SEPTEMBER 28, 1999 |
The Henderson County Board of Commissioners met for a special called meeting at 5:00 p.m. in the Commissioners= Conference Room of the Henderson County Office Building at 100 North King Street, Hendersonville, North Carolina.
Those present were: Chairman Grady Hawkins, Vice-Chair Bill Moyer, Commissioner Renee Kumor, Commissioner Marilyn Gordon, County Manager David E. Nicholson, Assistant County Manager/Interim County Attorney Angela S. Beeker, and Clerk to the Board Elizabeth W. Corn.
Also present was: WCCA=s Transportation Coordinator Rochelle Miller.
Absent was: Commissioner Don Ward.
Chairman Hawkins called the meeting to order and welcomed those in attendance. He stated that the purpose of today=s meeting was a Public Hearing on Rural Operating Assistance Program. Chairman Hawkins informed the Board for the need to add a Closed Session to the agenda. By vote it was the pleasure of the Board to adjust the agenda to add a Closed Session.
PUBLIC HEARING - Rural Operating Assistance Program
Commissioner Kumor made the motion for the Board to go into Closed Session. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Rochelle Miller reviewed the application package with the Board. She explained that this year they are combining three transportation programs into one which is now called Rural Operating Assistance Program. The three programs were: Rural General Public Transportation, EDTAP Transportation, and Work First Transportation.
The EDTAP Transportation Plan provides transportation to elderly and disabled passengers in Henderson County. They provide transportation to the Henderson County Sheltered Workshop, Pardee Adult Day Care, Trend Mental Health Services, and Henderson County Vocational Rehabilitation. They also provide transportation to other organizations on an as needed basis such as Blue Ridge Community College. They transport disabled students to class on a daily basis. She explained that the general public is allowed access to the EDTAP routes by making a reservation 24-48 hours in advance. They must live within 12 miles of the route or meet the van within that distance. The cost to the public is $1 each way. The cost to WCCA is $4.93 each way. They currently have five vehicles that go to SSEACO every day. Most of their vehicles are 13-14 passenger vehicles.
The Same Day/Next Day Medical Transportation Service was started in December of 1998 and has grown dramatically. This service provides transportation to medical appointments or to get prescriptions filled. The amount NCDOT has allocated to Henderson County is $62,107.
Chairman Hawkins reminded the Commissioners that only the Board of Commissioners is an eligible applicant for this and the Board is responsible for suballocating the funds.
Public Input There was none.
Chairman Hawkins made the motion for the Board to go out of Public Hearing. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Commissioner Gordon made the motion to approve the application as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Commissioner Kumor made the motion for the Board to go into Closed Session as allowed pursuant to NCGS 143-318.11(a)(5) for the following reason:
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Commissioner Kumor made the motion for the Board to go out of Closed Session. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
There being no further business to come before the Board, Chairman Hawkins adjourned the meeting at 5:42 p.m.
Elizabeth W. Corn., Clerk Grady Hawkins, Chairman