The Henderson County
Board of Commissioners met for a regularly scheduled meeting at 5:30 p.m. in
the Commissioners= Conference Room of the
Henderson County Office Building at 100 North King Street, Hendersonville,
North Carolina.
Those present were: Chairman Grady Hawkins, Vice-Chair Bill
Moyer, Commissioner Renee Kumor, Commissioner Don Ward, Commissioner Marilyn Gordon,
County Manager David E. Nicholson, Assistant County Manager/Interim County
Attorney Angela S. Beeker, and Clerk to the Board Elizabeth W. Corn.
Also present were: Staff
Attorney Jennifer O. Jackson, Public Information Officer Chris S. Coulson, Planning
Director Karen C. Smith, Finance Director J. Carey McLelland and Fire Marshal
Rocky Hyder.
Elizabeth Corn called
the meeting to order and welcomed those in attendance.
Chairman Hawkins led the
Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.
Jim Crafton gave the
Elizabeth Corn stated
that the first order of business was to elect a Chairman for the coming year
and she opened the floor for nominations for Chairman.
Commissioner Kumor
nominated Commissioner Bill Moyer.
Commissioner Ward
nominated Commissioner Grady Hawkins.
There were no other
nominations so the Board was polled.
Commissioner Ward - Commissioner Hawkins
Commissioner Kumor - Commissioner Moyer
Commissioner Hawkins - Commissioner Hawkins
Commissioner Moyer - Commissioner Moyer
Commissioner Gordon - Commissioner Hawkins
Commissioner Hawkins
will be the Chairman for the coming year, effective immediately.
Mrs. Corn turned the
meeting over to Chairman Hawkins.
Chairman Hawkins thanked
the Board for the opportunity to serve as Chairman again. He also thanked the Board for their
attendance at the many extra meetings that were held this year.
Chairman Hawkins
nominated Commissioner Moyer.
Commissioner Kumor moved that the nominations be closed. All voted in favor and the motion
carried. Mr. Moyer was elected by acclamation.
Chairman Hawkins made an
agenda change under Staff Reports - F-2 will be MSD and F-3 will be Strategic
Planning for Children.
Chairman Hawkins asked
for item A under Staff Reports to be moved to the consent agenda - ADana Fire Department
Lease Purchase Agreement@ as item AI@.
Chairman Hawkins asked
the Board to add one item to Nominations - Notification of Vacancies as #2.
Fire Commission. This is the Fire
Commission that is required by the NC General Statutes.
Chairman Hawkins added
item AE@ to Discussion Items - AEnvironmental Advisory
Commissioner Ward added
one item to Staff Reports as F-4 AJail - Change Orders@.
It was the consensus of
the Board to approve the above changes to the agenda.
Commissioner Kumor made
the motion to approve the Consent Agenda.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
included the following:
Review/Approval of
Public Official=s Bonds
Pursuant to NCGS
58-72-20 and the Board=s Rules of Procedure, after the Chairman and Vice-Chairman
have been elected, the next order of business at this organizational meeting of
the Board is the annual review and approval of the bonds for county public
officials. The following are the county
officials required to be bonded:
George H. Erwin, Jr.,
Sheriff $100,000.00
Nedra Whitlock Moles,
Register of Deeds $200,000.00
Terry F. Lyda, Tax
Collector $1,000,000.00
Darlene B. Burgess,
Deputy Tax Collector $500,000.00
J. Carey McLelland, Finance
Director $200,000.00
The respective bonds for
the above-referenced officials were reviewed.
Jennifer Jackson
reported that the bonds appear to be valid and in order with only the following
exception. The bonds for both the Sheriff and the Register of Deeds must be
payable to the State of North Carolina and as written the bonds are only
payable to Henderson County. The Staff
Attorney recommended that an endorsement be obtained to revise those two bonds
to be payable to the State of North Carolina.
With that endorsement, approval was recommended.
Minutes/October 19, 1999
Minutes were submitted
for review and approval of a special called meeting on October 19, 1999.
Lease of Property
Adjacent to Broadpointe Center
Since April of 1997, the
Board has on an annual basis approved a lease to Carland Farms, Inc. of
approximately 28 acres of property located adjacent to Broadpointe Center. A map of the area was part of the agenda
packet. The most recent lease was
effective from January 1, 1999 through December 31, 1999 and allows Carland
Farms, Inc. to continue to farm the land it has farmed for years.
Wayne Carland has
requested that the Board consider leasing the tillable land to Carland Farms,
Inc. from January 1, 2000 through December 31, 2000 for a rental amount of
$1,834.00. As the plans for the park
areas on this property have not been finalized to the point that development of
the park areas will begin during calendar year 2000, Staff recommended that the
Board lease the property to the Carlands as outlined in the proposed
lease. The lease agreement that is
proposed is substantially similar to the current lease executed by the County
and Carland Farms, Inc.
Pursuant to NCGS
160A-272 (made applicable to counties by NCGS 153A-176) the County may adopt a
resolution authorizing the execution of a lease agreement, such as the one
proposed, without public notice. A
draft resolution was part of the agenda packet for the Board=s consideration.
Staff informed the Board
it would be appropriate for the Board to take action at this meeting with
respect to Mr. Carland=s request by adopting
the proposed resolution.
Henderson County
Financial Report - October 1999
The Henderson County
Financial Report for October 1999 was presented for the Board=s review and approval.
Henderson County Public
Schools Financial Report - October 1999
The Henderson County
Public Schools Financial Report for October 1999 was presented for the Board=s review and approval.
Tax Collector=s Report
Terry F. Lyda, Henderson
County Tax Collector, submitted the tax report for the period through December
7, 1999 for the Board=s information.
Resolution - Elbert
Staff had prepared a
draft resolution honoring Elbert Capps for his many years of service to the
Green River Fire Department and to this community.
Fletcher Elementary -
Resolution Authorizing Installment Financing
The Board, at its
meeting on November 29, 1999, indicated a willingness to consider financing the
construction costs of Fletcher Elementary through an installment purchase
contract financing arrangement as allowed by NCGS 160A-20. A proposed resolution authorizing such
financing and outlining the key terms of such financing was part of the agenda
packet for Board review and consideration.
The resolution also directs staff to request financing proposals
consistent with the terms outlined in the resolution for this project. The adoption of this resolution is the first
of several steps in this financing process.
A proposed timetable which outlines the steps was presented for the
Board=s information.
If the Board desires to
utilize an installment contract to fund the construction costs of Fletcher
Elementary School, Board action to adopt the resolution would be appropriate.
Dana Fire Department
Lease Purchase Agreement
Dana Volunteer Fire and
Rescue is in the process of a lease/purchase of air bags for rescue purposes.
They requested a signature from the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners
verifying their status with Henderson County.
A draft letter had been prepared for the Chairman=s signature.
Notification of
The Board was notified
of the following vacancies which will appear as ANominations@ on the next agenda:
1. Nursing/Adult Care
Home Community Advisory Committee - 3 vac.
2. Fire Commission - 3
Chairman Hawkins
reminded the Board of the following vacancies and opened the floor to
1. Hendersonville City
Zoning Board of Adjustment - 1 vac. (alternate)
There were no
nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.
2. Nursing/Adult Care
Home Community Advisory Committee - 2 vac.
There were no
nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.
3. Apple Country
Greenways Steering Committee - new committee
There were some
nominations at the last meeting.
Chairman Hawkins discussed briefly the Interlocal Agreement Establishing
the Apple Country Greenway Commission.
Each governmental unit was given the opportunity to appoint a
professional staff member or volunteer.
Chairman Hawkins asked if the Board wanted to appoint the staff for
Henderson County.
Commissioner Moyer
recommended placing Tim Hopkin and Nippy Page as Henderson County=s staff to the
There was some
discussion concerning meeting space and equipment for the committee. Commissioner Ward asked the County Manager
if it is Henderson County=s place to provide
space, does he know of space to offer for staff for this committee? David Nicholson said he would have to
research and try to locate an available office area.
Previous nominations to
this committee had been: Dennis Honnold, Ken Weitzen, Bill Ferrell, George
Cagle, Alan Baker and Erica Thompson.
The Clerk polled the Board. Each
Commissioner got three votes. The
following were appointed:
Cagle, 3 year term
Baker, 2 year term
Honnold, 1 year term
4. Transportation
Advisory Committee - new committee
There were no
nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.
Representatives on the
Asheville Regional Housing Consortium from Henderson County and the City of
Hendersonville have developed a proposal to establish a Homebuyers Assistance Program
utilizing HOME funds. This program will
provide cash assistance for down payments and closing costs for low to
moderate-income residents of the County.
The program is focusing on individuals who earn 50%-80% of the median
income for Henderson County.
Our two representatives
on the Consortium are Dot Moyer and Selena Coffey. They were both present and answered questions.
Chairman Hawkins made
the motion to approve the Homebuyer Assistance Program and seek funding on this
program. All voted in favor and the
motion carried.
The Commissioners had
previously been given a copy of Henderson County=s Y2K Preparedness Plan. Rocky Hyder explained that the Plan
establishes a program of community awareness and preparation in the event of
possible negative effects of the Year 2000. He reviewed the plan in some detail
with the Board. He also explained that
the Commissioners= Meeting Room would be
the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) as needed. Rocky explained that the anticipated major effects of Y2K on our
community are similar to what we would experience in a winter storm situation.
Chairman Hawkins thanked
Rocky for all the hard work that he and the members of the Emergency Planning
Committee had put into this plan, as well as many staff members.
of Field Four
Rick Harris, Director of
the Recreation Department, informed the Board of the recent death of APop Messer@. APop@ worked at the Recreation Department for 25
years. He was a faithful worker and an
integral part of the community. His
death came as a shock to the Recreation Staff.
The Staff felt that a good way to show gratitude to APop Messer@ would be to name a
field at Jackson Park in his honor.
The letter requesting
permission read as follows: AThe Recreation Department recently lost a member of it=s family to a heart
attack, Lynn APop@ Messer. His untimely death left everyone shocked and
dismayed. Mr. Messer has been working
with the Recreation Department and the Adult Softball Program for over 25
years. The staff has recommended that
we acknowledge his work by dedicating Field #4 in his memory. Therefore, I am writing the Board to request
permission to rename Field #4 to APop Messer Field@.
I know the community wishes to remember Pop for all the time and
dedication he exhibited at Jackson Park.@
Commissioner Ward made
the motion to name Field #4 ALynn >Pop@ Messer Field@. All voted in favor and the motion
The County Manager,
Project Manager and Architect all concur that the Department of Social
Services, the Public Health Department and the County Departments that are
located at the Land Development Building can be relocated to the new facility
and therefore, this project could proceed, based on Board approval. There are several issues that need to be
resolved but no Ashow stoppers@ at this time.
There are no issues
involving the relocation of the Sheriff=s Department and Finance Department to 100 N.
King Street. Should this project
proceed, the current Health Department Facility, the Nuckolls Building and the
Land Development Building can all be eliminated. Also, the lease for the McCalister Building could be terminated.
David Nicholson
requested approval to proceed with plans to:
the Department of Social Services, Public Health Department and the Land Development
Building departments to the proposed new facility.
the Finance Department and consolidate the Sheriff=s Department into 100 N.
King Street.
The County Attorney and
their Attorney continue to work on the lease agreement.
Bill Blalock stated that
all the classic engineering/technical studies of the building are complete
except one and there is nothing of any significance in any of them. Building and grounds are completely
There was some
discussion regarding parking versus number of employees working in the
building. Bill Blalock explained that
247 employees would occupy the building.
The preliminary parking plan
shows 280 parking spaces on the 4.68 acre property. The City of Hendersonville requires at least
320 parking spaces. The County is
looking to finally have more than is required by the City. Stuart Stepp stated that the Zoning requirements
are one parking space for every 200 square feet.
The question was raised
regarding the potential to build an additional building on the property at some
future time for use by Trend or some other agency. The answer was that it was not possible on the 4.68 acre
property but that there was the possibility of acquiring additional adjoining
property which would make it feasible for an additional building and associated
Staff=s request was approval
to proceed.
Commissioner Gordon
stated that the Board of Health had a special meeting last week and reviewed
this project in a lot of detail. The
Board of Health appointed a subcommittee to work with Stuart Stepp and Bill
Blalock in helping to facilitate the process and making sure that the Health
Department=s needs are addressed in
the design. The Health Department did
a study of their facility five years ago and paid a consultant to do it. They came up with plans for remodeling the
existing building and greatly increasing their space.
Some of the
Commissioners raised questions about when have you approved so much that there
is no turning back. David informed them
that until the lease is signed, the project could be pulled. David told the Board that he was not looking
for a motion from the Board but rather for concurrence to continue the
Some Commissioners
expressed a desire to finalize the finances and review those in the very near
future for this project.
Commissioner Ward stated
that he felt we need this building. He
asked the Board to let the County Manager carry on his conversations with the
two Department Heads and let the Assistant County Manager carry on her discussions
with their Attorney to see if it works out.
He felt that the project should be taken to the next step and then have
a workshop to bring everything back together and to talk about the financing.
Chairman Hawkins stated
that obviously the Board is interested in the project but has some reservations
about some of the financial aspects.
Chairman Hawkins stated that the consensus of the Board is to move
on. He requested financial information
be presented to the Board either at mid-month December or at the first meeting
in January.
There was none.
Commissioner Kumor made
the motion for the Board to go into Closed Session as allowed pursuant to NCGS
143-318.11 for the following reasons:
1.(a)(6) To consider the
qualifications, competence, performance, character, fitness, conditions of
appointment, or conditions of initial employment of an individual public
officer or employee or prospective public officer or employee.
All voted in favor and
the motion carried.
Commissioner Ward made
the motion for the Board to go out of Closed Session. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
There was no action following Closed Session.
Amendment to section 200-26 of the Henderson County Zoning Ordinance to Allow
Garden Nurseries as a Permitted Use in the O & I District (Application
Chairman Hawkins made
the motion for the Board to go into Public Hearing. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Karen Smith reminded the
Board that at the request of a citizen, the Board of Commissioner initiated a
text amendment to the Henderson County Zoning Ordinance to allow a garden
nursery business as a permitted use in the Office and Institutional (O&I)
District. The Commissioners asked the
Planning Board to review the amendment and make a recommendation. The Planning Board first discussed the
amendment at it=s meeting on September
28, 1999 and decided to send the item to it=s Subcommittee on Special Issues.
The Subcommittee met on
October 13, 1999 and discussed how retail business uses were treated in the
O&I district. The members also
considered the impact of the proposed amendment on all current O&I
districts and possible future O&I districts. The O&I district allows Asmall retail businesses within an enclosed space@ as conditional
uses. The Subcommittee was not
comfortable allowing one particular retail use, such as garden nurseries, as a
permitted use, nor did it want to change all small retail uses from conditional
uses to uses permitted by right, as it felt that the conditional use process
provided oversight for retail businesses in a district that also allows
residential uses. Therefore, the
Subcommittee voted 3-0 to send the full Planning Board an unfavorable
recommendation on amending the O&I district.
The full Planning Board
met on October 28, 1999 and discussed the recommendation of the
Subcommittee. The Planning Board agreed
with the Subcommittee=s recommendation and
voted unanimously (9 to 0) to send an unfavorable recommendation to the
Board of Commissioners on the proposed amendment.
In accordance with
Section 200.76 of the Henderson County Zoning Ordinance and State Law, a
notice of the public hearing was published in the November 22 and November 29,
1999 editions of the Times-News.
Public Input
1. Tedd Pearce - Mr. Pearce spoke on
behalf of the Planning Board, as a Subcommittee member. The Committee felt very strongly that if
this were to be approved for this particular type of use:
you look at the list of items specifying the types of things that are permitted
a retail
concern of any nature isn=t relevant to the choices provided for.
The system of conditional
use allows an oversight and whatever change is made here affects not only this
one property but all 321 or so acres in the county that have this type of
use. It was their feeling to make a
change for one item that is not compatible with the general permitted uses in
this area, would probably in some ways even be unfair to other people in similar
type retail businesses that might feel that they should have to have a
conditional use and would probably be revisiting this issue over and over again. This might should be visited somewhere
along in the rezoning process, whether or not O&I continues.
He restated the Planning
Board=s recommendation that this not be changed at this particular time.
2. Jim Hannen - Mr. Hannen presented a
petition to let this small business continue as they have for the last three
years. He checked on the property when
he bought it to see what he could do with the property. He went to the County Planner which was Matt
Matteson at the time. Mr. Hannen stated
that Mr. Matteson led him to believe that a nursery was something that he could
do with the property. Therefore, based
on that information, he bought the property.
The current County Planner (Karen Smith) has sent Mr. Hannen a list of
things to change about the property which he has done. At the July meeting there was something
brought up that he had not complied with and his permit to do business was
revoked. Karen Smith informed Mr.
Hannen that he would have to start all over again. He stated that the Board of
Adjustment at one time had granted him permission to have a fenced in area as
enclosed space.
Mr. Hannen stated that what
is at stake now in starting over again - the current Board of Adjustment is a
different group of people - are they going to allow the enclosed space to
include a fenced in area. One of the things that separates a nursery from other
types of retail businesses is that other types of retail businesses don=t need to have things
outside but nurseries do - plants need to be outside.
Chairman Hawkins asked Mr.
Hannen if he was operating in compliance with the current Zoning
Ordinance. Mr. Hannen stated he was,
all except one issue - where a portion of the fence that he has on the left
hand side of the building isn=t hooked up to the building. They have about 40 feet on the back side -
there=s a natural barrier there but the County would like to have it fenced
In answer to some questions,
Karen explained that Mr. Hannen had a conditional use permit to operate a
nursery but then the Board of Adjustment found that he was in violation of some
of the conditions of his permit. He was
given time to comply. When his permit
was reviewed he was not in compliance (for a couple of reasons) and his permit
was revoked.
Mr. Hannen would have to
reapply for a special use permit from the Zoning Board of Adjustment.
Angela Beeker informed the
Board AWhile this amendment, if granted, would allow Mr.
Hannen to continue his business, I realize it indirectly affects him. He was the one that initiated the amendment
but the considerations are not individual specific when you=re considering as you noted
when you opened up - so really the discussion with regards to his individual
situation are not really relevant to your determination of whether this is
appropriate county-wide or not. That=s really what the Board
should be focusing on - do you want to add garden nurseries as a permitted use
to all Office & Institutional Districts across the county. If you do, yes Mr. Hannen would benefit but
it=s about more than just Mr. Hannen=s situation.@
Commissioner Kumor made the
motion for the Board to go out of Public Hearing. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Commissioner Ward made the
motion to deny the change in the O&I District. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
1. Henderson Highlights
David Nicholson stated that
he has been working with the Chairman on a Henderson Highlights year-end
presentation that they are looking at possibly putting in the newspaper about
the second week of December. It gives
the community an update on what the County has accomplished this past year and
some of the issues being looked at for the coming years. It will be a folded document and inserted
into the newspapers. The
printing cost is about $700 and the insertion charge is about the same.
2. MSD
David Nicholson shared a
letter with the Board that he proposed to send out with the Board=s approval. The Metropolitan
Sewerage District (MSD) is having a strategic planning retreat some time in
January. He has had conversations with
some of the MSD Board members about the retreat. He spoke to Bill Mull, who is the General Manager of MSD, last
month and said some of the issues that they will be reviewing are some of the
issues that Henderson County needs to address in the Cane Creek District. David thinks it is important that the MSD
Board hear some of the items that Henderson County has coming down in the next
couple of months that will certainly affect our allocation, the growth in our
district, and other issues. David
requested some brief time on MSD=s agenda. He asked the Board=s approval to send the
letter asking that Henderson County formally be placed on their agenda for a
brief presentation on the future of Cane Creek.
3. Strategic Planning for
Commissioner Kumor had given
the Board a memo and the Board had also received a copy of the letter that the
Children and Family Resource Center sent to the Board.
As we got into the Strategic
Planning Process, you became very concerned that the Juvenile Crime Prevention
Council not be the lead in the community - to make sure that the community
understands that this is an inclusive
process and that we will not just be looking at delinquency prevention
issues. That was discussed at the JCPC
meeting of which the Chairman of the Family Resource Center is a member and he
stepped forward and asked to take the issue to his Board and his Board accepted
the proposal which was before the Board in a letter from Spence Campbell as the
Chairman of the Children and Family Resource Center - that they would like to
take that leadership role and move forth with this process.
Commissioner Kumor stated
that because we received that letter, she wanted the letter sent back to Spence
telling him it was received and the Board agrees with the way this process will
be done and agree with the Children and Family Resource Center taking the
leadership in this planning process.
Chairman Hawkins felt that
someone should be included from the Faith Community. Commissioner Kumor stated that the Faith Community had been listed
as a major key group to be included.
Commissioner Moyer stated
his support. He was concerned in prior
discussion of where this would be housed.
He felt this was a reasonable compromise. He felt the representation of the various groups would be good. He felt that it is very important to have a
group that tries to prioritize the issues facing our children so we don=t keep getting these things
one at a time.
Commissioner Kumor stated
that one of the other things that the Children and Family Resource Center is
proposing is that as these plans are developed and all the data collected, it
will all be available at the Children and Family Resource Center so that the
community can always have access to information. Hopefully that process will make sure that studies aren=t lost.
Commissioner Moyer made the
motion that the Board endorse the concept and authorize the Chairman to send
the appropriate correspondence. All
voted in favor and the motion carried.
4. Jail - Change Orders
Commissioner Ward would like
to limit change orders as much as possible.
He stated that he would like to see a dollar cap set and authorization
to the County Manager for approving some of them.
Staff will investigate this
and bring back a proposal to the Board.
David Nicholson stated that he had planned to discuss Change Orders as
part of the agenda for the next meeting.
He informed the Board
that he would bring a proposal back at the next meeting, December 15.
Chairman Hawkins reminded
the Board that a December 16 workshop had been scheduled on the Historic
Courthouse and it was omitted from the calendar. It will be at 1:00 p.m. at Kaplan Auditorium in the Henderson
County Public Library.
Commissioner Ward asked if
it would be possible to reschedule the December 13 Budget Workshop. The Board set a Budget Workshop for December
22 at 2:00 p.m.
Set Public Hearing to Review
Proposed Amendments to Special Use Permit #99-02
for Creekside (Application
Set Public Hearing to Review
Proposed Amendment to Special Use Permit #93-13
for Carriage Park
(Application #93-13-A4)
Chairman Hawkins made the
motion to set a Public Hearing for both these (Carriage Park and Creekside) for
January 7 at 11:00 a.m. as Quasi-Judicial Proceedings. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Set Date for Quasi-Judicial
Proceeding on Request for Variance from Subdivision Ordinance - Proposed White
Lakes Subdivision
Commissioner Kumor made the
motion to set a Public Hearing for White Lakes Subdivision for December 15 at
11:00 a.m. All voted in favor and the
motion carried.
The Board set a Sewer Workshop
for December 29 at 11:00 a.m.
Chairman Hawkins called a
brief recess, a television timeout to change tapes.
WCCA - Update
David White, Executive
Director for WCCA, addressed the Board.
He introduced the new Board Chairman, Mr. Harold Carr, who was in
attendance. He also introduced Dotty Effinger, this year=s Treasurer for WCCA,
re-elected to her second term as treasurer.
Mr. White then briefly
discussed some of the current activities of WCCA and some of their plans for
the upcoming year.
WCCA is currently serving
approximately 170 low income 3 and 4 year olds in the Head Start Program in the
county. They also have 450 families
that participate in the section 8 housing program. Apple Country Transportation has provided over 85,000 passenger
trips to the elderly, disabled, and low income residents of Henderson County to
employment, medical services, shopping, and the Council on Aging=s Program at the Sammy
William=s Center.
Recently WCCA, in collaboration with DSS and Interfaith Assistance
Ministries (IAM), began operating the TANIF Emergency Assistance Program, the
crisis intervention program. They are
seeing clients both at IAM and at WCCA.
They have expanded to some evening hours at the WCCA facility.
They are also working on a
collaboration currently with the Henderson County Schools, opening a new Head
Start Center in the eastern part of the county. They got a grant to provide Head Start services for an additional
twenty children.
Mr. White answered some
questions. No action was taken.
Chairman Hawkins reminded
the Board that a couple of meetings ago the Board had asked Mr. Baird to give
the Board an update on several questions the Board had concerning the
implementation of the property addressing plan.
Robert Baird, County
Assessor, informed the Board that all known streets and roads are named and/or
identified. Unless it is new construction, they are aware of every street that
has two or more houses on it. They are
currently dividing the county up into the last implementation into three
Phase I,
rural, will begin January 1, 2000 and will be completed by mid March 2000.
Phase II
will begin April 1, 2000 and will be completed by mid June 2000.
III will begin in July 2000 and will be completed by September 2000.
Each of these three phases
has seven basic steps.
Every single structure in
the county has been identified and addresses have been assigned on the
system. There are 152 conflicting names
in the municipalities and 89 in the county.
There are approximately 40 ESNs (Emergency Service Number Areas). There is a meeting scheduled for December 16
where some of these ESNs may be combined.
Four major thoroughfares have been identified as:
Hwy. #64
Hwy. #25
Hwy. #176
Hwy. #191
Mr. Baird stated that he
hopes to have a letter of agreement regarding thoroughfares and how they will
be handled by numbering schemes by March 1, 2000.
Mr. Baird reviewed briefly
the seven steps of each phase:
1. Bell
Match (a manual research, reporting function, and computer task to match each
number with a physical location)
Hearing (for approval of naming and numbering streets, or conflicting road
of Commissioners & Town of Fletcher approval for new addressing
Bell South & SCC with new address information
Post Office & EMS (prepare maps and reports with old address and new address)
citizens of new address with verification information
county databases
Mr. Baird=s department has come up
with a point system for deciding who gets to retain the street name when it is
a duplicate. He wanted the Board=s approval of the point
Commissioner Moyer stated
that he was in support of this and was glad to see a specific plan. Commissioner Moyer made the motion to
approve this plan and the point system and that the Chairman follow up with
correspondence to the municipalities as well as the postmaster general. All
voted in favor and the motion carried.
SECTION 200-69 and Section 200-70 of the Henderson County Zoning Ordinance to
Allow the Board of Adjustment to Review Certain Special Use Permits
(Application #TX-05-99)
Angela Beeker reminded the
Board of the Public Hearing on November 17 to consider a proposed amendment to
the Zoning Ordinance to allow in certain circumstances, the Board to delegate
authority to hear quasi-judicial proceedings to the Zoning Board of
Adjustment. At that meeting the Board
requested that a phrase Aupon the recommendation of the county
attorney@ be stricken and that has been done on the proposed
amendment in the agenda packet. Mrs.
Beeker suggested some verbiage changes in both 69 and 70, striking some
language and adding additional language.
She discussed the reasons for the changes.
Following discussion,
Commissioner Moyer made the motion to adopt the amendments as presented today
by Mrs. Beeker. All voted in favor and
the motion carried.
Karen Smith reminded the
Board that this application has been submitted by Pardee Hospital and
Hospice. It is an amendment to an
existing special use permit. Through
the application, Pardee proposes to add an adult day care facility to the
property. Pardee Hospital and Hospice
have also submitted an application for a conditional use permit to the Board of
Adjustment. The Board of Adjustment
will consider it simultaneously with the special use permit. The conditional use permit is to actually
allow the day care. Day care is a
conditional use in Office & Institutional Districts. The special use permit amendment is to amend
the actual permit to allow another structure on the 10.5 acres.
Karen Smith stated that any
referral that the Board of Commissioners does under the amendment just passed
must be by resolution. A draft
resolution was prepared for the Board=s consideration.
Commissioner Moyer made the
motion, upon recommendation of the County Attorney, that the Board not hear
this and refer it to the Zoning Board of Adjustment in accordance with the
prepared resolution. All voted in favor
and the motion carried.
- add-on per Chairman Hawkins
Chairman Hawkins stated that
in the Charter for the Environmental Advisory Committee there were about three
things for the committee to review, one of which was grants for greenways. Now we have a greenway committee. There are a lot of areas where the
environmental advisory committee can be involved.
One item Chairman Hawkins
would like for them to research would be alternative fuels for fleet
vehicles. He=d also want them to pursue
the cost effectiveness of this idea. He
spoke briefly about air emissions, cost of fuel, cost of operation, longevity
of engines, etc.
It was the consensus of the
Board to have the environmental advisory committee research this idea. Chairman
Hawkins will send information to the committee on this.
Commissioner Kumor made the
motion for the Board to go into Cane Creek Water & Sewer District. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Chairman Hawkins made the motion for the Board to adjourn as
Cane Creek Water & Sewer District and reconvene as the Henderson County
Board of Commissioners. All voted in
favor and the motion carried.
There being no further
business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
W. Corn, Clerk to the Board Grady
Hawkins, Chairman