The Cane Creek Water
& Sewer District Board met for a regularly scheduled meeting at 9:00 a.m.
in the Commissioners=
Conference Room of the Henderson County Office Building at 100 North King
Street, Hendersonville, North Carolina.
Those present were:
Chairman Bill Moyer, Vice-Chair Marilyn Gordon, Commissioner Grady Hawkins,
Commissioner Don Ward, Commissioner Charlie Messer, County Manager David E.
Nicholson, County Attorney Angela S. Beeker, and Clerk to the Board Elizabeth
W. Corn.
Minutes were
presented for the Board=s review and approval of the following meetings:
May 19, 1999
July 25, 2001
August 15, 2001
Commissioner Gordon
made the motion to approve the minutes as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
The Board of
Commissioner had, as recently as on March 20, 2002, given Staff direction to
proceed with the steps necessary to expand the boundaries of the Cane Creek
Water and Sewer District. Such an
extension is governed by NCGS 162A-87.1, a copy of which was provided for the
Board. That statute requires a public hearing
on the proposed extension after a report concerning the proposed extension is
adopted and made available for public inspection and notice of the public
hearing is advertised in the newspaper and mailed to the affected property
owners. The statute also requires the
consent of any municipality that has property lying within the proposed
expansion area. The Town of Fletcher
indicated its agreement as shown by the resolution adopted on April 8, 2002.
The Board looked at
the proposed expansion area on March 20, 2002.
That area is located in the north-central area of the County and
encompasses approximately 7,400 parcels.
Staff has been working to compile the addresses of those parcels so that
the mailing can be accomplished.
If the Board wishes
to go forward with this expansion, it would be appropriate for the Board to
consider adopting the Report that has been prepared by the County
Engineer. The Report, as required by
law, contains a statement regarding compliance with NCGS 162A-87.1, a map
showing the current boundaries and the expansion area, a legal description of
the expansion area, and a copy of NCGS 162A-87.1. Once adopted, the Report will be made available to the public for
After adopting the
Report it would be appropriate for the Board to take action to set the public
hearing. A Notice of Public Hearing had
been drafted and was included for the Board=s review. Once the date, time
and location of the public hearing is set the Notice of Public Hearing will be
advertised in the Times-News and mailed to the affected property owners. Staff will be using the services of SSEACO
for mailing the notices.
The County Manager
recommended the adoption of the Report and the setting of the public
hearing. Due to the large proposed
expansion area and the number of parcels affected, the County Manager
recommended that the Board consider holding the public hearing at West
Henderson High School=s
Mr. Tweed discussed
briefly a change to the Statement regarding Compliance - 6,800 properties were
listed as being involved. There are
actually approx. 7,400 parcels involved. So potentially there could be several
hundred people attend the public hearing.
Mr. Tweed also asked
the Board to adopt the AReport Regarding Proposed Extension of the Boundaries of Cane Creek
Water and Sewer District@ noting the correction of the number of parcels being 7,400 instead of
Commissioner Gordon
made the motion that the Board approve the proposed extension of the Cane Creek
Water and Sewer District Boundaries and the hearing to be scheduled for June
27, 2002 at 7:00 p.m. at West Henderson High School Auditorium. She added to
her motion that the Board adopt the AReport Regarding Proposed Extension of the Boundaries of Cane Creek
Water and Sewer District@ noting the correction of the number of parcels being 7,400 instead of
6,800. All voted in favor and the
motion carried.
W. Corn, Clerk to the Board William L. Moyer, Chairman