The Henderson County Board of Commissioners met for a special called
meeting at 4:00 p.m. in the Commissioners' Conference Room of the Henderson
County Office Building at 100 North King Street, Hendersonville, North
Those present were: Chairman Bill Moyer, Vice-Chairman Marilyn Gordon,
Commissioner Charlie Messer, Commissioner Grady Hawkins, Commissioner Don Ward,
Planning Director Karen C. Smith, County Manager David E. Nicholson, County
Attorney Angela S. Beeker, Clerk to the Board Elizabeth W. Corn and Deputy
Clerk to the Board Amy R. Brantley.
Chairman Moyer called the meeting to order, stating that the purpose of
the meeting was a workshop on the zoning ordinance rewrite.
Karen Smith reminded the Board that there were several items staff
needed to get final direction on prior to finalizing the draft for a public
input session. The first item in question was the concept for Planned Unit
Developments. Staff had devised a template of how a PUD should work, and
outlined that concept for the Board. One main difference between the concept in
the proposed template versus the current zoning ordinance dealt with the mixing
of commercial and residential uses. Ms. Smith proposed that a mix of uses be
allowed in PUDs, in those districts zoned to allow a mixing of uses. She also
stated that the Board would need to provide direction on whether or not to
change how PUDs are developed under the current zoning districts. Angela Beeker
reminded the Board in the draft as is presented currently, PUDs allow only the
uses that would be allowed in the district in any manner.
Commissioner Hawkins remembered that some time back the Board had
adjusted, to allow for flexibility, some of the PUD standards. Ms. Smith
answered that had happened for one particular PUD, but there had been several
requests since that one. The only standard she had seen change considerably was
the minimum acreage required to begin a PUD. Commissioner Hawkins stated that
the Board had tried to build in some flexibility, and questioned whether that
flexibility was working. Karen Smith answered that the current PUD concept did
allow flexibility on how lots and roads were laid out. She further stated there
may be some economical reasons why people would want to use that concept, and
for the county to have it available.
Angela Beeker explained that there was a difference in having the
flexibility up front to put together a PUD, versus having the flexibility after
the plan is approved. Trying to build in flexibility after a plan is approved
was what had created the many procedural steps necessary to deal with such an
allowance. She felt that the proposed PUD template had been designed to give up
front flexibility in the development of a plan. Once a plan is approved and the
rules are written, an applicant would have to come before the Board to change
the plan. Following several additional questions from the Board, Chairman Moyer
requested staff draft the language for the PUDs, and bring that language back
to the Board as soon as possible.
Commissioner Gordon expressed concern over the procedural issues, that
it can be difficult sometimes to go through the process, and that it
discourages that type of development. She wondered if there might be some way
to reduce the procedures, and provide more information up front. She questioned
whether there might be instances when PUDs would not need to come to the Board.
She felt that if uses were mixed the Board might wish to see those, but perhaps
not in instances where the PUD stayed within the terms of the existing zoning.
Angela Beeker reminded the Commissioners that what is lost if these do not come
before the Board is the ability to tailor the PUDs to the surrounding
Chairman Moyer stated that he felt the Board would need to see the
language and conditions, and then decide whether to bring all the PUD
applications to the Board. He believed that given the size and potential impact
of some PUDs, he would lean toward bringing them to the Board under most
circumstances. Ms. Beeker stated that she would check with the Institute of
Government, but believed that staff could interpret, but not add conditions.
Ms. Beeker reminded the Board that there had been several discussions
concerning how to treat manufactured home parks in the new districts. There was
no recommendation from staff to treat them any differently than they are
currently in Open Use, where they are regulated by the Manufactured Home Park
Ordinance. It was staff=s recommendation to treat them under those same standards in the Mixed
Use District.
Several questions arose regarding how the Board wished to treat
manufactured home parks in the NR-40, NR-15, NR-6 and OI districts. Ms. Beeker
asked the Board if they wished to allow them in all those districts, and if so
how should they be allowed. She felt that the Board would want to consider
different standards for parks in NR-40 versus those in an MU.
Ms. Beeker then outlined some of the ideas staff had come up with for
how to allow manufactured homes in the NR-40 district. She suggested
manufactured home parks be treated as a PUD. A PUD of that type would have to
meet the density requirements, and the same size specifications that are
already required, but it would treat manufactured homes just as conventional
homes are treated. Ms. Beeker presented several maps to the Board showing
scenarios of how manufactured home parks, and manufactured home parks with
accessory dwelling units could be set up in the different districts. There
followed much explanation and discussion on the real density of all the
districts, how manufactured home parks might appear in each district, and
whether these parks were right for all districts.
It was the consensus of the Board to plan to permit manufactured home
parks in the NR-6 and NR-15 districts, but not the NR-40 district. The final
decision on allowing them in the NR-15 district could be made following public
input on the draft. Ms. Beeker questioned whether the Board wished to permit
manufactured home parks in the NR-6 and NR-15 districts under the manufactured
home parks ordinance rather than the PUD concept. Chairman Moyer felt they
should continue to administer these with the manufactured home parks ordinance.
Commissioner Hawkins discussed how sewer issues complicate the issue, and
stated that he would prefer to see
manufactured home parks allowed only in NR-6 and administered under the
manufactured home parks ordinance.
Angela Beeker then questioned how the Board would wish to allow
manufactured home parks in the districts, as a CU, SU or SR? Ms. Smith
explained that currently in the residential districts they are allowed as a
conditional use, and in the Open Use District they are allowed by right with
staff approval. Under the new ordinance in MU and Open Use, a manufactured home
park would be SR, staff review. Chairman Moyer felt that in the NR-6 and the
NR-15 districts, they should be required to come before the Board of
Commissioners or the Zoning Board of Adjustment. Commissioner Ward felt they
should be required to come before the Board of Commissioners. Commissioner
Gordon stated that she felt the NR-15 would need review, but that in the NR-6
it should be staff review.
Angela Beeker stated that in the NR-6 district, any other type of
housing that would be a PUD would come to the Board of Commissioners. The
numbers would be close, with only slightly fewer lots being allowed under the
manufactured home parks ordinance. Chairman Moyer questioned whether the
densities could be made the same by adjusting the PUD, so that manufactured
homes and conventional homes would be treated the same as far as density was
Karen Smith explained that in the Neighborhood Business District, staff
had tried to incorporate nodes of mixed commercial and residential. This
district evolved from the C-2 District and the Highway 25 South study. Angela
Beeker stated that she viewed NB not as a district, but more of a blending
district. It was the consensus of the Board to have the same requirements in NB
and OI that are in the Mixed Use and Open Use, which was SR. Ms. Beeker stated
that she did not feel parks were an issue in the HB District.
Ms. Smith then spoke to manufactured homes on individual lots, and how
they would be allowed in the districts. The draft currently states that they
would be allowed in all residential districts, however there are standards
specified. The standards proposed covered areas such as roof pitch, the type of
siding, size restrictions that deal with the length not exceeding four times
the width, etc. One standard in need of
revision dealt with the type of permanent masonry foundation. Since foundations
in manufactured homes are different from those in conventional housing, Ms.
Smith felt that what was meant in the current ordinance was underpinning. If
that is indeed the case, she felt that was what the ordinance should say to
eliminate confusion. It was the consensus of the Board to require underpinning
on manufactured homes in the residential districts, NR-40, NR-15 and NR-6. The
Board also supported Ms. Smith including language requiring the underpinning to
match or be uniform with the rest of the home.
Commissioner Gordon stated that currently there is a requirement that
swimming pools be surrounded by a four foot high fence. She stated that there
is a locking cover for swimming pools that is better than a fence, and wondered
if such a cover could also be allowed. David Nicholson stated that he had
received several questions from the public on such a possibility, and discussed
insurance regulations on pool fencing. It was the consensus of the Board to
remove the fence and gate requirement around pools.
Angela Beeker reminded the Board that they had previously been
presented a definition of churches. Following research on this definition,
staff suggested modifying the definition so it would read AA structure (or structures) and parcel(s) on
which it is located, in/on which persons regularly assemble for religious
worship. The term Achurch@ includes all facilities which are on or part
of the church premises and their associated uses which are (1) traditionally
operated or conducted by church congregations in furtherance of their mission,
and/or (2) actually being operated or conducted by the church congregation in
furtherance of its mission, including but not limited to family life centers,
church offices, ASunday School@ classrooms, daycare, preschool, schools and fellowship halls.@ Ms. Beeker felt that the use of this
definition would allow the Zoning Administrator to take situations on a case by
case basis, and prevent uses not truly associated with a church from being
carried out in a district where they would not otherwise be allowed.
There followed discussion on putting standards on churches. Angela
Beeker reminded the Board that standards already exist for churches, and
questioned whether the Board wished to remove those standards. Commissioner
Ward stated that everyone is accustomed to the current standards, and his
concern is for the newly proposed standards. It was the consensus of the Board
to leave the revised definition in the draft, but to change Aand/or@ to just Aor@. Angela Beeker asked the Board if there were
specific church organizations that should be sent the definition for feedback.
It was the consensus of the Board to have staff send the definition out to
several organizations.
Commissioner Hawkins stated that he would like to see some community
input on buffering, especially between different types of uses. He felt one of
the key issues in buffering would be who was required to provide the buffer.
Chairman Moyer stated that the Board did decide the later person providing an
incompatible use would be responsible for the buffering. Angela Beeker stated
that there are two different issues in buffering between commercial and
residential. There is residentially zoned, and residentially used. For example
if a Mixed Use District was abutting an NR-15, the NR-15 could only be used for
residential. Would the Board wish a commercial use in the MU to have to provide
a buffer if no residential use in the NR-15 currently existed, or would any
future residential use be responsible? Following much discussion it was the
consensus of the Board that within a district, a commercial use would only be
required to buffer along an existing residential use. If a commercial use in
one district borders a residential district, the commercial use would be
required to install a buffer along that border.
At a previous meeting, Karen Smith requested direction from the Board
on dealing with manufactured homes being used as storage buildings. Staff had
taken care of this issue in terms of accessory uses, stating in the definition
a list of things that cannot be used as a storage building. She questioned
whether the Board wished to deal with somebody using something like a storage
trailer as a principle use in a commercial or industrial district. Currently,
these types of storage trailers can not be used as an accessory structure.
Staff will proceed with language to allow storage trailers as accessory
structures in the LI, GI, HB and Open Use.
Ms. Beeker informed the Board that relative to adult businesses, staff
had not yet had a chance to fix the text to include all the potential NAICS
uses. She questioned whether the Board wished to have that fixed before going
out for public input. Chairman Moyer stated that he had hoped the Commissioners
would have a chance to ask questions on the draft, and that while the draft did
not have to be perfect prior to presentation, he wanted to make sure all policy
statements were cleared up.
Ms. Beeker reminded the Board of discussion from the previous meeting
that dealt with separation from schools for certain uses. That discussion had
been to have that be a two way street, meaning that if industry could not go
within a half mile of a school, then a school shouldn=t go within a half mile of industry. Chairman
Moyer clarified that the Board=s intent in that discussion was that if an area is zoned industrial, an
industry can go anywhere within that district. If a school chooses to go within
a half mile of that border, it would be the school=s issue. A school placed along an industrial
border would not be able to negate the zoning for a half mile within that
Chairman Moyer asked Karen Smith to look at how long it would take the
get the draft reasonably clean, and to come back to the Board with a time frame
on when a date for public input could be set. It was the consensus of the Board
to allow public inspection of the draft for at least three weeks prior to the
public input session.
Commissioner Hawkins made the motion to
adjourn the meeting at 6:05 p.m. All
voted in favor and the motion carried.
W. Corn, Clerk to the Board William L. Moyer, Chairman