The Henderson County
Board of Commissioners met for a regularly scheduled meeting at 9:00 a.m. in
the Commissioners=
Conference Room of the Henderson County Office Building at 100 North King
Street, Hendersonville, North Carolina.
Those present were:
Chairman Grady Hawkins, Vice-Chairman Larry Young, Commissioner Bill Moyer,
Commissioner Charlie Messer, Commissioner Shannon Baldwin, County Manager David
E. Nicholson, County Attorney Angela S. Beeker, and Clerk to the Board
Elizabeth W. Corn.
Also present were: Public
Information Officer Chris S. Coulson, Assistant to the Manager Selena Coffey,
Fire Marshal Rocky Hyder, Planning
Director Karen Smith, County Engineer Gary Tweed, Finance Director J. Carey
McLelland, Tax Collector Terry Lyda, Deputy Tax Collector Darlene Burgess and
Deputy Clerk to the Board Amy Brantley.
Chairman Hawkins called
the meeting to order and welcomed all in attendance.
Commissioner Moyer led
the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.
David Nicholson gave the
Chairman Hawkins welcomed
Rosanne Douglas to discuss an award Henderson County recently won at the
Western North Carolina Community Development Association. Ms. Douglas noted
that the award was a calico cat that was awarded to the Upper Hickory Nut Gorge
Community Club for outstanding improvements to their community building. She
stated that they had previously received two smaller cats, but were pleased to
have received this one to help complete the family.
He also welcomed Sue
Myers, stating that she was the Treasurer of the Western North Carolina
Community Development Association in Henderson County. The County Council was
awarded the Henderson County Community
Development Council Award in recognition of outstanding achievement. Ms. Myers
particular unit at Crab Creek also won an award for a development program on senior citizen=s awards. Ms. Myers noted some specifics
about various awards won. She thanked Chairman Hawkins and Commissioner Young
for attending a previous meeting and invited all the commissioners to join them
in the future.
Chairman Hawkins added as
Discussion Item AA@ - Debt Setoff Program.
He requested that Staff
Report AD-5@ - Regional Water Negotiations, be pulled from this agenda and held for
discussion at the upcoming retreat. Commissioner Moyer stated that he would
like to discuss that item and asked that it be left on the agenda. Item AD-5@ was left on the agenda.
Chairman Hawkins also added
one additional item under Closed Session, (a)(4) dealing with the location or
expansion or industry served by the public body.
Chairman Hawkins made
the motion to approve the agenda as presented. All voted in favor and the
motion carried.
Commissioner Baldwin
requested that Item AI@ - Proposed Amendments to the Henderson
County Planning Board Rules of Procedure be pulled.
Chairman Hawkins made
the motion to approve the consent agenda except for Item AI@. All
voted in favor and the motion carried. The Consent Agenda consisted of the following:
Draft minutes were
presented for the Board=s review and approval of the following meetings:
2, 2002, regular meeting
Tax Collector=s Report
Terry F. Lyda, Tax
Collector, had provided the Tax Collector=s Report dated December 16 for the Board=s information.
Darlene B. Burgess,
Deputy Tax Collector, had provided the Deputy Tax Collector=s Report dated December 16 for the Board=s information.
Tax Refunds
The Tax Assessor had
submitted a list of 10 tax release requests for the Board=s approval.
Tax Releases
The Tax Assessor had
submitted a list of 159 tax release requests for the Board=s approval.
School Property
The Board of Public
Education had requested the Commissioners= approval of their purchase of three neighboring properties of the
Hendersonville Middle Grade School. According to state law, the Board=s approval is only to the price that is to be
paid for the land.
Juvenile Justice and
Delinquency Prevention Grants
Due to the changing of
the focus of the County=s group home from an emergency shelter to a home for children in foster
care, Henderson County had funds remaining from this program. The Henderson
County Juvenile Crime Prevention Council (JCPC) had approved a second round of
funding for local juvenile crime prevention programs. These funds were for the
remaining Fiscal Year 2002-2003 and were available for this purpose through the
State of North Carolina. Each program was required to provide a minimum of a
30% match. The programs approved by the JCPC
are as follows:
Trend Mental Health - In-Home Services $17,278.00
YMCA of Henderson County - Guided Growth $
Request for Extension
of Improvement Guarantee for Rock Creek, Phase I
On February 4, 2002, the
Board of Commissioners granted approval for Southern Development, Inc., to post
a surety performance bond in the amount of $72,118.78 to guarantee completion
of remaining road improvements in Phase I of Rock Creek Subdivision. Rock Creek
is located off Green River Road, in Green River Township.
The Performance Guarantee
Agreement between Southern Development and the Board of Commissioners required
that the developer complete the required improvements by January 4, 2003. Mr.
Luther E. Smith had submitted a letter on behalf of Southern Development
requesting that the completion date for the improvements be extended to
February 1, 2004. According to Mr. Smith=s letter, the developer wanted to wait to install pavement until heavy
construction traffic associated with road construction in Phase II subsided.
The Board of Commissioners approved a separate improvement guarantee for Phase
II of Rock Creek in October of 2002.
Section 170-39 of the
Subdivision Ordinance allows the Board of Commissioners, upon proof of
difficulty, to grant an extension of an improvements completion date for up to
one additional year, provided that the time between initiation and completion
of the improvements does not exceed two years. If the Board grants the
extension as requested by Southern Development, Inc., the time period between
execution of the original Performance Guarantee Agreement for Phase I and the
proposed completion date of February 1, 2004, would be within the two year
A draft Performance
Guarantee Agreement, which reflected the proposed new completion date had been
prepared for the Board=s
consideration. If the extension request
is approved, the developer must submit a bond that expires no less than 60 days
after the new completion date. The County Attorney must review the bond and
certify the Agreement as to form prior to its execution.
The County Manager
recommended that the Board approve the request to extend the completion date
for the improvement guarantee for Phase I of Rock Creek Subdivision subject to
the terms of the draft Performance Guarantee Agreement.
Request for
Improvement Guarantee for Winfield Cove, Phase 2, Section 2, by Winfield Cove
Development Company
Thomas McHugh, President
of Winfield Cove Development Company, had submitted an application for an
improvement guarantee for road improvements in a subdivision known as Winfield
Cove. Winfield Cove is located off Macedonia Road in Green River Township. The
Planning Board granted conditional approval of the Development Plan for the
project on July 16, 2002. The improvement guarantee is proposed to cover the
cost of installing additional gravel and paving the roads in Phase 2, Section
2, of Winfield Cove. Currently, the roads are graded, drainage improvements and
part of the stone base have been installed and the banks have been seeded.
There are a few remedial items that need to be addressed regarding the site
improvements, including the developer submitting information to obtain approval
of a reduction in the cut slope near lot 21. The developer will need to
complete these items as well as satisfy any other Subdivision Ordinance
requirements and/or conditions imposed by the Planning Board prior to Final
Plat approval.
Pursuant to Section
170-38 of the Henderson County Code, a developer may, in lieu of completing all
of the required improvements prior to Final Plat approval, post a performance
guarantee to secure the County=s interest in seeing that satisfactory construction of incomplete
improvements occurs. One type of
permitted guarantee is an irrevocable letter of credit. The developer intends to secure a letter of
credit from MountainBank in the amount of $53,389.05, which includes the cost
of the remaining road improvements ($42,711.24) as well as the required
twenty-five percent contingency of $10,677.81.
The proposed completion date for the improvements is June 30, 2003.
A draft Performance
Guarantee Agreement had been prepared for the Board=s consideration. If the improvement guarantee application is approved, the
developer must submit a letter of credit in accordance with the terms of the
Agreement. The County Attorney must review
the letter of credit and certify the Agreement as to form prior to its execution
by the Chairman and the developer.
The County Manager
recommended that the Board approve the application for an improvement guarantee
for Winfield Cove, Phase 2, Section 2,
subject to the developer providing the County with an irrevocable letter
of credit in accordance with the terms of the draft Performance Guarantee
Item AI@ - Proposed Amendments to the Henderson
County Planning Board Rules of Procedure
Commissioner Baldwin
requested to pull this item off the consent agenda to discuss Section 6-11,
D(5(a)). He noted that this section makes it very clear that the comprehensive
plan is a recommendation from the Planning Board to the Board of Commissioners.
He wished to emphasize that the code makes a strong link between the
comprehensive plan and the Planning Board, and that it is important that the
Planning Board stay involved in the development of the comprehensive plan.
Chairman Hawkins made
the motion that Item AI@ be included in the Consent Agenda for
purposes of approval. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Notification of
The Board was notified of
the following vacancies which will appear for nominations on the next agenda:
Care Home Community Advisory Committee - 8 vac.
Chairman Hawkins reminded
the Board of the following vacancies and opened the floor to nominations:
1. Nursing/Adult
Care Home Community Advisory Committee - 3 vac.
Commissioner Young
nominated Patricia Stanley to fill one of the vacancies. Chairman Hawkins
made the motion to accept Ms. Stanley by acclamation. All voted in favor and
the motion carried. Following a
brief discussion on which position Ms. Stanley could fill, Chairman Hawkins
amended his motion to specify that Ms. Stanley would fill position #14. All
voted in favor and the motion carried.
2. Zoning
Board of Adjustment, Fletcher - 1 vac.
Commissioner Messer
nominated Don Rhodes. There were no other nominations. A vote on this
nomination will be taken at the next meeting.
3. Travel & Tourism Board - 1 vac.
Chairman Hawkins stated
that the vacant position was #4, a Commissioner position. He noted that
Commissioner Young had expressed an interest in serving on that Board. It was
the consensus of the Board to have Commissioner Young serve as the
representative on the Travel and Tourism Board.
Appointment of Chair
Commissioner Moyer nominated
John Shiery to continue as Chairman of the Travel & Tourism Board. There were no other nominations. Following
discussion, Chairman Hawkins made the motion that John Shiery be accepted as
the chairman by acclamation. All voted in favor and the motion passed
4. Fire
and Rescue Advisory Committee - 1 vac.
There were no nominations
at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.
5. Henderson County Zoning Board of
Adjustment - Assignment of positions
At the December 2nd
meeting, the Board appointed Dr. Phillip Stanley to fill a vacant position on
the Board of Adjustment. The vacant position at that time was for a regular
member. It had been the practice of the Board to move existing alternate
members into regular slots, and appoint new members into the alternate slots.
Chairman Hawkins made
the motion to appoint Dr. Stanley to position #8, and that Ann Pouch be moved
to position #5. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Over the past three years
the North Carolina Department of Environmental and Natural Resources (DENR) has
been working on the implementation of EPA=s Phase II Storm Water NPDES Permit Program, which was published in the
Code of Federal Regulations in December 1999. EPA has delegated responsibility
for implementation of this program to the NPDES Permitting States, as is North
Carolina. The DENR held a public hearing on the proposed rules on June 24, 2002
at AB Technical College in Asheville. The Temporary Rule was adopted by the
Environmental Management Commission (EMC) on October 12, 2002. The EMC plans to
continue with permanent rule making.
The Temporary Rule gives
Henderson County three options in complying with the Phase II Storm Water
Permit Program. The County can conduct a full program, partial program, or
certify that we own no municipal storm water systems (MS4's) and assume no
storm water management responsibilities. Henderson County must submit
application or certification on the Phase II Storm Water NPDES Permit by March
9, 2003.
Mr. Tweed presented a
PowerPoint presentation to the Board which highlighted the following:
Designation into the
Asheville Urban
Area extends into Northern Henderson County
County designated into program on December 8, 1999
EPA delegates
program administration to States with NPDES Permit Authority
Overview and Six
Minimum Control Measures
Education and Outreach
Discharge Detection and Elimination
Site Runoff Control
Runoff Control
Prevention/Good Housekeeping
Administration by
North Carolina
Program to be
administered by NC Department of Environmental and Natural Resources
Implemented by
issuance of NPDES Permits
deadline - March 9, 2003
Temporary Rules
Under Temporary
Rules Henderson County would have three options: conduct a full program,
partial program, or no storm water management responsibilities.
Full program is
all six elements
Partial program
is two elements: post construction runoff control and pollution prevention/good
Certify that we
own no MS4's and not conduct a program
What This Means
Board of
Commissioners must decide which option and,
Submit an
application or certification by March 9, 2003
Mr. Tweed then discussed
the hearing officers=
report from the public hearings that were held. He pointed out some specifics
about the permanent rule making process, specifically that even though the
counties can opt out at this time, it is their recommendation that the EMC
proceed with the permanent rule making and use the state regulatory authority
to require the designated entities to implement storm water measurements
throughout their jurisdictional area. Mr. Tweed felt that when the permanent
rules come out, they will contain stronger language and requirements for local
Mr. Tweed answered
several questions from the Board, particularly on the specifics of the six
control measures. There followed much discussion on the ongoing costs for the
county and land developers, with Mr.
Nicholson stating that there would be substantial long-term costs associated
with any kind of development going on within the county.
Mr. Nicholson stated that
one of the major issues is the fact that the County does not own streets or
roads, and does not own storm water collection systems. Mr. Tweed had been in
contact with the County Commissioners Association, through which there had been
an attempt to get county governments exempted from this process. Mr. Tweed
agreed that the federal regulations were written on the basis that counties
owned the systems. However, there are only three states in the U.S. where
counties do not own roads. Because of this, the rules written at the federal
level do not really fit North Carolina. That had made it hard to rewrite the
rules to fit North Carolina counties.
Following additional
discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to defer action at this time, to
explore the ramifications of Option 2, and to have Gary Tweed update the Board
on this issue again at the mid-January meeting.
David Nicholson informed
the Board that several weeks prior, he had attended a meeting held on a
regional basis to discuss whether the region wanted to develop an early action
compact. This was before the Board for two reasons. First, because the air quality
monitoring station at Bent Creek had exceeded the EPA 8-hour standard for the
area. Second, because the metropolitan statistical area that the census bureau
will come out with in the spring, expands into areas outside Madison and
Buncombe County, and is proposed to include a majority of Henderson County.
What the Early Action
Compact does, is call upon the local governments in the region to cooperatively
deal with the pollution issue. Those local governments are Buncombe County,
Madison County, Transylvania County, Haywood County and Henderson County. Thus
far all the listed counties had approved the resolution, with the exception of
Henderson County.
Mr. Nicholson felt that a
limited local effort was appropriate for the County, and that we should promote
good air quality practices. He then introduced Jim Stokoe, Interim Director of
Land-of-Sky, and Paul Mueller from the Division of Air Quality, who were
present to answer any questions from the Board. There followed discussion, during which Commissioner Moyer spoke
strongly in support of joining the early action compact. Chairman Hawkins spoke
in favor of approaching air quality from a regional basis, and supported
entering into the early action compact.
Commissioner Messer asked
for some clarification on the EPA=s 8 hour standard. Paul Mueller explained that for many years a one
hour standard had been used. When ozone is measured, the units used is parts
per billion. The one hour standard was 120 parts per billion. In 1997, the EPA
went to an 8 hour standard for which ozone is measured over an 8 hour period
and the readings are averaged together. The new standard was set at 80 parts
per billion. If the score is as high as 84, it is rounded down to 80. If it is
85, it is rounded up to 90. The measurements recorded in this area were 85,
thus putting the area in non-attainment with the standard.
Following additional
discussion, Chairman Hawkins made the motion to accept the resolution as
presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
David Nicholson reminded
the Board that North Carolina is undergoing the most radical change in the
provision of mental health services since the early 1970's. Prior to the
1970's, mental health services were handled on a county by county basis. In the
70's the state went to a model called an area authority, and Trend was formed
for Henderson and Transylvania counties. In October, 2001, legislation was
passed that will eventually eliminate the Area Authority model. The new model
calls for the creation of a larger multi-county Local Management Entity (LME)
to provide the administration and the contracting of services within the
private sector and other appropriate agencies.
To address this issue,
Mr. Nicholson had been working with seven other counties. He explained that
there were so many counties involved because there is a minimum threshold of
200,000 people. Also, they are trying to deal with regional issues from a
standpoint of items such as in-patient beds. There has also been much
discussion of how the LME costs will be funded, and how the funds provided by
Henderson County will be used.
He noted that a year into
this process, there are still a lot of major issues being dealt with. Some of
those issues are the assets and liabilities of each area authority, fund
balance issues, facilities either owned or leased, and outstanding contracts.
One item never discussed in the bill was how to deal with closeout issues. He
questioned how to deal with issues such as staffing, HR, audits and finances
when a public authority is closed.
The group Mr. Nicholson
has been working with had developed a survey, which was sent to every possible
identified provider. That survey had gone out to approximately 90 individuals,
non-profits, government agencies, and school systems. He hoped that once those
surveys were returned, they would help provide a matrix of each of the services
mental health programs are mandated to provide.
Mr. Nicholson stated that
within the next few weeks, he planned to begin the sections of the local
business plan which is a major requirement of the project. He informed the
Board that a Consumer and Family Advisory Council had been developed, that had
representatives from either individuals or family members with certain
disabilities. That group has to approve each of the sections of the business
plan. The Board of Commissioners is required to submit and sign off on a
business plan by April, 2003. There had been some discussion of holding a
regional workshop, to which the various Commissioners and communities would be
invited, to hear an overall presentation from the managers on how the law will
be addressed.
Another issue that will
need to be addressed will be a request from Blue Ridge Center for Henderson
County to suggest membership to the Western North Carolina Human Services,
Inc., a non-profit organization that is being expanded to address regional
issues associated with mental health reform. He expected that several issues
such as in-patient psychiatric and substance abuse beds would need to be
addressed on a regional basis due to the cost. Mr. Nicholson recommended the
Board consider requesting that a representative from Pardee Hospital, Park
Ridge Hospital and from the Partnership for Health serve on this Board.
Mr. Nicholson answered
several questions from the Board, particularly in the area of cost to the
County and current levels of funding. He also updated the Board on the timing
on this project, stating that the focus at this time was the April 1 deadline
for approval of the business plan. The next timing issue will be the date for
implementation. There were three options possible, with the group recommending
a date of January, 2004.
Commissioner Moyer spoke
in opposition to suggesting membership to the Western North Carolina Human
Services, Inc. He felt that the Board should not be involved with or show
preference to any of private or non-profit providers. Mr. Nicholson stated that
he was sensitive to that discussion, and questioned whether the Board would
allow him to be involved with that group. It was the consensus of the Board to
table this issue until additional information was received concerning Western
North Carolina Human Services.
Taping of Public Input
Commissioner Moyer
reminded the Board that when this had been brought up previously, the consensus
was to have the new Board decide whether or not to tape Informal Public
Comments. When the meetings began to be taped, Informal Public Comments were
not taped for a variety of reasons. Since that time however, several legitimate
issues had been raised with respect to taping this portion of the meeting.
Commissioner Moyer recommended that Informal Public Comments be taped, with the
Board retaining the right to control the time and certain content of those
Chairman Hawkins agreed
that it was worth a try, and that if issues arose that the Board had not
considered, they could be addressed at the time. He stated that the Informal Public
Comments were just that, whatever the public felt might be an issue.
Following some additional
discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to proceed with taping the
Informal Public Comments. Chairman Hawkins made the motion to tape the
Informal Public Comments during the meetings and rebroadcast it along with the
other proceedings. There was a question regarding whether the policy would
need to be revised to state that Informal Public Comments would be taped. Chairman
Hawkins amended his motion to add such language to the policy if necessary. All voted in favor and
the motion carried.
1. Dick Baird - Mr. Baird
wished the Board a Merry Christmas. He stated that the new Board had a great
opportunity to take advantage of numerous projects near completion, which they
could complete and take credit for. He did complain that he felt there was too
much secrecy in local government, stating that the meetings almost always end
with closed session. He asked the Board to try to keep closed sessions to a
He mentioned a recent
incident involving the death of a teenager at the hand of another teenager. He
stated that he had information that there was more to the story than was being
told, and that the county should look to see if there was a way in which this
could have been prevented.
He stated that the EPA
information provided earlier was arbitrary, and the Board should not put up
with stuff like that. He also informed the Board that over 50% of real estate
in the United States is owned by some level of government. He felt that when
real estate is taken off the tax roles, it yields no income. He felt government
should not be in the real estate business.
He spoke to the Article
44 Sales Tax, stating that it should go through a Public Hearing again if there
are plans to adopt it.
Chairman Hawkins
commented on Mr. Baird=s
discussion of closed session. He reminded everyone that the minutes of closed
sessions are periodically released and become available for public scrutiny.
Commissioner Moyer also
commented on Mr. Baird=s
discussion with respect to DSS cases. He stated that by law, DSS cases cannot
be discussed. He agreed that it was unfortunate that there is occasionally
misinformation published about such cases, but the Board does not have the
right to discuss such cases.
2. Doug Coggins - Mr.
Coggins spoke about the EPA discussion, stating that the rounding up of
the numbers did not seem fair. He also
stated that he felt very strongly about the water issue with the City of
Asheville. He felt the agreement was the worst thing Henderson County had ever
entered into. He had heard that there was a possibility of Henderson County
joining into an agreement with some other municipalities and finding a way to
buy the system, and supported such an agreement.
He hoped the Board would
reject the offers put forth by Asheville thus far.
3. Mike Earle - Mr. Earle
stated he had yet to see anything put forth that would be reasonable enough for
Henderson County to get out of the agreement. He did not think $2,000,000 would
be worth a lifetime of having to deal with the City of Asheville. He supported
Henderson County finding a way to take over its own water system.
Ms. Beeker stated that
the question before the Board was whether they wished to continue with the debt
setoff program originally entered into a year ago. The program allows the
county, for debts that are delinquent to the county including tax debts, to submit
those debts to a clearinghouse which can garnish a North Carolina Income Tax
Refund to reclaim those delinquent monies. She reminded the Board that Darlene
Burgess had been administering this program on behalf of the Tax Collector=s Office, and had agreed to work with other
county departments to collect other delinquent revenues.
Ms. Burgess explained
that last year was the first year the program had been offered, and that
Henderson County had chosen to participate. She stated that motor vehicle tax
bills had been isolated to begin the program because the statutes were very
clear on what could be released and what had to be paid. She explained the
following steps that had to be taken to administer the program:
Mail a Debt
Setoff notice to the debtor.
Give the debtor
30 days to either pay the bill or to request a hearing
After 30 days
send the debt to Five Star Computing, a third party acting between Henderson
County and the clearinghouse, who submits it to the Department of Revenue.
Last year when the
initial notices were sent out, the County collected about $23,000 in voluntary
payments. About $21,000 had been collected throughout the year through income
tax garnishment, bringing the total to $44,000. She informed the Board that for
this year, they had identified about 800 motor vehicle tax bills amounting to
$83,000 that they would like to submit. They also plan to submit 569 EMS bills,
amounting to about $210,000, and about 50 miscellaneous debts totaling over
$25,000. She stated that they would like to send the notices out on January 1st.
Following brief
discussion, Chairman Hawkins made the motion to join the program as the
county had in the past year so that notices could be sent January 1st. Ms. Beeker stated that a Resolution had
been prepared that outlined all the specifics of the Debt Setoff Program. She
requested the Resolution be amended to include in number three Athe North Carolina Local Government Debt
Setoff Program Local Collection Assistance Fee Rider.@ Chairman Hawkins amended his motion to
include those changes and to adopt the Resolution. All voted in favor and the
motion carried.
Article 44 Sales Tax
Commissioner Moyer had
requested that this be put on the agenda for the new Board to review. He felt
the County would need the funds that would be generated for various projects,
to restore the fund balance, and for the possible incorporation of Mills River.
Based on a memo from Ms. Beeker, it appeared that the tax could not be enacted
after January 1st, and there was now not enough time to have it
enacted before then. The only option available would be to try to get a local
bill to enable the County to shorten the notice time, or to be authorized to
enact the tax at a later date.
Mr. Nicholson and Ms.
Beeker answered several questions from the Board on the specifics of the various sales taxes and the Article 44 Sales
tax. There was also discussion on the ability of the Governor or the General
Assembly to withhold this tax as they have the other sales taxes.
Board Retreat
David Nicholson reminded
the Board that they had scheduled the afternoon of Friday, January 10th
and the morning of Saturday, January 11th for a retreat. He stated
that work would begin with the Chairman at about noon, and move into the retreat.
Saturday morning the Board will begin at about 9:00 to deal with the previous
day=s issues. Following some discussion on Friday=s beginning time, it was the consensus of the
Board to begin on Friday at 3:00.
Mr. Nicholson stated that
the retreat would be held at the Quality Inn in Hendersonville. He had spoken
to several facilitators, and recommended Jeff Willette. Mr. Nicholson and Mr.
Willette had established the following framework for the agenda:
Setting of the
Review of
Mission Statement
Discussion on
the role of the Commissioners and of the Manager
structure of County Government
Budget overview
Discussion and
Development of a work plan
issues with more specific discussion
Commissioner Baldwin
noted that he liked the approach of starting with general concepts and moving
into specific issues. He stated that the Commissioners all bring different
ideas to the table, and this will be an opportunity to bring those ideas
School Funds
David Nicholson explained
that schools are funded in three ways: current expense, recurring capital
expenses, and major capital projects. From a current expense standpoint, the
County has striven to increase funding to education. He reminded the Board that
on a monthly basis, the school Finance Director estimates what the expenditures
out of the current expense fund are going to be for the next month. A request
is then made to the County Finance Director to transfer that portion of the
budget to them. At the end of the month, the funds are balanced out. From a
capital expense standpoint, the County provides funds based on specific
There had recently been
an issue related to monies at the school system, however Mr. Nicholson felt it
would be inappropriate to have a specific discussion about that issue.
Eventually there will be a report issued, and that will be shared with the
Board of Commissioners.
Regional Water Negotiations
Chairman Hawkins had
distributed to the Board information on the recent history of the Water
Agreement. Commissioner Moyer stated that with respect to the agreement entered
into in 1994 and 1995, he had been opposed to it all along. However, the fact
remains that it does now exist. There had been information put out that was not
accurate that the Board needed to consider. Some of those inaccurate issues,
and the true meaning within the agreement were as follows:
That the
agreement obligates Asheville and the Regional Water Authority to create a true
regional water authority.
In fact, they simply have an obligation to
discuss it and negotiate it.
The Authority
has the obligation to build regional water lines in Henderson County when
Henderson County wants them to do so.
They are only
obligated to build regional water lines if there is a nine year payback. There
are very few projects where there is a nine year payback, in those cases the
county picks up the tab.
Commissioner Moyer stated
that the County is at a critical point with respect to the negotiations. He
felt the Board needed to consider which way it wants to go. When that agreement
was set up, it was contemplated that Henderson County would get into the water
business and service customers. The City of Hendersonville however has a water
system in the northern area of the county, has a plant, is producing water, and
has discussed expanding their treatment capacity to sell additional water. To
complete their system, the City would need to run a loop over to Fletcher. Once
that loop is created, they would be able to serve the bulk of that area. The
City had looked at the treatment plant that is there, but that is a very
expensive water treatment plant, costing over $30 million to produce 5 million
gallons of water. He did not feel the option of purchasing that plant, with the
City of Hendersonville paying half and the County paying half, was in the best
interest of the citizens.
Therefore, he felt the
best that could be hoped for, would be for the City and the Authority to build
regional water lines in Henderson County on a nine year payback. He stated that
through their refusal to build those lines, it was clear that the City of
Asheville didn=t like the agreement as currently structured.
Because of that refusal, up to this point Henderson County had gotten nothing
out of the agreement, and would continue to get nothing out of it other than
aggravation and continued legal cost. He felt that getting the $2 million to
help build water and sewer lines in that area would be far better than getting
He also noted that with
respect to other issues, we were being pushed by the State and Federal
Government into regional approaches for all issues. He felt that Buncombe
County and the City of Asheville would like to resolve this matter, so that we
can move forward jointly on the other issues facing the region. He felt those
issues, such as transportation and mental health, were extremely important, and
continual fighting and litigation would not be in the best interest of
Henderson County and the region. He asked the Board to look at all the facts
involved, what could be done and what Henderson County stands to gain, and the
importance of getting the issue resolved.
Chairman Hawkins
responded that if the City of Hendersonville was willing to pay $17 million to
expand their water capacity, they still wouldn=t have another source of water. The current plan does have an
additional source of water, not only in Mills River but on the French Broad. He
felt that $17 million would be a lot of money to still only have one source of
water. He agreed that existing
plant did make some expensive water, about $.53 per 1,000 gallons. They have a
5 million gallon capacity, but are currently well under that capacity.
Chairman Hawkins reminded
the Board that the dates for the retreat had been scheduled earlier in the
meeting for January 10th and 11th. Chairman Hawkins
made the motion that January 10th and 11th be used as the
dates for the retreat. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
David Nicholson stated
that occasionally there are some conflicts with the Schedule for 2003 Board of
Commissioners Meetings. Those problems are usually with the two National
Association of Counties Meetings held annually. The first of those is the
Legislative Conference in March. No Commissioners indicated that they planned
to attend the Legislative Conference, and that meeting date was left as the
first Monday in March.
The second conflict is
the Annual Conference in July. Mr. Nicholson suggested that the Board might
consider moving that meeting from the third Wednesday of the month to the
fourth, which would be July 23rd. Chairman Hawkins stated that
scheduling that meeting for July 23rd might be a good idea. It was
the consensus of the Board to change that meeting to July 23rd.
Mr. Nicholson also reminded
the Board that the NCACC Legislative Goals Conference would be held January
16-17, 2003. He stressed that this was an important meeting, an opportunity to
introduce any goals over and above what the state had put into effect. Issues
that were discussed to be taken to the Conference dealt with: Storm Water
Runoff, Security Issues dealing with Open Session versus Closed Session
meetings, Medicare and Medicaid.
David Nicholson requested
the Board set a Public Hearing for Special Use Permit Application for Hoopers
Creek Quarry for January 15, 2003 at 11:00 am. Chairman Hawkins made the
motion to set the hearing for January 15, 2003 at 11:00 am. All voted in favor
and the motion carried.
David Nicholson requested
the Board set a Public Hearing on Road Names. The road names in question are: a
change from ASouth Meeting House Branch Road@ to ABlueberry Farm Road@, and
a change from ALoma Linda Drive@ to ASmokey Pines Way@. He requested that Public Hearing be set for January 6, 2003 at 7:00
pm. Chairman Hawkins made the motion to set the hearing for January
6, 2003 at 7:00 pm. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Ms. Beeker informed the
Board that she had been contacted by the company President, Mr. David Mazur,
who said there may not be anyone present at this meeting, but he would be
sending documentation to the Board regarding the mistake they made in the
calculation of their bid. That had not yet been received, but was enroute. Ms.
Beeker requested the Board wait as long as possible on this item, to see if it
did arrive.
Chairman Hawkins stated
that the Board would deal with Closed Session at this time, and make a
determination on this item following closed session.
Chairman Hawkins made
the motion for the Board to go into closed session as allowed pursuant to NCGS
143-318.11 for the following reasons:
1. (a)(4) To discuss matters relating to the location
or expansion of industries or other businesses in the area served by the public
(a)(6) To consider the qualifications, competence,
performance, character, fitness, conditions of appointment, or conditions of
initial employment of an individual public officer or employee or prospective
public officer or employee; or to hear or investigate a complaint, charge, or
grievance by or against an individual public officer or employee.
All voted in favor and
the motion carried.
BID - continuation
The information sent by
Empire Dismantlement Corp. had arrived while the Board was in Closed Session.
Ms. Beeker reminded that Board that when the bids were received for the
demolition and abatement of the Human Services Building properties, the low
bidder, Empire Dismantlement Corp., requested that they be allowed to withdraw
their bid due to an error. The statutes are very specific on when a bidder can
withdraw a bid without forfeiting their bid bond. Ms. Beeker noted that under
the statute, the Board must determine:
Whether there
was a mistake made?
If so, was the
mistake a substantial error?
Was the bid
submitted in good faith?
Has the bidder
submitted credible evidence that the mistake was clerical in nature as opposed
to a judgment error?
Was the error
due to an unintentional and substantial arithmetic error OR an unintentional
omission of a substantial quantity of work, labor, apparatus, supplies,
materials, equipment or services made directly in the compilation of the bid?
Can the
unintentional arithmetic error OR unintentional omission be clearly shown by
objective evidence drawn from inspection of the original work papers,
documents or materials used in the preparation of the bid sought to be
If all of the answers to
the six questions above are yes, the Board must allow the bidder to withdraw
the bid without forfeiting the bid bond. Otherwise the bid bond would be
forfeited. She felt the decision should be based on credible evidence.
There followed much
discussion on the information received from Empire Dismantlement Corp., and
where the miscalculation actually occurred. There was some confusion over what
appeared to be the error versus the error noted in the explanation.
Commissioner Moyer stated that he didn=t feel the burden should be on the Board to figure out where the error
was made.
Following some additional
discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to have Ms. Beeker contact Mr.
Mazur to find out if he would like to produce the original documents and
present his case on the matter, and to defer action on this matter until the January
6, 2003 meeting.
- no business
There being no further
business to come before the Board, Commissioner Moyer made the motion to
adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
W. Corn, Clerk to the Board Grady
Hawkins, Chairman