The Henderson
County Board of Commissioners met for a regularly scheduled meeting at 5:30
p.m. in the Commissioners' Conference Room of the Henderson County Office
Those present
were: Chairman Bill Moyer, Vice-Chair
Marilyn Gordon, Commissioner Grady Hawkins, Commissioner Don Ward, Commissioner
Charlie Messer, County Manager David E. Nicholson, County Attorney Angela S.
Beeker, and Clerk to the Board Elizabeth W. Corn.
Also present
were: Planning Director Karen C. Smith, Assistant to the County Manager Selena
Coffey, Public Information Officer Chris S. Coulson, and Fire Marshal/Emergency
Management Coordinator Rocky Hyder. Deputy Clerk to the Board/Volunteer
Coordinator Amy Brantley was present through nominations.
Chairman Moyer
called the meeting to order and welcomed all in attendance.
Messer led the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.
David Nicholson
gave the invocation.
Commissioner Hawkins
added one item under Staff Reports as AC-3" - Update on the Board=s Policy on
Resolutions and Proclamations.
David Nicholson
pulled Staff Report AA@ - Comprehensive County Plan, apologizing
for having to do so. Dennie Martin was
scheduled to be here for that presentation but had a family emergency today and
could not make the meeting. This item
will be on the Board=s agenda for July 24.
Chairman Moyer
stated a need to have a closed session and would explain further later in the
Chairman Moyer
made the motion to approve the revised agenda.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Chairman Moyer
made the motion to approve the consent agenda.
All voted in favor and the motion carried. The CONSENT AGENDA consisted of the
Minutes were
presented for the Board=s review and approval of the following
6, 2002, regular meeting
14, 2002, special called meeting
23, 2002, regular meeting
13, 2002, special called meeting
20, 2002, special called meeting
27, 2002, special called meeting
Petition to
Abandon a Portion of Thomas Street (SR #1466)
On June 19,
2002, the Board considered a petition to abandon and remove from the State
maintenance system a portion of Thomas Street (SR #1466) near US Highway
25. After some discussion the Board
approved by motion the petition. Staff
had notified Ed Green of the action taken by the Board.
While the
statute that governs the abandonment of roads, NCGS 136-63, contemplates that
action by motion of the Board of Commissioners is sufficient, NCDOT prefers
such action to be formalized in a resolution.
Such a resolution had been drafted and presented for the Board=s consideration
and approval.
The County
Manager recommended the Board adopt the resolution as presented so that it can
be forwarded to NCDOT for appropriate action.
Tax Collector=s Report
Terry F. Lyda,
Tax Collector, had provided the Tax Collector=s report dated July 1 for the Board=s
Darlene B.
Burgess, Deputy Tax Collector, had provided the Deputy Tax Collector=s Report dated
June 28 for the Board=s information.
Chris Salerno
Coulson, Public Information Officer, won the 2002 Meritorious Award for the
2001 Annual Report to Citizens (Annual Reports Category). Ms. Coulson has won this award of excellence
from the National Association of County Information Officers (NACIO) for the
Annual Report to Citizens for three consecutive years.
Chairman Moyer reminded the Board of the following vacancies and opened the floor to nominations:
Equalization and Review - 1 vac.
There were no
nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.
Juvenile Crime Prevention Council - 2 vac.
There were no
nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.
Nursing/Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee - 4 vac.
Commissioner Ward
nominated Aubrey Carruth for reappointment to position # 3 and Barbara Sherman
for reappointment to position # 12. There were no other nominations at this
time. Commissioner Ward made the motion to suspend the rules and appoint
both nominees. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Zoning Board of Adjustment, Hendersonville City - 1 vac.
There were no
nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.
Zoning Board of Adjustment, Fletcher - 1 vac.
There were no
nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.
Mountain Area Workforce Development Board - 1 vac.
There were no
nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.
This item was
pulled from this agenda (see above) but will be on the agenda for July 24,
Rocky Hyder
reviewed the following excerpt from the Fire & Rescue Advisory Committee
minutes of March 18, 2002 - New Stations for Edneyville:
ARobert Griffin,
Chief at Edneyville, presented plans for new stations because the existing
facility is the oldest in the county and during a windstorm last year the roof
and ceiling were damaged and repair costs would amount to $40,000. Robert presented quotes for construction of
a main station and two substations from AMC, Cooper, and Morton. Because Edneyville=s territory is
expansive, covering 39.5 square miles, the department would like to build one
main and two substations rather than one main building. The main station would be built behind the
existing station; substation # 2 would be located at the intersection of
Gilliam Mountain Road, Sugarloaf Mountain Road, Lamb Mountain Road, and John
Delk Road; and several locations are being considered for substation #3, one
consideration being the intersection of Fruitland Road and Terry=s Gap.
The department is
considering the metal building from AMC at a cost of $70 per square foot or a
total cost of $1,111,340.00 for all three stations. The community would benefit from lower insurance rates with three
stations. There are plans for four paid
people at the main station with substations initially unmanned. Other paid firefighters would go to the
substations. Firefighters= residences are
strategic to the proposed sites thereby reducing driving time to the
stations. Each substation will have an
engine and tanker with the remaining apparatus located at the main station.
John Goins,
President of Wachovia Bank, provided financing options for the building
expansion with the following figures recorded at a 3.40% interest rate with a
20-year amortization.
$1 Million |
$67,895+/- |
$1.2 Million |
$81,475 +/- |
$1.3 Million |
$88,264 +/- |
Edneyville had
been making yearly $77,000 payments on the apparatus. The department=s apparatus, which had been financed for
3-4 years, will be paid off in 2003.
The building
will be single story, and the bay areas will have separate living quarters from
business offices. There will be an 80'
drive in the back of the station. The
first phase of the construction would be to build the bays.
A motion was
made by David Johnson, seconded by Bill Hill, to approve the construction of
three stations, one main station and two substations, for Edneyville. Unanimous approval.@
The County
Manager requested the Board consent to this borrowing. Funds are included within their budget.
Mr. Hyder
answered questions from the Board.
Following discussion, Commissioner Hawkins made the motion to
authorize the Chairman to sign the necessary documents approving the Lease
Purchase Agreement for Edneyville Volunteer Fire and Rescue Department,
Inc. All voted in favor and the motion
Angela Beeker
updated the Board on Senate Bill #1292 which provided for an accelerated
44 One Half
Cent Sales Tax implementation by counties.
Mid June it went from the Senate to the House and went to Committee and
has not moved out of Committee. There
is other legislation tied to SB #1292 and is holding it back. There are several income tax and estate tax
provisions added to it to delay some of the tax breaks intended for this year
The Bill as
proposed had a possible effective date for the Article 44 Sales Tax of August
1, 2002 but to do that this Board had to give the General Assembly notice by
July 15, 2002. It looks like, unless
they make some modifications, we are looking at an effective date of September
1, 2002 as an earliest possible effective date.
The County
Manager then brought up the question of the Ahold harmless@ part of the
Bill and whether it will be left in HB #1292.
This would mean that Henderson County would get their full amount of
funding up to the $3.2 million, made up of sales tax as well as the hold
Ms. Beeker
expressed that there had not been much action on things that she had brought to
the Board=s attention
Chairman Moyer
thanked her for the update and asked her to keep the Board informed.
Mr. Nicholson
informed the Board that in the current issue of ACounty Lines@ he received
today there is an article about Representative David Redwine from Brunswick
County who is the co-Chair of the House Appropriations Committee who are the
ones working Abehind closed
doors@ right now.
ARedwine said he
would support legislation to move up the implementation date for the Article 44
Sales Tax to replace the reimbursements.
He also said he would work to restore reimbursements to the budget in case the General Assembly
refuses to do the sales tax option.@
Mr. Nicholson
also reminded the Board of a note he had given them earlier about the
possibility of Henderson County being added to a Bill that requires delinquent
taxes to be payed before a deed can be recorded. Senator Carpenter called him to ask if Henderson County wished to
be added and Mr. Nicholson saw no reason not to consider that. It still takes this Board=s action to
actually make the law effective in Henderson County.
Ms. Beeker
stated that Jim Blackburn of the NCACC told her that a lot of the counties
across the State took the same action this Board took to include the sales tax
revenues as part of their budget.
NCACC Voting
The information
about the NCACC Annual Conference in Forsyth County had been shared with all
the Commissioners. Chairman Moyer asked
if anyone planned to attend. He had
indicated that he would attend to represent Henderson County. No one else showed interest in
requested that each county designate a voting delegate. Commissioner Ward made the motion to
authorize Chairman Moyer as the voting delegate for Henderson County. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
PROCLAMATIONS AND RESOLUTIONS - add-on by Commissioner Hawkins
Previously a
question had been raised about the Board passing Resolutions and
Proclamations. There is no written
policy on this issue. Staff had been
asked to look into this and report back to the Board.
David Nicholson
had put out the question on the City/County Manager Listserve about how other
counties handle Resolutions and Proclamations.
He had received a few responses.
Some governments are no longer adopting Resolutions and Proclamations
unless they are associated with City or County Government. Mr. Nicholson planned to have this item
ready to present to the Board on the July 24 agenda.
Set Public
Hearing on CDBG: Highlander Woods Development
Staff requested
the Board of Commissioners set a Public Hearing on a Community Development
Block Grant (CDBG) for Habitat for Humanity=s proposed new development, Highlander
Woods, for Wednesday, July 24, 2002 at 11:00 a.m.
Mr. Nicholson
requested the Board set this public hearing as presented. Commissioner Hawkins made the motion to
set the public hearing for July 24 at 11:00 a.m. All voted in favor and the
motion carried.
Request for
Public Hearing on road names
Rocky Hyder had
requested the Board set a public hearing on the following list of road names:
Old Name Proposed
Samuley St E.
Walker Street Ext.
Sugarloaf Ridge Rd Ivy Hill Rd
Jewel Dr Leucothe
Cove Rd
Axiom Way Pats
New Road Names
Bynums Pl
Orchard Valley
Trail Creek Rd
The County
Manager requested the Board set the public hearing on these road names for
Wednesday, July 24, 2002 at 11:00 a.m. Commissioner Ward made the motion to
set the public hearing for July 24 at 11:00 a.m. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Forum on Mental Health Reform
Mr. Nicholson
announced that Henderson County, IAM, and the Partnership for Health are
hosting the first public forum on Mental Health Reform on July 18 at 7:00 p.m.
at the Hendersonville High School Auditorium.
Mr. Nicholson
has invited and has gotten a favorable interest, not a commitment of time yet,
but a favorable interest from the Division Director in Raleigh, Dr. Visingardi,
who is the person running this program.
His staff will let Mr. Nicholson know by mid-week whether he will be
able to come address our community on what=s happening with mental health reform
including target populations and the services.
Chairman Moyer
mentioned the South Hwy. # 25 Corridor Study.
He had planned to propose that the Board add this to the agenda of the
July 24 meeting for consideration but the fact that the CCP had to be pulled
from this agenda affected that. Following some discussion, Chairman Moyer asked
that the South Hwy. #25 Corridor Study be put on the agenda for the July 24
meeting, at least an update on the study.
Chairman Moyer
asked the Clerk to call the names of those who had signed up to speak even
though it was only about 6:00. Our
Informal Public Comments are scheduled for 6:30 so the Chairman planned for
anyone else who wished to speak at 6:30.
1. Dick Baird - Mr. Baird
stated that he is a member of the Valley Hill Fire District. On a couple of occasions recently
Commissioner Hawkins had brought up the disparity between the fire tax rate for
the county members (of which he and Commissioner Hawkins are a part) and the
Laurel Park members. County members pay
9 cents and Laurel Park members pay 7 cents for Valley Hill Fire tax. Mr. Baird stated that he looked into this
and this goes back historically for probably more than 20 years. It has been estimated that this year the
county subsidizes to the extent of probably $60,000. He stated that for the past 10 years he has been paying for fire
service for people in Laurel Park and maybe it=s time they paid for him.
2. Roger Snyder - Mr. Snyder
distributed a hand-out and spoke about the Mills River Incorporation
Effort. The Town of Mills River will
have an estimated 6,890.04 population and 21.5 square miles. Mills River plans to go with a one cent
property tax which would create approximately $36,427.43 in tax revenue for the
Town. They have also projected to receive
about $800,000 in sales tax from the State.
Mills River currently receives 6.5 cents fire district tax and in
addition to that they plan to assess one cent for town operations with the 6.5
cents going to the Mills River Fire Department as usual.
He reviewed
their timeline. The proposed Town of
Mills River referendum is scheduled for May 1, 2003.
In response to
a question from Commissioner Hawkins Mr. Snyder answered that the Town of Mills
River will plan to provide the following four services for Town residents: Fire
Department (current), Sheriff Department (current) plus possibly one additional
Deputy, Garbage collection with a user fee, and Street Lights.
Chairman Moyer
again asked if anyone else wished to speak and there was no one.
Chairman Moyer
made the motion for the Board to go into closed session as allowed pursuant to
NCGS 143-318.11 for the following reasons:
1.(a)(1) To
prevent disclosure of information that is privileged or confidential pursuant
to the law of this State or of the United States, or not considered a public
record within the meaning of Chapter 132 of the General Statutes, in accordance
with and pursuant to NCGS 143-318.10(e) and Article II of Chapter 11 of the
Henderson County Code.
All voted in
favor and the motion carried.
Chairman Moyer
again asked if anyone wished to address the Board, since the Board had taken
informal public comments earlier than the scheduled time. There was no one.
Effective August 1, 2002
Gordon made the motion for the Board to go into public hearing. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Angela Beeker
explained that Article 44 of the General Statutes authorizes the Board to enact
a Sales Tax of one half cent effective July 1, 2003. There are procedural requirements the Board had to comply with
for that and they have been complied with.
The Board is scheduled to vote on that issue on August 5, 2002. The Board had the first public hearing on
April 17, 2002. However, there is
pending legislation that would allow the Board to have an effective date as
early as August 1, 2002. At the last
meeting, the Board decided to hold this second public hearing today to consider
just the issue of the levy of a half cent sales tax to be effective early,
August 1, 2002. The purpose of this
public hearing is to take public comment on levying that tax early.
Public Input
1. Larry R.
- Mr. Young stated that Henderson County does not have a balanced budget
because we have $2.5 million or so which would be this Article 44 Sales Tax
that may not get approved. He said
the State is balancing their budget on the back of a Lottery that we don=t yet
have. He accused the County and the
State of practicing voodoo economics.
If you don=t have money how can you include it in your
budget, county or state.
2. Dick Baird - Mr. Baird
stated he was opposed to increasing the sales tax by one half cent. He also said that Henderson County does not
have a balanced budget, stating that we have no authority to count that $2.4
million anticipated from Article 44 Sales Tax.
He made two
recommendations to the Board:
Do not enact this Article 44 Sales Tax.
Reopen budget negotiations and balance the budget.
3. Bill Ramsey - Mr. Ramsey
defined himself as a disappointed Republican voter. He suggested the Board go back to the State Government and demand
that they stop playing games with us, causing us to have to raise taxes on the
county level.
Angela Beeker -
Ms. Beeker informed
the Board that they could not vote to take action on this issue at this
time. The law as it sits currently is
that the Board is authorized to enact a half cent sales tax effective July 1,
2003. The Board had certain procedural
requirements which have been met. The
Board is calendared to consider this issue for effective date of July 1, 2003
on August 5, 2002. It will be on the
agenda for August 5, 2002 per prior Board direction unless the Board takes
differing action in the meantime.
The pending Bill
would authorize the earlier effective date but it is still pending.
Hawkins addressed the issue of $2.4 million vs. $3.2 million. He stated that when the Board considered
their budget they assumed that this tax would be enacted by October 1, 2002,
the reason for the difference in the $3.2 million and the $2.4 million.
Discussion then
followed briefly about the Ahold harmless@ part of the
Article 44 Sales Tax.
Commissioner Gordon
stated that when the Board passed the budget ordinance they were given several
options, Plan A, Plan B, and Plan C.
The Board chose Plan B based on projecting revenues from sales tax more
as a strategy position in an effort to indicate to the State how serious the
Board was about keeping revenue that they had been receiving in some form. Plan C was considered as a back-up plan. She felt a budget ordinance was passed with
consideration of a contingency plan.
She asked the County Manager to address the question raised about the
gross amount of sales tax that one half cent would generate and why the county
didn=t budget for the full amount.
David Nicholson
explained that you have to look at the accumulation of sales tax, not just our
share of it. What is in our budget is
just our share. We use population in
Henderson County to figure our share.
There is a percentage that goes to the municipalities. The State also keeps a portion of the sales
tax to fund its costs. There are things
that are exempt from the sales tax such as food. This thing is a hybrid of both collections made here as well as
collections across the entire state.
Mr. Nicholson explained that we actually get three sales taxes: we get
Article 39 sales tax which is point of collection in Henderson County, we get
Article 41 sales tax which is point of sale/some adjustment made for things
purchased in other communities. They
actually massage that one a little for Henderson County. The last 2 cent sales tax was
Article 42 which is a 2 cent sales tax that is distributed on a
state-wide basis based on population across the entire state. Article 44 is a hybrid of the two 2 cent sales
taxes. It actually goes into a
pot. They have developed a formula that
says you=re gonna get some of it back because people
spent their money here, you=re not going to get
some of it back because of the fact that we believe people in Polk County or
Transylvania County come shop in Henderson County so we have to share our sales
tax with them.
Chairman Moyer
stated that the County Manager had courageously recommended a number of budget
cuts and in a lot of cases the Board didn=t implement them
and took away some of the cuts he proposed.
If the Article 44 Sales Tax does not get approved we will have to look
at a cut in services and taking money from our fund balances. This Board has very judiciously created a
rainy day fund (a fund balance) to protect against an unusual year. If we don=t get the
reimbursements or monies to replace those that will not be a one year problem
but rather a forever future problem.
Chairman Moyer made
the motion to close the public hearing.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
& SEWER DISTRICT - no business
Hawkins made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:33 p.m. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
W. Corn, Clerk to the Board
William L. Moyer,