The Henderson
County Board of Commissioners met for a regularly scheduled meeting at 5:30 p.m.
in the Commissioners= Conference Room of the Henderson County Office
Building at 100 North King Street, Hendersonville, North Carolina.
Those present
were: Chairman Bill Moyer, Vice-Chair
Marilyn Gordon, Commissioner Grady Hawkins, Commissioner Don Ward, Commissioner
Charlie Messer, County Manager David E. Nicholson, County Attorney Angela S.
Beeker, and Clerk to the Board Elizabeth W. Corn.
Also present
were: Public Information Officer Chris S. Coulson, Assistant County Attorney
Jennifer O. Jackson, Planning Director Karen C. Smith, and Finance Director J.
Carey McLelland. Amy Brantley, Volunteer Coordinator, was present through the
Chairman Moyer
called the meeting to order and welcomed those in attendance.
Ward led the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.
Rev. Gary
Tolbert from Fletcher Adventist Church gave the invocation.
Chairman Moyer
added one closed session item to the end of the meeting. He also added a
presentation of award prior to the Consent Agenda.
Messer added one item prior to the Consent Agenda - Recreation, Westfeldt Park.
Hawkins added Discussion Item AC@ - CP&L Foundation Grant.
Angela Beeker
requested the Board add Staff Report A D@ -
contract for the construction of the line to serve American
Chairman Moyer
made the motion to approve the adjusted agenda. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Honeycutt, Town Manager for the Town of Fletcher, was present to present to
Henderson County a trophy won by Henderson County in a recent softball game
between the two. Mr. Honeycutt stated that despite their loss, it was a
wonderful way to celebrate Parks and Recreation Month. He thanked Henderson
County for participating in the event.
Messer informed the Board that he had been approached to look into some
problems that have been occurring at Westfeldt Park. He stated that the park
needs to be cleaned up, including removing a lot of underbrush and doing a
major overhaul. This park is located on the French Broad River, and is a
beautiful park. He had presented the matter to the Recreation Advisory Board,
the result of which was a unanimous decision to close the park temporarily
until such time as it could be cleaned up. Commissioner Messer made the motion
to close the park on the Tuesday after Labor Day, and reopen it sometime thereafter.
Craig Honeycutt
stated that the Town of Fletcher was willing to do whatever they could on their
end to help out with the cleanup effort. They have a commitment from the town
to allow for use of a brush truck, a dump truck and some labor.
Chairman Moyer
requested a vote on the motion to close the park on the Tuesday after Labor
Day, and reopen it sometime thereafter. All voted in favor and the motion
Hawkins requested that Items AA@ and AD@ be pulled for discussion.
Moyer made the motion to approve the Consent Agenda with the exception of Items
AA@ and AD@. All voted in favor and the motion
Item AA@
Minutes were
presented for the Board=s review and approval of the following
4, 1999, regular meeting
19, 1999, special called meeting
Hawkins questioned a recent directive, in which minutes now go to Angela Beeker
for review prior to being copied to the Board. Ms. Corn confirmed that is now
the case. Commissioner Hawkins expressed concern over the age of the minutes
presented for approval at this meeting.
Chairman Moyer
noted that there are no written procedures currently in place with regards to
minutes, and that a procedure is now being created which will assist in
catching the intent of the Board, and speeding up the compilation of the
minutes. He stated that the backlog of minutes is being worked on, and that a lot of progress is being made.
Item AD@
Architect=s Agreement for
the Human Services Building Project
The Board was
presented with a proposed agreement for architectural services with Freeman
White Inc. The draft agreement was
handed out to the Board at the July 25 meeting. Staff had asked that the Board pay particular attention to the
Project Description on the first page, the Owner=s budget (Paragraph 4.2) and the method
of payment for services (Subparagraph 11.2.1).
Staff indicated
that it would be appropriate for the Board to take action with respect to this
contract at today=s meeting.
Hawkins questioned the figures in the current contract, asking if Freeman White
Inc. was the contractor those figures had been prepared for. David Nicholson
stated that those numbers probably came from a number of different sources.
Hawkins noted that the price had gone up a half percent, which equated to about
$20,000. Ms. Beeker reminded the Board that they had authorized an 8.5%
contract to be negotiated with Freeman White, and that is what she based the
contract on. She stated that the budget and the square footage numbers probably
will change, and the contract should be worded to include that figures are
subject to change.
There was
additional discussion on the square footage needs of the Health Department,
DSS, and the price per square foot. The Architect=s fee will be locked in at the time that
the construction documents are completed and the project goes out to bid. A
professional estimator will be consulted
to give a detailed estimate of what the project should cost. The 8.5%
fee will be locked in on that estimate. All basic services are covered in the
fee, but any additional services would be extra, and paid for at an hourly
Hawkins questioned a section of the contract that stated that once the
construction document is complete, bidding has to start within 90 days of
submission of the final design. Ms. Beeker stated that is correct, or after 90
days an updated estimate can be obtained. A timeline should be developed to
ensure the County has the financing package reasonably planned out.
Chairman Moyer
requested that the AProject Description@ section of the
contract be changed to delete all square footage, and allow those numbers to
come from the design work. He also requested that the phrase Ain part@ be added to a
section dealing with the occupants of the building.
Chairman Moyer
made the motion to approve Consent Agenda Item AA@, the two sets of minutes as they were distributed, and Item AD@ with the
changes to the square footage, and the addition of the phrase Ain part@. All voted in favor and the motion
AGENDA consisted of the following:
Tax Collector=s Report
Terry F. Lyda,
Tax Collector, had submitted the Tax Collector=s Report for the Board=s review.
Extension Requests (2)
The City of
Hendersonville had requested any County comments on proposed waterline and
sewer line extensions:
1. Upward
Development Waterline Extension
This is a
project to bring water service to a piece of property located approximately 1
mile east of the Hendersonville Corporate Limits off Upward Road, just east of
Interstate 26 and on the north side of Upward Road.
The project
requires approximately 600 lineal feet of 6" C900 PVC water line.
Fire protection
will be provided via the installation of one additional fire hydrant located
inside the development.
Water pressure
and flow in this area is as follows:
Static pressure = 85 psi.
Residual = 32 psi.
Flow = 940 GPM
The intended
use of this property is commercial with 67 Hotel rooms proposed.
The entire cost
of the proposed water line extension is to be paid for by the owner/developer,
Jeffery C. Justice, Member/Manager of Mountain Inn & Suite, LLC.
Based on the
above information, the Water Department can support the additional connections
and recommended approval of the project contingent upon approval of the final
plans and specifications from the Water and Sewer Department.
Staff Comments
The water and
sewer plans indicate that the subject property may be subdivided in the
future. The property owner would need
to seek subdivision approval from the County Planning Board for future
2. Upward
Development Sewer Line Extension
This is a
project to bring sewer service to a piece of property located approximately 1
mile east of the Hendersonville Corporate Limits off Upward Road, just east of
Interstate 26 and on the north side of Upward Road.
The project
requires the installation of the following sewer line sizes and type:
lineal feet of 12" Ductile Iron, Class 350
lineal feet of 8" SDR-35 PVC
The project
requires the installation of 5 additional Pre-Cast Concrete Manholes.
The intended
use of this property is commercial with 67 Hotel rooms proposed.
The entire cost
of the proposed water line extension is to be paid for by the owner/developer,
Jeffery C. Justice, Member/Manager of Mountain Inn & Suite, LLC.
Based on the
above information, the Water Department can support the additional connection
and recommended approval of the project by the Water and Sewer Department.
Staff Comments
The water and
sewer plans indicate that the subject property may be subdivided in the
future. The property owner would need
to seek subdivision approval from the County Planning Board for future
Proposed Order
for Highland Golf Villas
The Board of
Commissioners held a quasi-judicial hearing on July 25, 2001, at which time it
considered the Special Use Permit Application submitted by Glade Holdings,
Inc., regarding Highland Golf Villas, a proposed Planned Unit Development,
located off Highland Lake Road.
The Board
conducted a Quasi-Judicial Proceeding to consider the application. After hearing all of the testimony the Board
discussed the matter and voted to grant the permit subject to certain
conditions. The Board directed Staff to
prepare proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law consistent with the
information presented and with the Board=s discussion and vote to grant the
special use permit subject to certain conditions.
The proposed
order was given to the Board for their review and consideration. Staff informed the Board that it would be
appropriate for the Board to adopt the Order as presented or as the Board
wished to revise.
Request for Improvement
Guarantee for a Minor Subdivision to be known as AThe Ridge@
Mr. James Wear
had submitted an application for approval of an improvement guarantee for road
and drainage improvements to serve a proposed 7-lot minor subdivision to be
known as AThe Ridge@. The proposed subdivision is located along
the western boundary of Henderson County, west of Pleasant Grove Church
Road. Portions of the subject property
are within Transylvania County.
Pursuant to
Sections 170-38 and 170-39 of the Subdivision Ordinance, a developer may, in
lieu of completing all of the required subdivision improvements prior to Final
Plat approval, post a performance guarantee to secure the County=s interest in
seeing that satisfactory construction of the incomplete improvements occurs. One type of permitted guarantee is an
irrevocable letter of credit.
Mr. Wear
intends to secure such a letter of credit from Mountain Bank in the amount of
$15,750.00 which indicates the cost of the improvements plus the required
contingency amount of twenty-five percent.
The developer intends to complete the improvements by September 15,
A draft
Performance Guarantee was presented for the Board=s consideration. If the request is approved, the developer
must submit the letter of credit in accordance with the terms of the
Agreement. Such letter of credit should
have an expiration date no less than 60 days after the proposed completion date
of September 15, 2001. The Assistant
County Attorney must review the letter of credit and certify the Agreement as
to form prior to its execution by the Chairman and the developer.
Mr. Nicholson
recommended that the Board approve the request for an improvement guarantee for
AThe Ridge@ subdivision
subject to the developer submitting a letter of credit for $15,750.00 in
accordance with the terms of the draft Agreement and subject to the Assistant
County Attorney reviewing the letter of credit.
Request for
Improvement Guarantee for a Portion of the Glens of Aberdeen
Mr. Edmundo
Hernandez, on behalf of Butler Holdings, LLC, had submitted an application for
approval of an improvement guarantee for remaining road, drainage, water and
sewer improvements to serve seven townhomes and all of the villas in The Glens
of Aberdeen subdivision.
Pursuant to
Sections 170-38 and 170-39 of the Subdivision Ordinance, a developer may, in
lieu of completing all of the required subdivision improvements prior to Final
Plat approval, post a performance guarantee to secure the County=s interest in
seeing that satisfactory construction of the incomplete improvements
occurs. One type of permitted guarantee
is an irrevocable letter of credit.
Holdings, LLC, intends to post an irrevocable letter of credit to be issued by
BB&T in the amount of $84,212.50, which includes the cost of the
improvements plus the required contingency amount of twenty-five percent. The application indicates that the
completion date for the improvements is July 31, 2002. However, this date extends more than two
years past June 27, 2000, the date that a revised Development Plan was approved
by the Planning Board for the Glens of Aberdeen. Under Section 170-16C (4), Development Plan approval is valid for
two years. The developer has informed
the Planning Department that the improvements will actually take about six
months to complete. For purposes of the
improvement guarantee, Mr. Hernandez had verbally agreed to change the proposed
completion date to April 30, 2002 and staff has included that date in the attached
draft Agreement. If the developer needs
additional time, he may request up to a one-year extension of Development Plan
approval from the Planning Board. If
the Planning Board grants such an extension and the developer needs more time
to complete the improvements, he may then request an extension of the
improvement guarantee from the Board of Commissioners.
The Board of
Commissioners previously approved for the developer the posting of a letter of
credit as an improvement guarantee for the Cottage Lots area of The Glens of
Aberdeen. The developer has since
completed the improvements in the Cottage Lots area and the improvement
guarantee was released by the County in June of this year.
A draft
Performance Guarantee Agreement for the current application was presented for
the Board=s consideration. If the request is approved, Butler Holdings,
L.L.C., must submit the letter of credit in accordance with the terms of the
Agreement. The Assistant County
Attorney must review the letter of credit and certify the Agreement as to form
prior to its execution by the Chairman and the developer.
Mr. Nicholson
recommended that the Board approve the request for an improvement guarantee for
seven townhomes and the villas in the Glens of Aberdeen subject to the
applicant submitting a letter of credit for $84,212.50 in accordance with the
terms of the draft Agreement and subject to the Assistant County Attorney
reviewing the letter of credit.
Approval of
Closed Session Minutes
The Board was
requested to adopt the following motion:
Motion: The
following closed session minutes are hereby approved and shall be deemed sealed
as provided by Section 11-6 of the Henderson County Code:
Minutes for the closed sessions held on
February 5, 2001, February 21, 2001, March 12, 2001, April 2, 2001, April 18,
2001, April 30, 2001, May 7, 2001, May 16, 2001, June 4, 2001, June 18, 2001,
June 20, 2001, July 2, 2001 as presented and revised during the closed session
of July 25, 2001.
of Deputy Clerk
Board was requested to appoint Ms. Amy Brantley as Deputy Clerk to the
Board. A copy of an updated job
description was presented for the Board=s information. With these additional duties, Ms. Brantley
will be able to fill the role of Clerk to the Board at Commissioners= meetings,
the preparation of the minutes and other duties that are assigned to the Clerk.
Nicholson recommended that the Board appoint Ms. Brantley to the position of
Deputy Clerk to the Board.
REVENUE BONDS - Amendments to Hospital Lease Agreement
County has been working with the Hospital and BB&T on the upcoming issuance
of revenue bonds that will be used to partially fund several hospital projects
including the parking deck and the emergency room expansion. The County is expected to issue up to $15.3
million in bonds backed by the Hospital=s revenues in a 20-year variable-rate
financing package. The Financing
Calendar reflects a target closing date of September 13, 2001.
a part of that transaction the Lease Agreement that the Board entered into with
the Hospital Corporation on November 1, 1998 has been reviewed by bond counsel
and the underwriter. There are several
amendments related to the financing that are necessary and those were
distributed at this meeting. The Board
was not asked to take action on these amendments until the Board=s August 15,
2001 regular meeting at which time Staff will review the requested changes and
other matters regarding the financing.
The Hospital Corporation will be receiving the amendments also and is
expected to take action on them on Friday, August 10, 2001.
of Vacancies
Board was notified of the following vacancies which will appear on the next
agenda under ANominations@.
Solid Waste Advisory Committee - 1 vac.
Board is required to appoint the chairman of this board. This appointment will
appear on the next agenda under ANominations@.
Moyer reminded the Board of the following vacancies and opened the floor to
Nursing/Adult Care Home Community Care
Advisory Committee - 1 vac.
Dottie Effinger had been nominated at the June
20 meeting and was now eligible for appointment. Commissioner Hawkins made the
motion to appoint Ms. Effinger. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Mountain Area Workforce Development Board
- 1 vac.
There were no nominations at this time so this
item was rolled to the next meeting.
Equalization and Review - 3 vac.
There were no nominations at this time so this
item was rolled to the next meeting.
Retired Senior Volunteer Program Advisory
Council - 1 vac.
There were no nominations at this time so this
item was rolled to the next meeting.
Juvenile Crime Prevention Council - 1
There were no nominations at this time so this
item was rolled to the next meeting.
Henderson County Zoning Board of
Adjustment - 1 vac.
There were no nominations at this time so this
item was rolled to the next meeting.
Western Carolina Community Action (WCCA)
- 1 vac.
There were no nominations at this time so this
item was rolled to the next meeting.
Cent Sales Tax Proposal
to State budget cuts, the elimination of our reimbursements is being discussed
by the General Assembly. In place of
the reimbursements, an additional 2 Cent Local Option Sales Tax may be offered
to local governments.
Moyer informed the Board that initially, the North Carolina Association of
County Commissioners and the League of Municipalities supported the alternative
revenue source for local governments. There are many different proposals
currently being discussed in Raleigh. Chairman Moyer suggested that this issue
come back before the Board once a decision has been reached in Raleigh
regarding the reimbursements.
Hawkins questioned whether the recent reimbursement received from the state was
designated as the final payment for FY 00'-01', or the first payment for FY
01'-02'. The State Treasurer=s Office has requested the county show that as a
FY 01'-02' revenue. Commissioner Hawkins suggested that rather than requesting
a 2 cent local option sales tax, we request a chance for home rule to allow the
county to run it=s own government.
Nicholson had presented a report that evaluates our current GIS system and
provides a recommendation to the Board on the future of the project. He stated
that a comprehensive GIS program will be the most valuable asset Henderson
County has as we look toward the future. The program will serve not only
Henderson County, but other municipalities, the state, and our school system.
GIS can improve the way the county makes decisions about economic development,
managing growth, crime reduction, public safety, land use, environmental
impact, school bus routing, etc.
is currently part of the tax department. Mr. Nicholson has started the process
of bringing GIS back as a separate countywide program. This process is already
underway. One of the issues involved surrounds getting information to 911
dispatchers. The current information has been upgraded to follow more modern
software, called ArcView.
Nicholson discussed this process in detail with the Board and asked for
authorization to proceed with the transfer of the Land Records Department to
the responsibility of the County Manager. The
reassignment of this program will put a much better focus on providing
this service on a countywide basis.
Moyer asked for clarification on the separation of Land Records and GIS. Mr.
Nicholson stated that he would like the keeper of the maps to be included with
GIS. If the two projects are separated, then they will be under the direction
of two different managers, who may not always be moving in the same direction.
Messer suggested doing some industry research and finding both examples of
counties where the GIS and Land Records Departments were separated, and where
they remained together under the County Manager. This will allow the Board to
see how both systems have worked, and how they would like ours to work.
was the consensus of the Board to authorize the purchase of the necessary
ArcView products, but to delay any personnel movements until further research
had been done.
N.C. Apple Festival
Moyer discussed the Board=s participation in the Apple Festival parade.
It was the consensus of the Board to participate in the parade.
Brian Parsons - Mr. Parsons informed the Board that he
is the chairman of the SSEACO Board of Directors. He discussed the functions of
this company, the types of training offered, and their employment success
stories. SSEACO wished to thank the Board for their continued financial
Beeker reminded the Board that at their previous meeting she had distributed an
agreement which approved a contract in
which the county agrees to construct the water line to American Freightways on
behalf of the Regional Water Authority. Attorneys for the Regional Water
Authority have requested that the county consider a slightly different
arrangement. In the requested proposal, rather than the county contracting with
the engineer, the Authority Board will contract with the engineer. They believe
this will allow a more objective person to oversee the job. When it is put out
to bid, it will be on behalf of the Authority and Henderson County. The
selected engineer will be named as the Authority Director for purposes of the
regional water agreement. In this proposal, the engineer would assume this
role, the county would pay for the line up front, and then bill the Authority
at the end of the project for the Authority=s required contribution.
Ward questioned how this might extend the project timeline. Ms. Beeker
commented that this is a small project and it shouldn=t create any significant
delays with the possible exception of
the City of Asheville paying the engineer=s fee.
much discussion regarding the roles of the Authority, the City of Asheville and
Henderson County, Commissioner Ward suggested allowing Chairman Moyer some
flexibility in making this type of decision at the ABWA=s next meeting. It was
the consensus of the Board to grant Mr. Moyer such flexibility.
July 11, 2001, the Board of Commissioners held its second worksession on the
rewrite of the Zoning Ordinance. During
that meeting, the Board directed Staff to work on several issues in order to
bring material and suggestions back for another worksession. Instead of asking the Board to schedule a
worksession at this time, Staff suggested that one or two specific issues be
placed on the Board=s next few regular meetings for discussion. This will allow the Commissioners to
concentrate their review and discussion in one or two areas at a time. In anticipation that the Board will wish to
proceed in this fashion material on the following issues were presented for
Changing the R-8 District to an R-6
Reviewing the APurpose@ Clause in light
of the statutes and the Board=s Mission Statement.
Board was encouraged to begin its discussions on the proposed R-6 District and
review of the APurpose@ clause information which is the foundation of the
entire Zoning Ordinance.
requested some flexibility in the scheduling of the particular issues since
research on these various issues is ongoing. With that in mind, however, Staff
is working toward placing the definition of AChurch@ on the Board=s regular
meeting on August 15, 2001 for discussion.
In addition, at that August 15th meeting Staff will be
proposing certain districts for nursing homes.
On the Board=s September 10, 2001 meeting, Staff anticipated discussing
issues pertaining to open space and the minimum lot size requirements in the
draft ordinance. The issues regarding
Special Use District Zoning will also need to be discussed.
order to facilitate discussion on these various issues, the County Manager
encouraged the Board to proceed as suggested.
The Board noted, however, that at some point in the future it will be
necessary to incorporate these discussions into the actual draft ordinance.
Smith first presented the R-8 District versus the R-6 District. An example of
how that change would affect the text is particularly specific to changing R-8
to R-6 in the Table of Uses and to other sections where R-8 is currently
referenced. The City of Hendersonville currently has an R-6 District within
their zoning ordinance.
second item dealt with reviewing the APurpose@ Clause in light of the statutes
and the Board=s Mission Statement. The portions of state statute that deal with
AGrant of Power@ and APurposes in view@, are almost identical to the purpose
statement in our zoning rewrite.
Hawkins had a question on some of the wording in the state statutes.
Specifically, what density credits are, and how they figured in, and the
meaning of serviceable development rights for dedicated rights-of-way. One of
the biggest costs when working on transportation plans is the cost of
purchasing rights-of-way. He questioned whether land in a proposed subdivision
could be set aside if you know a road is planning to go through that area. Ms.
Smith commented that the subdivision enabling statutes for our subdivision
ordinance contain language to that effect, but was unsure about the severable
development rights in this statute. The density credits deal with the
possibilities of doing transfers of development rights and that sort of thing.
Density credits allow for compensation of a land owner for their inability to
build on a section of land.
was additional discussion on the generality of the purpose statement. Ms.
Beeker reminded the Board that regardless of the content of the purpose
statement, we must still abide by the language in state statutes.
Hawkins mentioned a portion of section 153A-341 that states Aregulations shall
be made with reasonable consideration to expansion and development of any
cities within the county@. Ms. Beeker stated that this doesn=t specify a level
of involvement, but implies a level of involvement that allows for orderly
growth and development.
NC Division of Water Quality is proposing a reclassification of the French
Broad River. This change would classify
the river from Class C - Secondary Recreation to Class B - Primary Recreation.
This proposal has come as a result of the community effort to clean up the
French Broad River, in ways such as sanitation and erosion control. The water
qualities on the French Broad now meet the requirements to allow for such an upgrade
in classification.
classification only affects the main stem of the French Broad, it will not
affect the Mills River. It would affect new waste water permits, and any
expansions of existing facilities. It would also affect a number of existing dischargers.
It requires any discharger to have backup power, and a backup unit to go with
that. It would also require three of our current subdivisions to make some
changes in their operation. Those subdivisions are Cummings Cove, Mt. Valley
and River Bend.
Hawkins stated that he found this to be a strange request. Recent action by the
NCDENR indicates that they have already made the decision to proceed with the
Moyer suggested that the Board postpone any decision of this matter until
additional information has been received. Commissioner Gordon stated that in a recent meeting, there was
discussion about alternate solutions to electrical backup. These solutions may
provide additional options to our affected subdivisions. It was the consensus
of the Board to proceed in this manner.
Moyer commented on a letter written by him, at the request of Scott Hamilton of
the Committee of 100. The Committee of 100 has been wrestling with the issue of
economic development, and why it is not being more successful in the county.
While there are many theories, Chairman Moyer had suggested the Committee take
a hard look at what type of industry we are trying to attract.
Committee of 100 has decided to look into working with a firm to create and
develop a master plan for economic development. That would target the types of
industry that would be amenable to coming into Henderson County, and what we
have to offer to those industries. Much of the cost to do such a study is being
raised from local businesses and foundations. The CP&L Foundation had
requested an indication of support from the Board of Commissioners. In the
letter written, Chairman Moyer offered a lot of moral support, and other support
for economic development.
Hawkins suggested the Board set a workshop on the Capital Facilities and
funding for them. It was decided that this workshop would be scheduled at the
August 15, 2001 meeting.
Moyer made the motion for the Board to go into closed session as allowed
pursuant to NCGS 143-318.11 for the following reasons:
1.(a)(3) To consult with an attorney employed
or retained by the public body in order to preserve the attorney-client
privilege between the attorney and the public body, which privilege is hereby
acknowledged. To consult with an
attorney employed or retained by the public body in order to consider and give
instructions to the attorney with respect to a claim.
County et al. vs. Asheville-Buncombe-Henderson Water Authority, et al.
(Henderson County, 01-CVS-344)
voted in favor and the motion carried.
being no further business to come before the Board, Chairman Moyer adjourned
the meeting.
W. Corn, Clerk to the Board
L. Moyer, Chairman