The Henderson County Board of Commissioners met for a regularly
scheduled meeting at 5:30 p.m. in the Commissioners' Conference Room of the
Henderson County Office Building.
Those present were: Chairman
Bill Moyer, Vice-Chair Marilyn Gordon, Commissioner Don Ward, Commissioner
Charlie Messer, Commissioner Grady Hawkins, County Manager David E. Nicholson,
County Attorney Angela S. Beeker, and Clerk to the Board Elizabeth W. Corn.
Also present were: Planning Director Karen C. Smith, Finance Director
J. Carey McLelland, Assistant to the County Manager Selena Coffey, Planner Josh
Freeman and Deputy Clerk to the Board Amy R. Brantley.
Absent was: Public Information Officer Chris S. Coulson.
Chairman Moyer called the meeting to order and welcomed all in
Commissioner Ward led the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.
David Nicholson gave the invocation.
Chairman Moyer recognized Representative Larry Justus who was present.
He also recognized the local branch of Habitat for Humanity, which had recently
received an award from the North Carolina Department of Commerce - Division of
Community Assistance, North Carolina Small Cities CDBG Program. The award won was
for the ABest New Housing Development - 2002.@ Chairman Moyer briefly discussed the project
location and the criteria for the award, and thanked Habitat for their
contribution to the community. He presented the award to George Shipley on
behalf of Habitat for Humanity.
Chairman Moyer asked to add two items to Discussion Items: Item AE@ - Air Quality Strategic Plan Steering Committee, and Item AF@ - Naming of the National Guard Armory.
Chairman Moyer made the motion to approve the
revised agenda. All voted in favor and
the motion carried.
Chairman Moyer made the motion to approve the
Consent Agenda. All voted in favor and
the motion carried. The CONSENT AGENDA
consisted of the following:
Minutes were presented for the Board=s review and approval of the following meetings:
July 24, 2002, regular meeting
August 29, 2002, special called meeting
Tax Collector=s Report
Terry F. Lyda, Tax Collector, had provided the Tax Collector=s Report dated October 7, 2002 for the Board=s information.
Financial Report - August 2002
Cash Balance Report - August 2002
These reports had been submitted by the Finance Director for
information and the Board=s consent approval.
The County utilizes unreserved fund balance during the early part of
the new fiscal year to cover expenditures over revenues in the General Fund.
This is not an unusual financial position during this time of the year prior to
property tax bills being mailed. However, we would normally see an additional
$2 million in revenues during the month of August from the former Intangibles
Tax Reimbursement that is being withheld by the Governor and the State of North
Non-departmental expense included the annual property/liability and
worker=s compensation insurance premiums paid to the
NCACC Risk Management Pools. These costs will be allocated out to individual
departments on a pro-rata share basis prior to fiscal year-end.
Henderson County Public Schools Financial
Report - August 2002
This report had been submitted for the Board=s consent approval.
Petition for addition to State Road system
Staff had received a petition for addition to the state road system for
Pine Valley Drive and South Stoney View Court. The County Manager recommended
the Board accept these petitions and forward them to NC DOT for their
Van Syckle Property Addressing Appeal
This appeal was denied at the September 18, 2002 meeting and the
proposed written decision was submitted for the Board=s consent approval.
Request for Improvement Guarantee for Rock
Creek, Phase II
Southern Development, Inc., Developer/Applicant
Southern Development, Inc., had submitted an application for a
subdivision improvement guarantee for road improvements in Phase II of Rock
Creek Subdivision. The improvement guarantee was proposed to cover the cost of
installing additional gravel, and paving portions of the roads in Phase II that
exceed 15% in grade in accordance with the requirements of the subdivision
ordinance. The Board of Commissioners approved an improvement guarantee (a
surety performance bond) for Phase I of Rock Creek in February 2002.
The Planning Board granted approval of the Master Plan for the entire
Rock Creek Subdivision on October 16, 2001. The Planning Department approved
the Development Plan for Phase II of Rock Creek on May 7, 2002.
Pursuant to Section 170-38 of the Henderson County Code, a developer
may, in lieu of completing all of the required improvements prior to Final Plat
approval, post a performance guarantee to secure the County=s interest in seeing that satisfactory
construction of incomplete improvements occurs. One type of permitted guarantee
is an irrevocable letter of credit. The developer intends to secure a letter of
credit from First Citizens Bank in the amount of $21,660, which includes the
cost of the road improvements ($17,328) as well as the required twenty-five
percent (25%) contingency of $4,332. The proposed completion date for the
improvements is April 30, 2003.
A draft Performance Guarantee Agreement was attached for the Board=s consideration. If the application was approved,
the developer would submit a letter of credit in accordance with the terms of
the Agreement. The County Attorney must review the letter of credit and certify
the Agreement as to form prior to its execution by the Chairman and the
Chairman Moyer reminded the Board of the following vacancies and opened
the floor to nominations:
and Review - 1 vac.
There were no nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the
next meeting.
2. Nursing/Adult
Care Home Community Advisory Committee - 2 vac.
There were no nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the
next meeting.
3. Zoning
Board of Adjustment, Hendersonville City - 1 vac.
There were no nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the
next meeting.
Zoning Board of
Adjustment, Fletcher - 1 vac.
There were no nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the
next meeting.
Advisory Committee - 1 vac.
Chairman Moyer nominated John Antrim to fill the vacated position. Commissioner
Hawkins made the motion to accept Mr. Antrim by acclamation. All voted in favor
and the motion carried.
Community Child
Protection Team - 6 vac.
There were no nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the
next meeting.
Roger Snyder presented the proposal for the Mills River Incorporation
project. He introduced the following members, in addition to himself, of the
interim town council: Linda Brittain, Elana Carland, Wayne Carland, and Jimmy
Cowan. He also had the incorporation committee stand to be recognized.
Mr. Snyder outlined the AVision Statement and Goals@ proposed by the incorporation committee. He stated that the biggest
question they get is AWhy do
you want to incorporate?@ He discussed the Mills River Incorporation Committee Report which
outlined the following findings discovered during the process of researching
incorporation possibilities, and how those desires were being addressed.
1. The residents wanted a fair and responsive form of government.
2. Wanted to be informed at every stage of the Incorporation process.
3. ABig Government@ had no place in the formation of the Town of Mills River.
4. Protection of all of the historical Mills River Valley.
5. Protection of resources.
Mr. Snyder discussed agriculture in Mills River. He stated that the
incorporation is a concern for the farmers. The farmers met with the
incorporation committee to discuss their concerns, what they wanted, what they
would like to see in the town. To become further involved, several of the
farmers formed the AMills
River Agricultural Advisory Committee.@
He then discussed the FY >04 Sales Tax Analysis for the County and other cities within the county
if Mills River does incorporate. Based on the estimates provided $1,381,434
would be diverted from the county and cites which would go to the Town of Mills
Mr. Snyder presented a proposed time line to the Board noting the
important dates to be met in the incorporation process. Chairman Moyer
questioned one item which was listed as AOctober 28 Presentation to Commission@. Mr. Snyder clarified that this item was at the State level.
Mr. Snyder then discussed the development of the various town boundary
maps presented. The original boundary had essentially been the area within a
one mile radius around the Mills River Texaco. That map had been presented at
the first town meeting, and had been met with complaints because of the areas
not included. When revisiting the possible boundaries, the following conditions
were considered.
1. To include as much as possible of AHistorical Mills River@
2. No land outside the present Mills River Fire Department District
3. Once a Aproposed@ map was developed, get as much public
comment as possible.
4. Giving the residents on the borders the opportunity to opt out.
5. Stick with one map with only minor changes.
6. Use natural and accepted boundaries, i.e. roads, rivers and fire
district lines.
7. No present property parcels will be divided.
8. Make boundary agreements with other towns that included no Mills
River residents.
Mr. Snyder answered several questions from the Board on instances
concerning the above eight conditions. He then discussed at length the services
that the Town would provide, who would provide them and how they would be
provided. These included fire protection, police protection, street lighting
and garbage collection. He also discussed planning and zoning, stating that
Mills River would contract with Henderson County for two years for their
present Aopen use@ designation, and for four years for ordinances.
Mr. Snyder stated that with respect to the incorporation committee
expenditures, there was a line item named AFund-raising@ that
showed an expense at about $500 more than the income generated. He stated that
the figure appeared that way because they had purchased hats and coffee mugs
that had been paid for that were currently being sold.
Commissioner Hawkins questioned the state=s required reserve fund and the capital reserve fund, asking how those
funds would be accumulated especially with a street light project underway. Mr.
Snyder answered that they would have three years to start the street light
project. Carolyn Johnson stated that projected sales tax revenues had been used
for their initial budgetary assumptions. Initially they plan to set aside
monies needed for future projects, so they would be covered in the event of a
slow down or decrease in income.
Commissioner Hawkins questioned whether in the future, the council
anticipated providing more services than had already been listed. Mr. Snyder
stated that they had not discussed such a plan, but that services could be
added once the town is established. Commissioner Hawkins specifically
questioned the possibility of water and sewer services being provided. Mr.
Snyder stated that water was expensive, and Commissioner Hawkins did not press
him for an answer.
Mr. Snyder then briefly discussed the history of Mills River, studies
and projects that had been done, and a time-line of the boundary dispute with
Fletcher. Commissioner Hawkins stated that the Henderson County Planning
Department had done a study on Mills River, and questioned what the town=s feedback was on that document. Carolyn
Johnson stated that they had the study, several people were starting to look at
it, and it would be taken into consideration.
Mr. Snyder concluded by stating that the goal of the incorporation is
to protect the entire Mills River Historical area. He thanked the Board of
Commissioners, County Staff, and David Nicholson for their assistance in this
Commissioner Hawkins questioned whether by statute there was any action
required on the part of the Board of Commissioners. Larry Justus stated that he
did not believe there was any specific requirement, but he felt it would look
better to the Legislative Commission if the Board endorsed the request for
Chairman Moyer stated that an extremely important area would be with
respect to the budget. He asked Mr. Nicholson to discuss how the sales tax is
allocated, since that allocation is based on what is best from the County
standpoint. Mr. Nicholson answered that there are two ways sales tax can be
distributed: one is on a per capita basis and the other is on an ad valorem tax
levy basis. They operate basically the same way, the entire population of the
county is counted and then the populations of the cities are added back in.
Thus far it has been most advantageous to the county to proceed on the per
capita basis, but the method is studied each year.
Commissioner Hawkins made the motion that the
Board go on record in support of the incorporation of Mills River.
Commissioner Ward and Commissioner Messer both spoke in support of the
incorporation. Commissioner Gordon stated that she knew this was inevitable,
and had questioned how this would effect the county as a whole. After attending
many of the meetings and watching the process, she whole-heartedly endorsed the
incorporation. David Nicholson requested the Board reserve the right to
continue to work with the interim town council and the legislative committee
because there are some issues in the charter that still need to be straightened
Chairman Moyer also stated his support of the incorporation, briefly
discussing how such efforts help keep Henderson County the wonderful place that
it is. Following discussion, Chairman Moyer called the question on Commissioner
Hawkins= motion. All voted in favor and the motion
1. Dick Baird - Mr. Baird spoke in opposition to the proposed 24 sales tax. He encouraged the Board to enter
into the lawsuit currently being pursued by several other counties. He stated
that with regards to the budget, he still felt the budget could be cut without
cutting services. He spoke to the room tax rate, noting that it was up over
last year, and felt that the Travel and Tourism department should be thanked
for their efforts especially in such uncertain financial times. He spoke
regarding the enforcement of traffic regulations, especially speed control. He
finally discussed the case of a rabid animal that had occurred approximately a
week ago, and urged the Board to assist county residents with such matters.
2. Mike James - Mr. James stated that he is a law enforcement officer,
and spoke about the use of firearms in residential areas. He has a neighbor who
uses firearms, the bullets of which are ending up on his property. He stated
that while outside, he had heard bullets hitting the tin roof of his house. He
commented that other counties and cities have ordinances in place to help
protect people from such firearm use. He requested the Board consider such an
ordinance before someone is hurt or killed.
3. Richard Hayes - Mr. Hayes is also a neighbor of the gentleman using
firearms. He stated that the man claims the bullets do not leave his property,
but that he only owns approximately 2 acre. Mr. Hayes has tried to speak with the man about the problem but
to no avail.
It was the consensus of the Board to discuss a possible ordinance
regulating the use of firearms at their next meeting.
Commissioner Ward made the motion to go into
public hearing. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Karen Smith reminded the Board that scheduled for this meeting was a
public hearing on a set of proposed amendments to the Henderson County
Subdivision Ordinance (Chapter 170 of the Henderson County Code).
Following a public hearing and action on a set of amendments to the
Subdivision Ordinance on March 11, 2002, the Board of Commissioners decided to
ask the Planning Board to study several issues related to private road
standards that were raised by surveyors and a developer during the hearing. The
issues included site distance on vertical curves, centerline radius, cut and
fill slope and shoulder widths on private roads.
The Planning Board asked a Subcommittee comprised of Planning Board
members to examine the issues raised at the hearing and propose appropriate
amendments to the Subdivision Ordinance, if needed. The Subcommittee met with
surveyors William Patterson and Stacy Rhodes, developer A.J. Ball, County Fire
Marshal Rocky Hyder, County Engineer Gary Tweed and Planning Department staff
several times to discuss the issues and unanimously recommended several
amendments to the full Planning Board.
At its August 20, 2002 meeting, the Planning Board reviewed the
recommendations of the Subcommittee, made a few minor adjustments to the
proposed amendments and voted unanimously to send the Board of Commissioners a
favorable recommendation on the amendments as presented.
Ms. Smith noted that most of the amendments allow the Planning Board to
have the ability to grant some reductions in some of the standards if certain
conditions are met. Beyond that, a developer would have to apply to the Board
of Commissioners for a variance. This is to provide some flexibility in the
standards without actually changing the minimum standard under certain
Ms. Smith reviewed the proposed amendments. Proposed Amendment #1
contains the language changes that relate to centerline radius, cut and fill
slope and shoulder widths. The Planning Board did not propose any changes to
sight distance on vertical curves. Ms. Smith discussed the standards the
Planning Board would be able to grant variances for centerline radii, and the
circumstances under which they could do so.
She also discussed changes to shoulder width. The minimum standard for
a two-way private local residential road had been reduced from six feet to four
feet. This proposed reduction to a four foot shoulder and a 16 foot travelway
would be the new standard across the board. For two-way private collector and
two-way private local roads, the Planning Board would have the ability to
reduce shoulder widths depending on the existing cross-slope. They also
proposed the Planning Board be able to approve shoulder widths of four to six
feet if the existing cross-slope is greater than 10% but less than 20% on collector
roads, and shoulder widths of two to six feet if the existing cross-slope is
20% or greater. On private local residential roads, the amendment would allow
the Planning Board to approve a shoulder width of two to four feet if the
existing cross-slope is 20% or greater.
In regards to cut and fill slopes, the Planning Board may approve a one
to one cut and fill slope in each road category where the existing cross slope
is 20% or greater. When approving reductions in cut and fill slopes, the
Planning Board may set conditions regarding stabilization of such slopes.
Proposed Amendment #2 came about as result of the Subcommittee
discussions on other proposed changes, and dealt with the plat notes for
private roads. The purpose of such a note would be to advise parties of private
roads that were not built to state standards and may not be taken over by the
state for maintenance.
Commissioner Hawkins questioned a statement in the Minimum Curve Radius
that discussed the Planning Board requiring lower speeds. He confirmed with Ms.
Smith that the Planning Board cannot set speed limits, although some developers
do post speed limit signs. He suggested a different choice of words in the
Public Input
1. William Patterson - Mr. Patterson spoke in opposition to
requiring more notes be put on plats with regards to road maintenance. He
stated that there is already a state statute that places requirements on
developers in this regard. He discussed his opinions on the requirements for
shoulder width, stating that he believed two feet was sufficient. He also
discussed how ditch slopes come into play with the shoulder widths. He restated
that he felt a two foot shoulder was sufficient, one to one side slopes, and a
60 foot minimum turn radius.
2. A. J. Ball - Mr. Ball stated that he is the project
manager for Oleta Falls, and had worked with the subcommittee of the Planning
Board on the Subdivision Ordinance amendments. In working on the Oleta Falls
project, Mr. Ball stated that if the current standards were enforced, they
would be at the tops of the mountains with the cuts. He did express a desire to
maintain public safety, and to ensure that people had adequate roads in and out
of developments. He felt the current standards placed an undue burden on both
developers and the environment. He recommended the same standards Mr. Patterson
had suggested.
Commissioner Ward made the motion to go out
of public hearing. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Commissioner Ward stated that the study of the amendments had come
about based on a request by several people including Mr. Patterson and Mr.
Ball. Now the amendments have been done, but the people requesting the
amendments are not satisfied with what has been done. Commissioner Ward questioned
whether the amendments should be looked at again, or if these amendments should
be adopted. He stated that he believed it should be sent back to the Planning
Board for further review.
Chairman Moyer stated that the subcommittee and the full Planning Board
had voted unanimously to send these amendments to the Commissioner. He did not
see the benefit in sending the proposal back to the Planning Board.
Commissioner Hawkins stated that he would like to hear from the Planning Board
as to why there is still such a difference of opinion between that Board and
Mr. Patterson and Mr. Ball.
Commissioner Gordon stated the opinions of the people who are dealing
with the direct impact of the Subdivision Ordinance should be taken into
account. She pointed out that there was land that clearly should not be
developed, and the standards should not be so lenient that a road could be
built on any slope. However there are places where roads could be developed
with minimal environmental impact if the standards were reasonable. She stated
she was leaning toward a reasonable set of standards that everyone would have
to meet rather than stringent requirements that result in many requests for
Angela Beeker stated that from a legal standpoint, she had concerns
about the enforceability of the amendments as written. She stated it is much
clearer to set a standard, than to say Athe Planning Board may, in certain circumstances@. She felt it was just too vague as written,
and discussed several wording changes that would improve the enforceability
without changing the intent.
Commissioner Hawkins made the motion that
staff be directed to revise the amendments for further discussion and possible
adoption. Chairman Moyer
questioned who Commissioner Hawkins referred to by staff. Commissioner Hawkins
clarified that he meant either Planning Department staff or the Planning Board.
He would like to first see the amendments go to Karen Smith and Angela Beeker,
and when they are brought back to the Board he requested a Planning Board
member be present to answer questions.
Commissioner Gordon stated that she would like to have staff look at it
from a legal standpoint and cleaned up so it would be enforceable. She would
also like to see some reasonable parameters set, and have those changes taken
back to the Planning Board for further review.
Chairman Moyer clarified that there was a motion on the floor that
Angela Beeker be directed to look at possible changes necessary to tighten up
the amendments. It would then go back to the Planning Board to see if they were
still satisfied with the draft, or whether there were any other changes they
would like to make. Commissioner Hawkins amended his motion to include the
draft going back to the Planning Board following staff review and further
amendments. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
PUBLIC HEARING - Rezoning Application
#R-03-02 (R-20 to RC) Mr. & Mrs. James R. Suttles, Applicants, Mr. Leon
Allison, Applicant=s Agent
Commissioner Ward made the motion to go into
public hearing. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
On February 4, 2002, and April 1, 2002, the Henderson County Board of
Commissioners approved Rezoning Applications #R-06-01 and #R-01-02,
respectively. Together, these two rezoning applications created a new R-20 Low
Density Residential zoning district along Souther Road which is just southeast
of the Town of Fletcher.
Josh Freeman informed the Board that Rezoning Application #R-03-02,
submitted June 5, 2002, requests that the properties of Mr. and Mrs. James
Robert Suttles be removed from the newly created R-20 district, and returned to
the adjacent RC Rural Conservation zoning district. There are two subject
parcels of Rezoning Application #R-03-02 which belong to Mr. and Mrs. Suttles.
Subject Parcel #1, 0.46 acres in size, serves as a right-of-way to Subject
Parcel #2. It fully conforms to the requirements of the R-20 district, however
it is non-conforming to RC zoning with regards to lot size. Subject Parcel #2,
5.81 acres in size, is generally used for residential and agricultural purposes,
and is fully conforming to both R-20 and RC zoning with regard to lot size. The
residential structure on Subject Parcel #2 is a manufactured home, and is
currently a pre-existing non-conforming structure under R-20 zoning; it would
conform to RC zoning.
He stated that Planning Staff would prefer that Subject Parcel #1
remain under R-20 zoning in order to maintain a more regular delineation
between R-20 and RC zoning and to maintain the conformance of that parcel with
regards to lot size. Overall, however, Planning Staff suggested a favorable
recommendation on Rezoning Application #R-03-02 as submitted.
The Henderson County Planning Board reviewed the application on August
20, 2002 and voted to send a favorable recommendation to the Henderson County
Board of Commissioners on the application as submitted.
Mr. Freeman stated that the source of the application led back to a
misunderstanding between the original applicant of rezoning application
#R-06-01 and the applicant of #R-03-02. The Planning Board has appointed a
subcommittee to look at the rezoning procedures currently in place, to
determine if any improvements might be made.
Public Input
1. Leon Allison - Mr. Allison stated that he became involved
in this matter through an attempt to contact Mr. Suttles for the Planning
Department. Mr. Allison stated that Mr. Suttles had not wished to have his
property rezoned, just thought he was assisting a neighbor when he signed the
original petition. He pointed out that the manufactured home currently on the
property would conform to the RC zoning, but it is non-conforming in R-20.
Commissioner Gordon questioned whether rezoning Subject Parcel #1 was
critical as far as the owners were concerned. Mr. Allison stated that he
believed they did wish to zone that back to RC.
Commissioner Ward made the motion to go out
of public hearing. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Commissioner Ward stated that he felt a simple mistake had been made
and he felt the Board should rezone the property back to RC. Chairman Moyer
stated that he felt it should be approved with respect to Subject Parcel #2,
but not Subject Parcel #1.
Following some additional discussion by the Board, Chairman Moyer
made the motion to adopt staff=s recommendation to re-zone parcel #2, but
leave parcel #1 as part of R-20.
Commissioner Messer stated that he believed that the owners would
prefer to have the property zoned as it had been originally. He did not wish to
see Parcel #1 come back to the Board for rezoning some time in the near future.
Chairman Moyer expressed concern over the precedent that might be set by
rezoning both parcels, stating that Mr. Suttles had signed a clear petition.
Commissioner Gordon stated that rezoning just parcel #2 makes the zoned area a
hard line to follow. Commissioner Hawkins called for a vote on Chairman
Moyer=s motion. The motion failed 3-2 with Chairman
Moyer and Commissioner Gordon voting aye.
Commissioner Hawkins made a motion to rezone
parcels #1 and #2 in accordance with application #R-03-02. The motion carried
4-1 with Chairman Moyer noting nay.
Chairman Moyer made a motion to go into
Closed Session as allowed pursuant to NCGS 143-318.11 for the following
1.(a)(5) To establish, or to instruct the
public body=s
staff or negotiating agents
concerning the position to be taken by or on
behalf of the public body in
negotiating (l) the price and other material
terms of a contract or proposed contract for the acquisition of real property
by purchase, option, exchange or lease; or (ll) the amount of compensation and
other material terms of an employment contract or proposed employment contract.
2.(a)(6) To consider the qualifications,
competence, performance, character, fitness, conditions of appointment, or
conditions of initial employment of an individual public officer or employee or
prospective public officer or employee; or to hear or investigate a complaint,
charge, or grievance by or against an individual public officer or
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Fiscal Year - Valuation
Tax Assessor Eddie Mitchum reminded the Board that one of the first
items of business he had been assigned to complete was an estimate of the tax
base for the coming fiscal year. In dealing with a new, undocumented and
proprietary system, he had discovered that he had over-calculated the tax base
in a significant manner. He informed the Board that he had been working with
the vendor to ensure such an error did not occur again, and apologized for the
David Nicholson stated that as soon as he was informed of the error, he
had assembled budget staff to look at the effect on the budget. The collection
rate for each area is different, so staff had broken down each category to get
the true effect. Staff=s best
projection of the shortage is $1,125,910. Mr. Nicholson presented the following
options to the Board.
1. Offset with Article 44 Sales Tax - According to the NCACC, the
expected receipts from this additional 1/24 sales tax would be $1,920,240. The levying of this tax would allow the
offset of this loss of property tax as well as eliminate the need for the
Appropriated Fund Balance in the current year=s budget and allow for the appropriation of some Contingencies.
2. Offset with additional Fund Balance Appropriated - The appropriation
of an additional $1,125,910 would bring the total amount appropriated in the FY
02-03 budget to $1,888,477. This would leave $7.9 million in Undesignated Fund
Balance. It would lower the percentage of Fund Balance as a percentage of the
General Fund Expenditures to 10.5%. As the Board is aware the LGC=s minimum requirement is 8%.
3. Reduce County Appropriations - This could be approached in two
manners. The first way would be an across the board reduction in the budget.
This reduction would only apply to those line-items within the county=s control. An across the Board reduction
would amount to approximately 2.44% including schools and the College or a
4.05% reduction excluding education. The other approach would be to focus the
cut on specific departments. In his opinion, either of those alternatives would
cause a reduction in staff and thus a decline in the services provided by
County Government.
Mr. Nicholson stated that on a good note, the county did receive
notification from the County Commissioners Association that Medicare had
approved another in-county milage increase. An increase of $175,000 had been
projected for this fiscal year.
Article 44 Sales Tax
Angela Beeker reminded the Board that the General Assembly had passed a
version of Senate Bill 1292 to authorize the enactment of the Article 44 24 sales tax to be effective December 1, 2002.
Under Senate Bill 1292, no public hearing was required but 48 hours advanced notice
of intent must be given for the Board to enact the sales tax. She stated that
the only action necessary at this meeting was whether the Board wished to
direct staff to give the 48 hours notice. If the Board wished to have the tax
be effective December 1, 2002, action would have to be taken by November 1,
Chairman Moyer asked David Nicholson what surrounding counties had done
or planned to do. Mr. Nicholson answered that most counties had either taken
action to initiate the tax, or would be considering it very soon. Chairman
Moyer noted that he had received correspondence from the City of Hendersonville
and Laurel Park supporting the adoption of the tax. Fletcher would be
discussing it at a meeting held this evening.
Commissioner Ward stated that he was opposed to increasing the sales
tax. He felt that for small ticket items, the increase would not effect
retailers. However for the larger item retailers, in which category he included
himself, the sales tax would drive their customers to shop in another state.
Commissioner Hawkins referred to the letter from Mayor Niehoff at the
City of Hendersonville. Mayor Niehoff had stated in that letter that Aif the additional sales tax is not approved,
then at some point down the road income from property taxes will have to
replace that lost income@. He pointed out that the City was already operating under a balanced
budget during the fiscal year when this would take effect. He also expressed
some concern over language in Senate Bill 1292, stating that there was a clause
in it that would already allow the state to withhold some of the funding. He
questioned whether Henderson County might not make more money by not enacting
the increase, once area residents know that Henderson County is a cheaper place
to shop.
Commissioner Gordon stated that the valuation issue was the relevant
issue that had to be considered. If the 24 is not enacted in December, what other options are available to ensure
enough revenue to balance the budget. She felt county government could continue
to provide the same services with the approved budget provided the anticipated
revenue is received. It appears now that revenue might not come in from
existing sources. She felt increasing the sales tax was in some ways fairer
than increasing property tax, and that there was some consolation in that this
tax would not apply to food. She felt the Board should initiate the notice so
this issue could be placed on their next agenda.
Chairman Moyer confirmed that if the notice was given at this meeting,
the official action would not be taken until the next meeting. He stated that
he would support enacting the new sales tax. He noted it was very unfortunate
that the State had put the counties into such a situation, that he was uncomfortable
with the state budget for this year, and that he did not think they had a plan
for the next year. The problem may well exist next year, and he was reluctant
to pull money out of fund balance now, when they may well have to do it again
next year.
Commissioner Messer stated that this was a hard decision. He agreed
that the county could have run on the approved budget until the valuation error
was found. Though it was a tough decision, he felt that this would help get the
county through this year.
Chairman Moyer made the motion to direct
staff to give 48 hours notice to enact the Article 44 Sales Tax with final
action to be taken October 16th. Following additional discussion,
the motion carried 3-2 with Commissioner Hawkins and Commissioner Ward voting
Lawsuit - Withholding of State Revenue
Angela Beeker informed the Board that several counties and towns had
sued the Secretary of Revenue for lost reimbursements. The lawsuit claims that
reimbursements for the previous fiscal year and this fiscal year should have
been paid. When the legislature enacted the budget, they repealed the
reimbursements for this fiscal year effective July 1, 2002. In terms of the
lawsuit, that means the reimbursements for the current fiscal year are no
longer owed. There are four reimbursements at issue: inventories, intangibles,
homestead and food stamps tax. Ms. Beeker stated that last year the county had
received all of those reimbursements except half of the inventories tax, and
the homestead tax. The total of what the county did not receive from last year
reimbursements was approximately $650,000. That amount would be the maximum the
county would stand to gain.
Mrs. Beeker had a form resolution that everyone joining the lawsuit was
being asked to pass. The maximum fee to join the suit for Henderson County was
$1,000. Depending on how many counties and cities join the suit, the fee could
go down.
The strongest case for the counties is with regards to the inventories
tax. The Secretary of Revenue collects the corporate income tax, and from those
collections is supposed to remit the payment for the inventories taxes to the
counties per the statute. Those funds are not supposed to ever be co-mingled
with regular state monies. She stated that she had spoken with the NCACC, and
their opinion was that there was not much chance of success. She advised the
Board that this was not a class-action lawsuit, and only named parties would
partake of any settlement.
Commissioner Hawkins pointed out that the firm handling the case has a
very good track record. He felt that for a $1,000 investment, odds of some type
payback were good. He stated that one question was if the lawsuit is won, does
the state have any money. His opinion was that based on recent action, there is
plenty of money available in Raleigh.
Commissioner Hawkins made the motion that the
Board direct legal staff to join in the lawsuit against the Secretary of
Revenue, and adopt the Resolution. Following additional discussion with each
Commissioner expressing their opinion, Chairman Moyer called for a vote on the
motion. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Regional Water Agreement Negotiations
Chairman Moyer informed the Board that at the last negotiating session,
the City of Asheville put a proposal on the table that if Henderson County
wished to end the agreement and terminate everything, they would give Henderson
County the Bent Creek property, or the equivalent value of $2,000,000. That
would terminate the agreement and Henderson County would lose all rights under
that agreement. Basically, the City of Asheville would buy Henderson County out
of the agreement for $2,000,000.
Chairman Moyer and Commissioner Gordon expressed a great deal of
concern over what effect such a settlement would have on regionalism and our
ability to work together in other areas. They met with Asheville Mayor Charles
Worley and Jim Ellis after the meeting, and Chairman Moyer felt that they had
negotiated in good faith and tried to represent Asheville as well as possible.
He also felt that the City of Asheville was not willing to have serious
discussions with respect to the creation of a true Authority. Various alternatives
have been looked at, ways to move toward a true Authority, but no way has been
Chairman Moyer then presented an alternative proposal to the buyout. He
stated that the goals were to limit Asheville=s exposure to build water lines, get away from the problems with net
revenue, and try to simplify the process so that it would work for Henderson
County but eliminate some of the problems Asheville saw with proceeding with a
regional water line concept. Chairman Moyer distributed a copy of the most
recently submitted proposal for discussion. The key points indicated in the
proposal were:
The Water
Authority would designate $30,000 to build water lines for the first year, and
would raise that amount $5,000 each year to build lines each year in northern
Henderson County pursuant to the Master Plan. This amount would be set aside
for ten years, and would come to $525,000.
Water lines
would be built pursuant to the agreed upon Master Plan, or for economic
development purposes. Other lines could be built for private developers if
Henderson County wished to allow it. Water lines would be become part of the
Authority=s system, and they would maintain them and
receive the revenues.
Base rate for
Henderson County customers would be the same as for the City of Asheville.
Allows any
jurisdiction to implement higher rates for other purposes.
To create a
regional infrastructure council. One of the keys to making this work would be
to get the City of Hendersonville involved because they have lines in the
northern part of the county.
County or it=s designee would retain authority over any
extension into Henderson County.
on the Authority would be reduced to one (1) member.
Bent Creek
property would be sold and the proceeds divided between the Authority and
Henderson County. The appraised value is $2 million, with the risk of sale
being on Asheville.
County wished to limit condemnation power for transmission lines. The language
pertaining to this in the proposal would need to be clarified.
Commissioner Gordon pointed out that the money from the sale of the
Bent Creek property would be used for construction of new water lines or sewer
lines. They had wanted to ensure that Henderson County had flexibility with
using that money.
Chairman Moyer stated he felt the options were down to being bought out
or accepting this proposal. He stated he did not feel there was any way to get
$2 million out of the second deal. The downside of accepting the buy out would
be that it would terminate the water authority and Henderson County would be
out of the picture. However, he stated that he was leaning in that direction
because he did not feel Henderson County would ever get anything out of the
agreement. He requested direction from the Board of where to go with the
There followed much discussion among the Board, with the tendency
leaning toward accepting the $2 million dollar buy out. Commissioner Hawkins
spoke in opposition, stating that he would hate to negate a proposal that
contained some vision and lofty ideas, and would take Asheville to court.
Commissioner Gordon stated that before the Board agreed to a straight
buy out, there should be some provisions put on that buy out that would
guarantee a base rate for Henderson County customers on the system that would
equal City of Asheville customers. She felt that if possible, the Board should
try to protect our residents in seeing that they get reasonable rates and the
ability to hook onto that system. She also stated that the Board should be able
to control property acquisitions, limiting them only to right-of-ways necessary
for water lines.
Commissioner Hawkins spoke to the various options open to the county
besides a buy out. He suggested seeing what kind of help the State could offer,
either through state legislation or local bills. If the state is truly
interested in regional approaches, they should pass state statutes that would
allow designated plans of regional cooperation. He also suggested
correspondence with the WNC Caucus legislators.
Following additional discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to
consider the options and discuss them again at the October 16th
David Nicholson stated that he had been contacted by several people
from Asheville and Buncombe County in the past few days. He questioned whether
the Board felt comfortable with his saying that the Board was leaning toward
the buy out. Chairman Moyer said that he did not think anything could be said
one way or the other at this time, except that discussion had been put off
until the next meeting.
Business Personal Property Audit Agreements
Eddie Mitchum reminded that Board that in 1996, the county used a
company called TMA to audit some business personal properties. Since 1996, the
county had not audited any businesses. There are approximately 3,700 businesses
in Henderson County, and the Department of Revenue recommends that all accounts
be audited within a five year period.
In 1996, TMA audited 405 accounts, made discoveries on 172 of them, and
generated approximately $140 million in discoveries. Mr. Mitchum stated that he
would like to have TMA audit the large accounts, and a company called Turner
Business Appraisers to audit the smaller accounts and locate unknown accounts.
He stated that in the past year 300 accounts had been added, but he felt there
were still unknown accounts out there to be added.
Commissioner Ward stated that he had been through the 1996 audit, and
he did not feel that the audit was done fairly. He had received numerous phone
calls from farmers about how the audits were conducted. He questioned how the
property was going to be assessed, and stated that he had already had
discussions about it with the previous Assessor. He stated that he had received
128 phone calls from people who felt they had been harassed during the previous
Mr. Mitchum explained how the assessments worked, and stated that he
would not be doing his job if he ignored the farm accounts. It is a requirement
of the general statute that the Assessor is charged with listing and appraising
all property located within their jurisdiction. If no audit program is done,
the assessments are left up to the honor system.
Commissioner Hawkins questioned whether the Machinery Act, 105-283 and
105-317.1, mandated a time requirement. Angela Beeker stated that she would
need to pull the Machinery Act and check. She added that in the 1996 audit
contract, there had been language that would allow the Board to terminate the
contract if the auditors were not treating people with respect and courtesy.
She had included similar language in the current contracts being presented to
the Board to address Commissioner Ward=s concerns.
Commissioner Gordon confirmed that the contracts were set up to base
payment on the percentage of tax collected; if the auditors find nothing they
get nothing. Angela Beeker informed the Board that they do not have to pay on a
contingency fee basis, though it has become the standard fee practice.
Chairman Moyer stated that his opinion was the County had a legal
obligation to do the audits. It would be the job of the Board to find the most
efficient way to do so.
Commissioner Hawkins questioned a statement in the TMA contract that
talked about a 36 month period. Eddie Mitchum stated that the audit could not
be completed in three years. Commissioner Hawkins asked if the audit was
started in 2002 and finished in 2005, would the next audit be due in 2010. Mr.
Mitchum answered that he saw it as an ongoing thing, but that personal audits
needed more attention than any other source of potential revenue. He discussed
how the listing process currently works, and why there was a need to perform
the audits.
Following additional discussion, David Nicholson suggested staff devise
a program of how many audits would be done per year including a fee that would
be paid per audit done. Chairman Moyer stated that he felt the Board would be
more comfortable with such a plan and asked Mr. Mitchum if he was comfortable
with that decision. It was the consensus of the Board to proceed with
developing such a plan.
Naming of the National Guard Armory
Commissioner Hawkins reminded the Board that earlier in the year, the
Board had received correspondence from the Chairman of the 50th
Anniversary of the Korean War Commemorative Program. That correspondence
requested the local National Guard Armory be named for the first person from
Hendersonville killed in action in the Korean War. That action had been
endorsed by the Board and forwarded to Raleigh.
The Department of Crime Control and Public Safety had responded that to
proceed, a committee would be formed by the senior commander and two other
members of the National Guard, a representative of the City and may include a
Commissioner if funds in the building come from the County. That committee
makes the recommendation of the name presented.
Commissioner Hawkins had also received correspondence from a Mr.
Kuykendall, suggesting that that name be considered from the Revolutionary War.
Commissioner Hawkins had sent a letter to a Captain at the National Guard
Armory requesting the committee be formed in accordance with army regulation.
He was still awaiting a reply regarding when that committee would be formed and
how they would go about locating the name of the first person from
Hendersonville killed in action in the Korean War.
Air Quality Strategic Plan Steering Committee
Chairman Moyer stated that in the Regional Visioning 2010 Plan adopted
by Land-of-Sky, there were four Strategic Planning Committees established, one
of which was Air Quality. The plan identifies air quality as a significant
issue for the area, and suggests development of the steering committee to make
recommendations on what should be done. When he saw the proposed local and
regional government representatives, he became concerned with respect to the balance
on the committee. He asked the Board how they felt this should be dealt with.
The County does have an Environmental Advisory Committee from which someone
could be appointed, or a Commissioner could serve.
Commissioner Hawkins stated that he felt the Environmental Advisory
Committee should be involved in this issue. Following additional discussion, it
was the consensus of the Board to ask the Environmental Advisory Committee to
get involved with the Air Quality Strategic Plan Steering Committee on behalf
of the Board of Commissioners to ensure Henderson County representation.
EMS - Southeast Station
David Nicholson reminded the Board of a previous discussion with
regards to developing a southeast substation. He informed the Board that he had
received an updated proposal in which Park Ridge proposed to work with the
county under the same type of agreement used for the Mills River location. Park
Ridge owns some land on Upward Road and Commercial Blvd. on which they would
like to incorporate an EMS substation into a medical facility which they are
getting ready to build. Park Ridge would provide $130,000 toward that
Mr. Nicholson requested the Board accept the offer in principle and
allow staff to begin working with them to develop a contract. Mr. Nicholson
discussed several issues that might affect the project including funding and
staffing. It was the consensus of the Board to have staff begin working with
Park Ridge on a contract.
HIPAA - Electronic Transactions Compliance
Russ Burrell stated that the Board must approve the Compliance Plan,
because the State did not yet have a plan in place to deal with Medicaid
transaction code. This plan states that the County is waiting on the state to
get complete development of the plan. The Board had been presented a
Resolution, passage of which would adopt the plan.
Commissioner Hawkins made the motion to adopt
the Resolution. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Update on Pending Issues
Legislative Update
Angela Beeker stated this would be the last legislative update until
the general assembly goes back into session. She presented to the Board several
bills that had passed which she felt might be of interest. She informed the
Board that she had copies of all the bills presented if anyone wished to see
Update on Human Services Building
David Nicholson reminded the Board that at their meeting on April 4,
2002, they had given staff direction to proceed with development of the human
services building. He stated that staff had completed the tasks assigned by the
Board, and were ready to proceed, with the Board=s approval, to the bidding process. All plans had been approved by
state and local agencies. Mr. Nicholson stated that he still felt the county was
in the $7.7 million dollar borrowing range. He requested direction on how the
Board wished to proceed with the project.
Commissioner Hawkins stated that there was a demonstrated need for a
Health Department and DSS building. With the current budget situation, there
was a lot of question about whether this project could be undertaken in the
future. He felt it would be helpful to have some bids come in, to see what
firms are willing to do the renovations for.
Chairman Moyer agreed that it might be a good time to proceed with the
project. There had been wide differences of opinion on what the project might
cost, but getting the bids would add some helpful information.
Commissioner Gordon stated that it was unfortunate that the building had
gotten tied up in the political arena. She felt it would be very beneficial to
have real world numbers to look at in making a final decision. Many of the
numbers used by the media and press had been very distorted, and did not give
an accurate reflection. She stated that when time comes to make the decision,
the Board should be dealing with real numbers.
Mr. Nicholson had presented a schedule which the Board could consider.
Chairman Moyer questioned whether that schedule allowed sufficient time to have
a pre-bid conference and get the bids back. Mr. Nicholson stated that the
submitted time schedule would be adequate. Chairman Moyer requested staff make
every effort to present those bids to the Board on November 20, 2002.
Chairman Moyer made the motion to approve
moving ahead with the schedule for the purpose of finding out what the
projected cost of the building will be. All voted in favor and the motion
David Nicholson then reminded the Board that right across the back of
the property of the human services building, is a major power line. The line
has been an issue for a long time. The original cost to move the line was well
over $250,000. Staff had worked with the Hunters, who own property next door,
and Duke Power. The cost had come down to $120,000, and the Hunters had offered
to split that cost. The total cost to the County would be $51,364 to move that
line from the building. He requested the Board allow staff to proceed with an
agreement with Duke Power to move the line.
Commissioner Hawkins made the motion to
authorize staff to proceed with negotiations. All voted in favor and the motion
Set Public Hearing - Public Hearing for FY 2002 LLEBG Grant Funds
David Nicholson stated that each year, for the past several years, the
county gets a Local Law Enforcement Block Grant. The grant requires a public
hearing to allow the community to appear before the Board concerning the grant.
He requested the Board set the public hearing for October 16th at
11:00 a.m.
Commissioner Hawkins made the motion to set
the public hearing for October 16 at 11:00 a.m. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
There being no further business to come before the Board,
Commissioner Hawkins made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 11:13 p.m. All
voted in favor and the motion carried.
W. Corn, Clerk to the Board William L. Moyer, Chairman