The Henderson
County Board of Commissioners met for a special called meeting at 2:00 p.m. in the
Commissioners= Conference
Room of the Henderson County Office Building at 100 North King Street,
Hendersonville, North Carolina.
Those present
were: Chairman Bill Moyer, Vice-Chair
Marilyn Gordon, Commissioner Grady Hawkins, Commissioner Don Ward, Commissioner
Charlie Messer, County Manager David E. Nicholson, Finance Director J. Carey
McLelland, Assistant to the County Manager/Budget Analyst Selena Coffey, Public
Information Officer Chris S. Coulson, and Clerk to the Board Elizabeth W. Corn.
Chairman Moyer
called the meeting to order, reconvening the regularly scheduled meeting from
yesterday, June 20, 2001. The purpose
of this meeting was a Budget Workshop.
Net Changes to
David Nicholson
distributed a hand-out entitled ANet Changes to Budget@ and reviewed
those changes with the Board. There
were some additions and some subtractions to the budget balance. The balance
added to the budget as of 6/21/01 with these net changes equaled $85,522. The second hand-out was House Bill # 831,
which changes the way counties do Ano excuse voting@ so an
additional $18,016 had to be added for a satellite Ano excuse
voting@ polling
station. The effective date of this legislation also changed. Mr. Nicholson had originally thought it
would become effective in our next budget year. He continued to review the
items on that list.
Mr. Nicholson
reviewed some information regarding fire departments. He had provided a memo to the Board dated June 21 regarding fire
dept. budget information.
He briefly
touched on the Town of Fletcher and their funds provided to the Fletcher Fire
& Rescue Department, stating that $80,000 was lost from Buncombe
County. At that time Fletcher came to
our Board of Commissioners and asked for a one time increase in their rate of 2
cents. They have now continued that
request as a temporary request to the Board of Commissioners in this year=s budget
because their building has not sold yet. There was some discussion that
Fletcher is not living up to their contract with Fletcher Fire &
Rescue. Following much discussion on
this item, Chairman Moyer made the motion to grant Fletcher Fire & Rescue
Dept. 9.5 cents for the coming year as a set rate, not temporary. A vote was taken and the motion carried four
to one with Commissioner Messer voting nay.
Mr. Nicholson
reminded the Board that earlier during budget deliberations, they had requested
additional information from Mountain Home Fire & Rescue Department
concerning their request for a two cent property tax increase. Mountain Home realized a problem with their
budget computer program concerning payroll taxes. They are correcting their budget request and are now requesting a
one cent increase instead of 2 cents.
Following discussions, Commissioner Hawkins made the motion to accept
the revised budget as presented with the tax rate as requested, a 1 cent
increase. All voted in favor and the
motion carried.
Capital Plan
Mr. Nicholson
distributed a 3rd hand-out entitled APlan B@.
Much thought and review went into this alternate plan which would
require no tax increase. The original APlan A@ required a 2
cent tax increase.
Plan B
FY 00-01 Carry
Forward - Fund Balance $1,000,000
FY 01-02 Appropriate
Fund Balance 780,000
GIS 120,000
Orthophoto 160,000
Capital Projects 250,000
Funds to Capital Projects
GIS/Orthophoto 280,000
From Fund Balance 250,000
Total 530,000
1/4 Debt Service 330,000 (Human Services Bldg. & H.
Demolition/Abatement 200,000 (@ Historic Courthouse/Jail)
FY 02-03 Annual
Debt Service Payment $1,366,776
Services Bldg. & H. Courthouse)
Savings - Debt on Building 328,066
1/4 Debt 330,000
Because of the
hiring freeze Henderson County has had in place since the State Budget Crisis
and the fact that Department Heads actually did not spend for things they did
not absolutely have to have, as the County Manager had requested of them, the
County Manager was able to propose this alternative plan. Mr. Nicholson felt that Plan B can do what
the Board has talked about doing except for the animal shelter and it puts us
back at least a year on that. Plan A
did allow us to look at the animal shelter during the coming year. Mr. Nicholson felt that the Board might be
able to start on the grading and the architectural work this coming year for
the animal shelter. Commissioner Gordon expressed the need to keep going on that
project. Chairman Moyer expressed that
he felt the County would get some monies back from the State. He doesn=t expect to get it all but part of it and
if we do he felt the monies should be targeted for the animal shelter.
Not for Profits
Chamber of Commerce
of 100 $72,351.00
Market Study - 0 -
Hendersonville/7th Ave. 8,500.00
7th Avenue District 500.00
America=s Pride - 0 -
Crime$toppers 3,000.00
Emergency Management
National Guard 1,000.00
Rescue Squad 64,500.00
Development Council 1,000.00
Development Association 7,500.00
Departmental Non-Profit Contributions $158,351.00
There was some
discussion of the above numbers with the Board deciding to change the Army
National Guard to $750.00 instead of $1,000.00 and to delete monies going to
Downtown Hendersonville/7th Avenue.
Chairman Moyer made the motion to approve Plan B and the Departmental
Non-Profits contributions with the changes discussed. All voted in favor and
the motion carried.
Apple Country Greenway Commission $
Sentencing Services Program 1,000.00
Arts Council Grassroots Program
Henderson County Council for Women 500.00
ECO/VWIN 6,400.00
Biological Testing - 0 -
Visioning 20,000.00
Total Non-Profit Contributions $40,400.00
There was some
discussion of the above numbers with the Board deciding not to change the
County Manager=s
recommendations. Chairman Moyer made
the motion to approve the $2,500.00 for Apple Country Greenway Commission,
contingent with Apple Country Greenway Commission raising the remainder needed
for their staff person from the other municipalities. All voted in favor and the motion
carried. Chairman Moyer made the motion to approve $1,000 for the
Sentencing Services Program. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Chairman Moyer made the motion to approve $10,000 for the Arts Council
Grassroots Program. All voted in favor
and the motion carried. Chairman Moyer
made the motion to approve $500 for the Henderson County Council for Women. All voted in favor and the motion
carried. Chairman Moyer made the motion
to approve $6,400 for ECO/VWIN. All
voted in favor and the motion carried.
Chairman Moyer made the motion to approve $20,000 this year as the last
year for Visioning (Designing Our Future) and stated that the Board looks
forward to their final project. A vote
was taken and the motion passed four to one with Commissioner Hawkins voting
nay. The Board felt that they would be
able to use some data, input, etc. that the Visioning Group had accumulated
which would end up saving the Board time and meetings.
Dues &
Land-of-Sky Regional Council $
Western Carolina Community Action 60,000.00
Apple Country Transportation 16,803.00
Local Match on New Vehicles 6,803.00
Transportation - Other 10,000.00
NC Association of County Commissioners 9,230.00
NACO 2000 1,000.00
National Association of Counties (NACo) 1,255.00
Institute of Government 6,100.00
Total Dues & Memberships $159,619.00
Chairman Moyer
made the motion to approve $48,428.00 for Land of Sky Regional Council. A vote was taken and the motion passed four
to one with Commissioner Ward voting nay.
Chairman Moyer made the motion to approve $16,803 for Apple Country
Transportation, $6,803 for Local Match on New Vehicles, and $10,000 for other
Transportation for WCCA but to move the $60,000 from WCCA to contingency. All voted in favor and the motion
carried. Chairman Moyer made the motion
to approve $9,230.00for NC Assn. of County Commissioners, $1,255.00 for
National Assn. of Counties, and $6,100.00 for the Institute of Government. All voted in favor and the motion
carried. Mr. Nicholson informed the
Board that the $1,000 recommended for NACO 2000 can be deleted as that was a
year 2000 project.
Human Service
Agency Requests
David Nicholson
distributed hand-out #5, listing the agencies, their requests, and his
recommendations to them. Selena Coffey
explained that the Alliance for Human Services would have liked to increase
donations but realized that this is a tight budget year due to the State Budget
Crisis so they requested that the Board fund the same amount as last year.
Following some
discussion, Commissioner Ward made the motion to approve $180,000 for the Human
Service Agencies as recommended by the Alliance for Human Services. All voted in favor and the motion
carried. The agencies had requested
David Nicholson
provided the Board a draft of the Budget Ordinance, hand-out #6. The Budget Ordinance includes Plan B which
was presented by the County Manager today.
This includes a tax rate of 50 cents, no tax increase. Mr. Nicholson recommended the Board consider
adopting the Budget Ordinance approving the budget as amended [through the
interim motions approved by the Board today]. Mr. Nicholson stated that the
State Reimbursements are still hanging over our head. We don=t know what we might or might not get back from
the State. Reimbursements are in the
Senate Budget and in the Governor=s Budget.
Chairman Moyer
wanted it to be clear that the Board was approving funds in the amount of
$47,515.00 for the Career Centers for the Schools for 2 year. He asked for a resolution stating that the
Board is financing the Career Centers to the extent that the School Board
revised their request for the current year.
Chairman Moyer made the motion to approve the $47,515 for the Career
Centers as part of the School=s Budget. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
The tax rate
will remain the same for the coming year.
There is no tax increase.
Chairman Moyer felt that the Board has stepped up and addressed all the
issues except for the animal shelter and he thinks that mechanisms have been
provided to deal with that in the coming year.
He commended the Board for their work in addressing these issues without
a tax increase.
Messer raised a question about whether the municipalities would be joining in
the county=s central
Ward raised a question regarding $8,000 for locking up the county parks at
night. It was decided to leave this $8,000 in the budget but with directions
for the County Manager to come back to the Board with a plan by mid July
regarding locking the parks at night.
Budget Adoption
Chairman Moyer
made the motion to approve the Budget Ordinance as amended by action of the
Board at today=s meeting with
the rates in the ordinance as adjusted today which was continuing with the 50
cent tax rate and the change in the two fire rates as discussed [Mtn. Home and
Ward asked a couple of questions regarding numbers in the proposed budget
ordinance. He raised a question
regarding the salaries of elected officials.
Mr. Nicholson stated that he would be happy to provide those numbers to
the Commissioners at a later date. He
and Chairman Moyer have not had time to review those numbers. Any salary increases would have to come from
contingencies at this time anyway. He
reminded the Board that they meet again in about 10 days.
There was some
discussion regarding Section 18-1 AThe Budget Officer may re-appropriate
amounts between objects of expenditure within a department@.
Hawkins stated that overall the budget is a good budget. He was glad that the Board did not have to
raise taxes this year. But he did say that he could not support the funding for
debt service on the Historic Courthouse at this time.
A vote was
taken on Mr. Moyer=s motion and the motion passed three to two with
Commissioners Hawkins and Ward voting nay.
Hawkins made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 3:55 p.m. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Elizabeth W. Corn, Clerk to the Board William L. Moyer,