The Henderson
County Board of Commissioners met for a special called meeting at 5:00 p.m. in the
Commissioners= Conference
Room of the Henderson County Office Building at 100 North King Street,
Hendersonville, North Carolina.
Those present
were: Chairman Bill Moyer, Vice-Chair
Marilyn Gordon, Commissioner Grady Hawkins, Commissioner Don Ward, Commissioner
Charlie Messer, County Manager David E. Nicholson, County Attorney Angela S.
Beeker, and Clerk to the Board Elizabeth W. Corn.
Chairman Moyer
called the meeting to order at 5:07 p.m.
and welcomed those in attendance, stating that the purpose of this
meeting was a Redistricting Workshop to discuss various alternatives that have
been presented with respect to redistricting.
He commented that there have been a couple of plans submitted; the
League of Women Voters submitted to him a proposed plan which he distributed to
all the Commissioners. Dixie Blumer
submitted three possible plans which were copied and distributed to all the
Commissioners. The Commissioners have
had time to review the submitted plans.
Since the last
meeting and in light of some of the proposals received, Mr. Moyer has worked
with a number of the Commissioners to put together a plan which he thought
accomplishes some of the benefits that Commissioner Hawkins was working on in
his plan, some of the League of Women Voters, and Dixie Blumer, he has put it
all together in a way that would accomplish and be fair to everybody and
achieve what we=re trying to
achieve, which is to have balanced districts.
He thinks one of the key things is that the Board chose to satisfy the
10% rule. He also tried to get
districts with some commonality of interests and similar characteristics. One
problem they tried to deal with was to avoid the precincts. Based on the population data available and
based on where we are today, it makes the best sense to use the precinct lines
in establishing the districts. It will obviously create some problems in the
future if precincts are changed, just like our current plan has.
David Nicholson
presented Chairman Moyer=s redistricting proposal:
District I Bill Moyer Hendersonville II 3,915
Flat Rock 2,565
Armory 1,802
South West 3,038
Hendersonville III 3,519
East Flat Rock 3,776
TOTAL = 18,615
District II Charlie Messer Hoopers
Creek 2,155
Park Ridge 2,958
Fletcher 4,185
Grimesdale 1,755
North West 2,809
North East 2,239
Moore=s Grove 1,818
TOTAL = 17,919
District III Marilyn Gordon Rugby 2,746
South Mills River 4,335
Pisgah View 2,258
Hendersonville I 2,938
Brickton 719
Long John Mtn. 1,892
North Mills River 2,693
TOTAL = 17,581
District IV Don Ward North
Blue Ridge 4,787
Clear Creek 3,551
South Blue Ridge 3,232
Edneyville 2,795
Bat Cave 880
South East 2,455
TOTAL = 17,700
District V Grady Hawkins Atkinson 2,910
Etowah South 2,517
Etowah Valley 2,376
Laurel Park 1,835
Horse Shoe 2,405
Crab Creek 1,408
Green River 2,883
Raven Rock 1,024
TOTAL = 17,358
The five
districts add up to the total population of 89,173.
According to
Ms. Beeker, this met the 10% rule.
Ward presented as a finding of fact, based on the census of 89,173, the average
number of persons per residential structure is 2.1048246. With the 10% rule, the ideal district would be 17,834, the highest would be 18,727
and the lowest would be 16,943. The
estimated population as it stands today would be:
District I 13,203.6
District II 17,308.0
District III 23,458.3
District IV 18,143.6
District V 17,059.6 for a total
of 89,173.1.
The County
Manager agreed with these numbers which came from the Henderson County GIS
department and were based on data from the Assessor=s office.
Chairman Moyer
stated that it certainly would appear that there is a tremendous imbalance that
needs to be corrected. The Board
unanimously agreed that the imbalance needs to be corrected in the districts.
Ward made the motion that with the uneven districts we currently have, a
correction should be made. All voted in
favor and the motion carried.
Chairman Moyer
opened the floor with respect to any of the other proposals.
Hawkins stated that the District realignment that was proposed at an earlier
workshop had been looked at by the Board of Elections and they had made some
adjustments. He was speaking about his
proposal and referred to the map on the right.
He stated that the numbers are well within the 10% rule. NCGS 153A-22.1 calls for the test for
compliance for this section as a reduction in the relative overall range of deviations. Commissioner Hawkins - AIf you look at
the exact number between this second proposal and the first proposal, the
proposal on the right is actually closer on maximum deviation by 23 than the
proposal on the left, that is the lowest number and the highest number of
deviation between them in the one case is 1257 and in the second case is
1234. Strictly on numbers, the map on
the right is a better balance. I think
the thing about the map on the left and Commissioner Moyer=s proposal - in
District I - as I look at it and I don=t really agree that commonality is a
thing to look at in a district. I think
you look for diversity. District I is
basically forming a municipal district of Hendersonville and Flat Rock and even
if you look at the size, the area size of the map, you see it=s a very small
district geographically and I would think that that district would certainly
have it=s peculiar
requirements and needs as they do now.
Cities are different than the county and I don=t think that=s the best that
we could do in redistricting so I would make a motion that we accept the sample
resolution that you=ve been given as amended and adopt the map on
the right.@
Angela Beeker -
ACould you
clarify the amendment, just state that for the record.@
Hawkins - AThe amendment
was that in item # 2 the amended districts shall be effective for the 2002
general election and that=s districts I, III, and IV.@
Chairman Moyer
argued that the map on the left does present a better district and agreed that
there is a slightly larger deviation.
Chairman Moyer - AI think it=s more than offset by the commonality of
the interests of the community and I think there is a beneficial - a lot of
benefits to be gained by having a more municipal type district with respect to
representation so I would argue that we vote down the motion and then I will
put a motion on the table to approve the map on the left.@
More discussion
followed with Commissioners Ward and Messer voicing no preference, stating that
the maps are very similar. Commissioner
Gordon stated that it would be a little easier for citizens to determine which
district they live in from the map on the left. She expressed that the map on
the left had more contiguous districts. Commissioner Gordon - AI guess the one
on the right concerns me because some of the precincts are almost
non-contiguous. They are so separated
and I think that would be especially difficult for people to keep up with in
trying to determine their district.@ Discussion continued, back and forth. Finally, Commissioner Hawkins called the
question on his motion. A vote was
taken which failed three to two with Commissioners Moyer , Gordon, and Messer voting nay. Commissioner Ward did not cast a vote. Since
the Board did not excuse Commissioner Ward from voting, Ward=s abstention
counted as a favorable vote.
Hawkins - AI make the
motion to adjourn.@
Chairman Moyer
- ANo, I move - I=m sorry.@ Chairman Moyer
made the motion to accept the sample resolution that was presented, with an
amendment to number 2 stating that the amended districts will be effective for
Districts I, III, and IV, and adopt the
map on the left. The amended districts
shall be effective for the 2002 general election and the affected districts are
I, III, and IV.
A vote was
taken and the motion carried four to one with Commissioner Hawkins voting
nay. Again, Commissioner Ward did not
cast a vote. Since the Board did not excuse Commissioner Ward from voting, Ward=s abstention
counted as a favorable vote. A copy of the map which was approved is attached
to the Resolution as Exhibit A, both the Resolution and the Exhibit A, pp 1-3,
being incorporated by reference as if fully set forth herein.
Hawkins made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 5:32 p.m. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Elizabeth W. Corn, Clerk to the Board William L. Moyer,