The Henderson County
Board of Commissioners met for a special called meeting at 8:30 a.m. in the
Commissioners= Conference Room of the Henderson County
Office Building at 100 North King Street, Hendersonville, North Carolina.
Those present were:
Chairman Bill Moyer, Vice-Chair Marilyn Gordon, Commissioner Grady Hawkins,
Commissioner Don Ward, Commissioner Charlie Messer, County Manager David E.
Nicholson, and Clerk to the Board Elizabeth W. Corn.
Also present were:
Assistant County Attorney Jennifer O. Jackson, Planning Director Karen C.
Smith, Environmental Planner Nippy Page, Fire Marshal Rocky Hyder, Assistant to
the County Manager Selena Coffey, and Public Information Officer Chris S.
Chairman Moyer
called the meeting to order at approx. 8:37 and welcomed those in attendance,
stating that this workshop would be devoted to Open Use Zoning discussion. Chairman Moyer added one item to the
agenda. There have been some changes in
the Septic Permitting Process and he asked Commissioner Gordon to comment on
Chairman Moyer made
the motion to approve the revised agenda.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Blood Drive
Chairman Moyer
thanked the County Employees for a very successful blood drive yesterday. Our goal was 45 pints and we ended up with
53 pints.
He also informed
those in attendance that today is Selena Coffey=s 30th Birthday and wished her a happy birthday.
Septic Permitting
Process changes
Commissioner Gordon
stated that the Environmental Health section of the Public Health Department
had initiated changes in the past week or so in the septic permitting process
which requires a follow-up inspection, after the installation of the system and
prior to the final occupancy permit on the property.
She has had a phone
call on the change and some of the other Commissioners have also had phone
calls. She stated that the language in
the memo that was sent out (to developers) referred to final landscaping and
driveway installation, those are the two issues she checked with Robert Smith
about. Robert Smith plans to do a
clarification memo on just what they are referring to regarding landscaping and
driveway. She thinks they will change
it to final grading or some similar term instead of landscaping and an
established driveway meaning the bed needs to be there, the gravel and/or
paving is not necessary at this point.
Commissioner Ward stated
that the Board needs to take a good look at this at budget time to be sure we
are charging enough to cover the costs by fees. He felt that a clarification memo was a good idea. Chairman Moyer
will work with Commissioner Gordon to follow up on this issue.
Chairman Moyer made
the motion to continue the Public Hearing on the Community Development Block
Grant (CDBG) Application by Regency Development Associates, Inc. All voted in
favor and the motion carried.
David Nicholson was
in receipt of the application from Regency Development Associates, Inc. and
distributed it to the Board for review.
There have been some changes regarding deadlines, now it is mid May before
the application has to be filed. They
are currently working on tax credits for the project.
David Nicholson
explained that CDBG is Federal money that flows to the State of North
Carolina. It is administered by the
Division of Community Assistance. Regency has asked for Henderson County to get a grant of $112,500
for water and sewer for the proposed apartment complex for the elderly at the
old East Flat Rock School site. He stated that there is very much competition
for the grant monies this year. Should this grant be given to Henderson County
then the County would do a loan document with Regency for a $99,190 loan. Our Legal Department would have to do a deed
of trust and a promissory note with Regency.
This is part of their way of getting additional tax credits. Of $112,500 of the CDBG, $99,190 would be a
loan to Regency Development from Henderson County. It would be repaid back to Henderson County after 30 years. It is
a 30 year loan to be paid off after 30 years at 1%. The money would come to Henderson County at $25,000 a year until
the loan is paid off plus the 1% interest.
Also in this grant are funds for administration. There are substantial rules and regulations
associated with this CDBG and Mr. Nicholson has asked for administrative assistance
from Land of Sky. Regency Development
would get $3,500 for preparing the application. Henderson County hopes to contract with Land of Sky for the
remaining balance of administrative fees to make sure the project meets all
Mr. Nicholson
explained that no county monies are involved. He requested approval of the
application and authorization for the Chairman to sign the document. When those
monies start coming back to Henderson County, the Board would like to see those
funds used for future housing programs in Henderson County.
Public Input
There was none.
Chairman Moyer made
the motion for the Board to go out of public hearing. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Commissioner Ward
made the motion to approve the grant application and authorize the Chairman=s signature.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Chairman Moyer
expressed that he would like to start the workshop with discussion regarding
distance from schools.
Superintendent Dr. Burnham and Chairman of the Board of Public Education Ervin
Bazzle were present and Chairman Moyer asked if they would like to make any
Ervin Bazzle stated
that there are 21 campuses with over 11,000 children in our county and more
than 800 employees. He stated that one
of the vital concerns is the safety and well-being of both the children and the
teachers and employees. He stated that
our sites are secure and safe. He asked
that the Board of Commissioners be aware of what development goes in around
schools, to try to keep our schools as safe and environmentally friendly as
Dr. Burnham asked
for protection for what types of businesses would go around school sites. He and Mr. Bazzle delivered correspondence
today to the Board of Commissioners.
Mr. Burnham stated that the NC General Statutes provide for some
protection to school properties but they are very limited protections in terms
of the type of businesses primarily that can exist around school properties. There is very little protection in terms of
environmental issues. There is very
little protection in terms of noise and very little protection in terms of what
can be referred to as heavy industries.
He asked that the Board exercise discretion in regards to the 2 mile separation, stating that would be very
appropriate. He felt that residential
and light commercial growth would be best around school properties. He stated that the schools normally take the
lead and then development follows.
Commissioner Gordon
expressed concern because the Board of Commissioners have no input or ability
to say where future schools go.
Mr. Bazzle stated
that the Board of Education has worked with the Joint Facilities Committee,
trying to forecast where schools need to go and what infrastructure is needed
for those sites.
Chairman Moyer
stated that the Board of Commissioners has an obligation to decide where
industry goes in our community and if the Board had done that in the past, the
schools would know where to place their schools. The Board needs to move forward and that will help solve the
problem of where schools go in our community.
Commissioner Gordon
stated that the infrastructure that is necessary for schools and for industries
is sewer and water. That is in short
supply. The Board of Commissioners need
to move forward to make the infrastructure more available in more areas of our
community, it will alleviate some of the problems of being so limited on where
you can access sewer and water.
Schools normally
look for between 20-35 acres for a new school site.
Commissioner Hawkins
also touched on the special needs of schools in airport areas.
Staff had copied the
letter that Dr. Burnham and Mr. Bazzle brought with them and distributed it to
the Board at this time.
Henderson County
Partnership for Health
Chairman Moyer
referenced a letter he had received from Jack Reed which addressed distances.
Chairman Moyer
referenced a letter dated April 25 from Erica Thompson, Cardiovascular Health
Program Coordinator for Henderson County Partnership for Health. The letter expressed concern for the need
for a walkable, bikable community. A
copy of this letter was distributed to each Commissioner. There were no
questions from the Board.
New Map with
Schools and Health Care Facilities
Angela Beeker showed
the Board of Commissioners a large map that staff had worked on which was a
grid map of the county which showed every existing school and health care
facility. Pam Carver pointed out, from
memory, the location of many of the schools for the Board for reference
Much discussion
followed regarding distances from schools.
Chairman Moyer made
the motion to adopt the Planning Board=s recommendation of 2 mile from schools for all uses.
A vote was taken and the motion carried four to one with Commissioner
Hawkins voting nay. Chairman Moyer
stated that the Board can revisit all these again but the motion was for
purposes of moving forward.
Chairman Moyer
stated that staff had done a lot of work on residential density since the last
meeting. In looking at each of the
uses, one of the tests was what the residential density would be around each of
the uses. Should there be any
restrictions? The Board had asked staff
to take a hard look at this and come back with ideas and suggestions on ways to
approach this issue.
Commissioner Gordon
asked for a good definition for schools.
Jennifer Jackson read the modified definition which does not include
home schools. The modified definition includes AAny elementary or secondary school, whether public or private, that is
essentially recognized by the State as a School.@
The Board was
desirous of having the schools marked on the large map with a 2 mile circle drawn around them,
especially Marlow Elementary and Clear Creek Elementary Schools. It was felt
that Pam Carver had the capability of providing that to the Board.
Angela Beeker
explained how residential density is currently figured and explained a new
process that staff had been working on to help clarify residential density:
mile radius with 250 units = 1 unit per 8
2 mile radius with 250 units = 1
unit per 2 acres
1/4 mile radius with 250 units = 1
unit per 2 mile or 2 units per 1 acre
Staff felt that it
was easier to comprehend number of residences per acre rather than drawing
circles around proposed uses and visualizing the number of units in that
circle. Residential density currently is defined as the number of dwelling
units within a specified distance from the use. The new process shows the number of units per acre. The
residential density will be calculated by the Assessor=s office.
Due to the type and use of the equipment we have, the Assessor=s office recommended that we go from the
centroid of the subject parcel to property lines to measure the distance. Ms. Beeker showed an example of this on
Ms. Beeker asked the
Board to think about two things:
What is the
density that the Board does not want these uses to go in, an area that is more
dense than one unit per 2 acres or one unit per 4 acres, or what?
How big the
Board wants the circle or sphere of influence to be.
Staff could go back
and change the ordinance to read appropriately.
Chairman Moyer made
the motion to keep the residential density requirement in and proceed to give
staff guidance with respect to the number of units per acre for each of the
uses. A vote was taken and the motion
carried four to one with Commissioner Gordon voting nay.
Following much
discussion, direction to staff was:
Heavy Industry - 1 unit per 1 acre in 2 mile radius
Solid Waste Management Facility - 1 unit per 2 acres in 1 mile
Mining & Extraction Operations - 1 unit per 2 acres in 1 mile
Chairman Moyer
called a 5 minute technical recess at approx. 10:30 a.m., to change videotapes.
Concrete Plants - none
Asphalt Plants - 1 unit per 1 acre in 2 mile radius
Incinerators - 1 unit per 1 acre
in 2 mile radius
Junkyards - none
Motor Sports Facilities - 1 unit per 2
acres in 1 mile radius
Slaughter House - 1 unit per 2 acres in 1
mile radius
Amusement Park - 1 unit per 2 acres in 1
mile radius
Chip Mills - 1
unit per 1 acre in 2 mile
Chairman Moyer asked
staff to get all this changed and get it back out to the Board for review
before the next work session. The Board has not looked consciously at health
care facilities yet nor finished discussion on protected mountain ridges. He asked staff to bring a map back with
schools marked and a 2 mile
circle around each state licensed school.
Chairman Moyer made
the motion to continue this work session to May 3 at 9:00 a.m. All voted in favor and the motion carried
at approx. 10:50 a.m.
Elizabeth W. Corn, Clerk to the Board William L. Moyer,