The Henderson County
Board of Commissioners met for a special called meeting at 7:00 p.m. in the
Fletcher Town Hall, Fletcher, North Carolina. The purpose of this meeting was a
joint meeting with the Fletcher Town Council to discuss annexation of
Continental Teves and other issues of mutual interest.
Those present were: Chairman Bill Moyer, Vice-Chair Marilyn
Gordon, Commissioner Grady Hawkins, Commissioner Charlie Messer, County Manager
David E. Nicholson, County Attorney Angela S. Beeker, and Clerk to the Board
Elizabeth W. Corn.
Absent was: Commissioner
Don Ward.
Also present were: Mayor Bill Moore, Mayor-Pro-Tem Eddie
Henderson, Councilman Milton Byrd, Councilman Jim Clayton, Councilman Hugh
Clark, Town Manager Craig Honeycutt and Town Clerk Jan Sherlock. Filling in for Fletcher Town Attorney (who was
on vacation) was Attorney Ed Bleynat.
Chairman Moyer called
the Commissioners= meeting to order and
Mayor Moore called the Town Council=s meeting to order.
Mayor-Pro-Tem Eddie
Henderson, led the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.
Councilman Jim Clayton
gave the invocation.
Mayor Moore asked that
there be no public input at this meeting due to the two Boards meeting
Chairman Moyer
recognized Commissioner Gordon who sits on this Board to update both
Boards. She stated that they have been
meeting and working diligently and are now in the process of evaluating their
purpose and their work done to date.
Each Board will receive a status report soon from the Cane Creek
Advisory Board.
Chairman Moyer stated
that the Board of Commissioners has been working with the Committee of 100 and
the Greater Hendersonville Chamber of Commerce regarding job opportunities and
the location of industries in our county. The Board and the Chamber have
encountered problems drawing the kind of jobs we need and want in our
county. Some problems encountered have
of land versus price in other counties
of available land (requires a lot of site preparation)
Mayor Moore stated that
the Town of Fletcher is now looking at economic incentives and has met with the
Chamber of Commerce.
Broadpointe is one of
the few industrial areas we have available in Henderson County with water and
sewer and each entity is protective of it.
Henderson County is
protective of Broadpoint Industrial Park because of the monetary investment
they have made to supply water and sewer to the park. They fear that if Fletcher annexes Broadpointe it could deter future
industries from interest in that park because they would have to pay county
taxes and town taxes.
Chairman Moyer stated
that the LGCCA meets tomorrow and annexation will be on the agenda. Others expressed that it was about time that
LGCCA discussed annexation and the need for a county-wide plan to deal with
Several of the
Commissioners stated that it was hard to wear two hats, one as County
Commissioner representing all residents of the county and what is best for the
entire county but then also representing the residents of the municipalities
what is best for each of the municipalities and those residents.
There was discussion of
municipal services and responsibilities and Commissioner Hawkins reminded
Fletcher Council that the State has declared why a municipality exists -
created to provide governmental services. He also asked Fletcher to consider
the timing and take a closer look at County/Municipal responsibilities.
Commissioner Messer
stated that Continental Teves does not want to be annexed by the City of
Asheville. He stated that the county
and all four municipalities need to come together and work out a plan and get
all sides of the issue on the table.
Chairman Moyer thanked
the Town Council for listening to the Commissioners and stated that the
Commissioners would now listen to the Town Council.
Mayor Bill Moore asked
what is the County=s plan and how does it
involve the Town of Fletcher. He asked
this question more than once during the discussions. Chairman Moyer stated that hopefully the Mills River Study will
develop or evolve into a Plan but the Board needs input from all involved
before adopting a Plan. The County has
been working on the Mills River Study for the past 18 months to 2 years. It was explained that the County has no
written plan as yet but there is a plan.
Craig Honeycutt was
asked to give a brief background of Fletcher=s Annexation Plan. Fletcher started this process in 1997, looked at a Master
Annexation Plan in 1999. Fletcher Town
Council approved a Comprehensive Master Plan for Annexation in March of
1999. In August of 2000 they approved a
contract to do an Extension Services Report.
April 3 of this year they held a public information meeting and tomorrow
night will hold a public hearing on the annexation of Continental Teves. That issue is scheduled to be on their May
agenda for possible action.
Before the Town of
Fletcher finished their annexation plan, a copy was sent to Meritor,
Continental Teves and Cranston Print Works.
Meritor responded within 30 days.
No other responses were received.
Meritor approached the Town of Fletcher regarding a land transfer
(almost 94 acres) in lieu of taxes.
Commissioner Gordon
asked the Town what process they use to determine the mix of type of land uses
in the Town of Fletcher. She also
stated that we have an airport but it will never be a hub airport which do tend
to help attract industry. That general
area is slated for industrial growth and we must be sure that they are
appropriate uses around an airport as that area continues to grow.
Craig Honeycutt
explained that they have a large residential population which has grown quickly
but are beginning to get a larger mix of commercial and industrial
development. They are looking at trying
to maintain their same tax rate which is 25 cents.
Mayor Moore explained
that the annexation of Continental Teves is not for the monetary gain but
rather to help control the growth and to have a say in what happens in that
area. It is in their backyard and Fletcher has a right to know what is going on
in their backyard because it affects roads, schools, etc.
Councilman Byrd stated
that there are bigger issues here than the annexation of Continental Teves that
need to be discussed by all municipalities in the County, to get all sides of
the story. He recognized the need for
leadership to be interactive.
Commissioner Messer
suggested sitting down with Advantage West, Hendersonville Chamber of Commerce,
Henderson County and all Municipalities to look at the short-term and the
long-term plans of all. He also asked
if Fletcher=s intent was to stop at
Continental Teves or to move into Mills River.
Councilman Henderson
(Mayor-Pro-Tem) expressed that he had no idea that Henderson County had made
such an investment in Broadpointe Industrial Park ($2.1 million) but stated
that Fletcher has been going down this path for a long time. He expressed disappointment in the County
Councilman Clayton
stated that the Town Council wanted to have a say in what goes in on Hwy. #
280. Henderson County does not have
zoning. Citizens in Hoopers Creek felt
they had to do something regarding zoning because the County wasn=t doing anything. He stated that the 280 area was too close
for them not to act, they have to act.
He stated that Fletcher is a player in Henderson County and they want to
be involved with Henderson County as to what goes into the northern end of the
county. Henderson County didn=t ask the Town of
Fletcher if they wanted water and sewer
to the Broadpoint Industrial Park, they just supplied it. Town Council must protect the residents of
the Town of Fletcher.
Commissioner Gordon
asked Councilman Clayton what he wanted to protect his residents from.
Councilman Clayton
answered that he didn=t want the City of
Asheville in Henderson County. He
stated that getting Continental Teves was of utmost importance to him for this
Commissioner Gordon
explained that the county cannot protect the area from annexation from the City
of Asheville, the county doesn=t have that authority.
She stated that Henderson County and the Town of Fletcher should be
working together.
Councilman Clayton asked
about the county=s land use for the Mills
River area, stating that Fletcher wants to have a say regarding the types of
industry etc. that are being attracted..
They don=t want dirty industry.
Commissioner Gordon
explained that the County wants to enhance the quality of life by bringing in
good industry.
Councilman Byrd
mentioned Smart Growth and stated a need for problem solving communication,
consistent communications as new things develop. He also discussed community
oriented planning and stated there are challenges to face together.
Councilman Clayton
stated that he is probably the most anti-annexation councilman. He stated that as far as he was concerned,
once they get Continental Teves they are not going farther out Hwy. # 280 or
out Hwy. # 25.
Commissioner Messer
stated AWe=ve got to work together,
we all live in Henderson County.@ He
stated that it costs $7,000 to $10,000 per household to put water and sewer in
a new residence. The County
Commissioners are trying to be aggressive and go to the people and get a
Planning/Zoning Plan.
Chairman Moyer stated
that for the last couple of years Henderson County has tried to involve
Fletcher when issues involved the Town of Fletcher.
Councilman Henderson
stated his appreciation for everybody coming out tonight, stating it was a good
starting point.
Councilman Clark stated
that there are groups working on economic development but it=s not coming down to the
Fletcher area. He stated that good jobs are good for Henderson County and good
for the Town of Fletcher. He stated
that Fletcher=s Annexation Plan was
out there and that these two groups should have come together 2 years ago. He further stated that Fletcher wants to
support industry and economic growth.
Commissioner Gordon
spoke regarding the Mills River area, stating that in many northern states
there are lots of little townships everywhere and that is not what we
want. Mills River could incorporate.
Mayor Moore reminded
everyone in attendance that Fletcher incorporated in 1989 and they have not
been proactive in annexation, not aggresive.
They have only annexed three areas that were not voluntary. He stated that Fletcher=s intent is to have a
say so on the #280 corridor, then work on a plan of where to go. Fletcher wants to be partners with Henderson
County and anyone else.
Chairman Moyer suggested
that the two Boards talk seperately. He
again stated that the LGCCA should have active discussion on annexation.
Commissioner Hawkins
made the motion to adjourn the county meeting at approximately 8:45 p.m. and
Councilman Byrd made the motion to adjourn the Town Council meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Elizabeth W. Corn, Clerk to the Board William L. Moyer, Chairman