The Henderson
County Board of Commissioners met for a special called meeting at 2:00 p.m. in
the Commissioners' Conference Room of the Henderson County Office Building.
Those present
were: Chairman Bill Moyer, Vice-Chair
Marilyn Gordon, Commissioner Grady Hawkins, Commissioner Don Ward, Commissioner
Charlie Messer, County Manager David E. Nicholson, and Clerk to the Board
Elizabeth W. Corn.
Also present
were: Finance Director J. Carey
McLelland, Assistant to the County Manager Selena Coffey, and Public
Information Officer Chris S. Coulson.
Chairman Moyer
called the meeting to order and welcomed all in attendance stating that the
purpose of the meeting was a budget work session with the following departments
to be discussed today:
Sheriff=s Department
of Social Services
Fund Issues
Sheriff=s Department
Present for
this discussion from the Sheriff=s Department were: Sheriff George Erwin,
Captain Jimmy Edney, and Captain Rodney Raines.
Sheriff Erwin
stated his disgust with the State Government for the current budget
crisis. He has proposed the same budget
as last year due to the budget crisis.
The Sheriff=s Department has 300 employees and volunteers
who are also taxpayers (total of 150 volunteers). Of course, the biggest part of this budget is personnel related.
There was some discussion concerning service levels with the calls for service
to the Sheriff=s Department
increasing annually (approx. 15% increase this year).
Sheriff Erwin
explained where his additional 3% reductions in expenses were proposed to be
taken from: cut wearing
apparel (uniforms) and ballistic vests by half saving $45,000
and training and education cut by $25,000
departmental supplies by $24,000
all capital outlay (replacement radios, shotguns, etc.)
professional services by $10,000
for a total
savings of $194,000.
There was some
discussion of leased vs. purchased vehicles.
The County Manager was requested to revisit the issue of leased vehicles
and recommend to the Board whether it is still feasible to lease vehicles,
starting with the vehicles coming off the lease program this year.
Facility Budget (Jail)
Sheriff Erwin
briefly reviewed the Detention Facility (Jail) Budget.
regarding operating costs for the Detention Facility followed with the County
Manager being asked to update the figures for this item. He will work on those and distribute the new
numbers to the Board.
There was some
discussion concerning the pretrial program and the impact if it was
Sheriff Erwin
explained that it costs us about $47 a day to house an inmate. The Governor has eliminated the program
entirely. The Senate=s proposed
budget drops the funding down to 65% - 70% of the current year funding but does
not eliminate the program entirely although it changes some of the things that we
have been doing, not being authorized expenditures any longer. Mr. Nicholson explained that we are working
on the assumption that on June 30 that program will end. If the State budget is adopted by then, we
will have to go through a process of bringing the CJP Act Committee together to
look at the money we have and look at the new rules and regulations and reapply
for these funds. The CJPA Committee
will have to make a recommendation to the Board of Commissioners concerning
whether any portion of the pretrial program can be continued.
The current
plan is to utilize the jail and make it last another 20 years or more. Sheriff Erwin explained that the jail
was opened on September 7, 2001 so we haven=t occupied it a year yet.
In discussions
Sheriff Erwin explained that we have a kitchen at the jail that can act as our
disaster kitchen for the community. He
and Rocky Hyder have been looking at how to start stocking food to have a
supply in case of an emergency.
Justice Partnership(CJP)
There was some
discussion of the Board possibly placing $20,000 in the CJP budget in case no
monies are added to the account in the State budget. The State budget has no monies in that account now.
Department of
Social Services (DSS)
DSS Director
Liston Smith could not be at this meeting.
Present for this discussion was Administrative Officer Peggy Gray,
Assistant Finance Director Dena Garey, and Chairman of the DSS Board Bill
Mr. Lapsley has
been on the DSS Board for six years, three years serving as Chairman.
Ms. Gray stated
that they have asked for a 10.12% overall increase this year, much of it due to
Medicaid costs. For staff operations
there was only a 2.55% increase. The
total Medicaid funds coming into Henderson County under the State Budget figure
were approx. $75 to 80 million dollars.
Of that the county=s local share was $3.3 million.
Mr. Nicholson
explained that Medicaid is roughly about six cents on our tax rate. In some parts of the state it is as high as
twenty cents.
The question
was raised whether Henderson County should remain an Aelecting county@. Brief
discussion followed regarding the Work First Program and the Aworking poor@. We may have pretty well exhausted the
candidates that qualify for the Work First Program in our county.
Mr. Lapsley
stated that the Board of Social Services voted today to request that the
Committee for the Work First Plan get called back into action to start work on
developing an analysis of how our Work First Plan has been doing the last few
years. It is up for renewal at the end
of this year. The Committee will be
asked to make a recommendation to the DSS Board and the Board of Commissioners
as to how to proceed with Work First in the future.
Ms. Gray
explained that DSS cut two positions out up front, vacant positions. She explained that most of their travel and
training budget is spent for travel with clients, some is mandated training for
new employees.
Ms. Gray
explained that their proposed 3% reduction in expenses is projected to come
Freeze hiring of HSC II Work First
position - $34,870
hiring of OA IV Part-time BRCC Work First position - $14,471
hiring of IMS II - Adult Assistance position - $49,630
board member expenses - $3,000
departmental supplies - $5,000
telephone - $7,500
maintenance of building - $4,000
maintenance of equipment - $3,000
travel and staff development - $3,000
professional services - $2,000
legal services - $25,000
medical services - $5,000
contract services ($8,800 laptop + $48,000 PH nurse)
contract services - EBT - $5,000
medical supplies and equipment - $500
burial funds - $506
This would be a
total savings of $219,277.00.
Ms. Gray touched
briefly on the effect on DSS that some items in the Governor=s budget and
some items in the proposed Senate=s budget would have, creating mandates
that would come down to local government following the adoption of the State
budget, items that would not have been budgeted for on the local level.
Lapsley stated that the DSS budget won=t be finalized when the county budget is
adopted before July 1. When the state
budget is adopted it is anticipated that it will have a major effect on the DSS
budget about September or October.
David Nicholson
reminded the Board that staff has been working on the proposed transition of
our Emergency Youth Shelter to a Foster Care Home. They hope to have some beds still available for emergency care or
emergency placement if those needs arise.
Chairman Moyer
called a brief technical recess.
General Fund
David Nicholson
reviewed a number of items with the Board.
3% reductions
Mr. Nicholson
provided for the Board=s review a list - AReduction Initiatives by Department, 3%
Reductions in Overall Departmental Budgets, FY 02/03 Budget@ for a grand
total of $1,585,017. He has not had adequate time yet to analyze these proposed
reductions. Some he would probably propose for the budget while others
he would not. He asked the Board to
allow him time to review these in detail and he would give the Board some
updated list by the first of the week with recommendations at that time.
Ward was the one who asked for the 3% reductions and he stated that with the
unforseen future with the State budget, he suggested eliminating DSS and
Schools from the 3% reductions. Following some discussion, it was decided to
leave the list as is, not eliminating anyone at this time.
Director Bill Snyder explained that the County Manager=s recommended
budget is a hold the line budget and has been for the past three years. Anything less than the County Manager=s recommended
budget will be a reduction in services.
Library use has gone up 15% in the last two years with no increase in
budget other than uncontrollable costs.
Currently the library has five frozen positions.
Mr. Snyder=s proposed 3%
reductions were as follows:
Maintenance Positions. To be made half
time when filled
savings in salary and benefits $16,042
Salaries. Will result in closing the
main library on
Sundays. No other locations affected. $15,000
Materials $31,574
Reductions = $62,616
This reduction
would not hurt them as much as the next one listed.
Mr. Snyder
submitted a list of recommended reallocation of library hours should the County
budget require a further reduction (emergency backup plan or full 9% reduction)
resulting in a reduction in hours at the main library by 18 hours per
week. Branch library hours would also
be reduced, reductions ranging from 4 hours per week at the most active
branches to 20 or more hours at the least active. The total reduction would be over 20% of currently available
library hours.
The Library
Board passed a motion as follows:
Motion by Stan
Shelley - AI move that the
Library Board endorse Mr. Synder=s general procedure in reference to
possible budget reductions but that any reductions in excess of 5% of the
proposed budget will have a negative impact on library services, such as
children=s programs,
after-school programs and access to libraries on weekends, that is not
acceptable to this Board.@
There was some
discussion regarding volunteers with Mr. Snyder stating that 9 - 10,000 hours
per year are donated to the library by volunteers assisting Library personnel.
The Friends of the Library have 8,000 volunteer hours that go into the Annual
Book Sale every year which yields approx. $50,000 for Library Programs.
Jackson Park Bridge
Mr. Nicholson
provided information to the Board regarding this issue.
Mr. Nicholson
stated that in the State budget there is a proposal to take a one year funding
of the ADM fund, which is 1% of the corporate income tax, and put it toward the
State budget. Henderson County has been
fairly conservative on how we approach the ADM fund. We are currently using it for debt service to Henderson County
but we always use the previous year=s ADM funds. So if it gets passed it will affect the money we have for the
following year and whether it would be for capital projects or for debt service
to the tune of $430,000 to $440,000 in this fiscal year.
Soil &
Water District
Soil &
Water is proposing to start a program with a grant to assist people to remove
abandoned orchards. They are looking
for a match from the county of $15,000 for people who are below the median
income level in our community and cannot afford to pay the match.
Mr. Nicholson
mentioned that for the past couple years Soil & Water has received a Clean
Water Management Trust Fund Grant but that has run out and they have now
applied for an EPA grant.
Fire Districts
Carey McLelland
distributed newly updated fire district numbers for the Board=s review.
Creek Water and Sewer District
Mr. Nicholson
stated that when the Board gets to the Budget Ordinance they will notice that
there are still some funds listed for Mud Creek. This was done before the Board eliminated Mud Creek Water and
Sewer District. He will roll some of
those expenditures into Cane Creek such as the 25 North Project. Mud Creek
Water and Sewer District has been dissolved.
Gordon made the motion for the Board to adjourn at 4:10 p.m. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
W. Corn, Clerk to the Board William
L. Moyer, Chairman