,
200-32.1(1)(F). Um, it=s County staff=s
interpretation that with the relocation of the sediment basin and the expansion
of the waste fill area, the operation is required to obtain a special use
permit. Um, staff has also interpreted this to mean that only the expansion
area of the pre-existing non-conforming use can be regulated under the
Henderson County Zoning Ordinance. So anything that was existing prior to May
16, 2001 would not be able to be regulated. Just the expansion area being done
today. Um, therefore the area containing the new sediment basin and the
enlargement to the waste fill area is the only portion of the operation that
can be considered under the ordinance. Um, that being the case you can see why
some of the general and specific site standards didn=t really m, or weren=t included in the review, just simply because of it being a sediment
basin and a waste fill area. Not the actually mining uses itself. Um,
definitions in the Open Use District, uh, 200-32.1 and Section 200-7 apply to
this application. Attachment #8 that was in your packet includes some excerpts
from the Zoning Ordinance that are pertinent to this issue. Um, as stated
before the applicant is requesting a variance, um, from the minimum site
specific standard requiring a secured fencing around the expansion area. As
stated before, um, the expansion is just the expansion area that we=re looking at and can be governed under the ordinance
now. Um, so the fencing would be required around the, um, new sediment basin
and the waste fill site. Um, lets see, Sections 200-56 and 200-70 of the Zoning
Ordinance require the Board of Commissioners to refer applications for Special
Use Permits to the Planning Board for review and recommendation. Uh, the Board
of Commissioners referred this application to the Planning Board, um, at it=s November 20th meeting, um, and the
Planning Board reviewed and made it=s
recommendations during it=s December 17th meeting. Um, with previous
special use permits this, um, as with previous special use permits the
recommendation will be entered into evidence later during this hearing. Um, in
accordance with 200-56(D) and 200-70(A)(2) of the Zoning Ordinance the Board of
Commissioners must make findings of fact regarding compliance with the
ordinance in order to grant a special use permit and may impose conditions. Um,
to ensure that a proposed use will meet the requirements of the Zoning
Ordinance, um, Section 200-56(D) lists the general site standards that apply to
all special uses and 200-70(A)(6), um, require that, uh, the Board of
Commissioners demonstrate that the proposed use complies with the specific
requirements for the use, um, if applicable. The Board of Commissioners also
will be hearing the variance today, um, the, there=s a list of things that are set up by general statute
that m, um, must be made affirmative through a finding of fact before a
variance can be issued. Um, those things are listed not only in your, um,
excerpts, but also, um, in the last paragraph of your, of staff=s memo. Um, the public hearing has been, um,
advertised in accordance with the Henderson County Zoning Ordinance and under
the, uh, Board of Commissioners rules of procedure for quasi-judicial
proceedings. Uh, notices of the hearing were published in the December 30th,
January 8th and January 13th editions of the Times-News.
On December 31st the Planning Department posted notice at the
project site to advertise the hearing, and on January 2nd the
Planning Department sent notices to the public of the public hearing via
certified mail to the applicant and abutters of the subject property. And if
there are any questions regarding, introduction.@
Chairman Hawkins - AUh,
let me ask you just a couple to, to be sure I=m, uh, straight. You, you ask, or you, uh, mention the supplemental
information and, in the supplemental information there was uh, quite a few
other areas that indicated a waiver would be required however, uh, you, I think
just indicated one specific site standard, the fencing requirement. Uh, are the
other, uh, other ones that you listed there, uh, not applicable in as much as
they=re, uh, not on the site that=s being, uh, for the special use permit?@
Daniel Gurley - AI
think the other, that was in the supplemental, was the, um, the new travelway
that=s being constructed.@
Chairman Hawkins - AYeah.@
Daniel Gurley - AUm,
we determined that, um, technically they=re
not constructing a travelway. It=s
going to be an earthen dam. Um, with a, just basically access for maintenance
that=d be used once, you know, every year or two for
maintenance to the dam. It=s not
technically what we would consider to be a travelway, and thusly wouldn=t have to, to meet that, um, I think it=s a 45 foot requirement. Or 45 foot travelway, or 30
foot travelway.@
Chairman Hawkins - ASo
you really just, uh, the Board=s really looking
for two things. One=s a special use permit and one is, uh, specific site
standard, uh, fencing variance.@
Dan Gurley - ACorrect.@
Chairman Hawkins - AOkay.@
Dan Gurley - ACorrect.@
Chairman Hawkins - AI,
that was what I wanted to do. Anybody have any questions for Mr. Gurley?@
Commissioner Baldwin - AI=ve got a question. You, uh, uh, it was your
interpretation that this is a non-conforming use? Existing non-conforming use?@
Dan Gurley - AIt=s existing non-conforming under the current ordinance,
Commissioner Baldwin - AThat was your interpretation?@
Dan Gurley - AYes.@
Commissioner Baldwin - ACan you read the definition of non-conforming use?@
Dan Gurley - AYes.@
Commissioner Baldwin - APublicly.@
Dan Gurley - ASorry,
I wasn=t prepared for this one. A non-conforming use is any
parcel of land, use of land, building, or structure lawfully existing at the
time of adoption of this chapter, or any amendment there to that does not
conform to the use requirements, dimensional or other requirements of the
district in which it is located.@
Commissioner Baldwin - AOkay. Why is this a non-conforming use?@
Dan Gurley - AUm,
currently it doesn=t meet, um, the requirements as far as access for the
width of the access road, um, it doesn=t
meet the buffer requirement, um, I think that might be all that it doesn=t meet.@
Commissioner Baldwin - AOkay. So, so access and the buffer requirement.@
Dan Gurley - ACorrect.@
Commissioner Baldwin - ACorrect. Okay. And, um, that=s
all I=ve got for now.@
Dan Gurley - AOkay.@
Chairman Hawkins - AAnyone
else have any questions for Mr. Gurley?@
Angela Beeker - AMr.
Chairman if I could offer one clarifying point for the Board. Um, when the
Board adopted the Open Use Zoning text, the Board also adopted provisions
governing the extent to which an expansion to a pre-existing non-conforming use
must comply. And the language that the Board adopted says that with regard to
those specific standards, an expansion to a pre-existing use, I=m paraphrasing but it says must meet it to the extent
possible, um, and that is why some of the things are being requested as a
waiver under that language. And then on the fencing, um, I=m assuming that everyone=s taking the position that that would be possible to meet that, but
that=s why they=re
asking for a variance. So if you=d
bear that in mind as you=re hearing the evidence.@
Commissioner Baldwin - AAnd, and, and what Angie said was, was, triggered another thought. As
far as, this has been defined as a non-conforming use, and you=ve said that is a non-conforming use because the
access, as well as the buffering does not comply with the current standards.
But, um, I guess what I=m getting at is, is an expansion of a non-conforming
use, and Angie you=re saying the language that was put in allows those
uses to continue as long as they@
Angela Beeker - AThe
expansion has to comply to the extent possible.@
Commissioner Baldwin - ATo the extent possible.@
Angela Beeker - AAnd
that=s the judgement call for the Board to make based on
the evidence that you would hear. So you know, you would need to ask questions
to be satisfied in your mind as to whether all of those standards could be met
or not. And that=s entirely your judgement call.@
Chairman Hawkins - AAnd,
and I think that=s in your, uh, in the text there. I, I don=t have the page number but it=s H, uh, which deals with the expansion and alteration
of certain uses. And then there=s a little more
on the, the next page on pre-existing uses. Uh, I don=t know what the lead in, uh, paragraph is for that,
might have been 200-32.1(F) but@
Commissioner Baldwin - AI=ll find it.@
Chairman Hawkins - AThat
might help you out a little bit on that.@
Commissioner Baldwin - AThank you.@
Daniel Gurley - AYes,
in your excerpts I did include that, the sections that Angie wa, uh, was
referring to regarding the expansion of pre-existing non-conforming uses in
Open Use.@
Chairman Hawkins - AAny
other questions for Mr. Gurley? Thank you.@
Commissioner Baldwin - AThanks Dan.@
Chairman Hawkins - AUh,
petitioner=s evidence. Mr. Lapsley are you gonna give that?@
William Lapsley - AMr.
Chairman, members of the Board, uh, for the record my name is Bill Lapsley. I=m a consulting engineer. I certainly don=t want the record to show that I=m a land surveyor. Uh, I=m not a licenced land surveyor. Uh, I=m here on behalf of the applicant as his agent. Uh, Junius Grimes who
represents Hoopers Creek Quarry, LLC. Uh, that operates, owns and operates the
quarry on this site. Uh, a little bit of background, uh, I have personally been
involved with Mr. Grimes since he took over the operation of the quarry
approximately 1993. Uh, it=s my
understanding that the quarry operated on and off for a number of years prior
to that. Mr. Messer may be able to recall, uh, the dates better than I, but I=m told that it op, it has operated as a quarry for,
for many years. Mr. Grimes operates the uh, quarry to, uh, uh, to mine stone, I=ll call it decorative stone out of the quarry, uh,
mainly for residential and commercial use, uh, facades of buildings and this
sort of thing. Uh, it, there=s no crusher
there or, or any kind of a processing operation. It=s a, a blast uh, the site of the mountain, uh, break
up the rock, put it in baskets you=ve
seem them the, in the, uh, display areas, uh, purchase areas, uh, around, uh,
for, uh, new homes or reconstruction purposes. Uh, they put um= in baskets and then they truck them off the site to a
sales yard in Asheville or direct to a project site that, that, they=ve sold, sold the, uh, stone to. So that=s the, uh, the process, uh what he goes through on the
property. Uh, it=s all of this information is described in the
application. Uh, but I=d point out to you that uh, that there are very fe,
minimum number of employees here. Uh, there, the days that I=ve been on the site there=s five to, to seven or so, uh, employees, uh, that are
working and gathering the stones and putting them in the basket. And, uh, one
to two trucks a day is what Mr. Grimes tells me, uh, is come in, and take the
stone that=s been gathered, load it on the truck and, and take it
out. Uh, there is a very narrow access road, uh, as Mr. Gurley mentioned, uh,
it=s a, doesn=t
conform to the, uh, new ordinance travelway that=s the one that he=s used, uh, from day one. It=s a, uh, about a 12-14 foot wide access road inside a
30 foot, uh, right-of-way that gets into the quarry. Uh, two other bits of
information I understand from the ordinance the applicant is required to
present to you. One is the, um, uh, residential density, uh, within a mile of
the, uh, uh, the property with the assistance of Henderson County GIS we, we
have a map, uh, that shows all the homes in Henderson County, uh, and then I
have added to that the tract in Buncombe County because this one mile radius
does extend beyond the Henderson County limit. Uh, the breakdown of that for
the record is in Henderson County there=s
1,332 acres within this area. And, uh, uh, residential home count of 680. I=m sorry, correct that, the acreage in Henderson County
is 1,332, the acreage in Buncombe County is 680. The residential home count in
Henderson County is 485 and on the Buncombe County side is 23. So the total
density is 508 homes within 2,009 acres which gives a density of one unit per
3.95 acres. And the ordinance requires uh, that it be less than one unit in two
acres. And so we understand the, the math here the density that we found is
half of what the ordinance requires. So we have one unit for approximately four
acres and the ordinance requires one unit, two acres. So that was one point
that we needed to put in the record. The second is the separation from existing
schools or health facilities. And again with the assistance of, uh, your GIS
Department, uh, we have a map that shows that there are no schools, uh, or
health facilities within the radius in, and Karen you=ll have to correct me is that a...@
Chairman Hawkins - AHalf
William Lapsley - AHalf
a mile, uh, within the half mile radius of the site. Uh, on the Buncombe County
side there are no schools or health care facilities, uh, within that radius. So
we believe we meet, meet those two conditions. Uh, a foot note, uh, this
process Mr. Grimes, uh, as I mentioned has been operating this facility for a
number of years. Uh, he came to me last summer, indicated he needed to fill in
his sediment control basin, that the mining permit that he has requires, uh,
that he keep active, he needed to use that space and relocate his sediment
basin. Uh, what we thought would be a, a relatively simple process to relocate
his sediment basin, uh, turned out that we had to modify his mining permit
which required him to, uh, fill out a substantial package of information, send
it to Raleigh, which is still in the review process. Uh, that required that he
notify all of the adjoining property owners by certified mail which he has
done. Uh, it required him to notify a local governments that are affected. Uh,
which included the County as well as the Town of Fletcher, which he has done.
Uh, which prompted, uh, your Planning Department to call to his attention that
would require, uh, this special use permit, uh, so I think it, it=s fair to say Mr. Grimes never dreamed that moving his
sediment basin would require so much effort but, so be it that=s the regulation that he has to deal with. Uh, and he
has complied with all of the step, uh, that we know of that he has to go
through, uh, to do this. Uh, one other point with regard to his state mining
permit modification, uh, the plan that you have presented before you is the one
that was submitted to the State. The State reviewed it and has requested some
changes to the plan. Uh, the changes did not enlarge the area affected, uh, but
it does, uh, move the proposed sediment basin from the top of the hill that=s shown on the plan to the bottom of the hill. And the
State was very adamant about that and that has been sent in to the State for
final approval. Uh, but the plan has been modified somewhat, uh, at the request
of the State, um, uh, Division of Land Resources, Mining Section. So, we=re, uh, expecting to get approval of that here shortly
and hopefully that in conjunction with an approval from the Commissioners. Mr.
Grimes will be able to proceed with his, uh, changing his sediment basin. If
you have any questions I=d be more than happy to attempt to answer them. Uh,
Mr. Grimes apologizes he could not be here this morning and, uh, asked me as
his agent to fill in for him.@
Chairman Hawkins - AAny
questions for Mr. Lapsley?@
Commissioner Messer - AYes Bill on the, uh, fencing@
William Lapsley - AYes.@
Commissioner Messer - Athat he asked for the variance. Would you mind stating how much fencing
do you think that would require?@
William Lapsley - AWell
as I understand the ordinance, and, and, Mr. Gurley maybe can correct me, uh,
under the, the ordinance if this was a new facility the entire area has to be
fenced. Uh, because this is an expansion of a pre-existing condition the
fencing would apply to the new expanded area. Uh, the existing quarry area does
not have a chain link fence, barbed wire, or anything like that around it. Uh,
and the area that=s proposed for expansion would be actively involved in
the day to day operation of the quarry, and so it seems to Mr. Grimes that, uh,
having a fence around this small area, with respect to the entire operation,
didn=t seem to make a whole lot of sense. Uh, he has not
had any problem with, with public, uh, disturbing the property or coming in.
There=s been no, uh, as far as I know there=s been nobody hurt or nobody accessing the property
that would, from security standpoint that he would need to have a fence there
to protect the public. Uh, and so, uh, for those reasons, uh, he felt that it
was unnecessary to fence this area. So that=s
why he asked for a variance.@
Commissioner Baldwin - AIs the property posted?@
William Lapsley - AYes.
Yes the mining permit, uh, requires around the edge, uh, especially the upper
area above the quarry, to be posted and he has, has done that. Has apparently
has done that for many years, from day one.@
Chairman Hawkins - AAny
other questions for Mr. Lapsley at this time?@
Angela Beeker - AI
have one clarification question. Um, in the application, the State application
it did indicate that there is some permanent fencing in place in@
William Lapsley - AThere=s some barbed wire fencing, he tells me that=s very old around the prop, uh, at the property line
on the upper end on the top of the mountain, that continues to be in place but,
uh, what little I saw I wouldn=t exactly call
it a security fence of any kind. It=s
old cattle fence that, that somebody put up years and years ago.@
Angela Beeker - AThat=s in the completed excavations area?@
William Lapsley - AIt=s above, it=s
above the excavation area.@
Angela Beeker - AUm,
and then the other clarification question, um, it=s the applicants position that except for the standards which the
applicant has specifically requested a waiver, that the application meets all
those specific site standards.@
William Lapsley - AWe
believe it does, yes.@
Chairman Hawkins - AAny
other questions for Mr. Lapsley? Thank you. Staff, do you have additional
Daniel Gurley - AOkay
thank you Mr. Chair. Um, as stated earlier this, um, application did have to go
to the Planning Board for review and recommendation. Um, at it=s December 17th, 2002 meeting the Henderson
County Planning Board did review, um, this application as submitted by Mr.
Grimes and, um, made the following recommendation. Um, the Planning Board
members voted unanimous, unanimously 5-0 to send the Board of Commissioners a
favorable recommendation on this application, um, with the following
conditions. One being fencing, um, either the applicant wants to receive a
variance for the fencing or the area would have to be fenced per the ordinance.@
Commissioner Baldwin - AWhich area?@
Daniel Gurley - AThe
expansion area.@
Commissioner Baldwin - AOnly the expansion area.@
Daniel Gurley - AWe
are only, we are only discussing the expansion area in this application,
nothing about the existing quarry. Just the sediment basin and the, um, waste
fill area that=s being expanded. Um, saying that, um, the condition
was either the applicant would have to fence that area, or receive a variance,
um, from the Board of Commissioners. Um, the second condition being, um, compl,
compliance with federal, state and local laws. Um, the applicant would have to
receive, um, approval from the state for his amendment to this mining permit.
Um, and thirdly, um, the amendment to the application site plan, um, as Mr.
Lapsley stated, um, during the Planning Board meeting it was brought to our
attention that, um, the site plan submitted did not indicate the exact location
of where the sediment basin, sediment basin was going to be located. Um, they
asked that, um, a plan be presented showing that new location. Um, the draft,
the draft minutes, and I will say these are draft minutes, um, the Board, the
Planning Board doesn=t meet again until the 22nd, I believe. 21st
excuse me, um, to accept these minutes, so these are draft minutes, um, that
are presented. And this, uh, is basically what was said at the Planning Board
meeting. Um, also, uh, for your information we have the copy of the site plan
that we received, um, including the sediment, uh, the location of the sediment
basin and the expansion of the waste fill site. Um, this is, um, being shown on
the pedestal here as well. Um....photos, yes, I=m sorry. Uh, we to have photos, um, they show what we thought was going
to be the sediment basin, um, and that area. Um, as Mr. Lapsley stated the
sediment basin is now being planned on being moved so I=m not sure if you even care to see those photographs
of where we thought it was going to be when we did our site...@
Chairman Hawkins - AI
think as far, uh, as where the State determines you have to put the sediment
basin is, is gonna be one thing but I, I don=t
think it=ll affect, uh, as I understand it whether or not you,
the Board grants a special use permit and/or variance to the fencing. I don=t think that will be germaine.@
Angela Beeker - AYou
don=t regulate that.@
Chairman Hawkins - AWell.
Daniel Gurley - AOkay.@
Chairman Hawkins - AUh,
do you want to enter those photos in as evidence or@
Daniel Gurley - AWe
can enter them if the, if the Board wishes, um, as I stated the, the
photographed area is that of where we thought the sediment basin was going to
be at that time.@
Commissioner Moyer - ANot really relevant now though, we don=t need um as evidence.@
Daniel Gurley - AOkay.
Um, then I believe that=s all that we have right now.@
Chairman Hawkins - AAny
other questions?@
Angela Beeker - AYes
sir, um, Dan, you have read the Planning Board minutes correct?@
Daniel Gurley - AYes.@
Angela Beeker - AThey
reflect, um, a number of statements that you made in those minutes. Have you
read those?@
Daniel Gurley - AYes.@
Angela Beeker - ADo
you re-adopt those say under oath as your statement as well?@
Daniel Gurley - AUh,
yes I will.@
Angela Beeker - AOkay.
In the, um, Request for Board Action for the Planning Board, um, there were
staff comments in that as well. Did you make those?@
Daniel Gurley - AYes,
it was...@
Angela Beeker - AAnd
the reason I=m asking is because it contains basically a staff
analysis of like the buffer, and the, whether it=s possible for him to comply.@
Daniel Gurley - AYes.@
Angela Beeker - ADo
you readopt those statements also@
Daniel Gurley - AI
Angela Beeker - Atoday
under oath?@
Daniel Gurley - AI
Angela Beeker - ASo
what, what do those statements reflect regarding whether or not it=s possible for them to comply with the buffer or not?@
Daniel Gurley - AUm,
basically as, as you see on the site plan, um, if, and the buffer requirement
is that of, um, 500 feet. If you notice the, the width of the property, um, and
the location of the expansion area, um, the 500 feet the property=s not even 500 feet wide at that point. Um, so as stated
in the, uh, Planning Board, um, Request for Board Action, um, it would be
almost impossible for him to meet the 500 foot buffer at that point considering
his property=s not even 500 feet wide. Um, so, and as the ordinance
states, um, any expansion to a pre-existing, non-conforming use in an Open Use
District, um, the applicant is to try and meet the standards to the greatest
extent possible. Um, it=s, it=s staffs
opinion that, um, the buffer that he is showing that he can do is, is the
greatest extent that can be done since obviously the 500 foot buffer can=t be, um, achieved.@
Angela Beeker - AThe,
um, area that has a dotted line around it, that=s the quarry area but the property boundary is the larger boundary. Is
that correct?@
Daniel Gurley - AYes.
Um, as Karen is pointing out now on the television, um, that dotted line is the
expansion area that they=re looking at. Um, the, the dark black line that
surrounds, that goes on the outside where pencils, um, line. Um, that=s the property line.@
Angela Beeker - AOkay.@
Commissioner Baldwin - AThe dark, um, excuse me, the dark areas, um, the dark areas that, uh,
where the expansion is going to occur. Now what type of activity is gonna take
place in those areas, is this additional area to be mined.@
Daniel Gurley - AIt=s, it=s@
Commissioner Baldwin - AMr. Lapsley. The, the dark areas...@
William Lapsley - ANo
Commissioner Baldwin - A...for expansion.@
William Lapsley - ANo.
There is no expansion of the mining extraction.@
Commissioner Baldwin - AOkay.@
William Lapsley - AThe,
the area, the expansion area that we=re,
that=s before you is for waste material. It=s for dirt and smaller rocks that don=t end up in the baskets, that they=re not hauling off site. And, uh, there=s, there=s,
that=s all that=s,
and, and the sediment basin.@
Commissioner Baldwin - AOkay. So, there=s no additional mining.@
William Lapsley - ANo.
No sir.@
Angela Beeker - AMr.
Lapsley what would you estimate the length of that boundary to be on it=s narrowest, the property boundary not the mining
boundary. I don=t see any dimensions on the drawing.@
William Lapsley - AThis
property down here?@
Angela Beeker - AThe,
William Lapsley - AOr
the width here?@
Angela Beeker - AThe
width, yes sir, on that narrowest end.@
William Lapsley - AWell
this is 1 to 100, uh, and this area, is probably about 500 feet. Uh,@
Daniel Gurley - AOkay.@
William Lapsley - AVery
close to that.@
Angela Beeker - AOkay.@
William Lapsley - ABut
the mining...to answer your question...the mining permit for extraction is this
area right here. And there, he=s limited to
that without applying for another expansion of the mining operation which he=s not, uh, this is the area, that=s crosshatched that, that he=s currently working in. Okay so...@
Commissioner Baldwin - ASo the dashed area he=s permitted.@
William Lapsley - AYes.@
Commissioner Baldwin - ACurrently permitted.@
William Lapsley - AYes,
Commissioner Baldwin - ATo mine within that area.@
William Lapsley - AYes.
Yes. Within that boundary the current waste material area and sediment,
existing sediment basin=s right here. So what we=re proposing to do, is to move this from here to here. So that he can
use this area to fill it in with waste material, uh, and continue to operate.@
Commissioner Baldwin - ASo, so the, let me see if I can get, understand this right now. The
mining=s not gonna increase and the dark areas, uh, if you,
if you=d point to those, uh.@
William Lapsley - AThis
is existing sediment basin.@
Commissioner Baldwin - AOkay.@
William Lapsley - A...moved.
It is, this area is the travelway or the access road to the site, and we=re proposing to regrade that to help with slopes and
reseed it and gravel this road, and that=s
why that=s darker. So part of the erosion control permit was to
improve this roadway.@
Chairman Hawkins - ABut
most of that=s in the Fletcher ETJ is it not? The roadway?@
William Lapsley - AThe
Fletcher ETJ is right here.@
Chairman Hawkins - AOkay.@
Several people speaking at once.
William Lapsley - A...change
in the activity or the expansion, it=s
just that it=s a roadway regrade, and that, the expansion area is
right here.@
Commissioner Baldwin - ASo that=s the only part that=s being expanded.@
William Lapsley - AYes.
That=s correct.@
Commissioner Baldwin - AOkay.@
Chairman Hawkins - AAny
other, uh, evidence that staff needs to present?@
Daniel Gurley - ANo.@
Chairman Hawkins - AAny
questions? Any questions?@
Commissioner Baldwin - AWell, I wanted to get, get another thing squared away. It,
non-conforming uses we, we read the definition, we said, you explained why this
is a non-conforming use, the right-of-way or entrance into as well as the
buffering. And currently your standard says it=s 500 feet is the buffer?@
Daniel Gurley - AYes.@
Commissioner Baldwin - AOkay and we=re gonna be moving into it, that 500 foot area, matter
of fact the 500 foot area couldn=t
meet that right now right?@
Daniel Gurley - ACorrect.@
Commissioner Baldwin - ASo we=re expanding a non-conforming use, or the applicant
is, is attempting, uh, it=s an, it=s
an attempt to expand a non-conforming use. So we=re gonna increase the degree of non-conformity. Is that correct?@
Daniel Gurley - AIf,
if you read that, that back section of the ordinance, and Angie can jump in,
um, as well when it talks about the expansion of free existing non-conforming
Commissioner Baldwin - AAs much as possible, but when does that stop. I mean, he comes back
next year and he wants to expand, does he move right up to the property line
because he=s doing as well as he can do? That=s my question.@
Daniel Gurley - AUm,
I believe dur, through the special use permit process that=s kind of left up to the Board to make that decision.
As to what you believe the greatest extent shall be.@
Commissioner Baldwin - ASo in essence we=re granting the variance, it=s set up so that we grant a variance when we approve
this if we choose to do so.@
Daniel Gurley - AYes,
I believe that=s how the language was written in the Zoning
Commissioner Baldwin - AOkay.@
Chairman Hawkins - AAny
other questions? Thank you. Is there any additional parties evidence? Sir will
you come forward.@
Richard Anderson - AHi,
my name is, uh, Richard Anderson and, uh, we own, my wife and I own the
property directly in front, the 15 acres. Um, the quarry and the State I=m fairly familiar with and the, with that it was part
of my wife=s family and they had had it for many, many years. Uh,
it was really not used very often. It was originally started as a WPA Project
during, uh, the depression. And used, and dug out at that point and then pretty
much after that it went, it just wasn=t
used very much. There was a lot of rock up there and occasionally somebody
would go up, but the road was almost impassable. Um, when they took over it
they had to, uh, you know get, get their mining permit and things like this and
we were told at that time a lot of, uh, things that it was not gonna be
expanded. Uh, the, uh, nu, State Department of North Carolina Environmental and
Health and Natural Resources gave them a permit. Um, part of that permit, it
did say that the provisions for safety to persons and to adjoining property
must be provided at all, in, in all excavations in rock. We were told at that
time, verbally, that it was the entire project was gonna be fenced. That=s never been done. Um, as you=re aware that area of the county has grown a lot.
There=s a development I think that starts about a quarter of
a mile from there and I believe the density is either one, or either, uh, three
or four houses per acre. Um, their provision that they=re talking about that it, it, uh, fits within the
density uses a lot of property from Buncombe County. Which is really over the
top of the ridgeline. And, uh, it=s
really unbuildable property. But right down where the quarry is, and if this,
and dam would ever let loose it=s all down hill
and goes towards that location. In fact the drainage, I think you=re planning a fire station out there is, kinda where
the drainage would go. Um, as you can tell I=m
probably against this. Uh, there is some safety issue I feel. Uh, they have
moved the, uh, their gate all the way down to the road and put a lock and
blocked the, uh, the access to our property as well as theirs, and I was told
the reason they wanted to do that was because of a lot of people going up that
Commissioner Baldwin - ASo, so the gate=s been moved closer to Jackson Road?@
Richard Anderson - A...it=s right on Jackson Road.@
Commissioner Baldwin - AOkay.@
Richard Anderson - AIt=s right on Hoopers Creek Road, excuse me.@
Commissioner Baldwin - AOkay, yeah, Hoopers Creek.@
Richard Anderson - AUm,
and, we don=t have a key but I guess I could get one but the, the,
um, um, that road is now entirely blocked off and I was told the reason they
put it down there was because people were coming up on that property. And, with
the addition of, what is that 400 houses just at the bottom of the quarry. You
know there=s gonna be a lot of kids, there=s gonna be a lot of access. You know, I, I=m of the opinion that not only should the part that
they=re discussing with the you should be fenced it for
protection, but the entire quarry should be because it must be 100 foot tall at
the top. And, uh, you know any kids walking through the woods, there=s a lot of nice paths up there, uh, that is a safety
issue from that point. Um, any questions do you have?@
Chairman Hawkins - AMr.
Anderson let me, let me clarify, cause I wasn=t quite sure your, um, your concern. Uh, it would appear that if they
are locking the gate on Hoopers Creek Road that, that would be a plus in the
safety area, not a minus but I...@
Richard Anderson - AWell
it, it, it blocks my access to my property okay. And it=s not supposed to be blocked. They arbitrarily without
permission put a, put a, uh, a fence down there.@
Chairman Hawkins - AOn
the easement or...@
Several people speaking at once.
Richard Anderson - AOn
the eas, on the easement. We came down there one day to go up on the property
and found this locked gate. And inquiring further about it we were told that
they had of problems with people coming up there, now that=s driving in. There=s,
there=s no, there=s
no provision at all for somebody walking around the gate. So, and, and walking
on the property. An, anybody could walk on the property.@
Commissioner Baldwin - ASo were you issued a key to the gate?@
Richard Anderson - ANo.
We have never been but, truly a private matter.@
Chairman Hawkins - AAny,
any, uh, other, uh, evidence, uh.@
Richard Anderson - ANo,
other than, other that I think that the density, if you would look at it for
the, the Henderson County portion, is, is probably at or very close to the, the
maximum that you=d allow. Uh, I wish you would, you know try to protect
all those people in there as much as you can. Uh, with fencing or whatever we
need to do.@
Chairman Hawkins - AOkay.@
Richard Anderson - AOkay?
Thank you.@
Chairman Hawkins - AThank
Angela Beeker - ABefore
you leave, Mr. Chairman he has an opportunity to ask questions of any of the
other persons who have spoken.@
Richard Anderson
- ADoes anybody have any questions for...@
Chairman Hawkins - AThat=s the next item, rebuttal.@
Angela Beeker - Do you have any questions for them?@
Commissioner Baldwin - AI was gonna ask one, one more of him. What about and intensity of the
operation as far as, uh, uh, just the mining activity what.@
Richard Anderson - AGenerally
I have not, I, I, I don=t, I don=t
live out there. You know, I=ve been told
that you can hear the blasting, there=s
not a lot of blasting though I=ve heard a
little bit more from the people that have moved into the development out there
that they didn=t, they were not aware of it at the time. And they
were kinda surprised to see that there was actually mining up the hill from
Commissioner Baldwin - AWhat=s the name of the development?@
Richard Anderson - AUm.@
Several people answered ALivingston Farms.@
Unidentified male - AI=m sorry what was the name of the development?@
Unidentified male - ALiv, Livingston Farms.@
Richard Anderson - AAlso
there was some concern about ETJ. My wife had, she was told that it was going
to be in the ETJ of Flecther. We=re
in the ETJ of Fletcher. We, we abound, we, we butt right up to theirs, so I was
just trying to, I didn=t know if that had ever been looked into. Is it really
or not, has it been surveyed out?@
Chairman Hawkins - AWell
that was a question I asked earlier. Mr. Lapsley I think addressed that as to
where the ETJ boundary came to apparently was very close to the entrance of the
end of the road down there on Hoopers Creek. Karen can you@
Richard Anderson - AYeah
all our 15 acres is in the ETJ.@
Chairman Hawkins - AKaren
can you show that, uh.@
Daniel Gurley - AUh,
basically where Karen=s showing now is the access road into the subject
property. Um, the dark black line, um, you can see the majority of the property
of the quarry is located in the Open Use District. Um, the ETJ is the, the rem,
the remainder of that black line, and I believe Livingston Farm is where ... is
written on that map.@
Richard Anderson - ADid
you want to see what our prop, which our property is? I can show that to you.@
Chairman Hawkins - AIs
it on@
Richard Anderson - A...on
there if they can put the map back up.
Chairman Hawkins - AIs
it on that map there also?@
Muffled discussion.
Chairman Hawkins - AOkay.@
Richard Anderson - A...see
it right there.@
Chairman Hawkins - AOkay.
Is, is, do you access off of Hoopers Creek directly?@
Richard Anderson - AYes,
off that same access road.@
Chairman Hawkins - AOkay,
you, you don=t have another access off of Hoopers Creek other than
the access road in to the back?@
Richard Anderson - ARight.
There never was built one.@
Chairman Hawkins - ABut
if I, if I read that map correctly then the larger part of this road leading in
there is in the Fletcher ETJ.@
Richard Anderson - AOh
yeah, I pay the taxes on it every year.@
Chairman Hawkins - AYeah.
Commissioner Baldwin - AI=d, I=d just like a,
just a few questions and I=d like to ask
Bill these same questions. Uh, do, in your opinion do you believe that the area
is being expanded as been shown to us as far as the operation goes?@
Richard Anderson - AI=ve got an old picture, which was taken in the spring,
where you could barely see the quarry. Alright this was taken, uh, in 90, in
the mid 90's when they were originally asking for the permit. You know and, if
you look at it now and you go out there today and the picture you can see the,
the, the quarry has gotten bigger. Even though the trees over that period grew
you can still see more of the quarry.@
Chairman Hawkins - ABut
that may be a function of what they=ve
taken out versus where the tress are would it not?@
Richard Anderson - AWell,
now maybe it=s my misunderstanding but at the original hearings we
were told that the quarry would not expand beyond the boundaries that were
already there. So in my way of thinking, the trees get bigger the quarry should
get smaller. You shouldn=t be able to see it as well. You know if they=re working within the same confines.@
Chairman Hawkins - ADo
you wish to enter that, um, picture?@
Richard Anderson - AIf
you=d like it, yes.@
Chairman Hawkins - ABoard,
board, need that? Like it?@
Angela Beeker - ASince
he has proffered it I would enter it for the record. Um, would you hand that to
Mrs. Corn so that the Board members can see it.@
Chairman Hawkins - ADo
we have to have some fancy number for it?@
Angela Beeker - AI
would think, we needed to keep it straight.@
Commissioner Baldwin - AExhibit 1.@
Several people speaking at once.
Angela Beeker - ADo
you have any other pictures that you wanted to show the Board?@
Richard Anderson - ANo
that one, pretty much I stood back on our property line and shot it. The length
of that field which was an old cow pasture looking up towards the quarry and
the top part of it=s where our trees are. And, uh, like I said, we were
told when it was gonna be the entire thing would be fenced and then after a
period of three years as the trees grew the, the quarry would pretty much be
hidden, and you can see it as well today so that=s what makes me feel that the quarry is bigger now than it was. That=s why I was hoping they would put a fence around it
and it would be real obvious at that point. Cause the fence would fall down.
But I=m, I=m, if you would
look at the density issues in there particularly since the new development and
I understand you=re going to get sewer out that way. That there=s a chance of even more development in that part of
the county that you=re going to be way over the uh, the uh, home density
requirements for the, for mining.@
Angela Beeker - AMr.
An, Mr. Anderson do you have any questions for Mr. Lapsley or for, um, about,
or for Mr. Gurley about anything they=ve
said today?@
Richard Anderson - AUh,
no other than I just differ some among the, on the usage of, of, the density on
property I think.@
Angela Beeker - AOkay.@
Richard Anderson - ADid
they have any questions for me?@
Chairman Hawkins - AWell
we could go ahead and get those if, uh, anyone has either any rebuttal evidence
or additional questions we=ll entertain
Commissioner Baldwin - AI would like to ask Dan another question about the density. Uh, did you
guys calculate the density on, within our jurisdiction with respect to this?@
Daniel Gurley - AUm,
Karen may be more apt to answer that than I was. She was involved in that
process. Um, I know that Henderson County GIS was the one that produced the
numbers, um, the numbers they=ve got, and
here=s the map that was used. As you can see the subject
property is in blue, um.@
Commissioner Baldwin - ASo if we exclude the Buncombe County side the density is gonna go up,
Daniel Gurley - AMr.
Lapsley I think ran those numbers as well. You can see the green dots are
actual residences. Um, you can see how many residences are actually in, um, the
County line is that blue line that, um, goes across the map. And I=ll let Mr. Lapsley, he might be able to explain his,
his formulas that he used or Karen a little better than I could.@
Commissioner Baldwin - AI had a couple questions for Mr. Lapsley. Um, as, as far as, as far as
the operation goes, would you, would you say that the operation itself is being
intensified by what=s being requested?@
William Lapsley - ANo
sir. No.@
Commissioner Baldwin - AIt=s not.@
William Lapsley - ANo.
They=re not adding additional people or equipment.@
Commissioner Baldwin - AOkay.@
William Lapsley - AUh,
so I would, the intensity is the same as it is today.@
Commissioner Baldwin - AThe only expansion we=re looking at
is area, as to what=s being used@
William Lapsley - AYeah.
Commissioner Baldwin - Ato support the mining operation.@
William Lapsley - AIt
provides the operation additional space to put the waste materials that they=re not mining.@
Commissioner Baldwin - AOkay.@
Chairman Hawkins - AUh,
Bill as far as the, uh, as, as far as you know, uh, when the state considers,
u, a mining permit, uh, would, does the state consider this an expansion of the
mining operation or just a, uh, a relocation of where the waste and in this
case the sediment pond is gonna be located.@
William Lapsley - AThe,
the, the language as I understand it and the state permitted is a modification
to the existing permit. And the modifications include a number of things, one
of which is expanding the outer edge. So, I, I, the, the technical term as I
understand it is to modification. And any time an applicant modifies their
existing permit it requires them to go through this process, public notice to,
to you all plus all the neighbors and for the state to have a, another crack at
the whole area inside the permit. In other words they, uh, the way I understand
it they really have broader, uh, powers under this than, than maybe you do in
that they can revisit, uh, the entire mining operation, uh, whenever you modify
it. And, and that=s what, what they have been doing, uh, since we sent
this in. Uh, to, to answer Commissioner Baldwin=s question if my math is correct just looking at the Henderson County
side, and I, I gave you those numbers which were 485 residential units in 1,332
acres. My math is correct that=s one unit for
every 2.75 acres. So yes it does come down from the 3.95.@
Commissioner Baldwin - ABut our standard is what?@
William Lapsley - ABut
your standard is one unit for two acres. So we=re, we=re still substantially less than that. Uh@
Commissioner Baldwin - AOkay.@
William Lapsley - AMr.
Anderson=s comment is probably correct in that in the future
there will be additional density there. I, I would not refute that. Uh, as to
how fast it will approach one unit per two acres I don=t know and I don=t,
uh, and when that will happen or if, uh, I don=t know. Uh, with respect to a fence, uh, around the entire operation,
uh, I don=t recall that being in Mr. Grimes permit that he got
in 1993. Uh, if it was in there I can assure you that the state would make sure
that he has it. He, uh, as far as I know ever mine operation that I=ve been involved with if it=s in the state permit then they would mandate that it
be put in. Uh, and to the best of my knowledge that=s not in his permit.@
Commissioner Messer - ABill in length, uh, how far would you say it is from Hoopers Creek Road
to the area that he=s wanting to, uh, reconstruct?@
William Lapsley - AUh,
this is Hoopers Creek Road@
Commissioner Messer - ARight.@
William Lapsley - Aon
the map, uh, it=s more than a thousand feet. It=s, it=s probably
1,200 feet, a quarter of a mile, something like that I would guess. 1,200 feet
something like that. ... the other point Mr. Anderson mentioned the gate, yes
he did, the gate was originally, uh, up in this area here. Uh, and I=ll certainly bring it to Mr. Grimes attention, that,
make sure that the adjoining property owner has a key. I don=t know of any reason why he would not allow them to do
that. Uh.@
Commissioner Baldwin - AOf the, of the 32.5 acres Bill that was stated, I can=t remember if it was you or the, or staff said that
five acres is currently permitted for mining activity. Is that correct?@
William Lapsley - AYes.
That, and that area right here is the five acres.@
Commissioner Baldwin - AOkay, So you did have to go back to the, uh, uh, amend your, your state
permit to increase the area that you=ll
be using for the operation.@
William Lapsley - AThat,
the, the area for the mine, for the stone extraction, the mining operation
itself, the, these areas were approved nine years ago.@
Commissioner Baldwin - AOkay.@
William Lapsley - AHe
is working within those areas@
Commissioner Baldwin - ARight now.@
William Lapsley - Ato
the best of my knowledge.@
Commissioner Baldwin - ARight.@
William Lapsley - AAnd,
one of the questions was does he have any desire to go beyond this area. No, he=s, uh, he, he will, must stay and has no plans to
apply to expand the mining extraction area.@
Chairman Hawkins - AAny
other, uh, questions, uh.@
Angela Beeker - AMr.
Chairman I have one for Mr. Lapsley, Um, did Karen provide you a copy of the
minutes from the Planning Board?@
William Lapsley - AUh,
I was just given them I have not, uh, read them.@
Angela Beeker - AUm,
I was wondering if you could, um, take a minute while we=re concluding everything to read your statements in
there to see if you would readopt those under oath today.@
William Lapsley - AI=ll be glad to read that if you=ll give me just a second.@
Chairman Hawkins - AWhile
he=s doing that do we have any other, uh, rebuttal of
evidence? Mr. Anderson.@
Richard Anderson - AOne
other question about Livingston Farms.@
Chairman Hawkins - AYou
want to come on up to the mic sir?@
Richard Anderson - AOne
other question about Livingston Farms. I understand that they have purchased a
large piece of property along Jackson Road and are planning an expansion. Have
ya=ll, you=re
aware of this? And I didn=t know how many homes they were planning in that area.
It=ll also affect the density cause that=s certainly within a mile. I would, I, it=s a big piece of property I can tell you.@
Chairman Hawkins - AI
don=t know if that=s,
Richard Anderson - AI
was gonna say if you=re looking at density it may not, today the homes may
not be there but as quickly as they put >um
up they could be here in a very short amount of time.@
Chairman Hawkins - AWe=ll probably have to deal with what=s there today when we make the decision.@
Richard Anderson - AAlright.@
Chairman Hawkins - AAny
other, uh, any other evidence?@
Karen Smith - AMr.
Chairman could I just make one comment@
Chairman Hawkins - AYes
Karen Smith - Aand
it would kinda go back to that. Um, there is a section in the Open Use
District, it=s 200-32.1(i) that deals with subsequent events, and
in that paragraph it says the development occurring around a pre-existing use,
uh, for which, or use for which a special use permit was not required at the
time it was established will not affect the ability of such use to alter or
expand its facilities or operations. And so we=re presenting the information about the density standard but I do not
believe that, um, even if it did not meet the density if we would be able to
deny it on that basis. Um, the other thing I was going to point out is there
are provisions in that open use section. Once they=ve gone through this process the first time, on the
expansion, um, under the provision that they=re
using, think after that there are other provisions in the Open Use that they
would have to use if they wanted to expand or alter. So the, the standards may
change a little bit and whether or not they=d
have to comply with the specific site standards would be a different situation.@
Chairman Hawkins - AOkay.@
Karen Smith - AOkay.@
Chairman Hawkins - AThat
may answer part of Commissioner Baldwin=s
question I think on further expansions. Bill do you want to respond to, uh Ms.
William Lapsley - AYes,
I=ve reviewed the draft minutes and, and this
represents, uh, what I stated at the hearing and I stand behind it.@
Angela Beeker - AOkay,
thank you.@
Chairman Hawkins - AAre
there any other rebuttals, questions, or evidence to be presented at, anyone?
Okay, all the evidence had been given we=ll
ask the petitioner if he has any closing remarks.@
William Lapsley - ANo
s, no sir.@
Chairman Hawkins - AStaff
do you have any closing remarks?@
Daniel Gurley - ANo.@
Chairman Hawkins - AAdditional
parties, any closing remarks. Yes sir?@
Angela Beeker - AHe=s not a party.@
Commissioner Moyer - AHe=s not a party.@
Angela Beeker - AHe=s not a party.@
Chairman Hawkins - AAre
Unidentified male - AI, I haven=t been sworn in. No.@
Chairman Hawkins - AWere,
were you recognized as a party to the proceedings?@
Unidentified male - ANo.@
Chairman Hawkins - AUh,
are there any additional parties closing remarks. Mr. Anderson I think you were
the only additional party. Uh, petitioner do you have any final closing remarks
since you didn=t have any to begin with?@
William Lapsley - ANo
Chairman Hawkins - AAlright,
thank you. The Board now can have some discussion that the evidence been
presented and the closing remarks concluded. Um, it=s appropriate of course for the Commissioners to
discuss the issues presented today. For a vote a decision we can either vote
today and direct staff to bring back findings of fact and conclusion consistent
with the decision and the Board=s discussion or
we can continue our discussion and decision to a later date. I would remind the
Board that we have to have a, uh, written decision within 45 days of the
conclusion of the hearing today. So, uh, I don=t know what the pleasure of the Board is, you want to have some
discussion on the matters that=s been
presented, see where we end up.@
Commissioner Baldwin - AWell, a couple of things that come to mind. One is that as, that area
of Henderson County begins to, or continues to grow, and it=s going to, um, I don=t know if we=ve fully investigated really the impact on the
community of this operation. But there are two things, one is a buffer. We=ve got a 500 foot buffer which is a standard, but
because of it being grandfathered in, it=s
allowed to increase the degree of non-conformity, uh, uh, as much as necessary.
Uh, the density. Uh, you may find the density in the area exceeds that
standards set out in this ordinance but again because it=s a pre-existing use, uh, that really doesn=t make a difference either. I think we=ve got, uh, to work with the ordinance that we=ve, we have on the books. I don=t particularly like the standards, but that=s how it reads. And it reads so that they can continue
to increase the degree of non-conformity. If we=re gonna have standards lets have um, but if, if not why is it set up
so that we can continue to, uh, increase the degree of non-conformity of a
pre-existing non-conforming use. I don=t,
I don=t quite understand that. But we have to deal with what
we=ve got on the books. But one of the things we can do
to mitigate the impact of this is conditions that we can place on this permit.
If we chose to do so.@
Chairman Hawkins - AAny,
any other comments, uh, on the, or thoughts as we, uh, look at this.@
Commissioner Moyer - AI guess mine would be Grady this is not really an expansion of the
operation. It=s just an adjustment to the, uh, storage area, uh, and
I think to, uh, require a fencing around the small portion doesn=t make a, uh, lot of sense. Um, so I would support,
uh, granting this for, I think my concern and I would express it to the, uh, to
the applicant, petitioner is that, uh, there=s a
substantial issue there with respect to liability and, and danger and I would
hope, uh, the petitioner would take that into consideration because the, the
appropriateness of fencing part of this to avoid a heck of a future lawsuit,
um, would be certainly worthwhile. And if you talk about an attractive
nuisance, when you=re sittin= on
one, uh, be very candid, and, uh, so I don=t
think we should require it but I would hope the petitioner would take that into
Chairman Hawkins - AOkay.
Uh, I would, uh, maybe just remind the Board that, uh, that you are able to
grant the, um, uh, the permit if you, uh, feel that the, uh, particular case
has met all the required general standards that are listed over on 200-56, um,
the, I think the ones that, uh, uh, that we have listed here are the, uh, ones
that deal with detrimental to the public welfare, uh, or property or public
involvement in the neighborhood, uh, minimize the effects of noise. We=ve had some, some discussion on that, um, uh, I, I don=t see it as a worsening the traffic congestion, I don=t think there=s
very much congestion on the, the little road that leads into the rock quarry.
Um, obviously one of the areas that we can=t
determine at this point is whether or not it meets applicable federal and state
local laws cause it think that permit=s
still out. But, uh, that, that certainly is a condition on meeting the general,
uh, site standards. Uh, it=s involvement
in the Comprehensive County Land Use Plan, um, uh, I, as old as that mine is it
was probably already, already there before the current Comprehensive Land Use
Plan was written. Um, and, uh, I think Bill would tell us that the, we probably
don=t a thoroughfare plan through there at the moment. No
pun intended, but um, uh, the other areas that are list down there, uh, you can
take a look at that, and. I just see if, uh, if there=s any of those specific site standards that, uh, the
Board feels is not being met or, has been addressed such as the, um, issuance
of the permit. If there, if there=s
anything in there you see that needs additional discussion.@
Commissioner Baldwin - AIf we have a mine, this is a question for the County Attorney, if we
have a mine that locates, is it possible to locate a quarry today in a
Henderson County Open Use District?@
Angela Beeker - AIs
it possible?@
Commissioner Baldwin - AYes. To locate a new one?@
Angela Beeker - AAssuming
the standards could be met. A new one would have to meet all the standards.@
Commissioner Baldwin - AOkay.@
Angela Beeker - AUm,
so, you=d have to calculate the, d, you know a sparse area of
the county, maybe a densely population area of the county probably not.@
Commissioner Baldwin - ARight.@
Angela Beeker - ABecause
of the residential.@
Commissioner Baldwin - ABut if it had a large enough tract it, it, it could, it would have to
meet the 500 foot buffer.@
Angela Beeker - AIt
would and it would have to meet all, all of those standards. Yes sir.@
Commissioner Baldwin - AAnd if they wanted to come back 5 years from now if it went in today,
and they wanted to move into this 500 foot buffer, they would not be allowed to
do so.@
Angela Beeker - AThat=s correct unless the Board granted a specific
Commissioner Baldwin - ABut if it=s existing, it=s
pre-existing, um.@
Angela Beeker - AThey
wouldn=t be protected by that language that says they only
have to meet that standard to the extent possible. The buffer right now, um,
the, they get a little bit of a break because they were pre-existing. And the
language says if you were pre-existing you only have to meet those standards to
the extent possible. And so that=s
the pro, additional protection that
they have that a new one would not have. If a new one wanted to be able to
encroach in that 500 foot buffer, they would have to meet all the standards for
a variance which I want to point the Board to anyway in your book to review
those standards for variance, cause you=re
going to have to be able to make findings@
Commissioner Baldwin - AFindings on those.@
Angela Beeker - Athat
would support the granting of that variance as well as this variance.@
Commissioner Baldwin - ABut, a, a new use if it goes, if it goes in could not become a
non-conforming use without violating the 500 foot buffer.@
Angela Beeker - AThat=s correct.@
Commissioner Baldwin - ABut if there=s a, but if there=s a
pre-existing use, and let=s say it=s
400 feet from the property line then it can increase the degree of
non-conformity, by moving into that.@
Angela Beeker - AIf
the Board determines that meeting that is not possible. Yes. I, I, enough, it=s your discretion, nothing says you have to allow them
to increase the nonconformity however the language does say they don=t have to meet it if it=s not possible to meet it. So, in my opinion this one, it=s not possible for them to meet it so. But it=s your, it=s
your discretion. I mean, has a little bit of a difference there I think, the,
it, it=s the Boards discretion.@
Chairman Hawkins - AWell
let me just, I guess kinda finish the thought cause we=re looking at two things here. One you=re looking at, uh, granting a special use permit and
then as a, a separate question you=re
looking at variances. And I just went through, uh, the, uh, items that were
listed for the special use permit. Those, uh, uh, through G, uh, I don=t have a page number here but they=re under 200-56, special use, dash 56, special uses.
Those are the general site standards and, uh, I, I think that, uh, most of
these aside from the one we pointed out as far as the, uh, establishment
requiring a special permit shall be located or developed in such a manner as to
comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, rules and
regulations. That=s the one area that we hadn=t got the information back on as far as the, uh,
mining permit, uh, that I, I assume the state=s working on at this time. Are there any of those other items listed
there that you don=t feel is, uh, has been demonstrated as, uh, meeting
the general site standards? If not it would seem it would be incumbent on the
Board then to, uh, uh, having, having met the requirements of the ordinance to,
uh, to as, I think Commissioner Moyer indicated favorably, uh, respond to the
request for the special use permit.@
Angela Beeker - AMr.
Chairman there are also some standards that relevant to the special use under
200-70, under powers and duties of the Board of Commissioners, um, A-6, and
then little a through f, um, if you flip over just a couple pages past, one
page past where you were reading, 200-70, and look down at the bottom number 6,
before a special use permit is issued you have to make the findings with regard
to what=s on the next page. So, I just didn=t know if you want to look through those to see if
there are any of those also.@
Chairman Hawkins - ADo
I think basic, uh, if I=m at the same place you are if, uh, if at any time
after the permit has been issued the finds the conditions imposed, those, are
those the ones you=re looking at.@
Angela Beeker - AUm,
I was referring to, it says before any use permit is issued the Board shall
make written findings certifying compliance with these specific rules governing
the individuals special use and that satisfacture, satisfactory provision and
arrangement has been made concerning the following where applicable, a is
satisfactory ingress and egress, b is off street parking where required, c is
utilities if, you know, to the extent these are applicable, buffering, d,
buffering with reference to type, location and dimensions. E, playgrounds, open
spaces, yards, access ways and pedestrian ways and f, building and structures
with reference to location, size and use.@
Chairman Hawkins - ADoes
any Board member see any of those that are applicable, uh. That, uh, that
satisfactory provisions have not been made concerning those? Certainly the
ingress and egress problem that, that you raised a question on as far as
locking of the gate I think is a different, uh, issue than what we deal with,
you know in here, uh, uh, I think it=s a
valid point but I=m not sure it=s
a, part of this, uh, of this dialogue here. Uh, parking is, is non-applicable,
nor utilities. Uh, playgrounds, uh, I don=t
think there=s any other buildings and structures up through there.
Any, any other thoughts or comments on that particular section?@
Commissioner Baldwin - AHow do we, uh, how do we feel about the buffering with, uh, with, uh,
respect to location and dimensions.@
Chairman Hawkins - AOkay,
you wanna have some discussion on that particular aspect, Item D.@
Commissioner Baldwin - AI think so.@
Chairman Hawkins - AOkay.@
Commissioner Baldwin - AUm, again I feel like we=re
just increasing the degree of non-conformity. They don=t meet the buffering standards now, and by granting
this permit, we=re, uh, we=re
reducing the buffer even further and eroding the standards that we=re already set.@
Chairman Hawkins - AWell
I, I think that=s a, a valid point I, I think as, as, uh, Mr. Lapsley
pointed out if the, if the piece of land, uh, or that we=re looking at is just the width of the buffer or
smaller, uh, what you say is certainly germaine. But under the, um, the
variance here, uh, the next paragraph down there seven then you start talking
about can you secure reasonable return or make a reasonable use of your
property. If it=s imperative that you have the, these additional
places for waste material then, um, then you=re
gonna preclude the u, the further use of the property up there as, as a mining
Commissioner Baldwin - AWell I guess that=s a, a question I, we closed the hearing as far as the
questions and answers go but I think that=s
one question I would like to, to see if the Board would be willing to ask Mr.
Lapsley as far as expanding the site is it absolutely imperative to the
operation itself that if, the permit, permit is not granted the operation
cannot continue?@
Chairman Hawkins - AWe
haven=t closed the hearing so I think Mr. Lapsley can still
respond to that.@
William Lapsley - AWell
I, I, I guess, if I understand your question, what would be the condition if
this special use permit, for this expanded area was not granted. Uh, if that
was the case and he was not allowed to, to move his sediment basin it would
have to stay where it is, and, uh, would seem to me that he would have to truck
off, uh, the material that=s waste
material cause there=s not, there=s
no room to mound it up within that existing permitted area. Uh....there=s this, this area=s,
is currently within the permitted area by the state, that has a sediment basin
and has the spoil area for his waste material. So if, if he cannot change and
move as we applied, the sediment basin would still have to stay. I mean the
state mining permit would require that. And so he would have to try and start
mounding up the material here but that would eliminate his current parking area
and where his truck turns around to load the materials so it would seem to me
that, that he would be forced to take that spoil material and either try and
find a way to, to pack it back into the hillside or truck it off, and I, to, to
me if he wants to continue his mine operation he can=t, he can=t
put it up against the rock face where he=s
getting the materials so it would seem to me he would have to truck it off. And
I, you know, I don=t know whether that would add probably two or three
maybe more trucks a day, I don=t think it
would add any 500 but@
Commissioner Baldwin - ASo.@
William Lapsley - Acertainly
add, he=d have to truck it to another site somewhere off site
to dispose of it unless he was able to negotiate with the neighbor, Mr.
Anderson or somebody else to, to deposit the material there.@
Commissioner Baldwin - ASo it could be that, that if we don=t
go with the permit, then we may be increasing, uh, truck traffic.@
William Lapsley - AI...I
don=t, I think so, I think@
Commissioner Baldwin - AAs a result because he=s gonna truck
it off site.@
William Lapsley - AHe
would have to...mining operation the way I, I would see it. Now how far, it
might, he may not as I say he may, he may be able to, as I would understand the
state mining permit once you take it outside of this permitted mining area it=s not a mining issue anymore. Now it=s just a@
Commissioner Baldwin - AFill.@
William Lapsley - Aa
problem he has to deal with if he disturbs more an acre. Where he puts it he=s gotta have an erosion permit and all those sorts of
... so he, it may be possible that he negotiates something with a neighbor, and
he didn=t get the trucks out on Hoopers Creek Road but it, if
the neighbors didn=t want him to put it there, then he would have to
increase his traffic onto Hoopers Creek Road.@
Angela Beeker - AMr.
Chairman under that general standard, um, I think the Board needs to look at
the buffer that is proposed and determine if that under that general standard that
is adequate, taking into consideration the, um, topography and the distance
from, of the buffer. So, on one of the expansion areas there=s 120 feet of buffer left, and on the other side the
smallest looks like 110 feet of buffer left, so under that general standard now
you would need to determine whether you feel like what is left is an adequate
buffer regardless of that 500 foot standard. It=s, it=s a different consideration under that general
Chairman Hawkins - AAny,
any thoughts on, uh, on that particular issue as far as, uh, the adequacy of
the remaining buffer? Any, any@
Commissioner Baldwin - ASo we=re gonna have to make a finding if we=re gonna chew into the 500 that what is left is
Angela Beeker - AI
will have to when I draw the order@
Commissioner Baldwin - ABased on specific reasons.@
Angela Beeker - Acorrect.
I will have to make a finding that the buffer that is left is adequate, is sat,
satisfactory, buffering with reference to type, location and dimensions. Under
that general standard that=s@
Commissioner Baldwin - ASo if we=re gonna grant this permit we=re gonna have to make a finding that the buffer that=s left is adequate.@
Angela Beeker - AThat=s correct.@
Commissioner Baldwin
- AIn this case, in this case.@
Angela Beeker - AIn
this case. That=s correct. And, there really aren=t a whole lot of standards to guide you as to whether
it=s adequate or not. It=s up to your discretion.@
Chairman Hawkins - ABecause
I, I think that the essence of this is that you know, you=re really what you=re
looking at for the adequacy of the buffer is the adequacy around a sediment
pond and a, and a fill area. You know rather that the, further up on the, uh,
quarry because it=s back in the area that=s already non-conforming. Is that. Any other discussion, the Board
ready to vote on this? You want more data, you want. Bill, do you have any
Commissioner Moyer - AI, with respect to the buffering issue the way I would phrase it is
that under, under the circumstances in this case, not necessarily that it=s adequate, but that satisfactory provision has been
arranged based on what they=ve started with
and based on the expansion that=s occurring.
That=s what I=d
be willing to say with respect to the buffering. And I=d be willing, uh, I=d
be willing to move, you wanna move, motion now or do you want to go out of the
public hearing?@
Chairman Hawkins - AWell,
let me see if everybody=s got all the discussion done they want. Do we need to
move out of public hearing before we vote on it?@
Angela Beeker - AOnce
you move out you can=t ask any more questions. You can still...discuss it,
but, but you just can=t take in anymore information.@
Karen Smith - AUm,
I wondered if they should take action before they discuss the variance. Or if
they should.@
Angela Beeker - ARight.
I was gonna say the same thing but they=re
just talking about whether to close the hearing or not.@
Chairman Hawkins - AThen I move we go out of public hearing then. All
those in favor of that motion say aye.@
Commissioner Baldwin - AI, I didn=t hear the motion I was trying to secure this chair.@
Chairman Hawkins - ADo
you, equipment problems?@
Commissioner Baldwin - AYes sir I did.@
Chairman Hawkins - AUh,
it was just move to go out of public hearing so we won=t hear any more questions and.@
Commissioner Baldwin - AOkay.@
Chairman Hawkins - AAll those in favor of that motion say aye.@
AAye@ in unison.
Commissioner Moyer made a motion to approve
the special use permit and deal with the variance separately. Commissioner
Baldwin clarified that the fencing is a separate issue. All voted in favor and
the motion carried. Chairman Hawkins directed staff to bring that
back as a finding.
With respect to the variance and the fencing,
Commissioner Moyer stated he would prefer to see the at risk part of the
operation fenced. He did state that he realized such a request went beyond the
Board=s authority, and that it would have to be to
the petitioner=s agreement. There followed discussion on
what the Board could do to facilitate fencing areas other than the area within
the Board=s jurisdiction. Karen Smith reminded the
Board of the findings that have to be made to grant a variance. A compromise
would have to be tied to those findings.
Following additional discussion, it was the
consensus of the Board to have staff work on some additional options for the
Board, and bring those options back at the next meeting.
Chairman Hawkins reminded the Board of some
dates that the Board came up with at their retreat. He stated that there would
be a presentation on Outcome Based Budgeting on February 3rd. The
Regional Water Agreement will be revisited at the Board=s March 3rd meeting. The Human
Services Building will appear on the agenda for February 3rd. On
February 19th the Board will have a presentation on facility needs
for the Animal Control Ordinance.
Chairman Hawkins reminded the Board that at
the retreat, there had been a lot of discussion on the Comprehensive County
Land Use Plan. Mr. Willett indicated that he would work with the county on a
procedure for that Plan. Chairman Hawkins requested that Commissioner Baldwin
work with Mr. Willett on setting up a community visitation on the Plan.
Commissioner Baldwin stated that he would be glad to work on that.
Chairman Hawkins also reminded the Board of
the upcoming holiday celebrating the birth of Martin Luther King Jr. He stated
that there would be some activities at Blue Ridge Community College on that
David Nicholson requested the Board set a
date for a public hearing to establish road names. He made one addition to the list - the old name APheasant Ridge@ to be changed to AOld Logging Trail.@
Staff recommended the public hearing be set
for February 19, 2003 at 11:00 a.m.
Commissioner Hawkins made the motion to set
the public hearing for Wednesday, February 19 at 11:00 a.m. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Mr. Nicholson stated that all future public
hearings for road names would be heard on a quarterly basis.
David Nicholson requested the Board set a
date for a public hearing on address and number changes. He recommended the
public hearing be set for February 19, 2003 at 11:00 a.m.
Commissioner Hawkins made the motion to set
the public hearing for Wednesday, February 19 at 11:00 a.m. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Mr. Nicholson mentioned that January 22nd
would be the Annual Employee Longevity Awards Luncheon. He invited all the
Commissioners to attend that Luncheon.
There had been some discussion on a workshop
for facilities. It was the consensus of the Board to plan discussion on that
following their meeting on February 3rd.
Mr. Nicholson questioned whether the Board
wished to schedule a public input session on the Weapons firing ordinance. It
was the consensus of the Board to wait until seeing the draft of the ordinance
before scheduling that public input session.
Mr. Nicholson informed the Board that they
would be invited to a meeting on mental health reform tentatively scheduled for
the evening of March 6th. They are proposing to bring in several
people from across the region to hear the presentation on the local business
Chairman Hawkins noted that he had spoken
with Mr. Nicholson about reorganizing the material in the agendas. He stated
that when possible, several items would be put onto the consent agenda to allow
the Board more time for discussion during the meetings.
There being no further business to come
before the Board, Chairman Hawkins made the motion to adjourn the meeting at
12:43 pm. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
W. Corn, Clerk to the Board Grady Hawkins, Chairman