STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA                                          BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

COUNTY OF HENDERSON                                                                        SEPTEMBER 20, 2000


The Henderson County Board of Commissioners met for a regularly scheduled meeting at 9:00 a.m. in the Commissioners= Conference Room of the Henderson County Office Building at 100 North King Street, Hendersonville, North Carolina.


Those present were:  Chairman Grady Hawkins, Vice-Chair Bill Moyer, Commissioner Renee Kumor, Commissioner Don Ward, Commissioner Marilyn Gordon, County Manager David E. Nicholson, County Attorney Angela S. Beeker, and Clerk to the Board Elizabeth W. Corn.


Also present were: Finance Director J. Carey McLelland, Budget Analyst Selena Coffey, Public Information Officer Chris S. Coulson, Assistant County Attorney Jennifer O. Jackson, Planning Director Karen C. Smith, and County Engineer Gary Tweed.



Chairman Hawkins called the meeting to order and welcomed those in attendance.



Commissioner Kumor led the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.



John Lanzetti, a Chaplain at Pardee Hospital & Lector and Eucharistic Minister at Immaculate Conception Church, gave the invocation.



Chairman Hawkins asked to pull item AG@ from the Consent Agenda and put it under Staff Reports as new AF-1" for action.


Chairman Hawkins asked to move the current AF-1" under Staff Reports to Nominations.


Commissioner Moyer asked to add under Staff Reports AE - Carolina Apparel Building - IRG Proposal@ the debt analysis report that the County Manager had distributed.


Commissioner Ward asked to add discussion on ABridge #42" under Update on Pending Issues as #2 (under Staff Reports).


Commissioner Moyer asked to be allowed to give an update on the subcommittee meeting of the Transportation Advisory Committee.  Chairman Hawkins added this as item AC@ under Discussion Items.


David Nicholson asked to be allowed to give the Board a quick update on the Property Addressing Project.  Chairman Hawkins added this as item AD@ under Discussion Items.


It was the consensus of the Board to approve the above adjustments to the agenda.



Chairman Hawkins made the motion to approve the Consent Agenda as presented with the exception of items AG - Reappointment of Deputy Tax Collector for Delinquent Taxes@ and the minutes from September 5, 2000 (Commissioner Moyer had asked that these be pulled).  All voted in favor and the motion carried.


The CONSENT AGENDA consisted of the following:



Minutes were presented for review and approval of the following meetings:

August 30, 2000, special called meeting


Tax Releases (373)

A list of 373 tax release requests was presented for the Board=s review and approval.


Tax Refunds (2)

A list of 2 tax refund requests was presented for the Board=s review and approval.


Tax Collector=s Report

Terry F. Lyda, Tax Collector, provided the Tax Collector=s Report to the Board through September 14, 2000.


The Deputy Tax Collector also provided the Deputy Tax Collector=s Report referencing delinquent tax collections, also through September 14, 2000.


Request for Improvement Guarantee for a portion of Oleta Falls, Section I

Mr. Luther E. Smith, on behalf of Waterside Properties, L.L.C., had submitted a request for approval of a subdivision improvement guarantee.  Waterside Properties, L.L.C., would like to post an irrevocable letter of credit to cover the cost of the remaining road and drainage improvements in a portion of Oleta Falls, Section I.  The Henderson County Planning Board approved a Master Plan and a Development Plan for the entire project on April 25, 2000, subject to several conditions.


Pursuant to Section 170-39 of the Henderson County Code, a developer may, in lieu of completing all of the required subdivision improvements prior to Final Plat approval, post a performance guarantee to secure the County=s interest in seeing that satisfactory construction of the incomplete improvements occurs.  One type of permitted guarantee is an irrevocable letter of credit.  Waterside Properties, L.L.C., intends to secure an irrevocable letter of credit from Palmetto Farm Credit in the amount of $234,562.50, which includes the cost of the remaining improvements as well as the required contingency amount of twenty-five percent.  The proposed completion date for the improvements is March 31, 2001.


Should the Board choose to approve the improvement guarantee request, a draft Performance Guarantee Agreement was included for Board review.  If the request is approved, the developer must submit the letter of credit in accordance with the terms of the Agreement.  The Assistant County Attorney must review the letter of credit and certify the Agreement as to form prior to its execution by the Chairman and the developer.


Detention Center - CIP Report

Staff had provided a monthly CIP report on the new Detention Center for the Board=s review.


Reappointment of Deputy Tax Collector for Delinquent Taxes

On October 20, 1999, the Board appointed Darlene Burgess Deputy Tax Collector for the collection of delinquent taxes for a one-year term.  A Deputy Tax Collector is appointed by the Board of Commissioners, but performs the work of the Tax Collector (i.e. the collection of delinquent taxes) under the direction of the Tax Collector.


If the Board is desirous of re-appointing Ms. Burgess as Deputy Tax Collector for the collection of delinquent taxes, it would be appropriate to do so at today=s meeting.  A term for the appointment must also be set.  The Board has previously set a bond amount for the Deputy Tax Collector of $500,000.


Recognition & Awards

1. Proclamation - Walk our Children to School Day

The Henderson County Partnership for Health had requested that the Board adopt a prepared Proclamation declaring October 4, 2000 as AWalk our Children to School Day@.


September 5, 2000 minutes

Commissioner Moyer had asked that this set of minutes be pulled from the Consent Agenda for comment.  Commissioner Moyer asked for some more detail in the next to the last paragraph on page six.  This set of minutes will be revised as discussed. Commissioner Moyer made the motion to approve the September 5, 2000 minutes with the revision.  All voted in favor and the motion carried.



Notification of Vacancies

The Board was notified of the following vacancies which will appear under ANominations@ on the next agenda:

1.               Fire and Rescue Advisory Committee - 7 vac.

2.               Henderson County Zoning Board of Adjustment - 1 vac.

2.               Nursing/Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee - 1 vac.

3.               Henderson County Planning Board - 2 vac.

4.               Transportation Advisory Committee - 1 vac.

5.               Downtown Hendersonville, Inc. - 1 vac.


Chairman Hawkins informed those in attendance and those watching the meeting on cable t.v. that the Board will be seeking nominees for one of our new committees, the Fire and Rescue Advisory Committee.  If anyone is interested in serving in that capacity, please notify the Clerk to the Board of Commissioners.


Transportation Advisory Committee

Commissioner Moyer asked that #5 be pulled from the notification of vacancies.  Eddie Henderson has been nominated by the Fletcher Town Council to fill the spot on the Transportation Advisory Committee.  Commissioner Moyer made the motion to suspend the rules and appoint Mr. Henderson to the Transportation Advisory Committee to represent Fletcher.  All voted in favor and the motion carried.



Chairman Hawkins reminded the Board of the following vacancies and opened the floor to nominations:

1.               Nursing/Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee - 2 vac.

There were no nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.


2.               Mountain Area Workforce Development Board - 1 vac.

There were no nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting. 


Chairman Hawkins had asked Angela Beeker to check to see if a staff member could serve.  Mrs. Beeker had checked and informed the Board that a staff member cannot serve in that capacity.  The vacancy has to be filled by someone from the business community.  The Board has to be at least 51% business community. The current vacancy is for someone from the private sector.


3.               Child Fatality Prevention Team - 1 vac.

There were no nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.


4.               Land-of-Sky Regional Council Advisory Council on Aging - 1 vac.

There were no nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.


5.               Adjustment, Henderson County Zoning Board - 2 vac.

One of these vacancies must be filled by someone from the Lake Summit area and the other by someone from the East Flat Rock area.


Commissioner Ward nominated Robert Fleming from the East Flat Rock/Kanuga area.  Chairman Hawkins nominated Diane Grant from the East Flat Rock area.  Following some discussion, it was decided that Mr. Fleming probably lived in the Kanuga area, our vacancy is in the East Flat Rock area.  Commissioner Ward withdrew Robert Flemings= name from nomination.  Commissioner Kumor made the motion to suspend the rules and appoint Mrs. Grant to fill the position in the East Flat Rock area.  All voted in favor and the motion carried.


6.               Apple Country Greenway Commission - 1 vac.

Commissioner Kumor nominated Dennis Honnold.  Chairman Hawkins made the motion that he be appointed by acclamation.  All voted in favor and the motion carried.


7.               Asheville/Buncombe/Henderson/Madison Regional Water Authority - 2 vac.

Our two current members have both indicated a willingness to serve again.  Chairman Hawkins nominated Commissioner Moyer and Jack Tate for reappointment.  Commissioner Kumor made the motion to suspend the rules and appoint Mr. Moyer and Mr. Tate.  All voted in favor and the motion carried.


8.               Community Child Protection Team - 5 vac.

Chairman Hawkins stated that he had some inquiry about whether the Board would consider staggering the terms for the members of this team.  Legal Staff has been looking at the Statutes and the By-Laws to see if that can be done and how it would have to be done.


Commissioner Kumor nominated Mary Murray.

Commissioner Hawkins nominated Dottie Effinger.

Commissioner Kumor nominated Joann Grimm.

Commissioner Moyer nominated Walter Harper.  Chairman Hawkins questioned whether Mr. Harper wasn=t a core member?  Angela Beeker stated that there are ten required positions and of those ten required positions, the Board appoints one, which is the law enforcement officer.  Mr. Harper has been serving in that role.  There are still five additional positions the Board can appoint, in addition to Mr. Harper. 


No vote was taken at this time.


9.               Downtown Hendersonville, Inc. - 2 vac.

Commissioner Kumor nominated Jen Butcher. Commissioner Kumor made the motion to suspend the rules and appoint Ms. Butcher.  All voted in favor and the motion carried.  One vacancy was rolled to the next meeting.


10.            Hospital Corporation Board of Directors - 5 vac.

Chairman Hawkins stated that there is one vacancy now and four terms that will be expiring in December.  The Hospital is willing to have an orientation course for potential nominees on October 10 and 11, 6:30-8:00 p.m. on both dates. Chairman Hawkins will correspond with all the people we have applications for and make them aware of the orientation dates. 


Chairman Hawkins nominated Dr. Brown to fill the current vacancy.  No vote was taken.


11.            Library Board of Trustees - 1 vac.

Commissioner Moyer was reappointed by acclamation.


12.            Planning Board, Laurel Park - 1 vac.

Commissioner Kumor nominated Tim Cochran.  Chairman Hawkins made the motion to appoint Mr. Cochran by acclamation.  All voted in favor and the motion carried.


13.            Travel & Tourism Committee - 4 vac.

Chairman Hawkins nominated Commissioner Gordon for reappointment and nominated Delmar Jones. 

Commissioner Ward nominated Myra Woods.

Commissioner Moyer nominated Dennis Page.

Commissioner Gordon nominated Jim Hall.

Commissioner Moyer made the motion to suspend the rules and appoint Commissioner Gordon.  All voted in favor and the motion carried.   No vote was taken on the other four nominees at this time.


14.            Juvenile Crime Prevention Council - 1 vac.

This vacancy must be filled by a business person.   There were no nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.


15.            Smart Start - 1 vac.

Chairman Hawkins nominated Mirium Plexico for reappointment as the Board designee, no term.  She will continue to serve until replaced by the Board.  Commissioner Kumor made the motion to suspend the rules and appoint Ms. Plexico.  All voted in favor and the motion carried.


WorkFirst Program

Liston Smith updated the Board on the WorkFirst Program.  He requested the Board amend the 1998-2001 County Plan and consider the approval of the 2001-2003 County Plan.


Mr. Smith stated that the Board of Commissioners must decide whether to continue as an electing or a standard county.  Staff also was recommending an amendment as an electing county for this current year.


Mr. Smith listed the action that the Board of Commissioners must take:


16.            Decide whether to go election or standard.

17.            Send a letter to the State of that intent by September 29, 2000.

18.            Reconvene the Work First Planning Committee

19.            Submit Commission approved Work First Plan by December 1, 2000.


According to the Statute, every other year we must send a new plan.  By December 1 of this year a brand new plan must be submitted to the State.  As a county we reconvened our Work First group last September so they have been meeting for a year.


Mr. Smith recommended to the Board that we continue as an electing county.  He also recommended that the Board recharge the existing Work First Planning Committee to develop the new plan. Mr. Smith reviewed statistics which showed how well Henderson County was doing with performance indicators.  Henderson County came in #1 of all electing counties and # 2 in all counties.  The DSS Board also voted to go along with being an electing county.


Following much discussion, Chairman Hawkins made the motion that we contact the State of our intent to remain an electing county and reconvene the Work First Planning Committee to work on the new plan.  All voted in favor and the motion carried.


Amendments to our current plan

Liston Smith explained the Electing Amendment:


C                  Formalizes ABenefit Diversion@ as gateway to Work First


C                  Jumpstarts

Child support application/processing

Employment Security Commission application/processing


C                  Requires education activities

Of single moms with child under age one

Of all non high school/GED graduates


C                  Does not effect productivity or automation


C                  Does not discourage Medicaid/NC Choice Enrollment


C                  Does start customer responsible activities sooner


Liston requested Commissioner approval of this amendment to our current plan.


Commissioner Moyer made the motion to approve the electing amendment.  All voted in favor and the motion carried.



1. Bob Jones - Mr. Jones gave his time up to Rick Harris.

2. Dennis Justice - Mr. Justice spoke in opposition to the proposal for Blue Ridge Community College to support the University Bonds.  He felt that BRCC would not get their fair share of the monies.  BRCC is scheduled to get only 1/5 of what Western Carolina University will get but has about half the number of students. He begged the Board not to support the Bond Package.


Etowah Park Development Proposal

Rick Harris, Recreation Department Director discussed a new proposal for the Development of Etowah Park.  This proposal was presented to the Recreation Advisory Board at its regular meeting on September 19, 2000.


General Electric came in with the same proposal that was used at Jackson Park for the lighting at Etowah Park and it has worked out real well. 


The Original Proposal for FY 2001 for Etowah Park Development:


Picnic Shelter              Includes completion of picnic shelter at Etowah Park $ 50,000.00

Gosnell Field              Includes dugouts, fencing, and lighting                                       50,000.00

Budget Amount                                                                      $100,000.00


The New Proposal for FY 2001 for Etowah Park Development:


Lighting                       Annual lease amount; Installation begins in October 2000         10,700.00

Pavilion/Shelter          Construction of pavilion within the park;

Complete September 2000                                              23,998.00

Fencing                        Fencing complete at this time                                          20,100.00

Walking Trail              Paving of walking trail; Under construction currently     18,620.00

Electrical                    Electrical work on site; Approximate figure                                 3,000.00

Striping Lot                 Amount for striping the parking lot;

Striping in October 2000                                                      500.00

Tennis Courts              Asphalt                                                                                        13,500.00

Fencing                                                                                        10,439.00

Netting, windscreen, posts, etc.                                                    2,726.00

Total New Proposal                                                               $103,583.00

Original Budget                                                           -           100,000.00

Difference from Original Budget                                                  3,583.00


Rick Harris stated that he just could not recommend at this time that the $3,583.00 difference come out of the Recreation Budget because it was still too early in the year.


The Etowah Lions Club has paved the parking lot at Etowah Park which was in excess of $27,000.00.  The dugouts will be moved from Jackson Park, Field #8.  Infield dirt will be donated.


Rick had told the Lions Club that he would bring this before the Board for their review and consideration (the addition of tennis courts).  There was much discussion.  It was the consensus of the Board of Commissioners not to approve the new proposal for Etowah Park Development but rather to send this back to the Recreation Advisory Board for reconsideration or prioritization of projects.  The cost savings should be held until the Board receives a recommendation from the Recreation Advisory Board.


Amendment to Rules of Procedure for Board of Commissioners

Angela Beeker reminded the Board that pursuant to the Rules of Procedure for the Board of Commissioners, in particular Rule # 29, Public Hearings must be set by adopting a special order.  Typically, when the Board is asked to set a public hearing, staff provides a proposed special order for the Board=s consideration.  However, many public hearings are set by motion, rather than by the adoption of a special order.  In order to provide for consistency between the requirements of the rules and the way public hearings are set, it was the County Attorney=s recommendation that the Board consider removing the requirement that public hearings be set by special order, and simply require that they be set by motion of the Board.  A proposed amendment was presented for the Board=s consideration.


Chairman Hawkins made the motion to adopt rule #29 as proposed by the County Attorney.  All voted in favor and the motion carried.


Chairman Hawkins called a 10 minute recess.



Ms. Karen Smith, Executive Director of the Council on Aging, updated the Board on the operations of the Sammy Williams Senior Center. Henderson County has been talking about a Senior Center for a long time.  We were one of only 5-6 counties in NC (out of 100 counties) that did not have a Senior Center.  We do have a large senior population. 


There were many different ideas of what a Senior Center should be.  The Council on Aging did a survey to find what the community wanted in a Senior Center.  They got 700 responses.


The top activities people were interested in were as follows:

Having speakers come

Health screenings

Trips/field trips

Exercise programs and games


Areas of greatest interest:

Services available to seniors

Staying physically fit

Understanding Medicare


Communicating with your Doctor


It became clear there was a need for a Senior Center. Ken Garrett with the Housing Authority informed them that his Board had voted to expand the Sammy Williams Center to meet Senior Center guidelines at their own cost.  They are also paying utilities.


The Council on Aging began to look for grants for funding and received two grants.  Now they can qualify for State monies.  The State has a Senior Certification process and our center is now trying to get certified (as a Center of Excellence).  Only a few centers across the State are currently certified. Certification has State money tied to it. 


They recently purchased a van with some of the monies they received from the grant sources to help reach seniors in the outlying areas of our county.  The Center currently serves about 200 residents.


Chairman Hawkins thanked Karen for the update and told them to keep up the good work.



The Board was provided with information concerning the 3.1 billion-dollar bond referendum in November for Community Colleges and Universities.  The North Carolina Association of County Commissioners had provided this information and had passed a resolution in support of these bonds.


The Board of Trustees of Blue Ridge Community College had also passed a resolution in support of these bonds.  President David Sink addressed the Board on the importance of these bonds to Blue Ridge Community College.


Dr. David Sink from Blue Ridge Community College and Chairman of their Board, Joe Spearman,  were in attendance and answered some questions from the Board. Chancellor Jim Mullens from University of NC at Asheville was in attendance also, as was Chancellor John Bartow and Dr. Tom McClure from Western Carolina University.


Dr. Sink requested Commissioner approval of the Resolution.  He stated that no local match was required for the $1.6 million for the Henderson County campus. 


Chancellor Bartow also requested Commissioner approval of the Resolution, stating that this would give them an opportunity to begin to have an impact on the economy of the State of NC. He answered questions from the Board.


Chancellor Mullens requested Commissioner approval of the Resolution, stating Athis bond package is about opportunity for the students@. He also answered questions from the Board.


A draft resolution was provided for the Board=s review and adoption - AResolution in Support of Community College and University Bonds@.


Commission Moyer made the motion to adopt the Resolution in support of the Community College and University Bonds Initiative.  All voted in favor and the motion carried.  A copy of the Resolution is attached as a part of these minutes.


Legislative Goals for 2001

David Nicholson informed the Board it is time once again to submit any proposed legislative goals to the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners. 


Suggested 2001 Legislative Goals for submission to the NCACC from Henderson County:


1.     Require a time limit to be set on the State=s review of Landfill permit applications.

2.     Rewrite of the ad valorem tax administrative section (including but not limited to settlement and insolvents lists).

3.     Motor vehicle tax - generate the bills and block registration for unpaid taxes by Vehicle Identification Number, not tag number.

4.     Abandonment of Roads - rewrite the statute on the abandonment of roads to remove the Board of Commissioners from the process or simply repeal NCGS 136-63 since the Board of Commissioners has no control over whether the roads are abandoned or not.

5.     Secondary Road Paving Hearings - remove the Board of Commissioners from the process. Require the NCDOT to hold those hearings without the involvement of the Board of Commissioners since the Board of Commissioners has no control over the paving priorities.


Following much discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to submit #1-3 and to redo #4 for submission. It was felt that the Board needed more detail on what their role should be on roads and on transportation and on what legislative changes would be needed to accomplish that. Staff will draft a new #4 and get copies to the Board prior to sending to NCACC.


Carolina Apparel Building - IRG Proposal

At the Board of Commissioners= facilities workshop on August 24, 2000, the Board was presented with a proposal from IRG offering the County a $25,000 discount and assignment of lease if the property is purchased in January of 2001.  The value of the lease assignment from January 5, 2001 to May 31, 2001 is $64,000.  A copy of the proposal was reviewed by the Board.


Carey McLelland came forward and discussed financing options.  Staff recommended that the Board take the IRG proposal. 


Following discussion, Commissioner Gordon made the motion to accept the IRG offer.  All voted in favor and the motion carried.



David Nicholson had distributed a debt analysis memo to the Board.  Following the Board of Commissioners= Workshop on facilities, Carey McLelland did some debt analysis on the Historic Courthouse and County Services Building.  He and David took some assumptions such as renovation costs and square footage assignment at the Courthouse in doing the chart. 


David and Carey reviewed the breakdown of each section of the chart with the Board.  The bottom line was the need for a two to three cent tax increase for these two buildings.  David stressed that there was a substantial amount of rent figured into this.



This was an add-on by Commissioner Ward. 


Chairman Hawkins informed the public of a letter in response to the Board of Commissioners= letter to Secretary David McCoy with NC DOT.  Mr. McCoy wrote back that the Department was considering three alternatives that did not endanger historic properties. 


The first alternative is to replace the existing bridge just north of its current location.  This alternative appeared to be the most cost effective and retains the road characteristics.  The second alternative was to replace the bridge with a culvert downstream of the dam and mill.  This alternative appeared to be cost prohibitive.  The third alternative was to remove the bridge and not replace it.  This alternative was the least expensive, but does not serve the transportation needs of the residents.  All three alternatives were presented at the public hearing held in April 2000, and the department received many helpful comments.


Since the public hearing, the department received a request from Representative Larry Justus to consider an additional alternative.  This alternative moves the road significantly to the north of the existing bridge.  Preliminary investigations of this alternative raised concerns over cost effectiveness and potential impact to the natural environment.  If the alternative appears feasible, it will be considered in the planning of this project and another public hearing will be required.


In addition to the bridge replacement project, the department plans to pave the unpaved segment of Stepp Mill Road.  This project is contingent upon receiving right-of-way from property owners to allow construction of a paved road.  Past efforts to secure the right-of-way have been unsuccessful and the road has been placed on a holding list until right-of-way is available.



This had been pulled from consent agenda for some discussion.


On October 20, 1999, the Board appointed Darlene Burgess as Deputy Tax Collector for the collection of delinquent taxes for a one-year term.  A Deputy Tax Collector is appointed by the Board of Commissioners but performs the work of the Tax Collector (i.e. the collection of delinquent taxes) under the direction of the Tax Collector.


Chairman Hawkins stated that he felt it was the consensus of the Board to retain Ms. Burgess as the Deputy Tax Collector under the same conditions that she had worked under for the previous year for one additional year. A term must actually be set for her.


Commissioner Kumor made the motion to appoint Ms. Burgess as the Deputy Tax Collector under the same conditions she worked under last year and the same bond amount for one additional year term.  All voted in favor and the motion carried.



Commissioner Moyer stated that the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Subcommittee of the Transportation Advisory Committee has met and is coming up with a recommendation with respect to the TIP.  That recommendation will be in respect to what should and should not be on the program, priorities, etc. will be taken to the Transportation Advisory Committee as a whole on next Thursday for their consideration and input.  Commissioner Moyer will then propose that whatever recommendation comes out of that meeting be brought to the Board of Commissioners at their earliest meeting.  The target the committee is working against is that the State will announce a public hearing sometime towards the end of October or beginning of November.  The Transportation Advisory Committee would like to have a recommendation which is endorsed by this Board of Commissioners, the LGCCA, and any other entities that would endorse it, to show much community support.



Chairman Hawkins stated that he had received several calls on this issue.  Rocky Hyder informed the Board that the property addresses that are being changed now are due to a post office project.  The post office was working in conjunction with the county property addressing department to test their ability to handle the property addressing project and work in sync with the county staff.


The Property Addressing Project was turned over to the County Manager recently.  Chairman Hawkins stressed that one thing the Board needs to be sure occurs, is that the funding of personnel positions that will be required to perform that task, gets transferred appropriately.


Rocky Hyder, Emergency Management Coordinator, then presented the following E-911 Addressing Progress Report.  David Nicholson had assigned the Property Addressing Project to Rocky Hyder.


Mr. Hyder stated that the following items have been accomplished in the E-911 Addressing Program since September 5, 2000:


1.         Began duplication of address database and files, and preparation of office space

at 101 E. Allen Street, to facilitate the E-911 Addressing office move.  


2.         Requested a list of assets assigned to the E-911 Addressing Office.

3.         Surveyed several Counties in North Carolina regarding the use of vendors for

E-911 Addressing.

4.         Contacted Ann Gibbs, Addressing Supervisor with 3Di, and Keith Cunningham,

President of Spatial Data Research, regarding a quote to address 17,000 rural route

and box numbers in Henderson County (Note: 3Di is scheduled to convert the current

GIS database over to Arcview format for E-911 Address Mapping.)

5.         Identified technology needed to support E-911 Addressing at 101 East Allen Street

in cooperation with the Information Technology Department and the Land Records

Office.  (Note: technology requested for this project is consistent with the current

Technology Plan).  

6.         Delivered job descriptions for E-911 Addressing Coordinator and Addressing

Technician(s) to the Human Resources Department for advertisement.  (Note:

Coordinator position will be FT Permanent and 2 Addressing Technicians will be

Project employees until sufficient data and experience is available to determine

appropriate staffing requirements).


Mr. Hyder explained that E-911 Addressing is currently operating in the Tax Assessors area of the new Courthouse, and continues to issue addresses for new structures and work with citizens naming or renaming roads. E-911 Addressing is also working with the Fletcher Postmaster on a test project to re-address Route 2 in Fletcher to distance based addresses.


Rocky Hyder explained that the focus of efforts for the next two weeks will be: procurement and installation of the equipment and supplies necessary to move the E-911 Addressing Office to 101 E. Allen Street; working with the vendors mentioned in item (4) to secure an accurate quote for addressing rural routes and boxes; screening and scheduling interviews for prospective employees.


Mr. Hyder stated that he sincerely appreciated the commitment and support of the County Manager and Commissioners regarding this project.


Chairman Hawkins asked the County Manager to give the Board an update on the Transition Plan at the next meeting and update the Board regarding a budget amendment to transfer funds for personnel.  Commissioner Moyer asked for a time table also.




No review was needed.







At approx. 1:10 p.m., Commissioner Kumor made the motion for the Board to go into Closed Session as allowed pursuant to NCGS 143-318.11 for the following reasons:


1.(a)(6)            To consider the qualifications, competence, performance, character, fitness, conditions of appointment, or conditions of initial employment of an individual public officer or employee or prospective public officer or employee; or to hear or investigate a complaint, charge, or grievance by or against an individual public officer or employee.


Commissioner Gordon made the motion for the Board to go out of Closed Session.  All voted in favor and the motion carried.


Action following Closed Session

There was none.


There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at approximately 2:20 p.m.





Elizabeth W. Corn, Clerk to the Board                       


Grady Hawkins, Chairman