The Henderson County Board of Commissioners met for a regularly
scheduled meeting at 5:30 p.m. in the Commissioners= Conference Room of the Henderson County
Office Building at 100 North King Street, Hendersonville, North Carolina.
Those present were: Chairman Bill Moyer, Vice-Chair Marilyn Gordon,
Commissioner Grady Hawkins, Commissioner Don Ward, Commissioner Charlie Messer,
County Manager David E. Nicholson, County Attorney Angela S. Beeker, and Clerk
to the Board Elizabeth W. Corn.
Also present were: Assistant County Attorney Jennifer O. Jackson,
Finance Director J. Carey McLelland, Planning Director Karen C. Smith, Planner
Josh Freeman, Fire Marshal/Emergency Management Coordinator Rocky Hyder,
Property Addressing Coordinator Curtis Griffin, Travel & Tourism Director
Melody Heltman, Webmaster for Travel & Tourism Karen Baker, Assistant to
the County Manager/Budget Analyst Selena Coffey and Public Information Officer
Chris S. Coulson. Volunteer Coordinator
Amy Brantley was present through nominations.
Chairman Moyer called the meeting to order and welcomed those in
Commissioner Hawkins led the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.
The Reverend Charles Grady offered the invocation (retired Minister).
Chairman Moyer added two items under Nominations - Water Authority
Meeting and naming of a Chairman for the Environmental Advisory Board (EAC). He also stated the need for one addition to
the closed session.
Chairman Moyer made the motion to approve the adjusted agenda. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Chairman Moyer asked David Nicholson to comment on item AE@ under the Consent Agenda - A2001 NACo Achievement Award@.
Mr. Nicholson informed the Board that the National Association of
Counties (NACo) has awarded Henderson County two 2001 Achievement Awards. He challenged any other county in the State
of North Carolina to look at our wall of NACo Awards to see if they have won
that many awards in the last seven or eight years.
The first award was to Emergency Management for their program Special
Needs Assistance Database. Rocky
Hyder stated that this database identifies people in our community that have
special needs so that in the need of a disaster or other large scale emergency
we know where those folks are located and can give them the special assistance
that they may need. David Nicholson and the Board congratulated Mr. Hyder and
his staff and applauded their efforts.
The second award was to Henderson County Travel & Tourism for their
program Historic Hendersonville and Flat Rock Internet Site. Mr. Nicholson stated that with so many
counties and departments developing Internet sites that it is a real honor to
get an award for an Internet site.
Melody Heltman explained how proud Travel & Tourism are of the site
and thanked Karen Baker, their Webmaster.
The site is user friendly, visually attractive, and updated daily. David Nicholson and the Board congratulated
Ms. Heltman and her staff and applauded their efforts.
Commissioner Hawkins made the motion for the Board to approve the
Consent Agenda. All voted in favor and
the motion carried.
The CONSENT AGENDA consisted of the following:
Minutes were presented for the Board=s review and approval of the following meetings:
19, 2000 Regular
May 29,
2001 Special
called meeting
June 4,
2001 Regular
June 7,
2001 Special
called meeting
June 12,
2001 Special
called meeting
June 13,
2001 Special
called meeting
June 18,
2001 Special
called meeting
June 19,
2001 Special
called meeting
June 20,
2001 Regular meeting
Tax Collector=s Report
Terry F. Lyda, Tax Collector, had provided the Board with a copy of the
Tax Collector=s Report dated June 28, 2001.
Darlene B. Burgess, Deputy Tax Collector, had provided the Board with a
copy of the Deputy Tax Collector=s Report dated June 29, 2001.
Tax Releases
A list of 38 tax release requests was submitted by the Tax Assessor for
the Board=s approval, a copy of which is attached as a
part of these minutes.
Tax Refunds
A list of 26 tax refund requests was submitted by the Tax Assessor for
the Board=s approval, a copy of which is attached as a
part of these minutes.
2001 NACo Achievement Award
see above
Notification of Vacancies
The Board was notified of the following vacancies which will appear under
nominations on the next agenda:
Community Child
Protection Team - 1 vac.
Carolina Community Action (WCCA) - 1 vac.
Chairman Moyer reminded the Board of the following vacancies and opened
the floor to nominations:
1. Nursing/Adult Care Home Community Advisory
Committee - 1 vac.
There were no nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the
next meeting. A person was nominated at an earlier meeting and their
name has been submitted to the Nursing/Adult Care Homes. The allotted time has not passed yet.
2. Mountain Area Workforce Development Board
- 4 vac.
Chairman Moyer made the motion to reappoint David Sink to position #
5. All voted in favor and the motion
carried. Commissioner Hawkins made the
motion to appoint Darlene Stone to position #3. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Positions # 1 and #6 are still vacant.
3. Equalization and Review - 3 vac.
There were no nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the
next meeting.
4. Retired Senior Volunteer Program Advisory
Council - 1 vac.
There were no nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the
next meeting.
5. Juvenile Crime Prevention Council - 3 vac.
There were no nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the
next meeting.
6. Henderson County Zoning Board of
Adjustment - 1 vac.
There were no nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the
next meeting. Commissioner Hawkins asked the County Attorney what the
composition of the Board needs to be now that the Board has zoned the whole
county (all unzoned areas) open use zoning.
Angela Beeker stated that the Board had asked staff to prepare that
information for the workshop coming up next week. She has not yet looked into the specifics. Ms. Beeker stated that the NCGS require a
representative from each zoning area of the county and that is a moot point now
that we have one large zoning area in the county. It is up to the Board=s discretion to decide how they would like to apportion those members,
if at all.
Water Authority Meeting - add on
Chairman Moyer mentioned a letter he had received from Chairman Nathan
Ramsey, Buncombe County Commissioners, regarding scheduling a meeting with two
representatives from our Board, their Board, and the City of Asheville to sit
down and see if any progress can be made on some of the open issues. Chairman Moyer felt that we should give it a
try and asked the Board to name the two Commissioner representatives for that
Following discussion, Commissioner Ward made the motion that
Commissioner Gordon and Chairman Moyer be our two representatives to that
meeting. All voted in favor and the
motion carried. The meeting is yet to
be scheduled.
Environmental Advisory Board - name a
chairman - add on
Chairman Moyer made the motion to appoint Fielding Lucas as Chairman of
the EAC. Commissioner Hawkins made the
motion to accept Mr. Lucas by acclamation.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Carey McLelland reminded the Board that they had indicated in past
discussions a desire to provide citizens with the option of making their real
and personal property tax payments by credit card. At a previous Board Meeting, Staff presented a proposal to
participate in a contract to process credit card transactions for the
County. Since that meeting, Staff has
received additional information on accepting credit/debit card payments
specifically for Tax Bills at no cost to the County.
Staff has determined that the best option for the County is to use
Official Payments Corporation as its vehicle for accepting credit/debit cards
for real and personal property tax payments.
There is no cost to the County for MasterCard, VISA, American Express or
Discover interchange fees, no discount fees charged by a bank or any costs
associated with buying or renting equipment (terminals, printers) to accept
these payments. A processing fee is
charged to the person=s
credit card on a sliding scale.
Taypayers, wishing to utilize this alternative payment method, would
just call A1-800-2PAYTAX@ or through the Internet at Awww.officialpayments.com@.
This option would allow Tax Collection Staff to be free from swiping
cards through a terminal and waiting on a payment authorization, which would be
beneficial during the peak collection months.
The County will receive 100 percent of all payments within 48 hours via
the Automated Clearinghouse System (ACH) and the convenience fee to the citizen
would be charged by Official Payments, not the County. With this option, the County would be free
from the business of charging any convenience or paying administrative fees to
cover processing costs. Daily reports
are provided by Official Payments for all transaction activity that occurred on
the previous day for accounting and auditing needs.
Provided for the Board=s review was information about Official Payments Corp., their current
fee schedules, a current North Carolina Client List, and their standard terms
of agreement. Implementation time will
be approximately six weeks and we will have enough time to include language
concerning payment by credit card on this year=s tax bills if the Board approves to move ahead with this
Staff will bring back to the Board for future consideration the issue
of accepting non-tax payments by credit/debit card after further cost-benefit
David Nicholson recommended that the Board consider entering into an
agreement with Official Payments Corporation to provide citizens the
opportunity to make real and personal property tax payments to the County by
credit card and certain debit cards through both an interactive telephone voice
response and Internet interface. This
service does not address needs within other County departments. However, this appears to be a service that
we should consider. Should the Board
agree with this proposal, the appropriate wording would be added to the 2001
tax bills.
Following discussion, Chairman Moyer made the motion to authorize Carey
McLelland to proceed with this Official
Payments Corporation to provide citizens the opportunity to make real and
personal property tax payments to the county by credit card and certain debit
cards. All voted in favor and the
motion carried.
Commissioner Hawkins asked staff to check to see if we could get sales
tax for Apoint of sale@.
Angela Beeker reminded the Board that on May 22, 2001, the Board of
Commissioners received a request from ASLAN PROPERTIES, LLC, for a waiver of
the interest on a real property tax bill which, as of April of this year, had
totaled to $111.87 (as of today $118.39).
Pursuant to 105-381, the Board has 90 days to consider any such request
received. Staff has been unable to
reach the taxpayer by phone, but has sent out written correspondence advising
them of this meeting and offering to reschedule the hearing by the Board if
this meeting were inconvenient for the taxpayer.
ASLAN PROPERTIES, LLC requested a waiver of the interest charged for
their account due to the following circumstances. On January 9, 2001, their Bookkeeper notified the Henderson
County Tax Collector office of non-receipt of the real property tax bill for
tax year 2000. She was advised that a
tax bill was sent to SR 1547 on Old Airport Road for the account in question. Mr. Easterling, the Bookkeeper, advised them
that this was an incorrect address. She
requested a fax copy of the tax data.
Upon reading the fax, Ms. Easterling again called the tax office
concerning the $109.41 interest due.
The tax office advised her that a cover letter to Mr. Terry Lyda
requesting a waiver of the interest would be required. On January 9, 2001 a $5,470.50 check with a
cover letter requesting waiver of the $109.40 interest was mailed.
A delinquent notice of non-payment of tax was received in April for
$111.87. The bookkeeper was surprised
because after three months she assumed the interest had been waived since no
further correspondence had been received.
Ms. Easterling contacted Mr. Lyda=s office on April 10 and was advised only Mr. Lyda could assist her and
he was out of the office for the week.
On April 18, she spoke with Mr. Lyda and explained the above
circumstances. Faxes of all documents
relating to this matter were sent to Mr. Lyda.
A letter was faxed from Mr. Lyda on April 25 advising Ait was beyond the scope of my authority under
North Carolina Statutes to waive interest on tax bills ... and to write to the
Henderson County Board of Commissioners and appeal.@
Ms. Easterling again requested a waiver of the interest on the real
property (but by letter to the Henderson County Board of Commissioners dated
May 22, 2001) tax bill since ASLAN Properties, LLC did not receive a tax bill
due to an incorrect address in the Henderson County Tax Collector=s system.
As soon as she realized the tax bill had not been received, she promptly
acted by contacting the office and mailing a check that same day.
Following discussion, Commissioner Hawkins made the motion to deny the
request for a waiver of interest charges.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Ms. Beeker will correspond back to the taxpayer on the Board=s behalf.
This is an effort to keep the lines of communication open. It gives the Chairman an opportunity to
bring the Board up to date on issues that occur between meetings. It is also the time to ask for direction so
that the Board can develop public position on current upcoming topics.
This is also the opportunity for Commissioners to report on related
committee work and assignments.
The topics to discuss during this meeting are as follows:
Fletcher Fire & Rescue
Mr. Nicholson wrote a memo to the Board explaining the several
conversations that have taken place concerning the contributions to the
Fletcher Fire and Rescue Department.
The Town of Fletcher has decided to increase its contribution by 3/4
cent or about $35,000. This leaves the
Department short about $9,000.
Mr. Nicholson explained that there are several ways to make up this
difference including a transfer from Contingencies. Also with the expansion in this community, this shortage could be
made up by natural growth within the District.
Should the Board choose this option, a letter could be written to the
Department that would guarantee the additional $9,000.
Town of Fletcher is now paying 9.75 cents and Henderson County just
approved 9.50 cents to Fletcher Fire and Rescue.
Commissioner Messer has had several informal discussions with Fletcher
Fire Chief, with Fletcher Town Manager and with Town of Fletcher=s Chairman.
He felt that this was mainly a lack of communication between all
Following discussion, Commissioner Messer made the motion that the
Board follow the Manager=s recommendation that the shortage could be made up by natural growth
but if it is not received through that or any other source, then Henderson County would guarantee the
additional $9,000 for Fletcher Fire & Rescue from contingencies. All voted
in favor and the motion carried.
There were none.
Chairman Moyer made the motion for the Board to go into closed session
as allowed pursuant to NCGS 143-318.11 for the following reasons:
1.(a)(3) To consult with an attorney employed
or retained by the public body in order to preserve the attorney-client
privilege between the attorney and the public body, which privilege is hereby
acknowledged. To consult with an
attorney employed or retained by the public body in order to consider and give
instructions to the attorney with respect to a claim.
Anthony Wayne Gibson v. Henderson County
(Henderson County File No. 01 CVS 678)
2.(a)(6) To consider the qualifications,
competence, performance, character, fitness, conditions of appointment, or
conditions of initial employment of an individual public officer or employee or
prospective public officer or employee; or to hear or investigate a complaint,
charge, or grievance by or against an individual public officer or employee.
All voted in favor and the motion carried. Chairman Moyer explained
that the Board would be back by 7:00 for the public hearings.
Commissioner Hawkins made the motion for the Board to go out of closed
session. All voted in favor and the
motion carried.
Chairman Moyer made the motion
for the Board to go into public hearing to consider road names. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Rocky Hyder explained that the purpose of this public hearing was to
name several roads in Henderson County, as follows:
New Road Names
North Pointe Drive
Dakota Springs Loop
Chads Way Circle
Burgin Way
Changing Current Road Name
Angeline Drive
Duplicate Road Names
North Hillside Road
Public Input
1. Phyllis Henderson had signed up to speak. Mr. Hyder had spoken to her earlier. She was here to address a totally different
road name. Mr. Hyder resolved that
issue with Ms. Henderson.
Commissioner Hawkins made the motion to accept the names as presented
by Mr. Hyder. All voted in favor and
the motion carried.
Commissioner Hawkins made the
motion to close the public hearing. All
voted in favor and the motion carried.
PUBLIC INPUT SESSION - Proposed Abandonment
of a Portion of Macedonia Church Road (SR #1835) Bobby A. Johnson & L. D.
Pace, Petitioners
Commissioner Ward made the motion for the Board to go into public input
session to receive public comment regarding the abandonment of a portion of
Macedonia Church Road (SR # 1835). All
voted in favor and the motion carried.
Josh Freeman reminded the Board that the Board of Commissioners had
scheduled for this date a public input session on a petition, submitted by
petitioners Bobby Jones and L. D. Pace, requesting that the Henderson County
Board of Commissioners request the North Carolina Board of Transportation to
abandon from the secondary road system a portion of Macedonia Church Road
(Secondary Road # 1835), which is located north of Saluda.
NCGS 136-63 sets out the procedure by which a road may be
abandoned. This statute requires that
before NCDOT abandons a road in the manner requested, the Board of
Commissioners must take action to request that the road be abandoned. Such Board action must be based upon a
finding that A ... the best interest of the people of the
County will be served thereby.@ The Board typically takes
input from the public and relevant agencies in considering such requests.
If the Board finds that the best interest of the Citizens of Henderson
County will be served by the abandonment, appropriate action could be taken by
the Board by the adoption of the proposed draft resolution, which requests that
the North Carolina Department of Transportation abandon the subject portion of
Macedonia Church Road (SR #1835) as requested by the Petitioners. If the Board chooses to expand the
abandonment area as outlined in the Staff Impact Study, then the Draft
Resolution must be amended accordingly.
David Nicholson recommended adoption of the draft resolution as
proposed or modified following receipt of any comments during the Public Input
Josh Freeman showed the location of the road on a site map. The petitioners have requested that the
southernmost 365 feet that=s maintained by the State be abandoned, that would be between points A
and B on the site map. The road
provides access to Macedonia Baptist Church and associated cemetery, an apple
orchard, a single family home and one vacant parcel. It also provides access to Macedonia Lake Subdivision. The reasoning behind the petition was the
Church recently acquired a 70 foot wide swath of road on the western side of
Macedonia Church Road. It runs parallel
to the portion that they requested be abandoned between points A and B on the
site map. The purpose behind acquiring
that land was to provide an area into which they could expand their
cemetery. However, the NC Department of
Transportation (DOT )has plans to widen and pave Macedonia Church Road and they
intend to complete that by the fall of 2001.
That will consume about 55 feet of the 75 foot wide swath of property
that they would like to use for a cemetery. The Church expressed their concerns
to the Department of Transportation.
The Department of Transportation advised that they abandon the road and
express their concerns with regard to that.
Staff had asked a variety of agencies and individuals for input; Ed
Green, George Erwin, Rocky Hyder, Tom Edmundson, Dr. Kohlan Flynn, and Jerry
Cunningham. No one expressed any
concerns. Rocky Hyder, Ed Green and Dr.
Flynn voiced their approval for the abandonment. Staff in the Planning Department has no objection and recommended
the Board of Commissioners adopt the prepared resolution and request the North
Carolina Board of Transportation to abandon a portion of Macedonia Church Road
per the petition. NC DOT mentioned at
one point that it might be wise to go ahead and abandon an additional 210 feet
down the road which would be abandoning from point A to C on the site map, the
reason being it would simplify the ownership and simplify NC DOT=s maintenance in that area.
Chairman Moyer asked Ms. Beeker if it would be appropriate for the
Board to consider abandonment of the road from point A to point C. She felt it would be. There was considerable discussion. It was
the consensus of the Board to consider abandonment of a portion of Macedonia
Church Road from point A to point C on the site map.
Public Input
1. Ronald Beach - Mr. Beach=s property adjoins the Church and the only way into his property is by
the subject road. He looked at the site
map along with staff and it was determined that his property is located between
point A and point B on the site map.
Mr. Beach read from his property deed regarding his right of way.
Chairman Moyer asked Angela Beeker to explain what abandoment
means. Ms. Beeker stated that all that
is happening at this meeting is a request to remove the road from the State
Maintenance System. If they wish to
close the road they would still have to pursue whatever procedures must be
followed for closing of a road. This is
just to ask that the portion of the road be removed from the State Maintenance
System. The implication is that if the
road remains in existence, it is up to the property owner/s to maintain the
road. The State will not scrape it, add
dirt or gravel, nor pave it. She stated
there would be an issue between Mr. Beach and the Church as to whether they
could close the road to him or not, once it is removed from the State
Maintenance System.
Mr. Beach stated that if they close the road he has no way to get to
his property. If the road were to stay
as it is now, Mr. Beach wouldn=t care if the road were abandoned.
He stated that the State has nothing to do with the road now, as far as
he is concerned. They maintain the road
up to Mr. Marshall=s
entrance to his property, that is as far as the State goes. They=ve never gone along that stretch of road from point A to point B.
Ms. Beeker stated that it is very clear that if the road is not removed
from the State Maintenance System, then it cannot be closed.
2. Doug Marshall - Mr. Marshall stated that Linda Marshall
and himself own the property to the southeast of this road. He looked at the site map along with staff
and it was determined that his property
is located between point B and point C.
He prefers the road be paved to his driveway and he understood that
would happen until this request. This
request concerns him. He has a right-of-way
to his property. He sold the back side
of his property to Mr. Beach and there was some disagreement over the
right-of-way. He is afraid that sooner
or later this disagreement will resurface.
He would like the issue resolved before that land is abandoned by the
State. He is opposed to the abandonment
until the right-of-way issue is resolved.
3. Brentley Thomas - Mr. Thomas is on the Deacon Board of
Macedonia Baptist Church. He stated that Macedonia Church is in favor of
abandoning the 365 feet of road maintenance.
If that road is paved as he understands NC DOT plans to do, it will put
the road over into the cemetery. He stated that Mr. Beach and Mr. Marshall have
the right to travel Macedonia Church Road.
Some issues were raised that concerned the Board regarding the
abandonment of this road. Commissioner
Hawkins stated that he could not find anything at this time that would indicate
that the closing of this road would be Ain the good of the community to abandon this road@ other than we=d have some more cemetery space.
David Nicholson recommended to the Board that they allow staff to go
out and look at the area of road in question and meet with the property owners
to make sure that we have a clear understanding that all these issues have been
addressed. Staff would then bring this
back to the Board at the July 25 meeting.
Chairman Moyer stated that he felt the Church should take the
leadership in getting the other neighbors together and coming up with a
document that would set forth the understanding of the parties. If they can reach such an agreement, then
the Board could move forward. But with
these unclear issues the Board would not be comfortable to move forward on this
request. Commissioner Hawkins also asked that Staff continue to contact the
Sheriff and EMS to get their comments rather than assuming that they agree with
it. All the adjoining property owners
should be noticed too, such as the additional property owners between point B
and point C on the site map.
Commissioner Hawkins made the motion for the Board to go out of public
input session. All voted in favor and
the motion carried.
PUBLIC HEARING - To Consider Repeal of
Certain County Ordinances
Chairman Moyer made the motion that the Board go into public hearing to
consider the repeal of certain county ordinances. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Angela Beeker stated that the focus of the hearing was to consider the
repeal of certain ordinances, in particular the Motor Sports Facilities
Ordinance, the Junkyards and Vehicle Graveyards Ordinance, and the Incinerators
Ordinance. These uses have become a
regulated use in the Open Use District which has been applied county wide. Therefore, it would be appropriate to
consider the repeal of these existing ordinances so there is not duplication
and perhaps conflicting ordinances on record.
This public hearing has been properly advertised in the Times-News
on June 18, 2001 and June 25, 2001.
Staff had stated previously that there may be some provisions in the
Solid Waste Ordinance that would need to be repealed but they did not find any
after review of the Ordinance. There
may be some minor clean-up items that could be handled at a later date.
Ms. Beeker explained that one of the reasons for the Open Use District was
to avoid having separate police power ordinances and zoning ordinances.
If, after holding this public hearing, the Board wishes to approve the
repeal of the above-stated ordinances, it would be appropriate for the Board to
consider adopting the prepared draft ordinances as they are written or as
revised by the Board.
The County Manager recommended that the Board consider adopting the
proposed draft ordinances in order to simplify the regulation of these few
uses. Without repealing the prior
regulation there will be confusion for Staff and the public as to which
regulation governs.
Much discussion followed, including but not limited to land use powers
versus police powers of the Board of Commissioners. Ms. Beeker explained that technically the incinerator ordinance
as it is is more of a police power ordinance and junkyards and motor sports are
more of a land use ordinance. She stated that police power is a broad umbrella
and zoning is a subset of police power.
Public Input
1. John Humphrey - Mr. Humphrey addressed the repeal of the
incinerator ordinance. He stated that
the incinerator ordinance does not deal with land use issues at all whereas the
open use ordinance deals specifically with site standards land use issues. He stated that site standards were
deliberately not addressed when the incinerator ordinance was drafted. It was felt by the Solid Waste Advisory
Committee (SWAC), which was studying incinerators because the landfill was
coming to a close and something had to be done about waste disposal, that
incinerators pose enough of a technical problem and hazard problems both in
operation and combustion products that some rather specific steps needed to be
taken to enable the county to evaluate a permit application adequately. At that time Henderson County didn=t have a County Engineer.
Mr. Humphrey stated that even the best incinerators have both air
quality problems and solid waste problems.
The State governs the air quality, the emissions, except that their
standards are rather loose and depend upon periodic inspections which are
intermittent. The ash would have to be
landfilled. He spoke about the intermittent feed of an incinerator and the
inefficient operation of such because of that.
When an incinerator operates inefficiently is when you have harmful
emissions in the stack and accumulation of more waste in the solid ash.
The attempt in the ordinance was not to actually regulate the
incinerator. It was designed to make
sure that an applicant would give you enough information about his
qualifications, his history of past operation, the equipment that he proposed
to provide and the methods that he proposed to use to dispose of the solid ash
and to take care of the fluctuations in input.
AThat=s not zoning.@ Mr. Humphrey was opposed to the repeal of
the incinerator ordinance.
2. Stefan Juchnowycz - Mr. Juchnowycz spoke in opposition to the
repeal of the incinerator ordinance. He
spoke about a unique weather phenomena in our area called Athermal inversion@ which lasts about 80% of the year. This means that for 80% of the year there is
a kind of cap over our area which prevents ventilation and the removal of the
pollutants accumulated here. Whatever
pollutants are generated during the time of inversion will stay here because
the surrounding mountains which surround our area prevent horizontal purging of
the area. An incinerator located here would produce gases which contain
particulate containing pollutants which are hazardous to our breathing. The thermal inversion holds radon here also.
Mr. Juchnowycz said that to protect this area so we have reasonable air
to breath, we needed the incinerator ordinance to classify what type of
pollutant we can tolerate. The
incinerator ordinance was established in 1991 to protect us by enforcing upon
the incinerator operator very strict conditions about emissions. To repeal that ordinance we would be going
much too far to accommodate somebody who can come into our area, pollute our
air and we have no control.
3. Stan Kumor - Mr. Kumor spoke in opposition to the
repeal of the incinerator ordinance. He distributed a 2 page typed hand-out
which he read that described items in the incinerator ordinance versus items in
the open use ordinance. He spoke in some
detail about different sections of the incinerator ordinance. He stated AThis board has started down a path of better growth management, now is
not the time to abandon good, community protections developed in the past.@
4. Jay Rogers - Mr. Rogers spoke in opposition to the
repeal of the incinerator ordinance. He
distributed a 2 page typed hand-out and read it. He voiced
concern that the incinerator ordinance repeal might lead to the building of an
incinerator. He stated that what is
created when something is burned in an incinerator is no longer just waste but
rather hazardous waste. Hazardous waste
is more expensive to dispose of than municipal waste.
5. Martha Sachs - Ms. Sachs spoke in opposition to the
repeal of the incinerator ordinance.
She felt that many of the previous speakers had already covered many of
the technical points. She said that the
people of this county have repeatedly spoken out that they do not want any
further pollution of Henderson County.
She also reminded the Board that a big part of the income of this county
comes from tourists and retirees, approximately $358,000,000 and they chose
Henderson County because it is a beautiful place. Henderson County is getting a reputation of having badly polluted
air a good part of the year.
6. Kell Williard - Mr. Williard spoke in opposition to the
repeal of the incinerator ordinance. He
stated that the incinerator ordinance controls incinerators, the zoning
ordinance does not. He stated that he was unable to find any regulation of
incinerators in the zoning ordinance.
It controls where they can be but not how they can be established, how
they may be operated, what they may burn, etc.
He felt that the incinerator ordinance is complimentary to any land use
ordinance and further adds strength to any land use ordinance. Not only does he
not want an incinerator in our county but he would like to see stronger
practices in the county regarding open burning.
Chairman Moyer called a 5 minute technical recess, to change
7. Lisa Thurman - Ms. Thurman spoke in opposition to the
repeal of the incinerator ordinance, the speedway ordinance, the junkyard
ordinance. She is opposed to having an
incinerator in Henderson County.
Chairman Moyer asked the County Attorney if there were any zoned areas
where the motor sports ordinance or the junkyard ordinance is more restrictive
than the zoning classification, any place where there would be less protection
if these ordinances were repealed?
Angela Beeker stated AWith respect to the motor sports facilities ordinance we did almost cut
and paste that into the open use, those standards. I don=t
recall that any of those were changed.
The residential density may have been changed but as far the ... open
use was actually modeled after the motor sports facilities ordinance. There are some minor things in there that
aren=t carried forward because they just don=t make sense from a zoning standpoint but the
substantive is the same. For junkyards we actually went back and changed the
standards in the other districts to make it consistent with what was being
proposed in open use so the junkyard should be treated as far as from a
standards standpoint, the same in the districts . . . by and large that=s true.
With respect to incinerators that is very different.@
Ms. Thurman then said that she was sure that much time went into
developing these ordinances but stated that wherever there is more restrictive
clauses, those ordinances should stay.
There was much discussion by the Board. The incinerator ordinance repeal had raised many questions.
Chairman Moyer made the motion for the Board to close the public
hearing. All voted in favor and the
motion carried.
Chairman Moyer made the motion that the Board adopt the Ordinances to
repeal the Motor Sports Facilities Ordinance and the Junkyard and Vehicle
Graveyard Ordinance, just those two.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Chairman Moyer stated that there are provisions in the incinerator
ordinance, particularly with respect to health and safety, that are necessary
to preserve. He also asked staff to
take a look at whether it should all go into the Open Use Ordinance or do we
need a separate Police Power Ordinance to regulate the kind of things that need
to be regulated, what is the best way to go.
He asked staff to research and come back to the Board with a
recommendation. He stated that for the
time being both ordinances will stay in effect so the protections will be there
and the Board and Staff will study the best way to proceed.
Chairman Moyer expressed a need to cancel the meeting the Board had
scheduled for this Thursday (July 5) on the Comprehensive County Plan.
David Nicholson reminded the Board that the first meeting for September
had been moved from September 4 to September 10.
Set Quasi-Judicial Public Hearing on a
Special Use Permit Application (#SP-01-03) for Highland Golf Villas, a Proposed
Planned Unit Development - Glade Holdings, Inc. , Applicant
Commissioner Hawkins made the motion to set this public hearing on
Wednesday, July 25 at 11:00 a.m. All
voted in favor and the motion carried.
Set Public Hearing on Rezoning Application
#R-01-02 (R-15 to T-15) - Robert Bayless, Applicant
Commissioner Ward made the motion to set the public hearing for Monday,
August 6 at 7:00 p.m. All voted in favor
and the motion carried.
Mr. Nicholson reminded the Board that the Sheriff would like to
schedule the opening for the Detention Center for September 5 and asked the
Board to mark their calendars. There
will also be a fund raising event (for Dare Camp), a sleep over at the
Detention Center on August 25.
The Town of Fletcher has challenged Henderson County to a softball game
on July 28 at 10:30 a.m. at Fletcher Park.
He asked anyone wishing to play to sign up with him as to their position
and their shirt size.
Commissioner Ward reminded the Board about an invitation to mud wrestle
with Mary Jo Padgett.
Chairman Moyer reminded the Board of the North Carolina Association of
County Commissioners Annual Conference in Fayetteville August 9 - 12. As far as he knew, there would be no
representative from Henderson County.
No one spoke up that they would be attending.
Chairman Moyer reminded the Board of the workshop on the Zoning
Ordinance Rewrite scheduled for July 11 at 9:00 a.m.
Commissioner Hawkins made the motion to adjourn the meeting at approx.
8:38 p.m. All voted in favor and the
motion carried.
Elizabeth W. Corn, Clerk to the Board William
L. Moyer, Chairman