NOVEMBER 29, 1999 |
The Henderson County Board of Commissioners met for a special called meeting at 3:00 p.m. in the Commissioners= Conference Room of the Henderson County Office Building at 100 North King Street, Hendersonville, North Carolina.
Those present were: Chairman Grady Hawkins, Vice-Chair Bill Moyer, Commissioner Renee Kumor, Commissioner Don Ward, Commissioner Marilyn Gordon, County Manager David E. Nicholson, Assistant County Manager/Interim County Attorney Angela S. Beeker, Finance Director J. Carey McLelland, Budget Analyst Selena Coffey, and Clerk to the Board Elizabeth W. Corn.
Chairman Hawkins called the meeting to order and welcomed those in attendance. Under item AE@, Chairman Hawkins added an item Af@ additional items for the Commissioners to discuss individual items of interest. He made the motion to approve the agenda as presented with this one addition. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Carey McLelland reviewed the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) with the Board.
One major difference in this year=s CAFR is that Henderson County has made significant strides this year regarding general fund balance. Henderson County also received an unqualified opinion (a clean opinion) on the financial audit this year.
SCHOOL FINANCING - Fletcher Elementary School
Chairman Hawkins reminded the Board that at the last Board meeting the Board took a look at Fletcher Financing and gave staff some guidance. Staff has been in touch with the Local Government Commission as well as our financial advisory, BB&T. A Financing/Construction Timetable was distributed and discussed that would get this project under way. David Nicholson stated that we are looking at borrowing $6.5 million for the Fletcher School. The suggestion was to consider getting a bank qualified installment financing with a maturity of 20 years that has no prepayment penalties to do Fletcher Elementary School. David stated that this would lock in a rate and in 2001 when we issue the COPS for the additional two schools (Clear Creek/Balfour and Etowah) at that point the Board could look to see what kind of rate differentials there are and if it makes sense could pay off these bonds and roll them into the two new schools with no additional administrative costs.
David informed the Board that this will appear on the December 6 meeting agenda.
Chairman Hawkins informed the Board that Commissioner Kumor had brought this up regarding changing the operational expenses one line item. It did not change the overall amount of budgeted
percent of county participation.
Commissioner Kumor reminded the Board of a letter stating that we had $5,000 available. We were advised to put it into our operational expenses to cover some of the operational costs association with JCPC. We don=t need a county match for it. David Nicholson has developed a budget so if JCPC needs any of the funds they can get them.
Commissioner Kumor made the motion to authorize the Chairman to sign the necessary documents to approve this. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Fiscal Year 2000-2001
Chairman Hawkins discussed a list of
ATop 10 Funded Departments/Functions - FY 1999-2000 Budget@ asking which of the departments the Commissioner particularly wanted to meet with and discuss budgets with:Public Schools
Social Services
Public Health
Fire Departments
Solid Waste
Emergency Medical Services
Public Library
Blue Ridge Community College
David Nicholson reminded the Board of a budget workshop scheduled for December 13 and asked who they wished to meet with for that meeting. It was the decision of the Board to meet with EMS and Solid Waste.
b. Alliance for Human Services
There was some discussion and it was decided that the Board wished to do similarly as last year for Human Services and fund it in the range of $170,000 - 180,000.
David reminded the Board that last year they put several of the not-for-profits into departments so that the departments would have some responsibility for those agencies. He just wanted to understand whether that was what the Board wanted again this year. It was the consensus of the Board to continue in the same way. David stated that there are five that are not assigned to any department: the Armory, the Community Penalties Program, the Council for Women, the Four Seasons Arts Council - Grass Roots Program, and the Genealogical & Historical Society. There was some discussion of putting the Armory in the Fire Marshal
=s budget. Commissioner Kumor raised a question about the Community Penalties Program and David said he would follow-up with Randy Eggen. There was discussion to request from the Council for Women a list of what they do that would offset what County Government would otherwise have to do. If they can=t establish a role, they would no longer be funded. It was also suggested to request the same information from the Four Seasons Arts Council - Grass Roots Program that will be requested of the Council for Women. There was some discussion regarding the Genealogical & Historical Society about removing them from the list. Their five year funding is up this budget year.SET A WORKSHOP
Discussion came up regarding the historical courthouse. There was discussion of holding a workshop on the historical courthouse on December 16. It was the consensus of the Commissioners to hold the workshop at 1:00 p.m. on December 16.
d. Revenue Projections & Major Expenses
David Nicholson had asked Selena Coffey to do a chart on how much growth we
=ve experienced and David reviewed that chart with the Board. As a rule, we can handle our expenses with our annual growth. It=s the major expenses that have to be truly planned for. David had some ideas here he shared with the Board regarding long range planning. Commissioner Moyer discussed developing a three year plan. Commissioner Kumor added the political aspect, stating that no Board can commit a future Board to anything. Much discussion followed.Selena reviewed briefly with the Board the departmental budget preparation process.
f. Additional Items - Purchasing Dept.
Commissioner Kumor stated that once the jail gets on-line our purchasing demands will grow considerably. There was discussion pro and con.
Proposal from Robert S. Segal, CPA PA
David stated that the City of Hendersonville, the Town of Fletcher, and the Village of Flat Rock
are all interested in learning more about this Segal proposal. The School Board has some questions but would be interested in learning more about it also. Staff is working on some cost reduction ideas.
Funding for Sewer Projects
Commissioner Gordon discussed funding sewer projects as part of the enterprise funds as well as being open to funding some sewer projects outside of the enterprise funds. She stated there are some real significant needs that have not been taken care of.
Some things that are being worked on presently are expansion of the Cane Creek Water & Sewer District and expansion of the sewer line to serve Mills River. That information will be presented to the Board sometime in December. Discussion followed regarding sewer service needs.
Capital Improvements Program
Selena Coffey distributed notebooks for the AHenderson County Capital Improvements Program - FY 00-01 Proposals@. This was just introductory information for the Board.
There being no further business to come before the Board, Chairman Hawkins adjourned the meeting at 5:25 p.m.
Elizabeth W. Corn, Clerk Grady Hawkins, Chairman