The Henderson County Board of
Commissioners met for a special called meeting at 3:00 p.m. in the
Commissioners= Conference Room of the Henderson County Office
Building at 100 North King Street, Hendersonville, North Carolina.
Those present were: Chairman
Grady Hawkins, Vice-Chair Bill Moyer, Commissioner Renee Kumor, Commissioner
Don Ward, Commissioner Marilyn Gordon,
County Attorney Angela S. Beeker, and Clerk to the Board Elizabeth W.
Also present were: Assistant
County Attorney Jennifer O. Jackson, Planning Director Karen C. Smith,
Environmental Planner Nippy Page, and Acting County Manager J. Carey McLelland.
Absent was: County Manager
David E. Nicholson.
Chairman Hawkins called the
meeting to order and welcomed those in attendance. The purpose of this meeting
was a Safety Net Zoning Workshop. He
stated that Karen Smith will begin with an update on the Zoning Ordinance Rewrite.
Karen Smith reminded the
Board that in October 1999 the Commissioners had a joint meeting with the
Planning Board when the Commissioners turned the project over to the Planning
Board. The Planning Board has had five
special meetings since that time to review text presented to them by
Benchmark. Julia Cogburn, of Benchmark,
has been supplying the Planning Board members with sections of the rewrite for
On July 18, 2000, the
Planning Board reviewed the entire draft rewrite of the Zoning Ordinance. The
Planning Board had received the draft about a month prior to July 18 and had
been reviewing it individually during that month. Each time Julia Cogburn gave the Planning Board a section she gave
them a summary of significant changes, which helped in the review of the
At their last meeting, the
Planning Board asked Julia Cogburn to look at drafting text for conditional and
special use districts. They also asked
her to look at writing the text for allowing some small commercial uses in
residential developments.
The Planning Board had hoped
to have the rewrite to the Board of Commissioners by Labor Day but it will take
a little longer.
There was some discussion
regarding conditional uses and a conditional special use district. The Board wants some flexibility
Chairman Hawkins asked if the
Board would be ready to apply open use zoning to all the unzoned areas of the
County concurrently with the adoption of the new Zoning Ordinance or would the
Board want it applied as an overlay, for instance.
In reading old minutes,
Commissioner Gordon felt that the Board of Commissioners had given staff the
direction to enact it county-wide.
Commissioner Moyer does not
wish to impose safety net zoning county-wide.
He thought it should be offered as a zoning district as the least
restrictive district. He opposed
extending it county-wide.
Commissioner Ward was not
interested in putting it in county-wide.
He stated that many of the people in the rural communities do not want
to be zoned.
Commissioner Kumor stated
that what the Board started out with was a good idea but she felt that it had
been all left behind. The Board originally was trying to be proactive. She felt
that the Board=s intentions had changed regarding open use zoning.
Angela Beeker stated that the
decision of whether to enact it county-wide or not impacts other issues besides
just zoning.
There was some discussion
that the Board go ahead and develop definitions and then following the hearings
and public discussions, if it becomes evident to the community that this is the
way to go, then the Board could enact it county-wide. But if it becomes evident to the Commissioners that there are
folks who will not buy into it then it may be a district for use but not be
enacted county-wide.
It was the consensus of the
Board to continue to shape Open Use Zoning as the least restrictive district in
the new Zoning Ordinance and look at it as a tool to possibly enact county-wide,
if public input so indicates.
Two public hearings will be
required, one on the text and one on the map.
It was the consensus of the Board to continue with this (safety net
zoning) as a zoning district option.
Direction to Staff
Following much discussion,
direction was given to staff to include safety net zoning/open use zoning as a
zoning classification option, remembering that it may or may not be applied
The Board reviewed the
recommendations in detail.
Some of the more significant
additions and modifications proposed by the Planning Board were:
Chip Mills - The
Planning Board added chip mills as a regulated use in the OU district and
proposed a set of specific site standards for the use.
Regulation of Adult
Establishments - The Planning Board decided to prohibit adult establishments in
the Open Use District and to allow them in the C-4 (Highway Commercial) and I-2
(General Industrial) districts as Special Uses with standards.
Amusement Parks - The
Planning Board decided to regulate amusement parks that are greater than five
acres in size in the OU district.
Slaughtering and
Processing Plants - The Planning Board decided to regulate in the OU district
plants that slaughter or process 100 or more animals per month.
Treatment of Uses
Regulated in OU District in Other Districts - In some instances the Planning
Board had recommended standards for uses in other districts in accordance with
the standards proposed for the same uses in the OU districts.
Protected Mountain
Ridges - The Planning Board had recommended that the Special Uses and the AUses Permitted with Standards@ in the OU district be prohibited on protected
mountain ridges. A definition for Aprotected mountain ridge@ had also been added to the draft amendments.
Definition and
Regulation of Vehicle and Mobile/Manufactured Home Graveyards - The Planning
Board changed the threshold for mobile/manufactured home graveyards from 5
homes to 3 and clarified the difference between cemeteries and Agraveyards@
through definitions. Vehicle and
Mobile/Manufactured Home Graveyards require a permit from the Zoning
Disposal Sites for
Hazardous or Radioactive Materials - The Planning Board established definitions
for Hazardous Waste Disposal Facility and Radioactive Waste Disposal Facility
and added to prohibition language in the OU district and the I-2 district.
The Planning Board also recommended
that the Board of Commissioners consider amending the AJurisdiction@
sections of the Manufactured Home Park Ordinance and the Communications
Tower Ordinance to indicate that these ordinances will apply in the Open
Use District.
There was much discussion of
the recommendations from the Planning Board and direction was given to staff if
the majority of the Board was not in agreement with the Planning Board
The Board offered changes
including but not limited to:
vs. Processing Plants/Houses
vs. Asphalt Plants
Parks - added 200 acres and removed residential density
chip mills to list (#15)
There were many areas where the Board wished to have further
discussion when they see the changes in the Zoning Ordinance Text Rewrite,
specific items that they will want to have discussion on and possibly change at
that time. Angela Beeker reminded the
Board that this is in draft form and the Board can easily make changes as they
see fit. The Planning Board had held
detailed discussion and on some items the vote was very close.
Chairman Hawkins stated that
each Commissioner will have to scrutinize the Ordinance Rewrite when they
receive a copy as it is like a new Ordinance in some respects. It will take
much study.
The Board will be interested
to see what kind of public input they will receive on the Zoning Ordinance
Rewrite document. Staff was asked to incorporate the changes from today and get
a draft document back to the Commissioners for their review.
There being no further
business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned.
Elizabeth W. Corn, Clerk to
the Board
Grady Hawkins, Chairman