The Henderson
County Board of Commissioners met for a special called meeting at 10:00 a.m. in
the Commissioners' Conference Room of the Henderson County Office Building.
Those present
were: Chairman Grady Hawkins,
Vice-Chair Bill Moyer, Commissioner Renee Kumor, Commissioner Don Ward,
Commissioner Marilyn Gordon, County Manager David E. Nicholson, County Attorney
Angela S. Beeker, and Clerk to the Board Elizabeth W. Corn.
Also present were:
Public Information Officer Chris S. Coulson and County Engineer Gary Tweed.
Chairman Hawkins
called the meeting to order and welcomed all in attendance. Mr. Hawkins stated
that the purpose of this meeting was to take an indepth look at the regional
water supply and water service agreement that initially was brought about in
about 1994 or 1995. The Board had asked
the County Attorney to make a review, see how we=re doing on complying with the provisions
and what progress has been made on that water agreement.
Chairman Hawkins
asked the Board to make an adjustment to the agenda to add a closed session as
allowed by NCGS 143-318.11(a)(6) to consider the qualifications, competence,
performance, character, fitness, conditions of appointment, or conditions of
initial employment of an individual public officer or employee or prospective
public officer or employee; or to hear or investigate a complaint, charge, or
grievance by or against an individual public officer or employee. Chairman Hawkins made the motion to amend
the agenda and accept it. All voted in
favor and the motion carried.
Chairman Hawkins
reminded everyone that the agreement that we will be discussing is in Chapter
503 of the Henderson County Code and is accessible by Internet.
Angela Beeker had
distributed four documents to the Board:
An overview of the first amended and restated Regional Water Supply and
Water Service Agreement.
A summary (she had prepared) of the First Amended and Restated Regional
Water Supply and Water Service Agreement.
A copy of the actual 1995 Regional Water Supply and Water Service
An Ordinance to Enact Water Policies to Govern the Provision of Water
Services by Henderson County pursuant to the First Amended and Restated
Regional Water Supply and Water Service Agreement dated November 11, 1995 (has
not been adopted).
Ms. Beeker stated
that she would be talking mainly from the first document.
In 1994, Henderson
County was approached by the Asheville/Buncombe Water Authority to see if the
County might be interested in allowing them to come into Henderson County and
construct a water treatment plant in Henderson County. Substantial negotiations went on at that
time and a Regional Water Agreement was entered in June of 1994. She reminded the Board that this followed
very closely on the heels of a joint meeting that occurred at the Mountain Horticultural
Center between Henderson County, Buncombe County, the City of Asheville, and
the Water Authority to discuss studying the formation of a true regional water
and sewer authority. At that meeting in
April of 1994, a Resolution was adopted by all parties present in which they
agreed to direct staff to study the formation of a regional water and sewer
authority. In June this Regional Water
Agreement was entered into.
The first Regional
Water Agreement set out the basic terms of the future Regional Water Agreement
which is the present Regional Water Agreement that we have now. The Water Agreement that we have now was
approved by all the parties in 1995, dated November 11, 1995.
Parties to the
Creek Water and Sewer District
Water Authority
City of Asheville
The Role of each
Party (to help everyone gain a broader understanding of where everyone sits
with respect to the agreement):
Commissioner Kumor - Prior to all of this, the original
Asheville/Buncombe Water Authority (ABWA) approached the City of
Hendersonville. Often times people feel
that this whole process was done to circumvent any participation by the City of
Hendersonville but they were approached first with the possibility of a
partnership in the plant that the City of Hendersonville now owns for their
water treatment. The City Council
declined any type of partnership with the then existing ABWA and that=s why Henderson
County was approached. Henderson County
did not move in any way to do harm to the City of Hendersonville or to their
water capacity and in fact as this documentation goes along, people will
understand that we made sure to secure and protect the intakes and the water
supply for the City of Hendersonville and made sure that all of the water
supply and intakes that would be used by the now Asheville/Buncombe/Henderson
Water Authority are downstream of the water supply that supplies most of
Henderson County through the Hendersonville water supply system.
Commissioner Moyer - Commissioner Moyer offered a different opinion,
stating it was debatable whether the City of Hendersonville was given an equal
opportunity to be a participant in this agreement.
Angela Beeker
continued, addressing the role of each party to the agreement as follows:
Henderson County - had the water
supply and the available land
Pursuant to NC
General Statutes, before the ABWA could purchase land in Henderson County they
had to secure the permission of the Henderson County Board of Commissioners.
Cane Creek Water
and Sewer District - would be the first service area in Henderson County to receive water
services in Henderson County as a result of any agreement entered into
Water Authority - needed the water
Ms. Beeker
explained the make up of the ABWA and the agreement that forms the Authority:
Is a NCGS 160A-462 entity
Formed by contract between Buncombe County, the City of Asheville, and
eleven smaller water and sewer districts
i) Contract
goes through year 2024
Determines composition, powers and duties of the Authority
Authority has powers to determine water extension policies and to
determine share of costs of the extensions to be paid out of the water system
May hire consultants
May fix and enforce the water rates
May sue and be sued
May acquire, construct, etc. any water system
Acquire land in the name of the City
Enter into contracts, except those related to loans or debt
Provides that the City of Asheville and Buncombe County receive revenues
from the water system: City 5%, County 2.5% (in this current year=s budget, projected
to be $1.4 million total)
City of Asheville maintains the Water Funds
Water budget must be approved by City of Asheville and Buncombe County
Provides that Asheville City Manager hires and fires the Water
Authority Director, and all water employees report to the City Manager
City provides all support services to the Authority and is reimbursed
on a cost of service basis
Authority must lease office space at fair market rental value from the
City of Asheville
Requires that water be provided to each class of customer at equal
County pays money to City for law enforcement and recreation every year
Agreement may be terminated by mutual agreement, by the City for causes
stated, and by the City or the County by giving one year=s notice, except
that the County cannot terminate if bonds issued to finance new water source
are outstanding unless arrive at agreement for payment of bonds and bond
counsel approves. In the event of
termination, property conveyed to the City by the County and the 11 districts
will revert to them. Otherwise, City
owns it all
Provides that the City of Asheville will hold title to all real estate
associated with the water system
The City of
Asheville - needed the water and owns all of the property of the water system;
manages the water system for the Authority, receives revenue from the water
Buncombe County - needed the water
and receives revenues from the water revenues (used to pay debt service on
The Regional Water
Ms. Beeker stated
that there were basically two purposes that were stated for this agreement:
To establish a joint undertaking for providing water for consumptive
and/or industrial uses to citizens of Henderson and Buncombe Counties.
To establish the basis for the formation of a Regional Water and/or
Sewer Authority, which would, at a minimum, include as members Henderson and
Buncombe Counties, the Authority and the City of Asheville.
General Statement
of the Agreement:
Henderson County agrees to let ABWA and Asheville purchase land in
Henderson County for the construction of a water treatment plant.
In exchange for Henderson County=s consent to let
ABWA and Asheville purchase land in Henderson County, ABWA and/or Asheville
must do the following:
Provide potable water in unlimited quantities to citizens of Henderson
County from the water treatment plant.
Construct and pay for Regional Water Lines in Henderson County to serve
Henderson County citizens at Henderson County=s request when the
revenues from the Regional Water Line will reimburse Asheville and/or ABWA in 9
years or less.
Seek the immediate declassification of the watershed created by the
intake approved at the Brevard Road Site, located in Bent Creek, upon the
approval of the intake at the Water Plant Site for either the Mills River or
French Broad Rivers.
Expand the ABWA Board and give Henderson County two seats.
Convey the Brevard Road Site (located in Bent Creek) to Henderson
Make a good faith effort to make available 25% of jobs created at the
treatment plant to Henderson County residents.
Detailed Analysis
of Obligations of the parties to the Agreement:
Henderson County agrees to let ABWA and Asheville purchase land in Henderson
County for the construction of a water treatment plant. (Section III)
3.0 describes the property to be purchased by Asheville and ABWA (the AWater Plant Site@)
3.1 provides that the Water Plant Site and all improvements serving only
customers located outside of Henderson County will become part of the water
system of the City of Asheville.
3.2 provides that Henderson County=s consent to
purchase the Water Plant Site carries with it the consent to acquire easements
and rights-of-way as necessary to process and distribute water from the
treatment plant.
3.3 provides that ABWA must give Henderson County thirty (30) days advance notice before purchasing any property
including the easements and rights-of-way, to allow Henderson County the
opportunity to suggest an alternate route.
If the alternate route proposed by Henderson County is reasonable, ABWA
must use that route. The Authority has the
sole discretion to locate lines that will be serving only customers located outside
Henderson County.
3.4 provides that should the Agreement end, the permission granted by Section
3.2 acquire easements and rights-of-way ends.
3.5 requires Henderson County to assist ABWA and/or Asheville in these
In exchange for Henderson County=s consent to let
ABWA and Asheville purchase land in Henderson County, ABWA and/or Asheville
must do the following:
Provide potable water in unlimited quantities to citizens of Henderson
County from the water treatment plant. (Section 4.0)
4.0 provides that in no event can the quantity of Mills River water provided to
Henderson County customers ever be reduced or eliminated in order to provide
water to customers of ABWA located outside of Henderson County.
4.1 provides that if the water produced by the treatment plant is inadequate to
serve Henderson County customers, ABWA will make available water from their
reservoirs at Bee Tree and/or North Fork in accordance with their normal
4.2 provides that the area to be served in Henderson County is the Cane Creek
Water and Sewer District, but it can be expanded to include all or part of Mud
Creek Water and Sewer District and other areas of the County.
Construct and pay for Regional Water Lines in Henderson County to serve
Henderson County citizens at Henderson County=s request when the
revenues from the Regional Water Line will reimburse Asheville and/or ABWA in 9
years or less.
VI and VII)
6.0 provides that Henderson County will determine the location, size and
materials of the Regional Water Lines.
6.1 details the procedure to be followed by Henderson County in requesting a
Regional Water Line.
7.2 places the burden of installing Regional Water Lines on ABWA at their sole
expense where the projected Pay Back Period from projected revenues only is
nine (9) years or less. Section 7.3
places the burden of installing Regional Water Lines on ABWA where the
projected Pay Back Period from projected revenues plus contributions by
Henderson County is nine (9) years or less.
Sections 6.2, 6.3, and 6.4 outline the responsibilities of ABWA when
installing a Regional Water Line.
8.0 provides that title to the Regional Water Lines built and paid for in whole
or in part by ABWA will be in the City of Asheville until ABWA and/or Asheville
have been reimbursed.
8.2 provides that all revenues from a Regional Water Line will go to ABWA as
long as the line is titled in the City of Asheville. The net effect of Sections
8.0 and 8.2 is that ABWA gets the revenue until ABWA and/or Asheville have been
reimbursed for the line.
10.0 places the burden of maintenance of a Regional Water Line on ABWA for so
long as they hold title.
7.5 requires that at the end of a Pay Back Period, if ABWA has not been
reimbursed completely for the Regional Water Line, Henderson County must pay
the difference to ABWA. Henderson County would then receive title to the Line
and revenue from the Line.
IX governs the financing of the Water Plant Site, and the Regional Water Lines.
9.0 allows ABWA and Asheville to determine the method of financing. However, they must credit Henderson County
with the revenues received from the Regional Water Lines for the purposes of
determining when reimbursement of ABWA has occurred.
9.1 provides that in no event can the amortization period exceed the Pay Back
Period for a Regional Water Line.
6.7 gives Henderson County the option of constructing water distribution lines
in Henderson County.
Net revenue from these lines would go to Henderson County.
Title to these lines would be in Henderson County.
These lines would be maintained by Henderson County.
Seek the immediate declassification of the watershed created by the
intake approved at the Brevard Road Site, located in Bent Creek, (Section 3.7),
upon the approval of the intake at the Water Plant Site for either the Mills
River or French Broad Rivers.
Expand the ABWA Board and give Henderson County two seats. (section
5.1 states that one of these seats shall be placed on the Policies and
of ABWA. [Commissioner Moyer and Jack Tate currently fill those two seats]
Convey the Brevard Road Site (located in Bent Creek) to Henderson
County. (Section 22.0)
22.0 provides that within ten (10) years from the date of conveyance to
Henderson County, Henderson County must either:
Convey the Brevard Road Site to MSD for the construction or a
Wastewater Treatment Facility or
Convey the Brevard Road Site to a Regional Water and Sewer Authority of
which Asheville, ABWA and Henderson County are a part.
else Henderson County must convey the property back to Asheville in fee simple
Make a good faith effort to make available 25% of jobs created at the
treatment plant to Henderson County residents.
(Section 19.1)
3.6 provides that Henderson County will assist in the application procedures
for approval from the State of North Carolina, and will take reasonable
measures to protect and improve the watershed in accordance with its
classification, including, but not limited to, enforcement of all applicable
watershed regulations.
4.3 provides that the term of the Agreement is forty (40) years, which may be
renewed for subsequent forty (40) year periods with the consent of all parties.
4.4 provides that the Agreement is contingent upon:
The sale of the Water Plant Site to Asheville;
Approval from the State of North Carolina of an intake on the Mills
River and/or French Broad Rivers with a quantity of at least 10 MGD;
Approval from the State of North Carolina of the plans for treatment
and separate storage of waters from the Mills River and/or French Broad Rivers;
Receipt of funds by Asheville and/or ABWA for the construction of a 5
MGD water treatment plant at the Water Plant Site.
any of these conditions do not occur before June 30, 1997, the Agreement is
null and void.
5.0 requires Henderson County to adopt policies for usage of the Regional Water
Lines. Section 5.2 requires Henderson
County to adopt a fee schedule. Section
5.3 limits the fees that ABWA may charge for customers in Henderson County to
equal to or less than those paid by customers located outside of Henderson
5.7 grants free water to facilities of Henderson County providing general
governmental services, except schools.
6.9 requires ABWA, Asheville, and/or Buncombe County to obtain the prior
written consent of Henderson County before entering into any agreements to in
any way, directly or indirectly, build or construct, or cause to be built or
constructed, in whole or in part, any water treatment plant in Henderson
County, other than at the Water Plant Site.
11.0 requires ABWA to give Henderson County copies of the draft plans for the
treatment plant at least thirty (30) days prior to approval by ABWA for
14.0 and 15.0 provide that unless otherwise stated in the Agreement, the
Agreement may not be terminated or amended without consent of all parties.
16.3 states that if the agreement creating ABWA is terminated before the end of
the forty (40) year term of the Agreement, thereby ending the existence of
ABWA, Asheville will undertake all obligations of ABWA provided for in the
Board discussion
followed with a consensus that Henderson County needs to develop a Land Use
Steps to take to
implement the First Amended and Restated Regional Water Agreement:
County complete and adopt water policies and adopt fee schedule.
Contract with Asheville to administer the policies.
Letters of Availability
Letters of Commitment
Review and approve plans
Installation of taps and meters
Reading meters
Maintenance and Repair (during term of Authority=s ownership,
Agreement already requires maintenance to be done by City of Asheville, ref.
Section 10.0. Need to have ability to
contract with Asheville for maintenance of lines Henderson County owns as
Extend service area under the agreement (eventually to become expansion
of CCWSD boundary) as desired. (ref. Section 4.2)
Asheville complete their revisions to their policies, to include
Henderson County, and to comply with provisions of the Regional Water Agreement
Agree on definition of net revenue
Have a third party auditor determine and review.
Asheville needs to establish a fund to track net revenues for regional
water lines.
Section 5.6)
Three party agreement form to guarantee revenues
Right to connect regional water lines into main transmission lines and
other lines must be confirmed
Determine right of the Authority to extend water lines and serve
customers directly or indirectly in conjunction with another entity in
Henderson County without involvement or consent of the County. Anyone applying for water in Henderson
County should go through Henderson County to get it.
Involve Henderson County in any discussions or negotiations for sale of
water to another entity in Henderson County.
May even want to require Henderson County=s consent to those
sales. Our consent would be contingent
on securing agreement from the entity to limit their extension of lines and
service within CCWSD.
Who owns lines installed by developers? Henderson County should.
Clarify a time frame within which deeds for lines will be issued to
Henderson County (ref. Section 8.0)
Auditors review of performance thus far (ref. Section 9.3) has not
Fix the deed for the Bent Creek Property.
Master Plan
Setting of a full Authority
There was Board
discussion during Angela=s review.
Water Policies - These were
distributed to the Board. Angela Beeker
asked that the Board review the policies and get any feed-back to her. She
expects some feed-back from the Authority Attorneys.
Commissioner Moyer
stated that some of these issues will be discussed at the next ABWA meeting.
Commissioner Moyer
commended Ms. Beeker for taking the time to give this overview to the
Board. This is very important for the
County to deal with. This Board of
Commissioners has been more than patient, waiting over four years for some of
this to take place. Henderson County is
at the place now where they may have to take some steps with respect to this
agreement to carry out the terms of it that will benefit Henderson County
Chairman Hawkins
stated that Henderson County has a lot of planning efforts going on, a lot of
planning efforts in the sewer area, a lot of planning efforts in economic
extensions in the industrial park, and it=s time to look at
how we can coordinate some of those things with being able to provide water
service, particularly in the northern part of the county through the agreement
that we have.
Chairman Hawkins
stated that the Board looks forward to receiving information back from Commissioner
Moyer following the next ABWA meeting.
Charge to County
Chairman Hawkins
stated that the Board needs to be sure that Ms. Beeker is working on those
sections of the agreement that we need to be in compliance with or that have
not been finished and charged her to do so.
Chairman Hawkins stated that this will need to be put back on an agenda
of a subsequent meeting.
Commissioner Kumor
made the motion for the Board to go into Closed Session as allowed pursuant to
NCGS 143-318.11 for the following reasons:
1.(a)(6) To
consider the qualifications, competence, performance, character, fitness,
conditions of appointment, or conditions of initial employment of an individual
public officer or prospective public officer or employee; or to hear or
investigate a complaint, or grievance by or against an individual public
officer or employee.
All voted in favor
and the motion carried.
Commissioner Ward
made the motion for the Board to go out of Closed Session. All voted in favor and the motion
There being no
further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned.
Elizabeth W. Corn, Clerk to the Board Grady Hawkins, Chairman