The Henderson
County Board of Commissioners met for a regularly scheduled meeting at 9:00 a.m.
in the Commissioners' Conference Room of the Henderson County Office Building.
Those present
were: Chairman Bill Moyer, Vice-Chair
Marilyn Gordon, Commissioner Grady Hawkins, Commissioner Don Ward, Commissioner
Charlie Messer, County Manager David E. Nicholson, County Attorney Angela S.
Beeker, and Clerk to the Board Elizabeth W. Corn.
Also present
were: Planning Director Karen C. Smith, Assistant County Attorney Jennifer O.
Jackson, Finance Director J. Carey McLelland, Assistant to the County Manager/Budget
Analyst Selena Coffey, Public Information Officer Chris S. Coulson, and Deputy
Clerk to the Board/Volunteer Coordinator Amy Brantley.
Chairman Moyer
called the meeting to order and welcomed all in attendance.
Chairman Moyer
led the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.
Rev. Gus
Martschink, of the Hospital Chaplaincy Program, gave the invocation.
Chairman Moyer
added one item to ADiscussion Items@:
#1 Governor=s Proposed
Hawkins added one item, AEssay Writing Contest Winner@. The student
who won the contest will read his essay which concerns what it means to be an
American. The timing on this was left flexible.
Chairman Moyer
made the motion to approve the agenda with the two additions. All voted in
favor and the motion carried.
AA@ - Minutes
Minutes from
the March 11, 2002, regular
meeting and April 4, 2002, special called meeting were presented for the Board=s review/approval.
AB@ - Tax
Collector=s Report
Terry F. Lyda,
Tax Collector, had submitted the Tax Collectors Report dated May 13, 2002, for
the Board=s information.
AC@ - Tax Releases
A list of 130
tax release requests was submitted by the County Assessor for the Board=s review and
AD@ - Tax Refunds
A list of 26
tax refund requests was submitted by the County Assessor for the Board=s review and
AE@ - Waterline
The City of
Hendersonville had requested any County comments on proposed waterline
extension(s). Copies of the City=s request(s) and the County=s review
sheet(s) were attached for Board review.
The Project
Names of the proposed extensions were:
Champion Hills, 2002 Water System Improvements, Phase I
Highlander Woods Subdivision
Springfield Subdivision
Chairman Moyer
made the motion to approve the Consent Agenda. All voted in favor and the
motion carried.
Chairman Moyer
reminded the Board of the following vacancies and opened the floor to
Equalization and Review
- 1 vac.
There were no nominations at this time so this item
was rolled to the next meeting.
Juvenile Crime
Prevention Council - 5 vac.
There were no nominations at this time so this item
was rolled to the next meeting.
3. Henderson County Board of Health - 5
Gordon requested this item be rolled until the next meeting, as there were
several positions open, and we had not yet heard from the current members
regarding their willingness to continue to serve.
4. Nursing/Adult
Care Home Community Advisory Committee - 5 vac.
There were no
nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.
Community Child Protection Team - 1 vac.
There were no
nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.
Zoning Board of Adjustment,
Hendersonville City - 1vac.
There were no
nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.
Zoning Board of Adjustment, Fletcher - 1
There were no
nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.
Land-of-Sky Regional Council Advisory
Council on Aging - 1 vac.
Hawkins made the motion to reappoint Jerald Wright to the Board. Commissioner
Hawkins also made the motion to suspend the rules and appoint Mr. Wright by
acclamation. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Mountain Area Workforce Development Board
- 4 vac.
There were no
nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.
Social Services Board - 1 vac.
Messer nominated Chuck McGrady for appointment to position #2. Commissioner
Ward stated that he had several people he would like to contact concerning this
board, and requested this item be rolled until the next meeting.
Order for Oleta Falls - Road Grade Variance
Moyer reminded the Board that he had been recused from this matter, and asked
Vice-Chair Gordon to take over this segment. Commissioner Gordon reminded the
Board that on May 7, 2002 the Board concluded the quasi-judicial proceeding on
the road grade variance requested by Waterside Properties, LLC. A draft order
granting the application for variance had been prepared by staff in accordance
with the findings, attached hereto and incorporated as a part of the minutes.
Commissioner Gordon made the motion to adopt the order as presented in the
matter of the application for the variance for Waterside Properties. All voted
in favor and the motion carried.
Audit of
Carolina Village
Recently, the
Assessor recommended that Carolina Village be audited to determine whether they
are a qualified retirement facility that qualifies for a tax exemption under
recently enacted legislation. Angela Beeker presented a proposed contract for
the audit of Carolina Village in relation to that new statute. The agreement
must be entered into by the Board of Commissioners, as the Assessor does not
have that legal authority. The City of Hendersonville had agreed to split half
of the cost for the audit, and had reviewed the proposed contract, as had the
City Counsel.
Tax Assessor
Eddie Mitchum previously suggested to the Board that a CPA be used for this
audit. He had located a CPA with which he was comfortable, to conduct this
compliance review. Mr. Mitchum also presented a letter from City Manager Chris
Carter stating their willingness to pay for half of the audit.
Hawkins made the motion to approve the contract as presented. Following brief
discussion, Chairman Moyer restated the motion on the floor as a motion to
approve the contract and move forward with the auditing on the basis of
splitting the cost with the City of Hendersonville, and approve the terms of
the contract. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Mental Health
Reform - Community Input
Mr. Nicholson
updated the Board on the status of the Mental Health Reform Program. A
planning group consisting of County
Managers and Area Authority Directors have been working on this since last
December. The planning group areas consist of Trend and Blue Ridge. There is
still a lack of information coming from Raleigh on this topic, but Mr.
Nicholson stated that he still felt it important to keep the community aware of
what is happening.
Chairman Moyer
stated that it appears to him that fundamental changes in the system are being
made on the basis of a plan that the Board has not approved. Mr. Nicholson
stated that HB#381 last year required the Secretary of Health and Human
Services to provide the state with a mental health plan, to change the future
operations of mental health. Though there may be some minor changes to that
plan, the state mental health plan will have to be dealt with. Because of the
population requirements in the law of 200,000 people, Mr. Nicholson has been
forced to look north for a larger population.
Mr. Nicholson
expressed his concern that the state has yet to provide the counties with
targeted populations or the service standards associated with those
populations. He estimated that 10%-15% of the population that Trend currently
serves will not have services in the future.
Hawkins questioned how established the composition of the proposed 32 member
Board was. Mr. Nicholson stated that a nine member committee was called for,
which seemed far too small for an issue of this magnitude. Mr. Nicholson=s group has
proposed a 27 member group, because the state requires it be some segment of
nine people. Within those nine people, the following requirements must be met:
1. Someone from
Mental Health
2. Someone from
Developmental Disabilities
3. Someone from
Substance Abuse
4. A man
5. A woman
6. A child or
teenager (or a parent who represents that child or teenager)
appointments to this committee, the Consumer and Family Advisory
Committee, will be brought back to the
Board of Commissioners.
Chairman Moyer
stated that there would be a County Commissioners meeting at the end of the
month. He would like to be authorized to at least take the position that the
state should be pressed to get some detail on the program, find out the true
implications to the counties, and to proceed to set the target dates back to
allow the counties enough time to deal with the proposed plan once it is known.
He felt the counties should not be forced to meet the dates, when the state is
not meeting the dates they have set to provide counties the necessary
information. There followed much discussion among the Board.
Mr. Nicholson
stated that the real push is to take services into the private sector. He
reminded the Board that if Henderson County does not opt into an LME (Local
Management Entity) with Buncombe County, we will lose the substantial number of
mental health providers available in that area. One of the things the LME will
do is contract with providers to provide a service, hopefully at a lower cost.
Chairman Moyer
stated that he will draw up a letter on these concerns to present at the
Commissioners meeting, and give it to the Board for additional comment.
Mr. Nicholson
returned to his suggestion of letting the community know what is happening in
mental health. He felt it very important that the people who are receiving
these services understand what is in the state mental health plan. He suggested
that there also be a public meeting held prior
to the Board making it=s final recommendation to the State.
There was much discussion on how to hold public information sessions when it is
still unclear what the final outcome will be. Mr. Nicholson requested direction
on updating the citizens of the pending changes. There was no objection to Mr.
Nicholson holding such public meetings.
Essay Writing
Contest - What it Means to be an American
Hawkins introduced Mr. Christopher Towe, winner of the essay writing
contest. Mr. Towe read his essay for
all present. Commissioner Hawkins led a round of applause, and noted that
Christopher has recently been selected as a Presidential Scholar. Chairman
Moyer also commended Christopher on his essay and it=s presentation,
and thanked Dottie Effinger for her work on this project.
Mr. Nicholson
updated the Board on the progress of this project, stating that it is almost
complete. He reminded the Board that the E-Communities program was part of a
state-wide effort to look at technology and infrastructures within communities,
sponsored by the Rural Internet Access Authority (RIAA). Mr. Nicholson had been
appointed the E-Champion for this community. He noted the groups who had been
involved with the project including the school system, community college,
Pardee Hospital, members of County government, BellSouth, the Henderson Area
Computer Society, churches, non-profits, several towns and the Chamber of
The group first
assessed the county=s information technology status to see what
resources existed and what would be needed in the future. A survey was done
within the county, with the results generally in favor of increasing
technology. Two reports were presented to the Board, first was the Assessment
tool for the community, and the second was the Strategic Plan.
Mr. Nicholson presented
John Howell of Telecommunications Consulting Associates, who developed the plan
addressing the issues within the community. Mr. Howell reviewed the plan,
stating that it was an effort to make sure that all citizens across North
Carolina had access to high speed Internet connections. He noted a direct
correlation between school grades and digital literacy. He also spoke to the
importance of keeping citizens from becoming lost in the search for jobs.
established several initiatives for the committee. First was to access the
community, which has been done. This process identified the assets and the
infrastructure, and is now in a document that can be used for economic
development. Second was the creation of a strategic plan to make sure future
initiatives would be identified for possible grant monies, and establish a
candidate for the next level of RIAA funding. RIAA will fund $12,000 to
establish high-speed public access points across the county through the public
libraries. Possible future initiatives were also identified and discussed, such
as a future fiber optics line. Mr. Howell then answered several questions from
the Board concerning the public access.
Mr. Nicholson
requested authorization to file the reports with the Rural Internet Access
Authority. Chairman Moyer made the motion to authorize the submission of the
plan to the RIAA. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Governor=s Proposed
Chairman Moyer
expressed his concern over how the budget was made available to the
Commissioners. Mr. Nicholson then stated that the Governor had presented his
revised budget to the General Assembly, reminding the Board that the Governor
is the State Budget Officer and is required to present a budget to the State.
He detailed the following items of importance in this budget:
Revenues from a lottery which North Carolina does not have
Suspension of $335 million in funding of local government
Support of an additional 2 cent sales tax though the last increase
is being withheld
Cutbacks of funds and positions in the school system,
community college and libraries
Reduction of $16 million for SmartStart, but an increase of
$28 million for a similar new program
Chairman Moyer
stated that the Board had feared the worst case scenario, and that is what has
been received. The Board now has to work with the legislature to get the
message through that this is an unacceptable situation. There has been no
fundamental change in how government works, and this does not fix the
underlying problems. Mr. Nicholson made available a chart of our local
delegation and how they can be reached to let them know that the lack of
financial responsibility is unacceptable.
Messer questioned the proposed 2 cent sales tax. Following some discussion,
he stated that the County had to have a budget in place within the next few
weeks, and there were many unanswered questions concerning items such as local
libraries and employee benefits. There followed much discussion on what may
happen with the state budget.
1. Judy Cox -
Ms. Cox requested that Commissioners not close the Green River Library. She
spoke about the importance of the library for the children of the county,
especially in areas of computer access and the reference area. She asked the
Board what the community can do to keep the library open.
2. Liz Ball -
Ms. Ball spoke to the importance of having a library close by for residents of
the community.
3. Candler
Willis - Mr. Willis spoke on behalf of the library. He stated that this issue
spoke to the relationship between the government and the people. He stated that
government needs to be respectful of citizens, and keep its commitments. Many
years ago the community did everything asked of it to get a library, and the
county should now keep it=s commitment and keep the library
4. Carl Taylor
- Mr. Taylor read a statement written by his sister-in-law Katherine Taylor.
She was one of the first to request a library for Green River, and was concerned
about the distance to the main library for children and the elderly. She had
circulated a petition, on which she had received 737 signatures.
5. Eva Richey -
Ms. Richey spoke in opposition of the closing of the Green River library. She
stated that she felt it was unfair to close the library while spending money to
pursue the Carolina Apparel Building.
6. Lindsey Ward - Ms. Ward spoke to the amount
of homework assigned to highschool students such as herself, and how the
reference materials help the children in the community. She also spoke to the
importance of computer access for foreign campers in the area.
7. Douglas
Coggins - Mr. Coggins acknowledged the budget crisis across the country, and it=s impact on the
community. He spoke to the close knit spirit in the community, and their
feeling of being left behind while money continues to be spent in other areas
of the county. He suggested limiting operations at each of the libraries rather
than just impacting one.
8. Ed Bell -
Mr. Bell stated that the community feels strongly about their library, and
discussed the actual savings of closing the library.
9. Mary
Singleton - Ms. Singleton stated that she is a retired educator, and spoke in
support of retaining the library. She stated that there are people who rely on
the libraries to feed their minds. She asked the Board to find the money
necessary to keep this branch open.
10. Dick Baird
- Mr. Baird stated that he is the WHKP Crab Creek Cracker. He is writing some
columns and will be on the air shortly. He applauded the managers within the
county for dealing with the budget, and Flat Rock for their upcoming AUnity in
Community Day@. He spoke to
some concerns such as the budget and library censorship. He informed the Board
that they will receive from him a proposed Proclamation for AStrive to Drive
Week@, in support of
small businesses who use automobiles.
11. Leon
Allison - Mr. Allison spoke in support of retaining the Green River Library. He
suggested that either taxes should be
raised or money taken out of the reserve fund. He stated the state was in
trouble because it did not have a rainy day fund, and the county should make
sure it had such a fund.
12. Chuck
McGrady - Mr. McGrady stated his support for his neighbors in the Green River
area. He requested on behalf of the summer camp directors that the Board find a
way to keep the library open.
13. Audrey
Snyder - Ms. Snyder stated she was a resident of the Mt. Olivet community, and
spoke about her good experiences with the Green River library.
Chairman Moyer
reminded the audience that Informal Public Comments are not a videotaped
portion of the meeting. He stated that several people had spoken during this
time about the Green River Library and the proposal to consider closing this
library. That proposal was based on the state budget crisis. He reminded
everyone that no decisions had as yet been made with respect to proposed cuts,
they were suggestions from the County Manager. He thanked those who had come
forward to share their concerns, and shared the Board=s concerns over
having to make any cuts.
Gordon reiterated that the proposal to close the library was only a part of the
County Manager=s
recommendation for a balanced budget. The Board has not yet had an opportunity
to discuss the specific items in the budget. She too thanked those who had come
forward to share their concerns and for their willingness to help the
community. She agreed that more than just the per book cost should be
considered, because the need for other services may be much greater. She stated
that closing a library is a very drastic measure, and not one that she would
support at this point.
Hawkins stated that to make up over $3 million dollars, property taxes would go
up 3 to 4 cents. The dilemma that the Board faces is whether to raise taxes,
take money out of the fund balance, or cut services. There will probable be
some combination, and the Board will be challenged with setting the priorities
to get as many services as possible out of the available dollars.
Ward made an analogy between different areas in the county, and how many areas
are now up to speed with recreation areas and libraries. He stated that there
are some tough decisions to be made, but everyone should be treated equally and
perhaps each library should close some hours instead of taking it all from one.
Messer stated that he agreed with the rest of the Board, and that everyone
would have to give and take on this matter. He told the people in Green River
that they didn=t have to worry
about their library.
Commissioners took a 10 minute recess.
on Road Names
Ward made the motion for the Board to go into public hearing. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Rocky Hyder
informed the Board that the purpose of this public hearing was to receive
public comments on the following list of road names:
Renaming of
Existing Road Names
Old Name Requested
Light Breeze Drive ZZYZX Rd.
Cobble Cove Lane Oak Creek Court
Plum Hollow Drive Fender Drive
New Road Names
Loveland Lane
Rock Haven Lane
Sequoyah Trail
Blueberry Farm
Chairman Moyer
requested some comment on the request to change Light Breeze Dr. to ZZYZX Road.
He reminded everyone that one of the main purposes of renaming is to allow
emergency services to be able to respond. Mr. Hyder stated that it is a novel
name, but has no place in public safety. It is hard to pronounce, and could
cause confusion in the dispatch environment. He stated that his recommendation
would be not to accept that road name, and ask the people on that road to come
up with a more common and pronounceable name.
Public Input
1. Dick Baird -
Mr. Baird pronounced the name ZZYZX, stating he didn=t have any problem
with it and didn=t think anyone
else did either. He felt it was a First Amendment issue, stifling expression.
He noted several other areas that would be equally confusing for dispatch.
2. Brad Harris
- Mr. Harris stated that he is the one proposing the ZZYZX name change. He
stated that most people who see the name can pronounce it. He answered several
questions from the Board concerning the number of people on the street, and how
much property each person owned. He stated that he would be open to discussing
other possibilities, and would come up with something acceptable.
Mr. Hyder
addressed the issue mentioned by Mr. Baird of roads that have similar names. He
stated that they have worked to change those road names because they are
duplicates, and continue to do so. Commissioner Gordon questioned what the
policy had been on road names that are not actually words. Mr. Hyder answered
that this was the first one they had encountered, but they would prefer to have
a system in place in which dispatchers would not have to struggle to pronounce
road names.
Hawkins noted that this was not a First Amendment issue since it was being
discussed, but an issue of eliminating roads with duplicate names and supplying
everyone with a unique physical address for safety purposes. He stated that no
one cares what the name of the road is, but safety is a higher purpose.
Chairman Moyer
asked Mr. Harris if he would be willing to withdraw his request and work with
staff on a name acceptable to everyone. Mr. Harris stated that he did not wish
to create a complication, and would propose the name of Off Road. Following
additional discussion, it was decided to have staff work with Mr. Harris on a
road name. Commissioner Hawkins made the motion to adjourne this meeting until
June 3, and hold the same public hearing. All voted in favor and the motion
Mr. Douglas
Coggins came forward to speak. Ms. Beeker reminded that Board that his comments
would be received outside the Public Hearing. Mr. Coggins stated that he lived
on a road that had a name change, and that was his basis. His address is now on
Lamplighter Road. He plans to request a name change and asked the Board to
extend the same courtesy to his group that they have extended to Mr. Harris.
Ms. Beeker
stated that it would be appropriate to ask Mr. Coggins if he would like his
comments incorporated into the continued date, so his comments could be
transcribed and made a part of that public hearing. Mr. Coggins indicated he
would like his comments to be included in the record. It was agreeable to the
Board to do so.
Set Public
Hearing on Budget - Mr. Nicholson
recommended the Board set a Public Hearing on the Budget on June 19, 2002 at
11:00am. Commissioner Hawkins made the motion to set the Public Hearing on June
19 at 11:00am. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Possible Need
to Change Mid-Month Meeting Date in July - Mr. Nicholson reminded the Board that
several Commissioners would be at NACo on the regularly scheduled date for the
mid-month July meeting. Commissioner Hawkins made the motion to move the
mid-July meeting to July 24th. All voted in favor and the motion
Mr. Nicholson
then passed around possible dates for budget workshops. He noted the
possibility of the Tuesday and Thursday in the first week of June. It was the
consensus of the Board to hold budget
workshops on the following dates:
Thursday, June
6 from 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Thursday, June
13 from 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Monday, June 17
at 7:00 p.m. for the Fire Departments
Thursday, June
20 at 2:00 - possibly for the schools
Thursday, June
27 from 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Public Hearings
on the FY 2002-2003 Budget were scheduled for:
Wednesday, June
19 at 11:00 a.m.
Tuesday, June
25 at 7:00 p.m.
Ward made the motion to set the Public Hearings on the Budget on Wednesday,
June 19 at 11:00 a.m. and Tuesday, June 25 at 7:00 p.m. All voted in favor and
the motion carried.
Hawkins questioned who this years Mayor=s Cup Raft Race participants would be.
Chairman Moyer stated that so far it is himself and Commissioner Messer, and
Recreation employees Rick Harris and Tim Hopkins.
Mr. Nicholson
informed the Board that the county has again been challenged by the Town of
Fletcher to a game of softball. That has been scheduled for June 15th
at 10:00 a.m.
There being no
further business to come before the Board, Commissioner Hawkins made the motion
to adjourn the meeting at 12:40 p.m.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
W. Corn, Clerk to the Board William L. Moyer, Chairman