The Henderson
County Board of Commissioners met for a regularly scheduled meeting at 9:00 a.m.
in the Commissioners= Conference Room of the Henderson County Office
Building at 100 North King Street, Hendersonville, North Carolina.
Those present
were: Chairman Grady Hawkins,
Vice-Chair Bill Moyer, Commissioner Renee Kumor, Commissioner Don Ward,
Commissioner Marilyn Gordon, County Manager David E. Nicholson, and Clerk to
the Board Elizabeth W. Corn.
Also present
were: Finance Director J. Carey McLelland,
Planning Director Karen C. Smith, Public Information Officer Chris S.
Coulson, Staff Attorney Jennifer O. Jackson, County Engineer Gary Tweed, and
Office Assistant Amy Brantley.
Absent was:
Assistant County Manager/Interim County Attorney Angela S. Beeker.
Hawkins called the meeting to order and welcomed those in attendance.
Ward led the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.
Bill Byrnes,
Risk Management Director, gave the invocation.
Kumor asked for an addition to Update on Pending Issues as #2 - a question
regarding readdressing.
Hawkins pulled two items from the Consent Agenda for comments, item AC@ and AD@.
AC@ -
Distinguished Budget Presentation Award - He just wanted to bring it to the
attention of those in attendance and for those who watch the meeting on cable
tv that this is an award that is presented for the highest form of recognition
in governmental budgeting. The award
was presented to our Budget Analyst Selena Coffey. In order to receive the award a governmental unit must publish a
budget document that meets program criteria, that=s a policy document, an operations guide,
as a financial plan and as a communications device. Those criteria were met with the FY 1999-2000 annual budget.
AD@ - Certificate
of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting. Our Finance Director Carey McLelland received this award. This certificate of achievement is for the
highest form of recognition in the area of governmental accounting and
financial reporting and its attainment represents a significant accomplishment
by a government in its management.
Hawkins congratulated Carey McLelland, Selena Coffey and the entire Finance
Department staff for their fine work.
Ward asked that item AF@ be pulled from the Consent Agenda. Bill Byrnes was in attendance and was asked
to update the Board on the detention center.
Mr. Byrnes
stated that the project in general is on schedule in spite of the fact that we
have had some periods of rain. The
anticipated substantial completion date is April of 2001. There have been a few change orders and he
briefly discussed those. We=re essentially
six months into the project.
Moyer asked the County Manager to comment briefly on item AE@ - Notification
of Purchase - Influenza Vaccines.
David Nicholson
explained that the Disease Control Centers actually project what the strains of
influenza will be a year in advance and make the vaccine. Actually they are working on what strains we
will have in 2001 based on what strains are in other countries. The vaccine for the fall of 2000 is budgeted
in the FY 2000 - 2001 budget. The
vaccine would be ordered now and paid for in the coming fiscal year. Henderson County=s order is for
8,200 doses of the vaccine. If we do
not use all the vaccine, we can return up to 10% of it.
Hawkins made the motion to approve the Consent Agenda. The CONSENT AGENDA included the following:
Minutes were
presented for the Board=s review and approval of the following
17, 1999, regularly scheduled meeting
3, 2000, special called meeting
Road Petition
We had received
the following road petitions for addition to the State Maintenance System:
Atwood Drive
Greenfield Lane
It has been the
practice of this Board to accept road petitions and forward them to NC
Department of Transportation for their review.
It has also been the practice of the Board not to ask NCDOT to change
the priority for roads on the paving priority list.
Budget Presentation Award
The Government
Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada had awarded
Henderson County the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for it=s annual budget
for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1999.
This is the third consecutive year the County has received this
prestigious award.
Certificate of
Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting
The Government
Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada has awarded
Henderson County the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial
Reporting for it=s June 30, 1999
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report.
This is the tenth consecutive year the County has received this
prestigious award.
Notification of
Purchase - Influenza Vaccines
The Board of
Commissioners adopted a Resolution on August 20, 1997, authorizing the County
Manager to advertise, receive, reject and award bids on the purchase of
apparatus, supplies, materials and equipment valued at less than
$100,000.00. The County Manager has
recently exercised his authority under this Resolution and, pursuant to the
terms of the Resolution, reported the following to the Board of Commissioners.
On April 3,
2000, the County Manager authorized the advertisement of bids for the purchase
of influenza vaccines for the Health Department. The taking of the bids was advertised on April 10, 2000 and bids
were received and opened on April 28, 2000.
Caligor Roane Barker submitted the only bid. The County Manager declared its bid in the amount of $38,950 as
the lowest, responsive, responsible bid and, on May 1, 2000, awarded the
purchase contract to that company.
No Board action
was necessary as this was provided for information purposes only.
Center Project Report
The Board
received the monthly Capital Improvement Project Report for the new Detention
State ADM Fund
Application - Fletcher Elementary School Project
As part
of the funding plan for the new Fletcher Elementary School Project, the Board
of Commissioners approved the use of Public School Building Capital Funds (ADM
Fund) in the amount of $1,200,000.00.
The County is required to match one dollar of local funds for every
three dollars of State ADM funds.
Therefore, the required match for the County will be $400,000.00. The required match will be covered from
capital outlay funds, which as of the current date, has already been met by
paid expenditures for site preparation, electrical construction, mechanical
construction, and utility construction.
After approval
by the Board of Commissioners, this application must also be approved by the
Board of Education before submission to the Office of State Budget and
The total
budget of $10,550,313 for this project includes funding of $6,750,000 in
installment contract proceeds, $2,600,313 in capital outlay funds, and the
$1,200,000 in State ADM funds requested above.
Tax Collector=s Report
Terry F. Lyda,
Tax Collector, had provided the Tax Report to the Board through May 11,
All voted in
favor and the motion carried.
Mayor=s Cup Raft Race
Moyer stated that based on Henderson County=s excellent past performance, they have
been invited to participate in the Raft Race again. It was the consensus of the Board to authorize Commissioner Moyer
to serve as team captain and recruit a full team. Commissioner Ward has volunteered.
David Nicholson
explained to those in attendance that Henderson County has a strong tradition
of finishing last in the raft race.
Last year we actually finished next to last.
Notification of
The Board was
notified of the following vacancies which will appear under ANominations@ on the next
1. Henderson
County Child Protection Team - 1 vac.
2. Board of
Equalization and Review - 1 vac.
Both vacancies
were due to resignation.
Hawkins reminded the Board of the following vacancies and opened the floor to
Hendersonville City Zoning Board of Adjustment - 1 vac.
Ward nominated Larry Young. He has
talked with Mr. Young who stated that he would be willing to serve. Chairman Hawkins made the motion to suspend
the rules and appoint Mr. Young. All
voted in favor and the motion carried.
Nursing/Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee - 2 vac. plus 4 additional
vacancies for the year 2000.
Hawkins nominated Sara Jones and Nancy Mitchell to fill two of the designated
positions. Commissioner Kumor made the motion to suspend the rules and appoint
these two ladies. All voted in favor
and the motion carried.
3. Henderson
County Industrial Facilities & Pollution Control Authority - 1 vac.
There were no
nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.
4. Solid Waste
Advisory Committee - 1 vac.
According to
the by-laws, the Board of Commissioners also needs to appoint the Chairman of
this committee. There were no nominations at this time so this item was rolled
to the next meeting. Commissioner Gordon will inquire at the committee
meeting tomorrow concerning a suitable Chairman and asking the members to try
to help recruit an additional member.
5. Juvenile
Crime Prevention Council - 1 vac.
This vacancy
must be filled by someone under the age of 21. There were no nominations at
this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.
6. Mountain
Area Workforce Development Board - 1 vac.
Kumor nominated Cindy Dabaibeh to fill the Chamber of Commerce position. Chairman Hawkins made the motion to suspend
the rules and appoint Ms. Dabaibeh. All
voted in favor and the motion carried.
7. Henderson
County Board of Health - 1 vac.
This vacancy
must be filled by a veterinarian. There were no nominations at this time so
this item was rolled to the next meeting.
8. Henderson
County Hospital Corporation Board of Directors - 1 vac.
At the last
meeting Chairman Hawkins nominated John Swanson and Commissioner Ward nominated
Dr. John Bell. Commissioner Moyer asked
that this be rolled to the next meeting.
9. Child
Fatality Prevention Team
Gordon had received an expression of interest in serving on this Board. She would like to check back with the person
and asked that this item be rolled to the next meeting.
- Assignment of Lease
Jackson explained that as authorized by the Board of Commissioners, on May 3,
2000, the County purchased approximately 5.92 acres near the Solid Waste
Management Facility from the Traces. As
a part of that closing the County accepted an assignment of the lease of the
9.43 acre tract of property that was purchased by Henderson County in
1996. As required by the purchase
contract, the Traces have already provided notice to the tenant of the
termination of the lease and the lease is due to terminate on October 24,
2000. The monthly rental as prescribed
by the lease is $1,500.00 and includes the following farm equipment which is
still owned by Dr. Ian Trace: John Deere 970 tractor, dump trailer, manure
spreader, box scraper, hay elevator and pulverizer. A copy of the lease and the termination letter were both
By way of the
letter dated May 5, 2000, Dr. Trace is seeking a $350.00 portion of each of the
lease payments for the lease of the farm equipment. Thus the remaining amount
of $1,150.00 per month will accrue to the County for the lease of the 9.43
acres and the improvements thereon.
Don H. Elkins,
who represented the County in the closing, recommended that the County accept
an appropriate division of the rental payments as a resolution of the
matter. It is up to the Board to
determine if the suggested division of $350.00 to Dr. Trace and $1,150.00 to
the County is an appropriate division of those rental payments.
discussion, Commissioner Kumor made the motion to approve the request as
suggested. All voted in favor and the
motion carried.
Gary Tweed
reminded the Board that they were presented with a proposal to extend the
boundaries of the Cane Creek Water and Sewer District in accordance with NCGS
162A-87.1. The extension of the
District as proposed would include approximately 1300 properties in the
vicinity of the French Broad River and Highway 280. In light of the proposal and in accordance with law the Board
approved a Report and directed that it be filed with the Clerk to the Board,
and scheduled a public hearing for May 4, 2000 at 7:00 p.m.
In accordance
with the Board=s direction and
applicable law, the County Engineer filed the Annexation Report with the Clerk
on March 22, 2000, and caused the Notice of Public Hearing to be published in
the Times-News on April 16, 2000. In
addition, on March 23, 2000, letters were mailed to all properties
discussion, Commissioner Moyer made the motion to approve the extension of the
boundary of the Cane Creek Water & Sewer District.
There was
additional discussion then a vote was taken and the motion carried unanimously.
Gordon complimented the staff on holding the informational session prior to the
public hearing. It helped the process
of the hearing and answered a lot of questions for people up front.
Jennifer Jackson
reminded the Board that on Monday, April 3, 2000, the Board of Commissioners
approved an Offer of Economic Development Incentives for UPM-Raflatac, Inc.,
contingent upon the approval of an economic incentives agreement between the
County and Raflatac guaranteeing the job creation and capital investment
requirements. The County offered an
amount not to exceed $1.0 million as a reimbursement for site preparation and
possibly road construction. Included in
that $1.0 million would be the County=s cost to install a water line to extend
to the site.
Based upon the
County=s offer,
Raflatac has announced that, contingent upon an acceptable incentives agreement
being negotiated, they will build a $45.0 million facility in Broadpointe Park,
which will result in the creation of 180 new jobs, and the 40 jobs currently in
Henderson County would be retained. The
average (weighted) wage would be $20.00 per hour for the plant employees. Additionally, the company will provide a
full benefits package. Creation of at
least 80 jobs will be in the first phase.
Staff was
finalizing negotiations with Raflatac while the agenda was being prepared;
however, the Board had received a copy of the proposed agreement in their
mailboxes on Friday, May 12, 2000.
reviewed the annual incentive payments with the Board.
Following some
discussion, Jennifer Jackson asked the Board to consider adopting the proposed
Resolution which approves the Agreement, authorizes its signature, and
authorizes staff and appropriate Board members to take any further action to
carry out the terms of the agreement.
Hawkins made the motion to adopt the Resolution as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
The construction
concept for the County Service Building includes the renovation of the building
located on the Carolina Apparel Trading property and an addition to that
building. An architect will need to be
selected to assist the Board with the concept and detailed design of such
improvements. A Request for
Qualifications is required for that selection process. The County Attorney had developed the
necessary documents for that process and requested approval to go forward with
the advertisement and selection process.
The proposed process involves Staff interviewing the candidates and
recommending one firm to the Board with the expectation that the Board will
make the final selection of the architect at its July 3, 2000 meeting.
The Board might
wish to consider whether it prefers that the Board or one of its members be
involved in earlier stages of the selection process. As alternatives to the proposed process, a Commissioner could
work with Staff in the selection process or Staff could forward a recommendation
of three firms for the Board of Commissioners to interview.
Staff requested
direction from the Board on the desired selection process and authorization to
proceed with the selection of an architect.
There was much
discussion concerning the possibility of doing this project in phases.
Commissioner Moyer moved adoption of the Resolution with respect to
qualifications for architectural services with
the changes discussed, subject to the Chairman and the County Manager=s approval of
the language. Also to authorize Commissioner Kumor to work with staff and the
architectural proposals and bring three to the Board for consideration. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
from Financing Proceeds
It will be
necessary for the County to seek some type of financing for the project. Prior to that financing, however, the County
will have spent funds on the purchase of property, architectural and
engineering fees and other related expenses.
It is therefore advisable for the County to declare its intention to
reimburse itself from financing proceeds for the expenditures that the County
incurs on the project prior to financing.
As an initial
estimate, Staff anticipated that the overall cost for the County Service
Building project could run as much as $16.283 million, excluding the
application of any proceeds of sale of property that will be vacated due to the
project. This cost includes (1) the
purchase price for the Carolina Apparel Trading property and five adjacent and
contiguous properties including Hill, Seabaugh, and Campbell; (2) estimated
construction expenses; (3) estimated expenses for furniture, fixtures and
equipment; (4) estimated architectural and engineering fees; and (5) project
contingency. A revised project cost
summary was reviewed which detailed this preliminary estimate of the overall
project cost.
discussion, Chairman Hawkins made the motion to adopt the reimbursement
Resolution as presented at $16.283 million.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Due to the
timing of several of the purchases discussed above, an amendment to the FY
1999-2000 budget in the amount of $318,450 will be necessary. This amendment will cover all the expenses that the County will incur and owe in this
fiscal year as a result of this project, including the following: environmental
and geotechnical assessments for the Hill, Seabaugh and Campbell properties;
the $10,000 earnest money deposit for the purchase of the Carolina Apparel
Trading property; and the expenses related to the purchases of the Hill and
Seabaugh properties which will occur prior to July 1, 2000. A budget amendment is attached which
appropriates fund balance for these expenditures.
Carey McLelland
distributed a one page hand-out of the AProposed Budget Amendment Detail@. Following discussion, Commissioner Moyer
made the motion to take this money out of revenues for this year (1999 - 2000)
and if there is not enough there, then to take it out of fund balance and
directed staff to do this budget amendment based on that direction. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
This is an
effort to keep the lines of communication open. It gives the Chairman an opportunity to bring the Board up to
date on issues that occur between meetings.
It is also the time to ask for direction so that the Board can develop a
public position on current and upcoming topics.
This is also an
opportunity for Commissioners to report on related committee work and
assignments. Items to discuss during this meeting are as follows:
Mayor Henry
Johnson=s letter dated
April 28, 2000
Hawkins had received a letter from Mayor Johnson expressing the Town of Laurel
Park=s interest in
extending their ETJ into an area that the County currently has zoned R-20. He asked to meet to discuss it. Chairman Hawkins felt it more appropriate to
bring this before the Board first to get their comments.
Karen Smith
showed the area in question on a zoning map.
It was
suggested that Commissioners Moyer and Gordon and staff from Planning meet with
Laurel Park representatives to hear their request and express County
question -
this was an add-on by Commissioner Kumor
Kumor had received an e-mail that said AWe were notified very quietly by the post
office last week that we now have a new route number. This means that our address will change again in about six
months. Do the County Commissioners
have any influence over the post office to delay this? Anyway, you may be
hearing some complaints from other residents about this. I think it is really ironic that you all
have caught such heat about this issue and the post office has pulled this off with
no fanfare.@
The County
Manager and other staff have been working on that issue for some time now of
how to deal with the post office.
Hawkins stressed that we do not currently have an enhanced 9-1-1 system in the
county. We have the software but when a telephone call comes in, we do not get
a map on the screen. Staff has been
working diligently on this trying to accomplish it. The post office would like for the county to implement addresses
by route numbers rather than by emergency service numbers (ESNs). ESNs is how BellSouth has the numbers
packaged. Without route numbers we can=t get the zip plus four.
It was the
consensus of the Board that Chairman Hawkins meet with Robert Baird and look at
the problems we=re facing with
the post offices and try to come up with a solution.
Hawkins called a short recess.
1. Katie
Breckheimer - Ms. Breckheimer works for the Environmental
and Conservation Organization (ECO). She informed the Board that this Friday,
May 19, is Strive Not To Drive Day. She
asked the Board to try to limit driving and to help to make our county user
friendly for biking and walking.
2. Bill &
Sandy Ballard - Mr. Ballard
reminded the Board of a letter they had written to the Board last week about
the junkyard ordinance. They requested
an amendment to the junkyard ordinance.
Neighbors of theirs have an on-going yard sale and leave the items out
with tarps covering them. The neighbors
say that they are selling antiques and yard sale items. The Ballards fear that their property values
will go down because of the neighbor=s property.
Breckheimer had proposed a Proclamation for the Board to adopt proclaiming
Friday, May 19, 2000 as AStrive Not To Drive Day@ .
Moyer made the motion that the Board proclaim Friday, May 19, 2000 as AStrive Not To
Drive Day@ and ask all
the citizens to examine their personal driving choices to commute via transit,
sharing a ride, bicycling, walking, or telecommuting during Srive Not To Drive
Day. All voted in favor and the motion
Hawkins reviewed the Board=s calendar and stated the need to set
several meetings.
Special Order
Setting a Public Hearing - To Consider the Rural Operating Assistance Program
Application for Western Carolina Community Action
Hawkins made the motion for the Board to Adopt a Special Order Setting a Public
Hearing for June 5, 2000 at 7:00 p.m.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Set Public
Hearing on Road Name - Dolly Case Lane/Bourbon Street
Staff had requested
that the Board set a Public Hearing for this road name for June 5, 2000 at 7:00
Ward stated that he wished to be excused when this comes up. This is his Mother=s Church. He stated that he is highly objective to
naming a road next to a Church Bourbon Street.
The Board set
the hearing for June 5, 2000 at 7:00 p.m
Budget Workshop
The Board set
an additional budget workshop for Thursday, June 1 at 1:00 p.m. and hope to be
able to adopt the FY 2000 - 2001 budget on June 5, at the regular first of the
month meeting.
Kumor asked the Manager to speak to the junkyard ordinance. We had a couple who addressed the junkyard
ordinance during informal public comments.
They requested an amendment to the ordinance.
David Nicholson
stated that the County=s current junkyard ordinance is administered by
the Environmental Health Division of the Public Health Department. He stated that there are two ordinances that
might apply - The Junkyard Ordinance through the Environmental Health Division
and the Solid Waste Ordinance which is enforced by the Solid Waste Department
and addresses illegal dumping. The
issue that Mr. & Mrs. Ballard spoke to is people storing items on their
private property. This may be something
that the Board would want to put on the agenda for the Environmental Advisory
Committee to study to see if they can expand some of the litter issues. Currently neither of the ordinances would
address the issues the Ballards raised.
It was the
consensus of the Board for the legal staff to address the Environmental
Advisory Committee and explain the two ordinances mentioned (neither of which
is designed to address the issue that was raised during public input) and to
give some alternatives. Then the Environmental Advisory Committee can evaluate
the ordinances and make a recommendation/s to the Board of Commissioners and
the Board can decide which avenue to follow.
Jackson stated that as a part of the Safety Net Zoning issue, junkyards are
dealt with in the ordinance. If the
Board wishes to proceed with Safety Net Zoning it is contemplated that the
junkyard ordinance would be repealed and would be folded into the Zoning
The junkyard
ordinance was identified in the Aquality of life@ issues and
staff has been working on it in the context of Safety Net Zoning.
- To Consider Request for Economic Development Incentives for Metromont
Kumor made the motion for the Board to go into Public Hearing. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Jackson informed the Board that this public hearing was held to consider the
request of Metromont Materials Corporation for economic development incentives
based upon a proposed expansion. They
have indicated that if assistance with public sewer were provided by the
County, they would be interested in developing a new manufacturing facility in
Henderson County. The total capital
investment associated with this facility would be $11.0 million. The proposed location for the new facility
is Brickton Industrial Park, located near Fletcher. The new facility would result in the creation of 6-12 new jobs,
paying $11.00 - $16.00 per hours, with full benefits. The estimated cost to provide the public sewer is $128,600. Pursuant to the Board=s Guidelines
for economic development incentives, Metromont should qualify for annual
incentives in the amount of $36,800.
The Board has previously indicated that it would be willing to consider
reimbursement to Metromont Materials for a partial reimbursement of the costs
for public sewer in the form of three Annual Incentives Payments of $36,800
each, totaling to a reimbursement of $110,400.
Jackson stated that during final negotiations with Metromont, they agreed to
commit to creating 12 new jobs.
This public
hearing was properly noticed in the Times-News on May 5, 2000 as required by
NCGS 158-7.1.
Public Input
1. Scott
- Mr. Hamilton spoke on behalf of the Hendersonville Chamber of Commerce in
support of the economic development incentives for Metromont Materials
2. Jeff Hardig - Mr. Hardig
is the Regional Manager for Metromont.
He thanked the Board for considering their request and stated that they
look forward to many prosperous years in Henderson County.
Jackson reviewed some revisions to the proposed agreement.
Kumor made the motion for the Board to go out of Public Hearing. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Hawkins made the motion to accept the Resolution as presented noting exhibit A
was the document the Board had just heard revisions to. All voted in favor and the motion
- Fiscal Year 2000-2001 Budget
Kumor made the motion for the Board to go into Public Hearing on the FY 2000 -
2001 Budget. All voted in favor and the
motion carried.
The purpose of
this public hearing was to hear public comment on the FY 2000-2001 budget. Mr.
Nicholson informed the Board that this hearing had been duly advertised as
required by NCGS.
Public Input
1. Betsy
Armstrong-Price - Ms. Armstrong-Price, President of the Alliance for Human
Services. She introduced speaker # 2 as
Mike Oliphant, Executive Director of the Alliance for Human Services.
She informed
the Board of the mission of the Alliance for Human Services ATo strengthen
the delivery of human services to the Henderson County community through close
collaboration of funders and facilitate an effective and efficient distribution
of human service resources.@
In doing that work with three main funders in Henderson County which
include: Henderson County Government, United Way, and the Community Foundation.
In the past
year the Alliance has completed a needs assessment which was presented to the
Board of Commissioners last fall. They
also have accredited the nonprofit organizations that are funded by the three
funders. They have provided technical
assistance and education to the nonprofits in the area. They have set funding priorities based on
research and the needs assessment and have made recommendations to the funders.
She was aware
that the Board had set aside $180,000 for the Alliance Budget. They reviewed
the agency applications and the information that they provided along with
financial information. They gathered
additional information and asked difficult questions. She made the following recommendations:
Ridge Community Health Services (new allocation)
To provide pediatric, dental, surgical
programs $21,000
buy equipment for the new programs
Blue Ridge Literacy Council $12,500
help improve the employment situation for individuals
well as life skills by working with illiterate adults
Boys & Girls Club $ 4,000
their at risk program - dealing with at risk youth
Council on Aging $38,000
home delivered meals (will provide meals for
30 individuals for one year)
Dispute Settlement Center $12,000
and community mediation - part of this is a match
State funds for youth mediation
Housing Assistance Corporation $12,000
home repair for low income elderly and disabled
Interfaith Assistance Ministry $0 (this year)
emergency assistance or basic needs
Mainstay $20,000
for their shelter - providing protection for
as well as a safe place to get their lives back
and become productive citizens
Pisgah Legal Services $10,000
is their Henderson County assistance project -
legal services to those who would have no
of getting it
SSEACO (formerly Something Special) $50,000
vocational activities program, transportation, and
- they train disabled adults to become employable
The Healing Place $ 500
victims of sexual abuse in our community
are in a strong financial position right now
Total = $180,000
2. Mike Oliphant - Mr. Oliphant
distributed a packet of information to the Board which was a summary of all the
applications (I did not get a copy).
3. Diane Bowers - Ms. Bowers,
Executive Director of the Blue Ridge Literacy Council. She stated that they are one of the
accredited agencies spoken of above.
She thanked the Board for the support for the Literacy Council and for
commissioning the Alliance to do the needs assessment.
Kumor made the motion for the Board to go out of Public Hearing. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Hawkins called a short technical recess to take care of videotaping needs.
PUBLIC HEARING - Proposed Amendment to Special Use Permit # SP-93-13 for
Carriage Park Planned Unit Development (Application #SP-93-13-A4)
The Board of
Commissioners scheduled for this date a Quasi-Judicial Public Hearing on an
application by Carriage Park Development Corporation (CPDC) for a proposed
amendment to Special Use Permit #SP-93-13 for a Planned Unit Development (PUD)
known as Carriage Park.
SP-93-13 was
granted by the Board of Commissioners in 1993.
Since then, the Commissioners have approved three amendments to the
permit. Through the current
application, CPDC is requesting to increase the size of the PUD from 377.6
acres to 392.3 acres by adding 14.7 acres of property to the development. The applicant would also like to increase
the number of dwelling units permitted within the PUD from 663 to 695. Finally, the applicant has requested that
condition A3e@ be removed
from Exhibit A in the order for a prior amendment, #SP-93-13-A1.
The Board of
Commissioners referred the application to the Planning Board on November 17,
1999. The Planning Board met on
November 30, 1999 and voted on a recommendation to the Board of
Commissioners. As in past
Quasi-Judicial Proceedings, the Planning Board=s recommendation and other evidence will
be presented by staff during the hearing.
Interim County
Attorney Angela Beeker was not present at the hearing; however, Staff Attorney
Jennifer Jackson was available to assist the Board, if needed.
Kumor made the motion for the Board to go into Quasi-Judicial Public Hearing on
the proposed amendment for a Special Use Permit #SP-93-13 for Carriage Park
Planned Unit Development. All voted in
favor and the motion carried.
Hawkins - ALadies and
gentlemen, a quasi-judicial proceeding is scheduled for today on the petition
of Carriage Park Development Corporation for an amendment to Special Use Permit
#93-13, a Planned Unit Development. A
quasi-judicial proceeding, much like a court proceeding, is a proceeding in
which one=s individual
rights are being determined. The
proceedings will be conducted under the Henderson County Board of Commissioners
Rules of Procedure for Quasi-Judicial Proceedings. Only persons who can demonstrate that they will be affected by
the outcome of the decision are allowed to participate in the proceedings.
Just an
overview of the procedure:
All persons who
speak and participate, including any witnesses that will be called, will be
placed under oath. Staff will give
brief introductory remarks then the Board will ask the petitioner what evidence
he wishes to present in support of his application for a special use
permit. After the petitioner is
finished, anyone else who has expressed a desire to be a party and who the
Board has recognized as a party will then be allowed to present their witness
testifying in this proceeding. All
parties will be given the opportunity to ask questions of all witnesses
testifying in the proceeding. The Board
will be given the opportunity to ask questions also. After the evidence is presented the Board will discuss the issues
raised and will make a decision. The
Board=s decision must
be made in writing within 45 days of the hearing. The Board acknowledges the petitioner, Dale Hamlin, on behalf of Carriage Park Development
Corporation and the staff as parties to the proceeding. Are there any other persons who present who
can demonstrate that they will be affected by the outcome of the proceeding and
who wish to be a party to the proceedings?@ AYes, would you
please come forward. Will you please
state your name and address and why you - or how you=ll be affected
by the outcome.@
Lady from the
audience who had stepped up to the podium - AYes, my name is Lynn Redmond, I live at
111 Valley Hill Drive. I will be a
party to this by virtue of the fact that I am a homeowner in Carriage Park, I
have a financial interest in how this is developed as well as I am concerned
about the buffer situation.@
Kumor - ACan you spell
your last name, Lynn.@
Lynn Redmond - AR-e-d-m-o-n-d.@
Kumor - AOK, thank you.@
Hawkins - AMrs. Jackson, I
think we need - the Board needs to decide whether or not to allow Ms. Redmond
as a party.@
Jackson - AYes sir.@
Hawkins - AIt would seem,
I assume that your property is not only in Carriage Park but adjacent to this
or how are you situated?@
Lynn Redmond - AIt is not
adjacent but because of the fact that they will be doing work on the road - it
is a road that I utilize on a daily basis and I truly believe that the removal
of the tree buffer will affect the road base and I am concerned about it.@
Hawkins - ASo the road
buffer is adjacent to your property or on the road that you transverse.@
Lynn Redmond - AI live off of
Valley Hill which is - I utilize Carriage Park Way on a daily basis on numerous
Hawkins - AOK, I don=t have any
objections. Does anyone on the Board
object to Ms. Redmond being a party?
Mrs. Jackson, do you have any advise for us?@
Jackson - ANo sir. I - I think it would be appropriate to make
her a party to the proceeding.@
Chairman Hawkins
- AIs there any
other - any other parties? I think we=ve already
recognized Mr. Hamlin, Luther are you going to be a part. OK.@
David Nicholson
- AI guess they
will be witnesses that would be called.@
Hawkins - AOK.@
Jackson - ACarriage Park
has been recognized as the party and I - I=m assuming there will be several of you
that will be called upon to testify and at the appropriate time you can all
come up and be sworn.@
Luther Smith - AThat was my
question. They recognized Dale
specifically so I didn=t know.@
Hawkins - AWell, at this
time, I=d just ask for
the - all the parties and the witnesses to come forward so you can be
sworn. You were headed in the right
David Nicholson
- AMrs. Redmond
Jackson - AMrs. Redmond,
if there will be any witnesses that you would like to call. OK, great.@
Clerk to the
Board - AIf you could
all come forward and put your left hand on the Bible, raise your right
hand. Do you swear (or affirm) that the
testimony that you shall give to the Board of County Commissioners shall be the
truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God.@
In unison - AI do.@
Hawkins - AMrs. Corn, are
there any of the witnesses or parties that you do not have their address that
you need to get at this time?@
Clerk to the
Board - AI don=t know that I
have any of their addresses.@
Hawkins - AOK.@
Clerk to the
Board - AI have their
Those sworn in were: Karen Smith, Luther Smith, Dale Hamlin, John
Jeter, and Lynn Redmond.
Hawkins - AOK, well we can
- we can get in contact with them down there, OK. And I=d ask staff to make your introductory remarks,
Karen, are you going to do that for staff.@
Karen Smith - AI am, I have a
copy of my remarks, I=ll pass that out to the Board and the parties at
this time.@
distributed a 2 page hand-out.
Karen Smith - AGood Morning.@
Hawkins - AMorning@
Karen Smith - ACarriage Park
Development Corporation has submitted an application for an amendment to
Special Use Permit #SP-93-13 for Carriage Park which is a Planned Unit
Development. The Board of Commissioners
granted SP-93-13 in October of 1993.
Carriage Park is located on NC Hwy. 191 and it is in the county R-30 and
R-20 zoning districts as well as the WS-IV watershed protection area. As the Board previously approved SP-93-13,
the plan for Carriage Park consisted of a total of 663 dwelling units on 377.6
acres of land. Since granting the
permit in 1993, the Board of Commissioners has approved three amendments. Commissioners should have copies of the
orders granting those amendments as well as the original permit in your
notebooks. If anyone needs copies, I
have those available. Through the
current application, SP-93-13-A4, Carriage Park Development Corporation is
requesting to increase the size of the Planned Unit Development from 377.6
acres to 392.3 by adding 14.7 acres of property it owns adjacent to the
development which was formerly known as the Corn property. The applicant would also like to increase
the number of dwelling units permitted within the PUD by 32, from 663 to a
total of 695. The applicant has also
requested that a condition in amendment #SP-93-13-A1, #3-E be removed and I=ll read that
condition. It says applicant shall be
required to maintain an undisturbed buffer 30 feet in width along both sides of
the 60 foot easement covering the new portion of Carriage Park Way. Said buffer must meet the requirements of an
undisturbed buffer as outlined in condition #4 of SP-93-13. The applicant has requested that all other
conditions established in SP-93-13 and amendments that followed remain
unchanged and in effect. The 14.7 acres
of property to be added is shown on the research master plan which is included in
your agenda packet, I=ve also got it up on the television screen. It adjoins the southeast boundary of the
Carriage Park Planned Unit Development, just south of the entrance to the
development. The Board of Commissioners
referred the application that=s before you today on November 17 of 1999
to the Planning Board. The Planning
Board met on November 30 of 1999 and has developed a recommendation for the
Board of Commissioners and I will present that as evidence later on in the
hearing. After making it=s
recommendation, the Planning Board did want me to note to the Board of
Commissioners that there had been an issue during it=s consideration
about the public notice requirement for times when the Planning Board looks at
amendments to Special Use Permits and makes recommendations and at the
suggestion of the Planning Board, I will be bringing this Board something in
the future for your interpretation and I also wanted to note that since we
received the application SP-93-13-A4, the Planning Board has met and approved
another development parcel and that was for section 20, Carriage
Meadows. Staff approved the plats for
section 20 and the requisite open space on April 20 of this year. I did want to review just briefly for the
Board and for the parties, um what the Board of Commissioners needs to look at
as far as the Special Use Permit amendment is concerned. It - the review is very similar to what you
do for a Special Use Permit when it starts from the beginning. Um, you have to make findings that it will not
adversely affect the health or safety of persons residing or working in the
neighborhood of the proposed use and that the use will not be detrimental to
the public welfare or injurious to property or public improvements in the
neighborhood. You can impose conditions
to assure that the use will conform to the requirements and spirit of the
zoning ordinance. There also are other
findings, uh, that you can make to certify compliance with the rules governing
special use permits for a planned unit developments and you can also find that
satisfactory provision and arrangement has been made and I have provided a list
of the items out of the zoning ordinance of things where applicable. They deal with ingress and egress, off
street parking and loading, utilities, buffering, playgrounds, open spaces,
yards, access ways and pedestrian ways and building and structures as far as
location, size, and use. And finally, I
wanted to note that for the record in accordance with State law and the Zoning
Ordinance, we did publish two notices of today=s hearing, on April 30 and May 7 in the
Times-News. We sent notices of the
hearing via certified mail to the
property owners adjoining the current Carriage Park boundary as well as to the
property that is to be added and we have posted signs to advertise today=s hearing.@
Hawkins - AThank you
Karen. Uh, Mr. Hamlin, are you going to
present your evidence at this time?@
Dale Hamlin - AMr. Smith will.@
Chairman - AOK, Luther do
you want to@
Luther Smith - AMy name is
Luther Smith, Luther Smith Associates, here in Hendersonville and our firm are
the planners - have been the planners for Carriage Park. Mr. Chairman, members of the commission, it=s a privilege
as always to be here. Hopefully today=s hearing will be a little less involved
than some may have been in the past but I=m here on behalf of Carriage Park
Development Corporation and we have what we feel is a very simple amendment to
the planned unit development that was approved by the Board of Commissioners,
uh, I guess originally in - what was it - >93.
I=m gonna have to
get my glasses out to read my notes here.
Uh, Karen ran through a brief history and I=m sure you all
are familiar with the history of the Carriage Park Planned Unit
Development. The original permit
approved in >93 was for
approximately 377 acres and permitted about 663 units. Uh, those of you that were on the Board
remember that the development of that permit was a very long and sorta drawn
out process, uh, but we feel in general it has worked very well over the past number
of years. Since then, including today=s request,
there are four amendments to the original permit, two of which have been
proposed by the applicant, two of which came out of some interpretations that
staff needed in terms of developing the permit. The first of those that was requested by Carriage Park is part -
ties with part of this request today so if I can I=ll step to the
map and explain. 93-13-A1- during this
period of time that we were trying to develop the original permit with the
County, Carriage Park was able to acquire the property that we=re looking at
today, called the Corn property. It was
not however at that time included as part of the PUD simply because we were
halfway through the process and we didn=t want to stop, back up, and say let=s change it and
go forward. Shortly thereafter as we started developing the - the parkway and
the first section, we really started looking at - came around here - the
original parkway plan went back up through here and came out basically in that
area. When we were able to acquire this
property, we wanted to readjust the parkway so it went down through the Corn
property and made a much better access of the mountain, grade wise and
everything else. So our first request
in amending the permit was to relocate that section of road that went from here
over to here and down through the Corn property. One of the conditions at the request of Mr. Edney that was
included in that permit and I believe it was condition 3-E, yeh 3-E was that
because that section of the parkway was running through property that was not
part of the PUD, we do consider it and did at that time part of Carriage Park
but it wasn=t part of the
PUD - that an additional 30 foot buffer was established - an easement was
established along that section of the road as it went through these properties
that were not part of the original
planned unit development; therefore, in our application at this time since we
are asking to incorporate this property as part of the overall development - or
the planned unit development, we are asking one of the request is for that
condition of the 30 foot buffer which was there for protection because the adjacent
property wasn=t part of the
development to be removed on that section of road; however, all the other
conditions that are established in the base permit that deal with the parkway
in terms of set backs and everything else would remain.@
Moyer - ALuther, the
condition with respect to buffer at the outside edge of your property where you
abut against the part@
Luther Smith - ARight here@
Moyer - AYeh, part you
don=t own.@
Luther Smith - AAt the exterior
- at the moment the Corn property of course is - is not covered in any of the
PUD requirements. If this Board decides
to make it a part of the PUD then the 30 foot buffer requirement that we
submitted as part of the original application will immediately come into play
on this property as well along - that=s McCarson cemetery road and what=s that
development called?
Kumor - ACreekside@
Luther Smith - ACreekside
development ................ but what
we=re asking for -
the 30 foot buffer was not on this property - it was in addition to the 60 foot
right-of-way just along this section of the road and that was simply because
these properties were not part of the planned development at that point in
Gordon - ASo if I
understand correctly then would that make the - if that provision is removed -
then that would be consistent with what is in place in the rest of the PUD.@
Luther Smith - AThat=s correct.@
Gordon - AOK@
Luther Smith - AWe have - where
it=s a 60 foot
right-of-way on the parkway plus a set back.
I can=t remember off
the top of my head but there is a minimum development set back that occurs as
well as the - uh, we=ll talk about the development parcels in a
moment but as well as a 25 foot buffer between the development parcels in
addition to normal building set backs.@
Gordon - ASo, it would be
in compliance with everything else that=s in there.@
Luther Smith - AAll the other
conditions that were set up in the original permit would now be applied to this
14 acres. As Karen indicated the uh
former development or the PUD as it stands I guess covers 377.6 acres, we add
this 14.7 acres, it will increase the land area to about 392.3 acres. The Corn property is zoned R-20, again if
you remember with Carriage Park right about here is a zoning boundary - this
portion of the property toward 191 is zoned R-20, this portion is zoned
R-30. That becomes an important part of
the whole process because as we sit down and put parcels on record - if the
parcel is split between R-20 and R-30 we have to calculate the amount of open
space and everything differently. So
that - that zoning boundary sorta stays enforced from that standpoint. The existing number of proposed units is 663,
what we are asking for is an increase of 32 units to 695 based on the addition
of the 14.7 acres of land. We have come
with this request because section 200-33-F of paragraph 6 - on changed all
numbers I guess when you codified everything but indicates that=s in the PUD
section of the ordinance - allows for certain minor changes to take place by
action with staff; however, uh it does not specifically say that when you=re adding land
to the PUD or increasing the number of units you have to come in but it implies
that in the sense that it talks about an increase in density or a change in the
use - intensity of the use requires a formal amendment by the Board and that=s part of why
we=re here
today. Uh I believe in the booklets
that - that we gave you we had four items listed as - as part of our
request. There is actually a fifth item
that we forgot to include in that list - it was I think demonstrated to the
Planning Board to the best of my recollection and sorta becomes a follow
through thing here. The first of those
is obviously in adding this property will we=ll increase the size of the planned unit
development, the second the addition of the units that would be allowed - 32
units, the third the removal of the condition I mentioned earlier which shows
up in the first amendment - A-1. Uh,
the fourth that all of the other conditions that are in the amendments today
will stay in place and in force with the exception of that one we are asking to
be changed. And the fifth - if you will
notice on - on the master plan this is section VII which is a development parcel,
section IX - what we are asking to do is a realignment because of the addition
of these properties of essentially these two parcels to allow them to come down
the road and the creation of the 26th parcel. We currently have 25 development parcels in
the original plan. But this area
between the parkway, excuse me, and 191 will become development parcel #26 so
that the master plan will be changed - the master plan from the county=s standpoint
............ standpoint of the PUD boundary will be changed to reflect these
changes in this development parcel as well - or excuse me the changes in the
two development parcels and the addition of a 26th development
Moyer - ALuther, is that
just for information? That=s not part of
the application is it?@
Luther - AWell, that=s what I said -
we noticed that it was not written here as one of the things in the application
and even though we did bring it up I think at the Planning Board meeting, we
need to include that as part of the application. I think in the process of putting this thing together it=s one of those
things that you kinda think is an automatic thing - I think we simply forgot to
list it as a specific thing. I think it=s the Board=s decision to
include that as a part of the - of this property - we=re adding this
property if you decide to do it - that we adopt a new master plan - an official
master plan as it=s shown with the development parcels. I=ll be happy to answer any questions the
Board may have about this or things that have occurred in the development. We also have Mr. Hamlin.@
Moyer - AWas #5
considered by the Planning Board, Karen, when they reviewed the overall
Karen Smith - AI need to go
back and look at the minutes which I have to pass out to you. Um, again I - I don=t know that it
was specifically discussed in the way that Mr. Smith has just mentioned. It was on the plan and actually has been on
the plan uh in fact I think with your last amendment I believe it was even on
the plan but I don=t know that there was specific discussion about
realigning development parcels so you can ...............@
Moyer - ABut doesn=t a revision
under the subdivision ordinance - doesn=t a revision to the master plan require
initial approval by the Planning Board?@
I=m not sure who
said AYes@ (maybe Luther
Karen Smith - ANot under the
subdivision ordinance, maybe - I think it=s all part of the special use permit
review because the development parcels aren=t fixed boundaries per se - I=m not sure what
you meant by the subdivision ordinance.@
Moyer - AWell, I thought
if there was amendment to a master plan that@
Karen Smith - AFor - yeh@
Moyer - AThat met
certain conditions@
Karen Smith - ABut an
amendment to the master plan under - under the PUD is an amendment under the
zoning ordinance as well and would need to be considered or approved. I just didn=t know that this was a specific request
at this time.@
Moyer - AJennifer, you=ve got an
interesting question to deal with.@
Jackson - AAnd if I can
find just a provision in here - at the Board=s last amendment which is amendment 3
which was adopted in >97 - you did spend some time in talking about
amendments with regard to this - this project. Uh, unfortunately I don=t know that
there - there is a specific provision with amendments to approve development
parcels and including boundary line changes but that presumes that they have
been approved and gone through the - the Planning Board process. Uh I think that it was always contemplated
that those boundary lines were a little - a little flexible um and I do believe
that it was contemplated with this amendment that some adjustments to - to the
development parcels 7 and 9 and the addition of this new one was
contemplated - how specific - specifically the Planning Board reviewed that I
don=t think that
they specifically reviewed - specifically addressed that. Now the notice that - notice of public
hearing did speak to as - shown as portions of sections 7, 9 and 26 on the
Carriage Park research master plan so I do believe that - that anyone getting
public notice of this certainly could be aware that - that those development
parcels would be affected. Now how
comfortable the Board is in proceeding on that fifth amendment um if you=re
uncomfortable we can certainly bring that back as - Carriage Park can bring
that back as a specific amendment and get all of those development parcel
realignments done as a separate amendment but if the Board is comfortable
proceeding with this amendment or with that specific amendment in this - in
this hearing - you may wish to see if there is any objection from any of the
parties on that issue.@
Hawkins - AJennifer were
you talking to - uh I guess it=s - in the A-3 - the special permit
93-13-A3 amendment.@
Jackson - AYes sir.@
Hawkins - AAre you looking
at the review and approval of common areas which talks to the research master
plan under A under that - is that the area that you=re looking at
cause I - it says that it has to be in accordance with paragraph 19 if I=m following you
but I can=t find out what
paragraph 19 said - is that the area you=re looking in?@
Jackson - AHang on just a
Ward - ANo, it=s this one
Karen Smith - AParagraph 19 is
probably back in the original permit, I think.@
Luther Smith - AThat=s one of the
conditions in the original permit - it sets out the review process.@
Hawkins - ASo then that
would have to still go back to the original paragraph 19?@
Jackson - AI think that=s correct. The problem is this portion was never
considered a part of the PUD because it has never been made a portion of it so
this permit does not really apply to it yet or until action of this Board - so
it would be that action that would bring this - bring this permit sort of into
- into that. Now the only - the only
two portions that are currently - the only two parcels that are - that are
affected currently are 7 and 9 as they are - at least a portion of them as
drawn today are in the original permit - are contemplated in that original -
original plan so with respect to that - um@
Moyer - AHow bout 26?@
Jackson - A26 would be -
let=s see@
Luther Smith - AA portion of
Jackson - AYou=re correct@
Luther Smith - AA portion of 26
would be included in the agreement.@
Jackson - AYou are correct. There=s a small portion of 26 that is in the
Moyer - AWell, are any
of the boundaries of 7 and 9 and 26 changing other than the addition?@
Luther Smith - ANo sir, just
the extension of those two - the current PUD master plan - of course these
parcels stop 30 feet back@
Moyer - ARight@
Luther Smith - Afrom that
property so it=s simply the
extension of those two into that - that ridge area.@
Moyer - AThe same true
with 26"
Luther Smith - AThe same is
true with 26, yes sir. This - this
property here was actually ......... before the road was relocated on the
original master plan that was part of #9 and it was split by the road and sorta
lost its designation at that point.@
Moyer - AIf you
superimposed the last map you gave to the Planning Board on top of that - the
boundaries of 7 and 9 would be exactly the same as@
Luther Smith - AThat=s correct -
this map with these parcels shown has been even for prior amendments has been
the official master plan submitted to the county since A-1 which relocated the
road. In other words these parcels have
been shown. This has never been a part
of the PUD - there=s a line in here that says PUD boundary but in
terms of the project master plan - those parcels have been shown since the
relocation of the road.@
Karen Smith - AMr. Chairman,
there is a little bit of discussion in the minutes. If the Board would like, I
can distribute those at this time if you=d like a chance to look it over - from
the Planning Board meeting.@
Hawkins - AThese are the
Planning Board=s
recommendations to us.@
Karen Smith - AIt=s the Planning
Board minutes attached to the recommendation, yes.@
Hawkins - AOK, if you want
to give them and let the Board look at those and we=ll.@
Moyer - AI would think
where I would come out is if the other boundaries of 7 and 9 and 26 have not
changed and this is just the addition - it is part of - consistent with the
amendment that we be acting on as long as the findings stipulate that the other
boundaries weren=t changed - I
would think we could be - we could go ahead and act on that. Jennifer I would
certainly be subject to your agreement but.@
Jackson - AI think I=m comfortable
with that given that the notice was broad enough I think to - to indicate that
those three parcels would be affected by the addition.@
Moyer - AI think if any
of the other boundaries were changing I would have to go the other way but
based on your statement that they haven=t.@
Luther Smith - AYou can see in
the notebook we gave you there is a - both a colored and rendered master plan
and then an 11 x 17 as part of the application master plan and again those are
the master plans that have been used - submitted to the county since the road
relocated. Um I guess the most recent
revision on the black and white one was October >99 when - um - section 10 was added after
it was - that=s the one that=s kept up to
date and continually submitted to the County.@
Hawkins - AWe=ll take just a
minute to read through these minutes.@
Jackson - AIt - it may be appropriate to see if Mr. Smith
has any other evidence because there are other parties that - that will be
entitled to submit evidence and I believe Ms. Smith will be speaking to the
recommendation of the Planning Board when she is given an opportunity to review
Hawkins - AOK, do you have
anything else.@
Luther Smith - ANothing other
than I=ll be happy to
answer - address any other questions the Board may have.@
Hawkins - ADoes anyone
have any questions of Mr.?@
Moyer - AWell, before we
leave this let me just ask Jennifer again, would it be appropriate to ask Mr.
Hamlin or Luther to make a statement that they specifically want to amend their
application to add # 5 and it be considered as part of this.@
Jackson - AI think that
would be appropriate.@
Luther Smith - AI=ll make such a
statement. On behalf of the applicant,
we wish to specifically amend our request to include a fifth item and that is
the restructuring, reallocation of land areas and development parcels 7, 9 and
26 to include the property in the Corn property if it=s added as part
of the PUD.@
Hawkins - AOK@
Moyer - AWhich merely
adjusts the existing parcels to reflect the addition that you=re - which is the subject of the main
Luther Smith - AThat=s correct
....... any other questions.@
Hawkins - AAnybody have
any questions of Mr. Smith? Karen, you
want to give your evidence now?@
Karen Smith - AI was just
going to review the Planning Board=s recommendation. As I said earlier, the Planning Board met
November 30, 1999 and reviewed application SP-93-13-A4. During its review, the Planning Board did
hear comments from Carriage Park Development Corporation, staff, and - um -
other interested parties. They
discussed the application, voted unanimously 7 to 0 to send the Commissioners a
favorable recommendation on the request provided that the condition 3-E as
stated in SP-93-13-A1 be removed and I did attach those minutes for your
Hawkins - AWe=ll take just a
minute to look through these.@
Moyer - AYou ready for
Hawkins - AWe gotta get
additional parties evidence.@
Moyer - ANo, I have a
question for Karen.@
Chairman Hawkins
- AOh, oh yes, go
Moyer - AKaren, I=m gonna need to
ask you to clarify the recommendation of the Planning Board. I don=t understand the - maybe it=s just me - the
provided language - try to state that a different way. Is the - is the reco - favorable
recommendation covering condition 3 as well as the expansion of the@
Karen Smith - AIt was for the
entire application, yes, but they specifically - they - they made a favorable
recommendation on the application as presented basically.@
Moyer - AWell it says
provided that the condition be removed.@
Karen Smith - AThey
specifically want to acknowledge that the applicant has requested that
condition be removed or not applicable - um from this point forward. And that=s the condition about the buffer.@
Gordon - AYou mean they=re saying that
removing that buffer - they give that approval to remove that@
Karen Smith - AFor removing
that buffer.@
Gordon - AOK@
Karen Smith - AAlong the road,
Hawkins - AThat clarify it
for you?@
Karen Smith - AI just wrote
down what the minutes said.@
Moyer - AThe way they
wrote it was@
Gordon - AYeh, they=re just wanting
to emphasis that they approve@
Karen Smith - AYes@
Hawkins - AThe removal of
Gordon - AThe removal of
the buffer.@
Hawkins - AOK. Anybody else have any questions of Karen at
this time. Or any - anybody have any
questions for Karen, OK. Let me ask
then the additional parties evidence and Mrs. Redmond I guess you have that.@
Lynn Redmond - APardon me.@
Hawkins - AAdditional
parties evidence for you to present at this time.@
Lynn Redmond - AChairman
Hawkins, Vice-Chairman Moyer, and respected Commissioners, Carriage Park
Development Corporation is requesting that you amend the 30 foot tree buffer
previously established by the County Commissioners between the Corn property
and the Carriage Park PUD. The City
Planning Board previously stated that the buffer was established to protect the
Carriage Park PUD from being encroached upon.
Carriage Park Development Corporation has since acquired the land and
they wish to remove the buffer. The
Commissioners acted with great wisdom when they made the decision to preserve
this tree buffer. I ask you to
carefully consider my concerns. I use
Carriage Park Way every day as a homeowner and have financial and safety
concerns regarding this road and buffer.
A variance to remove the tree buffer will present serious problems to
the homeowners who regularly use Carriage Park Way. The tree buffer acts as a natural reinforcement to the embankment
supporting the road. The mature root
system which maintains the embankment supports the soil which then supports the
road. This road presently has serious failures which have not been
addressed. Written assurance from CPDC
that Carriage Park Way will be properly reinforced upon removal of the mature
root system maintaining the embankment is important. Has CPDC detailed aggressive measures that they will take to
prevent erosion of the road base once the mature root systems have been
disturbed? Carriage Park Way presently supports tremendous vehicular traffic
due in no small part to concrete trucks, lumber trucks, logging trucks, dump
trucks, bulldozers and other construction vehicles utilizing it as it accesses
further development. The road is
becoming more and more damaged due to lack of maintenance by CPDC as they
continue to utilize it to develop the upper portion of the mountain. There are presently safety hazards. Has CPDC submitted a plan for road
maintenance, repair, and structural reinforcement detailing their
responsibility for the roadway as they develop the Corn property? If such a written document has not been
submitted to the County Commissioners or Carriage Park Homeowners Association,
then it doesn=t seem feasible
to allow a variance to remove the existing tree buffer. The buffer is a main support of the road and
should not be disturbed without a good stabilization plan in place. There has been a history in Hendersonville
of developers filing bankruptcy and failing to finish promised work. This has been evidenced most recently in the
bankruptcy of Middleton Place and Haywood Townes. Carriage Park is a lovely place in which to live. Variances are granted to encourage growth
but full development and sell of property is not completed in one area before
another is allowed to be opened, laid bare, stripped of the very plant life
that keeps the mountain from eroding.
Carriage Park Homeowners have a vested interest in a successful
development of the land within the PUD.
We must as good stewards of our home and land be certain that the County
Commissioners do not expose us to undue financial hardship for preventible road
repairs. The Commissioners can help us
avoid a potentially expensive situation by insisting there be a plan in place
to avoid erosion of the existing road base.
Maintaining protection afforded by the tree buffer along Carriage Park
Way can be a major contribution to the protection of the Carriage Park
homeowners insisting that CPDC develop and implement an acceptable
stabilization and reinforcement plan prior to removal of the trees and root
systems can be an alternative protection to our community. I feel strongly that it is incumbent upon
the County Commissioners to determine whether removal of the tree buffer on the
Corn property will impose a large unnecessary and unforseen expense to the
homeowners of Carriage Park prior to granting any disturbance of the support to
the road base. It would seem prudent to
have a written document from CPDC outlining their plan and remedies regarding
the serious situation. Money put in
escrow for the support and repair could offset some of this concern.
My second
concern is whether the County Commissioners have done an adequate study of the
proposed widening of 191 with regard to the development of this property. It is likely that individuals purchasing
lots in this area might find themselves in the way of the proposed corridor and
have to relinquish substantial land to the DOT. This is a large concern for those of us in the PUD. Undue hardship should not be placed upon
potential owners of this property.
Property in Carriage Park is not inexpensive. I, myself, have paid nearly a quarter of a million dollars to
live here and would be devastated to find I had to relinquish my home or part
of my property to progress or to find my country home directly next to a five
lane highway. It would seem to be
incumbent upon the Commissioners to consider this as the Corn property is
developed. If 191 is widened as
proposed, the tree buffer is the only protection the homeowners have from the
noise that will be generated from such an expansion. A visit to the site would give you a good understanding of
the situations in question and it is
hoped that you will try to resolve some of these issues prior to granting the
variance. I would like to thank each
and everyone of you for your kind attention to my concerns. Respectfully
submitted, Lynn Redmond. Thank you.@
Hawkins - AThank you, Mrs.
Redmond. Is there anyone that has any questions of Mrs. Redmond. Mr. Hamlin, do you have a question for her?@
Dale Hamlin - AYes, I do. How far do you live from the development
parcel that=s being
discussed today?@
Lynn Redmond - AI - I live at
the top of the hill - I live@
Dale Hamlin - AWould it be a
Lynn Redmond - AI - I don=t know how long
that is. You probably would know better
than I but I would say probably a half mile.@
Dale Hamlin - AOK. What knowledge do you have that Carriage
Park Development Corporation is going to be removing what you call tree
Lynn Redmond - AUm, I think
that=s part of your
proposal is to remove the tree buffer.@
Dale Hamlin - AHave you heard
that today?@
Lynn Redmond - AWhat I heard -
um - in the Planning - I went to the City Planning Commissioners and I did hear
it there.@
Dale Hamlin - AAt the City
Planning Commissioners?@
Lynn Redmond - AYeh, the
Planning - the City Planners.@
Dale Hamlin - AThe City
Lynn Redmond - AOr is it the
County Planners? One of the Planners.@
Dale Hamlin - AHave the County
Planners submitted any evidence today that we=re going to remove tree buffers and
according to what you=re saying - take down trees?@
Lynn Redmond - AIt was - what
you=re - what you=re asking is
that the tree buffer be removed so it would be an indicator that you would like
to remove trees.@
Dale Hamlin - AAre you
familiar with buffer that - that is currently in existence for Carriage Park
Lynn Redmond - AYes, I am.@
Dale Hamlin - AOK, how - how
wide is that?@
Lynn Redmond - AIt=s suppose to be
30 feet.@
Dale Hamlin - AAnd it is 30
feet. Does it - does it affect your
trafficking when you drive through the 30 foot tree buffer areas? Does it cause you safety hazards?@
Lynn Redmond - AIt does - it -
presently it does not.@
Dale Hamlin - AWell the area
that you traverse most of - you=re traveling on is a 30 foot tree
buffer which the County Commissioners
established when Carriage Park was built.@
Lynn Redmond - ARight but you=re asking for
that to be removed.@
Dale Hamlin - AWe=re not asking
for anything - we=re not asking for that to be removed.@
Lynn Redmond - AIsn=t that what - I
believe that the 30 foot tree buffer@
Dale Hamlin - ANo, that=s not going to
be removed.@
Lynn Redmond - AAnd what is the
plan for that?@
Dale Hamlin - A........ just
asking that the additional 30 foot buffer beyond the 30 foot be removed. Did you understand the - the evidence that
has been presented so far?@
Lynn Redmond - ATo my knowledge
I understood that the tree buffer in question is the Corn property which you
would like to develop and if the tree buffer is removed from the road base
which some of the tree buffer at the lower end has already been removed from
the road base - for a parking area.@
Dale Hamlin - AOK. There has been no tree buffer allowed to be
removed because there is going to -
what we=re asking the
County is that the 30 foot buffer that exists on all of the balance of
Carriage Park Way be allowed for this
section, which has double - a double section because we=re now going to
ask to have this included within the PUD and just have the same buffer on that
piece of land as all the rest of the parkway.@
Lynn Redmond - AAnd you have no
intention of removing any more of the buffer.@
Dale Hamlin - AWe can=t - we can=t - its - the
County doesn=t allow us to
touch the tree buffer.@
Lynn Redmond - ABut in the
Special Use Permit - what it - what it appears that - and then that=s what I have
to say - what it appears that you=re requesting is that the existing tree
buffer be removed.@
Dale Hamlin - AThat was very
clear that we=re not asking
for the - the existing tree buffer to be removed. We=re only asking
for the excess tree buffer to be removed.@
Lynn Redmond - AAnd what do you@
Dale Hamlin - ATo have this
piece of land comply.@
Lynn Redmond - AWhat do you
define as the excess tree buffer?@
Dale Hamlin - AThrough the
section of the Corn property there was an additional 30 feet on each side
making it 60 feet on each side instead of the 30 - which the parkway currently
Lynn Redmond - AAnd you will be
maintaining a 30"
Dale Hamlin - AWe will be
taking only the extra 30 - if the County approve it we=ll take the
extra 30 off and it will comply with everything else in Carriage Park.@
Lynn Redmond - ABut there will
be a maintenance of a 30 foot tree buffer?@
Dale Hamlin - AAbsolutely -
Lynn Redmond - Acontinued@
Moyer - AMr. Chairman,
that was - that was the purpose of my questions when we first started because I
had the same concern. I think they made
it very clear that they are not looking to change that. It=s the sixty which was imposed as an
additional 30 - is the only piece that we can stipulate that and will stipulate
that very clearly in the order so that you don=t have to be concerned about that. The other - they=ve covered it
by saying all the other conditions but as I asked Mr. Smith - what is - what
did he clearly mean. He made it very
clear that that 30 feet - all the other 30 feets will stay and the buffer
around the side - the outside of the property will be maintained. It=ll - it will become applicable to that
piece of land. And we can so provide in
the order to that effect.@
Lynn Redmond - AI see and- and
will - in your treatment of that order will you also be looking at the
possibility that 191 will be coming into that property and protect the
homeowners - the potential homeowners in those areas?@
Moyer - AI doubt whether
I will be looking at that >cause that goes beyond what I think I can
look at at this present time.@
Hawkins - AI - I think
that from what you see when you drive up - you know - out 30 feet:
Lynn Redmond - ACorrect@
Hawkins - AI don=t think you can
see the other 60 feet anyway just from visually - but the - but as I understand
the discussion is what you see when you drive up is not gonna change - I mean
that 30 feet from the road that you=re looking at is gonna be undisturbed and
that makes it in compliance with the rest of the 30 foot buffer in the park.@
Lynn Redmond - AAnd that will
be on both sides of Carriage Park Way or one side?@
Hawkins - AOn both sides
as it is the rest of the way through the park.@
Lynn Redmond - AI appreciate
the clarification.@
Moyer - ABut on the
outside edge you=ll still have -
what=s the outside
edge boundary, Luther?@
Kumor - AThirty foot
Luther Smith - AOutside - you mean
the - out the@
Hawkins - AOn the
Moyer - AYeh@
Jackson - AThe perimeter
Luther Smith - AThe perimeter
of the property is a 30 foot buffer currently on the PUD and does not exist in
the current Corn property. If you all
include the Corn property in the PUD, then the outbound - or outside property
line of the Corn property would automatically have that 30 foot buffer with
with exception as - as is in the permit where it joins 191 down there - that=s - that
corridor on 191 was specifically left
out of the permit in terms of buffer because that 30 foot was already developed
- the road and everything else. But in
terms of going up McCarson Cemetery Road, uh, which would really be the only
outbound portion of the property - from here up to there - the thirty foot
buffer - perimeter buffer would immediately go into place if this property were
included in this - and if I might address Mrs. Redmond=s?@
Lynn Redmond - ARedmond@
Luther Smith - AQuestion with
regards to 191 - when Carriage Park was originally started back in >88 - uh - 60
foot right-of-way 30 foot from the center of existing 191 was set aside for DOT
in terms of expansion - that=s what they required at that time so@
Lynn Redmond - AIn the event of@
Luther Smith - Ahuh@
Lynn Redmond - AIn the event of@
Luther Smith - AIn the event of
expansion - so DOT has - the center line of 191 has a 30 foot right-of-way back
into the property to expand@
Lynn Redmond - AThank you for
the clarification.@
Dale Hamlin - AI have one
other question.@
Hawkins - AGo ahead@
Dale Hamlin - AMrs. Redmond,
in your prepared comments you alleged developer bankruptcy. What do you know about that?@
Lynn Redmond - AI know that - I=m not alleging
that you are going bankrupt. What I am
saying is there has been a history recently and I have a concern as a homeowner
of seeing places like Haywood Townes going bankrupt with Middleton Place having
problems and finding .........@
Dale Hamlin - AAre you
suggesting that Carriage Park is in that same ...@
Lynn Redmond - ANo, I am not -
I am not suggesting that but I do have a concern once I had seen this.@
Dale Hamlin - AOK@
Lynn Redmond - AThank you@
Hawkins - AThank you. Uh, Luther do you have any rebuttal
evidence, other than what you=ve covered or do you want any.@
Luther Smith -
No, other than just - I was gonna say if the Board has anything - any
additional clarification of that condition 3-E - we=re not asking
as Mrs. Redmond was talking I understood and I understood what she was saying -
we are not asking for permission to remove all the trees - we=re asking
simply to remove that buffer addition and - at which time that this becomes a part
of Carriage Park a 30 foot perimeter buffer will go into place around the ....
the McCarson Cemetery Road.@
Moyer - ABut you=re only asking
for the additional 30 foot to be removed, not the entire@
Luther Smith - AWell there=s a sixty foot
right-of-way and then thirty foot on the outside of that right-of-way so we=re asking for
that 30 foot - in other words - that was Mr. Edney=s thing - in
addition to the right-of-way he wanted from the edge of the right-of-way an
additional 30 foot out each side to protect that corridor since the land was
not part of Carriage Park. That is the
strip on each side that we are asking to be dropped - that=s just on the
Ward - AYou just want
it to mirror what=s in the PUD@
Chairman Hawkins
- AIn the rest of
the PUD@
Luther Smith - AThrough the
rest of the Planned Unit - now that doesn=t change the set-backs for example we=ve got - you
know in - I=m trying to
remember - I think 40 - 40 foot or 50 foot from the center line of the parkway -
either 40 or 50 foot ... the permit
that no construction can occur - no houses or structures can occur within 40 or
50 feet from the centerline of the parkway so - you know all that right-of-way
as well as whatever the set back requirements are is still maintained there.@
Gordon - AIf I understand
correctly you just want this 30 feet to be able to be calculated into your
density requirements and your usable land - it doesn=t mean you=ll necessarily
use every inch of it or cut the trees off of it.@
Luther Smith - AThat=s correct.@
Gordon - ABut it just
needs to be incorporated in the calculations.@
Luther Smith - AThat=s correct.@
Gordon - AYeh@
Lynn Redmond - AMay I ask one
more question?@
Hawkins - AYes mam@
Lynn Redmond - AWill that be
part of the stipulation, uh, when this is
- when this is written that that 30 foot tree buffer will not be
removed? In other words, will that be
in writing or is that just something that=s sort of an agreement?@
Hawkins - AI think if its
- if we - if we approve this to make this piece - these pieces of land in
accordance with the rest of the PUD that=s already in writing as part of the
original PUD.@
Kumor - AWell I thought
what she was requesting is that we just make it specific in this@
Lynn Redmond - ACorrect@
Kumor - AThis place so
that there is no - it appeared everybody knows that that=s what we mean@
Lynn Redmond - A ....... that
we=re talking
about specifics.@
Kumor - ASince we all
seem to agree on what=s being said that we make sure it=s listed -
written there.@
Ward - ASo it won=t be
Gordon - AI don=t think that=s
appropriate. I think - I think that
that language is already a part of the existing PUD and I would not want to
start trying to - I don=t see justification to change that.@
Luther Smith - AThat=s not@
Kumor - AWe=re not changing
anything. I thought what - what was
being requested is that we just make sure that everybody understands that=s something we=ve all agreed
to - is what we all agreed to.@
David Nicholson
- AYou could
reference that@
Luther Smith - ANo, I=m sorry I
understand what she=s saying is - I=ll give you an example - when we
developed let=s say section -
section III which was the original thing.
The development and clearing and so forth extends to the right-of-way
and there is lawn and it comes down to the right-of-way; however, when we just
over here to 24, adjacent to the right-of-way is this whole hillside of
trees. My interpretation of what - what
Mrs. Redmond is saying is she would like a condition through here that
regardless of what the development is in the development parcel - that 30 foot
requirement that currently exists in the ... be maintained as an undisturbed
area as opposed to the rest of the development where the development parcels
come up to the right-of-way - in some cases the development does not take down
all the trees, in other cases - you know the trees as part of the entrance to
that particular parcel and some of the trees disappear - that was my
interpretation of what she is asking and I - you know - we - if you want to
make this like this where the development parcels come to the road right-of-way
and we have the right to develop those parcels consistent with the conditions that are already established
in the permit.@
Kumor - AThat=s not - well
see I just understood that she was - uh - once Mr. Hamlin, I believe answered
her question then I thought that was the - what everybody was saying.@
Hawkins - AI think if you
- if you did that as Marilyn indicated you=d actually be changing what the rest of
your conditions is in the PUD which were - is slightly different from the way
Luther explained it and I would agree with Marilyn, I don=t think that
that would be appropriate because then it wouldn=t be aligned with the conditions in the
rest of the permit.@
Kumor - AOh, I=m getting so
Gordon - AWell, it seems
that what=s already
existing in the PUD has been - has worked.@
Kumor - ABut that=s what I=m saying, that=s my@
Gordon - ASo I - that=s why I don=t think we need
to change or single this out.@
Kumor - AThat=s not what I=m saying. That=s not what I=m saying. It was my interpretation of what was being
said that there just be validation that that=s exactly what was gonna happen.@
Gordon - AI just - I don=t think it=s necessary to
do that. I think that=s what=s gonna happen.@
Hawkins - AUnless, you do
what David said - suggested and that it becomes in compliance with the other
visions in the PUD.@
Kumor - AWell, I=m telling you,
based on eight years of this stuff, if you don=t say it specifically, somewhere showhow
somebody is gonna question and/or misinterpret what everybody meant.@
Gordon - AWell, I=m not sure how
you can be more - more clear or concise ...@
Kumor - AThat=s what I=ve said the
last eight years.@
Gordon - Athan to just
say that it becomes a part of the PUD and the restrictions or perimeters are
the same as those within that existing PUD and to me that=s clear and if
we start trying to pull this out and define something different, then we muddy
the water and I - I would not want to do that.@
Hawkins - ALet me ask you@
Kumor - ABut I thought
that=s what I was
just saying that we put in there - what you just said.@
Gordon - ANo, you=re saying the
other way. You=re saying pull
it out.@
Kumor - ANo, I=m not saying
Gordon - AI don=t want to pull
it out.@
Kumor - AI just said be
as specific as possible, experience over time has - has told me that if we aren=t as specific
as we can be - that - it adds just more confusion to both the builder - the
developer and the people who are buying property there.@
Hawkins - ALet me - let me
come back to that specifics when we get ready for a recommendation and move on
and ask if there is any other questions of any of the witnesses from any of the
- any of the parties or the Board has of any of the witnesses at this time.
Then I - I=ll assume that
all the evidence has been given, that we=re gonna take and ask Mr. Hamlin if you
have any closing remarks or Mr. Smith either that you wish to make.@
Dale Hamlin - ANo sir.@
Hawkins - AStaff do you
have any closing remarks.@
Karen Smith - ANo sir@
Hawkins - AMrs. Redmond,
do you have any closing remarks that you wish to make?@
Lynn Redmond - AI don=t@
Hawkins - ANow that we=ve got all the
evidence and the closing remarks, it would be appropriate to close the
quasi-judicial hearing and discuss the issue that we=ve been
presented. If there=s no more
closing remarks.@
Kumor - AMr. Chairman, I
make the motion that we close this quasi-judicial hearing.@
Hawkins - AOK, all those
in favor of that motion say aye.@
In unison - AAye@
Hawkins - AOK, we=ll move on then
with our discussion. Several ways I
guess that you can approach it.
Jennifer, I don=t know, do you have any comments for us?@
Jackson - AYes, Mr.
Chairman, just to remind the Board that there are certain findings that you
have to - to make with regard to an amendment if you wish to - to approve
it. One finding is that the use for the amendment will not
adversely affect the health or safety of persons residing or working in the
neighborhood of the proposed use and that the use will not be detrimental to
the public welfare or injurious to property or public improvements in the
neighborhood. And those would all -
those findings would apply to all five aspects of the - the applicant=s amendment.@
Kumor - AAnd how are we
going to state that fifth finding - factor - that just@
Jackson - AThat portion of
the - amendment.@
Kumor - AJust that the
three will be expanded.@
Jackson - ARealignment of
parcels 7, 9, and 26.@
Kumor - AOK@
Jackson - ANot to include
the additional - the additional property.@
Kumor - AOK@
Hawkins - AOK, the - thank
you Jennifer - I=m looking back
at the information that=s been presented and as Jennifer
indicated in each one of the actually five now requests for amendments to 93-13
- we can either look at those individually or if you think there=s any
particular one of those that both of those requirements doesn=t - does not
apply to then we need to have some discussion on it. Any - anybody have any thoughts on any of them as far as meeting
those two requirements.@
Kumor - AIt=s just going
back to - is there is statement then as Marilyn said - I don=t see that here
in this request that there is any statement that this will be - this new parcel
is added to the PUD and will then follow all of the regulations of the
PUD. It just says all the conditions
established in 93-13 shall remain unchanged but it doesn=t say that@
Hawkins - AI think when
you come down and look that #5 actually puts those two parcels - or three
parcels of land into - back into the original PUD then@
Ward - AThen it would
have to comply@
Hawkins - Athen condition
four would mean that - uh - or the # 5 would mean that all those conditions in
SP-93-13 as originally - which included the buffer requirements - then would be
applicable to that particular - those three parcels that are now in that new
Corn property and they would be applicable as they are throughout the rest of
the PUD. And I think that=s the way I see
and I would think that would be fairly - fairly straight forward.@
Kumor - AI=m the ghost of
Christmas past here - nothing is straight forward unless you are straight
forward and say it.@
Hawkins - ADoes the Board
wish to make a decision on this today or you wanta have the staff bring back
some findings of fact for you to consider at a later meeting?@
Jackson - ABefore we=d be in a
position to do that, we=re going to need to hear sorta where the
Board is going with this, whether you are - your tendency is to support the
applicant=s amendment -
request for an amendment or oppose it.
I haven=t heard any
discussion on - on how you feel about the amendment based on the evidence that
was presented.@
Chairman Hawkins
- AOK. Anybody have any discussion on that - I@
Kumor - AI think its -
Hawkins - APretty straight
Kumor - Apretty straight
forward it is. I just - am just gonna
keep harping on the fact making it just
as explicit as possible for both the protection of the developer and the people
who are living there.@
Hawkins - ADoes anybody
have any objection to supporting the findings of the Planning Board.@
Gordon - ANo, I - I think
the Planning Board made a good recommendation@
Hawkins - ARecommendation
- yeh@
Gordon - AI have no
Hawkins - AWould you be
comfortable with directing staff to come back with finding of facts to support
Ward - ABut I will
agree with Mrs. Kumor - it=ll come up and bite you if you=re not real -
Hawkins - >Be as specific
on the buffer and that area and we can consider that in your findings.@
Ward - AWe could have two
or three more meetings to try to define what we said.@
Hawkins - AOK@
Ward - AAnd we have.@
Moyer - ABut as Marilyn
said, when you start putting in words that are different from what .... you get
into problems@
Ward - AWell I know
know - I don=t want anything
any different@
Kumor - AWe didn=t say be
Gordon - AWhat will
happen - what will happen.@
Kumor - AThat=s not what we=re saying.@
Ward - AI just want you
to state exactly@
Kumor - AJust state -
just state what we - what we really mean.@
Hawkins - ARestate what=s in here. Well that=s something certainly we can look at when
we bring it back and see if it=s@
Moyer - AIf you
specifically state all the conditions and what=s there apply to all these parcels, I
think you=ve said it.@
Hawkins - AThat=s it.@
Kumor - ABut that=s what we=re saying, you
better say it. You better say that.@
Gordon - ABut that=s all we=re asking but
that=s all you need
to say. You don=t need to say
anything more.@
Hawkins - ADifferent than
what=s in 93-13
Moyer - ANo@
Hawkins - AOK. OK, is that enough for you to@
Jackson - AYes sir, we
will put together a draft of findings and conclusions and a decision for you
and hopefully have that back on your June 5 agenda. Now the Board - since you have closed the - the hearing, you=ll have 45 days
in which to put your decision in writing so we do hope to get that back to you
on the next meeting.@
Hawkins - AOK. Any other business before the Board?@
Moyer - ASo if it slides
to the mid June meeting that=ll be alright@
Hawkins - AThen we need a
motion to close the public hearing.@
Kumor - AWe did that@
Hawkins - ADid we already
get that? OK. Any other business before
the Board for today. We=ll be
Elizabeth W.
Corn, Clerk to the Board Grady
Hawkins, Chairman