OF HENDERSON July 21, 1999
The Henderson County Board of
Commissioners met for a regularly scheduled meeting at 9:00 a.m. in the
Commissioners' Conference Room of the Henderson County Office Building.
Those present were: Chairman Grady Hawkins, Vice-Chair Bill
Moyer, Commissioner Renee Kumor, Commissioner Don Ward, Commissioner Marilyn
Gordon, County Manager David E. Nicholson, and Clerk to the Board Elizabeth W.
Also present were: Interim
Planning Director Karen C. Smith, Staff Attorney Jennifer O. Jackson, and
County Engineer Gary Tweed.
Absent was: Assistant County
Manager/Interim County Attorney Angela S. Beeker.
Chairman Hawkins called the
meeting to order and welcomed all in attendance.
Commissioner Gordon led in the
Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.
David Nicholson gave the
Chairman Hawkins asked that item AD@ under staff reports be deleted - AAbandonment of Mud Creek Cemetery
Road (SR #1165). The petition had been withdrawn.
Chairman Hawkins stated that two
Public Hearings scheduled for 11:00 had been canceled, Creekside and
Charlestown. They were rescheduled
during AImportant Dates@ on the agenda.
Chairman Hawkins stated that two
items listed under ADiscussion Items@ were to be presented by County
Assessor, Robert Baird. He received a phone call from Robert Baird=s sister this morning stating that
Mr. Baird had been hospitalized and would not be present at the meeting;
therefore, those two items will not be discussed at length. Chairman Hawkins stated that he would like
to briefly discuss the property addressing item and postpone the other item.
Chairman Hawkins asked that two
items be added under Pending Issues: VWIN reporting as #2 and discussion of a
letter received from Mayor Parrish as #3.
David Nicholson asked that Phase
IV be changed to Phase VI on AE@ under the Consent Agenda.
Commissioner Moyer asked that two
items be added to Pending Issues: ABHWA by-laws as #4 and Update on the Jail
Project as #5.
Commissioner Moyer expressed
concern regarding the two canceled public hearings. This is twice that the
public hearings have been canceled.
These applications were filed in April. He felt that the delay creates a
hardship on the developers. He also stated concern regarding citizens who had
planned to attend the meeting to address these issue.
It was the consensus of the Board
to approve these changes to the agenda.
Chairman Hawkins made the motion
to approve the Consent Agenda as revised.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
The CONSENT AGENDA included the
Minutes were presented for review
and approval of the June 15, 1999 special called meeting.
Notification of Vacancies
The Board was notified of the
following vacancies which will appear under ANominations@ on the next agenda:
1. Downtown Hendersonville, Inc. -
1 vac.
2. Alliance for Human Services - 1
Capital Improvements Project
The Capital Improvements Project
Reports for the month of June were presented for the Board=s review.
Resolution Concerning Financing of
Voting Machines
At its meeting on July 6, 1999,
the Board of Commissioners approved the purchase of thirty (30) voting machines
for the Board of Elections and authorized the financing of the purchase through
Branch Banking and Trust Company (ABB&T@). A resolution is needed to memorialize the terms that the Board
agreed to with respect to the financing.
Staff had prepared a Resolution
for consideration by the Board. It states that the Board is financing the
amount of $149,850 with BB&T at an annual interest rate of 4.79% over a
term of five (5) years with payments being made quarterly. It also authorizes
the appropriate Staff to take such actions as are necessary to complete the
Adoption of the Resolution would
allow Staff to continue finalizing the paperwork associated with this
Improvement Guaranty for High
Vista Falls Subdivision, Phase VI Corrected Preliminary Plan
At its July 6, 1999 meeting, the
Board of Commissioners approved the application for Improvement Guaranty for
High Vista Falls, Phase VI, a major subdivision located off NC Highway #191 in
Henderson and Buncombe Counties. As a
reminder, the improvement guaranty that was previously approved was in the form
of a letter of credit issued by Peoples Bank in the amount of $196,562. This
letter of credit guarantees the completion of the road and drainage, water, and
sewer improvements by July 1, 2000. A
copy of the original application and supporting documentation, the Agreement
and the Letter of Credit were submitted for the Board=s review.
The preliminary plan provided at
the July 6 meeting, upon which the Board took action, showed incorrect phase
numbers. The original preliminary plan
that was submitted to the Board showed a 50 unit phase as Phase VI and an 18
unit phase as Phase V. These two phases
were inadvertently switched on the plan. A corrected plan was submitted today
to the Board correctly showing the 18 unit phase as Phase VI.
Staff had brought this correction
to the Board=s attention and asked that the
Board approve the Performance Improvement Guaranty Agreement based upon the
corrected preliminary plan. The Board
noted that none of the provisions of the Agreement or of the Letter of
Credit had changed. The Planning Department recommended the approval of this
improvement guaranty and the Staff Attorney was willing to certify the
Agreement as to form.
Staff=s request was for the Board to
approve the application for improvement guaranty for the corrected Phase VI of
High Vista Falls.
Tax Collector=s Report.
Terry F. Lyda, Tax Collector, had
provided the Tax Collector=s Report as of July 5, 1999 for the Board=s information.
Henderson County had been awarded
two Achievement Awards for 1999 by the National Association of Counties. These Awards were for the Sheriff=s Citizens Academy and the
Community Parks Program.
Chairman Hawkins presented the
plaque to Sheriff Erwin for the Sheriff=s Citizen=s Academy in recognition of an innovative
program which contributes to and enhances county government in the United
States, a program that on the initiative of the Sheriff=s Department has made many
citizens in our community more aware of the activities of law enforcement and
public safety.
He presented the plaque to Tim
Hopkins for the Community Park Partnership Program in recognition of an
innovative program which contributes to and enhances county government in the
United States. This program is within
our Parks and Recreation Department that has worked hand in hand with the
community at large, particularly in East Flat Rock and Etowah for development
of parks.
Both of these programs have
contributed significantly to our community. Duplicate copies of the awards will
be displayed in the Commissioners= Meeting Room as are several previous awards.
The Commissioners congratulated
both departments on such fine programs.
Commissioner Kumor stated that
when the Sheriff started the Sheriff=s Citizens Academy, he sent a request over to the
Commissioners to include a section on the agenda so that as they discuss law
enforcement he makes sure that he gives the citizens an opportunity to
understand how law enforcement fits into the county budget and county
operations. She felt that the Board has
gained by being able to make that presentation and expressed her appreciation
for that opportunity.
Commissioner Moyer asked for
action on this item which was listed under the Consent Agenda. The Alliance will have their reorganization
Board Meeting on July 28 and he asked that the Board name their representative
today so that they may attend that reorganization meeting.
Chairman Hawkins nominated
Commissioner Moyer to succeed himself on this Board. He was appointed by acclamation.
The County Engineer, Gary Tweed,
had obtained pricing for use of private trucking companies to provide equipment
and driver for the transport of recyclable materials from the County=s Recycling Center to FCR, Inc.,
located in Greenville, S.C.
Two proposals were reviewed with
the Board by Mr. Tweed, one from STS, Inc. and one from Charlie Walker. STS, Inc. provides the current transport of
solid waste and has made a proposal.
The proposals differ in that STS,
Inc. will charge a per load rate along with a weekly equipment rental
rate. Charlie Walker proposed only a
per load rate. Therefore, the total
cost would be dependent upon the number of loads required to operate the program.
Currently, we are handling approximately 150 tons per month of recyclable
materials. It is estimated that we will
average approximately 15 tons per load or 10 loads per month. On that basis the following cost comparison
was made:
STS, Inc. 10 loads per month @ $200/load $2,000
Equipment Rent
@ $225/week 900
Cost/Month $2,900
Walker 10 loads per month @ $300/load $3,000
Based on the above, as the program
grows, STS, Inc. will provide the lower cost.
Should the County go to a County wide ABlue Bag@ program, we would expect the volumes of recyclables to
increase substantially. Since STS, Inc. per load rate is the lowest, then their
charges would be the lowest for increased volume. He recommended that STS, Inc. be used for the transport of the
Following much discussion,
Commissioner Moyer made the motion to proceed with the contract with STS, Inc.
on an interim basis but to take another look at this in six months. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Part of the discussion was the
Board=s concern to be fair with local
companies and allow them the same opportunities of larger companies. There was some discussion regarding the
format of the proposals. It was felt
that if we get into this program for six months and see exactly what we are
dealing with, then we could bid it again and Mr. Walker would know what he
would have to deal with and other proposals could be accepted. This would also give the County the most
Commissioner Kumor raised the
issue of qualifying bidders.
The Board had directed Staff to
prepare an Agreement to outline the various matters that the Board of
Commissioners and Blue Ridge Community College have agreed to with respect to
the property located on South Allen Road and College Drive. A draft Agreement was submitted for the
Board=s review and Jennifer Jackson
reviewed same with the Board. Parts of the Agreement were discussed in
Jennifer Jackson stated that it
would be appropriate for the Board to approve the Agreement for execution
either as proposed or as the Board may wish to revise. It would also be appropriate to authorize
the Chairman and the Clerk to the Board to execute the deed upon Henderson
County=s receipt of the fully executed Agreement
from Blue Ridge Community College.
Because of several questions that
were raised, Mr. Nicholson gave some background as follows: The Board=s discussion with Dr. Sink at a
budget workshop at the library is what brought this about. The Board asked Staff to draft up an
Agreement stating that this land was being used for a match for a Grant for the
Auditorium. The Board informed Dr. Sink
that they may want to build a county building on the property in question and
wanted an agreement drafted so that the college would clearly understand that
at some point in time the County Commissioners may want to use that property
for other purposes.
Commissioners Moyer and Gordon had
some real concerns with the Agreement as drafted feeling that if the Community
College uses the piece of property as a match to obtain a grant and then
Henderson County wished to use the piece of property for county purposes
(construction of a county building) then the county would have to reimburse the
Community College or substitute another piece of property for the grant
Following much discussion,
Chairman Hawkins asked staff to do some more research on this item
(requirements for the match) and bring this back on the next meeting agenda.
ROAD (SR#1165)
This item had been withdrawn. The
Village of Flat Rock and NC Department of Transportation are working on this
Inspection Staff
Mr. Nicholson stated that
currently we have staffed and budgeted for two temporary employees within the
Inspection Department. Mr. Laughter=s request was for an additional
full-time employee and funds for one temporary position. Mr. Laughter explained that the two persons
who are currently working in temporary slots are no longer able to work for
Mr. Nicholson recommended the
Board consider approving Mr. Laughter=s request for the creation of this permanent position and
funding for one temporary part-time position. The new Inspection fees schedule
should cover any additional costs.
Commissioner Gordon made the
motion to change the position to full time with one temporary. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Mayor Parrish letter - add-on by Chairman Hawkins
On July 8 he received a letter
from Mayor Parrish(copied to each Commissioner). Mayor Parrish suggested that
in lieu of hiring a part time Executive Director for the Greenway Commission
that we utilize some of the resources from Land of Sky. Mayor Parrish is the current Chairman of
Land of Sky Regional Council of Governments. He also offered office space,
phones, copying machine and other staff members, etc.
It was the consensus of the Board
that the Chairman send a letter to the Greenways Commission supporting Mayor
Parrish=s proposal.
VWIN reporting - add-on by Chairman Hawkins.
Chairman Hawkins spoke briefly
about an editorial in this morning=s newspaper and corrected two errors in that editorial
regarding the silent transfer of monies to the Health Department and
Commissioner control of the Board of Health.
He stated that there was nothing silent about the transfer of money and
stated that the insinuation about having a report delivered that satisfies the
Board versus whatever the report actually is was also blatantly incorrect.
The Commissioners stated that the
VWIN program and the corresponding funding were being placed under the Board of
Health because the Health Department was in a better position than the
Commissioners to evaluate the VWIN, the reports we are receiving concerning
water quality and the other water quality programs administered by the State. The Board of Health could then make
recommendations to the Commissioners concerning the program and how the County
should proceed. This approach is
identical to what has been done with respect to Human Services funding with the
Alliance for Human Services and several other areas.
ABHWA by-laws - add-on by Commissioner Moyer.
He attended an ABHWA (Asheville,
Buncombe, Henderson Water Authority) Board meeting yesterday morning. He had
distributed a draft of the revised by-laws of ABHWA. Changes have been drafted
to include Henderson County in accordance with the agreement entered into some
time ago. An issue was raised
concerning Henderson County=s representation on the Board.
Henderson County has two people on a nine person Board, one of which may
be a member of the Henderson County Board of Commissioners. Mr. Moyer expressed to ABHWA that Henderson
County wished to have one of the Commissioners as an active member of the ABHWA
Board but if that person ceases to be a Commissioner for any reason, then the Board
should have the right to appoint a
replacement. This has raised a lot of
controversy at the ABHWA Board level.
There is a strong feeling by several Board members that the term should
be three years, including the designated representative from each of the Boards
and should not be changed even if that person is no longer a local Board
member. Commissioner Moyer expressed that was not what Henderson County wanted
and he requested a change in the by-laws.
It was voted down yesterday but he moved to have it deferred and
reconsidered at the meeting next month.
Mr. Moyer brought this up to be
sure he was expressing the consensus of the Board and asked if the
Commissioners wished him to pursue this change in the by-laws of ABHWA.
It was the consensus of the Board
that they did indeed wish to have a current Commissioner serving as an active
member of the ABHWA Board. There was
some discussion that if this change did not occur in the bylaws that Henderson
County could make a change in their Policies and Procedures to accomplish the
same thing. Henderson County could request an undated resignation from their
Commissioner appointee to the ABHWA Board in advance stating that when their
term ends their resignation would be effective.
It was the consensus of the Board
that Commissioner Moyer continue to pursue the change in by-laws of ABHWA.
Update requested
Commissioner Gordon stated that
while on the subject of ABWA, the deed is in process for the property that was
a part of that agreement at Bent Creek.
She asked that Staff give the Board some type of update on whether this
deed complies with the terms of the agreement as it was originally made. She requested this within the next week or
Jail update
Commissioner Moyer requested
someone report what is currently happening with the Jail Project.
David Nicholson thanked Mr. Moyer
for placing this on the agenda. Last week County Staff (Sheriff Erwin, Bill
Byrnes, Carey McLelland, David Nicholson, and Commissioner Kumor) met with the
Local Government Commission (LGC) Staff which was a positive meeting. They
reviewed the county=s financial position and went
through the need for the project. After
seeing pictures of our current Jail the LGC quickly understood the need for the
new Jail. The purpose for the meeting
was to obtain an application to apply to the LGC for the right to obtain funds.
Henderson County did get an application and will begin to process it. The LGC suggested that this project and the
schools projects be considered under an installment contract to save the County
some money in administrative costs.
Staff will research this to see if it would be cost effective for
Henderson County to pursue. Mr.
Nicholson stated that our Bond Council from New York and our Financial Advisor
from Charlotte will both be in Asheville this Friday and he plans to meet with
them and discuss all options.
There was some discussion of a
Resolution which would allow the Board to recapture some of their expenses and
the School Board=s expenses for these projects,
reimbursement for up-front expenses.
David also plans to discuss this with the Bond Council on Friday.
He discussed briefly the zoning
issue - Hendersonville changed its Zoning Ordinance a few years ago. Even though the City approved our master
plan for the new jail facility several years ago, we still have to go through a
change in zoning and a special use permit.
We have currently been through 2.5 steps of a 3 step process:
neighborhood compatibility meeting, meeting with the City Planning Board. Mr. Nicholson suggested that the Board of
Commissioners hold a workshop on the Jail next Monday before the City Planning
Board meets again. This would give the
Commissioners an opportunity to look at the drawings and the elevations of the
Henderson County is currently
moving dirt on the site.
Chairman Hawkins stated the need
to reschedule the Safety Net Zoning Workshop.
This was set for 3:00 p.m. on Monday, July 26. The Jail Workshop will be
brief and will be the first item on the agenda.
Chairman Hawkins made the motion
to set Public Hearings at 3:00 p.m. on Monday, August 9 for:
Special Use
Permit Application #SP-99-02 by Mr. Maxie Small for Creekside - A Proposed
Residential Open-Space (R-O)
Special Use
Permit Application #SP-99-01 by Joe Crowell
Inc. for Charlestown Place - A Proposed
Planned Unit
Development (PUD).
Commissioner Kumor made it known
that she could not be present for the Public Hearings as she would be out of
town. Chairman Hawkins asked if she had
a problem with the Board holding the Public Hearings in her absence. She did not. She felt that due to the fact that they had already been canceled
twice, that the Public Hearings should be held as soon as possible.
All voted in favor and the motion
There was discussion of scheduling
a meeting with the Chamber of Commerce to discuss economic development
guidelines. It was the consensus of the Board to schedule this meeting
tentatively for August 23 at 3:00 p.m.
David Nicholson was asked to check with the Chamber to see if this would
be a suitable date for them.
There was discussion of setting a
workshop with the Tax Collector and the Tax Assessor. Chairman Hawkins informed the Commissioners that he had received
the Tax Collector=s preliminary report and it is on
the desk in the office. He asked them
to take time to review the thick document.
After some discussion, it was decided to wait to schedule this meeting
at the August 2 meeting.
Chairman Hawkins scheduled a
Budget Workshop for August 24 at 3:00 p.m.
Chairman Hawkins made the motion
to hold the Public Hearing on Habitat for Humanity CDBG on August 9 at 3:00
p.m. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Commissioner Moyer stated that he
had gotten a letter on Mud Creek and no one had gotten to attend the meeting on
July 12. A follow up meeting will be on
July 28. It was the consensus of the
Board to have someone attend from the Planning Department as well as
Commissioner Moyer to represent the Board.
There were none.
Commissioner Kumor made the motion
for the Board to adjourn as Henderson County Board of Commissioners and convene
as Cane Creek Water & Sewer District Commissioners. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Commissioner Kumor made the motion
for the Board to adjourn as Cane Creek Water & Sewer District Commissioners
and reconvene as the Henderson County Board of Commissioners. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Commissioner Kumor made the motion
for the Board to go into Closed Session pursuant to NCGS 143-318.11 for the
following reasons:
1. (a)(1) To prevent disclosure of information that is privileged or
confidential pursuant to the law of this State or of the United States, or not
considered a public record within the meaning of Chapter 132 of the General
Statutes, in accordance with and pursuant to NCGS 143-318.10(e) and Article II
of Chapter 11 of the Henderson County Code.
2. (a)(3) To consult with an attorney employed or retained by the public body
in order to preserve the attorney-client privilege between the attorney and the
public body, which privilege is hereby acknowledged. To consult with an
attorney employed or retained by the public body in order to consider and give
instructions to the attorney with respect to the following action:
Carolina=s PCS, LP d/b/a Bell South
Mobility DCS
vs. Henderson County;
County File No. 98-CVS-639.
3. (a)(6) To consider the qualifications, competence, performance, character,
fitness, conditions of appointment, or conditions of initial employment of an
individual public officer or employee or prospective public officer or
employee; or to investigate a complaint, charge, or grievance by or against an
individual public officer or employee.
All voted in favor and the motion
Commissioner Ward made the motion
for the Board to go out of Closed Session.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
There was no action taken due to
the Closed Session.
Permit Application #SP-99-02 by Mr. Maxie Small for Creekside - A Proposed
Residential Open-Space (R-O) Development.
This Public Hearing had been
canceled and rescheduled for 3:00 p.m. on August 9.
Permit Application #SP-99-01 by Joe Crowell Construction, Inc. For Charlestown
Place - A Proposed Planned Unit Development (PUD)
This Public Hearing had been
canceled and rescheduled for 3:00 p.m. on August 9.
Amendments to the Zoning Ordinance for Manufactured Home Parks and Proposed
Companion Amendments to the Manufactured Home Park Ordinance
Chairman Hawkins made the motion
to go into Public Hearing. All voted in
favor and the motion carried.
Karen C. Smith stated that after
sending a final draft of the Manufactured Home Park Ordinance to the Board of
Commissioners, the Henderson County Planning Board began working on some
proposed amendments to the Zoning Ordinance. The intent of the Zoning
amendments was to make the standards in the Zoning Ordinance compatible with
those in the newly adopted Manufactured Home Park Ordinance. In drafting the Zoning amendments, Staff and
the Planning Board found that we also need to touch up a few places in the
Manufactured Home Park Ordinance. In
addition, the Planning Board looked at two specific amendments the Board of
Commissioners had requested, namely exempting migrant housing from the
requirements of the ordinances and setting a limit on the number of pre-1976
manufactured homes or mobile homes allowed in new parks or expansions to
existing parks.
This public hearing is on both
sets of amendments to both ordinances, Zoning and Manufactured Home Parks. The hearing has been advertised in
accordance with the requirement of those ordinances as well as State law.
Karen then reviewed briefly the
proposed amendments. There are four
proposed amendments to the Henderson County Zoning Ordinance regarding
Manufactured Home Parks:
1. Amendment #1 - Definitions
Redefines manufactured home,
manufactured home park and mobile home and deletes the definition of mobile
home park to conform with definitions in the Manufactured Home Park Ordinance.
2. Amendment #2 - Standards for
Manufactured Home Parks
Replaces the current standards for
manufactured home parks in the Zoning Ordinance with the standards in the
Manufactured Home Park Ordinance so that the same standards apply to zoned and
unzoned areas. Exceptions and points of
clarification are noted as necessary for compatibility between the two ordinances
and for legal reasons.
3. Amendment #3 - Revising Site
Conditions for Manufactured Home Parks in the RM-1 District removes the note
from the site conditions for manufactured home parks in the RM-1 district so
that the standards in Section 200-34 will apply.
4. Amendment #4 - Deleting
Off-Street Parking Requirements
Removes the parking requirement
for manufactured home park from the off-street parking standards section of the
Zoning Ordinance because parking is addressed in the Manufactured Home Park
There are eight proposed
amendments to the Manufactured Home Park Ordinance:
1. Amendment #1 - Jurisdiction
Changes the jurisdiction of the
Manufactured Home Park Ordinance so that it can be applied in zoned areas.
2. Amendment #2 - Compatibility
with the Zoning Ordinance
Ties the Manufactured Home Park
Ordinance to the Zoning Ordinance for application in zoned areas.
3. Amendment # 3 - Certificates of
Clarifies that developers may
obtain zoning permits for manufactured homes and other buildings in a
manufactured home park once a Certificate of Completion is issued.
4. Amendment #4 - Migrant Housing
Exempts migrant housing, as
defined in the Migrant Housing Act of North Carolina, from the requirements of
the Manufactured Home Park Ordinance.
5. Amendment #5 - Manufactured
Home Park Ordinance Administrator
Specifies that in zoned areas, the
Zoning Administrator shall serve as the Manufactured Home Park Ordinance
Administrator for consistency in administering the Zoning Ordinance.
6. Amendment #6 - Review of
Variances by the Board of Adjustment
clarifies that the Board of
Adjustment is the review authority for variances from manufactured home park
standards in zoned areas because the Board of Adjustment handles all variances
from standards in the Zoning Ordinance.
The amendment also provides a time frame for action on Manufactured Home
Park Construction Permit application following issuance of a variance.
7. Amendment #7 - Review of
Appeals by the Board of Adjustment
clarifies that the Board of
Adjustment is the review authority for appeals of denials of Manufactured Home
Park Construction Permit applications because the Board of Adjustment handles
all appeals from decisions related to the Zoning Ordinance.
8. Amendment #8 - Unit Type
Sets a limit on the number of Amobile homes@ (pre-1976 units) allowed in new
manufactured home parks and expansions to existing parks.
Karen C. Smith informed the Board
that the Planning Board has made a recommendation on both sets of amendments on
May 25, 1999. They recommended in favor
of all four of the amendments to the
Zoning Ordinance; however, they wished to note that they would like the Board
of Commissioners to reconsider the number of units that constitute a park. Whatever the Board decides, the Planning
Board wants both Ordinances to be consistent.
As for the proposed amendments to the Manufactured Home Park Ordinance,
the Planning Board voted unanimously to send a favorable recommendation on the
first seven amendments. Regarding amendment # 8 on the pre-1976 units, the Planning
Board felt that older units and their regulation should be a park owner
decision. Karen then reviewed briefly
with the Board some Staff comments regarding the proposed amendments for the
Board=s consideration prior to the
scheduled July 27 workshop.
The Manufactured Home Park
Ordinance gave Staff six months from the date of adoption to complete an
inventory. The Planning Department has
started that inventory. They have sent
notices and registration forms to all the park owners and those are coming back
in en mass. However, they will be
hiring some temporary staff to go out and verify the information in the field
and that may take longer than the six months the Ordinance allots. She asked the Board to consider extending
that another three months. A work
session is scheduled for Tuesday, July 27 on both of these ordinances.
Public Input
There was none.
Commissioner Kumor made the motion
for the Board to go out of Public Hearing.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Development Block Grant for the Mountain Home Industrial Park Sewer Project.
Commissioner Kumor made the motion
for the Board to go into Public Hearing.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Jim Erwin informed the Board that
grant regulations require a public hearing be held to receive citizen input in
the performance of project activities associated with the County=s 1994 Community Development Block
Grant (CDBG) Economic Development Project.
Funds in the amount of $292,000 were awarded to Henderson County to be
used to assist with the construction of sewer facilities to serve Kyocera
Industrial Ceramics Corporation and Printpack Inc., two manufacturing plants
located in the Mountain Home Industrial Park in Henderson County, North
Carolina. The budget for the project
was $382,830 with $292,000 being the grant and $90,830 being county
funding. The total actual cost of the
project was $380,855, making the project $1,975 under budget. The facilities constructed included 511 feet
of 8" diameter gravity sewer line, 9,880 feet of 6" diameter force
main and a wastewater pump station. The
pump station is located in front of the Kyocera Plant and the force main was
installed along the Mountain Home Industrial Park road to US Hwy #25 and then
along US Hwy #25 to Berkeley Road. A
portable generator was purchased to provide back up electric power for the pump
Jim Stokoe, Assistant Director of
Land of Sky Regional Council of Governments made some comments about the CDBG
and discussed the required creation of jobs.
The companies made a formal commitment to create 22 new positions
between the two of them during the two year hiring period of September 22, 1994
to October 16, 1996. They actually
created 62 jobs. Fourteen of the
positions were committed to be filled with low to moderate income persons but
actually 40 were filled with low to moderate income persons. They far exceeded their total job creation
commitments and also far exceeded their low and moderate income hiring
commitments over the two year period.
Public Input
1. Ray Cantrell - Mr. Cantrell spoke on behalf of
the Committee of 100 of the Greater Hendersonville Chamber of Commerce and
thanked the Board for following through on this project. It saved jobs and created new jobs in
Henderson County.
Mr. Erwin stated for the public
record that this public hearing was advertised on July 11, 1999.
Chairman Hawkins made the motion
for the Board to go out of Public Hearing.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Chairman Hawkins stated that due
to Mr. Baird=s absence, the Board will revisit
this issue.
The E-911 Ordinance set the county
in motion for some property readdressing to deal with a variety of issues, i.e.
duplicate street names and streets with no names assigned. Staff has been
working on these issues. The next
problem that came up dealt with county-wide distance based addressing and how
that related to the municipalities.
Some of the municipalities indicated that they did not wish to follow
the county=s addressing system. During the recent NACo Conference in St.
Louis, Chairman Hawkins talked with a company who indicates that they have the
software capability of marrying up distance based addressing with the municipalities
addressing systems.
It was the consensus of the Board
to have our Information Technology staff contact this company to see what they
have to offer.
the agenda.
There being no further business to
come before the Board, Chairman Hawkins adjourned the meeting at approx. 11:30
Elizabeth W. Corn, Clerk Grady Hawkins,