The Henderson County
Board of Commissioners met for a regularly scheduled meeting at 5:30 p.m. in
the Commissioners= Conference Room of the
Henderson County Office Building at 100 North King Street, Hendersonville,
North Carolina.
Those present were: Chairman Grady Hawkins, Vice-Chair Bill
Moyer, Commissioner Renee Kumor, Commissioner Don Ward, Commissioner Marilyn Gordon,
County Manager David E. Nicholson, Assistant County Manager/Interim County
Attorney Angela S. Beeker, and Clerk to the Board Elizabeth W. Corn.
Also present were:
Finance Director J. Carey McLelland, Planning Director Karen C. Smith, Project
Manager Bill Blalock, and Public
Information Officer Chris S. Coulson.
Chairman Hawkins called
the meeting to order and welcomed those in attendance.
Chairman Hawkins asked
for a minute of silence in memory of Malachi Goforth, a member of the
Republican community who died this past week.
Commissioner Moyer was
asked to lead the Pledge. He introduced
a friend of his, Santos Hernandez. Santos came to our country from Mexico a
little over nine years ago. He has a wife,
a son, and three daughters. He has been
studying English. He has worked with
Habitat for Humanity and is a homeowner through their program. Last Thursday, February 24, he finished the
Naturalization process and is now a U.S. Citizen. Commissioner Moyer stated that he was very proud of Santos and
asked him to join him in leading the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.
David Nicholson gave the
Chairman Hawkins added
one additional reason for the Board to go into Closed Session, NCGS
Commissioner Ward added
one item under staff reports as C-3 - ASaluda/Raven Rock Fire District Contract@. He also added another item as C-4 - ALGCCA update@.
It was the consensus of
the Board to accept the above additions to the agenda.
Chairman Hawkins made
the motion to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
The CONSENT AGENDA included the following:
Minutes were presented
for the Board=s review and approval of
the following meetings:
6, 1999, regular meeting
16, 2000, regular meeting
21, 2000, special called meeting
Henderson County
Financial Report - January 2000
The monthly report for
January 2000 was presented for the Board=s review and consent approval.
Henderson County Public
Schools Financial Report - January 2000
The monthly report for
January 2000 was presented for the Board=s review and consent approval.
Tax Collector=s Report
The Tax Collector=s Report was presented
through February 28, 2000 for the Board=s review.
Notification of Vacancies
The Board was notified
of the following vacancies which will appear under ANominations@ on the next agenda:
Solid Waste Advisory Committee - 4 vac.
Henderson County Planning Board - 3 vac.
Library Board of Trustees - 2 vac.
Henderson County Juvenile Crime Prevention Council - 4 vac.
Commissioner Moyer asked
for a clarification on the Library Board of Trustees. His understanding was that his status on that Board was that he
was an ex-officio member, non-voting.
He asked staff to review the newest Library By-laws to verify this.
Chairman Hawkins
reminded the Board of the following vacancies and opened the floor for
1. Hendersonville City
Zoning Board of Adjustment - 1 vac. (alternate)
Applicant must live in
Hendersonville=s ETJ.
There were no
nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.
2. Nursing/Adult Care
Home Community Advisory Committee - 4 vac.
Four resignations, still
unfilled. (positions #10, 11, 22, 23)
Additional 9 vac. For
the year 2000, 3 are designated and 6 are not.
Commissioner Kumor
nominated Nancy Mitchell, Calvin Titus, Joy Davenport, Barry Clemo, and Carol
Shuffstall for reappointment.
Commissioner Ward nominated James Ballard as a new appointment. All these members could be appointed except
for Nancy Mitchell, who is a designated position and must now go through the
process. Commissioner Kumor made the
motion to suspend the rules and appoint Titus, Davenport, Clemo, Shuffstall,
and Ballard. All voted in favor and the
motion carried.
3. Mountain Area
Workforce Development Board - 1 vac
This vacancy is for a
Chamber of Commerce nominee. The Clerk
was asked to notify the Chamber of the vacancy and get their recommendation.
4. Henderson County
Board of Equalization & Review - 1 vac.
Chairman Hawkins
nominated Cater Leland. Commissioner
Ward made the motion to suspend the rules and appoint Mr. Leland. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
5. Henderson County
Industrial Facilities & Pollution Control Authority - 1 vac.
The Board has not heard
back from James Hutcherson to see if he is willing to continue to serve. Staff was asked to research to see if a
staff member could serve on this authority.
Chairman Hawkins was interested in seeing if Finance Director Carey
McLelland could serve.
6. Transportation
Advisory Committee - 1 vac.
Vacant position is from
the City of Hendersonville.
The Board has not yet
heard from the City of Hendersonville regarding their nominee. There were no
nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.
David Nicholson gave a
brief update to the Commissioners on the importance of Census 2000 to Henderson
County and it=s residents. As part of the census publicity in the
county=s Complete County
were enclosed with water bills
has written several stories about the importance of the census
Posters have been put up in government buildings, post
offices, and not for profit organizations.
public schools and private schools have been made aware of the census and the
of it.
will have some of their personalities do some public service announcements.
has offered a free ad space as part of the census. On April 1 - Census
- we will have some information in the newspaper.
has offered to do some public service announcements.
phone call was made to BellSouth, asking them to do an insert with phone bills
in our
which led to inserts statewide going in with telephone bills.
display will be at the Henderson County Public Library.
news articles have been done for industries and non profits.
have been sent to Churches, Community Clubs, and Fire Departments
the census.
Miller=s Laundry Sign will have
census reminders on it.
All these things, along
with others have been done to make citizens aware that the census forms should
be filled out and returned. If not,
people will come knocking on your door asking you the details and filling out
the form.
A draft proclamation
declaring Saturday, April 1, 2000 as Census 2000 Day in Henderson County was
presented for the Board=s consideration.
Chairman Hawkins made the motion to approve the Proclamation as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Commissioner Kumor
reminded the Board that the Application for Continuation of Implementation
Funding for the Criminal Justice Partnership Program (CJPP) had been received
and was presented at this time for the Board=s consideration and approval. This application was approved by the CJPP
Advisory Board on February 24, 2000 and must also be approved by the Board of
Commissioners in order for the County to continue to receive implementation
funds for the Henderson County Community Corrections Resource Center from the
State of North Carolina. She
distributed copies of the budget for CJPP. This application needs Board
approval so they can draw down state funds for the next year. There are no county dollars in this program.
Following much
discussion, Chairman Hawkins made the motion to approve the CJPP program as
presented. All voted in favor and the
motion carried.
Ad Hoc Committee on
Chairman Hawkins
reminded the Board that in December they began looking at an implementation
plan for the property readdressing.
Implementation is planned via ESNs, Emergency Service Numbers. ESNs are similar to zip codes or area
codes. The parameters are primarily for
emergency services, law enforcement, and fire as to what unit responds in that
particular ESN. He discussed briefly
the Bell match system which is a program to match up your telephone number with
your old address and with the new distance based address.
Chairman Hawkins
discussed the ability of the post office to handle the changes of address
and/or new addresses. The post office says that they can do it if they are
given some lead time, probably about 30 days.
Some of the problems that the post office said they would run into would
involve keying in the new addresses
which would be time consuming.
Chairman Hawkins had
sent letters to the various municipalities regarding readdressing. He has only received one letter back, from
the Town of Fletcher. Mayor Parrish
indicated that the Town of Fletcher is still interested in the
readdressing. He still awaits
correspondence from the other three municipalities.
Commissioner Moyer
informed everyone that at the most recent LGCCA meeting, readdressing was
discussed in great detail. Each of the
municipalities will have a meeting to review their position and see if they
wish to update it. The Board will be
receiving reports from each of them.
Chairman Hawkins had
recently visited two counties who have operational E-9-1-1 centers and talked
briefly about both. The General Statute
that deals with public safety telephone service and wireless telephone service
is the statute that established the enhanced 9-1-1 service. In that statute the General Assembly made it clear that what you are looking for
in an enhanced 9-1-1 system was the ability to automatically provide a location
with a telephone number so that on one screen a telephone number comes in from
where the emergency originated and on the other screen a map to that location comes
in. Since we have completed the
BellSouth match, we have information ready to put on the screen once we=re able to get the
connectivity between the BellSouth database and the screen to put the
information up on the screen. One of
the first things Chairman Hawkins felt needed done was to find out when and how
we can make that hook-up. We do not
have the capability to show a map yet.
We are seeking proposals for county wide mapping. We are ready with center line mapping but
you would have to go with readdressing every address in the county for that to
be serviceable. The interface is still
not in place to be able to use that information.
The current 9-1-1
service charge is 55 cents and it goes into a fund earmarked 9-1-1
services. The monies collected through
BellSouth for this go directly to that fund.
This fund could be available to buy technology as it becomes
available. The service charge may have
to be increased. The Macon County
service charge is ninety-some cents.
Chairman Hawkins discussed
some comparisons on the Ordinances in Haywood County, Franklin, and Macon
County. In some of the Ordinances,
there is a true distinction between the use of the distance based for emergency
services and the use of distance based addressing on a county-wide basis for
other services. The Macon County
Ordinance states AIt is further designated
to benefit the United States Postal Service, local business owners, and
individual citizens by minimizing difficulty in locating properties and
buildings.@ In their Ordinance, they address two
separate purposes for addressing and/or readdressing, one of them being able to
respond to emergencies and the other for general locating. Some of this is unclear in the Henderson
County Ordinance and he felt that our Ordinance should be reviewed for clarity.
Chairman Hawkins
stressed that the things we should be looking at are:
1. The
status of the data interface with the display screens and find out where that
is and
out why we don=t have that up to speed
our G.I.S. system.
Following much discussion,
Chairman Hawkins made the motion to proceed with the readdressing in ESN #435
in the Fletcher area and at such time that it is completed, that we evaluate
the results and look at whether or not or to what extent we want to clarify our
current ordinance. All voted in favor
and the motion carried.
Chairman Hawkins stated that
at the same time that we are proceeding with readdressing in ESN #435, he would
also like the Board to consider continuing to provide unique addresses for all
those places that don=t have unique addresses. He has talked to the property address
coordinator and he is able to pull that information out of the BellSouth
database so that you can in fact proceed on with getting addresses out to people
who don=t have addresses.
Commissioner Moyer stated AI would request further that
we ask the County Manager to develop a plan of implementation like Commissioner
Kumor was talking about -.... do we hand deliver all the addresses. Do we add a person to handle complaints? How do we make sure this thing goes as
smoothly as it can? And the second part
of that would be to study the G.I.S. - I know he=s looked into it a lot. Do we need a separate committee? How do we make sure we use the right
technology so that we make one change and implement it right and it=s in place for the future
and obviously what it will cost, etc.@
The Board will need to set a
Public Hearing on readdressing in ESN #435 in the Fletcher area. That will be done at the next Board meeting,
March 15, 2000.
1. Daniel J. Theron - Mr. Theron spoke about
the addressing/readdressing project.
He stated that 10 years is an
awful long pregnancy. He stated that
the Times-News estimates that Henderson County has already spent $700,000 on this
project. He stated that the
readdressing project is already obsolete and that we should be looking at
global positioning and we should be looking at enhanced 9-1-1. We do need to address areas that do not
have addresses or have duplicates. He
stated that the whole thing about readdressing had become an embarrassment to
Chairman Hawkins commented
that the dollar figure that the press has published has not been
Commissioner Kumor made
the motion for the Board to go into Closed Session as allowed pursuant to NCGS
143-318.11 for the following reasons:
(a)(3) To consult with an attorney employed or
retained by the public body in order to preserve the attorney-client privilege
between the attorney and the public body, which privilege is hereby
acknowledged. To consult with an
attorney employed or retained by the public body in order to consider and give
instructions to the attorney with respect to the following claim:
of Henderson v. Ronald and Betty Jackson
(File No. 99-CVS-526)
2. (a)(4) To discuss matters relating to the location
or expansion of industries or other businesses in the area served by the public
All voted in favor and the
motion carried.
Commissioner Moyer made the
motion for the Board to go out of Closed Session. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Action following Closed
Commissioner Kumor made
the motion to approve the settlement agreement between Ronald and Betty
Jackson, Blue Ridge Savings Bank, and Henderson County. A vote was taken and the motion carried four
to one with Commissioner Ward voting nay.
Amendment to Special Use Permit #SP-99-01 for Charlestown Place Planned Unit
(Application #
Commissioner Kumor made
the motion for the Board to go into Quasi-Judicial Hearing on the proposed
amendment for Special Use Permit #SP-99-01 for Charlestown Place Planned Unit
Development. All voted in favor and the
motion carried.
Chairman Hawkins - ALadies and Gentlemen, a
Quasi-Judicial Public Hearing is being held today to consider an amendment to
the Special Use Permit held by Joe Crowell Construction, Inc. for Charlestown
Place, a Planned Unit Development in an R-10 District. The requested amendment is to all the
petitioner, Joe Crowell Construction, to have the flexibility to offer single
family and multiple family buildings within the planned unit development
instead of strictly duplexes, provided
that the total number of dwelling units does not exceed the 52 units
previously approved. The petitioner has
also requested a modification regarding the separation between single family
dwellings within Charlestown Place. A
Quasi-Judicial proceeding, much like a court proceeding, is a proceeding in which
one=s individual rights are
being determined. The proceedings will
be conducted under the Henderson County Board of Commissioner=s Rules of Procedure for
Quasi-Judicial Proceedings. Only
persons who can demonstrate that they will be affected by the outcome of the
decision are allowed to participate in the proceedings. I want to remind everyone that the
proceedings will be held to consider the proposed amendment only and any
impacts that it may have.
Just a brief overview of
the procedure. All persons who speak
and participate including any witnesses that will be called, will be placed
under oath. Staff will give brief
introductory remarks then the Board will ask the petitioner what evidence he
wishes to present in support of his application for a special use permit. After the petitioner is finished anyone else
who has expressed the desire to be a party and who the Board has recognized as
a party will then be allowed to present their evidence. All parties will be given an opportunity to
ask questions of all witnesses testifying in this proceeding. The Board will be given an opportunity to
ask questions also. After the evidence
is presented the Board will discuss the issues raised and will make a decision.
The Board=s decision must be made in writing within 45 days of
the hearing. The Board acknowledges the petitioner, Joe Crowell Construction,
and the staff as parties to the proceedings.
Are there any other persons present who can demonstrate that they will
be affected by the outcome of this proceeding and who wish to be a party to the
There were none.
Chairman Hawkins - AIf there are anyone, and
all witnesses they intend to call need to come forward to be sworn and I request that each person
give their names and address to the Clerk, if there are any.@
Coming forward to be
sworn in were: Joe Crowell and Karen C. Smith.
Clerk to the Board - AYou need to place your
left hand on the Bible please and raise your right hand. Do you swear (or affirm) that the testimony
you shall give to the Board of County Commissioners shall be the truth, the
whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God.@
In unison, they said AI do@.
Chairman Hawkins - AOK, I would remind you
once again that if you=re not a party to the
proceedings, then you will not be allowed to speak during the proceedings. And, Karen, can we have your introductory
remarks please.@
Karen Smith - AGood evening Mr.
Chairman, members of the Board. Joe
Crowell Construction has submitted an
application to amend the Special Use Permit (SP-99-01) for Charlestown Place, a
planned unit development. This special
use permit was approved by the Board of Commissioners on August 9, 1999. The planned unit development is located on
12.01 acres in an R-10 zoning district on property off U.S. #25 South, just
south of Shepherd Street. As originally
approved, the plan for Charlestown Place consists of a maximum of 26 buildings
with two town homes each for a total of 52 dwelling units total within communally
owned open space. The order granting
the Special Use Permit (SP-99-01) which is contained in your agenda packet
allows the applicant the flexibility to place the buildings according to the
buyers needs, provided that there=s a minimum separation of twenty feet between
buildings. Through the application
before you tonight which includes a revised plan, the applicant is requesting
to have the flexibility to offer a variety of single family and multifamily
dwellings within the planned unit development instead of the strictly duplexes,
as long as the number of units does not exceed 52. According to the applicant, the flexibility would allow for a
diverse street scape within Charlestown Place.
Dwellings in multi-unit buildings will be connected in order to be
considered one building under the terms of the zoning ordinance. For multi-unit buildings the applicant
intends to maintain the twenty foot separation; however, the applicant has
asked that for single family dwellings, he be allowed to have a minimum
building separation of 10 feet. No
changes to the road layout or buffer strip are proposed. Since this new
application constitutes an amendment to the Special Use Permit, you had to
refer it to the Planning Board for review and a recommendation. The Planning Board met on January 25 and I
will present their recommendation formally as evidence in a few minutes.
And for the record, I
wanted to add that in accordance with State Law and the Zoning Ordinance, the
property was posted advertising the hearing.
Notice of the hearing were published in the February 14 and February 21
editions of the Times News and we sent certified mail notices to the adjacent
property owners and to the applicant.
I have - the map right
now that is up on the screen is the map of the planned unit development as it
was approved back in August and I=ll switch it out and put the new one up there
for the course of the hearing but if you need to see either one, just let me
Chairman Hawkins - AKaren, this is the new
proposed map, that you just put up?@
Karen Smith - AYes, this is the map
that accompanied the request for the amendment.@
Chairman Hawkins - ADoes anyone have any
questions for Karen at this point? OK,
Mr. Crowell, do you have any information you want to present?@
Joe Crowell - AWell, I just wanted to
say the purpose of this is we=re trying to change the look of this development somewhat
from what is achieved when you build duplex units. We=re just finishing up a
project, Saddlebrook, where those were predominantly duplex units joined at the
garage. They were joined at the garage
so that - you know the common wall was not a living space area which is very
popular but then it ends up that all the units look the same and they share a
common driveway. We have researched
ways of adjoining these buildings so that they wouldn=t be carbon copies of
each other and we=ve come up with this new
plan where the units are almost detached but only detached by a small roof
section which could be a screened porch or a courtyard between the
buildings. Now this takes that space
between the buildings which ordinarily is lost and that becomes habitable. You might walk out of the side of one house
at the dining room and that will be joined to the master bedroom of the
adjacent house with no windows and that would create a little space between the
buildings. That would enable all the
driveways to be separate instead of joined.
So, as Karen said we=re just trying to come up with ways to make a more diverse
street scape.@
Chairman Hawkins - AAnybody have any
questions for Mr. Crowell?@
Commissioned Moyer - AWill the open space
design or the amount of open space be changed at all by the result of the plan
Joe Crowell - AUh, no, no the number of
units and the size of the units remains the same so I think the open space will
remain the same.@
Chairman Hawkins - AMr. Crowell, was this
difference in the layout more of a attempt on the part of your company to make
some diversity there or is it more market driven, people want more of a single dwelling or?@
Joe Crowell - AWell, its probably some
of each. You know, I just was trying to
come up with something where - you know - every unit would not look the same.
Uh, you know these four plexes could be any combination of buildings in any
configuration. They could be joined at
the garage, they could be joined at the bedrooms, the garage could be joined to
the bedroom so every building in there can look totally different than the
others but still carry on a continuity of design.@
Chairman Hawkins - AOK, any other questions
for Mr. Crowell? Thank you. Karen, do
you have additional - some additional information?@
Karen Smith - AI=m going to pass out the
Planning Board=s recommendation. ---
distributing --- The - as I stated before
the Planning Board met on January 25 to consider the application for the
amendment to the Special Use Permit and voted unanimously on that date to send
the Commissioners a favorable recommendation on the amendment subject to the
following conditions:@
1. Modification of
Condition Ab@ of the Order Granting
the Special Use Permit
As permitted by Section
200-33A(6)[2]{c} of the Zoning Ordinance (p. 2 of attached excerpt),
condition Ab@ of the Order that
granted Special Use Permit #SP-99-01 (p. 7 of attached Order) should be amended
to allow the minimum separation between single-family detached units to be no
less than 10 feet, provided that the construction of adjacent walls conforms
with the North Carolina Building Codes and that the area between such buildings
remains open and unobstructed.
2. New Condition for
the Order Regarding Number of Units in Buildings
A specific condition
should be added to the Order that granted Special Use Permit #SP-99-01 which
allows the developer to have the flexibility to determine how many units will
be within each building in the Planned Unit Development, provided that the
applicant meets the other conditions specified in the Order granting approval
of Special Use Permit #SP-99-01 (and as amended), the standards of the Henderson
County Zoning Ordinance and any applicable standards of the Henderson
County Subdivision Ordinance.
3. Maintenance of
Other Conditions in the Order
All of the other
conditions imposed by the Order granting approval of Special Use Permit
#SP-99-01, except those which may be modified as noted above, should be
Chairman Hawkins - AKaren, I didn=t quite I guess follow
your second condition. The - when you
talk about the flexibility to determine how many units but not to exceed the -
the 20 or 52 that you mentioned.@
Karen Smith - ARight, the number of
units within each series of connected units.
Right now the order states they will be duplexes and so this - this
condition that we would have to draft would allow the developer to do single,
the duplexes, triplexes, etc. But we
need to put that flexibility in the order.@
Chairman Hawkins - ABut it still wouldn=t exceed 52.@
Karen Smith - AWould not exceed 52.@
Chairman Hawkins - AI missed that. Anybody
have any questions for Karen on the Planning Board=s report and
Angela Beeker - AKaren is it your opinion
that um - have you reviewed the plan and the application?@
Karen Smith - AI have@
Angela Beeker - AUm, is it your opinion
that with this amendment the plan would still be in compliance with the
requirements of the zoning ordinance?@
Karen Smith - AYes.@
Commissioner Moyer - AI move we approve the
amendment to the Special Use Permit in accordance with the Planning Board=s recommendation.@
Karen Smith - AMr. Chairman, do you
want to probably make the findings that you need to make on Special Use
David Nicholson - AAnd direct staff.@
Angela Beeker - AWell uh, the Board needs
to be able to - let me remind the Board of what you have to be able to
find. Just for information - the
amendment or the Special Use Permit as amended will not adversely affect the
health and safety of the persons residing or working in the neighborhood and
will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to property or public
improvements in the neighborhood. I
think that if Commissioner Moyer wants to make his motion that he can - the
Board can - or he can include in his motion that staff bring back findings
consistent with the decision that the Board would like to make. We can do that.@
Commissioner Kumor - AOne, I think when you
bring up the issue of findings the - since
- as I understand Mr. Moyer=s motion - most of the findings stay intact
except for the recommendations of the
Planning Board to modify one of the conditions and to add a new condition.@
Angela Beeker - ABy and large those would
be the findings. There might be some
other minor things that we have to tweak in there just to make it consistent
with the amendment but it wouldn=t change any of the standards or
conditions. It would just be - you know
- maybe changing the wording a little bit to make it flow better or something
like that.@
Commissioner Moyer - AWell, I amend the motion
to include that the staff be directed to develop findings of fact consistent
with the decision of the Planning Board.@
Chairman Hawkins - AAny discussion on that
Commissioner Gordon - AI have a question.@
Chairman Hawkins - AMarilyn.@
Commissioner Gordon - AWas this reviewed by the
Fire Marshal? Is this ten foot adequate
for fire protection?@
Karen Smith - AI don=t know that the revised plan was sent to the
Fire Marshal. I kinda took it over
right as Chris left. I=m not sure. The ten foot is in our zoning ordinance and
I - Joe might be able to address that a little better.@
Commissioner Gordon - AIt does meet code
requirements for separation?@
Karen Smith - AIt does have to meet
N.C. Building Code so.@
Angela Beeker - AThat will be put in the
order. That would be put in the order
that the only way it could go down to ten feet is if that meets the State
Building Code Requirements.@
Commissioner Gordon - AOK@
Chairman Hawkins - AAny other comments with
the motion on the floor?@
Commissioner Gordon - AYeh, one more comment
before we vote. I think this is a very
interesting concept and this is an editorial. With all the discussion about better use of - of properties and
the need for denser development in certain areas, I think it will be very
interesting to see how this comes out because I think it is - it is good to see
that developers attempting to get outside the box and do something different. We should try to encourage that if we can.@
Chairman Hawkins - AAny other discussion?
All those in favor of the motion say aye.@
In unison AAye. Unanimous vote.
Commissioner Kumor - AMr. Chairman, I make a
motion that we come out of the quasi-judicial public hearing.@
Chairman Hawkins - AAll those in favor of
that motion, say aye.@
In unison AAye.@ Unanimous vote.
7:00 p.m. PUBLIC INPUT SESSION - Proposed BMX -
Bicycle Dirt Track for Jackson Park
Chairman Hawkins asked
the Clerk to call the names of those who had signed up to speak to this issue.
1. Wayne K. Forsyth - Mr. Forsyth voiced
his concerns about placing the BMX track in Jackson Park stating that he felt
Jackson Park is currently being maxed out as to use.
2. Richard Donovan - Mr. Donovan was in
agreement with Mr. Forsyth=s comments. He asked
whether the sponsors of the BMX track were non-profit or a for profit
group. He felt that there is other land
where this could be put.
3. Jason Morgan - Mr. Morgan spoke in
favor of the BMX track.
4. Hampton Hudson - Mr. Hudson spoke in
favor of the BMX track. He is a bicycle
shop owner. He spoke of the growing
interest in BMX bicycles in the past couple of years.
5. Raymond LeStrange - Mr. LeStrange had
signed up to speak but had left before this time in the agenda.
6. Jim Neal - Mr. Neal spoke in
favor of a BMX track but felt that Jackson Park was not the place for it. He felt that we are currently getting the
maximum use out of Jackson Park with tennis, soccer, softball, baseball, bird
watching and serving nature in general.
7. Michael Watt - Mr. Watt spoke in
favor of the BMX track. When he lived
in California, he rode and raced BMX bicycles.
This Public Input
Session was held pursuant to the Board=s request to consider a proposal concerning the
operation of a dirt track for BMX bicycle racing in Jackson Park in the area
formerly known as Field #8. Pursuant to
this proposal, Henderson County would lease the former field #8 directly to the
National Bicycle League, who would then construct and operate a BMX bicycle
dirt track at their cost. The National
Bicycle League (NBL) would conduct workshops, practices, and racing events, all
made available to the children and
youth of Henderson County. A nominal
fee would be charged to cover track expenses and insurance expenses. However, in order to participate children
and youth would have to become members of the NBL in order for their insurance
coverage to be effective. An investment
in excess of $20,000 would be made by the NBL and volunteers to build the BMX
track and related facilities.
The North Carolina
General Statutes authorize Henderson County to lease property upon such terms
and conditions as may be desired if the Board determines that the property will
not be needed by the county for the term of the lease. The lease must be approved by resolution
adopted at a regular board meeting upon 10 days= public notice. Notice must be given by publication and must describe the
property to be leased, the annual rental or lease payments, and must state the
Board=s intention to authorize
the lease at its next regular meeting.
The Board had previously authorized staff to proceed with advertising
the Board=s intent to adopt a
resolution to approve the lease at this meeting. ANotice of Intent@ was published in the
local Times-News on February 22, 2000.
Rick Harris, Parks and
Recreation Director and Tim Hopkin, Senior Athletic Program Supervisor, both
came forward to answer some questions.
Commissioner Moyer
questioned whether there were any restrictive covenants in the chain of
title. There is no room for expansion
on this piece of property. Commissioner
Moyer asked for a couple of revisions to the Lease Agreement.
There was some
discussion that the closest BMX track to us is a track in Spartanburg. It also has a 20' x 20' shed on the property
for storage.
Commissioner Kumor
expressed her opposition to the track in Jackson Park. She felt that there could be another piece
of property found somewhere in the county for a BMX track.
Two representatives from
the National Bicycle League (NBL) came forward to answer some questions,
Malcolm Hadley and Jim Tedesca. They
are a non-profit organization. They
explained that basically a BMX track is much like a swimming pool. It is locked until the track director
unlocks the gate. Then the kids are
allowed to practice. They don=t have races each time
the gate is opened.
Following much
discussion, Commissioner Moyer made the motion that this hearing be continued
to Friday at 10:00 a.m. and review the lease with changes brought back by the
County Attorney. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
New Facility Goals
The Board had received a
two page document of Development Goals.
Commissioner Kumor asked that the Board review these goals at this time
and decide if they are actually goals of the Board of Commissioners.
David Nicholson stated
that the goals were developed by staff.
After the last Board meeting on February 16, he called a staff meeting
to determine how to address the issue on the upcoming March 15 meeting. Staff brainstormed to see what they felt the
major issues were in looking at a new facility. Some of the ideas came from Commissioners from workshops.
Following much
discussion, the Board agreed on a list of AMust haves@ and a list of ANice, but not essential@.
have water & sewer
to consolidate related departments in one center for convenience to citizens
to a major road for convenient access or in the core area of
at least five year growth space for departments and the capability for future
Preferred, but not
to two state roads
least one Commissioner preferred to keep the Commissioners downtown but felt
was not essential
Financial goals:
financing approach must be consistent with the County=s overall financing plan
on how to implement the sale of the buildings we will vacate
the Historic Courthouse Rehabilitation project
It was the consensus of
the Board to have more than one option to review at the March 15 meeting along
with financial plans and timing projections.
Raven Rock/Saluda Fire
This was an add-on per
Commissioner Ward.
David Nicholson had a
conversation with some people who used to be volunteers with the Saluda Fire
Department. In researching, staff found
that we do not have a contract with the Saluda Fire & Rescue
Department. We originally had a
contract for a year with the Town of Saluda.
The Town of Saluda divested itself of the Fire Department and it became
a not for profit corporation.
Rocky Hyder met with the
folks from the Town of Saluda last week.
Some of the issues that were raised were how many of the firemen were
still from Henderson County. Still a large
number of the fire personnel are from Henderson County. Service is being provided, there is no issue
there. A contract has been sent to them
so that we can get a contract in place with the Saluda Fire Department, at
least for a year. There is a similar
issue going on now with the Fletcher Fire Department and into Buncombe
County. David felt that one of the
issues that needs to be considered when the Fire Advisory Committee is
established is whether or not you want
this district to contract with the Saluda Fire Department or with a Henderson
County Fire Department, for example Blue Ridge. David felt that the Fire Advisory Committee could give a
recommendation to the Board on this, when established. A contract will be on the agenda in the near
future between the County and that Fire District.
LGCCA Update (Local
Government Committee on Cooperative Action)
Commissioner Moyer
deferred as the minutes will be made available soon and will be detailed. He will provide copies for the
Commissioners. Once the Board has had
time to review the minutes, he will discuss and it will make more sense.
The Board set a budget
workshop for Tuesday, April 11 at 5:00 p.m.(here)
Special Order Setting a
Public Hearing - Proposed Extension of the Corporate Limits of the Cane Creek
Water and Sewer District of Henderson County, North Carolina
The Board mentioned
having this on April 4 at 7:00 p.m. and David Nicholson was going to check with
the Town of Fletcher to see if their meeting room was available. This
was not set yet.
The Town of Fletcher had
scheduled a Public Hearing for March 13 on the zoning of three parcels of
property owned by Henderson County, Tract I being the Westfeld Park property
and Tracts 2 & 3 being in the
Broadpointe Center. The Planning Board
had recommended that this property be zoned C-2.
Staff suggested that the
Board might wish to make comments to the Fletcher Council on the proposed
zoning at the March 13 meeting.
C-1 allows parks as well
as other public buildings on land.
David Nicholson stated that with these two properties there are deed
restrictions associated with the property about using it for park purposes.
David stated that the one issue he sees is that the Fletcher Zoning Ordinance
does not talk about agriculture. Currently
Henderson County has some of that property leased to a farmer. Counties have an exemption for agriculture
as a use. Cities do not have that as an
automatic exemption. Council informed
the Board that any existing use would be grandfathered.
It was suggested that
the Chairman send a letter to the Mayor of the Town of Fletcher for their March
13 Public Hearing, indicating that we don=t see an issue with C-1 but they are designated
for parks under deed restrictions and as long as that is an allowable use in
C-2 and also inform them that we would like to keep it under agriculture use
and we realize that we are currently grandfathered.
There being no further
business to come before the Board, the meeting was continued to Friday, March
10 at 10:00 a.m.
W. Corn, Clerk to the Board Grady
Hawkins, Chairman