The Henderson
County Board of Commissioners met for a regularly scheduled meeting at 9:00
a.m. in the Commissioners' Conference Room of the Henderson County Office
Those present
were: Chairman Grady Hawkins,
Vice-Chair Bill Moyer, Commissioner Renee Kumor, Commissioner Don Ward,
Commissioner Marilyn Gordon, County Manager David E. Nicholson, County Attorney
Angela S. Beeker and Clerk to the Board Elizabeth W. Corn.
Also present
were: Planning Director Karen C. Smith, Assistant County Attorney Jennifer O.
Jackson, Public Information Officer Chris S. Coulson, Finance Director J. Carey
McLelland, and County Engineer Gary Tweed. Office Assistant/Volunteer
Coordinator Amy Brantley was present through Nominations.
Hawkins called the meeting to order and welcomed all in attendance.
Kumor led the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.
Rev. Gus
Martschink, of the Chaplaincy Program at Pardee Hospital, gave the invocation.
Hawkins requested that Discussion Item AC@ be pulled from the agenda - AWater Policies
and Rate Schedule@.
It was the
consensus of the Board to approve the above adjustments.
Hawkins asked the County Manager to address item AE@ - AHoliday Schedule - Revision to the
Personnel Resolution.@
Mr. Nicholson
requested the Board to amend the Personnel Resolution to allow us to set our
holidays when they fall on a week-end on either a Friday or a Monday. Currently the Resolution states that when
the holiday falls on a week-end we will celebrate on Monday. This sometimes causes a problem as it did
July 4 and again this past week-end for Veteran=s Day.
Some of our State staff in the Courthouse were off on Friday and worked
Monday. Henderson County Staff worked
Friday and were off on Monday. He had distributed
the preferred wording change to correct this.
Our intent is to follow the State Schedule, whenever possible.
Hawkins asked Commissioner Kumor to read the Recognition Resolution in the
agenda packet.
The Resolution
is attached as a part of these minutes.
It is a Resolution commending the Henderson County Local Emergency
Planning Committee on being the outstanding local emergency planning committee
in the State of North Carolina for 2000 and expressed its appreciation for the
efforts of the Committee to serve our community.
Recognition -
Commissioner Renee Kumor
Hawkins reminded all those present that today was Commissioner Kumor=s last regular
meeting for the Board of Commissioners. She has given eight years of service to
the County as a Commissioner and is to be commended for that and all her
associated work for the community. He presented her with a plaque in
appreciation for her outstanding service from December 7, 1992 to December 4,
2000. Applause followed.
David Nicholson
presented Commissioner Kumor a gift from her staff. It was a crystal candy dish and some of her Afavorite candy@.
Hawkins made the motion to approve the Consent Agenda with the suggested
corrections to the minutes by Vice-Chair Moyer. All voted in favor and the motion carried. The Consent Agenda included the following:
Minutes were
presented for the Board=s review and approval of the October 18,
2000, regular meeting. The Board had not received an early draft of
these minutes; therefore, Commissioner Moyer had several small corrections to
suggest. The Board was in agreement.
Tax Refunds
A list of
twenty-two tax refund requests was presented for Board approval.
Tax Releases
A list of
fifty-three tax release requests was presented for Board approval
Road Petitions
Staff had
received a petition for addition to the State Maintenance System for Augusta
Court in Etowah=s Reach.
It has been the
practice of this Board to accept these road petitions and forward them on to NC
DOT for their consideration.
On August 16,
2000, the Board approved an amendment to the Personnel Resolution which
modified the County=s holiday schedule to be effective January 1,
2001. It has been discovered that the
amendment was not quite complete. The
Board was asked to consider making the following minor modification:
AWhen a holiday
falls on a Saturday or Sunday, either the
before or the Monday after shall be observed as the holiday. The
schedule of actual dates will be issued on a calender basis.@
The underlined
portions represent the text that is proposed to be added. The Board was presented the entire Section
6.0 of the Personnel Resolution, with the amendment shown. This amendment will
allow the County=s holiday
schedule to match the holiday schedule of the State of North Carolina.
Tax Collector=s Report
Terry F. Lyda,
Tax Collector, had provided the Tax Collectors report for the Board=s information,
dated through November 14, 2000.
Burgess, Deputy Tax Collector, had also provided the Deputy Tax Collector=s Report to the
Board dated through November 13, 2000.
Center Project Report
The monthly
Capital Improvements Project Report for the new Detention Center was presented
for information only.
& Awards
County=s Local
Emergency Planning Committee has been named the A2000 North Carolina Outstanding Local
Emergency Committee@.
Notification of
The Board was
notified of the following vacancies which will appear under ANominations@ on the next
Nursing/Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee - 1 vac.
Hawkins reminded the Board of the following vacancies and opened the floor to
Nursing/Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee - 2 vac.
There were no
nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.
2. Mountain
Area Workforce Development Board - 2 vac.
There were no
nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.
3. Child
Fatality Prevention Team - 1 vac.
There were no
nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.
4. Land-of-Sky
Regional Council Advisory Council on Aging - 1 vac.
There were no
nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.
5. Downtown
Hendersonville, Inc. - 1 vac.
There were no
nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting. The
Chairman suggested that staff send a letter to Downtown Hendersonville, Inc. to
ask for suggested nominees.
6. Juvenile
Crime Prevention Council - 1 vac.
There were no
nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.
7. Fire and
Rescue Advisory Committee - 7 vac.
Rocky Hyder,
Fire Marshal, informed the Board that the Fire & Rescue Association met
last night and their nominees were Bill Hill, Rick Livingston, and Jerry
Pace. The Board had been awaiting the
Association=s nominees so
there would not be duplication.
Chairman Hawkins placed those three names in nomination.
Hawkins nominated Chip Gould.
Commissioner Ward nominated Gary Brown from East Flat Rock and Lee Roy
Nicholson from Dana. Commissioner Moyer
nominated Gary Jones.
Kumor read from the by-laws AThree members at large shall be appointed
from the unincorporated county/community.
The appointee shall not be affiliated with Henderson County Government
nor have been affiliated members of such organization for the past three
years. In order to be eligible the
applicant must be subject to the fire district tax and a full time resident of
Henderson County for the last five years.@
She questioned whether the above nominees meet the criteria in the
by-laws. Article III, Section II - Membership and Composition.
Hawkins asked staff to investigate the nominees/criteria prior to the next
Hendersonville Zoning Board of Adjustment - 1 vac.
Hawkins nominated Terry Hatley.
Chairman Hawkins made the motion to suspend the rules and appoint Mr.
Hatley. All voted in favor and the
motion carried.
9. Henderson
County Zoning Board of Adjustment - 1 vac.
Hawkins nominated Robert Fleming for this alternate position from the Kanuga
district. Chairman Hawkins made the motion to suspend the rules and appoint Mr.
Fleming. All voted in favor and the
motion carried.
10. Apple
Country Greenway Commission - 1 vac.
Moyer nominated Erica Thompson.
Chairman Hawkins nominated Dan Gilbert.
A vote will be taken at the next meeting.
A copy of the
report was distributed to the Board of Commissioners.
Carey McLelland
briefly reviewed the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) with the
Board, stating that it was a good report.
A copy of the audit report will be placed in the Library for public
review. Mr. McLelland commended his
staff for the job they do.
Mr. Bill Smith
of Crisp Hughes Evans LLP, the Engagement Manager on the job, presented an
executive level report to the Board.
Mr. Smith explained that Henderson County received an unqualified
opinion which is a clean opinion. There
were no instances of noncompliance and no material weaknesses in controls. He commended the Board for the increase in
fund balance over the last couple of years. Mr. Smith commended Carey McLelland and his staff for the
outstanding job that they do.
Mr. Brian
Broom, Senior Manager with Crisp Hughes Evans LLP, was also in attendance and
available to answer questions.
During the FY
2000-2001 Budget process, the Board approved funding for additional staff and
equipment for the Emergency Medical Services.
The Board requested that staff prepare a presentation on satellite
stations and staffing.
Terry Layne,
Assistant Director of EMS, reminded the Board that Henderson County EMS was
established in 1975 and became a Paramedic Service in 1980. They were the 9th county in North
Carolina to have paramedics. He
informed the Board of the EMS Mission Statement AOur Mission is to provide excellence in
emergency medical care for the ill and injured within our county, by providing
professional and timely response to emergency situations through commitment to
education, training and >state-of-the-art= equipment.@
County EMS responds to approximately 7,000 calls annually, employing 35
personnel and a medical director with one main station and one satellite
station with four crews and four shifts to man them. He explained their medical
capabilities. Their proposal was to
build a southeast station and add a
full time crew for that station.
The main reason for this proposal was to help with response times. They are in need of an ambulance, advanced
life support equipment and paramedical personnel. Their interim plan is to include funds in fiscal year 2000-2001
for these needs. Their immediate need
is to staff during peak times. They
plan to work with Pardee Hospital to establish the southeast station somewhere
near Upward Road/I-26. They will need to add additional personnel to fully
staff the new station when it is completed.
EMS=s request was
for four additional personnel for peak hours.
They will occupy a fifth unit during peak hours. The request was also
for a southeast satellite station where 27% of the calls originate. They currently have a 10-12 minute response
time in the southeast part of the county. Much discussion followed.
Hawkins stated that as best he could recall, funding had already been set aside
in this budget for four positions. Commissioner Ward made the motion to authorize
the filling of the additional four positions as recommended by EMS. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
This is an
effort to keep the lines of communication open. It gives the Chairman an opportunity to bring the Board up to
date on issues that occur between meetings.
It is also the time to ask for direction so that we can develop our
public position on current and upcoming topics.
Intercity Transportation Resolution
Moyer distributed the modified resolution for the Board=s review. Commissioner Moyer stated that the
resolution from Land-of-Sky was sent to the Transportation Advisory Committee
for discussion. The modification to the
resolution is in the ANow Therefore@ paragraph where the focus was on
intercity public transportation routes and it has been expanded to cover public
transportation routes. Commissioner
Moyer stated that was also discussion about Land-of-Sky Regional Council
coordinating this activity so some additional language to the point that
assistance is needed and requested for Land-of-Sky Regional Council for
continued regional coordination of these transportation services was included
as a specific item.
Following much
discussion, Commissioner Kumor made the motion to adopt the modified resolution
as presented today. She modified her motion to reflect a change suggested by
Commissioner Ward - Ato provide financial assistance to study and
initiate@. A vote was taken and the motion carried
three to two with Commissioners Hawkins and Gordon voting nay.
There were none
signed up to speak.
Mr. Sherman
stood and asked to have some time to comment a little later on the agenda. His attorney had not arrived, who planned to
speak for him.
Chairman Hawkins
stated that he could have some time later in the meeting.
Hawkins called a 10 minute recess.
Kumor made the motion for the Board to go into public hearing. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Sheriff Erwin
explained that the purpose of this public hearing was to receive public
comments on a proposed grant for the Henderson County Sheriff=s Department in
the amount of $15,803. The local match
of $1,756 will be taken from funds already budgeted to the Sheriff. He thanked the Board for their consideration
of this request. Sheriff Erwin
explained that during the past year the Sheriff=s Department has brought in nearly
$195,000 in federal grant monies.
Public Input
There was none.
Kumor made the motion for the Board to go out of public hearing. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Hawkins made the motion to approve the application for the grant as
presented. All voted in favor and the
motion carried.
EMS Revenue
Carey McLelland
explained that the NC Association of County Commissioners has been working on a
multi-year project for EMS revenue enhancement for both Medicaid and
Medicare. They are looking at
increasing the Medicaid receipts to county EMS=s by completing an annual cost finding
report. Henderson County has that
report completed. It should be ready
for the County Manager to sign and will be sent this week. The report is due by the end of
November. It is estimated that at least
$5,000,000 would be distributed to counties annually from this effort. We don=t know how much Henderson County would
Mr. McLelland
explained that on the Medicare side there is a Federal Rate Setting Committee
that has recommended new national EMS reimbursement rates to be phased in over
four years which would start in January of 2001. These rates would dramatically increase the Medicare revenues
that would come to NC counties. Both of
these would have an impact on our budget as far as revenues are concerned.
The NCACC is
also seeking federal budget appropriation to approve an ability to claim new
mileage rates of $5.00 for all trips beginning in January 2001.
In order for
counties to receive the maximum authorized Medicaid/Medicare payments, county
charges would have to equal or exceed the Medicare and Medicaid rates.
Kumor added that the Executive Director of the NCACC is on the national
committee that is doing the study. It
might be appropriate to approach him and ask if it would be helpful to do some
lobbying efforts with our elected officials.
This Board has a good working relationship with Congressman Taylor and
our U.S. Senators.
County accepts assignment, some counties do not.
This was an
update. No action was required.
Scott Hamilton,
Vice-President of the Committee of 100, informed the Board that the Executive
Committee of the Committee of 100 had directed him to investigate the
feasibility of establishing a business incubator in Henderson County. He assembled several representatives from
area businesses to serve on a task force to accomplish this goal. Task Force members included Labor Spooner
with BellSouth, Tom Cooper with Cooper Construction, Kelly Leonard with Centura
Bank, John Boyd with the Small Business Center at Blue Ridge Community College,
Jim Hall with Investors Realty Group, Bill Johnston a small business advisor,
and Preston Mintz with Mintz Construction.
The Task Force
recently met with a representative from the North Carolina Technological
Development Authority (NCTDA), a non-profit entity created to support the
formation and success of North Carolina=s entrepreneurial-oriented business
ventures. NCTDA agreed to conduct a
no-cost feasibility study on the viability of a business incubator in Henderson
County if Henderson County is able to demonstrate community wide support of a
business incubator.
On behalf of
the Committee of 100, Mr. Hamilton requested the Henderson County Board of Commissioners
to prepare a letter showing support for the development of a business incubator
in Henderson County. He presented a resolution to the Board for their
Hawkins made the motion to approve the presented AResolution In Support Of A Business
Incubator Feasibility Study@.
What is a
business incubator? A business
incubator is an economic development tool designed to accelerate the growth and
success of entrepreneurial companies through an array of business support
resources and services. A business
incubator=s main goal is
to produce successful firms that will leave the program financially viable and
These incubator
Agraduates@ create jobs,
revitalize neighborhoods, commercialize critical new technologies and strengthen
local and national economies.
Critical to the
definition of an incubator is on-site management, which develops and
orchestrates business, marketing and management resources tailored to a company=s needs. Incubators usually also provide clients access
to appropriate rental space and flexible leases, shared basic office services
and equipment, technology support services, and assistance in obtaining the
financing necessary for company growth.
APPLICATION - Etowah/Blue Ridge Moose Lodge
Jackson informed the Board that on November 2, 2000, the County received notice
that the Etowah/Blue Ridge Moose Lodge, through R.H. McDaniel, Jr., had
submitted an application for an ABC brownbagging permit. The Alcohol Beverage Commission allows the
County 15 days from receipt of the notice to file a written objection to the
issuance of the permit. Therefore, the
County has until November 17, 2000 to do so.
If the Board desires to submit an objection, staff has prepared a form
which should be used. The county does not have any authority to approve or
disapprove of this permit but is given the opportunity to submit objection if
they believe either the person or the location for the permit is inappropriate.
Notice to the
County on this matter was received after the Board=s last agenda
was prepared; therefore, this is the first opportunity that this matter could
have been considered by the Board in a regular meeting.
Following some
discussion, Commissioner Moyer made the motion for the Board not to file an
objection, or to do nothing at this time.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Mud Creek
Hawkins stated that he and the County Manager had received several inquiries
about some action going on in the Mud Creek Sewer District for sewer line
extensions, easements, rights-of-way, etc.
As far as he knew the county is not expanding any lines currently. He asked for an update from the County
Angela Beeker
stated that the process is drawing to a close.
She has received the comments from the City Attorney this past
Friday. They are meeting tomorrow
morning to discuss those comments which are minor. She feels that we will be in a position very soon to bring a
draft to both Boards, an expanded draft which is much more detailed than the
Memorandum of Understanding that was entered into some time ago. It has been a lengthy process. She does feel that the time has been well
spent, stating that she hopes it is an agreement that can be lived with for a
long time without having too many unanswered questions within its contents.
David Nicholson
stated that this is a City of Hendersonville project, working with a developer
on easements for the line. Mr.
Nicholson asked the City Manager to send him a letter to update him on what
easements they currently have.
Moyer stated that there were a number of issues which arose with respect to the
agreement. He and the Mayor are working
to protect the integrity of the agreement that was originally made. There was a feeling that we needed maps
showing boundaries to go along with the agreement, which required Gary Tweed to
do a lot of work on his computer. This
took some time.
Moyer and Mayor Niehoff are committed to have this completed by the end of the
There was some
discussion about sewer extensions in the Erkwood area. Henderson County is not
participating in this. It was
determined that it was probably part of the Flat Rock project. There was discussion of incorporated vs.
unincorporated areas and who they should work with, City of Hendersonville or
Henderson County.
Kumor stated that there is an acknowledgment that whatever happens the county
needs to give its permission in the unincorporated areas. Has that occurred? All the work that is
being done now has already been dealt with as we underwent the negotiations on
this whole process early on in the year, working with the Flat Rock project and
the Dunroy project.
Moyer stated that any work associated with the Flat Rock project is already
Hawkins asked Flat Rock=s Mayor, Terry Hicks, to come forward and
speak to this. Chairman Hawkins= concern was that there are sewer line
extensions occurring in the county that were not necessarily a part of the
county=s on-going plan
with the City of Hendersonville or the Village of Flat Rock. There are lines that are being laid in the
Erkwood area.
Mayor Terry
Hicks explained that this has nothing to do with the Village of Flat Rock. The Village sewer line goes in a different
direction. That is a part of Dunroy on
Rutledge and is being constructed by Joe Crowell=s company.
Staff was asked
to bring a summary back to the Board on this project.
Ward stated that several people had contacted him who felt that they were being
pressured into giving easements by City personnel. He thinks this might be from the developer rather than the City
of Hendersonville. Mr. Sherman was
still in attendance who wished to speak to this. The City has told citizens
they will use powers to condemn their property.
Hawkins had sent a letter to Mayor Kim Talbot and copied it to the Board,
asking him to share with the Board what kind of plans that the City of Saluda
has in the south part of Henderson County.
He has not heard back from Mayor Talbot yet. Chairman Hawkins asked Staff to give the Board information about
what kind of things need to occur if a municipality is going to annex from one
county into another county.
Jackson informed the Board that cities having a population of less than 5,000
are allowed to annex and extend their corporate limits. There are some limitations on the areas that
they can go into: 1. must be adjacent to or contiguous to
the current boundaries
has to be at least one eighth of the aggregate external boundary, the
new area must
with the current boundary
no area can be included within another incorporated municipality
It does not speak
to limitations crossing county boundaries, so therefore Saluda can come into
Henderson County.
The area to be
annexed must also be developed for urban purposes. The municipalities are encouraged to use recorded property lines
and streets in determining their external or their new boundaries.
The steps in the
process - the first thing that a municipality would do would be to pass a
resolution of intent to consider an area for annexation. Boundaries must be set for the area that is
under consideration for annexation.
Dates must be set for a public information meeting and a public hearing
on the proposed annexation. Prior to
holding those meetings the municipality must submit a report of their plan for
annexation with their Municipal Clerk.
The report would set out their plan for annexation. It must go into
detail as to maps, lists of property owners, and set forth the plans of the
municipality in extending services to the annexed area. The other thing that
the plan must do is provide for the extension of water mains and sewer outfalls
if those are necessary to provide the citizens in the newly annexed area with
substantially similar services as those currently in the municipality. The municipality must do a plan to let
contracts on the construction of water mains and sewer outfalls, if needed,
within a year of the effective date of the annexation. There would be a statement in the report on
the rural fire department that serves the area and how it would be
affected. The fire department in
question here is the Raven Rock Fire Department. Lastly there should be a statement on how the proposed annexation
will affect the city=s finances and services, including the city
revenue change estimates. This
statement must be delivered to the Clerk to the Board of Commissioners.
David Nicholson
stated that he has had several conversations with citizens in the area. There is some relationship between some
water and sewer funding in this discussion.
Plans are public record. He has
encouraged the citizens to research the records, to read the minutes of the
Town Council. He has asked that they
share that information with Henderson County for our information.
Chairman Hawkins
reminded the Board of the Land-of-Sky Legislative Workshop scheduled for
November 20, which he will attend.
Chairman Hawkins
had distributed a letter from the Committee of 100 regarding a meeting at
Advantage West and some possible dates.
December 11 was the recommended date from our Board at 3:00, contingent
on the availability of Commissioner Elect Charlie Messer.
Bob G. Sherman - Mr. Sherman
expressed concern about the sewer line from Dunroy down Erkwood Drive to Highway #25 South. He owns
the Flat Rock Office Center, at the intersection of Erkwood and Highway #25
South. Unknowing to him, it was
announced that a sewer line would be put along the side of Erkwood Drive east
because an application by the two applicants had been received by NC DOT to put
a sewer line down the center of Rutledge Drive to Jackson Funeral Home and
connect with the sewer line there. The
DOT said under no circumstances would they cut a trench down the center of
Rutledge Drive. The applicants then
said they would go down the center of Erkwood Drive to US Hwy. #25 South. NC DOT said again no sewer line down the
center. The developer then planned to
go down the side of Erkwood. This is a
20 foot easement right-of-way with a general warranty deed. The people have called him and consulted
with him, a letter has been prepared and sent to the developer that now or in
the future there would be no easement or right-of-way granted along their
properties. Chairman Hawkins had received a copy of this letter signed by the
property owners along Erkwood.
In Mr. Sherman=s absence on Monday
morning at 9:00 a.m. a special meeting was called by the sewer department along
with a son-in-law of Mr. E.K. Thomas who signed the letter mentioned
above. At that meeting they were all
threatened (he has been told) that a sewer line would be put there whether they
wanted it or not. A gentleman in the
audience had been told that Bob Sherman had signed a deed of right-of-way and
that the developer had it in his hand, along with the adjoining property
owners, William and Gloria Ashley. Mr.
Sherman stated that he has never seen the deed, it had not been brought to
him. They will be asking for a
right-of-way of approximately 230 feet across Mr. Sherman=s property. Mr. Sherman stated that two city employees
stood on one man=s front porch and told him that whether he
liked it not, it=s coming through his property and they would
take his property whether he wanted it taken or not and he would be required to
give it away.
Mr. Youngblood=s office called the
sewer department=s employees and the landowner talked to them
in the presence of Mr. Youngblood.
Exceptions were made to people up and down that street. Some signed a deed with a 20 foot
right-of-way, some got by with a 5 foot right-of-way, some were promised in
secrecy by the City Sewer Department connection to City Sewer at no charge. Mr.
Sherman stated that these are threats and this is discrimination.
Mr. Sherman has
authorized his attorney, Mr. Frances Coiner, to take this case to the U.S.
Supreme Court in Washington, to go all the way.
Mr. Sherman stated
that last Friday the Mayor of Hendersonville was contacted. The Mayor knew nothing about this
project. He plainly stated this is not
a City project, the city has nothing to do with it, we are not getting
rights-of-way, we are not paying for it, the developer is paying 100% of the
cost of the full installation of the
property, every property owner with the exception of Bob Sherman has deeded and
given them a right-of-way to put in a sewer line across their property from
fear because of the threats that came.
In summary, Mr.
Sherman said that according to the Mayor, the City of Hendersonville has
nothing in the world to do with this, it is strictly one developer. He doesn=t see how a
developer can run a sewer line, take people=s property away
from them and connect to a county owned sewer line. How can elected officials let this happen without their
Atty. Frances
Coiner asked the Board if they were aware of this project, do you know if it is
a city project, and is the county in a position to permit a connection to be
made to the existing inlet out there on the highway.
County Attorney
Angela Beeker informed Mr. Coiner that she would be happy to meet with him and
see what she could find out.
Commissioner Kumor
made the motion for the Board to go into Closed Session as allowed pursuant to
NCGS 143-318.11 for the following reasons:
(a)(1) To prevent disclosure of
information that is privileged or confidential pursuant to the law of this State or of the United States, or not
considered a public record within the meaning of Chapter 132 of the General
Statutes, in accordance with and pursuant to NCGS 143-318.10(e) and Article II
of Chapter 11 of the Henderson County Code.
(a)(6) To consider the
qualification, competence, performance, character, fitness, conditions of
appointment, or conditions of initial employment of an individual public
officer or employee or prospective public officer or employee; or to hear or
investigate a complaint, charge, or grievance by or against an individual
public officer or employee,
All voted in favor
and the motion carried.
Commissioner Ward
made the motion for the Board to go out of Closed Session. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
There being no
further business to come before the Board, Chairman Hawkins adjourned the meeting at approximately 12:12 p.m.
_____________________________________ _______________________________________
Elizabeth W. Corn, Clerk Grady
Hawkins, Chairman