The Henderson
County Board of Commissioners met for a regularly scheduled meeting at 5:30
p.m. in the Commissioners= Conference Room of the Henderson County
Office Building at 100 North King Street, Hendersonville, North Carolina.
Those present
were: Chairman Bill Moyer, Vice-Chair
Marilyn Gordon, Commissioner Grady Hawkins, Commissioner Charlie Messer,
Commissioner Don Ward, County Manager
David E. Nicholson, Acting County Attorney Jennifer O. Jackson, and Clerk to
the Board Elizabeth W. Corn.
Also present
were: Public Information Officer Chris S. Coulson, Planning Director Karen C.
Smith, Fire Marshal/Emergency Management Coordinator Rocky Hyder, Finance
Director J. Carey McLelland, County Engineer Gary Tweed, Assistant to the
Manager/Budget Analyst Selena Coffey, and Assessor Robert D. Baird. Amy
Brantley, Volunteer Coordinator, was present through the Nominations.
Chairman Moyer
called the meeting to order and welcomed those in attendance.
Ward led the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.
David Nicholson
gave the invocation.
Chairman Moyer
informed those in attendance that, according to the Board=s Rules of
Procedure, public input would be allotted no more than 20 minutes.
Hawkins added one item - AReport on Joint Facilities Meeting@. It was added as AF-2" under
Staff Reports. He also added AWaterline
Extensions@ as AF-3".
Gordon asked to add one item - AResource Inventory on Health Issues@ which was
added as AF-4".
Chairman Moyer
added as AF-5" - ACitizens Information
Workshop with respect to I-26".
Ward made the motion to approve the agenda as adjusted. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Hawkins asked to pull the following from the consent agenda for discussion:
September 20, 2000 minutes
Item AH@ - Request for Extension of Improvement
Guarantee for Meadow Woods, Phase I - The Housing Assistance Corporation,
Jackson asked to pull:
Item AI@ - Request to Change Form of Improvement
Guarantee for Cliffs Valley North, Phase III - Cliffs at Glassy, Inc.,
Chairman Moyer
made the motion to approve the Consent Agenda except for the above three
items. All voted in favor and the
motion carried. The Consent Agenda
consisted of the following:
Minutes for
The Board was
given copies of minutes of the following meetings for review and approval:
18, 1999, special called meeting
21, 2000, regular meeting
24, 2000, special called meeting
18, 2001, special called meeting
Lease of
Propety Adjacent to Broadpointe Center
Since April of
1997 the Board had, on an annual
basis, approved a lease to Carland
Farms, Inc. of approximately 28 acres of property located adjacent to
Broadpointe Center. A map of the area
was presented for the Board=s information. The most recent lease was
effective from January 1, 2000 through December 31, 2000 and allowed Carland
Farms, Inc. to continue to farm land it has farmed for years.
Wayne Carland
requested that the Board consider leasing the tillable land to Carland Farms,
Inc. from January 1, 2001 through December 31, 2001 for a rental amount of
$1,834.00. As the plans for the park
areas on this property have not been finalized to this point that development
of the park areas will begin during calendar year 2001. Staff recommended that
the Board lease the property to the Carlands as outlined in the proposed
lease. The lease agreement that was
proposed was substantially similar to the current lease executed by the County
and Carland Farms, Inc.
Pursuant to
NCGS 160A-272 (made applicable to counties by NCGS 153A-176) the County may
adopt a resolution authorizing the execution of a lease agreement, such as the
one proposed, without public notice. A
draft resolution was presented for the Board=s consideration.
Staff requested
the Board adopt the resolution.
County Financial Report
The December
2000 County Financial Report was presented for the Board=s consent
County Public Schools Financial Report - December 2000
The December
2000 Financial Report was presented for the Board=s consent approval.
Resolution for Depository Authorization
The County uses
a dual signature system whereby the Chairman of the Board and the Finance
Director sign all checks. First Union
National Bank, our current depository institution, requires that a resolution be approved by the Board of
Commissioners authorizing the persons listed to sign or endorse checks or other
forms of payment on behalf of the County.
Staff presented the resolution for the Board=s review and
2000 LEPC
Annual Report
A copy of the
Henderson County Local Emergency Planning Committee 2000 Annual Report was submitted for information purposes only.
Addressing Report
The Property
Addressing Report for the month of January 2001 was presented for the Board=s information
Request for
Extension of Improvement Guarantee and Reduction of Improvement Guarantee for High Vista
Falls, Phase III - K & M Development Resources, Inc., d/b/a Development
Associates, LLC
In April of
1999, the Board of Commissioners granted approval for K&M Development
Resources, Inc., d/b/a Development Associates, LLC (hereinafter referred to as Adeveloper@) to post an
Irrevocable Letter of Credit in the amount of $249,839.00 as an improvement
guarantee for High Vista Falls, Phase III.
The Performance Guarantee Agreement for the improvement guarantee,
executed on April 7, 1999, required that the water, sewer, road and drainage
improvements in High Vista Falls, Phase III, be completed by January 18,
2000. In May of 1999, the County
released a portion of the Letter of Credit, in the amount of $67,876.25,
because the developer had completed some of the improvements. The developer then submitted an amended
Letter of Credit in the amount of $182,124.75.
In January of
2000, the developer requested that the Board of Commissioners grant an
extension of the completion date for the improvements in High Vista Falls,
Phase III. The Board of Commissioners
approved the extension request. The
Performance Guarantee Agreement executed for the extension required that
developer complete the improvements by January 18, 2001 and that the developer
submit an amended Letter of Credit, in the amount of $182,124.75, which expired
no later than 60 days after the new completion date.
Mr. Robert J.
Duffy, Jr., agent for the developer, had submitted a request for another
extension of the completion date.
According to Mr. Duffy=s letter and a letter from William G.
Lapsley, P.E., the improvements in High Vista Falls, Phase III, are complete,
however the developer is awaiting final acceptance of the water distribution
system by the City of Hendersonville and a final engineering certification of
the water distribution system. The
Planning Director had confirmed that the improvements required under the
previous Performance Guarantee Agreements appear to have been completed. Because the improvements are complete, the
developer had also requested that the County release all but $50,000.00 of the
improvement guarantee. The $50,000.00
is intended to cover any expenses that may remain.
The letter from
Mr. Duffy proposes a new completion date of April 25, 2001. The Planning Director previously informed
Mr. Duffy that the Board of Commissioners could not extend the completion date
beyond April 25, 2001, because the former Land Development Ordinance (which
applies to the project) established a two-year maximum time frame for
completion of improvements. However,
the April 25, 2001 date is not correct.
Since then, the Planning Director has informed Mr. Duffy that April
7, 2001, is the last possible date for completion of the improvements
because the original Agreement for the improvement guarantee was executed on
April 7, 1999.
A draft
Performance Guarantee Agreement for High Vista Falls, Phase III, was presented
for the Board=s review. The Agreement reflects both the request for
a new completion date and the request for a reduction in the amount of the
improvement guarantee. If the requests
are approved, the developer must submit an amended Letter of Credit, in the
amount of $50,000.00, that expires no less than 60 days after the new
completion date. The Assistant County
Attorney must review the amended Letter of Credit and certify the Agreement as
to form prior to its execution by the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners
and the developer.
David Nicholson
explained that the extension, if granted until April 7, 2001, is the final one
that the Board of Commissioners may grant for the High Vista Falls, Phase III,
project. Since the improvements are
complete, except for a few remedial items, he
recommended that the Board approve one final extension of the completion
date for the improvement guarantee for High Vista Falls, Phase III, to April 7,
2001, subject to: (1) the developer submitting an amended Letter of Credit, in
the amount of $50,000.00, with an expiration date no less than 60 days after
the April 7, 2001 completion date and (2) the Assistant County Attorney
reviewing the amended Letter of Credit.
Discussion of
Items pulled from the Consent Agenda:
September 20,
2000 Minutes
Hawkins raised a question on page eight of the minutes which was answered to
his satisfaction by staff. Commissioner Hawkins then made the motion that the
September 20, 2000 minutes be approved as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Assistance Corporation, Applicant
On July 3,
2000, the Board of Commissioners granted approval for The Housing Assistance
Corporation (HAC) to post a surety performance bond in the amount of $25,000.00
to guarantee completion of road improvements for a portion of Forest Bend Drive
and all of Stella Lane in Phase I of Meadow Woods Subdivision. The Performance Guarantee Agreement for the
improvement guarantee required that HAC complete the improvements by December
31, 2000.
Mr. Steve Bond,
on behalf of The Housing Assistance Corporation (HAC), had submitted a letter requesting the completion date for the
improvements be extended from December 31, 2000, to September 30, 2001. According to Mr. Bond=s letter,
weather conditions between October and December of 2000 prevented HAC from
having the roads paved.
Section 170-39
of the Subdivision Ordinance allows the Board of Commissioners, upon proof of
difficulty, to grant an extension of an improvements completion date for up to
one additional year, provided that the time between initiation and completion
of the improvements does not exceed two years.
If the Commissioners grant the extension requested by HAC, the time
period between execution of the original Performance Guarantee Agreement and
the proposed completion date of September 30, 2001, will be within the two-year
A draft
Performance Guarantee Agreement, which reflects the new completion date
requested by HAC, was presented for the Board=s review. When the extension request is approved, HAC must submit a revised
surety performance bond that expires no less than 60 days after the new
completion date. The Assistant County
Attorney must review the revised bond and certify the Agreement as to form
prior to its execution by the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners and
representatives of HAC.
The County
Manager commented that the extension, if granted, would not cause Housing
Assistance Corporation to exceed the two-year maximum time period for
completion of the required improvements.
Therefore, he recommended that the Board approve the request to extend
the completion date for the improvement guarantee for Meadow Woods, Phase I, to
September 30, 2001, subject to the Developer submitting an amended surety
performance bond that expires no less than 60 days after the new completion
date and subject to the Assistant County Attorney reviewing the amended surety
performance bond.
Hawkins asked some questions of staff and of Steve Vaughn from Housing
Assistance Corporation.
discussion Chairman Moyer made the motion to approve this Improvement Guarantee
extension. All voted in favor and the
motion carried.
Request to
Change Form of Improvement Guarantee for Cliffs Valley North, Phase III -
Cliffs at Glassy, Inc., Applicant
In November of
1999, the Board of Commissioners approved a request by The Cliffs at Glassy,
Inc., to post an irrevocable letter of credit as a guarantee for road and
drainage improvements in Cliffs Valley North, Phase III. Cliffs Valley North is a subdivision located
on US 25 South, at the North Carolina/South Carolina state line.
Under the
original Performance Agreement for the improvement guarantee, the completion
date for the required improvements is November 1, 2001. On January 3, 2001, the County Manager
authorized a partial release of the letter of credit, in the amount of
$220,527.50, because the developer had completed a majority of the
improvements. With the partial release,
the amount remaining on the improvement guarantee is $3,500.00. In lieu of having the irrevocable letter of
credit amended to reflect the partial release, the developer had requested that
the County allow it to replace the remaining amount on the letter of credit
with a certified check. Section 170 of
the Subdivision Ordinance allows a developer to deposit a certified check with
the County as an improvement guarantee.
A draft
Performance Agreement was presented in
the event that the Board of Commissioners approve the change in the form of the
improvement guarantee. The draft
Agreement requires that the developer deposit a certified check, in the amount
of $3,500.00, with the County.
David Nicholson
explained that Board action to approve the request by the developer to change
the form of the improvement guarantee for Cliffs Valley North, Phase III, from
an irrevocable letter of credit to a certified check would be appropriate.
Jackson informed the Board that there were a couple of paragraphs that did not
get included in the agreement, that she felt should be included. They had to do with the treatment of the
cash deposit. She proposed two changes:
In paragraph #2 of the agreement - add to the end Aset amount to
guarantee completion of said
improvements by the required date@.
Add a paragraph 2-a in order not to have the paragraphs out of order,
that would read AHenderson County will deposit and hold the
monies in an interest bearing account with all interest accruing to the
developer upon the condition that all required improvements be completed by the
required date. In the event that the improvements are completed as required,
the monies and all accrued interest will be returned to the developer. In the event that the improvements are not
completed as required then the developer shall be in breech of this agreement
and the performance guarantee and the monies and all accrued interest shall be
forfeited by the developer and shall be used by Henderson County to complete
the required improvement.@
Chairman Moyer
moved approval of the Improvement Guarantee for Cliffs Valley North with the
changes recommended by Attorney Jackson.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Chairman Moyer
reminded the Board of the following vacancies and opened the floor to
1. Nursing/Adult
Care Home Community Advisory Committee - 6 vacancies
There were no
nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.
2. Mountain Area
Workforce Development Board - 1 vacancy
There were no
nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.
3. Land-of-Sky
Regional Council Advisory Council on Aging - 1 vacancy
There were no
nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.
4. Juvenile Crime
Prevention Council - 2 vacancies
Chairman Moyer
stated that Commissioner Messer had indicated an interest in serving on this
Board. Chairman Moyer nominated
Commissioner Messer to be the Board=s representative.
All voted in favor of Commissioner Messer representing the Board on JCPC. One vacancy remains.
5. Fire and Rescue
Advisory Committee - 1 vacancy
There were no
nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.
6. Equalization and
Review - 2 vacancies
Hawkins nominated Bill Ferrell for reappointment. Commissioner Hawkins made the motion to suspend the rules and
appoint Mr. Ferrell by acclamation. All
voted in favor and the motion carried.
7. Retired Senior
Volunteer Program Advisory Council - 1 vacancy
There were no
nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.
8. Hendersonville
Zoning Board of Adjustment - 1 vacancy (ETJ)
Chairman Moyer had
received a letter from Hendersonville Mayor Fred H. Niehoff, Jr. requesting
that the Commissioners appoint Mr. Spence Campbell for one of the County=s vacancies on this
Board. The City Zoning Board of
Adjustment needed this appointment so that the Board of Adjustment would have a
quorum for the next meeting on February 8, 2001. Mr. Nicholson informed the Board that no prior notice had been
given to them about this vacancy because the City had failed to advise us of
that vacancy. Phyllis Rogers resigned
to the City but did not contact the County.
According to the City=s records, this
vacancy has existed since last September.
Commissioner Ward
nominated Spence Campbell for position #2.
Commissioner Ward made the motion to suspend the rules and appoint Mr.
Campbell. All voted in favor and the
motion carried.
The City=s records show two
vacancies on the City Zoning Board of Adjustment. There has been a question of whether Mr. Hatley qualified to
serve due to his residency. Mr. Hatley
wrote the Commissioners a letter and it has been faxed to the City. Mr. Hatley=s residency has not
been confirmed as yet so we=re not sure that
there is a second vacancy.
TO NCGS 105-369(a)
Tax Collector Terry
Lyda read his annual report required by N.C.G.S. 105-369(a) concerning the
current year=s collections and documentation regarding the
percentage of property tax collection (a copy of which is attached and made a part
of these minutes).
A request was made
to the Commissioners to allow the Tax Collector to continue using the present
schedule regarding tax lien advertisement.
A brief
presentation regarding legislative changes made to the annual tax lien
advertisement was made by Deputy Tax Collector, Darlene Burgess.
Chairman Moyer made
the motion to adopt the recommendation from the Tax Collector and approve
unpaid tax liens being advertised once, on May 22, 2001. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
The report from the
Deputy Tax Collector, Darlene Burgess, was also presented. The report gave the status of delinquent tax
collections for years 1991 through 1999 and gave a summary of the steps
that had been taken to collect unpaid property taxes.
County Assessor
Robert D. Baird gave a presentation on the GIS study submitted by C. M. Wester
and Associates, Inc. for expanding GIS capabilities for the County and its
municipalities. The analysis and
recommendations of the study were based on the required tasks and activities
involved in the preparation of that report.
C Identified the specific needs and solutions
for each user department with respect to a GIS/Land Records Management System
in Henderson County.
C Identified desirable performance criteria of a
GIS/Land Records Management System, including both hardware and software
C Identified a nationally recognized software
package that addresses the needs and performance criteria identified and
acceptable to all users.
C Gave time frames necessary to implement the
hardware/software identified, including identification of a vendor, negotiation
of a contract, purchase, installation and training of the user groups.
C Gave time frames necessary to implement the
solutions identified to meet the needs of each user department.
Mr. Baird explained
that GIS stands for geographical information system and it=s all automated. A
geographic information system is the relationship between items on the face of
the earth. Those items are man-made
objects such as roads and buildings, natural features such as rivers, ridge
lines, tree boundaries, open land, cultivated land, etc. Tabular data is
associated with it.
Mr. Baird reviewed
the time line and costs and answered questions. He distributed the ACountywide GIS
Study Summary Report for Henderson County@ prepared by C.M.
Wester & Associates, Inc.
David Nicholson
stated that this is a major conversion project and will require a lot of
training for a lot of staff. Eventually
this can all be done wireless. He explained that several county departments
will utilize GIS data: Inspections, Planning, Environmental Health, County
Engineer, Utility Department, Fire Marshal and Information Technology. The following departments will use ArcView
or MapView in a query mode: Board of Elections, Board of Education, Parks and
Recreation, Soil and Water, Division of Cooperative Extension, Tax Collector,
Sheriff, and County Attorney. At least one additional staff person will be
required in the Information Technology Dept.
The learning curve on GIS and Central Permitting will require significant
support. Additionally, these softwares
and the network they operate on will require routine maintenance.
Mr. Nicholson felt
that $250,000 to $300,000 will be needed in next year=s budget for the
GIS project.
This was a status
report, no action was required. Robert Baird will be back at the mid-month
meeting with more information after the Board has had a chance to review the
hand-out from this meeting.
1. Charles R. Mason - Mr. Mason
distributed his 2.5 page (typed) statement (as well as attachments) which he
read. He spoke in opposition to the
proposed Pace/Tarhill Paving Asphalt Plant location. He requested the Board reconsider their decision to not support a
moratorium. He also urged the
Commissioners to help the city expedite the ETJ extension project.
2. Janet Stewart - Ms. Stewart
informed the Board that members of CAAP (Citizens Against the Asphalt Plant)
were invited by Senator Dan Robinson to attend the State=s Senate Select
Committee on Air Quality and some of them spoke there. They learned several new facts at that
1. Western NC air quality is second only to Los
Angeles as far as being the worst in the nation.
2. A Harvard School Public Health Study showed
that the City of Asheville ranked sixth out of 272 metropolitan area
communities for chances of dying of air pollution.
3. The New England Journal of Medicine in their
December 12 issue documented in a study that people had premature deaths from
the particulate matter at levels far below the EPA standards which are the
State standards also.
She stated that two
other counties in NC are fighting asphalt plants, Cherokee and McDowell, both
in western North Carolina. Cherokee
County has enacted a moratorium for one year on asphalt plants to study the
impact on their county. In McDowell
County they voted to have the public hearing towards a moratorium.
She stated that it
is predicted that the property values within one mile of the asphalt plant will
drop 15%-50%, depending on how close you are to the plant.
Ms. Stewart stated
that the property appraisals within a one mile radius of the proposed asphalt
plant equal $247,000,000.00.
3. Eva Richey - Ms. Richey
stated that we are at the saturation point in Western N.C. where we have code
orange alerts every 4 days, we have filthy air in the summertime that you can
actually see.
All three speakers
asked the Board to enact a moratorium.
Proposed Amendments to S200-27, S200-33, S200-36, and S200-70 of the Henderson
County Zoning Ordinance (Amendment #TX-01-01)
Hawkins made the motion for the Board to go into Public Hearing. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Karen Smith
reminded the Board that they had scheduled for this date a public hearing on
three proposed amendments to the Henderson County Zoning Ordinance. The
Henderson County Planning Board decided to initiate the amendments on January
3, 2001, based on a preapplication conference with Rex Todd, of Regency
Development Associates, Inc., for a project at the old East Flat Rock
Elementary School.
The first
amendment, to Section 200-33 of the Zoning Ordinance, would change the minimum
acreage required to apply for a Special Use Permit for a Planned Unit
Development from 5 contiguous acres to 1.5 contiguous acres. The second amendment, to Section 200-27,
would add R-A Residential Apartment Developments as a Special Use in the C-2P
(Preservation Neighborhood Commercial) district and would add references to the
C-2P district to Section 200-36, R-A Residential Apartment Development.
The third amendment
is one that the Planning Board had recommended previously as part of the Open
Use Zoning proposal and as part of the draft of the Zoning Ordinance
Rewrite. The amendment, to Section
200-70, Powers and Duties of the Board of Commissioners, would give the Board
of Commissioners the authority to grant a variance related to a Special Use
Permit application while considering the Special Use Permit application. The Planning Board sent favorable
recommendations on the proposed amendment to Section 200-70 on January 5, 2000
and October 30, 2000.
On January 3, 2001,
the Planning Board voted unanimously to send the Board of Commissioners a
favorable recommendation on the amendments regarding Sections 200-33, 200-27,
and 200-36 and to ask the Board of Commissioners to consider the amendment
previously recommended by the Planning Board regarding variances in Section
200-70. The proposed amendments, and
the reasons for them, were described in more detail in the material distributed
to the Board.
Mrs. Smith stated
that the hearing was advertised in accordance with Section 200-76 of the Henderson
County Zoning Ordinance and State law, notices of the public hearing were
published in the January 24, 2001 and January 31, 2001 editions of the Times-News.
Public Input
There was none.
Commissioner Ward
made the motion for the Board to go out of Public Hearing. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Commissioner Ward
made the motion to approve the proposed amendments as presented. Following some discussion a vote was taken
and the motion passed unanimously.
At approx. 7:28
p.m., Chairman Moyer called a short recess and made the motion that the Board
go into Closed Session as allowed pursuant to NCGS 143-318.11 for the following
1.(a)(1) To prevent disclosure of information that is
privileged or confidential pursuant to the law of this State or of the United
States, or not considered a public record within the meaning of Chapter 132 of
the General Statutes, in accordance with and pursuant to NCGS 143-318.10(e) and
Article II of Chapter 11 of the Henderson County Code.
2.(a)(5) To establish, or to instruct the public body=s staff or
negotiating agents concerning the position to be taken by or on behalf of the
public body in negotiating (i) the price and other material terms of a contract
or proposed contract for the acquisition of real property by purchase, option,
exchange or lease; or (ii) the amount of compensation and other material terms
of an employment contract or proposed employment contract.
All voted in favor
and the motion carried.
Chairman Moyer
informed those in attendance that the Board would be back in session in approximately a half hour.
Chairman Moyer made
the motion for the Board to go out of Closed Session. All voted in favor and the motion carried. At 8:00 p.m., Chairman Moyer called the
meeting back to order.
County Assessor
Robert D. Baird informed the Board that four vendors had been considered for
the Digital Ortho Photography for Henderson County. His recommendation for the service provider was Analytical
Surveys, Incorporated (ASI). Mr. Baird
requested the Board to engage in a contract with ASI for this service.
A notebook was
distributed to the Board of all the information regarding staff=s recommendation.
Mr. Baird reviewed the criteria he used to narrow down the selection.
Chairman Moyer
asked Attorney Jackson if the process Mr. Baird had followed was in accordance
with the law.
Mrs. Jackson raised
one concern, stating that Mr. Baird went through a request for qualifications
process but he did not advertise for such.
He decided that he wished to exempt the project from those requirements. She was not sure who has
the authority to do so, it is normally something that the Board of
Commissioners would have done in advance of the project getting started. She
stated that she believed the Board of Commissioners, if they wish to consider
exempting the project, could do so in a retroactive fashion by adopting a
resolution to do so. She can present the Board with a resolution at the next
Board meeting to that effect.
Some budgetary
questions were asked and David Nicholson reminded the Board that two budget
years ago the original budget was $150,000.
The Board put $50,000 in the budget for this project the first year,
then $80,000 for the second year. (Last year staff had to inform the Board that
$150,000 would not be enough to do the project and put $80,000 in the budget
for the project last budget year, the second year). He anticipated needing to
put $120,000 in the budget this year to complete the project.
There was some
discussion regarding the short window for getting the photos done (by flight)
as being mid-February to mid-March. We
have to get the panels on the ground, scheduled to begin February 8 through
February 13. That is a contracted
service. Likely the area will be flown and the photography captured between
February 13 and February 21. That is a
contracted service also.
All the new
information will be totally compatible with the G.I.S. System.
discussion, it was decided that the Board had budgeted $210,000 and would like
the company to do it for $210,000. The
Board would like to see this negotiated for the budgeted price.
Following much
discussion, Chairman Moyer made the motion to approve the selection of ASI as
the county service provider for digital ortho photography and waive the
requirement to provide public notice or if our County Attorney concludes that
Mr. Baird=s waive is satisfactory that it be approved
by the Board. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
It was the
consensus of the Board to approve phase I, step I prior to the signing of the
contract. Chairman Moyer made the
motion to proceed with phase I and authorize Attorney Jackson to negotiate the
contract and bring it back, hopefully at a cost of $210,000. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Commissioner Messer
gave an update to the Board of the NCACC=s recent
Legislative Goals. He and Chairman Moyer had attended the Legislative Goals
Conference in Raleigh. A summary of the
goals approved on January 12, 2001 was presented which included:
Taxation and Finance
Seek legislation to provide for an additional
local option sales tax, subject to a local referendum, with county proceeds to
be used for school construction or retirement of school construction debt.
Public Education
Support legislation to authorize a thorough
study of the Low Wealth Counties Supplemental Public School Fund and the level
of state funding necessary to define and support an adequate basic education in
all local school systems.
Human Resources
Seek legislation to phase out county
cost-sharing in the Medicaid program with the first year phase out based on
Tier I counties cost-sharing 1%, Tier 2 counties cost-sharing 2%, Tier 3
counties cost-sharing 3%, Tier 4 counties cost-sharing 4%, and Tier 5 counties
cost-sharing 5%, without detriment to other local programs or services.
Criminal Justice
Planning, Development and Land Use
General Government.
Commissioner Messer
stated that well over half the time was spent on the first goal he reviewed,
taxation and finance.
Henderson County
tried to get one goal adopted, setting a time limit for landfill
applications. They were given about 30
seconds to present their case. It was
passed on to the full Board for consideration.
By way of letter
dated December 13, 2000, TREND had brought to the County=s attention some
apparent irregularities with respect to the membership on the TREND Board. In summary, the 1975 Resolution creating the
TREND area Mental Health Board (codified in Chapter 500 of the Henderson County
Code) limits the membership to 10 Henderson County residents and 5 Transylvania
County residents. The actual membership
on the TREND Board, however, has exceeded that limitation and documentation
authorizing an increase in the membership has not been located.
The letter requested
that Henderson County and Transylvania County adopt resolutions which revise
the membership provision for the TREND Board.
The membership changes as requested can only be accomplished with
concurrent resolutions adopted by each Board of Commissioners.
In order to correct
the irregularities and be in compliance with NCGS 122C-118, the County proposed
a draft resolution which would ratify the current membership on the TREND Board
(12 Henderson County members, 6 Transylvania County members) and add an
additional 3 members (2 Henderson County members, 1 Transylvania County member)
to the Board. This maintains the
original 2 to 1 ratio of Board membership.
Such a resolution was adopted by the Transylvania County Board of
Commissioners on January 22, 2001 and was presented at this time to this Board
for consideration.
Should the Board
adopt the proposed resolution, vacancies would be created which, as prescribed
by law, would be filled by the Board of Commissioner representative on the
TREND Board.
The County Manager
recommended that the Board take action to adopt the proposed resolution in
order to prevent the membership irregularities from continuing.
discussion, Commissioner Ward made the motion to adopt the proposed Resolution
as presented. All voted in favor and
the motion carried.
LGCCA Update
Chairman Moyer
distributed a hand-out (which I did not get a copy of) and reviewed it. Recently Chairman Moyer and the Mayors got
together to discuss the future of LGCCA, whether or not to continue with
them. The decision was unanimous to
continue with the meetings and basically follow the same ground rules that had
in the past, i.e. that they would pick up where they left off with the
agendas. One major thing they will
begin with as an agenda item is ASmart Growth@ report which will
be covered at the meeting on February 20, 2001, 3:00 - 5:00. Chairman Moyer was not sure of the location
but felt it would be at Blue Ridge Community College again, where they met before. Then they will touch on Water & Sewer
and how that ties into Smart Growth. He has asked Commissioner Gordon to attend
with him. They will try to meet
monthly. He will try to get the
information out to the Board prior to each meeting. He will bring back the recommendations of the Smart Growth
Commission so that this Board can decide how to move forward.
Hawkins referred to a letter dated January 22, which was a response to the City
Manager dealing with waterline extensions.
In the letter he indicated that he will provide response to all
waterline extensions in the future. For
many years the City of Hendersonville has extended waterlines wherever they
wished. There is growth that follows
waterlines and hopefully at some point, sewer lines follow it.
Hawkins asked for some kind of review policy which would have a formal response
back to the City of Hendersonville when they make the waterline extension
requests. It might just be in the Board=s consent agenda
but he felt that the Board should be reviewing them. He had one concern which was at what interval fire hydrants are
placed. This has a dramatic impact on
our volunteer fire departments.
Henderson County
has been receiving the requests, David and the Chairman have been reviewing
them as well as certain staff members and David has developed a procedure.
First of all, staff
review is done by Karen Smith, Rocky Hyder and David Nicholson. If it is more
than 50 units and more than a half mile in length, it goes to the Board of
Commissioners for their comments. If it
is under that, then no response has been made.
At the bottom of the form it had stated that if you have no negative
comments then no response is necessary.
One of the last
requests was Clear Creek Elementary School, running water to the new Clear
Creek School site. It had already been
through our approval process and we were pretty aware of that one so Mr.
Nicholson did not respond. The City
Council asked for a formal response from the County on every single request,
which was a change in their procedures.
Many times the turn around is very short.
Mr. Nicholson and
staff will develop a procedure, check list or something so that the Board of
Commissioners gets to see all these requests.
He will bring that back to the Board.
Report on Joint
Facilities Meeting
Hawkins updated the Board on the most recent Joint Facilities Meeting. He will
get the minutes to the Commissioners within a couple of weeks.
He stated that we
were successful in negotiating our COPS loan at $16,000,000.00. Henderson County now has an increased bond
rating of AA which is a good thing. The
bottom line means that you are able to borrow money and it costs you less
money, resulting in a savings to the tax payers. We also received a good rate
at 4.99% over the life of the 20 year loan. This was a considerable savings
from the monies that were programmed to be available for the next project which
is middle schools. Due to the low
interest rate, we saved approx. $800,000.00 over the life of the loan. The other good news financially was that the
Board of Education felt very confident that they would receive an additional
$3,000,000 via qualified zone bonding which would result in a savings of $900,000
over ten years. Those savings will help
us to build future schools.
Hawkins discussed briefly the School=s long term plans,
stating that the amount of money that the Commissioners originally budgeted for
middle school projects is probably going to be short by a considerable amount.
Facilities were
discussed and Commissioner Hawkins suggested at least one more joint facilities
meeting to discuss some very specific issues: utilization of the current
capacities that we have in the classroom, take a close look at class size both
in students and physical dimensions and see how it impacts our cost, take a
look at what is a realistic goal in terms of mobile classrooms across the
system, and ask the Board of Education to finalize their master facilities
Chairman Moyer
stated that it was important to note the very significant progress this Board
has made in the past several years of starting to tackle the school facilities
problem. There is still a long way to
go, we still have to move into the middle schools and we=re getting more
growth than was contemplated a couple of years ago but we are making
substantial progress. He stated that he
felt the county and the students would bear the benefits of that for a long
time to come.
Resource Inventory
on Health Issues
Commissioner Gordon
stated that she just started meeting with the Partnership for Health. She participated in a conference phone call
last week with the subcommittee for the Partnership for Health that is working
on the resource inventory that the County Commissioners had requested on health
services available in our community.
They are making good progress with that, they have a questionnaire out
to health care providers and will be pulling that data and expect to have a
report to the Board of Commissioners, hopefully by mid March or at least by the
end of March, prior to the budget cycle so the Board can review it. They anticipate that they will have a good
inventory of the resources that are available and be able to identify gaps or
possible duplications and perhaps have some suggestions for strengthening
weaknesses that they see.
Information Workshop with respect to I-26
Chairman Moyer
informed the Board that the NC Department of Transportation has scheduled a
Citizens Informational Workshop on February 20 from 4:00 - 7:00 at the
Hendersonville High School Cafeteria to discuss the proposed widening of
I-26. This workshop has been scheduled
so the public can learn more about the proposed highway project and interact with
department representatives. The
widening is scheduled from the 225 Connector over to 25, up I-26 to just past
exit #6, the Skyland exit because of the bridge problems at the Blue Ridge
Parkway and the bridge problem down at the Green River. This project appears to be on a fast
tract. This meeting will give the
citizens a chance to hear and to receive input.
David Nicholson
reminded the Board that if anyone is planning to attend the Land-of-Sky
Legislative Breakfast on February 16, to let Mrs. Corn know so that she can
make reservations.
Mr. Nicholson
reminded the Board that at the last Board meeting there was some discussion
about a joint meeting with the Buncombe County Board of Commissioners. He has spoken to the Buncombe County Manager
and together they have come up with a tentative list of discussion items for
that meeting:
1. Land for an Industrial Park, joint venture.
2. Solid
3. Regional Water
4. Local Option Sales Tax\Infrastructure needs
Mr. Nicholson will
place this memo on the next agenda for the Board=s consideration and
selection of a proposed date for this joint meeting. He suggested some time in
Set Quasi-Judicial
Public Hearing on a Special Use Permit Application (and Possible Variance) for Regency
Development Associates, Inc., - East Flat Rock School Apartments
Mr. Rex Todd,
Vice-President of Historic Properties for Regency Development Associates, Inc.,
had submitted two applications for Special Use Permits to allow the conversion
and rehabilitation of the existing buildings at the East Flat Rock School site
for use as senior citizen apartments.
Karen Smith stated that based on the action the Board took earlier
regarding the text amendments, Mr. Todd has decided to go forward with
application #SP-01-02, requesting a Special Use Permit for the establishment of
an Residential Apartment (R-A) Development under Section 200-36 of the Zoning
Ordinance, as well as a variance from Section 200-40 regarding off street
Hawkins made the motion to set this public hearing for Monday, March 12, 2001,
for 7:00 p.m. All voted in favor and
the motion carried.
Assignment of
Street Names
Mr. Nicholson
requested the Board set a public hearing on some road names. Rocky Hyder informed the Board that they
currently have 231 roads that they wish the Board to formally name. Staff requested a public comment session be
set for 6:30 p.m. with a subsequent public hearing at 7:00 p.m. on March 12,
Following some
discussion, it was decided that this should be a special called meeting and the
Board will set a date for this at the next meeting, possibly March 13 or 15.
Chairman Moyer had
received a letter from the Chairman (Corum Smith) of the Parks & Recreation
Advisory Board introducing their 5-year Master Plan. He also included their recommended policy on what to do with left
over funds within their capital projects.
Mr. Smith as well
as Mr. Rick Harris, Director of Parks & Recreation, presented the proposed plan to the Board and
answered questions.
Staff recommended
that the Board accept the policies. The
listing of capital projects and associated costs will be used in the
development of the Countywide Capital Improvement Program that will be presented
to the Board with the proposed Fiscal Year 2001-02 Budget.
discussion, Chairman Moyer made the motion that the Board adopt the policies
and priorities set forth in the report from the Parks & Recreation Advisory
Board as a guide for the Board of Commissioners and thank the Parks &
Recreation Advisory Board for their work in developing these policies and
priorities. All voted in favor and the
motion carried.
The Board reviewed
the one and three year goals as developed by the Board at their January 18,
2001 Retreat. The Board had requested
that staff develop a plan to seek public input on these goals and the action
steps that will be necessary to carry out the goals.
Public Input Plan
for Board of Commissioners Goals
The following
recommendations were made in order to assure the most broad-based public input
on the goals set by the Board of Commissioners. Staff recommended a deadline of March 1, 2001 for receiving
input. This would allow the
Commissioners to consider public input during budget deliberations.
The goal of the
Public Input Plan was to make the Board of Commissioners= Goals accessible
to the public and gain input/feedback on the goals themselves and the
implementation of those goals. Feedback would be requested through e-mail, by
phone comment line, and in writing.
Public Input
Posting of Goals -
Library branches,
in Board of Commissioners office, on bulletin board outside Administration
Web site -
list goals
Print advertising -
special edition of
Henderson Highlights
Mail -
send goals to
Chairs of Henderson County Boards and Committees
send goals to civic
groups to share with members
Presentations -
presentations to
business groups - for example: Chamber Business Morning Update
HCTV-11 -
video: short
program highlighting goals
generator: page on goals and input requests
In addition, press
releases could be sent to the local media (newspapers, radio, and TV) with the
goals and input request. As we have no
control over what they choose to run/air, we would consider any coverage to be
a bonus.
Following much
discussion, the Board of Commissioners elected to get informal input back on
the goals utilizing: web site, Henderson Highlights, and the character generator
but not to go through a formal process.
It was stressed
that the Board=s list of goals was meant to be a working
document and have some flexibility. The
Board can revise it if they find that there is something that has not been
included that they wish to include.
Commissioner Ward
made the motion for the Board to adjourn as Henderson County Board of
Commissioners and convene as Cane Creek Water & Sewer District Board of
Commissioners. All voted in favor and the
motion carried.
Commissioner Ward
made the motion for the Board to adjourn as the Cane Creek Water & Sewer
District Board of Commissioners and reconvene as the Henderson County Board of
Commissioners. All voted in favor and
the motion carried.
It was the
recommendation of the County Attorney for the Board to take the same action,
sitting as the Henderson County Board of Commissioners.
Chairman Moyer made
the motion to adopt the minimum monthly rates and administrative fees as recommended
by staff for the Cane Creek System. All
voted in favor and the motion carried.
There being no
further business, Commissioner Gordon made the motion to adjourn the meeting at
approx. 10:00 p.m. All voted in favor
and the motion carried.
Elizabeth W. Corn,
Clerk to the Board William L. Moyer, Chairman