The Henderson County
Board of Commissioners met for a regularly scheduled meeting at 5:30 p.m. in
the Commissioners' Conference Room of the Henderson County Office Building.
Those present were: Chairman Bill Moyer, Vice-Chair Marilyn
Gordon, Commissioner Grady Hawkins, Commissioner Don Ward, Commissioner Charlie
Messer, County Manager David E. Nicholson, County Attorney Angela S. Beeker,
and Clerk to the Board Elizabeth W. Corn.
Also present were:
Planning Director Karen C. Smith, Assistant County Attorney Jennifer O.
Jackson, Finance Director J. Carey McLelland, Assistant to the County Manager/Budget
Analyst Selena Coffey, Public Information Officer Chris S. Coulson, Fire
Marshal/Emergency Management Coordinator Rocky Hyder, Tax Collector Terry Lyda,
Deputy Tax Collector Darlene Burgess, and Deputy Clerk to the Board/Volunteer
Coordinator Amy Brantley.
Chairman Moyer called
the meeting to order and welcomed all in attendance.
Chairman Moyer
recognized a group of boy scouts from Troop #613 from Etowah. They meet at the Etowah United Methodist Church. The Scout Leader and the Assistant Scout
Leader were also present. The Scouts
are currently working on their communication badge and are required to attend a
meeting. The Scouts and their leaders
came forward and led the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.
David Nicholson gave the
Chairman Moyer
recognized Scott Hamilton from the Chamber of Commerce to make an
announcement. Mr. Hamilton explained
that after several months of some activity on behalf of the Committee of 100
working with their allies through the N.C. Department of Commerce, the
Community College System, Utilities, the Board of Commissioners, and the Town
of Fletcher in working with a local industry in trying to secure a new product
line that would come to Henderson County.
The sad news is that if/and when we were to succeed in getting this
project that would mean the closing of a facility in another state. The plant is looking to consolidate its operations
and trying to streamline some of their
operations and in doing so they realized that they were going to need to close
a facility in another state and move that operation either to here (in
Henderson County) or to Michigan.
Mr. Hamilton reported to
the Board that Borg Warner Cooling Systems, located in the Cane Creek
Industrial Park, has agreed to (based on the approval of local and State
incentives) locate a new division here in Henderson County. That division is going to be plastic
injection molded fans for cooling
systems. Those fans will be made for
light trucks and commercial vehicles.
The initial investment for this project is around $4.6 million. The project will initially create 50 -55
jobs. The wages of those jobs will be
above the average wage here in Henderson County and it would need to be that to
be eligible for any local or State incentives.
This is a new line and
will be a new division within this plant.
It will help Borg Warner in the Cane Creek Industrial Park to diversify.
One of the reasons they chose this facility was it had some available space to
facilitate the location of the new machinery and equipment. The other reason was the partnerships that
were involved and the efforts presented by the local governments.
One of the criteria
involved in this project is the approval of local incentives. Mr. Hamilton requested the Board of
Commissioners to set a public hearing for incentives for Borg Warner for the
next regularly meeting, Wednesday, February 20, 2002. Chairman Moyer stated that the Board would set that public
hearing under IMPORTANT DATES later in the agenda.
Chairman Moyer stated
that there had been a rezoning application filed on behalf of Hollabrook Farms. William Alexander, the agent and attorney
for the Hollamon family , was present and was recognized at this time.
William Alexander
explained that the Hollamon family and the principals of Hollabrook Farms, in
view of recent public comments and issues arising relative to their petition,
have asked the Board to cancel the scheduled public hearing for tonight. The purpose of this is to give them an
opportunity on the ground to look at some options that may satisfy some folks
concerned. They need to get some
surveying done to accomplish that. In
an effort to bring back to the Board something that may be more palatable to
everyone, he asked that the Board cancel the public hearing for this evening
until renotice.
Chairman Moyer stated
that the Board would take action on this at 7:00 p.m., at the time the public
hearing is scheduled.
Chairman Moyer proposed
that the Board move Discussion Item AA- Update on the Blue Ridge Bike Bash@ to just after the Consent
Agenda. Many people in the audience are interested in that item. He proposed moving the item up on the agenda
so that the Board and the people in the audience would get an update on it
prior to the scheduled AInformal Public Comments@. His hope was that moving it up would answer
some of the questions that might be raised.
Commissioner Hawkins
requested that the Board withdraw #14 under Nominations - ACommissioners Serving on
Chairman Moyer asked
that AWestern North Carolina Caucus@ be substituted as #14
under Nominations. The Board needs to
take action on that one.
David Nicholson asked
the Board to pull Staff Report AB- EMS Station.@ We are
going to get a proposal from Pardee Hospital and this will allow them some time
to prepare the proposal. Mr. Nicholson
asked the Board to roll this item to the next Board meeting.
Chairman Moyer made the
motion to approve the revised agenda.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Commissioner Ward requested
item AC - Audit Services
Proposal@ be pulled for some
discussion as well as item AE- Etowah-Horse Shoe Fire & Rescue Lease Purchase
Chairman Moyer requested
item AB - State ADM Fund
Application@ be pulled for some
Chairman Moyer made the
motion for the Board to approve the consent agenda with the exception of items AB, C, and E@. All voted in favor and the motion
consisted of the following:
Minutes were presented
for the Board=s review and approval of
the following meetings:
18, 2001, regular meeting
7, 2002, regular meeting
Amendment to
Transportation Advisory Committee Bylaws
At the Board=s meeting on January 16,
2002, the Commissioners discussed increasing the membership on the
Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) to a total of 18 members. The Board directed Staff to make the
appropriate amendments to the TAC Bylaws and bring them back to the Board. Those amendments, as well as a corresponding
amendment to the TAC Charter, have been made and approved by the Transportation
Advisory Committee on January 24, 2002.
Both of these documents were reviewed.
The County Manager
believed that the amendments were consistent with the Board=s discussion on January
16, 2002, and recommended approval.
Financial Report -
December 2001
Cash Balance Report -
December 2001
expenditures in the General Fund include the annual premiums paid to the NCACC
Insurance Pools for the County=s Worker=s Compensation and Property/Liability insurance
coverage. These costs will be
distributed out to each of the departments budgets prior to fiscal year-end.
The negative position in
the Schools Capital Reserve Fund was created from the appropriated transfer of
$1.2 million in October to the School Capital Projects Fund for the Fletcher
Elementary School Project. As of December 31st, the Schools
Capital Reserve Fund had a positive fund balance of $908,610.88 subsequent to
this transfer.
The negative position in
the Emergency Communications Fund was due to the November annual payment
($122,277.61) made to Motorola for the lease of emergency communications
equipment. This fund had a positive
fund balance of $6,649.98 at December 31st subsequent to this
These reports were
presented for information and for consent approval.
Henderson County Public
Schools Financing Report - December 2001
The December School Financing
Report was presented for information and consent approval.
Request for Improvement
Guarantee for Rock Creek, Phase I - Mark Searcy, Applicant
Mr. Luther E. Smith, on
behalf of Southern Development, Inc., had submitted an application for a subdivision
improvement guarantee. Southern
Development, Inc., would like to post a surety performance bond to cover the
cost of road improvements in Phase I of a subdivision known as Rock Creek. The Rock Creek subdivision is located off
Green River Road. Gravel roads are
proposed, except where the developer intends to pave sections that will exceed
15% in grade. The Planning Board
granted approval of the Master Plan of the entire Rock Creek subdivision as
well as conditional approval of the Development Plan for Phase I on October 16,
Pursuant to Section
170-38 of the Henderson County Code, a developer may, in lieu of completing all
of the required improvements prior to Final Plat approval, post a performance
guarantee to secure the County=s interest in seeing that satisfactory construction of
incomplete improvements occurs. One
type of permitted guarantee is a surety performance bond. The developer intends to secure such a
performance bond from Builder=s Mutual in the amount of $72,118.78, which includes the
cost of the road improvements as well as the required contingency amount of
twenty-five percent (25%). The proposed
completion date for the improvements is January 4, 2003.
A draft Performance
Guarantee Agreement was presented for the Board=s consideration. If the application is approved, the
developer must submit a performance bond in accordance with the terms of the
Agreement. The Assistant County
Attorney must review the performance bond and certify the Agreement as to form
prior to its execution by the Chairman and the applicant.
The County Manager
recommended that the Board approve the application for an improvement guarantee
for Rock Creek, Phase I, subject to the developer submitting a surety
performance bond in accordance with the terms of the draft Performance
Guarantee Agreement and subject to the Assistant County Attorney reviewing the
performance bond.
Request for Improvement
Guarantee for High Vista Falls, Phase V - NC Four C=s, LLC, Applicant
Mr. Bob Duffy, on behalf
of NC Four C=s, LLC, had submitted an
application for a subdivision improvement guarantee. NC Four C=s, LLC, would like to
post an irrevocable letter of credit to cover the cost of road, drainage, water
and sewer improvements in Phase V of the High Vista Falls subdivision. On September 25, 2001, the Planning Board
granted approval of a revised Master Plan for the entire High Vista Falls
project and conditionally approved a revised Development Plan for Phase V.
Pursuant to Section
170-38 of the Henderson County Code, a developer may, in lieu of completing all
of the required improvements prior to Final Plat approval, post a performance
guarantee to secure the County=s interest in seeing that satisfactory construction of
incomplete improvements occurs. One
type of permitted guarantee is an irrevocable letter of credit. The developer intends to obtain a letter of
credit from Macon Bank in the amount of $144,150.00, which includes the cost of
the road, drainage, water and sewer improvements as well as the required
contingency amount of twenty-five percent (25%). The proposed completion date for the improvements is November 22,
A draft Performance
Guarantee Agreement was presented for the Board=s consideration. If the application is approved, the developer
must submit a letter of credit in accordance with the terms of the
Agreement. The Assistant County
Attorney must review the letter of credit and certify the Agreement as to form
prior to its execution by the Chairman and the applicant.
The County Manager
recommended the Board approve the application for an improvement guarantee for
High Vista Falls, Phase V, subject to the developer submitting an irrevocable
letter of credit in accordance with the terms of the draft Performance
Guarantee and subject to the Assistance County Attorney reviewing the letter of
Disposition of Surplus
Personal Property - Old Jail Kitchen Equipment
There are certain pieces
of kitchen equipment that remain in the former Henderson County Jail Facility
that are no longer being used. Staff
believes that this equipment is worth approximately $10,000. The County Manager, based on staff input, is
of the opinion that the County is not likely to need the kitchen equipment and
therefore requests that it be considered surplus and sold.
NCGS 160A-266 allows the
Board of Commissioners to appoint an officer to dispose of personal property by
private negotiation and sale when the personal property is valued at less than
$30,000. NCGS 160A-267 requires that
the County adopt a resolution authorizing the County Manager to dispose of the
personal property by private sale at a negotiated price. The sale can only be consummated 10 days
after the contents of the resolution are summarized in a notice and the notice
is published. Those statutes were
presented for Board review.
The County Manager
recommended that the Board declare this kitchen equipment remaining in the Old
Jail as surplus and authorize him to sell it through private negotiation and
sale by adopting the prepared resolution.
Debra Stephens
Presented for Board
review were recognitions and awards received by County departments and/or
employees. The Board of Commissioners
had asked that these be included on the agenda for special recognition of our
departments= and employees= achievements.
Mark Edney had submitted
a memo recognizing Debra Stephens, a Residential Appraiser with the Henderson
County Assessor=s Office who was
admitted to the designation of a North Carolina Certified Appraiser with the
North Carolina Association of Assessing Officers. This designation requires that you have five years experience in
the Assessor=s Office, three years in
real property appraisal, and several courses with the Institute of Government
and the International Association of Assessing Officers.
Ms. Stephens has been an
Assessor=s Office employee for
nine yers.
A copy of the following
certificates were presented for review:
North Carolina Appraiser
of Completion, IAAO 102, Income Approach to Valuation
of Completion, IAAO Course 311, Residential Modeling Concepts
of Completion, County Real Property Appraiser
of Completion, Course 1, Fundamentals of Real Property Appraisal
of Completion, Fundamentals of Property Tax Listing and Assessing
Paramedic Awards
Tom Edmundson had
submitted a memo announcing that several Emergency Service personnel received
awards during the annual EMS dinner in December, as follows:
Larry Gaddard was selected AParamedic of the Year@. He
received a plaque and a check from Brian Easler Ford or outstanding service in
the EMS field.
APurple Hearts@ were awarded to
Paramedics Curtis Doi, Becky Owen, and City of Hendersonville Firemen Marvin
Lancaster and Joey Drake for serious injuries received while working a vehicle
accident on Highway 176 on September 7, 2001.
Terri Lanning, former paramedic, also received the APurple Heart@ for injuries she
received in 1999.
Mr. Edmundson said this
is the first year we have awarded the APurple Heart@ and he hopes it will be the last. We felt we should have some way to honor
those who gave so much.
AC - Audit Services
Proposal@ - pulled by Commissioner Ward
Commissioner Ward mentioned
formerly the Board had a system where they rotated the audit services. He questioned if we were still doing that.
Mr. Nicholson stated
that at the Board=s direction, Staff had
gone out for a three year proposal. The
Board asked that Staff also go back and get a five year proposal from the firm
we currently use. Mr. Nicholson
recommended to the Commissioners that at least this coming year and hopefully
with the following year too, that the Board award the contract to the current
firm. We are getting ready to undergo a
massive change in our financial statements with GASB 34. It will require us to restate our entire
financial statements. He felt it was
imperative to continue with the same firm.
With the five year bid we locked in the price we will pay for that five
year term.
The original agenda item
was as follows:
Provided for the Board=s consideration and
approval was the standard Contract to Audit Accounts and Engagement Letter from
Crisp Hughes Evans LLP for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2002. The initial proposal from this firm
beginning with the June 30, 1999 audit was approved by the Board for a
three-year term with an option to extend the contract for audit services for
two additional years. The initial
three-year term expired with the completion of the June 30, 2001 audit. Their proposed $44,000 fee for the June 30,
2002 audit is the same fee quoted for this fiscal year at the time the County
first contracted with Crisp Hughes Evans.
Staff recommended that
the Board consider approving the Contract to Audit Accounts with Crisp Hughes
Evans LLP for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2002.
Fiscal Year 2003 will
bring about a major change in the way the County=s financial statements are presented due
to the required implementation of Governmental Accounting Standards Board
(GASB) Statement #34. This firm=s familiarity with the
County and the excellent working relationship established with their staff will
provide for an easier transition during implementation of this major reporting
Staff would also
recommend that the Board consider retaining this firm for the fiscal year
ending June 30, 2003 audit. The annual
audit fee for Fiscal Year 2003 would be $47,000, which is the same fee quoted
three years prior.
Commissioner Ward moved
the approval of the audit services proposal.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
AE - Etowah-Horse Shoe
Fire & Rescue Lease Purchase Agreement - pulled
Commissioner Ward stated
that this item said that Etowah is purchasing a new truck. He asked if they were replacing one or
adding one to the fleet.
Rocky Hyder explained
that Etowah-Horse Shoe is adding a truck to the fleet. This would be the third or a reserve
pumper. This is necessary to maintain
their fire rating in that area because of the growth in the community over the
past several years.
Mr. Ward questioned
whether this had been through the Fire Advisory Board for their budget
procedures. Mr. Hyder explained that it
was reviewed first by the Fire & Rescue Advisory Board last year when the
budget was proposed. It was approved at
that time. It was reviewed again at the
last Fire & Rescue Advisory Board meeting in January. There doesn=t seem to be any financial problem. They put down over $100,000 as a down
payment for the vehicle.
The original agenda item
was as follows:
Etowah-Horse Shoe Fire
& Rescue is planning to purchase an Engine to help improve their response
capacity and insurance rating.
Etowah-Horse Shoe informed the Fire and Rescue Advisory Committee of its
intent to purchase a NFPA 1901 standard pumper at the May 16, 2001 budget
meeting. The Fire and Rescue Advisory
Committee reviewed the lease/purchase agreement again at their January 21, 2002
meeting. The request was then forwarded
to County Commissioners with unanimous approval.
Commissioner Ward made
the motion to approve the lease/purchase agreement. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
AB - State ADM Fund
Application@ - pulled
Chairman Moyer asked for
some help on how the budget amendment ties into the explanation.
David Nicholson stated
that the basic discussion here is the ADM application. As part of our funding plan put together for
the schools several years ago, at their request we were going to use the ADM
funds for purposes of paying for the routine ongoing capital whether that would
be painting the walls, doing the floors or whatever. They sent the application that the Board approved to the State
and they sent it back asking if there wasn=t a big project the funds could be assigned
to. County Staff and the School
officials reviewed it once again and suggested we swap wherever we=re spending ADM money
and pay it with the sales tax money. We
had been using the sales tax money for paying debt service. ADM money can be used for debt service. Following discussion, Mr. Nicholson told
the Board that there was some confusion about whether the school officials want
this budget amendment or not.
Mr. Nicholson asked the Board
to only approve the filing of the ADM fund application, not approve the budget
amendment at this time.
Commissioner Hawkins
made the motion to approve the filing of the ADM fund application and roll the
budget amendment to a further meeting.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
The original agenda item
was as follows:
Staff presented to the
Board at the December 3, 2001 regular meeting, an ADM Fund Application, which
was approved and subsequently submitted to the Office of State Budget and
Management (OSBM) for further approval.
OSBM returned the application with no action for the reasons stated in
the letter from the School System=s Business Manager. After discussing the application with OSBM Staff, it was recommended
that a revised application be submitted requesting to use ADM Funds for the
purpose of paying school debt service, which is an eligible expense under the
guidelines. Filing the application for
this purpose would remove any restrictions with respect to using the funds for
ongoing repairs and maintenance.
As stated in the letter
from Ms. Shannon, the County will now use restricted sales tax dollars to pay
for recurring school repairs and maintenance and use ADM funds for school debt
service. This reallocation will not
change the projected revenues and expenditures as outlined in the
schools-funding plan.
A total of $580,578 in
ADM Fund revenues was budgeted in the previous fiscal year ended June 30,
2001. However, an application was not
submitted to OSBM last year. Therefore,
these funds still remain in the State ADM Fund Account available for allocation
by Henderson County.
The County=s current fiscal year
budget includes an appropriation of $627,981 in ADM Fund revenues and
expenditures. If the Board approves the
application, the budget amendment for $580,578 increasing the current fiscal
year=s appropriation to
$1,208,559 will need to be approved also.
The County Manager
recommended that the Board approve the updated ADM Application. He has met with the school officials and
believes that this approach does not affect the County=s funding formula for
school capital outlay.
Angela Beeker was asked
to address the Board on the event that is being organized for the July 4, 2002
weekend, the Blue Ridge Bike Bash, which we have been told could involve as
many as 30,000 people over a 4-day period.
In anticipation of the
many questions that the Board and Staff have been receiving, Ms. Beeker has
prepared a memo for the Board and reviewed that information with them.
The regulation of this
event appears to be under the jurisdiction of both the State and the County
with the State regulating the entire event directly and the County regulating
certain aspects or activities of the event.
Mass Gatherings
The North Carolina
General Statutes (NCGS 130A-252) require that a permit be issued by the
Department of Environment and Natural Resources for a mass gathering. A mass gathering is any gathering of more
than 5,000 in an open space for a period of more than 24 hours. From the
information she had received thus far, it appears that the Blue Ridge Bash
would be considered a Amass gathering@ for the purposes of
requiring a State permit.
An application must be
filed with the State and must contain the following information:
Name of applicant, sponsors and organizers
Location of mass gathering
Estimated number of people to be in attendance
at any one time
Dates and hours for the event
Total time period involved
Map of area to be used showing:
Location of toilets
Lavatory and bathing facilities
Water Supply Sources
Areas of assemblage
Camping areas
Food service areas
Garbage and refuse storage and disposal areas
Entrances and Exits to public highways
Emergency ingress and egress roads
Additional information as required by DENR
application fee of $100.00 is charged plus a fee to cover the expense to the
State and to the relevant units of local government which arises on account of
the mass gathering. Within 15 days
after receipt of the application, DENR will review the application and inspect
the proposed site. If the application
and site meet the State requirements, a provisional permit will be issued. The applicant must then post a bond and
provide proof of insurance. Five days
prior to the event, DENR will inspect the site and facilities to see if all of
the requirements have actually been met.
The fees, including the anticipated cost to County government, must be
paid by the applicant at that time. If
the requirements are met, the final permit will be issued.
State requirements associated with mass gatherings are very stringent. Ms. Beeker summarized them as follows:
The activity area must be of sufficient size to
accommodate the number of persons expected to be in attendance at any one time.
No part of the perimeter of the activity and
camping areas can be within 1500 feet of a residence unless the residence owner
signs a waiver.
No part of the perimeter of the activity area
can be within 1 mile of class I or class II reservoir, or within 3 miles of a
protected watershed which drains into an A-1 stream that is used as a public
water supply.
The camping area must be large enough to provide
for safe drinking water and sewage collection and disposal.
A command post must be provided for use by the
State, law enforcement and other regulatory agencies having jurisdiction (this
would include the County).
The entrances and exits to public highways must
be kept open to traffic at all times.
Adequate parking must be provided (1 space for
every 4 persons).
A written security plan which must be approved
by the Sheriff must be provided.
A dust control plan must be provided.
A fire prevention and control plan must be
An emergency plan, including rapid evacuation
and use of emergency egress roads, must be provided.
A plan for the provision of medical care must be
provided. This plan must be approved by
the Health Director.
A water supply from an approved source must be
provided. If water is to be provided
for drinking, washing, and bathing, water must be supplied at a rate of 12
gallons per day per person and a peak hour demand of six pints per person.
Toilet facilities must be provided at a rate of
1 toilet seat per 100 persons.
Appropriate solid waste collection and disposal
facilities must be provided.
Food dispensing facilities must be provided at
accessible and convenient locations.
Health rules regarding sanitation must be followed.
Measures must be taken to control flies,
mosquitoes, rodents, or other vermin.
Within 1 week after the end of the event, the
area must be cleaned.
The noise at the perimeter of the site cannot
exceed 70 decibels.
A lighting plan must be provided.
Directional signage for all of the facilities
must be provided, including the location of the toilets, water supplies, solid
waste receptacles, food stands, first aid facilities, and the command post.
applicant must demonstrate that he meets each of the requirements above in
order to qualify for a State permit.
Ms. Beeker was not sure whether that would be possible or not, for
example, consider the requirement that the perimeter of the activity area be at
least 1500 feet from any residence. She
had provided a map for the Board=s information which indicated the parcels
having a residence on them that are within 1500 feet of the property
boundary. The exact location of the
residence on the parcel is unknown, however several of the parcels fall
entirely within the 1500 feet zone and could, at a minimum, reduce the size of
the activity area.
addition to the State permit requirements, there are several County ordinances
which will come into play:
Noise Ordinance
County=s noise ordinance limits amplified sound to 80 decibels at the property
boundary during daytime hours (7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.) And 60 decibels during
nighttime hours (11:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.).
As the County=s ordinance for nighttime hours is more stringent, the
County=s ordinance would govern nighttime noise limits. As the State=s limit of 70 decibels is more
stringent for daytime hours, the State=s limit would control daytime hours.
Beeker stated that there is a provision in our local ordinance that would allow
the applicant to apply to the Board of Commissioners for permission to exceed
the noise limits by 10 decibels. The
Board would have to find that it is a significant cultural event for the
community (standard of judgement).
Solid Waste Ordinance
County=s Solid Waste Ordinance is somewhat duplicative of the State=s
requirements for appropriate solid waste disposal. However, the State=s regulations appear to be geared towards on
site cleanup, and the County=s ordinance would cover the cleanup of surrounding
areas as well, if litter or debris escaped onto neighboring properties.
Fire Prevention Ordinance
County=s Fire Prevention Ordinance could trigger some inspections by the Fire
Marshal=s office; however, the State already has in place a requirement for a
fire prevention plan, which arguably should be reviewed by the Fire Marshal.
other County ordinances appear to have no bearing on the event. For instance, the Zoning Ordinance, in Ms.
Beeker=s opinion, would not preclude the Blue Ridge Bash as the area is zoned
Open Use. One might make an argument,
as has been suggested, that there will be racing events that might trigger a
requirement for a temporary use permit.
Even if that were the case, at the most, the zoning might regulate only
that one activity, not the entire event.
Departments Administering State Laws
other County departments or agencies administering State regulations will also
have a role. For instance, the Health Department will inspect all of the food
service vendors. The Inspections
Department will inspect all of the electrical hookups. The Sheriff=s Department will be enforcing
the State=s criminal laws.
Beeker had provided copies of the State permit statutes and regulations for the
Board=s review.
question was raised regarding bonding and liability. Ms. Beeker stated that when they submit their application they
also must post a performance bond. The
performance bond is a guarantee that they will comply with state requirements.
A performance bond is issued depending on the number of participants. For
30,000 people the performance bond would be approx. $9,000. They also must provide proof of liability
insurance up to $1,000,000.
question was raised regarding an ABC permit or the sale of alcoholic
beverages. Ms. Beeker responded that
the ABC laws allow a one time permit could be issued, even in a dry
county. It would be issued by the
State ABC (Alcoholic Beverage Control) Commission. The local ABC Board would
issue the transportation permit. It was
her understanding that the applicant intends to request a non-profit permit
where a non-profit can apply for a one-time permit if it=s associated with an
event to raise money for that non-profit.
The State ABC would have to judge their application and determine
whether it fulfilled that particular statute.
The fee is only $25.00 to get that type permit.
question was raised about the State Noise regulations versus the County Noise
Ordinance. Ms. Beeker stated that our
noise ordinance and their noise limit overlap.
The most stringent will govern.
Their noise limit is 70 decibels at any time. The County has a noise ordinance that limits noise from amplified
sound or from large gatherings at the perimeter of the property. The daytime limit under the county ordinance
is 80 decibels but the nighttime county limit is 60 decibels. The remedy for violation of the State limit
is revocation of the permit to hold the event.
Any violation of the County Ordinance is a crime and civil penalties
could be assessed.
question was raised whether we knew if the permits had been applied for. Ms. Beeker stated that they have not yet.
COLLECTOR=S REPORT of Unpaid Taxes that are Liens on Real Property
to NCGS 105-369(a)
Lyda informed the Board that on Friday, they added $330,878.31 in motor vehicle
levies, which was their February allotment from DMV. At that time they had a percentage of 90.22%, as of January 30,
2002 (bills collected).
Collector Terry F. Lyda submitted his AReport of Unpaid Taxes that are Liens on
Real Property as required by NCGS 105-369(a)@.
A copy of that report is attached as a part of these minutes. He recommended that the unpaid tax liens be
advertised on May 20, 2002, one time only.
Moyer made the motion to approve the recommendation of advertising the liens on
May 20 (once) which is the third Monday in May. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Tax Collector, Darlene Burgess, presented her report to the Board dated
February 1, 2002. Her report covered
the status of delinquent tax collections for years 1992 - 2000 and provided a
summary of the steps that have been taken to collect unpaid property
taxes. A copy of that report was attached
as a part of these minutes.
also explained that on December 17, they mailed out 3,384 initial notices for
the debt set-off collection. They had
selected motor vehicle bills that were over $100 to start the debt set-off
with. They have so far had 41 debts appealed.
They=ve had 133 bills paid prior to the submission to the Department of
Revenue, totaling about $15,000. They
sent 643 debts to the Department of Revenue for income tax garnishment this
past Monday totaling over $95,000. They
were the fourth entity in the State to submit a list for debt set-off, only the
second County. The third part
administrator just sent the list today to the Department of Revenue.
Nicholson informed the Board that we collected about $95,000 through the
electronic credit card program we put into effect this year. He expects that to grow over the years.
Moyer explained that we have three public hearings scheduled for 7:00 p.m. We will hold those as close to 7:00 as
possible because they have been advertised for 7:00 p.m. He stated that we will need to stop the
informal public comment at 7:00. If
there is a lot of additional comment, he will find another time later in the
meeting to continue the comment period.
He asked each person to limit their comments to 2 - 3 minutes each. He
informed the speakers that this is not the time to ask questions of the
Commissioners or Staff.
Howard Wiser - Mr. Wiser is a resident of Riverwind. He spoke of his concern about traffic in the
area of the proposed bike bash.
Donna Tompkins - Ms. Tompkins is a resident of the Big Willow
community, just outside Etowah. She
stated that a lot of her questions were answered by the County Attorney=s
presentation. She asked those who are
opposed to this to call Mr. Pennington tomorrow. She spoke about the pollution, increased traffic, noise, and
fire and police protection.
Jeff Myron - Mr. Myron is the promoter of the Blue Ridge
Bike Bash. He is a businessman. He
stated that this event will have a $3 million economic impact on Henderson
County. He estimated that about $200,000 will be given to charities. He stated
that numerous businessmen in the area have been hurt tremendously by the
recession as well as the tragedy of September 11. He felt that this would generate tremendous economic impact and
help some of those ailing businesses. He also stated that he would employ for
approximately 12 to 2 weeks about 400 people with many jobs also being created
on a year round basis.
Carla McKeun - Ms. McKeun continued Mr. Myron=s presentation
because his time ran out.
addressed some of the concerns some of the residents in the area had relative
to their security staff, their planned toilet facilities for the event,
avoiding Riverwind as they bring people into the event, etc. They do not intend to publish the address of
the site on their website, only the address of the Holiday Inn. Vendors will be told about a week in advance
where the site is. She stated that their plans far exceed what is
required. Instead of 1 porta potty per
100 persons, they will have 14 per 100 person.
Tom Brogan - Mr. Brogan is President of the Mountain
Valley Homeowners Association. He
discussed the increase of traffic in the area for the event, especially on the
narrow winding roads in the Etowah community.
He also stated that many of his questions were answered by Ms. Beeker=s
presentation and thanked her for that.
He felt that a new location with a more easily controlled accessibility
be selected for the event.
Allen McCrary - Mr. McCrary is a resident of the Pleasant
Grove community. He spoke in favor of
the event, stating it could be a great opportunity for our community. We need the revenue. He agreed that there
would be some rough people that would come into the area for the event but he
also stressed that the Christian Motorcycle Association will be very involved.
Bob Jones - Mr. Jones represented the Enchanted Forest
Homeowners Association as well as himself.
He expressed concerns about the traffic and the security.
Jeanine Davis - Ms. Davis is a property owner who lives at
the corner of Etowah School Road and Misty Meadow Lane. She stated that she was not against the
event. She did express concern about
having the event at this location, primarily because of the access. She stated
that this property is located in a floodplain and asked what would happen if it
rains, stating that the road turns to mush when it rains.
Glen Davis - Mr. Davis resides at the same address as
Jeanine Davis above. He spoke in
opposition, stating it was not fair to the residents of the community as they
have had no say so.
Mary Singleton - Ms. Singleton expressed that this will have a
great impact, and not only on the Etowah community. She stated that we need
procedures in a land use plan that would prevent this from happening and will
protect the people.
of informal public comments
Moyer informed those in attendance that we would suspend the informal public
comments at this time and go to the scheduled public hearings.
HEARING - Rezoning Application #R-04-01 (OU to I-1) Hollabrook Farms, A
Partnership, Applicant - William Alexander, Agent
Moyer recognized Bill Alexander.
Alexander asked, on behalf of the Hollamon family and Hollabrook farm, that the
Board cancel this public hearing until renoticed for a later date. The purpose of their request was that given
a lot of late comment they have received, the client would like to reconsider
some of their issues on the ground.
They intend to look at some survey issues and see if some accommodations
can be made to suit everyone=s interest.
They could not accomplish that by this evening.
Moyer made the motion to cancel the public hearing for this evening and
reschedule it upon amendment of the applicant or reactivation of the current
application by the applicant. All voted
in favor and the motion carried.
HEARING - Rezoning Application #R-06-01 (RC to R-20) Samuel Garland,
Hawkins made the motion for the Board to go into public hearing. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Freeman reminded the Board that the public hearing for this date was on a Rezoning
Application, #R-06-01. On November 12,
2001, Mr. Samuel R. Garland submitted Rezoning application R-06-01, requesting
that the County rezone nine separate parcels of land from an RC (rural
conservation) zoning district to an R-20 (low-density residential) zoning
district. Generally speaking the
boundary of the area includes properties on the southern side of Souther Road
between the intersections of Candor Drive and Fairhaven Drive. The nine tracts of land total approximately
14.86 acres with the largest single parcel being 5.8 acres and the smallest
being approximately 2 acre.
Henderson County Planning Board reviewed the application on December 18, 2001,
and voted unanimously to send a favorable recommendation to the Henderson
County Board of Commissioners on the application as submitted.
accordance with Section 200-76 of the Henderson County Zoning Ordinance and
State Law, a notice of public hearing was published in the January 25, 2002
edition of the Hendersonville Times-News, and again in the February 1, 2002
edition. The Planning Department sent
notices of the hearing via first class mail to the applicants and the owners of
property adjacent to the Subject Property, and posted signs advertising the
hearing on the subject property, on January 22, 2002.
was none.
Moyer made the motion for the Board to go out of public hearing. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Moyer made the motion to approve the application of Samuel Garland and others
to rezone nine separate parcels of land from RC to R-20 zoning
district. All voted in favor and the
motion carried.
HEARING - Rezoning Application #R-07-01 (RC to R-20) Gary Barnwell, Applicant
Hawkins made the motion for the Board to go into public hearing. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Freeman distributed two letters that Staff had received from concerned citizens
on this issue, one from Lois Brown and one from John J. Drake. Josh also informed the Board that the
applicant, Gary Barnwell was in attendance.
Board of Commissioners had scheduled for this date a public hearing on Rezoning
Application R-07-01. On November 14,
2001, Mr. Gary Barnwell submitted Rezoning Application R-07-01, requesting that
the County rezone one parcel totaling approximately 11 acres of land from an
R-40 (Estate Residential) zoning district to an R-20 (low-density residential)
zoning district. Generally speaking the
property is on the southern side of Willow Road between the intersection of
Myrtle Hill Road and O=re Brae Lane.
The property is located approximately 2 mile west of the intersection of
Willow Road and Adger Drive.
Henderson County Planning Board reviewed the application on December 18, 2001,
and voted 5-3 to send a favorable recommendation to the Henderson County Board
of Commissioners on the application as submitted.
accordance with Section 200-76 of the Henderson County Zoning Ordinance and
State Law, a notice of public hearing was published in the January 25, 2002
edition of the Hendersonville Times-News, and again in the February 1, 2002
edition. The Planning Department sent
notices of the hearing via first class mail to the applicants and the owners of
property adjacent to the Subject Property, and posted signs advertising the
hearing on the subject property, on January 22, 2002.
Moyer stated for the record that the Commissioners had gotten letters from
several people about this issue: William Jackson Drake, Leslie Keith, and
Harold and Elsie McLean.
Mark Brown - Mr. Brown owns property adjacent to the south
side of this property. He has lived in
the area since 1968. This was rezoned
R-40 many years ago. He is opposed to
the rezoning request.
Moyer made the motion for the Board to go out of public hearing. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Hawkins explained that a Comprehensive Land Use Plan and Zoning are two
different things.
natural divide of Willow Road was mentioned.
Gordon stated that as the Board re-evaluates the Comprehensive Land Use Plan
they would have to take a look at some
of these areas. Things have changed in
that area and one of the big things that has changed is that public water is
available on that road. She could not see a compelling reason to rezone this at
this point.
discussion, Commissioner Hawkins made the motion to deny rezoning application
#R-07-01. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
of Informal Public Comments
Eva Ritchey - Ms. Ritchey spoke about the Health &
Human Services Building on the Spartanburg Highway. She had interviewed several people from the Health Department and
those that she interviewed did not think this location was the best place for
the Health Dept. She asked the Commissioners to each answer if they supported
this project.
Moyer reminded her that he had indicated early in the meeting what the
guidelines would be and part of them was that there would be no questions
directed to the Commissioners and no dialogue.
Ritchey requested, as a citizen, for the Board to let the citizens know
sometime through the public channels what the Board=s plans are regarding this
Larry Young - Mr. Young was not present when his name was
Roger Hill - Mr. Hill is the developer of Cummings Cove
Golf and Country Club and President of the Community Association at Cummings
Cove Golf and Country Club which is a 600 acre residential community on
Cummings Road in the Horse Shoe/Etowah area.
He stated that he was not opposed to a Biker Bash for the County but is
opposed to the proposed location for the event. He distributed a written statement to the Board. He felt that the promoter needs to look
harder for a better location.
Beverly Toth - Ms. Toth was not present when her name was
Jacquelyn Toth - Ms. Toth was not present when her name was
Paul Noe - Mr. Noe is the pastor of Etowah Baptist
Church. He stated that his main concern
is for the residents at Cummings Cove, Riverwind, and all over the area of
Etowah. He asked the Board to keep the
residents in mind.
Joyce Ramsey - Ms. Ramsey stated that she is not opposed to
the Biker=s Bash. However, she is
opposed to having it in her back yard.
The roads in the proposed areas are narrow and already
Sarah Mallott - Ms. Mallott stated that no one has talked
about River Road. Cummings Road comes in from Hwy. #64 on one side, Etowah
School Road comes in on the other side but anyone coming in Cummings Road has
to turn on River Road and go about 3/4 mile, turn over the bridge which goes
over the river to get onto the Etowah School Road to get to Misty Meadow
Road. The River Road is another narrow
road with drop-offs on one side and absolutely no shoulders and no
Leon Allison - Mr. Allison stated that the people who are
speaking should come up with solutions for the county instead of just
lambasting the Commissioners.
David Samuelson - Mr. Samuelson stated that he is a
biker and has been most of his life.
His father was a biker. He is
not pro or con for this event. He is
for the American tradition. This is a free country. The owner of this land owns it and there is no zoning against
such an event; therefore, why not have it?
Moyer made the motion for the Board to go into closed session as allowed
pursuant to NCGS 143-318.11 for the following reasons:
1.(a)(1) To prevent disclosure of information
that is privileged or confidential pursuant to the law of this State or of the
United States, or not considered a public record within the meaning of Chapter
132 of the General Statutes, in accordance with and pursuant to NCGS
143-318.10(e) and Article II of Chapter 11 of the Henderson County Code.
2.(a)(3) To consult with an attorney employed
or retained by the public body in order to preserve the attorney-client
privilege between the attorney and the public body, which privilege is hereby
acknowledged. To consult with an
attorney with respect to the following claims:
Henderson County, NC v. Vivian Hill
(Henderson County File No. 99-CVS-310)
Village of Flat Rock et. al. V. Swing et al
(Henderson County File No. 00-CVS-1189)
3.(a)(6) To consider the qualifications,
competence, performance, character, fitness, conditions of appointment, or
conditions of initial employment of an individual public officer or employee or
prospective public officer or employee; or to hear or investigate a complaint,
charge, or grievance by or against an individual public officer or employee.
voted in favor and the motion carried.
Moyer stated that the Board had a lengthy public comment session with respect
to the Blue Ridge Bike Bash. A number
of questions were raised. He asked if
the Commissioners had any comments.
Ward asked for Staff to research the liability regarding alcohol sales. He also wanted to know what input this Board
would have to sue the ABC Board. He
questioned whether the off-duty officers would be Henderson County officers,
stating that we routinely utilize Henderson County off-duty officers during the
July 4th week-end for other activities. He asked Staff to have
communication with the promoter, Mr. Myron, regarding poker runs, specifically
how long are they and how many participants will be in the poker runs.
before the break Mr. Moyer had been asked whether the Board would be taking a
position on the Bike Bash tonight. He
answered that he did not think so. He
felt that the Board did not have enough information. It appeared at the present time to be mainly a state matter.
Gordon stated that there have been a number of questions about zoning and land
use issues and she asked the County Attorney for her opinion about how she
thought zoning would have impacted the ability to permit a one-time event.
Beeker stated that her opinion was that they could apply to the Zoning Board of
Adjustment for a temporary use permit, if it were zoned. Nothing would stop them from asking for such
a permit or the Zoning Board of Adjustment from granting such a permit under
zoning. She didn=t think it would be
possible to zone out such an event entirely.
She thought that some of the activities association with the event could
be zoned out.
Moyer stated that the Board was in agreement that it was not the appropriate
time for the Board to take a position.
The Board needs additional information. The Board is concerned about the
matter and will continue to follow it and try to get their questions answered.
had received a request from Apple Country Transportation to apply for a
transportation grant to begin a fixed route system in Henderson County. The amount of this grant is $101,972. The local 10% match will be provided by a
donation from Wal-Mart and by fees collected from the riders.
Burchett, Transportation Coordinator with Apple Country Transportation, made a
presentation to the Board. She stated
that monies are available for transportation projects. She made the Transportation Advisory Board
aware in November that there are $1.6 million available in a discretionary
fund, under the rural operating assistance program. Since that time she has met twice with the Transportation
Advisory Board and discussed whether they wanted to make application for any of
these funds. The application is due
February 15. There has been a lot of
discussion. The Transportation Advisory
Committee (TAC) called a special meeting to discuss this issue. They asked that Javonni go back to Western
Carolina Community Action and her boss and her Advisory Board and put together
a proposal. The TAC has looked at the
proposal and made recommendations. The current proposal includes the
recommendations of the TAC. The
proposal requests $101,972 from the Department of Transportation to run a fixed
route system in Henderson County for a period of three months. These funds have to be spent within three
months. At that time an application
will be made available to apply again for the project you are interested in
continuing, until the year 2004.
Moyer stated that the TAC felt that it made sense to apply for the money if a
number of criteria could be met:
That it was a reasonable trial period
that had a chance of succeeding if it was done properly and could serve a
legitimate need in the County. To do
that it would have to cover the county, there had to be reasonable times for
the system to run and there had to be some assurance that monies would continue
for more than three months and that there would be fairly objective measures as to whether it was successful or not.
Moyer stated that there is a 10% match associated with this project and it is a
three month trial. The State says that there will be money for
next year, which must be applied for.
Chairman Moyer stated that the TAC wanted to be very clear that we were
only going into this trial on the basis that this would continue over the full
following year or we did not even want to be considered for it. The TAC felt that if the whole amount was
not going to be funded, they didn=t want any money for it. Wal-Mart has indicated they will put up
$10,000 and McDonalds will do some signage for the van. The fares should help to provide the match. So the County should not have to provide any
funding for this project. If some of
the stores are interested in stops, they could contribute some additional
monies. Chairman Moyer has talked with
Fletcher and Hendersonville and they are both very interested in this project
so they should contribute to the funding.
discussion followed. It was clear the
Board had many concerns about future funding of this project. There was discussion about benchmarks to
gauge the success or failure of the project.
There was some discussion of the vehicles for public transportation
being funded by State money.
Board would like to have assurance that funds will be available to fully fund
this project in future years. According
to operational costs for one quarter, the State can expect a request for grant
funds for an amount over $400,000 annually.
Both the Transportation Advisory Committee and the Board of
Commissioners do not wish to begin this important community program and not
have funds to continue it past the initial grant funding.
Moyer made the motion to move forward with the trial of this project as
presented by Javonni and as recommended unanimously by the Transportation
Advisory Committee consistent with the terms as listed above. Part of the motion was to authorize
execution of the application by the Chairman and filing of the application
before February 15, 2002. All voted in
favor and the motion carried.
September, 2001, the Board approved a contract with Analytical Surveys, Inc.
(ASI) for the completion of the digital orthophotography project. At that time, the first phase had been
completed and paid for with the production of the digital orthophotos
staff had been diligently pursuing the matter, ASI had not executed the
contract, and the first deadlines for the project have expired. Staff does not believe that ASI will be able
to perform the contract based on conversations with counsel for ASI and
considering recent headlines and stock prices for ASI. For this reason, it was Staff=s
recommendation that the Board of Commissioners consider awarding the agreement
to another vendor, Sanborn Colorado, LLC.
Sanborn has purchased the division of ASI which actually performed the
work on the County=s project. The same
project manager and personnel which have performed the work to date will
continue to perform the work if the County elects to award a contract to
this point, the work left to be done is processing of the aerial photography
film and the production of the digital orthophotos. It appears that this work is more in the nature of a service, and
not a purchase, and therefore bidding is not required at this point.
is willing to enter into the same agreement that the Board previously approved
for ASI under the same terms and conditions.
The revised project schedule was presented for the Board=s
resolution was presented for the Board=s consideration. It would be appropriate for the Board to
take action at today=s meeting to approve or deny entering into a contract with
Sanborn Colorado, LLC for the production of digital orthophotos.
Beeker got the unsigned contracts back in the mail from ASI and therefore
recommended that the Board go with the company that actually bought out the
division of ASI that did our work, Sanborn.
The same technical personnel will be working with the film that has done
the work so far. Ms. Beeker stated that on the contract before the Board the
same had been changed but that is about it.
The attachments to the contract have been updated to reflect the work
that will actually be done by Sanborn at this point. There is a new project schedule that has a completion date of six
months later than the original completion date as proposed. Ms. Beeker briefly discussed the Resolution
in the agenda packet that basically authorizes staff to formally terminate the
contract with ASI, because they have requested the contract be terminated. The
contract will also authorize the execution of this new contract and will
authorize Mr. Mitchum=s technical
people to have a chance to go through this technical proposal to make sure they
got everything exactly right.
Mitchum stated that the technical specifications are unchanged. We still are able to quality control the
work. Mr. Mitchum stated that his staff has met with the representative from
Sanborn that was the project director that was involved with ASI and they feel
comfortable with him.
Hawkins moved adoption of the resolution as amended. All voted in favor and the
motion carried.
JAIL DEMOLITION - Bids and Contract
Nicholson informed the Board that on January 22, 2002, the County received bids
for the demolition work that is to be done on the Old Jail. Eight bids were submitted, seven of which
were opened and read. One bid was
submitted by a company called Progressive Contracting that was not opened since
the bid was not sealed and sealing of bids is required by State law.
to the Board was a letter from Freeman White, the County=s architect,
containing the architect=s recommendations and the bid tabulation sheets. H&M Constructors submitted the lowest
responsive bid in the amount of $235,900.
Staff was pleased with this bid amount since the estimate on the project
was $270,000.
Assistant County Attorney had reviewed the bid submitted by H&M
Constructors and, except for a minor irregularity that she will discuss with
the Board, believes the bid to be the lowest responsive bid.
architect also requested that the Board reject the bid that was submitted by
Jones Grading & Fencing, Inc. This is an appropriate action since the bid
did not contain a proper bid bond that is required by State law.
on the bids submitted and the lowest responsive bid of H&M Constructors,
the architect had prepared a draft contract for the Board=s review. The draft contract was distributed.
Nicholson stated that there was a change on one of the attachments where they
changed something from square feet to lineal feet, whited it out and then
should have initialed it. They failed
to initial it but he felt that wasn=t an issue. Mr. Nicholson stated that the recommended bid is within the
budget that the Commissioners adopted in the budget process. Staff recommended the Board accept the bid
from H&M Constructors.
question was raised that the budget had only $150,000 listed for the
demolition. Mr. Nicholson informed the
Commissioners that this bid was for demolition and abatement. Staff decided to do one contract for
both. He stated that $250,000 was in
the budget for the two.
question was raised again about the budgeted amount and there was a discrepancy
in what some of the Commissioners had listed for these two items. The County Manager was asked to research
the amount and bring it back to the Board.
This item was rolled to the next meeting for Board action.
Nicholson had provided for the Board=s consideration information concerning the
cost of local telephone service (Centrex and ESSX) available to Henderson
County through the North Carolina Office of Information Technology Services
(ITS). Henderson County=s current
Centrex and ESSX contracts for local service with BellSouth end March 27, 2002.
County=s BellSouth Account Manager, Mona Brewton, stated that a new BellSouth
contract would be available at a rate comparable to the current contract, so
current BellSouth prices have been used in the comparison with ITS prices
prepared by June Durham of ITS. Mrs.
Brewton also gave assurance that service should not be affected by changing
over to ITS for local telephone service.
ITS has contracted with BellSouth for service within Henderson County;
therefore, BellSouth will still be the service provider for the County.
projected annual savings on local Centrex and ESSX service for Henderson County
is approximately $87,000. No charges or
interruptions in service should occur with the changeover. Additional savings not included in this
estimate will result from there being no toll charges for any calls made to
areas within the Asheville LATA.
Hawkins made the motion to change to ITS for local Centrex and ESSX phone
system upon expiration of the current contract. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
& Tourism and Historic Courthouse
Gordon informed the Board that Attorney Jack Tate had offered free counsel to
Travel & Tourism to draft an agreement between Travel & Tourism and
Henderson County regarding a move of Travel & Tourism to the Historic
Courthouse. The Travel & Tourism Board formed a subcommittee to try to work
through some of the details. Ms. Gordon
stated that she might enlist the County Attorney=s assistance on how such an
agreement could be structured.
Nicholson reminded the Board that at the last Commissioners= Meeting the Board
asked him to do some research on a proposed resolution that was put before the
Board to encourage citizen participation in redistricting discussions that are
going on in Raleigh now. Mr. Nicholson
had prepared a draft resolution and it was in the agenda packet for the Board=s
some discussion on the resolution, it was suggested that some wording be
deleted from the NOW, THEREFORE paragraph as follows: delete Awith appointments
made by the Governor; the Lieutenant Governor; and the Speaker of the House and
by the minority leadership within the General Assembly@. By consensus the Board agreed to the
revision to the resolution listed and then to send the resolution out.
Nicholson updated the Board on the status of the 2002 CDBG Scattered Site Housing
Project. Presented for the Board=s
review was the following information associated with this grant:
Contract with Benchmark Henderson County accepted proposals from
interested in assisting us with the
administration of this grant. Staff
recommended Benchmark to the Board since they submitted their proposal by the
required submission date and their experience in working with this
program. Funding for the contract is an
allowable reimbursable expense under the grant.
Application The Board received
copies of the proposed application for these funds for review. No action was required on the application at
this time.
Public Hearing Notice The Board was requested to set a Public Hearing
on the application for February 20, 2002 at 11:00 a.m.
Nicholson informed the Board that we only received one favorable proposal on
time. The proposal is to administer our
2002 Scattered Site Housing Program.
This is a program operated under the Community Assistance Program of the
Community Development Block Grant Program. The Grant Funds will pay for the
administration. The County has no funds
in this program.
Moyer made the motion to approve the contract with Benchmark as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Board will plan to set a public hearing on this issue under AImportant Dates@.
of Vacancies
Board was notified of the following vacancies which will appear for nominations
on the next agenda:
1. Juvenile Crime Prevention Council -
2 vacancies
Moyer informed the Board of the following vacancies and opened the floor to
1. Equalization and Review - 5 vac.
Board has received three letters from people who have indicated that they are
willing to continue to serve: Mr. Harmon, Mr. Lamb, and Mr. Burdette.
Ward nominated the three persons listed above for reappointment. Commissioner Ward made the motion to suspend
the rules and appoint Mr. Harmon, Mr. Lamb, and Mr. Burdette.
voted in favor and the motion carried.
2. Recreation Advisory Board - 4 vac.
Messer nominated Terry Maybin, Ralph King, and Gary Eblen for
reappointment. He also nominated James
Schweitzer as a new member.
Commissioner Messer made the motion to suspend the rules and appoint all
four nominees. All voted in favor and
the motion carried unanimously.
Juvenile Crime Prevention Council
- 3 vac.
were no nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.
4. Community Child Protection Team - 3
Moyer nominated JoAnne Grimm, Jane Lindsey, and Thomas Hix. Chairman Moyer made the motion to suspend
the rules and appoint these three. All
voted in favor and the motion carried.
Henderson County Zoning Board of
Adjustment - 1 vac.
Gordon nominated Dean Bonessi. There
was some discussion about the regular positions and the alternates. Commissioner Hawkins made the motion to move
Robert Fleming up to a regular member from an alternate and appoint Mr. Bonessi
to the alternate position (#10). Commissioner Hawkins made the motion to
suspend the rules and appoint Mr. Bonessi at this time as well as move Mr.
Fleming from an alternate position to a regular position. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Fire and Rescue Advisory Committee
- 1 vac.
were no nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.
7. Henderson County Board of Health - 2
were no nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.
8. Nursing/Adult Care Home Community
Advisory Committee - 8 vac.
were no nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.
9. Transportation Advisory Committee - 14
Board just recently increased the size of the Board to 18. Chairman Moyer stated that Ray Bryson would
be willing to continue to serve. Greg
Gosnell does not wish to continue to serve. Dr. Kohlan Flynn had been on the
committee and serving as the head of the safety committee but had not actually
been appointed.
Moyer nominated Paul Stepp, John Lynch, John B. Gould, Ray Bryson, Javonni Burchett, Tom Looby, Virgle McClure,
Rodney Raines, Dr. Kohlan Flynn, and Rick Merrill.
Hawkins nominated Bruce Benton, Tom Swanner, and Dean Bonessi.
Moyer nominated Anya Petersen-Frey.
was discussion whether to continue having a Commissioner sit on this
Board. After some discussion, it was
decided by consensus that Commissioner Moyer would continue to serve on this
committee for the time being. This is a
very time consuming board.
was the consensus of the Board to go ahead and fill these positions. The Clerk
was asked to poll the Board for votes, each Commissioner will get 13 votes:
Ward - Stepp, Lynch, Gould, Bryson, Burchett, Looby,
McClure, Raines, Flynn, Merrill, Benton, Swanner, Bonessi.
Messer - Stepp, Lynch, Gould, Bryson, Burchett, Looby,
McClure, Raines, Flynn, Merrill, Benton, Swanner, Petersen-Frey.
Moyer - Stepp, Lynch, Gould, Bryson, Burchett, Looby,
McClure, Raines, Flynn, Merrill, Benton, Swanner, Petersen-Frey.
Hawkins - Lynch, Gould, Bryson, Looby, McClure, Raines,
Flynn, Bonessi, Benton, Swanner.
Gordon - Stepp, Lynch, Gould, Bryson, Burchett, Looby,
McClure, Raines, Flynn, Merrill, Benton, Swanner, Petersen-Frey.
the nominees were appointed except Dean Bonessi.
10. Agriculture Advisory Committee - 1 vac.
Ward informed the Board that Kenneth Allison was interested in continuing to
serve on this committee. He also
reminded the Board that he serves on this committee personally as a member of
the agriculture community, not as a Commissioner.
Ward nominated Kenneth Allison for reappointment. Commissioner Ward made the motion to suspend the rules and
appoint Mr. Allison. All voted in favor
and the motion carried.
11. Industrial Facilities and Pollution
Control Authority - 3 vac.
Hawkins nominated Skip Shelton.
Commissioner Hawkins made the motion to appoint Mr. Shelton by
acclamation. All voted in favor and the
motion carried.
12. Mountain Valley Resource Conservation and
Development - 1 vac.
Moyer nominated Drew Brannon for reappointment. Chairman Moyer made the motion to suspend the rules and appoint
Mr. Brannon. All voted in favor and the
motion carried.
13. Planning Board, Hendersonville City - 2
Hawkins nominated Nick Pryor and Jim Crafton for reappointment. Chairman Moyer made the motion to suspend
the rules and appoint Mr. Pryor and Mr. Crafton. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
14. WNC Caucus
Moyer reminded the Board that there is going to be a meeting in Asheville and
they would like to have a representative from us. Mr. Moyer stated that he would be willing to go to that meeting
if it was the pleasure of the Board. He
would report back to the Board what he learns and share the information he
receives. The Board was in
a Public Hearing for Economic Development Incentives for BorgWarner
Hawkins made the motion to set this public hearing for February 20, 2002 at 11:00
a.m. All voted in favor and the motion
a Public Hearing on the 2002 CDBG Scattered Site Housing Application
Messer made the motion to set this public hearing for February 20, 2002 at
11:00 a.m. All voted in favor and the
motion carried.
a Quasi-Judicial Public Hearing for Special Use Permit Application #SP-01-04
a Baseball Complex and a Related Setback Variance Application
Hawkins made the motion to set this public hearing for March 11 at 7:00 p.m. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Moyer made the motion to move the Workshop on the Zoning Ordinance Rewrite from
February 8 to February 14 at 3:00 p.m.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Quasi-Judicial Public Hearing on Application for Vested Rights for Lakewood RV
Hawkins made the motion to set this public hearing for February 20 at 11:00
a.m. All voted in favor and the motion
being no further business to come before the Board, Commissioner Ward made the
motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:03 p.m.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Elizabeth W. Corn,
Clerk to the Board William
L. Moyer, Chairman