The Henderson
County Board of Commissioners met for a special called meeting at 5:00 p.m. in the
Commissioners= Conference
Room of the Henderson County Office Building at 100 North King Street,
Hendersonville, North Carolina.
Those present
were: Chairman Bill Moyer, Vice-Chair
Marilyn Gordon, Commissioner Grady Hawkins, Commissioner Don Ward, Commissioner
Charlie Messer, County Manager David E. Nicholson, Finance Director J. Carey
McLelland, Assistant to the County Manager/Budget Analyst Selena Coffey, County
Attorney Angela S. Beeker, Fire Marshal/Emergency Management Coordinator Rocky
Hyder, and Public Information Officer Chris S. Coulson.
Absent was:
Clerk to the Board Elizabeth W. Corn.
Mr. Nicholson took notes for the preparation of these minutes.
Chairman Moyer
called the meeting to order and stated the purpose of the meeting was to
consider the requests from the fire departments.
- Fire Departments
Rocky Hyder
provided the Board with information on:
in lieu
& savings
tax values
Chief Todd
McCrain of Green River and Rescue Department stated that they are requesting a
1.5 cent tax increase. This increase
would cover the loss of state revenues, changes in assessment, a new
pumper/tanker and improvements toward an increase fire rating. Commissioner Ward made the motion to approve
this request. All voted in favor and
the motion carried.
Chief Tim
Thompson of the Saluda Fire and Rescue Department presented a request for a 2
cent increase. These funds would be
used for turnout gear, radios and building repairs. He informed the Board that they are working on their rating and
considering paid personnel. They do not
receive a charge from the City of Saluda for water. Commissioner Messer made the motion to approve their
request. All voted in favor and the motion
Dave Finsel,
Treasurer of the Bat Cave Fire and Rescue Department requested a 1 cent
increase for the purchase of a rescue truck.
They are applying for a State Grant for turnout gear. Commissioner Hawkins made the motion to
approve their request. All voted in
favor and the motion carried.
Chief Tony Corn
of Mountain Home Fire and Rescue Department requested a 2 cent increase. These funds would be used for an exhaust
removal system, replacement of turnout gear and to replace a pumper. The Board requested additional information
from the Department concerning the personnel costs, scheduling, city contracts
and budget. Commissioner Hawkins made
the motion to approve a 1.5 cent increase.
Commissioner Ward requested that before any action be taken on the
motion that the department provide the additional information. Commissioner Hawkins withdrew his motion.
Chief Wayne
Banks of Valley Hill Fire and Rescue Department stated that they are requesting
a 1 cent increase for District One and 2 cents for District Two. In District One, they will be adding a new
station on the Pathways of Solomon Jones.
In District Two, they will be adding paid personnel. The Board also discussed the differenc ein
funding of Valley Hill by the Town of Laurel Park. Chief Banis indicated that they had met with Town Officials
concerning an increase in their funding.
Commissioner Hawkins made the motion to set a rate of 8.5 cents in District
One. Motion failed one to four. Chairman Moyer made the motion to set the rate
in District One at 9 cents. Motion
passed four to one with Commissioner Hawkins voting nay. Commissioner Hawkins made the motion to set
the rate for District Two at 8 cents.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Chairman Moyer
made the motion to approve the following rates and to write the Mayor of Laurel
Park concerning their contribution to Valley Hill:
Blue Ridge 9 cents
Dana 10
Edneyville 9.5 cents
Etowah-Horseshoe 7.3 cents
Fletcher 10.5 cents
Mills River 6.5 cents
Gerton 12 cents
A vote was
taken and the motion passed four to one with Commissioner Ward voting nay.
Addition to
Chairman Moyer
requested that the Board consider adding a discussion to the agenda on the
Regional Water Agreement. Commissioner
Hawkins made the motion to add this item to the agenda. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
County Attorney
Angela Beeker informed the Board that the Water Authority had requested their
staff work with Henderson County in the differences in policies. Staff has met on three occasions to work on
this issue. One major issue that keeps
coming up is the dichotomy between the Water Authority and the City of
Asheville about their responsibilities and duties in general. Some of the other outstanding issues within
the policies are extensions, the definition of water system, variances, the
ability of the Water Authority to build lines in Henderson County and water
Chairman Moyer
called a brief recess - 7:00 - 7:12 p.m.
Angela Beeker
continued the discussion with the Board on issues such as maintenance of lines
and the definition of net revenues.
Chairman Moyer
made the motion to approve the approval of the June 18, 2001 amendments to the
County=s Water
Policies and to authorize the County=s representatives to finalize the terms
and make final changes consistent with these discussions. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Chairman Moyer
made the motion for the Board to go into Closed Session as allowed pursuant to
NCGS 143-318.11 for the following reason(s):
1.(a)(3) To
consult with an attorney employed or retained by the public body in order to
preserve the attorney-client privilege between the attorney and the public
body, which privilege is hereby acknowledged.
Ward made the motion for the Board to go out of closed session. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Ward made the motion to adjourn the meeting.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
W. Corn, Clerk to the Board William
L. Moyer, Chairman