Cane Creek Water & Sewer District Board met for a regular meeting at
present were: Chairman Bill Moyer,
present were: Planning Director
was: Clerk to the Board Elizabeth W.
Moyer called the meeting to order.
Commissioner McGrady made the motion for
the Board to convene as Cane Creek Water & Sewer District Board. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
minutes were presented for CCWSD Board review and approval of the following
July 7, 2008
July 16, 2008
Commissioner McGrady made the motion to
approve the minutes of July 7 and July16, 2008.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
FY09 MSD Treatment Rate – CCWSD
Advisory Board Recommendations
the FY09 Metropolitan Sewerage District’s (MSD) Treatment Rate increase, the
Advisory Board recommended during its August 19, 2008 meeting to table the
increase until February 2009.
The following summarizes the rate increase from MSD and the impact on CCWSD customers: The wastewater collected by the Cane Creek Water and Sewer District (CCWSD) sewer system is treated by the Metropolitan Sewerage District (MSD). Effective July 1, 2008, the amount that MSD charges the CCWSD for wastewater treatment increased from $4.57 per 1,000 gallons to $4.71 per 1,000 gallons (3.1% increase).
Staff recommends a corresponding rate increase for the CCWSD sewer customers. A table comparing the current rates to the proposed rates is located below:
Current Monthly Rates (FY08) |
Proposed Monthly Rates (FY09) |
A. Minimum Charge / Month (up to the first
4,500 gallons per month) |
$16.42 |
$16.42 |
B. Treatment Charge / Month (from 0 gallons up) |
$4.57 per 1,000
gallons |
$4.71 per 1,000
gallons |
C. Overage Charge/Month (all over 4,500
gallons per month) |
$3.67 per 1,000
gallons |
$3.67 per 1,000
gallons |
Note: For Total Monthly Charge add results of (B) and (C) to (A)
With the proposed increase, the monthly sewer bill for the average homeowner will increase by $.63 (sixty three cents)
Messer stated that since the last meeting the Cane Creek Water Advisory Board met
and discussed the rates. Since that time
they have scheduled a workshop, this month, to complete a study and look at
other options. The Advisory Board did
take opposition of the rate change because they felt that it wasn’t fair and
the people on the extension are already paying more. The CCWSD fund balance will pay the
difference in the fees that would be granted until February. Once the study has been completed the
Advisory Board could send a recommendation back to the Commissioners supporting
the rate increase.
Moyer stated that the Advisory Board knows that the Board of Commissioners has
the authority to do what they want.
There were issues raised with respect to the amount of fund balance or
reserve that CCWSD is sitting on and the purpose of that reserve. The CCWSD questioned if they should be
continuing to maintain that. The answers
they were getting were vague and they wanted more specifics as to how much was
there. They questioned the cost if a
pump went down every 5 years. The vague
idea of building another treatment plant and possibly stock piling money so
that some day you might build another treatment plant or rebuild a treatment
plant to them is such a “pie in the sky”, you wonder why in the world you would
build such a reserve for something you know could never possibly happen. He feels that the thought was that they’ve
raised the rates to pay the debt to get the cost of the system down. They realize the rates are going to be high,
but thought the rates would begin to be reduced. The Advisory Board realizes they need to be
updated and get an understanding as to why there is a reserve, how much you
need going forward, and what are the capital plans, then reexamine the rates
being charged to see whether it is still fair and appropriate under what the
situation is today. They feel they can
get this information together by February 2009.
Chairman Moyer recommended the Board accept their recommendation and
also recommended strongly to staff that they come up with the answers and the
information this Board needs to come back with a further recommendation on this
matter by February 2009.
Commissioner Messer made the motion that the Board
table the MSD Treatment Rate increase until February, 2009. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Commissioner McGrady made the motion to
adjourn as the Cane Creek Water & Sewer District Board. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
____________________________________ ________________________
L. Wilson, Deputy Clerk to the Board William L. Moyer, Chairman