The Henderson
County Board of Commissioners met for a special called meeting at 11:00 a.m. in
the Commissioners= Conference Room of the Henderson County Office
Building at 100 North King Street, Hendersonville, North Carolina.
Those present
were: Chairman Grady Hawkins,
Vice-Chair Bill Moyer, Commissioner Renee Kumor, Commissioner Don Ward,
Commissioner Marilyn Gordon, County Manager David E. Nicholson, Assistant
County Manager/Interim County Attorney Angela S. Beeker, and Clerk to the Board
Elizabeth W. Corn.
Also present
were: Planning Director Karen C. Smith and Zoning Administrator Brian Gulden.
Absent was:
Commissioner Don Ward - was not present at the beginning of the meeting but did
come in late.
Hawkins called the meeting to order and welcomed those in attendance. The purpose of this meeting is to hold two
Quasi-Judicial Proceedings: 1. Creekside, and 2. Carriage Park.
PUBLIC HEARING - Amendment to Special Use Permit #SP-93-13 for Carriage Park, A
Planned Unit Development (PUD) - Application #SP-93-13A4 by Carriage Park
Development Corporation, Applicant.
Kumor made the motion for the Board to go into Quasi-Judicial Hearing for the
Amendment to Special Use Permit #SP-93-13 for Carriage Park. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Angela Beeker=s
recommendations to the Board
Angela Beeker -
AThank you, Mr.
Chairman. We have received a position
statement from the Carriage Park Property Owners Association alleging a
violation of the Special Use Permit and requesting that it be terminated. It would therefore by my recommendation to
the Board that the proceeding today, requesting an amendment to the Special Use
Permit be continued to a date that you determine today, and that another
quasi-judicial proceeding be scheduled prior to that date to hear and decide
the issues raised by the position paper.
Because your rules of procedure allow anyone to file a formal document
called a ARequest for
Quasi-Judicial Proceeding@, a document that looks much like a legal
complaint, it is also my recommendation that the Carriage Park Homeowner=s Association
be given until close of business Friday, January 28, 2000 to file a formal ARequest for
Quasi-Judicial Proceeding@ that outlines all the allegations that
they are making against Carriage Park, and that then Carriage Park Development
Corporation be given until close of business on Friday, February 18, 2000 to
file a written response to that Request for Quasi-Judicial Proceeding. Both documents would be filed with the
Clerk, copied to the Board, and to me.
I would recommend that then this hearing concerning the allegations of
the Association be held prior to the hearing on the Special Use Permit
amendment. Both could be held in
March. I have discussed this
recommendation with both parties to the proceeding today and both are in
agreement. It is within your discretion
whether to postpone today=s hearing or not. Regarding the allegations made, however I
believe that due process would require that Carriage Park Development
Corporation be given ample time to respond and prepare to defend themselves with
regard to those allegations. Therefore,
if you don=t postpone
today=s hearing, I
would recommend that it be limited only to the issue of the amendment and that
you hold another - still hold another hearing to just hear and decide those
allegations. If you decide that you do
want to go ahead with the hearing, I would need time to contact the parties and
let them know. I told them that I would
give them that courtesy so that they can come because they aren=t - they aren=t here. I told them I would be making this
recommendation to the Board.@
Hawkins - AOK, thank you
Mrs. Beeker. I think essentially what -
if I could try to paraphrase the - all that into a couple words. The Board basically has a couple of areas to
look at: One is some allegations on the permitting process of Carriage Park,
the other is basically a special use permit #93-13 which is a separate
issue. And of course our Attorney is
recommending that we consider the allegations prior to considering the special
use permit #93-13 for Carriage Park and I=d ask the Board if that=s - if they
would concur with continuing and reconvening this quasi-judicial hearing which
was to actually look at #93-13 until such time that we had heard the other
Kumor - AAnd if I
understand, we would then be setting that at - at another Board meeting.@
Hawkins - AAt a date@
Angela Beeker -
AAt another
Board meeting.@
Hawkins - AReconvening
this hearing probably sometime in March@
Angela Beeker -
Hawkins - AAnd I think you=ve contacted
the parties involved and was looking at some dates - January 28, I think to
have information back to the - for the Board to consider.@
Angela Beeker -
ARight, have the
Owner=s Association
submit whatever they=d like to submit by January 28 and then give
Carriage Park you know time to respond to that before you would have your
hearing. I would also recommend that
you wait to set the date for that particular hearing until you get that request
for the quasi-judicial proceeding. Your
rules of procedure call for such a document to be filed to initiate this type
of a hearing.@
Kumor - AMay I ask you
one question? What are the
ramifications if this request is not received by that date, either - just if
that request is not received by January 28?@
Angela Beeker -
AThen you would
have the discretion to give them more time or not to hold the hearing.@
Kumor - AOn the issues
that they have raised but then we would still be obliged to hold the hearing on
the original request from Carriage Park.@
Angela Beeker -
ACorrect, and I
have put in your box a copy of the position paper and we also received a letter
from Carriage Park Development Corporation concurring, I guess, with my
recommendation. Both of those I placed
in your box with a - with an explanation, so@
Hawkins - AAre you
recommending that we set a date for the - to reconvene the quasi-judicial
proceedings or not at this time?@
Angela Beeker -
AIt would be up
to you, if you simply recess this to reconvene and a date, I would say it would
have to be mid to late March to give all those time periods time to run. Uh, then we wouldn=t have - have
to do new notices because you would be recessing and reconvening. If you choose just to close out today=s hearing then
we=d have to
renotify, if you=re going to
wait to set the date for the new hearing.@
Moyer - ABut since a lot
of the parties are not here to give due notice I think we should terminate this
hearing and reschedule it so people - we=re sure they get adequate notice. If we continue it and people come in and say
they didn=t know about
the new date then we=ll just have additional problems.@
Angela Beeker -
Moyer - AAnd there
should be ample time to do that.@
Angela Beeker -
AYeh, there
should be plenty of time and I could bring it back to you at your mid-month
meeting, that way I would have time to contact the parties to see what dates
might be - look good for them and you all as well to reschedule. The motion would still need to say to
continue it to a date to be determined.@
Kumor - ASo when we come
out of the quasi-judicial hearing, that=s the motion that we should be making, or
in the hearing.@
Angela Beeker -
AWell, you=re gonna - I
think you would make it in the hearing, right.@
Moyer - AThe allegations
that are being made, would you repeat what they go to.@
Angela Beeker -
AThey have
alleged basically that Carriage Park Development Corporation has a duty to
convey open space to the Association and because that hasn=t occurred,
they feel like they=re in violation of their permit and would like
their permit to be terminated. Uh, we
only got this Wednesday afternoon and so therefore, Carriage Park should be
given an opportunity to prepare to respond to that and not just be hit with
that in the middle of a hearing today.@
Moyer - ABut they=re raising
questions as to the validity and the continued existence of the permit.@
Angela Beeker -
AOf the permit,
yes sir.@
Moyer - AWell then I
think it=s definitely
the case that we ought to have that hearing first, before you talk about an
amendment to it.@
Angela Beeker -
Kumor - AThen, Mr.
Chairman, I make the motion that we adjourn this meeting and at a later date
set a new meeting for a quasi-judicial hearing.@
Moyer - AI guess you
want a motion to continue it to a date to be determined.@
Angela Beeker -
Kumor - ANo, we don=t want to
continue it. We want to@
Angela Beeker -
AYes, to
continue - well you would continue it to a date to be determined.@
Kumor - ATo be
determined, OK.@
Angela Beeker -
AWe would still
have to renotify.@
Kumor - AOK, that was,
alright, that was my motion.@
Moyer - AThat will get
both things done.@
Angela Beeker -
AAnd uh, could
you also include in you motion the two dates for filing and@
Kumor - AAlright, then
uh, my motion includes that the property owners have the - until January 28 of
2000 to file a formal request for a quasi-judicial hearing and that Carriage
Park have until February 18 to respond.@
Angela Beeker -
Hawkins - AIs there any
other discussion on the motion on the floor that uh - I=ll just kinda
reparaphrase it - means that we=re going to give both concerned parties
ample time to answer each others allegations, at which time then we=ll have -
really proceed with the quasi-judicial hearing and there will be other notifications
for same. All those in favor of that
motion, say aye.@
Unanimous aye.
Hawkins - AOK@
Moyer - AUnder these
procedures, who will have the responsibility to see that each of the parties
receives copies of the other parties documentation, you or the other parties?@
Angela Beeker -
AI have sent
them a notice that they are expected to do that, to file with the Clerk, to
copy each other, and@
Moyer - ATo copy each
Angela Beeker -
AYes sir and to
copy me as well so I can stay apprized of it.
You can make another motion requiring that and it would be then in the
written correspondence from the Board that I would you know draft for you to
send out if you would like.@
Moyer - AWell I would
like to move that because many times - too many times people get in and say
they haven=t seen the
other person=s allegations
and it makes for a very difficult hearing. I think we need to be sure that they
each are notified of the other person=s allegations and response so that that=s not the focus
of the hearing.@
Hawkins - AOK. Mrs. Kumor, would you amend your motion to
include that and we=ll revote on it.@
Kumor - AYes sir, I
amend the motion that all parties in our letter will be directed to share their information with each other and
with the Clerk and with Ms. Skerrett, Mrs. Beeker, I=m sorry, I
Angela Beeker -
AThat=s OK.@
Hawkins - ANew motion on
the floor then. All those in favor of
that motion please say aye.@
Unanimous aye.
Hawkins - AOK, that should
insure that everybody is informed of what everybody else is doing and also
establishes the dates for filing your information with Ms. Beeker and with the
Board so that we can reconvene at - probably some time in March would be my
guess. OK. Then we need to go out of
our quasi-judicial hearing for@
Kumor - AMr. Chairman, I
make the motion that we leave the quasi-judicial hearing on the special -
amendment to the special use permit for Carriage Park.@
Hawkins - AAll those in
favor of that motion say aye.@
Unanimous aye.
PUBLIC HEARING - Amendment to Special Use Permit #SP-93-02 for Creekside, A
Residential Open Space (R-O) Development - Application #SP-99-02A1 by Mr. Maxie
Small, Agent for the Old Bowen Farm LLC, Applicant.
Hawkins - AI would like to
make some opening remarks. We have one
remaining quasi-judicial proceeding scheduled for today and that=s on the
petition of Maxie Small for Creekside.
I=ll give you
just an overview of the procedure. All
persons who speak and participate including any witnesses that will be called,
will be placed under oath. Staff will
give a brief introductory remarks and the Board will ask the petitioner what
evidence he wishes to present in support of his application for a special use
permit. After the petitioner is
finished, anyone else who has expressed a desire to be a party and who the
Board has recognized as a party would then be allowed to present their
evidence. All parties will be given an
opportunity to ask questions of all witnesses testifying in this
proceeding. The Board will be given an
opportunity to ask questions also.
After the evidence is presented, the Board will discuss the issue raised
and will make a decision. The Board=s decision must
be made in writing within 45 days of the hearing. Before we begin, I would ask the County Attorney if there are any
matters that the Board needs to address or resolve prior to identifying the
parties and beginning the presentation of evidence. Mrs. Beeker.@
Angela Beeker -
AMr. Chairman,
the only thing I can think of is that once we go into - never mind.@
David Nicholson
- ANever mind.@
Don Ward arrived.
Angela Beeker -
ANo sir. I would have no comment.@
Hawkins - AWe=ve not started.
Glad you could be with us this morning.@
Kumor - AWould you like
a motion?@
Hawkins - AOK, and if I
could entertain a motion to go into quasi-judicial public hearing.@
Commissioned Kumor
- AMr. Chairman, I
make the motion that we go into a quasi-judicial hearing on permit - special
use permit #99-02 for Creekside, a residential open space development.@
Hawkins - AAll those in
favor of that motion, say aye.@
Unanimous aye.
Hawkins - AThank you.@
Moyer - ACould I just
mention one thing before you start. I
think I may have heard part of this proceeding at the Planning Board but I don=t - I=m certainly not
prejudiced in any way and I think I can make an impartial decision unless one
of the parties would object, I would intend to participate in the
Hawkins - AMrs. Corn, if
you=ll just read
that into the record. The Board
acknowledges the petitioner, Maxie Small, and the staff as parties to the
proceeding. Are there any other persons present who can demonstrate that they
will be affected by the outcome of this proceeding and who wish to be a party
to the proceeding. If you=re going to be
a party to the proceedings then we need to be sworn in and if you would when
you come forward, if you=d state your name and address and how you=ll be affected
by the outcome of the proceedings, then we=ll have you - have you sworn in.
As I mentioned,
we=ve already
acknowledged the petitioner and staff as parties. Is there anyone else that
plans to testify. If not, if you all
would have the Clerk swear you in please.@
Clerk to the
Board - AOK, place your
left hand on the Bible and raise your right hand. Do you swear that the testimony you shall give to the Board of
County Commissioners shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the
truth, so help you God.@
In unison - AI do@
Clerk to the
Board - AThank you.@
Hawkins - AAnd uh - we
already have their names I think.@
Sworn in: Maxie
Small, petitioner
C. Smith, Planning Director
Hawkins - AOK, Mrs. Smith,
if you want to continue with your introductory remarks.@
Karen Smith - AAs I talk, I=m gonna have
Brian Gulden pass out copies of my comments with some attachments to the Board
and the others who are participating.
Creekside is a residential open space or R-O development that was
approved by the Board of Commissioners back in September of 1999 under Special
Use Permit #99-02. A copy of the order
that granted the original application is attached in the packet that was just
distributed. The old Bowen Farm owns the development which is located off NC
Hwy #191 between Long John Mountain Estates and Carriage Park and a map showing
- excuse me, the Master Plan that was originally approved by the Board of
Commissioners is shown on the easel and also on the screen at this time. The subject property is zoned R-20 and is
within the WS-IV watershed protection area. RO developments are allowed as
special uses in the R-20 district. As
originally approved, Creekside contained 50.81 acres to be subdivided into 64
lots in two phases. Section 200-35 of
the Zoning Ordinance allows dimensional requirements in RO developments
to be reduced based on a percentage of open space being reserved and in the
case of Creekside 30% open space is proposed or was proposed at that time and
their dimentional requirements were allowed to be reduced by 30%. As originally approved over 15 acres of
Creekside were designated as open space.
In addition there was a green, that was approximately .9 of an acre in
size, that=s the circle
that you can kinda see in the center of the map. That was also approved.
It is not counted as part of the required open space because it is less
than an acre. By reducing the
dimentional requirements by 30%, Creekside was allowed to have minimum lot
sizes of 14,000 square feet, front set-backs of 35 feet from the center line of
the roads and side and rear set-backs of 17.5 feet. Creekside was also approved as a cluster development under the Water
Supply Watershed Ordinance because it offsets the smaller lots with open
space. In October, Mr. Maxie Small on
behalf of the Bowen Farm submitted an application to amend Special Use Permit
99-02 as well as a major subdivision application which presented a revised
master plan, a revised development plan
for phase I and a development plan for phase II. We had not previously had that development plan for phase
II. The new applications were submitted
because the old Bowen Farm purchased an additional 2 acres, formerly known as
the Perry property adjacent to Creekside and I=ll have Brian put the new master plan up
on the screen and I=ll - put this one up. The Perry property on the old was shown in yellow, OK. And this new master plan incorporates the
Perry property. The two acres would add
an additional seven lots to the RO development as some lots have been
reconfigured in phases I and II. They=ve also
reconfigured the road in phase I as you can see it now loops around rather than
ending in a cul-de-sac. Approximately
15.89 acres of the total tract size will be designated as open space. The green has been maintained. Again, it is not counted as part of the 30%
open space. That would conclude my
overview - uh just for the record I would like to state that the hearing today
has been advertised in accordance with state law and the Zoning Ordinance.@
Hawkins - AKaren, where
was the .88 acres again. I=m sorry - it
was - that was back on the other - OK - OK.
You want to make your presentation or give us your evidence now?@
Mr. Small - AWell don=t - I
appreciate you all holding this hearing and taking your time for this. It=s been a big help to us to have somebody
like Karen do her job as well as she has.
I don=t really have a
whole lot of other comments. We like
the new arrangement much better. It
services the residents much better. It
provides for additional fire protection, better water service, better sewer
service and its a winner all the way around for us. Can I answer any questions or.@
Hawkins - AWe=ll get to those
in a second I think.@
Mr. Small - AOh, OK.@
Hawkins - AKaren, do you
have some evidence to present?@
Karen Smith - ABrian is now
gonna pass out the only evidence that I wish to enter is the Planning Board=s
recommendation regarding this matter.
Again, it=s a memo from
myself with attachments and as I=ve done at other hearings - I am probably
going to be close to reading this word for word as it is their recommendation.@
Hawkins - AOK.@
Karen Smith - AAt it=s November 30,
1999 meeting, the Henderson County Planning Board reviewed the application
#SP-99-02-A1 for an amendment to the Special Use Permit #99-02 for Creekside as
well as the major subdivision application for the revised master plan, revised
development plan for phase I, and development plan for phase II of
Creekside. Both applications and the
accompanying plans were reviewed for compliance with the Henderson County
Subdivision Ordinance, the Water Supply Watershed Protection Ordinance, and
the Zoning Ordinance. And I have
attached copies of the minutes from the November 30 meeting for reference.
Regarding the
proposed amendment to the Special Use Permit, the Planning Board voted
unanimously to send the Board of Commissioners a favorable recommendation
subject to two conditions: the first being the removal of condition 4-d from
the order granting special use permit 99-02 and again a copy of that original
order is attached. That order and
condition 4-d had some specifications for buffering because of the Perry property. If the Board remembers at the last - the hearing there was some
concern by a property owner about that and because the Perry property has been
incorporated, condition 4d is no longer applicable and should be so stated in a
new order if the proposed amendment is approved. The second condition by the Planning Board was that the other
conditions imposed by the Special Order Granting Special Use Permit 99-02 be
maintained. All of the other conditions
imposed should remain effective for the term of the development with the
exception of condition 4d as I previously indicated. In addition, if the amendment is approved a new order should note
the addition of the 2.02 acres of property, the addition of seven lots to the
development and the reconfiguration of the road in phase II and the
reconfiguration of some of the lots in both phases.
The Planning
Board also, at that meeting on November 30, voted unanimously on the
subdivision approval which was for the Master Plan, the Development Plan for
phase I and the Development Plan for phase II and they also had a list of
conditions for that approval. Some of
these do duplicate conditions that were specified in the previous order and
some may be new:
1. Shoulder
Stabilization. Road shoulders shall
be seeded in permanent vegetation to stabilize soil and prevent erosion.
2. Road Name
Signs and Regulatory Signs.
subdivision shall provide road name signs and regulatory signs in accordance
Moyer - AKaren, let me
say - stop you for a minute. The Master
Plan is not before us though, is it?@
Karen Smith - AYou - the
Planning Board has the authority to approve the Master Plan and the Development
Plans. I believe the previous order
referenced that the Planning Board=s approval of those was kinda contingent
on your approval of the Special Use Permit and the same would be true
here. That these conditions were
incorporated as part of the order but actually the Planning Board is the approval
authority on that, unless for some reason you want to be.@
Angela Beeker -
AActually, also
it=s a good idea
to incorporate them into your order so it=s clear as to what the Special Use Permit
is for.@
Hawkins - ASo these eight
items that are listed here actually are at the prerogative of the Planning
Board but if I hear, Mrs. Beeker, you want those included in our consideration
for the two items that are listed on item 1 and 2.@
Karen Smith - AThese are
requirements of the subdivision ordinance that had been satisfied at the time
of plan approval. Some of them can=t be satisfied
until the development is actually constructed and so these are the outstanding
items that the Planning Board had.@
Moyer - AWell, my
concern is the only thing we=re looking at is an amendment to the Special Use Permit and if you incorporate
these into that, we don=t want these as part of the Special@
Angela Beeker -
AI=m not saying
necessarily to incorporate these conditions, I=m saying the plans. The plans that are attached to the
application so you know - so it=s clear what the special use permit is
being granted for. We don=t have to put
these conditions in there.@
Karen Smith - ASome of them
are actually already in there.@
Angela Beeker -
AAre they?@
Karen Smith - AFrom the
previous approval.@
Angela Beeker -
AAre they,
OK. You have some overlapping
jurisdiction I guess is what I=m saying, from a zoning standpoint you
want to make sure that what is being proposed is acceptable to you as an RO
development. From the subdivision
standpoint, the Planning Board has to make sure that it complies with the
requirements of the subdivision ordinance so there is a little bit of
overlapping jurisdiction.@
Karen Smith - AI suppose you
could just make the condition that it comply with the Henderson County
Subdivision Ordinance-@
Angela Beeker -
ASure you can.@
Karen Smith - ARather than@
Moyer - AAnd if we put
these in and for some reason they need to be changed because something in the
development changes, I don=t want them having to come back to us@
Angela Beeker -
Moyer - ABecause they
are a part of the order.@
Angela Beeker -
ARight. My main point is to attach the - because the
plans themselves are - do any of these relate to the plans? Looks like most of these are external to the
actual maps that are submitted and so it just makes our job a lot easier in the
future to interpret the Special Use Permit or the amendment if we have the map
incorporated into the order.@
Karen Smith - AIn the old
order, if I might, on page 8, that=s exhibit 2 I believe. Yeh, exhibit 2, page 8. At the bottom there. I think the Board last time just did it and
specifically noted that the Planning Board had approved the Master Plan and
Development Plan for phase I contingent on approval of the Special Use
Permit. Something similar to that could
be done. In this case the Development
Plan for phase II has been presented at this point which we did not have
previously and I think that we might need to recognize that because it is part
of this amendment. Some of it does
overlap with phase II.@
Angela Beeker -
AYes, also
condition F, what number is that? On
that same page. Well, it=s just
condition F, incorporates the requirements that comply with the Subdivision
Ordinance. On page 8 of the old order,
item F. And I=m certain we=d put something
like that in this and that should satisfy all the Planning Board=s concerns.@
Karen Smith - AThe only other
Moyer - AI would think
so. The one I=m particularly
concerned about is #3, if we start
getting into that.@
Angela Beeker -
Moyer - AThat=s a specific
Planning Board authority and if we=re gonna either review this or approve
it, in fairness to the rest of the Board, we=d have to go into a lot of detail which I
don=t think we need
Angela Beeker -
AI agree.@
Karen Smith - ADo you want me
then to not review the remaining@
Hawkins - AI don=t mind you
reviewing them but I don=t know that - I think what Commissioner
Moyer is saying is that - you know- as far as the action that we=re
contemplating taking probably deals with the first two items you covered.@
Karen Smith - ARight@
Hawkins - AAnd the others
are pretty much the prerogative of the Planning Board. If you just want to go
ahead and review those.@
Karen Smith - AI=ll just review
the categories - have to do with:
3. Lot
Configuration and Frontage.
The Planning
Board specifically approved four lots as flag lots.
4. Stream
They have to
maintain a 30 foot minimum setback for buildings and other structures along all
perennial streams.
5. Water Plans.
They have to
submit evidence that water plans serving the development have been
approved by the North Carolina
Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources.
6. Sewer Plans.
They have to
provide evidence that their sewer plans have been approved by the same
State Department of Environment and Natural Resources as well as the City of
Hendersonville Water and Sewer Department.
7. Restrictive
This is
something that is part of the RO provisions of the Zoning Ordinance. It=s part of the Subdivision Ordinance also
but they have to have their restrictive covenants reviewed by the County Attorney
for conformance with the requirements of the Henderson County Zoning Ordinance
and that would be if there=s a change to the previous set that she
reviewed last time.
8. Approval of
Amendment to Special Use Permit.
The Planning
Board conditioned the subdivision approval on the granting of the Special Use
Hawkins - ALet=s see, I don=t think we had
any additional parties= evidence to present, do we Mrs. Beeker since we
didn=t have any
additional parties.@
Angela Beeker -
ATo my knowledge
it would be appropriate if the Board has any questions for either Mrs. Smith or
Mr. Small. I would like to ask Karen a
question. Have you reviewed the application and the maps?@
Karen Smith - AI have, for
compliance with all three of the ordinances that I have previously stated.@
Angela Beeker -
AAnd taking into
account the Planning Board=s conditions, would it be your testimony
that they are in compliance with the requirements of all three ordinances with
this application?@
Karen Smith - AYes.@
Angela Beeker -
Hawkins - ADoes any of the
Board members have any questions of the witnesses at this time? Anybody.
Is there any rebuttal evidence to be presented? I would assume not.@
Angela Beeker -
ACould someone
state for the record the total number of lots then that would now be in the
development. It was@
Mr. Small - AThere would
actually be 71 that would be in that development, 69 would actually be subject
to the restrictions and we really haven=t decided yet if we=re going to go
through the thing of the other two which are currently - one of them is owned
by my myself and one of them is owned by Mrs. Pryor. So there=s really 69 new lots.@
Angela Beeker -
Mr. Small - AOK@
Hawkins - AIs there any
other questions that anyone wants to ask or does anyone want to give any
closing remarks. Mr. Small, do you have
any closing remarks to make?@
Mr. Small - ANo sir, I don=t.@
Hawkins - AOK. Then, it would be appropriate then for the
Board to make some considerations of any directions we want to give staff. As I mentioned earlier, we can have - reach
a consensus and have staff bring us back within 45 days written findings of our
facts. If you want to do any discussion at this time, any of the Board members@
Angela Beeker -
AYes sir, you
could also vote and then just ask staff to bring back a written order in
alignment with that vote which I believe has become the practice of the
Board. I would ask that if you do that,
that we be allowed to reincorporate by reference all the previous conditions
with the exception of 4d, that were in the other order >cause they are
still all applicable except for that one.@
Hawkins - AWhich is
essentially item #2 of the Planning Board=s recommendation I think.@
Angela Skerrett
- AYes@
Hawkins - AAny discussion,
anybody want to talk to any other issues?@
Moyer - AWell, I think
we should take action. I would move
that we approve the proposed amendment subject to the conditions laid out on
our materials, #1 and #2 and that we have a map as requested attached to it to
show what the latest approved - of the@
Hawkins - AExhibit 2, is
that the map you=re looking for?@
Moyer - AYeh.@
Hawkins - AOK, any other
discussion on that motion that=s on the floor which is essentially to
approve the Planning Board=s recommendation, I believe Bill is
essentially what you=ve got.@
Moyer - ARight@
Kumor - AAnd then we=d be directing
- if we accept Mr. Moyer=s motion, we=d be accepting,
giving the staff the responsibility@
Hawkins - ATo bring that
back as findings for us within 45 days.@
Angela Beeker -
Hawkins - AAny other
discussion. All those in favor of the
motion, say aye.@
Unanimous Aye.
Hawkins - AOK. We=ll direct you to do so.@
Angela Beeker -
Hawkins - AAnd I would
entertain a motion to go out of quasi-judicial public hearing.@
Kumor - ASo moved.@
Hawkins - AAll those in
favor of that motion, say aye.@
At 11:45 a.m.
Unanimous Aye.
W. Corn, Clerk to the Board
Grady Hawkins,