The Henderson County
Board of Commissioners met for a special-called meeting on Monday, August 9,
1999. The purpose of this meeting was
to conduct three public hearings: a public hearing for the Habitat for Humanity
Grant; a quasi-judicial hearing on Creekside, Application by Mr. Maxie Small on
a proposed Residential Open Space (R-O) Development, Special Use Permit
Application # SP-99-02; and a quasi-judicial hearing on Charlestown Place, Joe
Crowell Construction, Inc., a proposed Planned Unit Development (PUD), Special
Use Permit Application E SP-99-01.
Present were
Chairman Grady Hawkins, Vice-Chairman Bill Moyer, Commissioners Marilyn Gordon
and Don Ward.
Absent was
Commissioner Renee Kumor.
Staff present were
County Manager David E. Nicholson, County Attorney Angela S. Beeker, Planning
Director Karen C. Smith, and Planner Chris Timberlake.
Absent was
Commissioner Renee Kumor.
Chairman Hawkins
made the motion for the Board to go into Public Hearing. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Malcolm McCormick,
Grants Coordinator for Habitat for Humanity, reminded the Board of the
application summary which had been distributed to the Board for their
The Henderson County
Chapter of Habitat for Humanity requested that Henderson County apply for a
North Carolina Small Cities Community Development Block Grant on their
behalf. Along with the Application
Summary, the Board also received copies of the Project Overview and Project
Costs for the grant.
The purpose of this
meeting was to conduct a public hearing to give the public an opportunity to
comment on both the activities and costs associated with the grant.
Mr. McCormick stated
that the grant application is for infrastructure which would include streets,
water, and drainage to serve 28 lots at the East Flat Rock development, a total
of $176,322 plus administration and planning $31,500 for a total of $207,822. They committed to complete 15 homes within
the 30 month time frame to which this CDBG applies. The CDBG must be closed
out within 30 months after being awarded.
Habitat for Humanity had been allowed to spread the infrastructure over
a 28 home development because they already own the land. Therefore, Habitat for Humanity would not be
asking Raleigh to help with the purchase of the land. These homes typically have approx. 1,000 to 1,100 square feet and
are within line of what Habitat for Humanity
has completed all over the County.
Thirty-four homes have been completed thus far. Three homes were under
construction at the East Flat Rock site.
None of the infrastructure that they were applying for had been
completed. Habitat would be
responsible for all of the construction costs and all of the grant funds would
apply to infrastructure only ($207,822).
Mr. McCormick
explained that the mortgage for one of these homes would come down to $53,356
after deducting $11,755 for the grant money and deducting assistance from
Federal Home Loan Bank of $6,000. The mortgage of $53,356 spread over a typical
20 year mortgage equals a monthly house payment of $222.32. Escrow for taxes would be approximately $40
a month and insurance would be approximately $27 a month. So a typical Habitat partner family would
pay about $289 or $290 a month and would own the home after 20 years.
Mr. McCormick shared
a copy of the layout of the homes.
Habitat was currently progressing with three homes and hopes to start
two additional foundations next week.
Next year, hopefully after the receipt of the grant funds, they can let
the contracts to put in streets, water, and drainage.
Chairman Hawkins
stated that the Board had some discussions recently about affordable housing and
this certainly fits the bill. Chairman
Hawkins made the motion to authorize proceeding with the filing of the grant
application and authorize the Chairman to execute the paperwork. All voted in favor and the motion
Commissioner Moyer
made the motion for the Board to go out of Public Hearing. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Chairman Hawkins
announced the Board would conduct two quasi-judicial proceedings.
The first proceeding
would be held on a petition of Maxie Small for Creekside, a proposed
residential open space development in an R-20 zoning district. The second
proceeding would be on the petition of
Joe Crowell Construction, Incorporated for Charlestown Place, a planned unit
development (PUD) in an R-10 district.
Each required a special use permit under the Zoning Ordinance.
Chairman Hawkins
explained that a quasi-judicial proceeding, much like a court proceeding, is a
proceeding in which one=s individual rights are being determined. The proceeding would be conducted under the Henderson County Board
of Commissioners= Rules of Procedure for Quasi-Judicial
proceedings. Only persons who could
demonstrate that they would be affected by the outcome by the decision were
allowed to participate in the proceedings.
All persons who would speak and participate, including any witnesses who
would be called, would be placed under oath.
Staff would give brief introductory remarks and then the Board would ask
the petitioner what evidence he or she wished to present in support of the
application for a special use permit.
After the petitioner finished, anyone else who had expressed a desire to
be a party and who the Board had recognized as a party would then be allowed to
present their evidence. All parties
would be given opportunities to ask questions of all witnesses testifying in
the proceedings. The Board would be
given an opportunity to ask questions also.
After the evidence was presented, the Board would discuss the issues
raised and make a decision. The Board=s decision must be made in writing within 45
days of the hearing.
Chairman Hawkins
asked the County Attorney if there were any matters that the Board needed to
address or resolve prior to identifying the parties and beginning the presentation
of evidence.
County Attorney
Beeker thanked Chairman Hawkins and stated, AFor the benefit of the Board and audience, I=d like to remind everyone that because this
is a quasi-judicial proceeding the decision can only be based on things that
are presented at this particular meeting.
So things that might have occurred at the Planning Board meeting or any
other place are really not going to be relevant so far as the Board=s decision.
It=s going to be what=s stated at today=s meeting.
It would also therefore be appropriate for the Board members to disclose
if you have gained any knowledge regarding these matters outside of the
proceeding today so that everyone can know this and address this as
appropriate, you know, if it=s pertinent.@
Chairman Hawkins: AAnyone have any?@
Commissioner Moyer: AYeah, I do.
Are you going to do these two together or as one hearing or as two
separate hearings?@
Ms. Beeker: ATwo separate hearings. You can do it at the beginning of each
particular proceeding.@
Commissioner Moyer: AWell, I was on the Planning Board when the
subdivision request for Charlestown Place came through and when the request for
Creekside and also when the discussions of the planning and development were
held. So I did participate in those matters
but I will make my decision based on the record as presented in this
Commissioner Gordon:
AAnd I would likewise want to note that I was
on the Planning Board at the time that Charlestown Place was presented to the
Planning Board. I was not on the Planning Board when Creekside was presented,
if my recollection is correct. I want
to be sure that=s known.@
Ms. Beeker: AOK.
The other thing that I would like to point out is that the application
for both of these contains general and some specific requirements for the
granting of the special use permit.
These are things that any special use permit must meet. The general standards are stated first in
the application and I want to state to you that the burden is not on the
applicant to demonstrate that those have been met. The burden is on the applicant to show that the specific things
have been met. OK? Back to the general, if someone who is a
party brings forward evidence that makes it look like that general standard
might not be met, then the burden would shift and be on the developer to
prove. So for instance the public
health and safety, if there=s no evidence that=s introduced that the public health and safety would be damaged in any
way, then, you know, it=s going to be a given that it=s OK for that particular standard.
Does that make sense? The burden
is on the developer. Only evidence is
introduced which would make it likely that one of those standards is not going
to be met for the general standards.@
Chairman Hawkins: AAngie, on the specifics are you talking about
things like density requirements or frontage and we=re going to discuss those?@
Ms. Beeker: AYes. Yes and the burden is on the developer
to demonstrate the specific standards have been met and they are at the bottom
of the application and then in the particular provisions for the residential
open space, the particular provisions for that and then for the PUD, the
particular provisions for that but just kinda keep that in mind as you=re going through the proceedings.@
Chairman Hawkins: AAnybody else have any questions for our
attorney? OK, we=ll begin with the Creekside proceedings will
be conducted first and that will be followed by the Charlestown Place and I=ll make a motion now that we go into a
quasi-judicial hearing for the Creekside application for a proposed residential
open-space development. All of those in
favor of that motion, say aye. OK.@
All voted in favor
and the motion carried.
Chairman Hawkins: AThe Board acknowledges the petitioner, Maxie
Small, and staff as parties to the proceeding.
Are there any other persons present who can demonstrate that they will
be affected by the outcome of this proceeding and who wish to be a party of the
proceeding? We have several folks. All those that are parties to, first we need
to determine whether or not you=re party to the proceedings so I think we probably just need to ask
each one to step up and if you would take the microphone, state your name and
address and in what regards you=re a party to the proceeding.
Sir, you had your hand up. You
want to take the microphone? The Board
will need to determine in each case whether or not you=re going to be a party to the hearing.@
ANDRESEN, 27 Birch Lane-AI=d like to tell you about the problems and costs.@
Chairman Hawkins: AWe=ll do that in just a moment, m=am. First we have to determine
if you=re a party to the hearing. Is your property adjacent to Creekside
Ms. Andresen: AYes, it is.@
Chairman Hawkins: ADo we have, Karen are you going to talk to
the adjacent property owners? Do you
have that information for us?@
Ms. Karen Smith: AI don=t think we have them identified on here but we can go ahead and have
them point to it.@
Chairman Hawkins: AM=am would you go ahead and point out where your property is in relation
to the development for us?@
Ms.Andresen: AYes, yes.
Peachtree Lane and Rich Lane goes right up to where the development will
be. 27, right here.@
Chairman Hawkins: AIs that your property, m=am?@
Ms. Andresen: AI think so yes.@
Chairman Hawkins: AOur County Attorney, I guess that looks that
is certainly is adjacent to it. Does
anyone have any questions on allowing being a party to this? If you would just take your seat m=am.
We=ll call you back in just a minute.@
Toms Kiska,
113 Longjohn Drive-@I=m Mr. Toms Kiska and I live on 113 Long John Drive and my property is
right here at the creek. The creek runs
right down through my property. Number
7, the creek is going to run right through my property.@
Chairman Hawkins: ADoes anyone have any objection to this
gentleman being a party? Thank you sir,
we=ll call you back in just a minute. Anyone else a party to the proceeding? Yes, sir, either one of you if you=d come up and state your name and show us
where your property is.@
Mike Floyd,
234 Spice Wood Lane-AMy name is Mike Floyd and I=m at 234 Spice Wood Lane. My property does not adjacent this. I am the President of the Homeowner=s Association for Long John.@
Ms. Beeker: AIt=s up to the Board.@
Commissioner Moyer: ABut there are properties along Long John that
back onto this proposed subdivision?@
Mr. Floyd: AThere most certainly are.@
Commissioner Moyer: AI think he should be allowed. He represents the people that are on there.@
Mr. Floyd: AI am the spokesman for those that are not
Chairman Hawkins: AThat have property there?@
Mr. Floyd: AYes.@
Commissioner Gordon:
AMy only concern, do you have, I guess I would
have concern in what your charter is as President of the Association. Did you speak specifically with the property
owners adjacent to this?@
Mr. Floyd: AQuite a few of them. We did have a meeting, a homeowners meeting,
we did speak and you know, it=s pretty much it=s a unanimous feeling for the homeowners. And according to our covenants, what our covenants say in as far
as what=s some of the things we=ve been approached and told about that we may
have concerns as the development as a whole and not just as the individual
Commissioner Gordon:
AThat=ll be alright.@
Chairman Hawkins: AOK, sir we=ll accept you as...Yes sir.@
107 Long John Drive-AI=m Tom Asbury, resident of 107 Long John Drive and my property abuts
lots 15 and 16 on there. I back up to
two lots in their development and I wish to speak. He mentioned a stream, we have two culverts on our road and I=m on the minor one but I=m going to accept, receive most of the water
from their first section of development.@
Chairman Hawkins: AYou=re on a minor culvert? Alright.
If you=ll have a seat, sir. Anyone else?@
BOTERE, 181 Long John Drive-AMy name is Jesse Ann Botere. I live at 181 Long John Drive. I do not immediately abut the problem but
some of the requests they=re making will have an impact on our development and on our
traffic. I=d like to address that, if you=d please.@
Chairman Hawkins: AI think we have this gentleman here is
homeowner, or represents the homeowners association. But your property doesn=t abut directly to it?@
Ms. Botere: ABut their request will have an impact on me.@
Commissioner Gordon:
AI would be more comfortable if you gave your
remarks to the president of the association and have them conveyed. Would that be appropriate?@
Commissioner Ward: AWhat do you think, Angie?@
Ms. Beeker: AIt=s within your discretion. Is it
likely that your property value could be decreased?@
Ms. Botere: AI believe so, yes. It is my feeling the whole development will be adversely affected
if certain provisions be allowed.@
Ms. Beeker: AOK.
Can I make a general statement?
As this is a quasi-judicial proceeding, general feelings are not going
to be admissible. General feelings,
because it is not direct evidence, as to whether they have met the standards or
not and that=s for every party, OK, because it=s quasi-judicial. Under our regular legislative hearing, you could say anything you=d like to say but this has to be relevant
evidence as to whether they=ve met the standards in the ordinance or not. Does that influence whether...?@
Ms. Botere: AThey=re asking for a special use that will have a definite impact on us and
I feel I should be able to address that.@
Commissioner Moyer: AWhy don=t you let her make her statements to the point or extent that they=re not duplicated by the president of the
Ms. Beeker: AHe could call her as a witness if she had
evidence. The president could call you
as a witness without you being a formal party so that you could still, you
know, make statements to the Board, would that be acceptable?@
Ms. Botere: AYes@.
Chairman Hawkins: AI think the only difference being is some of
the questioning as whether or not we question the parties but not the
witnesses. So if you all can work those
out. Yes m=am.
Would you please come forward.@
Lynn Stafford,
220 Turtle Lane-AMy name is Lynn Stafford. I=m at 220 Turtle Lane. I do not directly abut
the proposed subdivision but I am Vice-President of the Association and have
been asked to just reiterate our covenants to you where it states that no other
easements or rights-of-way or rights-of-access shall be deeded.@
Chairman Hawkins: AIf you would maybe just be a witness also and
then, does that sound...?@
Commissioner Moyer: ADo you now belong to the Long John
Ms. Stafford: AYes.@
Commissioner Moyer: AThen it should be. You=re
Chairman Hawkins: ARather than being a party to maybe just be a
witness and your homeowner=s association president may want to call you for your information.@
2763 Haywood Road- AMy name is John Perry. My mailing address is 2763 Haywood
Road. This is my property.@
Chairman Hawkins: AAlright, I believe we can accept you as a
Ms. Corn: AI=m sorry your last name was Perry?@
Chairman Hawkins: AJohn Perry.@
Ms. Corn: AMr. Chairman, we had one other gentleman who
signed up to speak who hasn=t come forward yet. Phil
Ward. I thought we might want to clear
that up.@
Chairman Hawkins: AAre you requesting to be a party to the
PHIL WARD-AI=m Phil Ward, landscape architect, land
planner on the project with Maxie Small.
I didn=t know if I needed to sign in. I just did it.@
Ms. Beeker: AIs Mr. Small here? Will you be speaking on your own behalf?@
Mr. Small: AActually Phil will be doing the presentation
or whatever the need be.@
Ms. Beeker: AOK.
So Mr. Ward could be the party then and you could still be a witness.
You just need to be sworn as well.@
Chairman Hawkins: AOK, we=ll accept you as a party representing Mr. Small. Anyone else?@
Commissioner Moyer: AWouldn=t we also want Mr. Small as a party?@
Ms. Beeker: AYou can do that too.@
Commissioner Moyer: AI think he should be a party, not as a
witness. I think he should be a party
since he=s the guy@.
Commissioner Ward: AHe needs to be a party because you can=t question the witness of other parties. Isn=t that correct?@
Commissioner Moyer: AThat=s right.@
Chairman Hawkins: AWould you like to request to be a party also
Mr. Small so that we can have some questions for you?@
Mr. Small: AAlright, we=ll accept you as a party and your representative also since he=s your architect. OK. Yes m=am.@
WASHBURN, 28 Peachtree Lane-AMy name is Doris Washburn, 28 Peachtree Lane
and our property abuts that property.@
Chairman Hawkins: AAlright, m=am, we=ll accept you as a party since you have an
abutting property. Anyone else party or
witness to the proceedings?@
Commissioner Moyer: AYou might want to remind them that no one can
speak if they=re not a party or witness.@
Chairman Hawkins: AJust remember when proceedings start, if you
are neither a party nor witness to it then we won=t be taking comments from you.
Just so you=re
aware of that. OK, at this time, this
is going to be the real drill, all parties to the proceeding needs to come up
and be sworn in and witnesses. I think
Ms. Corn has a couple of Bibles over here.
Of course, staff and I think that everyone so if you could just kinda
get friendly over there and...@
Ms. Corn: AIf you would situate so that you can get your
left hand on one of these Bibles. Put
your left hand on the Bible, raise your right hand. This one little lady needs in somewhere. She needs to put her hand on the Bible. Do you swear or affirm that the testimony
that you shall give to the Board of County Commissioners shall be the truth,
the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God? Thank you@
Chairman Hawkins: AMs. Corn do you have everybody=s name?@
Ms. Corn: AI do.@
Chairman Hawkins: AThank you all for going through that little
bit of the proceedings. We=ll begin with some introductory remarks by
the staff. Karen are you going to do
that for us?@
Ms. Smith: AThank you Mr. Chairman. At this time, I=m having Chris Timberlake pass out a copy of
the agenda item that you=ve already received. Chris, the
Board has those. Any of the parties
that would like a copy, could you kind of wave your hands for Chris to get that
to you?
Creekside is a
proposed residential open-space development located off North Carolina Highway
191 or Haywood Road between Long John Mountain Estates and Carriage Park. The total tract size is 48.8 acres. It is divided into two phases. Phase I being 21.6 acres and Phase II being
27.2 acres. Sixty-four single family
lots are proposed for the development, thirty-one in Phase I and thirty-three
in Phase II. The property is zoned R-20
and R0 developments are allowed in our 20 districts as a special use. Section 200-35 of the Zoning Ordinance
provides the requirements for R0 developments . The purpose of R0 is to preserve open-space. Approximately 30% of the acreage in the
development is proposed to be preserved space as required by the
ordinance. There is also a .88 acre
green that has been proposed but because it=s less than one acre it=s not being counted as part of the required open space.
We have several
reduced copies of the plan in your packets.
We also have this color version that the applicant has provided for
us. Just for some other basic
information, R20 would allow a maximum of 106 lots at 20,000 square feet each
to be developed on the subject property.
A total of 64 lots have been proposed.
The R0 provisions of the Zoning Ordinance allow reductions in
dimensional requirements depending upon the amount of open space provided. In this development, because at least 30% of
the total tract is being, 30% of the total tract being subdivided is open
space, each dimensional requirement can be reduced by 30%. This means that you can have minimum lot
sizes of 14,000 square feet, front yard set backs of 35 feet from the road
center line, and side and rear set backs of 17 and a half feet. Although reductions in dimensional
requirements are allowed, the total number of units cannot exceed what would
have been permitted under R20 if the R0 provisions were not being considered.
I would like to add
that today=s hearing has been advertised in accordance with
State law and the Henderson County Ordinance.@
Chairman Hawkins: AKaren did you address the density, if you did
I missed it.@
Ms. Smith: AThat=s part of the whole plan. The
minimum lot size in R20 is ordinarily 20,000 square feet but you can actually
go down to lot sizes of 14,000 square feet because 30% of the development is
shown as open space. That doesn=t necessarily increase the number of lots
that you can do. It just allows you to
cluster those lots in a smaller area and leave the rest as open space thereby
having smaller lot size. The overall
density of the project stays the same.@
Chairman Hawkins: AMr. Small, at this time if you would present
your evidence and I guess Mr. Ward are you going to do that for him? Alright.@
Phil Ward: AMr. Chairman and members of the County
Commission, I appreciate the opportunity to come before you. I got involved in this project about five
months ago and looked at the property, as you may know, is an old farm, part of
the family farm, for years the, Bowen family.
So this is being developed by the family members. They have a tremendous concern for the
property and how it=s
developed and they approached me and wanted to do something that=s of high quality, something that would
preserve the open space and preserve the creeks and fortunately the County
Ordinance provided an R0 zone which is what we=re asking for rural open space so that we could do what we wanted to
accomplish anyway. Most of the creeks
are going to be contained in designated open space. And that=s
shown by the dark green here. The main
creek which is Brittain Creek, runs through here. That=s all
going to be contained designated open space areas. There=s also
a tributary creek that comes from Highway 191 and cuts through the property into
Long John Mountain Estates. Both
Brittain Creek and this tributary creek do go into Long John Mountain
The idea behind this
thing is to create a community atmosphere with the central green being a common
park or a vocal point as you enter the development. It=s nearly an acre in the center of the
property. And then surrounding would be
designated open space with a trail system to be used by all the home owners
within it.
As it was mentioned,
you could have about a hundred units in here under the R20 zone. We=re asking for 64 units which is a substantial amount less. The stream is being contained in open space
and will be protected that way. It won=t be each individuals, it will be owned in common by all of them and
preserved in its natural quality which will help filter storm water and
maintain the character that is there right now.
The adjoining
properties, since I adjusted this, since there are so many people here from
Long John Mountain Estates, the culverts that go under the road that accesses
Long John Mountain Estates, there is a six-foot diameter culvert that is for
Brittain Creek existing there and there is a thirty-six inch culvert for that
tributary creek. Both of those culverts are sized by my calculations to handle
the 25-year storm which is what we designed this project and this storm
drainage for. Being in the watershed
zone, 25-year storm is generally what you design a subdivision like this for so
it meets those requirements.
The subdivision
roads will all be a valley, curb and gutter, 26 foot road section with valley
curb and also concrete sidewalks will be on one side of the main roads. The entrance road off Highway 191 will have
a sidewalk on both sides and will be a 34-foot road section. So we=re trying to create a neighborhood, almost a downtown type neighborhood
out here. The architectural control
will be extensive and what we=re trying to do is create a harmonious development that will be flowed
together harmoniously both architecturally and from the land planning
At this time, I can
entertain any questions you might have.@
Chairman Hawkins: AAngie do you want to, I=m trying to follow your sequence here. Do you want those questions now or do you
want to wait until after we get through or after each one?@
Ms. Beeker: AIf the Board has any questions, it would be
appropriate to ask at this time and then it would be appropriate then for
anyone else if they have specific questions of Mr. Ward to ask them at this
Chairman Hawkins: AAny questions for Mr. Ward?@
Commissioner Moyer: AI have a few. Mr. Ward, your roads will be public roads?@
Mr. Ward: AYes.@
Commissioner Moyer: ASo all of your roads and the shoulders and
the culverts have to be built to State specifications. Isn=t that correct?@
Mr. Ward: AThat=s correct and they=ve all been reviewed by the D.O.T and have been accepted. The only thing we=re waiting for is from Raleigh is they had to
send it to Raleigh as far as the access to Haywood Road. They=re debating whether we need a left turn lane or not. That=s the only thing we=re waiting on. They=ve approved the access location and the
interior roads.@
Commissioner Moyer: AYou=ll be disturbing more than an acre so you=ll have to file a soil and water erosion plan as well, correct?@
Mr. Ward: AAnd that has been done and we already have a
permit for Phase I, a grading permit.@
Chairman Hawkins: AIs this located in the watershed area, it=s still far enough up to be in it? Are there any special requirements that=ll be applicable here because it is in a
watershed area as far as you know?@
Mr. Ward: AThe density issue, not exceeding two units
per acre.@
Chairman Hawkins: AJust the density? Any other questions from the Board?@
Commissioner Moyer: AYeah.
On the plat, the one that I=m looking at shows a reserved area behind your open space. Would you clarify what this is for me?@
Mr. Ward: AYes, that=s been removed and made part of open space.@
Commissioner Moyer: AI didn=t see that. So that=s no longer...?@
Mr. Ward: AThese lots right in here were made slightly
larger and this area that was reserved is now part of the open space. So there=s no, no access off of Long John Mountain Estates or anything
Commissioner Ward: AHow steep are those? What=s being reserved, the larger lots in your...@
Mr. Ward: AIt probably varies from 25% to 50% slopes.@
Commissioner Moyer: ASo on your road since you=re building to State spec., you=ll have nothing that exceeds 18% grade, is
that correct Mr. Ward?@
Mr. Ward: AThat is correct.@
Commissioner Moyer: AWhat is the highest grade you have, do you
Mr. Ward: AThere is one road area there has a 17% grade
for not a real long section.@
Chairman Hawkins: AAny more questions?@
Commissioner Moyer: ANo I don=t have any.@
Chairman Hawkins: ADon, do you have any questions? Anymore questions?@
Commissioner Ward: AOn, you addressed the creek situation, how
does that affect lot 10 and 11? Can you
be a little more specific on your culvert right there? You=re going to your six-foot culvert, so actually the only thing it=s affecting is the bridge?@
Mr. Ward: ARight, just the bridge, it=s proposed to have a bridge, one bridge to
access both lots.@
Chairman Hawkins: AAny other questions, Don? Any other parties to the proceedings have
questions for Mr. Ward? Yes, m=am, I=m sorry you=re a
witness, you=re not a party to the proceedings. This gentleman is the party and we=ll take his question.@
AI=m Mr. Kiska and I have a couple pictures here of my property that=s right at that six-foot culvert.@
Ms. Beeker: AHe needs to wait.@
Chairman Hawkins: AOK. Sir, you might need to wait on that. If you have, we=ll get those when we call you but if you have
a specific question for the Board...@
Mr. Kiska: AYes, it=s pertaining to this, I mean this relates to the water coming, the
creek coming down. Now Carriage Park empties out onto their development
there. Now, I=ve had, here I=ll show you here.@
Chairman Hawkins: ALet me confer with our Attorney just for a
moment. Wait let=s get our stuff in sequence here. Hang on just a second.@
Ms. Beeker: AI believe that he said his question was going
Chairman Hawkins: AIt pertains to water under.... OK.@
Mr. Kiska: ANow this one here, this is here when we only
have two inches of rain coming down.
This other one is a small rain and the water comes up about two and a
half feet by six feet wide. Now when Carriage Park....@
Commissioner Moyer: AWait, before you go any further, let=s identify where the pictures were taken,
specifically where they are and what time you took the pictures.@
Mr. Kiska: AWell, I can=t show you the culvert here, but this is about fifteen feet from the
6-foot culvert.@
Ms. Beeker: AWhere?@
Chairman Hawkins: AOn Long John, on your side of the property?@
Ms. Kiska: AThis here, right here is the culvert. Right here is the culvert and this is the
fish pond that I have over here. The
water runs down here and it goes into the culvert. OK? Now when it rains
this is a little, there is only two inches, right now today I think there is
two inches of rain in there or two inches of water. When it rains, I get from four inches, no from two and a half
feet up to, almost to the top of that wall here. Now that=s
water coming now. Now I want to know
what=s going to happen when you build the homes
there and this isn=t
saturating into the ground, what=s going to happen to the excess water that=s coming down?@
Mr. Ward: AWell, it=ll run down the creek.@
Mr. Kiska: AIt=ll run down but will it go over into my fish pond there?@
Mr. Ward: AThat I can=t answer. I=ve not studied your lot in particular.@
Mr. Kiska: ASee I have no, no restrictions upon building
the development but I want to know what=s going to happen to the water coming down.@
Chairman Hawkins: AThank you sir, I don=t believe he=s able to answer your question right now. Are there other specific questions? Yes sir.@
(I can=t tell for sure who=s speaking but I believe it is the President
of the Homeowner=s Association) AI guess I have to address this question to
Mr. Ward. Now we=re talking about the reserve lots, this has
been taken out, that=s been
eliminated? And how about these lots
right here?@
Mr. Ward: AThey=re access.@
Gentleman: AThey=re access.@
Commissioner Moyer: ACould you identify those for us?@
Chairman Hawkins: ACould you show them on this map here if you
Gentleman: AOK, we=re talking about reserve lots that were right in here and these two
lots right here.@
Chairman Hawkins: AAnd what was your question?@
Gentleman: AThe question was because there was no access
that=s was where our question and concern was
being that they=ve shuffled that and there=s access from here, we basically don=t have any other complaint other than what
would be with the watershed.@
Chairman Hawkins: AOK sir, thank you.@
(Another man): AAs long as we=re talking water, may I speak?@
Chairman Hawkins: AIf you have a specific question of Mr. Ward,
otherwise we=ll get you in a few minutes. Do you have a specific question for him?@
Gentleman: AWhy don=t I wait.@
Chairman Hawkins: AAlright, sir. Any other specific questions for Mr. Ward at this time? We=ll be cycling back through so we=ll get all your questions in here somewhere. Yes, sir, you had another question?@
Mr. Floyd: ACould we get an update on this plan that
where that has been eliminated that we=re satisfied with for the homeowners?@
Chairman Hawkins: AI think that would be part of what=s filed with the Planning Board so I=d think the answer to that would be yes,
certainly. Any other questions at this
time of Mr. Ward?@
Commissioner Moyer: AI have one other, I have. Mr. Ward have you studied at all what the
effect of the development will be on the water runoff with respect...? Has the State made you look at that with
respect to the size of your culverts and things like that? Can you give these people a feel for what
the effect will be?@
Mr. Ward: AThe State, what we look at is what the down
stream culvert capacities are and that=s what we looked at. As I
mentioned there=s a six-foot and a thirty-six inch
culvert. Those were sized to handle
future development on this property according to my calculations. Also the D.O.T. in their hydraulics division
checks my calculations. They came up
with the same thing I came up with in my phone conversation with them after
they had reviewed my drawings and my calculations. So that=s the
extent of the studies to determine that the downstream culverts could handle
the flow.@
Commissioner Moyer: ASo the study though has demonstrated what,
just so you state it, what has the study shown?@
Mr. Ward: AThe study has shown that the two culverts
that are in Long John Mountain Estates can handle the twenty-five year storm
runoff with this project being developed.@
Chairman Hawkins: AOK, any other questions for Mr. Ward at this
time? Thank you sir. Any staff evidence at this time, Karen?@
Ms. Smith: AAgain we=re going to be passing some items out, if you can bear with us for a
few minutes. What Chris is going to be
passing out is a copy of the Planning Board=s recommendation, a copy of staff comments which includes my opening
comments in the Planning Board recommendation but you=ll have, you=ll be able to put our comments next to the Planning Board=s. He=ll also be passing out relevance section from
the three ordinances under which this development has been reviewed, the
Watersupply Watershed, the Subdivision and the Zoning Ordinance. I didn=t know if you=d have
yours in front of you so we=ve run those and we=ll have them for the parties as well.
In speaking with Chris just this minute, I didn=t realize that you did not have the revised
plan in your packet. So Jennifer is
running copies of the revised plan which you=re looking at.@
Chairman Hawkins: AIs it current that=s in the code?@
Ms. Smith: AIf you=ve got a code book, you won=t need the sections that we=re passing out.@
Chairman Hawkins: AWill you give us just a minute to read
through these before we continue?@
Ms. Smith: ACertainly.@
Chairman Hawkins: AIs this the revised plan that has that
reserve area done away with?@
Ms. Smith: AThat=s right.@
Ms. Beeker: AKaren, do you have the minutes from the
Planning Board meeting?@
Chairman Hawkins: AKaren, if you would continue please.@
Ms. Smith: AAt this time, what I would like to do is
review for you the Planning Board=s recommendation. I am having
the secretary to the Planning Board prepare minutes at this moment. I didn=t know if you would need them but we=re going to have them to you before the end of this session. The Henderson County Planning Board reviewed
the application for Creekside in accordance with the Henderson County
Subdivision Ordinance, Watersupply Watershed Protection Ordinance and the
Zoning Ordinance on May 25th, 1999.
The Planning Board has made a favorable recommendation to the Board of
Commissioners subject to the following conditions being included in the
special-use permit. You have a copy of
a memorandum from myself which outlines the Planning Board=s recommendation and for the record I=ll proceed through that if that=s alright with the Chairman.
With regards to the
Subdivision Ordinance, the first condition is has to with the erosion and
sedimentation control that the applicant should provide evidence of a soil
erosion and sedimentation control plan has been approved by NCDENR Land Quality
section. What I=m going to do is when I get to staff
comments, I=m going to review which of these have been
satisfied. I=m going to read as it was done by the
Condition 2, water
plans. The applicant should provide
evidence that water plans have been approved by NCDENR and the City of
Hendersonville Water and Sewer Department.
Three, sewer
plans. The applicant should provide
evidence that sewer plans have been approved by NCDENR and the City of
Hendersonville Water and Sewer Department.
Four, street
disclosure statement. A recordable
document of the proposed subdivision streets disclosure statement should be
submitted to the Planning Department.
Five, has to do with
development plan details. The applicant
should submit a revised Phase I development plan which shows proposed road
names approved by the Property Addressing Office and the direction of flow for
Brittain Creek. This should also be
shown on the master plan.
Number six, fire
hydrants. All lots shall be within 1000
feet of a fire hydrant with a minimum flow of 750 gallons per minute. The location of the proposed fire hydrant
should be shown on the development plan.
Number 7, public
roads. All roads proposed for public
use shall be annotated public on plans and plats and shall be designed and
constructed in accordance with the standards necessary to make the roads
eligible to be put on the State highway maintenance system at a later date.
Number 8, major
subdivision requirements. Sections 406
and 409 of the Subdivision Ordinance regarding shoulder stabilization and road
name and regulatory signs shall apply to the proposed development.
Number 9, special
use lots and common areas. The reserved
area shown in the southwest portion of the development should be
addressed. If it is a remaining lot, it
needs to meet the requirements for right-of-way access and other standards in
the Ordinance. If it is for some other
purpose, such as open space, recreation areas, etc. such use should be clearly
identified on the parcel.
Number 10, special
use permit approval. Master plan, Phase
I developmental plan approval by the Planning Board and Phase II development
approval by the Subdivision Administrator or the Planning Board if applicable to
be contingent on approval of the special use permit. In addition, all conditions imposed on a special use permit shall
be satisfied prior to any approval of any final plats by the Subdivision
The next set of
comments have to do with Watersupply Watershed Protection Ordinance. All the property in the proposed development
is within the WS4 Watershed Protection area which requires minimum lot size of
20,000 square feet. However, cluster
developments are allowed in the WS4 area provided that if the lot sizes are less
than the minimum lot size required, open space must be dedicated within the
same watershed area and parcel to offset the lot size requirements. And this has been done through this open
space development. The one comment
under the Watershed Ordinance then is notes on plans. The applicant should submit a revised a master plan that deletes
the Watershed boundary which is shown as well as the note regarding the size of
the watershed and other related information. A new note should be added which
indicates that all the properties in the WS4 Watershed Protection area.
Finally, comments
with regard to the Zoning Ordinance and you do have copies of these relevant
sections which I distributed, and just a note here that there is a portion of
the property which is within the City=s extraterritorial jurisdiction.
It=s a very small area. City Planner Roger Briggs did write a memo
to our Department and the Planning Board stating that they are administratively
relinquishing all review authority for that little portion.@
Chairman Hawkins: AKaren, could I stop you because I had a
question about that. Roger Briggs is
he, does he have the authority to relinquish ETJ control on his signature?@
Ms. Beeker: AIt was going to be my suggestion that you
make as a condition of the permit that the City by whatever mechanism their
Ordinance requires formally bless their 5% as a condition. I don=t, unless this is complete within his jurisdiction to review, I don=t think he can quote administratively
relinquish it.@
Ms. Smith: AI don=t know, Angie. We asked him his
opinion and that=s what he gave us. Comments under the Zoning Ordinance has to do with zoning
compliance that no zoning compliance shall be issued by the Zoning
Administrator until at least 75% of the open space is shown on the plat are in
existence and have reached the plan stage of development shown on the plat and
described in the application and accompanying instruments. And at this time, let me distribute a copy
of the covenants. I don=t believe you received those in your packet
and I=ll give them to you now and then I=ll reference them in my comments as well.
Staff would like to
add a majority of the conditions that the Planning Board has recommended to you
were based on comments staff made at the May 25th Planning Board
meeting in a memo to the Planning Board and through the discussion. And therefore we would want to note that
because most of those were generated by us we do support the Planning Board=s recommendation.
We would like to
also point out the conditions that the applicant has satisfied in whole or in
part. These are as follows: regarding
the Subdivision Ordinance, comments, condition number 1, erosion and
sedimentation control. The applicant
has submitted a letter of approval from NCDENR for the erosion and
sedimentation control plans. Therefore,
this item has been satisfied.
Condition number 5D,
Development Details. The applicant has
shown the direction of flow of Brittain Creek on the master plan and Phase I
Development Plan. These were revised
Condition number 6,
a portion of that regarding fire hydrants.
All lots are now located within 1000 feet within of a fire hydrant as
shown on the revised Phase I Development Plan.
Condition number 9,
special use lots and common areas. The
applicant has removed the reserve area from the master plan.
Regarding the
comment on the Watersupply Watershed Ordinance. Condition number 1 notes on Plans. The applicant has deleted the watershed boundary shown on the
previous plan and has included a note on a revised plan saying that all
property is in the watershed for protection area.
As Ms. Beeker noted
earlier, there are some specific conditions that are applied to special use
permits. You have those in the
application. The general conditions are
that the use would not adversely affect the health and safety of persons
residing or working in the neighborhood and that it will not be detrimental to
the public welfare or injurious to property or public improvements in the
neighborhood. The Board has the ability
to designate conditions to show a conformance with the requirements and the
spirit of the Ordinance. You can in
making your findings determine if satisfactory provisions have been made for
ingress and egress, off street parking and loading, utilities, buffering,
playgrounds, open spaces, yards, access ways and pedestrian ways and buildings
and structures. Unsatisfied conditions
recommended by the Planning Board and any other items deemed necessary by the
Board of Commissioners may be listed as conditions to the special use permit.
That concludes staff
comments. I=d be happy to answer any questions.@
Chairman Hawkins: AIs there any parties to the proceeding that
has any questions for Karen?@
Commissioner Moyer: AI have a question for Karen. Karen, on the revised plat that you provided
to us, I guess it=s
dated, looks like 7-16-99, you=re showing only one access to this development, is that correct?@
Ms. Smith: AThat=s correct.@
Commissioner Moyer: AAnd where is that off of?@
Ms. Smith: AHighway 191.@
Commissioner Moyer: AAnd is it not true that any proposed access
to anywhere else would have to be shown on this plat and approved by the
Planning Board and the NCDOT?@
Ms. Smith: AThat=s correct. I think under the
Planning Board Subdivision Ordinance that would probably be a significant
change, if they were to change it from this revised plan.@
Commissioner Moyer: AIt would be a change in the master plan which
would have to be re-approved?@
Ms. Smith: ARight.@
Commissioner Moyer: ASo this is the only access to the development
as shown?@
Ms. Smith: AYes.@
Chairman Hawkins: AAnybody else on the Board have a
question? Yes, Angie.@
Ms. Beeker: AI=d like to ask her a couple of questions on your behalf, if I
might. Karen, have you reviewed this
revised plan?@
Ms. Smith: AI have not.
Chris Timberlake in our Office has.@
Ms. Beeker: AOK. Is he going to speak?@
Ms. Smith: AI=m speaking for him mainly because he was off last week. He can answer questions however.@
Ms. Beeker: AOK.
Was he sworn?@
Ms. Smith: AYes.@
Ms. Beeker: AOK, I=ll get him later. The one
thing, were you present at the Planning Board meeting?@
Ms. Smith: AYes.@
Ms. Beeker: ASo it=s your testimony that those were...?@
Ms. Smith: AYes.@
Ms. Beeker: AOK. That=s all I have for you.@
Chairman Hawkins: AAnybody else? Any of the parties to the proceeding have any questions for
Karen? Yes sir, would please come up
and ask your question in the microphone for us.@
Gentleman: AOn the material that you have indicated, I
don=t know how you=d reference this, Item 7 says prior approval to the drainage plans
along with all calculations used as assigned drainage for this subdivision as
regulated by the subdivision road manual shall be submitted along with the site
plans. Is that a part of the proposal?@
Ms. Smith: AThe memo he=s referring to is the comment sheet from Ed Green from NCDOT and that,
when he says submitted, he=s referring to submitted to D.O.T and I don=t know, I do not know the answer.@
Gentleman: AThat is not one of your recommendation that
be a part of this submission?@
Ms. Smith: AIt=s not required by our ordinance, that=s a requirement by D.O.T.@
Chairman Hawkins: ADid that answer your question, sir?@
Gentleman: AI think so, yes.@
Chairman Hawkins: AAny other questions from any of the
parties? M=am are you a party to the hearing? I have forgotten. Yes, m=am,
would you come up and ask your questions, please.@
Ms. Beeker: ACould she state her name again for the
Chairman Hawkins: AWould you restate your name, please.@
Lady: ANatalie Andresen at 27 Birch Lane. My property has a spring, a natural spring
on it. And that fact has cost me a lot
of money over the years. I have a pipe
under my driveway, and I have just recently replaced that pipe and through the
years there have been, well the water just overflows and it=s a problem.
I don=t know what building, I=m just very close adjacent to the building
process, and I=m concerned that maybe water directions will
change when buildings occur. I don=t know.@
Chairman Hawkins: AI don=t know if Karen can answer that particular question for you.@
Lady: ANo, but I brought my notes and I have spent
thousands and thousands. I just
recently had McMinn excavate and Tarheel will black top and new pipes, always
new pipes but the water is there.@
Chairman Hawkins: AAlright.
Thank you m=am. Any other questions for Karen? At this time, I would like to ask any
additional parties, if you=re an additional party, if you have evidence that you want to present
at this time, if you=d take
the mike and sir I think you had some.@
Gentelman: AI=m Tom Asbury, 107 Long John Drive.
I live in the fourth house on Long John Drive and directly abut as I
mentioned two lots. And between my
property 107 and my neighbor 109, this small stream that was mentioned with the
36-inch culvert passing under Long John Drive will definitely affect us. I=ve studied the plan. There are
29 houses, no there are 31 lots, planned for the first phase of
development. And it=s interesting that all the drainage from Long
John, no from 191 and from these lots.
Of the 31 lots, 10 of these lots will drain to Brittain Creek which has
the larger bed and the bigger culvert and 21 of them will drain into our small
stream. When we moved there 20 years
ago, it was a pasture with cows in it and if you drive up and down it, it=s changed.
It=s a woodland now. And this is absorbing water slowing it down. I want to ask the developers, and may I say,
I=m in favor of the development, I=m pleased it=s a single home development rather than condos or apartments which we
envisioned might appear, but this drainage problem will seriously impact our
property and the other one. The present
stream which comes off their property impacts ours directly. A right angle turns it goes to the west
about 25 feet and another right angle diverts it back into its original
channel. It=s a very unnatural development. It may have happened when our area was
developed. So that I get a, there=s always water flowing in that stream. It may be a trickle but it never goes
dry. I keep brush and logs in that
where the stream flows in. It bounces
off that, heads for Mr. Merritt=s lot and he=s had
quite a few feet undermined by the stream as it tries to turn, as it=s creating a bed that will turn it to
continue out to the south. I would like
the developers to seriously consider realigning the drainage of this
channel. They have a 15-foot undeveloped
strip that they have between the property and the actual end of the Bowen farm. If somehow instead of this double-dog leg, I
call it, angle the stream back in their property so it would come in at a less
acute angle as it enters the division between the two streams because once all
that drainage from the roads and those homes ends up in that small stream bed,
we=re going to see it digging itself down and
digging itself, and increasing its bank to hold it. One last thing, about twelve years ago we had a severe heavy
storm that came in a short time, heavy rainfall and at that time it picked up
all the brush back of the little ravine, gulleys and stream bed, moved it down
and it blocked the culvert where the water entered. So thoroughly was the debris and silt that in two hours it rose,
it was running over Long John Drive. It
created a lake across Mr. Merritt=s lawn and back very close to the foundation of his house. He has a workshop and family room there and
it came up within probably six inches below our entry into our house which
would be the basement floor. It was
remarkable the amount of water that suddenly appeared from filling from one
house, almost from one house to the other and back to the Bowen Farm property.@
Chairman Hawkins: ASo you=ve had a flooding problem there already?@
Mr. Asbury: AWe=ve had a sudden dam with the debris and we have had the quick rise up
of water. I couldn=t dislodge it and we called the County and
they got a crew there and they had to pull that out against the pressure of all
the water that is was holding. It is a
potential dangerous spot.@
Chairman Hawkins: AThank you.
Any additional parties evidence, if you are a party to the
proceedings. Sir, do you have something
you want to bring up? Yes, sir, for
parties evidence. And then we=ll have some rebuttals.@
AI=m John Perry. As I said before
I have concern with a couple of things.
One is as I indicated my property is in the middle. I=m bound on the other side by Carriage Park and when we had the Carriage
Park hearings I was here and it was indicated that there would be buffers,
adequate buffers, and my comments at the time were this constituted mature
trees which provided no real buffer at all.
It=s just tree trunks. I had someone stop by my house and ask me about a car that was on
my property that wanted to buy it which they saw from that road which that
could happen I suppose but there=s no buffer from the tree property.
Will there be buffers between, is a part of this ordinance to include
buffers for adjoining property owners?@
Chairman Hawkins: AKaren, you want to answer that? The buffer requirement@
Ms. Smith: AThere are no specific buffer requirements in
the R0 section of the development, excuse me with the Zoning Ordinance.@
Mr. Perry: AIt is my understanding that the County
Commissioners could entertain requests and would consider placing requirements
for such as a conditional part of the permit.
Is that correct?@
Chairman Hawkins: AI think that=s probably allowed under the conditions if the Board should so choose.@
Ms. Beeker: AIt would be appropriate to have the developer
respond to that, I think.@
Mr. Perry: AI would like to request that such, I would
request that such a requirement be placed upon the developer. Second, we have the road is identified, that
I use, for access is identified as McCarson Road. And the property I have was conveyed to me by the previous owners
of the Bowen Farm subject to access through that road. In the declaration page for the Creekside,
mention is made of easements and I would like for some reference made to the
easement for the road accessing my property as well.@
Chairman Hawkins: AAlright sir.
Do you have any other comments at this time? Mr. Ward if you don=t mind at this time, I=d like to ask you to respond to a couple of things just to get us
caught up. One is the realignment of the
drainage that was previously mentioned.
And if you could address from your perspective the buffer and I think in
that one area, the white area there that Mr. (?) wants to and then the
easements and I=ve not read all the protective covenants but
maybe you can highlight that some for me or Mr. Small one. Would you hit those three areas?@
Mr. Ward: ALet me talk about the drainage issue first of
all. If I understood the gentleman, he
would like to see the channel realigned to straighten it out. Is that correct? Alright. Because of the
fairly recent changes in the laws from the Water Quality in Raleigh, they frown
very much on channelizing streams. They
like the meander, it filters the water better. So from that standpoint we=d be fighting a tough battle just to get
approval to do that. OK? What I would suggest as we get, I=ll look at your property and just what you
got there. I=m going be out there and I=m just going to go over there and look at it
and see what that is. That=s all I can say there. Now as far as debris clogging the culvert,
that could happen. I mean you know with
a bad storm and trees fall down that could happen anywhere. It=s unfortunate that happens but that will cause clogging of the culvert
and backing up but hopefully that won=t happen too much. So that=s just the problem. It doesn=t usually happen but if you get an unusual
storm where it dumps all this in the creek, it could happen. Now a 36-inch culvert is a fairly good
size. It=s, it would normally pass most of that debris through but yet a big
tree or whatever would get lodged and not go through it and would do that. Now the buffer, the lots adjoining Mr. Perry=s property are fairly deep so that in itself
would really be a buffer because the houses are going to be built closer to the
road. This road frontage is towards the
downgrade, is away from various property.
I would think that would be enough to satisfy for a buffer rather than
designating a specific buffer. So who
owns that strip or who maintains it? Do
you give it to the home owner or it is just a nuisance strip that is maintained
by the developer? I=d say the lot depth handles that issue there.@
Commissioner Moyer: AMr. Ward, I haven=t had a chance to go through your protective
covenants but do you require someone to approve clearing of the land by people
that are going to build on it or develop it?@
Mr. Ward: AThe way it=s being handled now, I guess, is the developer is developing the
property and is also going to build the houses and will be clearing each house
site too. So each lot will be looked at
individually as far as which house is going there and how it=s to be cleared.@
Commissioner Moyer: AWhat I was getting to rather than a buffer
could you possibly agree not clear within x number of feet of the property line
so that you would have a natural strip left?@
Commissioner Ward: ADeed restrictions.@
Commissioner Gordon:
AWasn=t, did I notice something in those deed restrictions that required
approval for cutting anything over 12 inches in diameter by the property
owners? Was that in there? Yes.
So that would help protect the larger trees.@
Gentleman in
audience: AOne other question, I would like to ask. Fencing up along Long John now. Could you put fencing there? At the moment, there is barbed wire and all
the posts are down and everything. Are
you going to put fencing along there?@
Mr. Ward: AAlong Long John Mountain Estates?@
Gentleman: AYeah, on that side.@
Mr. Ward: ARight now, we have a buffer along there.@
Gentleman: AYeah, but no fencing?@
Mr. Ward: ANo fencing.@
Gentleman: ABecause all the barbed wire in back of me is
down and the old posts are rotten and coming down.@
Mr. Ward: ANo fencing is proposed. We do have the buffer there. Hopefully that will be better than fencing.@
Chairman Hawkins: AMr. Perry, you had another question? I=m sorry, Libby did you get his name?
Mr. Kiska. Wait >til our secretary catches up with us. Are you with us Libby? OK, Mr. Perry you had another question?@
Mr. Perry: AWell, I understood, if I could be refreshed
in my memory, is the setback requirement at the rear lot is very small setback
requirement and absent any stipulation.
I noticed there is a buffer on other sides of the property. Absent any restrictions or enjoinment I
would not have any protection of my property due to the width of the very small
set back on the rear of the lot requirements.
I don=t believe that would provide a buffer.@
Chairman Hawkins: AThank you.
Do you have any other comments on the buffering Mr. Ward at this time in
the back other than that? Bill, did you
finish your thought process there as far as the cutting of the current trees?@
Commissioner Moyer: AWell, Marilyn is correct, it does require
that approval for anything more than twelve inch diameter on page 5 and as Mr.
Perry mentioned the rear yard set back is 18 feet. And what I was wondering if you would leave a natural area, not
any fencing, not any buffering, but leave a natural area of a bigger distance
that would provide a natural buffering along the outside edge of your
development, whether you would consider that.@
Chairman Hawkins: AAt least in that area I think where Mr. Perry
is. Apparently, you=re going to be building fairly close to the
front of the lot there, Mr. Small, is that correct?@
Mr. Small: AThat=d be the plan, yes. I think
maybe we could put something on the plan here that shows an area of undisturbed
vegetation at the rear of those lots if that would be satisfactory. We certainly wouldn=t do it within 18 feet of the property line
because of the lot size. I mean because
of such things as sewer lines, water lines, driveway access and things like
Mr. Ward: ASometimes, what we=ve, what I=ve done in the past on other projects, is actually, don=t designate a buffer area but put an easement
through the lots, maybe it=s twenty feet. It would be a
non-disturbance easement maintaining natural vegetation but it would still stay
with the lot.@
Commissioner Moyer: AWell that=s what I was looking for if you=d agree to that. Well, absolutely,
absolutely stay with the lot but it would be undisturbed and natural.@
Mr. Small: AI think that would be fine.@
Chairman Hawkins: ADon, did you have a comment?@
Commissioner Ward: AThat was it.
I was thinking of easement.@
Commissioner Gordon:
AMy only question I guess on that would that
there are only, we=re
only talking about six lots there that directly connect Mr. Perry=s, well one of them is a cemetery though, isn=t it?@
Chairman Hawkins: AYeah, that one up at the right hand corner as
we look at it.@
Commissioner Gordon:
AYeah and well there=s a couple of them that are, one=s fifteen thousand and one=s sixteen but the other four or five are
pretty well within what=s already the zoning allowance for an ordinary residential lot so he=s not really being impacted by a less, a
higher density than he would have if it had just been done with regular
zoning. So that would be my concern
about making a special consideration and I do have I guess some thought to
restricting future property owners.
Sometimes, I guess there=s always debate on whether the natural area all needs to be left
natural. There may be some things that
need to be cleaned out that you might be restricting cleaning of.@
Chairman Hawkins: ADo you have any other thoughts?@
Ms. Beeker: AMr. Chairman, before they sit down, I haven=t heard anything that specifically addresses
some of the requirements in the Ordinance and it might be appropriate to get
them to talk about some of things, like for instance that they do have the burden
of proof on. It says that the
Commissioners shall determine that satisfactory provisions have been made
concerning the following. And it lists
six things, ingress and egress, he talked a little about that. Off street parking and loading areas, the utilities,
buffering, you=ve been talking about but also about your
open spaces and playgrounds and yards and things like that in a little bit more
detail in what is planned for that and then talk a little bit about your
buildings and structures that you intend to put on there. You want the list? It=s taken from the Ordinance but I just think
we need to get some evidence in the record that if you are making adequate
provisions for those things we can make some findings and fact to say that we
Chairman Hawkins: AIf you would Mr. Small just start with the
ingress and egress, either you or Mr. Ward.
We=ve already had some discussion about that=s the only ingress and egress is off 191, I
think we=ve discovered that. Off street parking and loading areas, I don=t know that loading areas are particularly
applicable but apparently you have off street parking with designed into your
lots as far as driveways, is that correct?@
Mr. Ward: AYes.@
Chairman Hawkins: AAnd how about utilities? Could you address that as to where you are
with utilities.@
Mr. Ward: AYeah.
We have an engineer, Paul Patterson, who has designed the water and
sewer system to time with the City of Hendersonville=s wastewater collection and public water
system. He=s currently working on those plans. He=s had a preliminary approval from the City for a general layout. And there=ll be the normal stuff, power and cable tv, natural gas.@
Chairman Hawkins: AAre they above ground or below ground?@
Mr. Ward: AThey=ll all be below ground, the utilities.@
Chairman Hawkins: ABelow ground, the utilities? OK.
Any additional information on buffering that we=ve not discussed?@
Mr. Small: AWe=ve got a good bit of open space that shows on this plan and that mostly
speaks for itself. Of course, we=re trying to buffer the residents of
Creekside from the noise that would come from Highway 191. We=ve also been required to dedicate an additional, I think it=s 20 feet here, for the possible future
widening of 191. I say that quietly so
we don=t cause an uproar. But we=ve
also got that as additional buffering.
The playgrounds, open spaces, yards, access ways, and pedestrian ways,
we=ve submitted a plan which shows an outline of
where those trails would be and open spaces.
Of course, the green area that is in the center right there was for 150
years. The Bowen family has fed their family from that space and the family
wants to preserve that and call that Bowen Terra which is the land of Bowen and
to be permanently dedicated as a place where they raised crops for a long time,
cows and a lots of things. So it=s a special place to the family. Buildings and structures, the homes that are
going in there will be in the 2,000 square foot range with garages and there
won=t be any other buildings or structures other
than such as required by the utility for emergency generators, lift stations
and things like that.@
Chairman Hawkins: AAny other specific...?@
Ms. Beeker: AThe Ordinance requires that you submit a
written instrument outlining the open space and kind of an agreement between
the Board and yourself. Do you recall
that provision in the Ordinance? Are
your restrictive covenants intended to fulfil that?@
Mr. Small: AWill they satisfy that?@
Ms. Beeker: AAt some point I=d like the opportunity before the Board takes final action to sit down
with Mr. Small to go through those. I
didn=t go through for things like not cutting, you
know, twelve inch trees but I did go through for things such as the open space
and it=s fairly detailed and so before either you
make your decision if you choose to grant it conditional on us sitting down and
letting me as your Interim County Attorney be satisfied that those provisions
of the ordinance have been met or something.
But I just wanted for the record, that that is an application
requirement given that the restrictive covenants are intended to serve as that
written instrument. Would you be
willing to do that?@
Mr. Small: ASure.@
Chairman Hawkins: AAnybody else have any questions while you=re up here from the other parties? Mr. Perry, you still have a question?@
Mr. Perry: AAre you going to address the easements or the
right-of-way or access to my property?
Have we finished addressing the question of buffering?@
Chairman Hawkins: AWell, I think we=ve gotten some, at least some evidence
presented. I don=t know that the Board=s made a decision but we have some
information. And your other question
was easements, or right-of-way?@
Mr. Perry: AWell the access provisions that was for my
use of the road, called Parson Road, I would like to be indicated as a part of
the easements as well as for the covenants of the development because they are
assuming the responsibilities passed on by the previous owners. I would like to clarify the access that I
Chairman Hawkins: ALet me ask you Mr. Perry if you would come up
to the mike so our Clerk can get all your comments and I guess the first
question I need to ask you what do you currently have on records, deed,
easement, covenants or what exactly do you have?@
Mr. Perry: AI have a deed with statements on the deed
that access was by virtue of the McCarson property and that all future owners
of the property would be subject to those requirements.@
Chairman Hawkins: ASo what you=re saying is that Mr. Small is required by what you already have to be
offer you access to your property?@
Mr. Perry: AYes, I=d like that to be clarified in the statements of the covenant of the
Chairman Hawkins: AOK, but I=m not sure we can do that from this Board. If you already have it on the deed, I would think that would
probably be where that should be, but I=ll defer that question to our attorney since I=m not the...@
Commissioner Moyer: AWell, I guess the question for the Planning
Board staff is whether the easement is on the property that was filed for a
subdivision and if it is whether it was properly shown on the subdivision when
it was filed.@
Mr. Small: AWell it=s certainly not an easement.@
Chris Timberlake: AI would have to say that the property line
actually splits the easement.@
Ms. Beeker: AMr. Small might be the best person to...@
Chairman Hawkins: AMr. Small do you, or at least in your
opinion, where=s Mr. Perry=s easement to his property?@
Mr. Small: AHis easement, I mean I don=t know that it=s called easement, it=s referred to on the deed as a right to cross. The road doesn=t exist on any public record.
We can=t ever deny him proper, you know, the right
to cross because it=s
there by deed and you have to honor all those previous commitments. But certainly we don=t own the whole thing. I mean how could we possibly show an
easement that we can=t give
him? He=s got a right to go in there and we can=t stop that. So you can=t land lock someone and we=ve got no interest in doing that.@
Chairman Hawkins: ADo you have a suggested, or any thing that
seems to be amiable to you as far as incorporating either in your plan or how
would you address that if he needed access?@
Mr. Small: APart of his right to cross is across Carriage
Park. You know.@
Chairman Hawkins: AAnd parts of your property?@
Mr. Small: AAnd parts of property that is owned by two or
three different people. He also crosses
the McCarson=s cemetery to get there and has for
years. And we can=t grant that of course.@
Chairman Hawkins: AThere=s a road through the cemetery?
Mr. Small: AYes.
Half of a road.@
Chairman Hawkins: ALet me ask our County Attorney if she has
Ms. Beeker: AShe=s thinking about it. I=m not sure you know that it=s going to give Mr. Perry any greater right
than he already has, you know, to access across that road and I=m not quite sure that=s the role of the Board. If it is a part of the subdivision review
that might be a little different matter but I don=t see that that=s going to give him any greater right than he already has. To me that=s a matter between the property owners.@
Chairman Hawkins: AThank you Mr. Small.@
Mr. Perry: AMay I respond? My request was that it be stipulated in the rights of the
Ms. Beeker: AYes sir, but I=m not sure this Board can direct him to put that in his restrictive
covenants. If he=s willing to do that I guess he could do that
but I=m not so sure that as part of this review,
that the Board...@
Mr. Perry: AYou=re saying that=s
outside your jurisdiction. OK. I=d appreciate it being addressed by them but you=re saying you cannot make that a condition of
Ms. Beeker: ARight, and what I=m also saying that whatever access right you
have now is what you have.@
Mr. Perry: AYes. I=ve heard discussions of closing the road which would mean that I would
be faced with a large legal expense to defend those rights and if I could have
it clarified it would certainly be beneficial to me.@
Ms. Beeker: AOK. I=d be willing to do some you know research if
that=d be the Board=s desire. I wouldn=t be prepared to offer, you know, a definite
legal statement about that at this time.@
Commissioner Ward: AWould it be appropriate to ask Mr. Small if
he has any intentions of closing the road?@
Ms. Beeker: ASure you could ask him that.@
Mr. Small: AWe have no intention whatsoever of closing
the road. None at all.@
Commissioner Ward: ASo for the record Mr. Perry has something to
take to court with him.@
Mr. Perry: AThat will be part of these recordings?@
Chairman Hawkins: AOh yes, everything that is submitted in
evidence will part of the record. Yes
sir. OK. Let=s see
we had the rebuttal evidence of Mr. Small I think. Angie are you still with me on that? I=m ready to move on to ask if anyone wishes to
give any closing remarks.@
Commissioner Moyer: AI think we better go back and see if all the
parties and witnesses have presented all evidence they wanted to.@
Chairman Hawkins: ADo any of the other parties wish to ask the
witnesses any questions? I think we had
one witness over here that was your witness from the Homeowners. Do you want to ask her to make any comments
at this time, if you want to? If you
would restate your name for us, please.@
AJessie Ann Botere, 181 Long John Drive. My major concern was that the wouldn=t, I understood they were requesting to cut
into our development for those lots that as I understand they have now been put
into open space?@
Chairman Hawkins: AI think that is correct.@
Ms. Botere: ASo if they=re put into open space then they will not be eligible to put a road in
there at some later time?@
Ms. Beeker: ANot without coming before the Board and
asking for it and then you=d have the same proceeding that you=re having now.@
Ms. Botere: ALet=s hope nobody wants to build. I
know if they=re a smart enough builder they can put a
house anywhere. Thank you.@
Chairman Hawkins: AAny other witnesses?@
Ms. Beeker: AMr. Chairman, I wanted to ask Chris some
questions just for the record.@
Chairman Hawkins: AChris would you, are you still here?@
Ms. Beeker: AHave you reviewed this master plan?@
Chris Timberlake: ANot the revised one in full detail. I have looked at it. But the current one, the original plan I did
review in great detail.@
Ms. Beeker: ABased on your review for first the original plan,
does this meet the minimum lot size requirements and will it meet the ...?@
Chris Timberlake: AAs far as the lot size requirements go, those
have not been changed to my recollection.
The only thing that has been changed is what=s been noted has obviously been satisfied
including the note that was shown...@ (I couldn=t
understand the remainder of Chris= statement).
Ms. Beeker: AOK.
So based on your review other than the things that were specifically
listed by the Planning Board, this plan meets the requirements of the
Chris: AYes.@
Chairman Hawkins: ADoes any other member of the Board have any
questions for any of the witnesses or any of the parties? OK, I think we=ve got all the evidence in. Mr.
Small do you have any closing remarks?@
Mr. Small: AJust Angela was talking about the subject to
review of the covenants. If you all do
take action, I=m hoping that we can go ahead and get
approval so that we can begin some more because this is our construction season
subject to of course any kind of comments and changes she might have.@
Ms. Beeker: AI apologize but there is one thing I noted in
those restrictive covenants that I=d like to ask you about. The
restrictive covenants referenced using a lot as a sale office or a model home
and I believe if that=s your
intention that=s something, you know, I want to point out
for the Board=s review because I think that=s something that would have to be stated in
the permit as something that=s allowed in this district.@
Mr. Small: AOK.
The sales office would be a permanent home eventually but it would be
initially something to show what we=re going to build in there and at some point in time when it=s no longer needed it would be sold as a
home. If that clarifies that at all.@
Chairman Hawkins: AI think they have one of those in Carriage
Park. Is that not at the entrance and
in fact several places. Middleton
Commissioner Moyer: AMr. Small regardless or not where the Board
comes out on this, I think you did indicate the twenty-foot protected easement
between your property and Mr. Perry=s would be acceptable to you if the Board asked for that.@
Mr. Small: AYes it would.@
Chairman Hawkins: AKaren do you have any closing remarks?@
Ms. Smith: AAll I wanted to do was pass out those minutes
that I promised you. The Planning Board
minutes from May 25th.@
Ms. Beeker: AFor the record, this would just be an
official document that would state what the Planning Board=s action was.@
Chairman Hawkins: AAre there any additional parties that have
any closing remarks? If you were a
party to the proceeding, if you have any closing remarks, it would be
appropriate at this time. Mr. Perry, do
you have some closing remarks?@
Mr. Perry: AYes.
I intended to say these things before.
I have had the enjoyment of being adjacent this land for some time that
I=ve enjoyed using and of course my preference
is that it not be developed but it is going to be developed and I don=t own it so I can=t dictate that and I have confidence that the
developers will and are planning a good program and I look forward to the
developments. My concern is to maintain
my own enjoyment and the value of my property at the same time and I hope the
Board will consider my requests in that viewpoint as reasonable requests as
part of this process. Thank you.@
Chairman Hawkins: AMr. Small, do you have final closing remarks?@
Mr. Small: ANo.@
Chairman Hawkins: ANow that the evidence has been presented and
the closing remarks concluded, it is appropriate for the Commissioners to discuss
the issues presented today. We can
either vote today and direct staff to bring back findings of fact, conclusions
consistent with the decision and the Board=s discussion or we can continue our discussion and decision to a later
date. But I remind the Board that the
Board must issue a written decision within 45 days of the conclusion of the
hearing. So with that in mind, I think
we=ve looked at a lot of evidence that=s been presented, various things to consider,
and Bill do you have any items that you want to discuss?@
Commissioner Moyer: AWell, I would like to see us take action
because of our schedule unfortunately this has been put off a couple of times
and as I indicated before it is the season you=ve got to move if you=re going to move on this type of development. It think the conditions that the staff have raised, I think the
only open one as far as, well two things, are what Angela would like to review
as far as the conditions, we could make that a condition and I would like to
see the twenty-foot natural easement between the development and Mr. Perry=s property.
And I would move that we approve this subject to state the conditions
that I just stated.@
Chairman Hawkins: AAnd if I could clarify that, that was the
conditions that had not already been met and the Planning Board recommendations
of which I think there=s a
list of those, the fire hydrants, there were several of those that you had
already met.@
Commissioner Moyer: AI can go back and enumerate them if you=d like.@
Chairman Hawkins: ADo we need to enumerate those for you, Angie?@
Ms. Beeker: AYes sir and then the other would be letting
the City bless their 5%.@
Chairman Hawkins: AAs well as your review of the covenants?@
Ms. Beeker: AYes sir.@
Chairman Hawkins: AWould you amend your motion?@
Commissioner Moyer: AThis will be Planning Board comments other
than number 1 which has been satisfied, number 5B which has been satisfied,
number 6 and number 9, as I understand it Karen. And the other conditions would still remain plus the, I guess,
indication from the City that either Roger Briggs has been authorized to act or
action from City Council if appropriate plus the twenty-foot easement between
Mr. Perry=s property.@
Chairman Hawkins: AAnd review of the covenants.@
Commissioner Moyer: AYeah, and review of the covenants.@
Ms. Smith: ADid you also want to note the watersupply
watershed protection condition 1 have been met?@
Commissioner Moyer: AI have checked that off Karen but if you
Chairman Hawkins: AIs that the notes on the plan? They have not been accomplished?@
Ms. Smith: AThey have been so that=s why, I think he was saying everything
Chairman Hawkins: AIf you would amend your motion to admit that
Commissioner Moyer: AWell, I was only dealing with Planning
comments but that=s fine
and we=ll eliminate that one as well.@
Chairman Hawkins: ADid you get the entire motion?@
Ms. Beeker: AI did.
The one thing I do want to point out, I realize this is Board=s discussion but for the sake of everyone understanding
when development can begin, the Ordinance says that you can=t issue the zoning compliance permit until at
least 75% of the open space is in existence and has reached the plan=s stage of development. So there=s still going to be some work that has to be done after the vote today
before he could actually begin to build houses. It=s in the Ordinance.@
Commissioner Gordon:
AI=m sorry I don=t
understand that. The open-space is
basically there, it=s
Ms. Beeker: AHe has to go and build the trails and things
that he=s showing on the plan, at least 75% of it has
to be done before he can get a zoning compliance permit. In your Zoning Ordinance,....@
Commissioner Gordon:
AIn other words, he has to build 75% of his
walking paths before he can start building houses?@
Ms. Beeker: AIt says no zoning compliance permit shall be
issued by the Zoning Administrator until at least 75% of the open space as
shown on the plat are in existence and have reached the plan stage development
shown on the plat and described in the application and accompanying
instruments. That=s why I asked him to go into exactly what he
plans to use the open spaces for.@
Commissioner Ward: AWouldn=t a map of the proposed trail or a trail be sufficient?@
Chairman Hawkins: ANo, it says it has to be built.@
Commissioner Ward: AWell a trail is a trail. I mean a dog can make a trail. I=ve got several cows and this has been a cow pasture. It=s made several trails.@
Commissioner Gordon:
AIn effect, we=d been better off then if we were not putting, or he would have been
better off, just to have said it was going to be open woods and left it at that
than he would with a trail because constructing a trail will hold up
everything. Right?@
Chairman Hawkins: AWell, I think it gets down to what Don=s pointing out, it says are in
existence. Well, certainly at the top
of the hill they=re already in existence and it=s open.@
Commissioner Moyer: AI guess the question on this is Angela=s interpreting, reached the plan stage of
development, I would have thought that we were, when he has a plan and the open
space is shown and I realize not legally dedicated but clearly indicated on the
plat that that would have been sufficient to move forward.@
Ms. Beeker: AAs I have read it, it=s up to the Board to interpret it, but as I
have read it if there are specific amenities or whatever that were going to be
part of that reserve common open space that that would have to been done, at
least 75% of it would have to be done.@
Commissioner Moyer: ALike if they were going to put a pool or
a.... gosh, that surprises me.@
Commissioner Gordon:
AThat=s very difficult to....@
Chairman Hawkins: AWell, let me suggest that we do this
Ms. Beeker: AYou can go ahead and vote.@
Chairman Hawkins: AWhat we have now is an interpretation of the
Zoning Ordinance, not whether or not the motion that=s on the floor...@
Commissioner Moyer: AWell, we could have Angela craft in the
findings and conclusions that for purposes of this development, we want the open
space clearly shown so there=s no question to it that the layout of everything be indicated and if
the final work of putting the topping or the surface on the walk or whatever it
be be completed as the development goes on.
And then I think that would be a reasonable way to go about it. I think I may also have to add to the motion
that we, so that Angie has it, that we specifically permit a model home to be
placed on one lot in accordance with the specifications in the final order.@
Chairman Hawkins: AAny other discussion on the motion on the
floor? Marilyn, do you want to think
about it a minute?@
Commissioner Gordon:
AWell, I agree with Bill that we do need to
take action today. I think it has gone
on long enough. And I do have concern
about the twenty-foot reserved easement on those lots. I=m not sure that there=s real justification for that and I understand Mr. Perry=s concerns but any land next to undeveloped
land is subject to change and certainly what=s being proposed is well within the parameters of what even the
ordinary zoning would=ve
allowed so I have a hard time justifying that provision. But since the developer has indicated he has
no problem with that or is willing to do that I would not want to hold up the
whole proceeding because of that and I would go ahead and agree to it but I
would want to be very clear that I would not consider that this was something
that would apply to every situation like this.@
Ms. Beeker: ACould you list the numbers of the lots that=s going to apply to?@
Commissioner Ward: AThat was one of my main things, I mean you
taking 50, 51, 45, you=ve got
some pretty good sized lots but when you get down to 41 and 37, it=s a small lot to get a twenty-foot easement.@
Commissioner Gordon:
AI can=t, I just....@
Commissioner Moyer: AWait a minute. You=ve got
an eighteen foot setback, you=re only increasing and making a natural two additional feet.@
Commissioner Gordon:
ABut what you=re doing is saying that they, it has to stay whatever it is and that
may be totally under, it may be good or it may not but it=ll have to stay that way.@
Commissioner Ward: AWell, one of the biggest things, if it was in
twelve-inch trees, it=d be
one thing, but there was a gentleman on the front row said there was a fence,
barbed-wire fence that was down and I=m assuming there=s a lot of briars and eventually you could be having poison oak and
kudzu and someone would like to go in there and clean it up and make it a
better neighborhood and with this easement, then no one can go in and clean up
the poison oak that=s the
grandkids run into.@
Commissioner Gordon:
AIt=s essentially no man=s land. It=s no man=s land and that concerns me.@
Commissioner Ward: AI live next to an easement and it grew up in
a, well I broke my easement, I went and cleaned up my lot.@
Commissioner Moyer: AWell, we can solve that Don with the wording
that Angie can put in there that you can go in and maintain in it and eliminate
the downed branches, whatever you want to do so that it can be maintained in an
attractive state. I don=t think we=re trying to avoid that. It=s just I don=t want
them to be able to go in and flatten it.@
Commissioner Ward: AWell and that was my concern.@
Commissioner Moyer: AWell why don=t I amend the motion that we put language in there to be maintained, it
can be maintained of injurious stuff like poison ivy, poison oak, kudzu,
fences, downed fences, so that it=d be maintained in a green and natural state, an attractive green and
natural state. Would that be alright
Mr. Ward?@
Commissioner Ward: AThat would be more appropriate.@
Ms. Beeker: AFor which lots?@
Chairman Hawkins: AWhat=s the numbers on there? 50,...@
Ms. Smith: A51, 52, are you saying, were you just saying
to be specified to your yard or...?@
Ms. Beeker: AIt=s separate from that. Different
Ms. Smith: ABecause it=s on either side.@
Ms. Beeker: AIt doesn=t....@
Ms. Smith: AOK.
51, 50, 46, 45, 44, 41, 37, and 36.@
Commissioner Ward: AWell, 36 borders the cemetery, doesn=t it?@
Ms. Smith: AThat=s right. Forget 36.@
Chairman Hawkins: AOK.
Did you get those numbers, Angie?@
Ms. Beeker: AI did.@
Ms. Corn: AThat was seven lots?@
Ms. Beeker: AYes.@
Chairman Hawkins: ASo we have a motion on the floor and I=ll try to briefly restate it and see if I can
capture all of it. Bill, if I miss some
of it you can help me. The motion is to
approve the open space development with stipulations that included those items
that were not, or have not already been addressed from the suggested
stipulations that was first presented by the Planning Board. Karen, I think you have those already
listed. The second provision was that
the covenants needed to be reviewed with the County Attorney. Additionally, the authority of the City
Planner to abandon their extraterritorial jurisdiction authority to the County
in this matter needed to be investigated and was contingent on that being a
fact which we still need to establish.
Additionally, those lots that are adjoining Mr. Perry=s to include in addition to the eighteen
feet, I guess actually an additional two feet, for a natural buffering with
adequate capability to access and maintain it so that it=s not just a run down area. Was that all?@
Commissioner Moyer: AModel home.@
Chairman Hawkins: AAnd a model home allowed on one of the lots
for your marketing purposes somewhere.@
Ms. Beeker: AAnd then the language about the open space
and the trails being developed as development occurs.@
Commissioner Moyer: AYes for purposes of this zoning compliance
provision, it will be so interpreted, that=s correct.@
Ms. Beeker: AOK.
And one last thing. On lot 46,
it=s a corner lot. It was listed in the list, I don=t...@
Commissioner Moyer: AIt may go into the angle. Technically, you could pick, it might go
into the angle that slight piece, I thought the same thing but it=s possible that if you do a radius you would
hit it. I think you=ve covered it but I think the way to phrase
the compliance of waiving the ETJ would be whatever the appropriate body,
whether Mr. Briggs or City Council, that we receive the appropriate waiver or
Chairman Hawkins: AIs that sufficiently capture of the
motion? All of those in favor of that
motion say aye. OK, and we=ll direct staff to come back with findings of
fact and we=ll make a written report to that extent.@
All voted in favor
and the motion carried.
Commissioner Gordon:
AMay I ask one thing, if staff would please
make a note, or if the Planning Department Head, would please make a note in
the zoning rewrite that we=re working on to make a note of this, that we=ve run into this 75% requirement in this and
we need to get that clarified.@
Commissioner Moyer: AMr. Chairman, I need to either request a
pause or longer pause since I have someone to pick up at five o=clock.
We need to deal with it somehow.@
Chairman Hawkins: AOK. I=ll make a motion that we go out of
quasi-judicial hearing at this time.
All of those in favor, say aye.@
All voted in favor
and the motion carried.
Chairman Hawkins: AI make a motion that we go into a
quasi-judicial hearing for Charlestown Place.
All of those in favor of that motion, say aye.@
All voted in favor
and the motion carried.
Chairman Hawkins: AThe Board acknowledges the petitioner Joe
Crowell Construction Incorporated and the staff as parties to the
proceedings. Are there any other
persons present who could demonstrate that they will be affected by the outcome
of the proceedings and who wish to be a party to the proceedings? Yes sir, would you please come forward and
state your name.@
Billingsley, 1606 Greenville Highway
ANathan Billingsley, 1606 Greenville Highway.@
Chairman Hawkins: AAnd are you adjacent to the property, sir?@
Mr. Billingsley: AYes I am.@
Chairman Hawkins: AAlright.
Anybody have any problems with that?
OK sir we=ll accept you as a party. Anyone else?@
Ms. Corn: AWe had two other people who had signed the
sheet. Judy Brown.@
Ms. Brown: AI=m not adjacent. We determined we=re not directly affected.@
Ms. Corn: AOK.
And Dan Fowler.@
Chairman Hawkins: AYou all got that sorted out? OK.
At this time, I=ll
request that all the parties to the proceeding and all witnesses that they
intend to call come forward to be sworn in.
It=s not as big a group as we had the last
time. Sir, are you going to be a
Gentleman: ANo, I=m part of the...I=m the developer.@
Commissioner Moyer: AAre you going to have anyone else speak Mr.
Crowell that will have to be sworn in later?@
Mr. Crowell: ANo.@
Ms. Corn: AOK.
That=s Mr. Crowell? They don=t have
to be sworn in since they... OK. Left
hand on the Bible and raise your right hand.@
Ms. Beeker: AI would do it again.@
Ms. Corn: ARaise your right hand. Do you swear or affirm that the testimony
that you shall give to the Board of County Commissioners shall be the truth,
the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God? Thank you.@
Chairman Hawkins: ADo you have everybody=s name, Ms. Corn? OK. Staff if you want to
make your introductory remarks?@
Ms. Smith: AAs with the first hearing, Chris is passing
out the agenda item, Chris they have that, mentioned items that the parties
have it, and also if you need copies of the Subdivision, except me, the Zoning
Ordinance sections that are relevant, let Chris know as he comes by. OK.
Mr. Joe Crowell has submitted an application for Charlestown Place, a
proposed Planned Unit Development in a
zoning district. The Zoning
Ordinance allows planned units development as a special use in the R-10
district. According to the Zoning Ordinance,
special use permits require a public hearing and approval by the Board of
Commissioners. The Zoning Ordinance
also requires the Planning Board recommendation on the special use permits. The proposed planned unit development is
located on US 25 South, Greenville Highway, just south of Shepherd Street. Chris has a map on the TV screen that shows
you where the parcel is and if you could just indicate where US 25 is
Chris. Thanks. The total tract size is 14.29 acres. Phase I is 11.94 acres and Phase II, 2.35
acres. The developer intends to build
52 units in Phase I. Permitting Phase
II would be for future development.
Zoning district allows density of 4.36 units per acre which is what the
applicant is proposing for the property.
In a planned unit development standard minimum lot size, setbacks and
frontage requirements are waived as long as the overall development plan
complies with the spirit and intent of the PUD standards.
The current owner of
the property is Ms. Helen Moxley Pace and family. According to the applicant, the ownership will be transferred to
a new corporation with Joe Crowell Construction as the majority stock holder
should this special use permit be approved.
At such time, Ms. Pace will retain a .48 acre portion of the tract. Chris will point to it.
Phase I will contain
twenty-six buildings with two town homes each for a total of fifty-three units
with communally owned open space. Each
town house will be served by City water, City sewer and private roads built to
NCDOT standards. The town homes will be
similar in architecture and exterior maintenance will be cared for through a
homeowners association. A walking trail
is proposed for the eastern portion of the property and sidewalks will be
located along Charlestown Drive. Phase
II is shown on the plan as a future development area. According to the applicant, this area will be reserved for the
possibility of trading land with an adjoining land owner, Mr. E. Cater Leland,
and also according to the applicant, any development proposed for Phase II will
meet the requirements of R-10 zoning.
This hearing has
been advertised in accordance with State law in the Henderson County Zoning
Ordinance. However, I did want to note
that there was a typographical error in the notice that went to the adjoining
land owners. It noted 3 o=clock am instead of pm. We did make an attempt to contact those
owners so that we wouldn=t have the same problem we=ve had with rescheduling. That
concludes staff=s opening comments.@
Chairman Hawkins: AThank you.
At this time, Mr. Crowell, would you like to present your evidence?@
Mr. Crowell: ACharlestown Place will be a condominium type
project similar to one that I=m just finishing, the Saddle Brooke Project, which is on Willow
Road. That has been received very well
in the community and so I have plans to continue with a similar type
product. The piece of land suits itself
very well for a project like that because it=s basically an open pasture with some wooded area at the far end there
we=re going to preserve as much of that wooded
boundary as possible and that=s where we intend to have our walking trail. We=ve tried to work to the topography with the
Loop Road through there. The entrance
will, along Highway 25 there=s a buffer of very mature trees, probably at least a hundred years
old. All of those trees will
remain. We have worked our entry
through those so that from Highway 25 you will not be able to see any of the
buildings in Phase I. So we=re thinking it=s going to be pretty well hidden, pretty well buffered and we should
have a very nice entrance. And that=s probably about all I can tell you about it
Chairman Hawkins: AOK.
Does any other parties or any Board member have a question for him?@
Commissioner Moyer: AI have a question for him. Would you clarify for the record, what you=re going to do. It=s showing on our records as a ten-foot
setback planted with white pines. Would
you clarify what you=re
going to do in that area?@
Mr. Crowell: ALet=s see, where we=re talking about? The buffer
Commissioner Moyer: AYeah.@
Mr. Crowell: AThat will be just a row of white pines that
will be basically a screen type buffer.
There are some homes and lots along there. Ms. Helen Moxley Pace lives there, I think owns two lots that
join that. That is the highest part of
the property and the property falls off from there. So this row of pines appears to be on the top of a berm so that
the people from Staton Woods for the most part should be looking over the
development and the roofs that you=ll see in that area.@
Commissioner Moyer: ABut there=s not going to be a berm? This
is just planted at ground level, is that what you=re talking about?@
Mr. Crowell: AWell the trees will be planted at ground
level but the first building will probably be six to eight feet lower than the
level of the trees because of the way it falls off. So there will be, you know, it will be a landscaped buffer that
will appear to be a berm from inside the property but from the outside it won=t. So
that=s why the buildings will be considerably
lower than the other property there.@
Chairman Hawkins: AAny other questions from the Board? Any other parties have a question for Mr.
Crowell at this time?@
Ms. Beeker: AI have a couple of questions. Do you intend to have a sales office and
model home as well?@
Mr. Crowell: AYes, we will build a unit that will operate
as a sales office model home.@
Ms. Beeker: AAre you actually intending for Phase II to be
incorporated in this permit or just Phase I because what I understood Karen to
say is that Phase II would just be developed in accordance with R-10.@
Mr. Crowell: AYes, at this time we don=t have a development plan for Phase II but we
don=t plan to try to re-zone or...@
Ms. Beeker: ABut you=re not asking for any special permission with regard to Phase II at
this time?@
Mr. Crowell: AThat=s correct, just are going to leave it zoned the way it is or just make
the statement that any development we do will be within the R-10 zone.@
Ms. Beeker: AOK.
Then with regard to the forest at the end, in your application you said
that it would be available to the surrounding communities. Could you talk about that?@
Mr. Crowell: AWell, it will not be fenced from the
surrounding communities. That is sort
of a stand of woods and there=s some single family home sites in Staton Woods that back into
that. The rear of some of those are
wooded also. So I guess what we mean
there is that our woods will be contiguous with their woods.@
Ms. Beeker: ABut you=re not actually intending to allow them access to walk on those walking
Mr. Crowell: AWe haven=t really planned to deny them access, you know, to the neighbors or
Ms. Beeker: AOK.@
Chairman Hawkins: AOn the front part of your plan up there where
you got your future development, how much road frontage do you have from, I
guess, where it comes into Billingsley up there, which I don=t think is part of it anyway.?@
Mr. Crowell: AHow much road frontage is on the future
Chairman Hawkins: ANo, on the one you=re asking for.@
Mr. Crowell: AThat was brought up at the Planning Board
meeting and there is a minimum amount of footage that that has to be and we met
that minimum. To tell you the truth,
Karen, do you know....?@
Ms. Smith: AThe minimum is 200 feet.@
Mr. Crowell: ASo it is 200 feet. We didn=t have
quite 200 feet on our initial plan so we lengthened it to the 200 feet.@
Chairman Hawkins: AAnd that doesn=t include any road frontage on the future development?@
Mr. Crowell: ANo, that=s all on Phase I of Charlestown Place.
The future development is probably more like 350 feet.@
Chairman Hawkins: AAny other questions? Karen, do you want to present your evidence
at this time?@
Ms. Smith: AWe are again passing items, the Planning Board
recommendations, staff comments, minutes from the Planning Board meeting and a
copy of the restrictive covenants.@
Chairman Hawkins: AWe=ll take just a few minutes to look through those, Karen.@
Ms. Smith: AOK.
The Henderson County Planning Board reviewed the application for
Charlestown Place for compliance with the Zoning Ordinance. At its May 25th, 1999 meeting the
Planning Board made a favorable recommendation to the Board of Commissioners
subject to certain conditions being included.
These conditions are spelled out on a memo that you have in front of you
and as in the last hearing for the record, I will proceed to read those unless
told otherwise. And again I will go
back and under staff comments note ones that have been satisfied if any later
Ms. Beeker: AKaren, were you present at the Planning Board
Ms. Smith: AI was present at the Planning Board meeting.@
Ms. Beeker: AIs it your testimony that this reflects the
recommendations of the Planning Board?@
Ms. Smith: AYes.@
Ms. Beeker: AMr. Chairman, it=s OK.
I don=t know that she needs to read these in
there. They=re in the record.@
Ms. Smith: AThat=ll suit me just fine.@
Chairman Hawkins: AWe=ll forego that. I think
everybody, all the parties have a copy of this document.@
Ms. Smith: AThey should at this point. OK, then staff will direct comments to the
staff memo and state that the majority of the conditions that were recommended
by the Planning Board were based on comments that staff had provided to them
prior to the meeting on May 25th.
Some of the items have been satisfied.
Staff does support the Planning Board=s recommendation. Let me point
out those conditions that have been met.
Condition number two
regarding road frontage. As Mr. Crowell
stated a few minutes ago, he had indicated at the Planning Board meeting that
he would reconfigure the road frontage to meet the Ordinance and has submitted
a revised plan that shows the required 200 feet of frontage. The revised plan is what was included in
your packets. It=s last revision date was noted as June 10th,
Regarding condition
number six, parameter requirements.
There are several parts to that section of the Zoning Ordinance. With regard to 6 A, setback in accordance
with the districts in which the project is proposed. Prior to meeting with the Planning Board the applicant had
proposed a ten foot setback along most of the property. After presenting the plan to the Planning Board
and discussing it, the applicant agreed to have a ten foot setback for all
structures around the entire property boundary. The revised plan submitted by the applicant shows a ten foot
setback along all property lines in Phase I except in the north sides of the
open space at the entrance where there are no structures proposed. Chris is showing on the screen where that
area is that is designated as open space.
Screening in a
manner approved by the Board of Commissioners.
This too has been, actually partially satisfied. The applicant intended to provide a buffer
for the southern boundary of Phase I on the original plan. The Planning Board wanted the Commissioners
to determine if a buffer was needed for the northern boundary of the property
after taking public comments at the hearing.
The developer has submitted a revised plan which shows the buffer on the
northern portion and so this would somewhat meet the Planning Board=s condition.
It also showed that the proposed buffer would be planted with white
pines. Commissioners may want to have
the applicant confirm that he intends to provide the buffer as shown on the
revised plan. Basically, what I=m saying is the Planning Board wanted you to
take comments on it but it looks like his revised plan is already intending to
do that so we may just need to clarify there.
Condition # 10 -
landscaping. The applicant after the
Planning Board meeting submitted a typical landscape plan. This was attached to your agenda item. I think it was the very last page of the
public hearing agenda item. This showed
the proposed landscaping around the proposed walled units.
Condition # 12 -
lighting. The revised plan does show
the proposed locations of outdoor lighting fixtures.
Condition # 13 -
restrictive covenants. This item has
been partially satisfied in that the applicant has submitted the covenants to
the Planning Department and staff has delivered these to the Interim County
Attorney for review. These still must
be reviewed as to legal form and effect for compliance with revisions of 200-33
of the Zoning Ordinance. The Board of
Commissioners must also review the covenants for suitability for the proposed
uses. This is a little different from
the previous hearing. There are some
specific requirements as far as these covenants consider. So again that=s been partially satisfied.
Condition number
fourteen regarding open space is also partially satisfied. The revised plan shows the total amount of
open space in Phase I is 9.8 acres.
This was not shown on the previous plan. We did ask, the Planning Board did ask that the applicant show
this. There are several open spaces
indicated on the plan; however, if there are any other open spaces the
applicant should indicate where these are.
I know it=s difficult on a concept type plan to
specifically show where those will be and outline them but if it=s possible to further delineate any open
space we=d like to have that shown.
The Zoning Ordinance
states that in order to grant a special use permit there are certain general
conditions and specific conditions which are noted on the application. Again that the use would not adversely
affect health and safety of the persons residing or working in the neighborhood
and that it will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to
property or public improvements in the neighborhood. And in making the findings, the Board of Commissioners shall
determine that satisfactory provision has been made concerning certain things
if applicable, ingress, egress, off street parking, loading, utilities,
buffering, playgrounds, open spaces, yards, access ways and pedestrian ways and
buildings and structures. Any
unsatisfied conditions recommended by the Planning Board, if the Board accepts
those and any other items deemed necessary by the Board may be listed by the
Board as conditions.
Are there any questions
of staff?@
Commissioner Moyer: AKaren before you move on, how about
clarifying 15 and what you=re looking for in 15 because I think you=ve given us a couple of options there and we=ve got...?@
Ms. Smith: A15?, I=m not sure...@
Commissioner Moyer: AI think I=m looking at the Planning Board recommendations, 15 is erosion and
sedimentation control.@
Ms. Smith: AOh, I=m sorry. The Planning Board=s recommendation, erosion and sedimentation
control. Evidence that a soil and
erosion control plan has been approved.
Generally, the State will issue a letter of approval and that, if we
could see that letter, but the issue then becomes at what point, prior to the
issuance of any zoning compliance for the town houses or, you know, at some
other point.@
Chairman Hawkins: AKaren, is the Ordinance now that reads that
basically says that you have to have submitted a plan and in any of the other
ordinances, is that correct?@
Ms. Smith: AAny of our other ordinances? The Subdivision Ordinance does require
before a final plat can be signed that the actual evidence of approval be
submitted. If this would involve a plat
of some sort that would be put on record, you know, again before that would be
put on record we could require it but I really think that staff needs to see
the evidence before any work begins.@
Chairman Hawkins: ADoes that answer your question, Bill?@
Commissioner Moyer: AI think we need to hear from Mr. Crowell with
respect to that at some point and I=m not aware that this was done before.
I just wondered why this came up in this situation.@
Ms. Smith: AThe erosion control?@
Commissioner Moyer: ANo, no.
The erosion is always there but the part about at a different point in
Ms. Smith: AYeah, the Subdivision Ordinance is very
specific about it but since the Subdivision Ordinance doesn=t apply here, the Zoning Ordinance doesn=t address any time frame.@
Chairman Hawkins: AOK.
Any other questions?@
Commissioner Gordon:
AI have a question. Karen, the condition # 14, the open space, is partially
satisfied. What else are we looking for
there because with condominiums all space other than the structure is open
space technically.@
Ms. Smith: ARight.
I think I just wanted to see if there=s anything else that=s not labeled. Let me point to
those on the map. This area by the
entrance is labeled open space, open space.
I assumed that the rest of this is but we may need some evidence. He states here 9.5 acres is and then I=m assuming that the full commons is also but
if, I guess just for the record I want to make sure that we=re including all the open space that=s not shown in buildings and roads.@
Mr. Crowell: AThat=s correct.@
Ms. Beeker: AThe restrictive covenants address that as
well. They say that common areas shall
be all of the property shown, and I=m assuming Exhibit A is going to be that, it=s not attached here, with the exception of
those portions upon which houses are built or shall be built. So I mean we could just put that in the
condition language, the same language.
Basically, what that=s saying is everything is open space except the footprints of the
Ms. Smith: AIf the covenants say that, that=s OK.@
Ms. Beeker: ADoes that satisfy you?
Ms. Smith: AYes.@
Commissioner Moyer: AWell while Mr. Crowell is there, can we go
back to 15 and get that resolved while we=re here?@
Mr. Crowell: AAbout the erosion control plan? Prior to disturbing any ground on the
project, we will be required by the State to have an erosion control plan which
we will have before we start grading which we can submit a copy to the Planning
Board or whoever would like to see that prior to breaking ground on the project
if that would satisfy everyone.@
Chairman Hawkins: AOK.
Does that clarify your question, Bill?
Anything over an acre, I think you have that.@
Commissioner Moyer: ABut it=s the at what point that Karen wanted the clarification on.@
Chairman Hawkins: AThat=s why I was asking her because I had read somewhere you had just to
have applied for it and then you got started and at some point you had to get
it back before you got the final plat but he says he=s already got it so...@
Mr. Crowell: AWe don=t have it yet but we really by the law we can=t start working until we do have it.@
Ms. Beeker: ADo you have to have it for the entire project
before you can start working?@
Mr. Crowell: AYes.@
Ms. Beeker: AFor the whole project?@
Mr. Crowell: ARight, if you disturb more than an acre of
Ms. Beeker: ANot just a portion? So you=ll
have it for the whole road and everything at one time?@
Mr. Crowell: AThat=s correct.@
Chairman Hawkins: AThank you.
At this time, if there=s no questions for Karen, let me ask for additional parties
evidence. I think Mr. Billingsley or...@
Mr. Billingsley: AThe reason I=m here is our property borders the proposed development on the northern
side, you see right there. And what, I=m currently living there with my wife and
three sons. It=s owned by my Mom. The situation that is a little bit disturbing to us is the
proximity of this Loop Road and how it comes exactly to the property line right
there on the northern end. I happen to
have sort of a sketch here. Just to
show you where our home is located right there, the bottom rectangle is the
location of where our home is and just to describe it to you, it=s about a two hundred years old log home that
we=ve considered having registered as a historic
site. It was once a post office here in
the area but we=ve renovated it and it=s been in our family about four
generations. The part that=s our concern is that at that one particular
point, that Loop Road as it comes right to the edge, the northern boundary of
the property, it=s basically right at our back door. We=re very close to the rear of our property. It=s about a three and half acre piece and it=s sort of a sanctuary back in the woods. Now I don=t want to impede the development of this situation here but what I
would like to ask for is more of a boundary and I noticed that was one of the
items six there was to be considered as a proper boundary be set up. Now I realize that a road is considered a
structure so there=s no
ten foot setback that would affect that, at least that=s my understanding. But, and the border of trees that I see the screening that was
adopted in the plan the plans are revised, as I understand, is ending right at
the edge of where that road touches.
Out toward 25, it says there, you know, right to the left, it shows the
buffer of trees but it stops right at my back door and I=ve got this road. Now I feel like if that road is where it=s proposed on that plan, that we=re going to have basically a lot of road
noise, we=re going to have onlookers, we=re going to have some negative effects so I
would like to ask that we have a setback in place there of some kind. That=s my request. Ten feet doesn=t seem like very much when we=re probably ten feet from the line
ourselves. OK? There are some trees, there=s some wooded area. Most of the property is a pasture but up at the northern end
there are some trees, scattered trees but it=s just that road being so close is what I=m here for. I think that if it=s built as it=s shown on the plan that it would have an adverse effect and it would
be injurious to the value of our property which we don=t ever plan to sell or develop but even so I
think it would be more injurious as it stands right now to our property.@
Chairman Hawkins: AAny questions for Mr. Billingsley from either
the Board or the other parties at this time?
Ms. Beeker: AYou said that structure is how far from the
property line in your estimation?@
Mr. Billingsley: ATen feet. Ten to fifteen feet tops. So I=m just imagining trees cleared out, a road
and cars driving by behind this structure.@
Ms. Beeker: AIs there any existing vegetation between
yourself and the line?@
Mr. Billingsley: AVery little. A few trees. I believe Ms. Moxley has an old barn there
that=s, you know, is in ill repair of course but
not very much, there=s not
much of a separation there.@
Chairman Hawkins: AAny other questions, right now? Thank you. Mr. Crowell do you have any kind
of rebuttal remarks that you would like to address to the situation that Mr.
Billingsley addressed to the Board or any other remarks?@
Mr. Crowell: AI can probably move that road ten feet. We can purposely put it there because he did
have such a cute house and wanted everybody to see it. No, I don=t think it will be a problem to pull that road back ten feet and
continue our buffer strip through there.@
Mr. Billingsley: ACan I ask Mr. Crowell a question? As the road is drawn and I saw there was a
diagram and I don=t know
if it=s this probably not here in my hand, but a
diagram of you know a culvert or a trench beside the road on this drawing, how
close is the pavement to that line? Is
there some separation also?@
Mr. Crowell: AYes the pavement is not as wide as the lines
that are drawn there. That=s the road right of way.@
Mr. Billingsley: AOK, so how far on each side of the road what
is the right of way you included in your plan?
Do we know that?@
Mr. Crowell: AWell, I=d have to refer to someone that=s not under oath of any kind.
Well, that is a, well there is a fifty foot right of way, a typical road
Mr. Billingsley: ANow would we be talking about a loop road or
a typical road at this point?@
Mr. Crowell: AWell, that=s a typical road, yeah. So if
we put a ten foot buffer there I would guess that you would probably, the
asphalt will probably be more like eighteen feet away from your property line.@
Chairman Hawkins: ADid that answer your question? OK.
Thank you.@
Ms. Beeker: ACan we have a copy of your sketch?@
Commissioner Gordon:
ACan I ask a question just to clarify? In other words, you=re saying that you could move the right of
way for the road over and put an additional ten foot buffer there or are you
saying that you could put the ten foot buffer on the existing right of way?@
Mr. Crowell: ANo, I will move the right of way over ten
feet and just continue that buffer strip through there. I think I can massage things in that corner
right there.@
Chairman Hawkins: AIs there any other questions from either the
Board or the parties at this time? If
not, we=ll move on to closing remarks, if there is
Mr. Billingsley: AMay I have one more question, please? As you say you can massage the plans a
little bit, I would appreciate it the more massaging you could do to move the
road as far away as you could. You know
I=m asking for a minimum but I would appreciate
the maximum as you can understand. I
don=t know if it could be looped on the other
side of one of the buildings or I don=t know...@
Mr. Crowell: ANo, no, what happens in a corner like that
with your minimum setbacks, to do that I might possibly have to make one of the
units smaller at this time. It=s a bigger deal than, you know, than it might
seem to massage it.@
Mr. Billingsley: AAlright.@
Chairman Hawkins: AThank you.
Mr. Crowell, did you have any closing remarks that you desire to make
other than what you=ve
already made? Staff do you have any
closing remarks?@
Ms. Smith: ANo sir.@
Ms. Beeker: AI=d like to ask about that it complies with all the...@
Chairman Hawkins: AOK, let me, does any of the additional
parties have any closing remarks? OK,
Angie you have some questions that you want...?@
Ms. Beeker: AWhichever staff member that reviewed this,
the closest if you could come up. Have
you reviewed this plan?@
Chris Timberlake: AI have.@
Ms. Beeker: AOK.
The recommendations of the Planning Board were based on, were they based
on your comments?@
Mr. Timberlake: AThat=s correct.@
Ms. Beeker: AOK.
Other than those things that you specifically noted then, is this plan
in compliance with all the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance?@
Mr. Timberlake: AIt is.@
Chairman Hawkins: AIs that all the questions you had? Now that all the evidence has been presented
and closing remarks concluded, it is appropriate for the Commissioners to
discuss the issues presented today. We
can either vote and direct staff to bring back findings of fact, conclusions
consistent with the decision of the Board=s discussion, or we can continue our discussion and decision to a later
date. I would remind the Board that we
have to make a written decision within forty five days. Is there any additional comments or
discussion that the Board wants to have at this time? Marilyn, do you have any additional areas that you want to
Commissioner Gordon:
AWell, I appreciate the parties presenting
both perspectives. I appreciate their
willingness to work this situation out very much.@
Chairman Hawkins: ADon, do you have any?@
Commissioner Ward: AWe saw this plan about three or four times so
I=m pretty well ready to vote.@
Mr. Crowell: AGrady, may I say one other thing? This in moving this road up ten feet, I just
wanted to make sure that that=s going to be something that I can do without having to present a new
plan to the Planning Board and come back before the Commissioners and delay my
project, if any.@
Chairman Hawkins: AI think it would be part of our findings and
therefore I don=t know that you=d have to come back to the Board.@
Ms. Beeker: ANo, but I was going to point out to the Board
some of the conditions reflect that Mr. Crowell has been asked, has asked, to
be able to move some of the buildings around and I do think that=s an aspect that the Board needs to decide
whether you=re willing to grant him that latitude and
what conditions you=re
going to put in place if he=s allowed to do that. And then
the other condition is I would like to do the same thing and review the
restrictive covenants with Mr. Crowell and make the approval subject to that
Chairman Hawkins: AI think the movement, the latitude to move
the buildings is just retain the fact that you still need to maintain the
twenty-foot separation, I think was one of the stipulations that the Planning
Board had.@
Ms. Beeker: AIt might be helpful for Chris to talk about
that a little bit just so you can understand, make sure everyone understands
what they=re talking about.@
Mr. Timberlake: AThe applicant has asked to be able to move
the buildings but continue to keep the twenty-foot separation. I guess he would also need to keep the
ten-foot setback around the perimeter buffer.
Mr. Crowell could also, the reason they=re asking for that is because some of the buildings will not be as
large as others. I think some may have
two car garages, some may have one and so you may have the aspect where some
buildings may be moved. I guess as
according to what they=re
showing on the plan, they may be situated a little bit different but there
still will be a twenty-foot setback between each building.@
Commissioner Moyer: AI think if the language reflected that the
number of units was not increased and the general character of the subdivision
was not changed, I think that would work fine.@
Chairman Hawkins: AAlong with your, Chris you still had the
minimum twenty-feet and all the other parameters?@
Mr. Timberlake: ARight.@
Chairman Hawkins: ABill, do you want to make a motion?@
Commissioner Moyer: AYeah, if you want me to give it a try. I move we approve it subject to the
conditions that the Planning Board has set forth in their memorandum dated
August 9th except for number 2 which I understand is not satisfied,
number 6A, number 10, number 12, and I think with respect to number 15, the
date would be that he received erosion and sedimentation control before any
substantial work has begun on the land, I think is where we ended up. Is that right Karen? And that he be permitted to place a for sale
unit on there and that he be permitted to move the road ten feet in from the
boundary with Mr. Billingsley without getting prior approval and that he would
continue the ten-foot buffer with the white pines between the road and Mr.
Billingsley=s property at that point recognizing that he=ll do the best he can do to move it as far
away as he can but that at the least there would be 10 feet.@
Mr. Billingsley: AMay I ask one more question? I don=t want to complicate it but as far as lighting, we talked about
lighting a few minutes ago, Chris indicated one light on that plan. Is that correct? Exterior street light?@
Mr. Timberlake: ANo there=s actually more than that, I just circled the ones that are you see
Mr. Billingsley: AIs that the closest light to my property
there, the one you just circled?@
Mr. Timberlake: AYes, well there=s one here in the corner I believe.@
Chairman Hawkins: AOK.
The one additional thing I think, Bill, was to review the covenants with
staff and Mr. Crowell. Did you get
Commissioner Moyer: ANo, I did not get that. And that the staff attorney, County
Attorney, I=m sorry, please forgive me, have an
opportunity to review the covenants and work out any changes with the
developer. Anything else? Don, anything else?@
Commissioner Ward: AThat=s fine. There=s no trails.@
Chairman Hawkins: AAngie, do we have what you needed?@
Ms. Beeker: AI have one other statement in that this is
with regard to Phase I only.@
Commissioner Moyer: AYou want that in the order? Then a Phase II would be specifically required
to come back subject to the conditions of R-10, any development would be
subject to R-10 conditions at a later date.@
Chairman Hawkins: AAny discussion on the motion? All of those in favor of that motion, say
aye. We=ll direct staff to come back with a findings of fact. I=ll make a motion that we go out of the quasi-judicial hearing. All those in favor of that motion, say
aye. Meeting is adjourned.@
All voted in favor
of both motions made by Chairman Hawkins and the motion carried.
The meeting was
adjourned at 5:55 pm.
Elizabeth W.
Corn, Clerk to the Board