The Henderson
County Board of Commissioners met for a special called meeting at 10:00 a.m. in
the Commissioners= Conference Room of the Henderson County Office
Building at 100 North King Street, Hendersonville, North Carolina.
Those present
were: Chairman Grady Hawkins,
Vice-Chair Bill Moyer, Commissioner Renee Kumor, Commissioner Don Ward,
Commissioner Marilyn Gordon, County Manager David E. Nicholson, Assistant
County Manager/Interim County Attorney Angela S. Beeker, and Clerk to the Board
Elizabeth W. Corn.
Also present
were: Finance Director J. Carey McLelland,
Planning Director Karen C. Smith,
Staff Attorney Jennifer O. Jackson, Utilities Director Jim Erwin,
Project Manager Bill Blalock, and County Engineer Gary Tweed.
Hawkins called the meeting to order and welcomed those in attendance.
Hawkins informed the Board that he had received a petition in favor of the BMX
track, in case they wanted to review it.
March 6 meeting
Hawkins reminded the Board that they had discussed the BMX lease and asked for
some changes which Angela Beeker had prepared and brought back to the Board at
this time. She reviewed those changes with the Board.
Following some
discussion, Commissioner Moyer made the motion to adopt the lease agreement
with the amendment that Commissioner Gordon proposed and approve the
resolution. Commissioner Gordon
proposed an amendment to paragraph 3 of the Lease that would state that if
Lessee=s inability to
be open was a result of weather, the consent of the Parks and Recreation
Director could be presumed and Lessee would not have to obtain a written
consent. A vote was taken and the motion carried four to one with Commissioner
Kumor voting nay.
Hawkins reminded the Board that Bill Blalock had crunched those goals down to a
couple of pages. He stated that he
hoped they had all had an opportunity to review those.
It was the
consensus of the Board to rename the ANew Facility Financial Goals@ as Guidelines
for planning costs.
Bill Blalock
will make that change and this item will be back on the agenda for next
Wednesday, March 15, 2000.
Discussion of
the Mayor=s letters of
February 11 & 23.
Chairman Hawkins stated that he had a couple of letter from Mayor Niehoff. Mayor Niehoff was present and asked to update the Board.
Mayor Fred
Niehoff, City of Hendersonville, distributed a letter and read portions of it
to the Board. The body of the letter
AAt our City Council
meeting last night, we discussed an alternate proposal to that presented in our
letter of February 11, 2000. This
proposal is a result of discussions between Commissioner Renee Kumor and myself
this past week.
Renee and I have often been
very vocal opponents on the issue of what to do about sewer in the Mud Creek
District, and we felt that the first step should be to sit down and talk to
each other and try to come up with a solution to our apparent differences.
Actually, our positions
were not that far apart. We looked at
the objectives of each of our governing bodies and tried to understand and
appreciate them. Those objectives, when
you take them out of the context of the 1986 agreement and the various
discussions that we have had since then, could be boiled down quite briefly.
From Henderson County=s standpoint, you have
been, and will continue to be, installing lines to serve the sewer needs out in
the county - farther out than logical annexation would be expected to
occur. Those needs are primarily in the
area of public health and economic development. You do not want to be in the sewer line maintenance
business. But you do need assurance
from the City of Hendersonville that we will treat the sewage in the Mud
Creek basin upstream from our plant.
From the City of
Hendersonville=s standpoint, our main
concern is that if we agree to treat that sewage that the County or its
customers will pay its fair share for the cost of additional plant capacity
needed to treat that sewage.
And from both our
standpoints, we want to work together on questions of sewer line extensions
(and water lines also) as we continue to deal with the expected continued
growth pressures. We must look at
defining where the high density growth should occur (which would obviously need
water and sewer). We should work with
each other on the question of those areas that should logically be annexed in
the future (urban in character). And these issues are right in line with the
principles of ASmart Growth@ which we all should be
interest in.
We felt that if we could
agree on these common objectives, we could move forward on a solution of our
apparent impasse.
The timing is
critical. The D-day for a decision on
where to run the Flat Rock line - to your Mud Creek line or to our 176 line -
is April 7th. From an
engineering standpoint, and the ongoing maintenance requirements, that line
should go to your Shepherd Street line.
But if we do not resolve this, it will almost certainly go to 176. And in the long run, we all lose.
At our discussion last
night, I asked City Council whether they could subscribe to the basic ideas in
the proposal. Here are the results of
that discussion:
the Flat Rock financial arrangement as a model would be acceptable. Those present customers would pay a 90 cents
per thousand gallon surcharge for ten years as their share of the new plant
capacity. New customers coming on line
would pay the system development charge, a good part of which covers the share
of plant capacity.
are willing to guarantee that we will treat the sewage from the Mud Creek basin
upstream from the treatment plant. Our
4.8 million GPD plant was designed to take care of the needs of the Mud Creek
basin. We want that flow to help pay
for the new plant. I checked with our
engineer Charles Willis, who arrived at that 4.8 million figure, to make sure
that in his best estimate this was an adequate figure. He assured me that it was.
are certainly willing, and anxious, to work with the County on the question of
long range planning in the expected growth areas. The idea of a five-person committee is certainly a reasonable approach
Our discussion last
evening started to drift into details and interpretation of some of the points
in the proposal. I commented that there
are several points that have to be clarified, or better defined, as we move
along in our discussions. The main
question right now was >Is Council comfortable
with the basic principles as outlined above?= And the answer was yes. I was authorized to speak to you this
morning and discuss this proposal.
I would respectfully
suggest that in your discussion of this proposal, your first question should be
whether you also subscribe to the basic points. If you do, then we should immediately sit down and work out the
details and clarify the language.
One point that our
attorney Sam Fritschner brought up. The
basic points that we are concerned about can be a matter of a contractual
arrangement between our two bodies, binding on future commissions.
Some of the other
points, such as planning issues, policy establishment, etc., would not be
binding and should be handled in some other manner than part of a contract.
I would make this
further comment. Any contract of this
nature requires the enthusiastic support of the parties involved. With that support, as bumps appear in the
road, we overcome them and move forward for the good of the entire
community. Without that support, any
agreement will always have problems and will probably not work in the long
run. If we are able to come together on
this issue, I feel that in the first two years we will make it work. Most of us will be here for at least that
length of time, and if we set a good pattern of working together, it will be
more difficult for future boards to screw it up.
We are ready!@
Kumor distributed a AProposed Sewer Agreement Outline@. She and Mayor Niehoff called this agreement
a Memorandum of Understanding and decided that it would expire in five years to
give plenty of time to deal with the issues.
The initial
goal of this agreement was to deal with some of the City=s immediate
needs. The other part of the agreement
is to address the long term issues that are of concern to Henderson County.
Renee reviewed
the following:
The City:
to the Mud Creek gravity line to provide Flat Rock sewer service
over maintenance of Mud Creek lines
the Mud Creek customers the same fee structure as customers in the
of Flat Rock, this includes a surcharge for debt service
to compensate County for lines that are later annexed similar to the
in the >86 agreement
to treat sewage of the Mud Creek Basin
not extend sewer lines into unincorporated areas of Mud Creek Basin,
The County:
for Mud Creek customers are the same as all other customers outside the City
not required to pay up front costs for sewer plant
allocation system
a funding mechanism for Mud Creek that does not rely on surcharge
maintenance and expansion
During these
five years the City and County must:
same/similar sewer policies
a long range plan for Mud Creek that addresses possible annexations,
health and safety, overall treatment capacity of the sewer plant
to growth
a body to monitor long range plan that will be composed of two City
and two county members, the four selecting the Chair, a fifth
Mud Creek and Cane Creek districts to realistically reflect drainage area
realigning service relative to district lines, for example, Mtn. Home
should go to Cane Creek
In five years,
if these goals are not met:
County has the option to take back operation and maintenance of the Mud
City will purchase a portion of the transmission line reflecting the per cent
by city customers within municipal boundaries
If in five
years, goals have been met, the agreement will be renewed as a permanent method
of operation.
During the
intervening years, developing a long range plan should resolve issues such as
capacity, annexation plans, funding responsibilities.
Hawkins asked that Commissioners Kumor and Moyer meet with representatives of
the City Council to look at what kinds of things both Boards would be
interested in in a Memorandum of Understanding. He mentioned four areas that were of particular interest to him:
fee structure
funding mechanisms
functioning of the Board - working on expansions
final status of the 1986 agreement
He gave this
subcommittee an April deadline.
Elementary School Project
David Nicholson
and Gary Tweed updated the Board following the last Joint Facilities
Meeting. Gary Tweed recommended a
forced main for the new Fletcher School. This would allow sufficient line for
other customers to tie into the line.
Henderson County would take over the line as part of the Cane Creek
system. It was recommended that they allow other customers to tie into it. Each
property owner would have to have their own pump system and maintain it.
This was for
the Board=s
information. No action was requested at
this time. Gary further
suggested that we inform the School Board of what we intend to do.
Gary Tweed
reminded the Board that at the last workshop, staff was authorized to work with
William G. Lapsley & Associates to get a contract put together for the
Mills River project. Gary presented the
proposal to the Board for William G. Lapsley & Associates to do the work on
an hourly rate basis, not to exceed certain amounts for certain functions of
the job. This was written up in a
standard engineering contract. Gary
felt that each item was well within accepted engineering costs.
discussion, Commissioner Kumor made the motion to accept the recommendation of
Gary Tweed to approve the Engineering Agreement and authorize the Chairman to
sign. All voted in favor and the motion
Resolution -
Clean Water Bonds
Gary Tweed
explained that the deadline for the Clean Water Bond grant program is March
31. There are four resolutions that
must be executed as part of the application process.
Angela Beeker
addressed Minority Business Participation as a public bidding requirement.
discussion, Commissioner Moyer made the motion to approve the certificates and
four resolutions and authorize the designated person to sign them. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
This item will
be on the agenda next Wednesday for action by the Cane Creek Water & Sewer
District Board.
Angela Beeker
distributed two hand-outs, some of the articles and the top ten list of issues
of the water policies. These articles
had been completed since the last review, Article 13, 14, and 15. Staff is still working on Article 12 -
Customer Services.
Section 1.02 Purpose and
Angela reminded the
Board that Henderson County entered into a regional water agreement with
Buncombe County, the City of Asheville, and the Asheville, Buncombe, Henderson
Water Authority to allow them to build a plant in Henderson County and to
provide water to Buncombe, Asheville, and Henderson County.
A formal policy
must be adopted for legal reasons and because the agreement requires it.
Section 1.03 Organization and
Angela had taken
the Authority=s existing policies and the Regional Water
Agreement and combined them. Pursuant
to that Regional Water Agreement, our policies have to substantially conform to
the Water Authority=s policies; however, there are some things in
the agreement that conflict with those policies. If they conflict, the Regional Water Agreement has control.
Section 2.01 Definition of the
Service District
Angela stated that
the service district is the area in which the Authority is required by the
Regional Water Agreement to install a water distribution system. This area will initially consist of the Cane
Creek Water and Sewer District, as enlarged or extended, but may be amended,
expanded or restated to incorporate all or a portion of Henderson County and/or
the Mud Creek Water and Sewer District.
Section 3.11 Eligibility for
Angela pointed out
the last two sentences of this section ANotwithstanding the
foregoing, the County may provide a written demand to the Authority pursuant to
Subsection 4.0 of the Regional Water Agreement and said Subsection 4.0 be
enforced. Subsection 4.0 of the
Regional Water Agreement is hereby incorporated by reference as if fully set
forth herein.@
She discussed
briefly water use restrictions, interruption in service, etc.
Article 4 Extensions
Angela explained
that an extension is an extension of the system. ATo the extent that the extension is a
Regional Water Line, or is connected to a Regional Water Line, the provision
contained in Article 10 below shall also apply.@ If an extension is owned by the Authority,
the Authority maintains it, if done by Henderson County, the County maintains
it but we can contract with the Authority to do the maintenance for us.
Article 5 Connections
Angela explained
that a connection is a simple connection from a customer to the system. If
a connection is being made to a Regional Water Line, Article 10 will
Article 9 Water Service
Angela explained
that any customer in Henderson County who wishes to receive water must sign a
water service agreement, a three party agreement between Henderson County, the
Authority, and the user. If connections
are being made to a Regional Water Line, this is crucial. The only way to guarantee that we would
have the net revenue coming in for the Regional Water Line to pay for the
Regional Water Line is if every customer that connects to the Regional Water
Line has to sign an agreement guaranteeing that they will connect or that they
will pay the minimum service fee if they don=t connect.
Article 10 Regional Water
If the County
requests, the Authority must, upon request, build a water transmission and
distribution line in Henderson County if the net revenues to be generated off
that line over a nine year period would pay the capital costs of the line. Under the Regional Water Agreement, the
County, Utilities Director, or any person or any developer may request that a
Regional Water Line be constructed.
Article 11 Fees
Angela stated that
the Henderson County Board of County Commissioners will enact a schedule of
Article 13 Appeals
Angela explained
that anyone who wishes to appeal anything in accordance with the Authority
policies makes the complaint to the Water Director, the Water Director gives a
response and then they can appeal to the Policies and Priorities Committee for
a full hearing if they don=t feel that the
Director=s response is adequate and then appeals from
the Policies and Priorities Committee go to the Authority.
For Henderson
County citizens, the chain would be different.
The initial complaint would still go to the Water Authority
directly. Any appeals from that would
go to the Policies and Priorities Committee.
Any appeal to the Policies and Priorities Committee would come to the
Henderson County Board of Commissioners.
No action was
requested at this time. The Water
Policies were just introduced at this point.
Angela explained that these Water Policies have been sent to the Water
Authority for comment.
Chairman Hawkins
suggested that these Water Policies be placed on the mid April Board Meeting
(April 19, 2000) and hopes to get comments back from the Water Authority before
that time.
There being no
further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned.
Elizabeth W. Corn, Clerk to the Board Grady Hawkins, Chairman