28, 2000
The Henderson County
Board of Commissioners met for a special called meeting at 3:00 p.m. in the
Commissioners= Conference Room of the
Henderson County Office Building at 100 North King Street, Hendersonville,
North Carolina.
Those present were: Chairman Grady Hawkins, Vice-Chair Bill
Moyer, Commissioner Renee Kumor, Commissioner Don Ward, Commissioner Marilyn
Gordon, County Attorney Angela S. Beeker, and Clerk to the Board Elizabeth W.
Also present were:
Elections Director Beverly Cunningham, Assessor Robert Baird, and County
Engineer Gary Tweed.
Absent was: County
Manager David E. Nicholson.
Chairman Hawkins called
the meeting to order at approximately 3:05 and welcomed those in attendance,
stating that the purpose of this meeting was a workshop on Redistricting.
Chairman Hawkins stated
that there are many kinds of districts in Henderson County. There are:
Chairman Hawkins stated
that this year we had a Federal Census which has a lot of bearing on many
different things. Prior to the census
this year, the Henderson County Board of Elections was already working on some
realignment of voting precinct districts to look at adjusting some of the
population that has to be moved through any given precinct on election day,
trying to equalize that a little better.
Precinct District
Alignment and Census Information
Chairman Hawkins asked
Beverly Cunningham, Board of Elections Director, to update the Board on the
redistricting of precincts. They have
been on a freeze since about 1998, except for annexed area.
Beverly Cunningham had
brought a draft phase II precinct map for the Board to review of the proposed
precincts for the 2001 election (municipal) and 2002 for election that will
involve the Commissioners. This map has
been approved by the census, by the General Assembly and by the State.
Beverly Cunningham
referenced the 1997 Precinct Review Report.
The main goal of the Committee, which was nonpartisan, was to ask the
Commissioners to avoid split precincts. The Board of Elections would request
that the Commissioners not have the lines run with major roads because that
would split some of the precincts. She
hopes that the district lines will be run with the precinct lines.
There was discussion
regarding the number of voters in districts. One district may have twice the
number of voters as another district.
The committee has asked that not only dwellings be considered in the
county but also voter population so that the numbers might be more equal.
Beverly Cunningham
stated that the major goal the Review Committee recommended was that there be
no changes in the districts and no change in the method of electing the Board
of Commissioners. The Committee felt that nothing would be served by
Commissioners fighting for pieces of the pie for their district rather than
carefully considering the needs of the county as a whole. Additionally they felt that the current
staggered term of office was working well and that no need was demonstrated for
increase or decrease of the number of county commissioners. Beverly stressed that this was not a
recommendation from the Board of Elections but a recommendation of the
nonpartisan committee from 1997.
Ms. Cunningham stated
that nothing was done with the eastern side of the county, they will do that
later. There were so many changes to
make, they started with the municipalities and then the western side of the
county. She stated that there are
still 34 precincts.
Commissioner Moyer asked
if Ms. Cunningham could show the Board the number of registered voters that are
in the proposed precincts. She could
Information Update on
Assessor=s Use of Census Data
Chairman Hawkins asked
Mr. Baird to explain what data he hopes to get from this census and some of the
capabilities that his equipment currently has for utilizing that data.
Mr. Baird stated that
his staff can go in and pull out the number of dwellings on a similar map by
precinct. By using census information
they can project population but they can=t supply registered voter numbers.
Angela Beeker reminded
the Board that the Statute requires that the Board base the districts on
population, voter registration cannot be the basis. You have to find that there
is substantial equality of population in your residency district.
Mr. Baird stated that
before he and his staff can compare the registered voters, they would have to
have an address because the address would give them an x and y position and
then the address can be used to come up with numbers of registered voters.
Mr. Baird also stated
that the first available data from the census bureau to the public will not be
until April to May of 2001 and that additional information will be released
ongoing through Dcember 2001. He said that he might be able to get some
preliminary data earlier.
Elections Director
Chairman Hawkins asked
Ms. Cunningham a question about numbers of voters and numbers of voting
machines. She stated that currently we=re in good shape. They allow 2.5 minutes per voter for voting.
The recent purchase of an additional 30 voting machines has us back in
Ms. Cunningham stated
that one-stop voting will begin at their offices on October 16, 2000 and
absentee voting begins September 18, 2000.
Robert Baird stated that
we will have the option in the future that if someone comes in to file and give
you a name and address, there will be a flag pop up on the map of exactly where
that person resides. We will have the
tools to be very accurate.
Chairman Hawkins asked
Mr. Baird to give the Board an idea of what his department already has the
capability to do and what they expect to get from the census.
Robert Baird stated that
there is not a lot of census information available to them at this time, post
census 2000. They have the ability to
maintain data in the existing records, precinct information and census track
information in the tax records. He
spoke briefly about how the precinct boundaries affect communities or
subdivisions. Robert stated that if he
has address information that they can match, then they can populate a map by
voter. One of the best indicators of
population currently is registered vehicles.
It is a good indicator of population.
He hopes to get population numbers from
the new census data. Then they
need to be able to apply it, to map it out.
Following much
discussion, Mr. Baird asked if there was anything further that he could supply
for the Board at the present time.
Chairman Hawkins stated that Mr. Baird had probably supplied all the
data he currently has access to, until the new census data is available.
Commissioners= Residency Districts
Commissioner Moyer had
sent the Commissioners a memo dated May 24 concerning redistricting. His basic
idea for a resolution of the redistricting was to have three seats elected by
residency districts and two at-large seats. His suggested plan would set forth
a plan that should resolve the current confusion over district boundaries and
provide opportunities for candidates for County Commissioner who might
otherwise have restrictions on their ability to run. Commissioner Moyer felt
strongly that the districts need to be redrawn in some fashion. Commissioner Moyer felt that now would be a
good time to do the redistricting.
His plan was as follows:
Board of Commissioners would continue to have 5 Commissioners.
would be three Districts and one Commissioner would have to live in each of the
Districts, but they would be elected County-wide.
would be two at large Commissioners and each would be elected County-wide.
new system would be effective starting with the 2002 election. Prior to the end of 2001, the Board would
have to agree upon who would get district slots and who would get at large
slots. Paragraphs 5 and 6 following
provide one possible way to resolve this matter. Commissioner Moyer felt that the Board could probably agree upon
it at a workshop or chose by the time in office.
2002, two district Commissioners and one at large Commissioner would run. Based on time in office, when the Plan becomes
effective, Don Ward would choose first and could select a district seat or an
at large seat. Marilyn Gordon would
select next and would have the same possibilities. Commissioner Moyer would take what is left. This of course assumes that all three of
these Commissioners decide to run again.
2004, Grady Hawkins and Charlie Messer would be running. When the redistricting
becomes effective, Grady Hawkins, again based on time in office, could select a
district or at large seat and Charlie Messer would get what is left.
One would consist of Green River (the boundary line on the north would probably
be Pinnacle Mountain Road), Zirconia, Raven Rock and the area east of I-26 and
south of route #64 but including all of Edneyville, Bat Cave and Gerton.
Two would consist of the area of the County north of route #64 (except for
Edneyville, Bat Cave and Gerton).
Three would be the area of the County south of route #64, west of I-26 and
north of Pinnacle Mountain Road. If
there is too large a population difference between districts Two and Three, all
of Etowah could be put in one District or the other.
In Commissioner Moyer=s plan, the implementation
schedule should provide that the Board have a workshop to discuss and resolve
any issues as soon as the budget is finalized, that they have public comment,
that they make any changes they want based on the public comment, and then take
action to adopt the Plan before the end of 2000. Whatever needs done at the State level, should be accomplished by
June of 2001. The Plan would be
effective for the elections in 2002.
The majority of the Board
agreed with Commissioner Moyer=s proposal but a number of questions were
Chairman Hawkins asked if we=re looking for more people
to run for office or a more selective group to run, quality versus
quantity. He also raised the idea that
if we=re looking for people to run, the Commissioners could set the
compensation for the Commissioners so that it would attract people to run for
the office.
Following much discussion,
Commissioner Moyer made the motion to proceed with the study of his plan. A vote was taken and the motion passed four
to one with Chairman Hawkins voting nay.
There being no further
business to come before the Board, Chairman Hawkins adjourned the meeting.
Elizabeth W. Corn, Clerk to
the Board
Grady Hawkins, Chairman