The Henderson
County Board of Commissioners met for a special called meeting at 11:00 a.m. in
the Commissioners= Conference Room of the Henderson County Office
Building at 100 North King Street, Hendersonville, North Carolina.
Those present
were: Chairman Grady Hawkins,
Vice-Chair Bill Moyer, Commissioner Renee Kumor, Commissioner Don Ward,
Commissioner Marilyn Gordon, County Manager David E. Nicholson, and Clerk to
the Board Elizabeth W. Corn.
Also present
were: Finance Director J. Carey McLelland, Utilities Director James Erwin, and
County Engineer Gary Tweed.
Hawkins called the meeting to order and welcomed those in attendance. He stated
that the purpose of this meeting was to take a look at a letter from Mayor
Niehoff, dated November 29, 1999. The
original letter from the Mayor was dated January 8, 1999. Several letters and a
position paper were reviewed by the Board.
Mud Creek Water
and Sewer District
The letter that
Mayor Niehoff sent and asked for a response on was the one dated November 29,
1999. It had been copied to the
Commissioners. In the first paragraph of Mayor Niehoff=s letter it
stated that the purpose of the letter was to make an offer for the near term
regarding usage of the Mud Creek sewer line. The offer is contained in the last
paragraph of the letter where he indicated that the City of Hendersonville has
offered at the staff level in the past to assist in the maintenance of the Mud
Creek line including assuming responsibility for the pump station at Jackson
Park. The City is still interested in
working out a solution whereby there can be a cooperative effort and allow
further use of the Mud Creek line and are open to any suggestions about how we
could put this together, stating it seems very inefficient for others to Abuild-around@ the Mud Creek
outfall. Mayor Niehoff stated ACertainly some mutually beneficial
solution ought to be derived.@
The Board
reviewed numerous older documents.
Gary Tweed
oriented the Board via a map of the Mud Creek System. What brought about the
rate system change, a year or so ago we lost Brooklyn Manor and those customers
because of City annexation. We lost
about 100 customers who became City of Hendersonville customers. As a result of
this a new rate proposal was made to institute a municipal charge for City
lines that are connected to our County lines.
This issue ultimately lead to Flat Rock=s proposed system. Flat Rock is trying to
bypass our lines and tie into the City lines along Hwy. #176. The issue with Flat Rock is that they are
trying to avoid our fees and the municipal charge. Mr. Tweed stated that what we currently have is City lines
crossing our County lines by the virtue of pump stations and force mains.
The City of
Hendersonville is requesting that Henderson County waive connection fees for
all Flat Rock residents as well as the municipal charge. The tap fee is $150.00 per resident and
$5.90 per 1,000 gallons as the transport fee.
Gary Tweed
showed the location of sewer lines, city and county, on maps to the Board and
there was much discussion. A project on
#25 South is also going the long way around to avoid the County connection fee
and the municipal charge. They are
bypassing the County lines and going to the City lines. There was some
discussion of negotiating a deal with the City of Hendersonville to sell them
the Mud Creek System with certain reservations.
Hawkins stated that one of the first things we need to do is this Board of
Commissioners needs to respond to the City with a letter and position
paper. The Commissioners wanted to look
at the broader issue.
Two steps:
Draft a letter and invite the City to a joint meeting to discuss a
comprehensive agreement.
County Board come up with a comprehensive position.
There was
discussion that the Board needed to get all the issues on the table and then
negotiate a comprehensive agreement with the City of Hendersonville that would
deal with all the issues.
Uniform rates across the system
Uniform service
Extension policy
District boundary lines
All outstanding issues of the 1986 sewer agreement
Treatment capacity
Allocation, unused
Master plan for extensions
Role of municipalities/municipal participation
Organizational structure
Assets of Mud Creek and Hendersonville Water & Sewer Systems
Role of County in new treatment plant
Payment for any monies the county has invested in the lines
What about City=s assets in new
City concerns over authority issues:
loss of
Accounting issues
County users subsidizing city users - underpaid system
Balfour School
Chairman Hawkins
will work with staff to draft a response to the City of Hendersonville
Mills River
Hawkins stated that Commissioner Gordon has been working on this project
diligently with the folks at the Town of Fletcher and our staff. Of particular interest is the hooking up of
the Mills River School. The Board of Commissioners would like to see the line
to the school serve additional customers in the area.
Gary Tweed
again showed a map of the project.
Mills River School plans to put in a lift station and tie it into the
gravity line that was extended up to Marlow School, 17,500 foot of line work
and all force main. Gary stated AAt that time we
said it makes more sense to look at those costs and put it into a bigger
project of extending our 24 inch interceptor that we put in at Broadpointe Park
on up into the Mills River area and start picking up some of these wastewater
treatment systems, extend the gravity line up to the school and on over into
the interchange area of 191 and 280.@
He had put
together the project existing of three phases or sections.
Section I
The interceptor
cost was looked at as a county project.
Section II
The School
Board will be responsible for the school project.
Section III
County staff
will talk with commercial businesses in the interchange area about whether they
can collectively come together to do the project in that area.
Gary Tweed
stated that looking at the customer base in the area, we will generate about
$80,000 to $100,000 plus per year, almost immediately. The revenue is what will
make this project work financially. The
growth cannot be projected but it is expected.
In a couple of years the Broadpointe sewer system will be paid off. Mr. Tweed stated that he will apply for
what grant monies are available although he does not anticipate getting any at
this time. After some time the system should be self sustaining.
Mr. Tweed needs
to get the design work done prior to applying for those grants. He asked for permission to seek proposals
for the design work. This is a big
project, the running of 17,000 feet of line work. It will take some time to get
the design work done, probably three to four months.
Hawkins stated that this project needs to be coordinated with some sort of land
use plan for the area.
Following much
discussion, it was the consensus of the Board for this item to be added to the
agenda for next Tuesday, when the Board will be sitting as the Cane Creek Water
& Sewer District Board of Commissioners.
Staff will put
together a financial package for the project so the Board can see the costs
associated with a time line.
Justice Academy
David Nicholson
informed the Board that he expected a request from a resident of the area about
hooking up to the Justice Academy System.
He asked the Board to start to think about what their philosophy would
be regarding hook-ups to that system.
Gary Tweed
stated that the Justice Academy=s dormitories are scheduled to open next
week which will mean some additional flows into the sewer system. Only 1/3 of the capacity is currently
being used.
Elementary School Project
Gary Tweed
showed on a map what staff felt was the best way to serve the Fletcher
Elementary School. A pump
station and force main has been proposed.
People in the area are learning of the sewer line and want to hook-up.
He asked if the County would want to take over the force main as part of the
Cane Creek system and allow people to put in small lift stations and tie into
the system.
David Nicholson
informed the Board that there is a very similar situation at the new Clear
Creek School site.
There being no
further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at approx.
12:45 p.m.
Elizabeth W. Corn, Clerk to the Board Grady Hawkins, Chairman