The Henderson
County Board of Commissioners met for a regularly scheduled meeting at 5:30
p.m. in the Commissioners= Conference Room of the Henderson County
Office Building at 100 North King Street, Hendersonville, North Carolina.
Those present
were: Chairman Bill Moyer, Vice-Chair
Marilyn Gordon, Commissioner Don Ward, Commissioner Charlie Messer, County
Manager David E. Nicholson, County Attorney Angela S. Beeker, and Clerk to the
Board Elizabeth W. Corn.
Also present
were: Public Information Officer Chris S. Coulson, Assistant County Attorney
Jennifer O. Jackson, Planning Director Karen C. Smith, Assistant to the County
Manager Selena Coffey, Fire Marshal/EMS Coordinator Rocky Hyder, Emergency
Medical Services (EMS) Director Tom Edmundson, Assistant EMS Director Terry
Layne, Planner Josh Freeman and Property Addressing Technician Curtis Griffin.
Amy Brantley, Deputy Clerk to the Board/Volunteer Coordinator, was present
through the Nominations.
Absent was:
Commissioner Grady Hawkins. Commissioner Hawkins was given a waiver (absentee
letter) but did not sign it.
Chairman Moyer
called the meeting to order and welcomed those in attendance.
Marilyn Gordon led the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.
David Nicholson
gave the invocation.
Chairman Moyer
pulled item AB@ from the
consent agenda - ALease of Property Adjacent to Broadpointe Center@. He added this
to the Discussion Items as AC@.
Chairman Moyer
added a discussion matter concerning Ecusta Corporation, a resolution. He asked that this be added immediately
following the BellSouth presentation under Staff Reports.
Ward asked to add an update on County Facilities by the County Manager.
Chairman Moyer added it as item AD@ under Discussion Items.
Chairman Moyer
made the motion to approve the revised agenda.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Chairman Moyer
had requested that item AB@ be pulled from the consent agenda for
Ward requested that item AH@ be pulled for some discussion.
Chairman Moyer
made the motion to approve the Consent Agenda, excluding AB & H@. All voted in favor and the motion
carried. The CONSENT AGENDA consisted
of the following:
Minutes were
presented for the Board=s review and approval of the following
19, 1999, regular meeting
27, 1999, special called meeting
11, 2001, special called meeting
Lease of
Property Adjacent to Broadpointe Center - pulled from Consent Agenda. For discussion later in the agenda.
Abandonment of
a Portion of Macedonia Church Road (SR#1835)
At the Board=s meeting on
December 19, 2001, the Commissioners unanimously voted to approve an
abandonment petition that had been submitted regarding a portion of Macedonia
Church Road. The North Carolina
Department of Transportation requires that such action be taken by the adoption
of a resolution. A draft resolution was
presented for the Board=s consideration.
The prepared
resolution was consistent with the Board=s action on December 19, 2001, therefore
the County Manager recommended that it be adopted so that it can be forwarded
to the N C Department of Transportation.
Report - November 2001
Cash Balance
Report - November 2001
information was presented for information and consent approval.
expenditures in the General Fund include the annual premiums paid to the NCACC
Insurance Pools for the County=s Worker=s Compensation and Property/Liability
insurance coverage. These costs will be
distributed out to each of the departmental budgets prior to year-end.
The negative
position in the Schools Capital Reserve Fund was created from the appropriated
transfer of $1.2 million in October to the School Capital Projects Fund for the
Fletcher Elementary School Project. At
November 30th, the Schools Capital Reserve Fund had a positive fund
balance of $881,705.32 subsequent to this transfer.
The negative
position in the Emergency Communications Fund was due to the November annual
payment ($122,277.61) made to Motorola for the lease of emergency
communications equipment. This fund had
a positive fund balance of $10,704.67 at November 30th subsequent to
this payment.
County Public Schools Financial Report - November 2001
information was presented for information and consent approval.
Tax Collector=s Report
Terry F. Lyda,
Henderson County Tax Collector, had provided the Tax Collector=s Report dated
January 3, 2002 for the Board=s information.
Referral of
Special Use Permit Application #SP-01-04 by Blue Ridge Community College to the
Planning Board
Blue Ridge
Community College had submitted an application (SP#-01004) for a Special Use
Permit to construct a baseball facility at its campus off College Drive. The facility will be located near the
intersection of College Drive and South Allen Road. The property is zoned O & I (Office and Institutional) by the
In 1996, the O
& I district was amended to require Special Use Permits for colleges,
universities and vocational schools for post-secondary school education and
training. Because the baseball facility
requires construction of new buildings, a Special Use Permit is needed. In conjunction with the Special Use Permit,
the applicant will be seeking a setback variance.
Section 200-56
of the Henderson County Zoning Ordinance requires that the Board of
Commissioners refer Special Use Permit applications to the Planning Board for
review and recommendations prior to the Board of Commissioners holding a public
hearing on such applications.
The County
Manager recommended that the Board of Commissioners refer the Special Use
Permit application #SP-01-04, submitted by Blue Ridge Community College, to the
Planning Board for review and recommendations.
Extension(s) - this item had been pulled from the consent agenda for
Chairman Moyer
asked for discussion on the Waterline Extension(s)
The City of
Hendersonville requested any County comments on proposed waterline
This is a
project to bring water service to a piece of property located approximately 3
miles north of the Hendersonville Corporate Limits off Clear Creek Road in
Henderson County. The property is
identified on the Henderson County Tax Map as 9670.00-47-6306.
The project
requires the installation of approximately 680 lineal feet of 8" Ductile
Iron (Class-350) water line. It is
proposed to tie to the end of the existing 8" water main at the entrance
of Clear Creek Elementary School extending west along Clear Creek Road to the
Church=s property.
Fire protection
will be provided via the installation of one hydrant located on the end of the
new water main.
Water pressure
and flow in this area was as follows:
Static pressure = 65 psi.
Residual = 20 psi.
Flow = 520 GPM
The intended
use of this property is institutional.
The entire cost
of the proposed water line extension has been paid for by the owner/developer,
Clear Creek Baptist Church.
Based on the
above information, the Water Department can support the additional connections
and recommends approval of the project contingent upon approval of the final
plans and specifications from the Water and Sewer Department.
520 gpm flow is
230 gpm less than the minimum fire flow needed for public assembly type
Ward was concerned about the staff comments that the flow is less than the
minimum fire flow for this type building.
Rocky Hyder
stated that 500 gpm flow is the minimum requirement for residential
facilities. When you deal with
commercial facilities or assembly type facilities the minimum would be
considered to be 750 gpm, preference would be 1,000 gpm flow. Mr. Hyder stated that this is a dead-end
line on that particular street.
Ward asked Mr. Hyder if the Church caught fire would there be enough water to
fight the fire or is this a public safety hazard?
Mr. Hyder
stated that if the Church caught fire, they would certainly have to augment the
fire flow with portable water which is commonly done in that area anyway.
discussion, Chairman Moyer made the motion to approve item AH@. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Chairman Moyer
informed the public that Commissioner Hawkins had some medical attention right
before Christmas and over the holidays.
He had some arteries cleaned out and now has a Pacemaker. Chairman Moyer
had talked with Commissioner Hawkins and he is recovering nicely. He does not plan to attend any meetings for
the next week or so but he plans to be at the mid-month meeting. Chairman Moyer wished him a speedy recovery
and the very best and looked forward to his returning to the meetings. As a courtesy, some items might be deferred
to the mid-month meeting.
Chairman Moyer
mentioned the United Way situation. He
asked any listeners or anyone in attendance to contribute more if they were in
a position to do so. The United Way has
a shortfall of approximately $300,000.
This is money that is needed for human services in our community. In many cases, this is money that would have
to be spent by the taxpayers in the county if these needs were not met by the
non-profits that are supported by the United Way. United Way has extended their campaign through January.
Chairman Moyer
mentioned the Orange Bowl, stating it was his pleasure to attend the game with
the band from Hendersonville High School.
The band did well and had put a lot into their performance. He felt it was a real disgrace that ABC
covered the half-time activities as they did.
He stressed the amount of time that the band members and the dancers had
put into practicing and performing and then they weren=t shown at all
on the telecast. They got all the bands
together and they performed AGod Bless America@ as an opening
and then none of it was shown. David
Nicholson congratulated the Hendersonville High School Band on being invited to
the Orange Bowl, stating it was a great honor for our whole community.
The Board had
received a request from BellSouth requesting the Board=s support of a
resolution endorsing their application to provide long distance service.
This item had
been rescheduled from the December 19, 2001 Board meeting.
The County
Manager recommended the Board approve the prepared resolution. Hopefully, BellSouth=s entry into
the long distance business will lower costs for our community.
LaVoy Spooner
was present from BellSouth and offered to answer any questions the Board had.
He requested that the Board of Commissioners endorse BellSouth=s application
to the North Carolina Utilities Commission to provide long distance telephone
service within the State. He stated
there was a law passed in 1996 called the ATelecommunications Act of >96" which
says that in order for a Bell Company to get permission to provide long distance
within a State, the Commission within that State would have to endorse that the
Bell Company has opened up its local network to competition and that it is not
a hindrance or a bottleneck to competitors providing local service. Once that endorsement is received by the
State Commission, the Bell Company then has to go to the FCC to get their
approval to provide long distance. In
the Bell South region, they are in various stages of that process. They have already received endorsement from
the Louisiana Commission, the Georgia Commission, the South Carolina Commission
and the Mississippi Commission. They
have taken their application to the FCC for the Georgia and Louisiana
territory. They have had a public
hearing at the North Carolina Utilities Commission that was concluded the end
of October. They are deliberating
whether BellSouth has met their obligations as far as opening up the network to
competitors. BellSouth is seeking the
endorsement of various groups and individuals around the State, verifying that
it is good for this to happen. The
Telecommunications Act of 1996 detailed 14 different items that would be used
to measure whether the local service area had been opened up. The North Carolina Commission, in 1998,
ruled that BellSouth had met 12 of the 14 and had to come back with additional
details for the remaining 2. The Commission has found it in the public interest
for this to happen.
Mr. Spooner
stated that there are benefits for all telephone consumers in the State when
BellSouth receives the permission, once they start providing long distance
service. Based on what has happened in
some of the other States around the country, when the Bell Company has entered
the long distance market all rates have been reduced, both local telephone
rates and long distance rates have been reduced because there are more
competitors in the field. As the Bell
Company gets in the long distance business they take some of the market share
from the long distance companies. As
the long distance companies loose market shares they get into local business to
make up the difference so we have everybody competing against each other and
the rates go down. An economist made a
projection that in North Carolina if BellSouth were allowed permission to get
in the long distance service all customers in the State whether they were
BellSouth customers or not, due to the competition, combined would save almost
$500,000,000 a year which equates to about $1,400,000 a day.
discussion, Chairman Moyer made the motion for the Board to adopt the prepared
resolution which resolved that the Henderson County Board of Commissioners
endorses BellSouth=s application for permission to offer long
distance service in North Carolina and called upon the North Carolina Utilities
Commission and the Federal Communications Commission to approve this
application without delay.
All voted in
favor and the motion carried.
CORPORATION - Resolution - add-on
Chairman Moyer
reminded everyone that there has been ongoing discussions with respect to the
Ecusta Plant and its ability to continue to survive and the labor
situation. There is also a meeting
going on in Transylvania County this evening where there will be discussion
concerning the Ecusta Plant. Chairman
Moyer turned the meeting over to the representative from Ecusta.
Mike Smith,
Attorney representing Ecusta, read a prepared statement on behalf of the owner,
Mr. Puri. Mr. Puri was in attendance at
the Transylvania County Commissioners= meeting this evening. Mr. Smith explained that they are in a very
dire situation, stating that they can succeed only if everyone in the community
works together. He stated that poor
communications and a lack of trust were some of the problems the company has
experienced. On Mr. Puri=s behalf, he
accepted responsibility for that problem.
Ecusta=s largest
remaining customer, British American Tobacco (BAT), had notified them that if
they did not have a labor agreement this month Ecusta would lose all their
business. If that happens Ecusta will
have no other option but to close and liquidate the plant. Even if they sharply reduce the size of the
workforce, the sales from their remaining customers will not allow the company
to break even at the plant. If the mill
were to cease operations there would be absolutely no hope of reopening the
plant. All of their customers would go
elsewhere. There is no other buyer for the plant and there is no proverbial Awhite knight@. Mr. Puri received a preliminary offer
several weeks ago from a prospective buyer but no firm price was ever offered
by that buyer or any other buyer and the total package of terms tentatively
offered was so low as to be ridiculous.
Therefore, the discussions never led to a serious proposal. Mr. Smith stated that they could expect no
interest from any other buyer given the plants current financial situation,
including the fact that there is no shortage of other paper suppliers in the
marketplace. There are plenty of other
companies that can not only guarantee a steady supply of paper to purchasers
but can do so far more efficiently than Ecusta can with much more modern
equipment that those suppliers have already on line. Mr. Smith stated AThe labor situation here is simply far
too uncertain.@
Mr. Smith
stated that there have been a series of events, some local and some national,
that have collided and coincided to put them in a very difficult state. When Mr. Puri purchased the plant in early
August, they knew they had challenges, they also knew it would take a
substantial investment to upgrade the facility in order to match or exceed
their competitors. Unfortunately they
underestimated the amount that would have to be invested to adequately
modernize the plant. Since buying the
plant last August, the recession has gotten worse than was expected. That, plus the oversupply of paper in the
marketplace has led to a dramatic collapse in pricing. September 11th had tremendous and
negative implications for the company=s business. The strike that took place at the plant in early November has
frightened away many customers.
Their last
remaining large customer, BAT, intends to award a contract for its orders for
the next three years to all of its global suppliers January 31, 2002. In order for Ecusta to have time to prepare
a bid as one of those potential suppliers and for them to have time to
negotiate the terms with Ecusta, Ecusta must have a finalized labor contract by
no later than January 22, 2002. In
order to give employees time to consider that contract and to conduct a ratification
vote that is required by their Union
by-laws, Ecusta must reach an agreement with the Union immediately. All of BAT=s other suppliers around the world have
already completed the bid process.
Ecusta=s bid was
actually due last November but they couldn=t proceed to prepare a bid without
knowing what their labor costs would be and that they would be able to
guarantee deliveries for any orders that were placed with them under the new
contract. Based on Mr. Puri=s long-term
relationship with BAT, Ecusta is still under consideration for orders from BAT
but they are living on borrowed time.
Mr. Smith
shared a new development with the Board --- They just learned earlier today
that the Federal Mediator who has been involved in the bargaining process since
August has asked both parties to come to a meeting in his office in Charlotte
on January 15 for the purpose of conducting contract negotiations. Both sides have agreed to participate in
those negotiations at that time and at that location. Although the negotiations will occur later than Ecusta had
originally asked for, it is their hope that they will be able to move quickly
in order to meet their ultimate deadline set by BAT=s requirements.
Mr. Smith
concluded by saying that despite what we=re all up against, they want Ecusta to
succeed but that success will ultimately require three things:
Current ownership must provide the
leadership and resources. There is no
one else and there will be no one else to serve in that function.
The Union must agree to a contract that
makes the business viable. The contract
that just expired is not a model for such an agreement.
A labor contract must be finalized by no
later than January 22, 2002.
Smith stated that he came here tonight to let the Board know that Ecusta is in
serious trouble. He requested the
Board=s help and support. The plant is
located in Transylvania County and currently employs approximately 500, 30% to
40% of which reside in Henderson County.
Moyer read the prepared draft resolution.
The Resolution resolved:
The Board of Commissioners encourages
both the union and management of Ecusta to work together expeditiously, with
the requisite flexibility needed, to arrive at a mutually acceptable proposal
that will benefit the corporation, the employees and the citizenry by
safeguarding the employment and the capital investment of Ecusta.
The Board of Commissioners encourages the
Federal Government and the State of North Carolina to render any assistance
available to Ecusta to enable it to upgrade its facilities and remain
competitive in the marketplace.
The Board of Commissioners and its staff
will continue to work with the Translyvania County Board of Commissioners and
their staff to provide assistance in these efforts.
Moyer made the motion to adopt the resolution and put it out for discussion, a
copy of which is contained herewith as a part of these minutes.
discussion, a vote was taken and the motion carried unanimously.
Pearce, Chairman of the Henderson County Planning Board, thanked the Committee
members and especially Planner Josh Freeman for all their hard work in this
US 25 South Corridor Study was prepared by a committee formed at the request of
the Henderson County Board of Commissioners to examine land use within 300 feet
of either side of US 25 South, between the City of Hendersonville and the
Village of Flat Rock. The Study
provides information about the existing conditions of the study area, reviews
issues and priorities for the corridor and proposes a set of recommendations
for managing land use in the corridor in the future.
Freeman, who served as the primary staff assigned to the Study Committee, presented the study and the Committee
recommendations to the Board of Commissioners.
Members of the Study Committee were also present to answer questions.
reviewing the report, the Board of Commissioners may want to discuss the next
steps in the study process, which may include providing further direction to
the Study Committee, presenting the report to the governing boards of the City
of Hendersonville and the Village of Flat Rock for review, scheduling a joint
workshop with the Study Committee, etc.
requested direction from the Board on how it would like to proceed with the
study process.
Freeman reviewed some background briefly.
The US 25 South Corridor Study was initiated on July 31, 2001, following
a letter from the Board of Commissioners to the Chairman of the Planning Board. The letter requested Mr. Pearce (the
Chairman of the Planning Board) establish a study committee to look at a
portion of the corridor that falls within the area of the county that lies
between the Village of Flat Rock and the City of Hendersonville along the US 25
South corridor and to develop some recommendations regarding the management of
land use issues there. The Board of
Commissioners directed that the Study Committee consist of seven members, three
from the Planning Board, one from the City of Hendersonville, one from the
Village of Flat Rock, and two from area landowners. The issues that have led to the creation of this study were a
range of rezonings that have taken place throughout the corridor.
Board=s intent was to study all the areas surrounding the municipal boundaries
as well as all major thoroughfares.
Freeman stated that the corridor begins at the intersection of Hwy. #176 and
& US #25 within the City of Hendersonville and runs through Henderson
County into the Village of Flat Rock. It
is the primary link between the Village of Flat Rock and the City of
Hendersonville. It is also one of the
more significant entry corridors into both municipalities. The corridor also has significant
historical, aesthetic and economic values.
The study does not address the US 25 South corridor as a whole. It only addresses that portion that lies
within Henderson County=s jurisdiction between Flat Rock and the City of
Hendersonville. It does not constitute
a corridor-wide plan. The study area is
a 4,520 foot long, 622 foot wide swath of land that lies between the two
municipalities and contains an estimated 456 residents, 190 residential units,
11 businesses, 1 church, 86 acres, 92 parcels, all of which are owned by 77
landowners. Land uses throughout the
study vary considerably. Most of the
existing commercial issues are located north of the intersection of Erkwood and
Shepherd Streets and most were established before the institution of zoning. South of the Erkwood/Shepherd intersection
land uses are predominantly light to medium density residential single family
households. There are a few multifamily
households and one business as well as a church. Current zoning within the corridor does not entirely match the
composition of land uses there.
committee studied the transportation characteristics of the corridor and
identified a number of problems including the infamous configuration of the
Erkwood/Shepherd intersection, the number of curb cuts throughout the study
area, and the lack of pedestrian and cyclist infrastructure. Each of these issues pose serious concerns
regarding traffic congestion and traffic safety. The committee considered the jurisdictional issues facing the
corridor. The committee formulated a
set of priorities as well as 26 recommendations intended to achieve those
priorities. Regarding land use in the study area the committee identified
zoning as a valuable tool that should be used to protect the mixed use
character and the aesthetics of the corridor as much as possible while
increasing the flexibility for owners of commercial properties in order to keep
those properties viable while protecting property value, reducing the
nonconformities with regard to land use, lot size, set backs, etc., as well as
minimizing traffic impacts related to land uses along the 25 South
corridor. To achieve these priorities
and to address the identified land use concerns the committee had presented a
set of land use recommendations that generally propose to adjust zoning to
provide landowners north of the intersection of Erkwood and Shepherd Street
with a broader array of land use options including the mixing of residential
and light commercial uses, to restrict the development of new industrial and
new commercial uses and maintain lower and medium density of residential uses
in the southern portion of the study area, to adjust the R-40 zoning south of
the Erkwood/Shepherd intersection to a higher density residential in order to
fit the current lot sizes there, and to improve standards for signage,
buffering, landscaping, building scale, etc. in order to better protect the
corridor=s characteristics. In the
transportation arena the committee members agreed that the provision of
additional motor vehicle lanes was not desirable because of the impact that
they would have on the character of the corridor and that measures other than
widening should be taken to preserve the traffic capacity of the highway, that
there must be an improvement of safety conditions along the roadway and that
there must be improved bicycle and pedestrian access. Therefore, the transportation conditions suggest the development
of a comprehensive access management program in cooperation with North Carolina
Department of Transportation in order to regulate the curb cuts that currently
exist and that would exist in the future along the corridor; that the County
consider establishing a corridor overlay district in the zoning ordinance to
implement that access management program as well as some other recommendations
that were made within the document; that the realignment of the intersection of
Erkwood and Shepherd Street take place and the county participate in a study
that would help move that along; and that improvements be made to the
intersection of Brooklyn Ave. with US 25 South and with Balsam Street and US 25
South although those intersections are actually in the City of Hendersonville=s
jurisdiction, as well as the installation of turn lanes along 25 South where
appropriate and the provision of sidewalks and bicycle lanes within the study
area. The City of Hendersonville is
currently extending its sidewalk south from where they currently lie within
their jurisdiction, all the way down to Brooklyn Ave. However, there are no sidewalks below that on through the Village
of Flat Rock. The Committee determined
that if widening of 25 South does become necessary at some point, in particular
if it=s identified as a necessity by the Hendersonville Urban Area Thoroughfare
Plan, that the installation of a planted elevated median along 25 South take
place in order to provide separation between northbound and southbound lanes
and that turn lanes be built within that planted median.
response to the identified jurisdictional issues, the Committee voiced support
for the extension of sewer lines to serve failing septic systems, discouraged
the use of land use oriented satellite annexations in the study area by
municipalities, suggests an adjustment to the annexation agreement boundary
between the City of Hendersonville and the Village of Flat Rock such that it
would run along the Erkwood Dr. and Shepherd Street toward 176 and toward Mud
Creek Baptist Church. Josh Freemen
stated that these recommendations are important because they were developed
through a cooperative effort that included the representatives of the
governments of the City of Hendersonville, the Village of Flat Rock, and
Henderson County as well as representatives from the landowners in that
area. Contingent upon the Board of Commissioners=
endorsement of these recommendations, several steps should follow this report:
that this report be presented to the LGCCA or to the councils of the City of
Hendersonville and the Village of Flat Rock, whichever is the Board=s
that the City of Hendersonville=s Comprehensive Land Use Plan Update Committee
be given an opportunity to hear this report.
That Committee has already extended an invitation to staff to make such
a presentation. Mr. Freeman preferred
to wait for the Board of Commissioners= permission to do so.
that this report be presented to the Henderson County Transportation Advisory
Committee so that it can be considered
for the Hendersonville Urban Area Thoroughfare Plan Update; and that this
report possibly be presented to the Planning Board of Henderson County; and
that the portions of these recommendations that require rezonings be acted upon
in the near future; and that work on the portions of these recommendations that
require further study and development begin immediately.
Freeman pointed out that public input to this point has not been very
extensive. The Committee sent out
letters to the 77 landowners in the area requesting their input but response
was fairly minimal. Most of the
concerns that were expressed by the landowners related to traffic, their fear
of annexation, and their desire to preserve the character of the corridor. Before any substantial steps are taken to
implement these recommendations, more public input would probably be
warranted. Staff felt that a workshop
between this Board and the Study Committee might be warranted and suggested
that such a workshop take place. The 25
South Corridor Study Committee had offered to assist in any further development
of these recommendations that the Board of Commissioners sees fit.
Moyer stated that this was a lot of information. His vision was to get the ball rolling and then take the study
back to the LGCCA. He suggested that
the Board accept the report and share it with the LGCCA. He felt it was a very well done study, very
comprehensive, and shows a lot of work.
In Commissioner Hawkins absence, Chairman Moyer suggested that the Board
accept the report and with the Board=s agreement, take it to the LGCCA for their
study with the agreement that the study be distributed to the various Planning
discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to accept the report and
distribute it to the LGCCA and the various Planning Boards and get input from
those groups. The Board will plan to
set up another session in the future to decide how to proceed. Chairman Moyer suggested placing a sticker
on the report reading ADraft, affected by the Board of Commissioners and
authorized for distribution for comment@.
The Commissioners thanked all the Committee members for their work on
this issue.
were none.
of Vacancies
Board was notified of the following vacancies which will appear under
Nominations on the next agenda:
Henderson County Zoning Board of
Adjustment - 1 vac.
Transportation Advisory Committee - 11
Moyer explained that technically the Transportation Advisory Committee was
given a term of 2 years. He recommended
continuation of that Committee, stating that he has been pleased with the work
of that committee.
Moyer made the motion to authorize continuation and perpetuity of the
Transportation Advisory Committee and review the membership at the next
meeting. All voted in favor and the
motion carried.
Moyer reminded the Board of the following vacancies and opened the floor to
Equalization and Review - 1 vac.
were no nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.
Retired Senior Volunteer Program Advisory
Council - 1 vac.
were no nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.
Juvenile Crime Prevention Council - 3
were no nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.
Community Child Protection Team - 4 vac.
were no nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.
Henderson County Zoning Board of
Adjustment - 1 vac.
Gordon nominated Keith Shelley for reappointment. There were no other nominations.
Commissioner Gordon made the motion to suspend the rules and appoint Mr.
Shelley. All voted in favor and the
motion carried.
Fire and Rescue Advisory Committee - 1
were no nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.
Henderson County Board of Health - 2 vac.
were no nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.
Nursing/Adult Care Home Community
Advisory Committee - 11 vac.
Moyer nominated Pat Strickland for reappointment to position # 10. There were no other nominations. Chairman Moyer made the motion to suspend
the rules and reappoint Ms. Strickland.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Ward nominated Jean Justus to position # 17.
There were no other nominations.
Commissioner Gordon made the motion to suspend the rules and appoint Ms.
Justus. All voted in favor and the
motion carried.
purpose of this agenda item was to update the Board on several outstanding
issues associated with our Emergency Medical Services. These items included the following:
Advanced Life Support - Fire Departments
EMS Stations
EMS Plan Committee Charter
Board was requested to approve the proposal for Advanced Life Support Service
for the Fire Departments as requested.
The Board was also requested to establish an EMS Plan Committee.
County Manager and the EMS Staff were present.
The County Manager reminded the Board that they had held a special
workshop to discuss several issues concerning Emergency Medical Services. At that time, the Board asked the County
Manager to start working with the fire departments to address the issue of
going to paramedic service. Staff has
been meeting discussing this issue. Mr.
Nicholson asked Terry Layne, Assistant EMS Director, to come forward and
address the issue.
Departments - Paramedic Service
Layne explained that the request from the fire departments was to go to
paramedic level. After reviewing that
request and discussing it with the County Manager, the fire departments and the
Medical Director, they felt it would be best if the fire departments first went
to IV level and master that before going to Paramedic Level. The fire departments in question are being
asked to update their service to an EMT-IV (intermediate level) where they can
start IV fluids, give some medications, and continue to use the automatic
external defibrillators. It is an advanced life support level which has to be
approved through the office of Emergency Medical Service. Terry Layne stated that the new rules and
regulations have not been approved yet through the office of Emergency Medical Services so they are not sure what
the requirements will be for the fire departments. They should have the new regulations by the end of the
month. The fire departments and EMS
need to develop standards. The classes
held at the colleges have to be approved by the office of Emergency Medical
Services. Those personnel that wish to
upgrade their level of service to the EMT- Intermediate must attend those
classes and pass them. Their fire
department will have to provide liability insurance. Terry Layne explained some of the other detailed qualifications
regarding patient care. The fire
department will assist with the transportation of the patient to the
Nicholson explained that if this process works then there is a natural
progression on to the next level which is paramedic service and there would be
a new set of policies and procedures at that time.
Moyer stated that what we=re really trying to improve here is response time and
quality of service. He asked Mr.
Nicholson to address that issue.
Nicholson explained that the American Heart Association has a standard of an
8-minute response time that Henderson County wishes to use and strive for. That has been staff=s focus, to get more
services to the community that quickly.
By using this service, we can now see the capability of the fire
departments responding and starting some advanced life support service that
could save more patients.
fire departments at this time are Fletcher Fire & Rescue, Edneyville, and
Valley Hill.
Nicholson explained that during the month of December 2001, they placed an
ambulance near the Upward Road/I-26 interchange area during the day which is
the area where they are requesting to locate the Southern Satellite
Station. They responded to 141 calls
that originated in the Blue Ridge, Dana, Green River, and Saluda areas. Most response times were cut in half
compared to those where they responded from the downtown base station.
Nicholson has met with numerous people regarding the Satellite Stations issue -
Pardee Hospital, Park Ridge, etc.
They=ve also been looking at the location for the main station. Staff will be dealing with the EMS Plan
during this coming year.
Layne reminded the Board that in 1995, EMS made a proposal to have three
continues today. He stated that they
feel that they desperately need satellite stations in those two areas, south
and east, to help reduce response times.
Their main goal is to reduce response times and to maintain the standard
level of care that they are giving today.
Nicholson referred very briefly to the Henderson County EMS Plan Committee
Charter that was included in the agenda packet.
Nicholson asked for approval to send out this information formally to the fire
departments. It was the consensus of
the Board to approve staff sending out the information formally to fire
departments and the Fire & Rescue Advisory Committee with the request that
they consider the advisability of this and budget implications.
Nicholson invited Tom Edmundson to the podium. Tom Edmundson has been our EMS
Director since 1975. He has announced
his retirement from Henderson County.
Tom Edmumdson has brought Henderson County up to a premier Emergency
Medical Service in the State. Mr.
Nicholson stated that a reception is being planned in Tom=s honor at the end of
the month to give the Commissioners and the community a chance to stop by and
thank Tom for his service to Henderson County.
Edmundson thanked this administration and seven other administrations that he
has served with in the past.
Ward stated that we are one of the elite EMS Services in the past and he felt
it was due to Tom Edmundson. Mr.
Edmundson received applause.
Moyer informed those in attendance that today was Commissioner Gordon=s (39th)
birthday. Commissioner Gordon stated
that it was also her granddaughter=s 4th birthday, who was born on
Commissioner Gordon=s 50th.
What a birthday present! She
told Commissioner Ward that having a granddaughter is one of the joys of life.
Moyer also informed the public that one of our Commissioners has just become a
grandfather. Commissioner Ward=s
granddaughter was born on Saturday, January 5, weighing in at 6 pounds and 6
HEARING on Road Names
Moyer made the motion for the Board to go into public hearing. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Hyder informed the Board that the purpose of this public hearing was to receive
public comments on the following list of road names:
Road Names
Country Lane
Hill Road
Capps Drive
Ridge Trail
of Existing Road Names
Name Old
Windfall Circle Campground
Hill Circle
Washaway Lane Arbor Wood
Point Lane
was none.
Board was requested to approve the presented list of road names.
Ward made the motion for the Board to go out of public hearing. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Ward made the motion to approve the list of names as presented. All voted in
favor and the motion carried.
HEARING on CDBG (Community Development Block Grant)
Moyer made the motion for the Board to go into public hearing. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Nicholson informed the Board that the purpose of this public hearing was to
receive public comments on the possibility of Henderson County applying for
$400,000 for the 2002 Scattered Site Housing Program. A second hearing is also required before the application is
is a rehab. program. It is a joint
effort of the municipalities and the county.
Hendersonville, Laurel Park and Fletcher are participating with us. Flat Rock chose not to participate.
was none.
Ward made the motion for the Board to go out of public hearing. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
action was required at this time.
Moyer called a 20 minute technical break.
Transportation Advisory Committee was created by the Board of Commissioners on
February 17, 2000 when the initial charter of the Committee was approved. This Committee was granted an initial
two-year term that is due to expire on February 17, 2002. The Board should consider whether it wishes
to extend the term of this Committee.
In extending the life of such Committee the Board can either set a term
of year(s) or continue the Committee indefinitely.
County Manager recognized that the Transportation Advisory Committee had been
very active and will provide valuable information for the Comprehensive County
Plan. For these reasons, he recommended
that the Board consider extending the Committee=s term.
Board had handled this item earlier in the agenda.
Moyer did inform everyone that there would be a special called meeting of the
Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) on January 9 in the afternoon. It has been indicated that some monies have
become available at the state level for public transportation and Henderson
County has been encouraged to submit an application for some of the money. The
TAC considered this at an earlier meeting and stated they would be willing to
apply for public transportation if we could have a reasonable sound trial that
could have some potential for being successful. Javonni Burchett from Apple Country Transportation has put
together what she feels is a reasonable application and had asked to meet with
the Transportation Advisory Committee to get their comments and support with
the intention of then coming to the Board of Commissioners with that
application and with a request to file it.
Hyder informed the Board that the Property Addressing Office had completed the
data collection of all the rural routes within Henderson County. This also includes routes that covered the
Town of Fletcher and the Village of Flat Rock.
The City of Hendersonville will be done during January and February of
2002. The routes that serve the City of
Hendersonville also include a very small number of County residents. All of these routes use street numbers that
will entail staff doing verification only to ensure that the numbers are in a
logical order. The Town of Laurel Park
has not yet made a decision regarding any readdressing needed.
Hyder explained that the following had been accomplished:
Number of structures field verified 35,746
Structures added to the building file 9,633
Structures identified as non-addressable 1,123
Road miles traveled 1,193
Unique County and City roads 4,506
Additions to the road system 301
Route and Box addresses changed 8,560
Post Office boxes needing addresses 9,738
Number of addresses assigned by staff 1,137
Man hours used 12,183
will begin for a majority of residents after the post offices review route edit
sheets. This normally takes about 30
days for the post offices to complete.
Mr. Hyder stated that they anticipate finishing the mailings by
mid-February to all of the county residents.
Due to the shear number of people the Hendersonville Post Office has to
deal with, they anticipate some problems with the initial changing of the
system was installed on a CAD system within the 911-dispatch center. Dispatchers are still in the process of
learning the correct way of looking up addresses. Staff is also working with the staff of the dispatch center to
standardize the colors and icons used to display address data.
Hyder thanked many people for their efforts, their understanding, and their
work on the project. This has been a
collaborative effort.
Moyer asked Mr. Hyder to clarify what remains to be done to finish this
project. Mr. Hyder stated that the
field work has been done on the rural routes in the county. That information is being turned over to the
post office so that they can verify the information on the edit sheets the
county provides to them. Once that all
has been verified, they will return it to our contractor who in turn will
institute the mail-out process. The
Board will need to set a public hearing to formalize all the addresses and road
names that have been issued through the property addressing project.
Moyer asked Mr. Hyder to come back to the first meeting in March to report back
to the Board on the progress of this project.
He would be interested in knowing how the mailing goes and what kind of
reaction they are getting.
Coffey reminded the Board that there is $41,312 in CDBG funds remaining from
the Habitat for Humanity Grove Hills Project.
A couple of years ago the Board supported and the NC Division of
Community Assistance approved a project for Habitat for Humanity Grove Hills
Project. At a recent Board meeting the Board expressed interest in utilizing
the remaining funds from that project. Ms. Coffey had been in close contact
with the NC Division of Community Assistance (NCDCA) concerning reassignment of
these funds. They told her that if the
Board supports a proposal and holds a public hearing and sends the proposal to
NCDCA, they will consider it as an amendment to the project and Henderson
County could possibly use that $41,312 for another project (if approved by
them). Ms. Coffey has been in touch
with Housing Assistance, HomeAid and Steve Bond was present to make a
presentation to the Board about using those funds. The funds must be utilized by May 15, 2002 and must be used for
providing water/sewer infrastructure to the project.
Bond felt the Board was familiar with the project - the Village at King
Creek. This additional money would
definitely help them provide infrastructure to the project and he stated they
could definitely spend it by May 15, 2002.
They intend to begin putting roads and utilities in beginning in
County Manager informed the Board that Habitat for Humanity did not have any
additional use for these funds within the Grove Hills Project. He recommended that the Board direct staff
to prepare a proposal to be presented to NCDCA for the reassignment of subject
CDBG funds, based on HomeAid=s plan and to set a public hearing.
Ward made the motion to set the public hearing for February 4, 2002 at 7:00
p.m. All voted in favor and the motion
Ward made the motion that the Board direct staff to prepare a transmittal
letter to NCDCA with the details of the project, executed by the Chairman. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
response to questions, Mr. Nicholson stated that no match is required. Mr. Perkins informed him this evening that
the Amatch issue@ is off the table.
This certainly helps make up a shortfall within their funding.
April of 1997, the Board has on an annual basis approved a lease to Carland
Farms, Inc. of approximately 28 acres of property located adjacent to
Broadpointe Center. A map of the area
was presented for the Board=s review.
The most recent lease was effective from February 6, 2001 through
December 31, 2001 and allows Carland Farms, Inc. to continue to farm land it
has farmed for years.
Carland had requested that the Board consider leasing the tillable land to
Carland Farms, Inc. from January 1, 2002 through December 31, 2002 for a rental
amount of $1,834.00. As the plans for
the park areas will begin during calendar year 2002, Staff recommended that the
Board lease the property to the Carlands as outlined in the proposed
lease. The lease agreement that is
proposed is substantially similar to the current lease executed by the County
and Carland Farms, Inc.
to NCGS 160A-272 (made applicable to counties by NCGS 153A-176) the County may
adopt a resolution authorizing the execution of a lease agreement, such as the
one proposed, without public notice.
Nicholson has been contacted by another individual in the community who also
wished to use that property for agriculture purposes and had heard that the
county had the property available. Mr.
Nicholson requested that the Board not take action upon this lease and allow
him to take proposals from anyone who might be interested in leasing the
property. He will bring it back to the
Board, probably the first meeting in February.
The consensus of the Board was in agreement with the County Manager=s
Nicholson informed the Board that the architect was due to come to Henderson
County for a meeting last Thursday when the weather turned bad. He was not able to get here. The meeting has
been postponed until this Wednesday afternoon or Thursday morning.
Ward thanked Commissioner Gordon for her update on the animal shelter. He felt the Board needed to set a workshop
and decide which way to go on the animal shelter, a new facility or renovation
of the barn on the property.
Moyer had spoken with Commissioner Hawkins, who had a great interest in the
scheduled workshop on sewer issues and would not be able to attend it as
scheduled for this week, January 10.
Chairman Moyer made the motion to cancel that workshop and reschedule it
after Commissioner Hawkins returns to work.
Set Public Hearing on Rezoning Application #R-07-01 - Gary Barnwell, Applicant
Barnwell had submitted an application requesting that the County rezone an 11
acre parcel he owns from an R-40 (Estate Residential) zoning district to an
R-20 (Low-Density Residential) zoning district. The parcel proposed for rezoning is located on the southern side
of Willow Road between the intersections of Myrtle Hill Road and O=re Brae
Lane. The property is located
approximately 2 mile west of the intersection of Willow Road and Adger Drive.
Henderson County Planning Board reviewed the application at its meeting on
Tuesday, December 18, 2001, and voted (5 to 3) to send the Board of
Commissioners a favorable recommendation on the request to rezone the property
from R-40 to R-20.
taking action on the application, the Board of Commissioners must hold a public
hearing. Staff proposed that the
hearing be scheduled for Monday, February 4, 2002, at 7:00 p.m.
Ward made the motion to set the public hearing for February 4 at 7:00 p.m. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Set Public Hearing on Rezoning Application #R-04-01- Hollabrook Farms, A
Partnership, Applicant
Farms, A Partnership, had submitted an application requesting that the County
rezone a 170.26 acre parcel from an OU (Open Use) zoning district to an I-1
(Light Industrial) zoning district. The
parcel proposed for rezoning is located on the south side of Butler Bridge Road
between the intersections of Jeffress Road and Valley View Road.
Henderson County Planning Board completed its review of the application at its
meeting on Tuesday, December 18, 2001, and voted (5 to 3) to send the Board of
Commissioners a favorable recommendation on the request to rezone the property
from OU to I-1.
taking action on the application, the Board of Commissioners must hold a public
hearing. Staff proposed that the
hearing be scheduled for Monday, February 4, 2002, at 7:00 p.m.
Gordon made the motion to set the public hearing for February 4 at 7:00
p.m. All voted in favor and the motion
Set Public Hearing on Rezoning Application #R-06-01 - Samuel Garland and
Others, Applicants
Samuel Garland had submitted an application, on behalf of himself and other
property owners, requesting that the County rezone 9 separate parcels from an
RC (Rural Conservation) zoning district to an R-20 (Low-Density Residential)
zoning district. The parcels proposed
for rezoning are located on the south side of Souther Road across from Candor
Henderson County Planning Board reviewed the application at its meeting on
Tuesday, December 19, 2001, and voted unanimously (8 to 0) to send the Board of
Commissioners a favorable recommendation on the request to rezone the subject
properties from RC to R-20.
taking action on the application, the Board of Commissioners must hold a public
hearing. Staff proposed that the
hearing be scheduled for Monday, February 4, 2002, at 7:00 p.m.
Messer made the motion to set the public hearing for February 4 at 7:00
p.m. All voted in favor and the motion
Request to set Public Hearing on Road Names
Board was requested to set a Public Hearing for the purpose of formally
adopting every address assigned during the Property Addressing Project.
The County Manager recommended that the Board set this Public Hearing. The Board may wish to consider establishing a special called meeting in February for this Hearing.
Moyer made the motion to set the public hearing for February 20 at 11:00
a.m. All voted in favor and the motion
was no business.
was no business.
was none.
being no further business to come before the Board, Commissioner Messer made
the motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:33 p.m.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
W. Corn, Clerk to the Board
L. Moyer, Chairman