Henderson County Board of Commissioners met for a regularly scheduled meeting
at 5:30 p.m. in the Commissioners' Meeting Room of the Historic Courthouse on
Main Street, Hendersonville.
present were: Chairman Bill Moyer, Vice-Chairman
present were: Finance Director Carey McLelland, Planning Director Anthony
Starr, Engineer Marcus Jones, Tax Assessor/Collector Stan Duncan, Solid Waste
Manager Will Sager, Research/Budget Analyst Amy Brantley, PIO Intern Christy
DeStefano, and Officer David Pearce (Security).
Moyer called the meeting to order and welcomed all in attendance.
Becca Janowiak
of the American Clovers 4-H Club led the Pledge of Allegiance to the American
Manager Steve Wyatt gave the invocation.
Brown – Ms. Brown commented on behalf of ECO (Environmental and Conservation
Organization) about the solid waste feasibility plan being presented during the
meeting. She is a member of the ECO
Recycling Committee, a group of a dozen people who meet regularly to discuss
local, regional and national waste reduction issues. Among their many projects, recently they
coordinated a trip for the ECO members and the Solid Waste Advisory Committee
to visit the locations of waste and recycling markets in upstate South
Carolina. She stated that representatives
from McGill and Associates will make recommendations on overhaul of the Stoney
Mountain Transfer Station as well as changes in the collection system that will
affect all citizens. ECO would like to recommend that the Board of
Commissioners move on these changes that are long overdue. She noted that in May 2008 the Board approved
a 20 year vision plan for the Solid Waste Department and in May 2009 the Solid
Waste Management plan was approved that informed the State of the County’s
intentions to change. ECO supports the
plan and its focus for improving safety, efficiency of collection, compliance
with state mandates, and the conservation of resources. ECO feels that the recommendations, if
approved and followed, have the ability to move our County from offering poor
to average waste and recycling services to becoming a model for other counties
to follow. ECO would like to see the County’s education of its citizens stepped
up so everyone will know why waste reduction is important and the basics of
how, when and where to prepare the materials for recycling. In order to get the public to participate
there will have to be good incentives as well as lots of education. ECO supports the recommendations of these
consultants and hopes that the Board will give it their blessing in order to
move forward to fix the antiquated system.
Luebbe – Ms. Luebbe stated the local League of Women Voters became involved
with Henderson County solid waste issues when out-of-county haulers were using
our landfill to dispose of waste at a very low cost to them. Since the initial study was completed in
1989, the League continues to update and monitor the solid waste issues in
light of new developments. In view of
the Solid Waste Plan being reviewed during this meeting, she on behalf of the
League applauds both the Solid Waste Advisory Committee and the Board of
Commissioners for their long-overdue steps to set into motion a more careful
plan to deal with the volume of solid waste being generated. The Leagues position is ranked as follows:
of waste at the source
as much as possible
disposal in either landfill or incinerator – dependent upon study of recent
advances in innovative appropriate design and available technology to produce
clean energy.
The League
supports a serious consideration to study and dialogue related to the economics
of franchising waste haulers and
creating more convenience centers. The
study produced by Macgill and Associates has outlined these features in the
plan the Board is to receive. The League
feels that the upgrade/redesign of the Stoney Mountain Landfill and Recycling
as proposed will be a significant step to make recycling much safer for all the
haulers and private citizens who come to use that facility. Henderson County is slowly coming to grips
with the management of Solid Waste to protect the health of its citizens, and
the air, water, and land resources of Henderson County. The hiring of a solid waste officer and a
full-time sustainability coordinator plus the citizens advisory groups are
making a difference. The League pledges
to do its part to educate the citizens in Henderson County to the critical
issues related to solid waste – just as they feel they have been doing since
1989. Finally the League feels that all
priorities mentioned require an ongoing education thrust to all citizens.
were no changes.
Commissioner McGrady made the
motion to approve the agenda as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Commissioner Williams made the
motion to adopt the consent agenda as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Agenda consisted of the following:
minutes were presented for board review and approval of the following
July 14, 2009 – Special Called
July 15, 2009 – Regularly Scheduled
Tax Collector’s Report
Tax Collector Carol McCraw had presented the Tax Collector’s Report to the
Commissioners dated July 24, 2009 for information only. No action was required.
Financial Report/Cash Balance Report – June 2009
Included for the Board’s review and
approval were the Unaudited County Financial Report and Cash Balance Report for
June 2009.
Included in General Fund total revenues
for the month of June and YTD is an estimate of accounts receivable in the
amount of $5,990,249 for those revenues earned in fiscal year 2009, but not
received until after June 30, 2009. The
estimated accounts receivable is comprised of sales tax for the months of
April, May and June 2009 and Department of Social Services revenues earned but
not received until after fiscal year-end.
The fiscal YTD deficit in the Travel
& Tourism Fund is from less occupancy tax and advertising revenues being
collected due to the current slowdown in the economy as well as additional
costs incurred on the completion of their building capital project. The Travel & Tourism Fund includes
appropriated fund balance to balance the budget for the current fiscal year.
I move that the Board of Commissioners approves the County’s
June 2009 Unaudited Financial Report and Cash Balance Report as presented.
Henderson County Public Schools Financial Reports – June
2009 (Unaudited)
Provided were
the Henderson County Public Schools June 2009 Unaudited Financial Reports for
the Board’s information.
Staff requested
that the Board consider approving the School System’s June 2009 Unaudited Financial
Reports as presented.
Suggested Motion:
I move that the Board of
Commissioners approves the June 2009 Unaudited Henderson County Public Schools
Financial Reports as presented.
2010 Holiday
The proposed
2010 Holiday Schedule for Henderson County Local Government agencies was
included as follows:
New Year’s Day January 1, 2010 Friday
ML King, Jr.’s Birthday January
18, 2010 Monday
Good Friday April 2, 2010 Friday
Memorial Day May 31, 2010 Monday
Independence Day July
5, 2010 Monday
Labor Day September 6,
2010 Monday
Veteran’s Day November 11, 2010 Thursday
Thanksgiving November 25 &
26, 2010 Thursday
& Friday
Christmas December 24
& 27, 2010 Friday
& Monday
Suggested Motion:
I move that the
Board approves the 2010 Holiday Schedule as presented.
Non-Profit Performance Agreements
Subsequent to
the approval of the FY 2009-2010 Budget, staff has distributed the funding
agreements to the non-profits agencies receiving County allocations. Staff will
be including signed funded agreements on the Board’s consent agenda as they are
received from the agencies.
I move the Board authorizes the Chairman to execute
the funding agreements provided and, in doing so, authorize the release of the
first of the aforementioned agencies’ quarterly allotments.
1. CJPP (Criminal Justice Partnership Program) – 2 vac.
There were no
nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.
2. Fire and Rescue Advisory
Committee – 1 vac.
Chairman Moyer stated position #7 is a committee
appointee. The committee has unanimously
voted to appoint Robert Dotson. Chairman Moyer made the motion that the
Board appoints Robert Dotson to position #7 on behalf of the committee. He further motioned to accept the appointment
by acclamation. All voted in favor and
the motion carried.
3. Henderson County Board of Health
– 1 vac.
Commissioner Larry Young nominated Reverend Jerry Senn
who has committed to serving on the Board of Health in position #11. Chairman
Moyer made the motion to accept the appointment of Reverend Jerry Senn to
position #11 by acclamation, subject to the receipt of his application. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
4. Henderson County Historic
Courthouse Corporation dba Heritage Museum – 5 vac.
Chairman Moyer noted that the Board of Commissioners
select from a recommended list by the Heritage Museum. The Heritage Museum Board recommended Connie
Backlund, Bob Ogden, Ed Harrelson and Bob Staton. Chairman Moyer recommended also the appointment
of Bob Staton as Chair to replace Spence Campbell who stepped aside as
Chair. One issue raised by the committee
was Ed Harrelson, an attorney in town, who used to live in Henderson County and
now resides in Polk County after his home burnt. It was the consensus of the Board that
citizens serving on Henderson County boards and committee should reside in
Henderson County. Chairman Moyer made the motion that the Board appoints Connie Backlund to
position #5 with a remaining term expiring 6/30/2010, Bob Ogden to position #7
with a term expiring 6/30/2012, and Bob Staton to position #8 with a term
expiring 6/30/201.
Commissioner Williams questioned if the Board was
prohibited from moving forward with appointments of other individuals who had
Chairman Moyer responded yes that the Board of
Commissioners must choose from the list provided by the Heritage Museum Board
as stated in the Charter and Bylaws. Additional
applications did arrive after the Heritage Museum Board met and they will be making
other considerations.
Commissioner McGrady supported the motion but his view
remains that the Board of Commissioners should not be making any of the
appointments. He felt that this needs to
be a separate non-profit and not directed by the Board of Commissioners. Commissioner McGrady would like to see the
Board of Commissioners getting out of the business of the Historic Courthouse
Corporation if at all possible.
Commissioner Williams questioned if the Heritage Museum
Board were making the recommendations, what the use was of the Board making
appointments. He felt this was an
unnecessary step and he would rather have the option of appointing who the
Board of Commissioners chooses to appoint, or allow the Heritage Museum Board to
appoint their Board members.
Chairman Moyer noted that this was a compromised
position as Commissioner McGrady wanted to get completely out and other
Commissioners wanted all control and the Board ended up in the middle. He felt the Board was fortunate where they
are, in the middle. If the Commission
chooses to take back authority and have the ability to appoint who they want to
the board, similar to the Hospital Corporation, the Charter and Bylaws must be
amended. Chairman Moyer felt that with
public money going into the Heritage Museum and it being located in the same
building as the Commission it is essential to have a connection.
Commissioner Young felt that this should be done. Commissioner McGrady did want any connection
at all with the Heritage Museum.
Chairman Moyer stated that if the majority of the Board
felt that the Charter and Bylaws should be amended he would work up some
language that would give the Commission the right to get recommendations from
the Heritage Museum Board.
Commissioner Messer supported the motion made by
Chairman Moyer but felt that the other applications should go back before the
Heritage Museum Board for recommendations at the next Commission meeting for
the remaining two positions.
Chairman Moyer reminded the Board of the motion on the
floor. The vote passed 3-2 with Commissioner Williams and Commissioner Young
voting nay.
Chairman Moyer
made the motion that the Board of Commissioners appoints Bob Staton as Chair of
the Heritage Museum Board. All voted in
favor and the motion carried.
County Attorney Russ Burrell noted that the Board of
Commissioners continues to have the authority to change the Charter as they see
necessary which would in turn force the bylaw change.
Chairman Moyer felt if he told the Heritage Museum Board
that the Bylaws were going to be amended so that the Commission would take recommendations
by the Heritage Museum Board but make the appointments themselves, the Heritage
Museum Board would take less scrutiny in selecting members. Chairman Moyer thought that most of the Board
would like to look at making Charter and Bylaw amendments to the Heritage
Museum Board that would give the Board of Commissioners (patterned as the
Hospital Corporation Board of Directors) the authority to make the appointments
while allowing the Heritage Museum Board to make recommendations and that the
Commission is not bound to that list and could add people that were or not
Commissioner McGrady made it clear that he would be
voting against the change of Charter and Bylaws.
5. Hendersonville City Zoning Board of Adjustment – 1
There were no
nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.
6. Historic Resources Commission – 1
There were no
nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.
7. Jury Commission – 1 vac.
There were no nominations at
this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.
8. Juvenile Crime Prevention
Council – 10 vac.
There were no
nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.
Senior Volunteer
Services Advisory Council – 1 vac.
Edith Sally Young has applied for this
position. The Board will be making
contact and possible appointment at a future meeting. There were no nominations at this time so
this item was rolled to the next meeting.
County Engineer Marcus Jones
stated at the Board’s direction under the County’s Strategic Plan in Strategy
4.4 (Address solid waste management issues including recycling and upcoming
pertinent solid waste legislation) and the County’s Twenty Year Vision for
Solid Waste, McGill and Associates have completed the subject study. The Solid Waste Advisory Committee (SWAC) and
staff have been continually involved in the development of this study, and
during SWAC’s meeting on July 27, 2009, SWAC voted to recommend the study to
the Board of Commissioners. The study’s
executive summary and table of contents were provided as the meeting
Executive Summary
waste management is an essential service provided by Henderson County to its
respective citizens. In Henderson
County, this service is managed by the Solid Waste Division operating under the
leadership of the County Engineering Department. The Solid Waste Division is charged with the
task of protecting human health and the environment by providing
environmentally sound, cost efficient waste disposal. Effective solid waste management is also
essential for the County to continue to grow and expand as new businesses and
residents move into the area.
Henderson County Solid Waste Division operates as an enterprise fund, separate
from the general fund and property taxes.
For the Division to continue to operate as a viable economic operation,
it must provide excellent customer service, safe efficient access to all solid
waste services, as well as value to its rate payers and the citizens of the
County. The County must continually
review and upgrade services and facilities to meet new challenges as well as
continue to conform to new and ever changing environmental regulations.
May 2008, Henderson County adopted their 20-Year Vision Plan for solid waste
management in the County. One major
aspect of this Plan was the development of a Solid Waste Feasibility Study. This Solid Waste Feasibility Study was
prepared to evaluate the existing solid waste operations, identify capital
projects needed to enhance operations, evaluate various waste collection
options, and develop a long-term financial assessment to meet the County’s
center of the Division’s operation is the Stoney Mountain Road Landfill
Facility located on Stoney Mountain Road.
This facility presently operates as a transfer facility for waste
collected with the County as well as providing collection and processing for
various other components of the waste stream.
Recyclable material collection is also provided on a limited basis. The facility is utilized by permitted private
haulers as well as citizens transporting their own residential waste and recyclable
material to the facility for disposal and/or processing. Over the years, the number of customers and
citizens accessing this facility has grown, resulting in a need to provide new
and/or expanded services. Several
capital improvement projects have been proposed to expand/improve services as
well as enhance the safe and efficient access to the side for the commercial
customers and the citizens of the County.
The proposed improvements should also enhance the flow of traffic along
Stoney Mountain Road.
of solid waste within the unincorporated areas of the County is handled by a
network of private haulers licensed to provide these services by the Solid
Waste Division. Some of these permitted
haulers provide residential waste collection services for a fee to residents as
an alternative to transporting their own waste to the Stoney Mountain Road
Landfill Facility for disposal. Several
incorporated municipalities within the County already provide residential waste
collection services to their citizens.
The County presently works in general partnership with these private
haulers to ensure a general level of service is provided to the citizens in a
cost effective manner. These permitted
haulers provide a steady source of income for the Solid Waste Division. This partnership must be continued and
expanded to enhance the opportunity for efficient cost effective collection of
residential waste for all citizens in the unincorporated areas of the County.
challenges associated with operating a solid management program continue to
increase every day. One of the most
notable challenges pertains to the increased costs associated with waste
disposal. Reducing the tonnage of waste
material that must be hauled off-site for disposal is one way to control this
cost. Another major challenge pertains
to the implementation of new regulations by the State relate to how certain
components of the waste stream must be collected, processed and ultimately
disposed of. Enhanced recycling
opportunities are a way to reduce disposal costs, achieve compliance with new
regulations as well as generate revenue.
The County should continue to work in partnership with the permitted
residential waste haulers to implement a County wide collection program for
recyclable material. This, in conjunction
with proposed capital improvements to the Stoney Mountain Road Landfill
collection and consolidation facilities, should result in a notable increase in
the volume of recyclable material collected for processing. With an increase in recyclable material
collection comes the need to develop a material recovery facility (MRF) to
separate the collected material by component type. The degree of separation can be as simple or
as complex as the County may desire. The
degree of sophistication is generally driven by available markets and market
prices for the processed material.
Regardless of the degree of separation, the sale of recyclable material
has the potential to generate revenue for the Solid Waste Division.
financial assessment portion of this Study is essential to understanding the
implications of future regulatory compliance issues, proposed capital
expenditures and other aspects of the overall solid waste management
program. The assessment complements the
County’s ability to evaluate programmatic and technical alternatives prior to
actual implementation. Several capital
improvement projects were recommended as a part of this Study. A particular component of the financial
assessment evaluated these proposed capital improvements in conjunction with
various residential waste and recyclable material center to estimate future
tipping fee rates. Based on this
assessment, the County should be able to implement the proposed capital
improvements to enhance the overall operational efficiency and effectiveness of
the solid waste management program. This
could be done without the need for substantial increases in the disposal fee
charges to commercial customers.
sibility Stu009 Feasibility Study
Solid Waste Feasibility Study
Board Direction: From the approved 2008 Solid Waste
Vision Statement, study the feasibility of Improvements to Facilities and the
County Collection System.
Feasibility Study
Solid Waste Advisory Committee
Over the past year and under Chairman Stan Kumor’s
Leadership, SWAC reviewed the Feasibility Study in detail and provided feedback
which was incorporated into the study as it was developed.
2009 Feasibility Study
McGill Associates, P.A.
As the consultants retained to conduct this study, McGill
Associates, P.A., contributed detailed analysis of the recommendations and
input from SWAC and County Staff.
2009 Feasibility Study
Waste Manager Will Sager stated that two (2) years ago the State of North
Carolina significantly increased landfill regulations making it harder and more
expensive to operate landfills in this state.
We are also seeing collection rates increase as fuel, trucks, labor,
etc. is inching up. Henderson County
landfill has been in a ten (10) year contract for our waste disposal as it
leaves the transfer station at a flat fee.
That contract does expire in December 2010 and we must address where to
go in the future and how do we maintain this quality of life that we do enjoy
here in Henderson County. It is not
feasible for Henderson County to get back into the landfill business and it
would be very difficult to site a landfill in this County. Incineration was considered but the front-end
costs are almost three times as much as it costs for landfill disposal.
Review 20 Year Vision
Regulatory Requirements by NC and soon SC
Increases in Disposal and Collection Expenses
Current Disposal Contract Expires 12/2010
Maintain or Improve Quality of Life & Natural Resources
2009 Feasibility
Review 20 Year Vision
New Henderson County Landfill
► Economy of Scale
► +$90 per ton
No “Silver Bullet”
2009 Feasibility
Review 20 Year Vision
Solutions, “Need a
new Perspective on Current Processes: Recycling and Collections”
►Expense Reducer & Revenue
►Compliance Requirements
►Quality of Life
Collection System: More County Convenience Sites and / or Develop
Partnership w/ Haulers
Review 20 Year Vision – Solutions:
Feasibility Study
Study improvements to
Solid Waste Facilities and collections that improve safety and our ability to
carry out the 20 Year Solid Waste Vision without General Fund Contributions.
Project Manager of
McGill & Associates Bill Sperry discussed Capital Improvements.
Ø Convenience
Center & HHW/Electronic Center
Ø Entrance
Road with New Scales/Scale House
Ø Recycling
Processing Center & Transfer
Dark red line -
Stoney Mountain Road
Purple - Activity
Center, Transfer Station, School bus depot
Green – Proposed new
Light blue – Proposed
new Convenience Center
Red – Diversionary
convenience center will be available for the citizens to dispose of their waste
and also a household hazardous waste collection area and an electronics
collections center. It will separate the
residential traffic from the commercial traffic. The traffic congestion along Stoney Mountain
Road will also be eliminated. The
entrance will stack approximately 42 cars before they even get into the
Ø Other
Diversion Improvements
Ø Construction
Cost Estimates
The red saw tooth
line is where the convenience center boxes will be stationed. A wall will separate the citizens from the
County’s collection trucks that will pick up the boxes. The entrance road and
new scales will be separate.
Feasibility ility Study
Selected Collection Options
Ø Continue existing operations
Ø Add County Convenience Center at strategic locations
throughout the County
Ø Franchise Curbside Collection
Financial Consultant with Martin/McGill Stephen
Miller stated that in conducting the rate analysis for the solid waste program
they followed one basic assumption. It
is an enterprise fund and whatever expenses are incurred by the fund, whether
they are capital costs or operating expenses, they are exclusively paid for by
the users. They have forecast what the
fees would look over the next ten (10) years and also forecast what the
required changes would be to the tipping fees to finance each of the three
Rate Analysis – Methodology (Black Box)
Ø Input
Ø Output:
Annual tipping fee projection for next 10 years
Capital Project Phasing
Ø Year 1 (FY2010):
Pre-construction for Year 2
Ø Year 2 (FY2011)
Ø Year 3 (FY2012):
C&D processing area
Six Rate Analyses for Collection Alternatives
1. Existing collections
2. Existing collections w/Convenience Center revenue
3. Construct additional Convenience Center
4. Construct additional Convenience Center w/CCR
5. Franchised collections
6. Franchised collections w/CCR
Rate Analysis:
Proposed Tipping Fees |
Year 1 2010 |
Year 2 2011 |
Year 3 2012 |
Year 4 2013 |
Year 5 2014 |
Year 10 2019 |
Existing |
$52 |
$53 |
$54 |
$55 |
$56 |
$62 |
Existing w/CCR |
$52 |
$53 |
$53 |
$54 |
$54 |
$54 |
Centers |
$52 |
$58 |
$64 |
$67 |
$67 |
$71 |
Centers w/CCR |
$52 |
$58 |
$61 |
$64 |
$64 |
$65 |
Franchise |
$52 |
$53 |
$54 |
$55 |
$56 |
$59 |
Franchise w/CCR |
$52 |
$53 |
$53 |
$53 |
$53 |
$54 |
Project Administration Manager of McGill & Associates shared the
following information:
Ø Capital Improvements are feasible as phased
Ø Adding convenience center is not feasible without
general fund contribution
Ø Recycling processing center
Ø Franchising collection will provide benefits to
citizens, haulers & enterprise fund
Ø Revenue source – convenience center
Ø Approve the capital improvement plan
Ø Direct staff and SWAC to work with the permitted
haulers to develop a plan to implement franchising and/or collection
Ø Develop convenience center revenue plan for
incorporation in future budgets
Ø Initiate haul/disposal contract negotiations no
later than January 2010
County Engineer Marcus Jones feels the numbers
generated and assumptions made in this report are very conservative. The tipping fees are calculated per ton and
the present fee is $52.
County Manager Steve Wyatt stated this is inclusive
of the pass through that goes to the State of North Carolina of a $2 mandated
Marcus Jones stated the fund balance is healthy and
some of it will be expended and some debt will be incurred. He explained under existing conditions, with
or without convenience center revenue or under the franchise option, we do not
anticipate under this rate analysis any contribution from the general fund or
property taxes. If you look at the fees
that will be required to add convenience centers throughout the County, you are
looking at a fee schedule that at some point in year two or three will go out
of competitiveness and we will lose revenue.
Therefore if it is the desire to locate convenience centers throughout
the County, we will need to begin talking about a contribution to the
enterprise fund from the general fund in order to pay for them.
County Manager Steve Wyatt explained the scenario by
Mr. Miller in that there is $3.2 million dollars worth of improvements that
would be financed over a 20 year period of time. He asked if there would be some buy down of
the finance or an investment upfront of fund balance outside of the required post
Stephen Miller responded the banks would not require
an equitable contribution from the program.
The entire amount is capable of being financed. The amount available in posts closure
reserves from the 2008 audit is $2.38 million and $1.1 million in available
resources. They are assuming $2 million
are going to be used in the initial financing for buy down; and financing $1.2
million. There is flexibility with this
option with the banks allowing financing of the entire amount.
Marcus Jones stated that the CND Landfill has been
successfully closed as of June. We have
been combining our CND flow with household trash since June 2008 and it is part
of the contract with waste management to haul away and dispose of it in their
landfill. This gives an opportunity for
flow diversion; with proper recycling application CDN flow can be reduced by
40%. The financial cost is $34 per ton
to ship with regular household trash.
The 2009 solid waste management law made it more difficult to operate a
CND Landfill and put the County out of feasibility. It is cheaper for us to close this one down
and not incur post closure costs later on.
Discussion followed.
It was suggested that the rate analysis be done for
ten (10) years versus the twenty (20) years which had been presented and bring
it back before the board at the next meeting September 8, 2009.
Young made the motion that the Board go into public hearing with respect to the
2009 Community Development Block Grant application. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
HEARING – 2009 Community Development Block Grant Application
Anthony Starr stated two hearings are required prior
to submitting an application to DCA for any CDBG program. This first hearing is generic and covers all
of the categories of CDBG grants offered by DCA. The second hearing to be held later will be for
the specific purpose of taking public comments on the planned use of the specific
grant applications. The County intends
to apply for the 2009 CDBG Community Revitalization Grant and the 2009
Water-Sewer Hook-up grant ($75,000).
Public Input
There was none.
McGrady made the motion that the Board go out of public hearing. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
PUB2009 Feasibility Study
Assistant County
Manager Selena Coffey stated that with the approval of Mosley Architects as the
most qualified responding Architect for the subject project during the July 15,
2009 Board meeting, staff has negotiated the proposed agreement with Mosley Architects.. The scope of services is to perform the
design and construction administration for the proposed Law Enforcement
Center. The other item included in the
contract is about $30,000 that is for planning and relocating folks in the Old
Health Building, King Street Building and 1995 Courthouse. The proposed agreement with Mosley Architects
is for $351,000. The programming cost of
$30,000 is included in the $351,000 figure.
The funds for the work are approved in the FY10 Budget.
Messer noted that at the last meeting the Commission voted to send the local
projects out for local bid. He
questioned if any local bids had been received and also questioned the
inclusion of the $30,000 in the bid.
County Engineer
Marcus Jones explained that $30,000 was included by Mosley Architects as it
reflects taking out the design of the renovations of the three (3)
buildings. The programming aspect of all
four buildings has been left in Mosley’s contract. He feels that this particular aspect of work
really needs to be done by one person as they are all inter-related. The person that Mosley is subcontracting with
is intimate with the County facilities solutions for local government. The scope of work for the renovation projects
does not include this planning part. The
RFQ has a date of August 15 and no bids have been received to date. Two local firms and one firm outside of the county
have shown interest and made inquiries.
Williams requested clarification that Mosley Architect is ready to take on the
Law Enforcement Center project at $351,000 and the prior bid which included the
other projects was $381,000, a difference of $30,000.00.
Selena Coffey
responded the original bid was $385,000 and if you subtract the $30,000 for
solutions for local government included in the $351,000 it brings the total
down to $321,000. Approximately $30,000
included in this agreement is for the planning phase.
Marcus Jones
felt this was a fair assessment because within this scope a majority of that
planning work will be done on the renovations projects; relocating staff and
determining availability of space. It is
critical to keep these together.
County Manager
Steve Wyatt stated he had received a verbal commitment from Mosley Architects
that should the Board desire to come back to them the previous bid would be
honored. He noted that Marcus Jones had contacted all local architects and
requested proposals on the design of the facility.
Marcus Jones
felt it might be possible to split up the fee with different situations but it
would probably not net any savings.
County Manager
Steve Wyatt inquired what portion of the $30,000 for programming is allocated
to the Law Enforcement Center and what is allocated toward the other portions.
Mr. Jones
responded that he would guess that a larger percentage of it is probably
allocated to the renovations.
Chairman Moyer
noted that he has been approached by Gary Jones, a realtor, in regards to the
Law Enforcement Center, and he has asked Mr. Jones to speak to the Board. Mr. Jones inquired if the Board had looked at
existing buildings that are available and retrofitting them with the allocation
that it can be done substantially cheaper than constructing a new building.
Mr. Gary Jones
stated in Henderson County at various times buildings do become available. Mr. Jones brought this to Chairman Moyer’s
attention when the Times-News property became available on Four Seasons. Sheriff Davis was contacted and visited the
site with Mr. Jones. Mr. Jones was under
the impression that the Sheriff felt the building would be a good fit for the Sheriff’s
Department with some modifications and renovations. Unfortunately this building was contracted
within just a few days and has since closed.
Another building for sale is the Osborne/Olds/GMC building on
Spartanburg Highway next to the Old Health Department and Mr. Jones is aware of
several other properties that may be coming available on the market.
McGrady and Young were not in favor of this suggestion. This would delay a process that has already
begun. We have the land and can build a
Law Enforcement Center that meets the needs of the Sheriff’s Department as
opposed to trying to renovate a building to get mostly there. The Board was reminded of the situation when
property was purchased for the Human Services Building.
Messer and Chairman Moyer didn’t feel there was a need to rush into a new Law
Enforcement Center and time could be taken to look at properties possibly
saving the County money.
After further
discussion, Commissioner Young made the
motion that the Board approves a contract with Mosley Architects for architectural
fees (no programming) on the Law Enforcement Center for $321,000.00 with the
proviso that they still have the upper limit in place if the Board does not
choose any other bids that Mosley Architects has committed to do all buildings
architectural and programming for $385,000.
The voted passed 3-2 with Chairman Moyer and Commissioner Messer voting
County Attorney’s Report
There was
nothing further at this time.
County Manager’s Report
Steve Wyatt
reminded the Commission of tours scheduled by the Board of Education for the
new Hillandale Elementary School and Mills River Elementary School. The dates available are August 11th
at Hillandale and August 13th at Mills River at 11:00 a.m. or 1:00
Chairman Moyer made the motion that the Board
schedules two special called meetings at 1:00 p.m. on August 11 at Hillandale
and August 13 at Mills River to tour the new facilities. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Steve Wyatt explained
he received in the mail a notice from AT&T that they had filed a cable
franchise with the State of North Carolina.
He will be following up to determine the intent.
Mr. Wyatt noted
that after a thorough search, a promotion has been made from within; Tom
Staufer is the County’s new Chief Building Inspector or Director of Building
Chairman Moyer
noted that the Water Supply & Distribution Task Force Committee would be
meeting on September 1 at 3:00 p.m. They will be discussing water issues on the
southern end of the County and allow public comment.
The Edneyville
Community Center grand opening will be held September 3, 2009 at 10:30 a.m.
The Board of
Commissioners will hold a public hearing in regards to a request from Polk
County with respect to the Green River Watershed on August 25, 2009 at 7:00
Schedule a
Public Hearing for the FY 2010 Rural Operating Assistance Program (ROAP)
Application to NCDOT. Commissioner McGrady made the motion that
the Board schedules a public hearing on the FY 2010 Rural Operating Assistance
Program grant application for Tuesday, September 8, 2009 at 1:00 p.m. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
It was the
consensus of the Board to hold the annual Volunteer Appreciation Banquet on
Tuesday, October 20, 2009 at Highland Lake Inn.
The Apple
Festival Parade will be on September 7, 2009 at 2:30 p.m.
no business
Commissioner McGrady made the motion for the Board
to go into closed session as allowed pursuant to NCGS 143-318.11 for the
following reason(s):
(a)(4) To discuss matters relating to the
location or expansion of industries or other businesses in the area served by
the public body.
voted in favor and the motion carried.
There being no further business Commissioner McGrady
made the motion to adjourn. All voted in
favor and the motion carried.
Teresa L.
Wilson, Clerk to the Board
William L. Moyer, Chairman