The Henderson County Board of Commissioners met for a special called meeting at 7:00 p.m. in the Commissioners= Conference Room of the Henderson County Office Building at 100 North King Street, Hendersonville, North Carolina.

Those present were: Chairman Grady Hawkins, Vice-Chair Bill Moyer, Commissioner Renee Kumor, Commissioner Don Ward, Commissioner Marilyn Gordon, County Manager David E. Nicholson, Assistant County Manager/Interim County Attorney Angela S. Beeker, Fire Marshal Rocky Hyder, and Clerk to the Board Elizabeth W. Corn.

Also present were: Dr. H. B. Norton, a member of the Fire Commission; Roger Snyder with Mills River Vol. Fire Department; Don Gash with Etowah-Horse Shoe Vol. Fire Department; and Gary Brown with Blue Ridge Vol. Fire Department.


Chairman Hawkins called the meeting to order and welcomed those in attendance. He stated that the Board of Commissioners and representatives from the Fire Departments had met a short time ago and looked at several issues which needed revisited:

Changes in bylaws (revamping of Fire Commission)

New fire districts in year 2000

more people receiving fire protection

realigning revenue stream

At that time there was much discussion of the Fire Departments= budgets.


Roger Snyder presented the Fire Departments= presentation which was also in a hand-out distributed to the Board entitled A1999 Annual Report@. He spoke on behalf of the Association.

Henderson County Fire and Rescue Association

Leading the Community

Leveraging Dollars

Saving Lives

Looking to the Future

Community Services

(Leading the Community)

Fire Prevention Programs

Fire Education Programs in Schools



Honor/Color Guard Services

Traffic Direction






CPR Training Community Tours and Visits

Emergency Medical Supports for Blood Pressure Check-ups

Community Events Fire College

Smoke Detector Program Fire Extinguisher Classes

Fire and Medical Services

Fire Suppression Natural Disaster

First Responders Lost Person Search and Rescue

EMT Underwater Search and Rescue

EMT-D High Level Rescue

Hazardous Material Response Swift Water Rescue

Motor Vehicle Accident Response

Training Requirements

N.C. Firefighter II N.C. Haz Mat Ops

417 Hours, 30 Hours per Year 40 Hours, 8 Hours per Year

N.C. E.M.T. N.C. Driver/Operator

124 Hours, 24 Hours per Year 100 Hours, 12 Hours per Year

N.C. E.M.T.-D N.C. FF-II Instructor

24 Hours, 24 Hours per Year 64 Hours, 20 Hours per Year

ERT Basic Open Water

40 Hours, 20 Hours per Year

Flow of Money

Public Taxes ........................... County Collection Agent

Advisory Board

Fire Departments

Board of Directors

Department Heads

Chief --- Treasurer --- Vendor


Budget Process

(Leveraging Dollars)

Department Heads Fireman

Board of Directors --- Executive Committee --- Treasurer

Advisory Board


Mutual Aid

Fire Department in the center

with the following working with the department:

Other Fire Departments

Law Enforcement

Service Agencies

Henderson County Fire Marshal

Henderson County EMS

NC Fire Service

Emergency Management

Contingency Fund

Changes in Tax Base

Paid Staff Liabilities (Retirement, etc.)

Unexpected Capital Expense


Small Departments

Professional Business Practices

(Looking to the Future)

Association Committee Structure

Consistent Budget Process

Public Relations/Marketing Training

Public Relations Plan

Board of Directors Composition

Customer Service in 1999

Public Relations Plan in Each Department

Survey and Information Left at Each Call

Community Open Houses and Education

Expansion of Community Services

Complaint Process


- - - Advisory Board - Commissioners

Department Chief

Changes in Volunteerism

Younger Generations Less Likely to Volunteer

More Training and Certification Demands on Volunteers

Aging Volunteer Population

Junior Program

Paperwork, State Imposed

Roger stated that they have this presentation ready for groups who might be interested in viewing it.

There was more discussion regarding:

Typical E-911 Computer Screen

911 Call Flow

Fire Departments - Tax Rate

Fire Departments - Property Values

Fire Departments - ISO/DOI

Fire Departments - Insurance Saving

Fire Departments - Regulatory Authority

Engine/Pumper Cost Analysis

Fire Departments - Training

Fire Departments - Misc. Expenses 1998

Fire Departments - Assets 1998

Fire Departments - Community Savings

Fire Departments - Income

Fire Departments - Annual Call Comparison

Fire Departments - Annual Call Reports

Chairman Hawkins thanked Roger and all the departments for their hard work in compiling the information shared at this meeting.


Jimmy Gasperson had been scheduled to make a recommendation on revised by-laws. Mr. Gasperson was out of town; therefore, Dr. H.B. Norton made the recommendation. Dr. Norton stated that there was an overwhelming desire on the part of firefighters to leave the Fire Commission as is. If the Board of Commissioners desires to make a change then revised by-laws have been drafted to reflect such.

Draft By-laws were distributed and discussed briefly. Chairman Hawkins asked the Commissioners to review the by-laws and make any suggestions or recommendation to him.

There was some discussion as to AWhat is an emergency call?@ and the possible need for some p.r. about this and the possibility of setting up an information line to handle non-emergency calls.

Chairman Hawkins again thanked those who were present and participated in the discussions. Dr. Norton thanked the Board for the opportunity.

Chairman Hawkins adjourned the meeting at 8:15 p.m.




Elizabeth W. Corn, Clerk to the Board Grady Hawkins, Chairman