The Henderson County
Board of Commissioners met for a regularly scheduled meeting at 9:00 a.m. in
the Commissioners' Conference Room of the
Those present were: Chairman Bill Moyer, Vice-Chairman
Also present were: Deputy
Clerk Terry Wilson, Finance Director J.
Chairman Moyer called
the meeting to order and welcomed all in attendance.
Four H County Council President
Elizabeth Mcllwain, accompanied by Four H Agent Denise Sherrill led the Pledge
of Allegiance to the American Flag.
County Manager
Nicholson - Mr. Nicholson, previous
Cook – Mr. Cook, executive director for Interfaith Assistance Ministry, was
concerned at risk due to the lack of school nurses. He felt that from a risk management
perspective, we are ambling with the health and safety of children in Henderson
County Public Schools. He recommended
that the County fund the collaborative efforts to incrementally add a minimum
of one new school nurse position each fiscal year to our current school system,
and ensure that school nurse stations and positions are included in the designs
and staff support bases for all new school buildings that come on line in the
Harris – Mr. Harris is the owner of Asheville Hobbies and Area 51 RC Grounds
located in
Lucas – Mr. Lucas was concerned about the “Governing Body” of the Hospital
Corporation Board. He believed that
public transparency and more attention paid to board member appointment are the
proper precautionary actions the Board of Commissioners can take to avoid a
HRMC like event here. He recommended the
the Bylaws to give the commission member a vote.
as he has been told, the Bylaws indeed require a meeting format that
effectively prevents public input and discourages public attendance then change
the Bylaws. In any event require that
the Hospital Board use the same meeting format as you use.
Soble – Ms. Soble stated that on several occasions she had spoken with the Board
in regards to increasing the County supplement for educators.
& Brice Molton – Ms. Molton and her son wanted the Board to recognize the
need for additional school nurses. Brice
is a “juvenile diabetic.” They feel that
there should be a nurse in every school.
As a parent of a child with chronic medical condition, Ms. Brice stated
it is good to know that, by law, our educators are required to be trained to
deal with the many medical conditions that they may be faced with daily. It is unfair to those teachers to expect so
much from them on top of the tremendous pressures they are already under to
perform as educators.
Cloud – Ms. Cloud’s daughter Christa has been diagnosed with Type 1
diabetes. She has been extremely blessed
with good teachers who go out of their way to assist in taking care of
Christa. Her child’s fourth grade
experience was a nightmare. It was even suggested
that she home school. The school’s need
nurses, please make this a priority.
Donaghue – Ms. Donaghue is an Elementary School Counselor in
Ramsey – Mr. Ramsey spoke in regards to the Sales Tax Distribution. The complexity of the hybrid method of
distribution has left every municipality, all fire departments, and every
citizen believing that some other town or group of citizens has some kind of
advantage in the way taxes are distributed.
We urge the Board to take decisive action tonight and possibly vote on a
distribution method and make that method the ad valorem or real estate based
method as that appears to be the method chosen by all but a handful of most the
rural counties in
10. Ronnie Pepper – Mr.
Pepper is the director of Henderson County Head Start Centers. He was concerned
with the lack of school nurses. The
situation will not go away. Many of
these children do no have any healthcare.
Most of the parents work full-time and cannot spend part of the day in
the classroom. “Please take care of our
11. Danette Wesson – Ms.
Wesson is a kindergarten teacher at
12. Julia Keyse – Ms. Keyse
is a first grade teacher at Etowah. She
feels that there is a great need for more school nurses. There are more medical problems in the school
today than in the past. They have had
emergencies where she was the only teacher in the classroom and had to leave
the other students unattended to take care of the emergency. Please take the need for school nurses into
the budget preparation.
13. Diane Dotson – Ms.
Dotson is a third grade teacher at
14. Tammy Barnwell – Ms.
Barnwell spoke in regards to the needs of the schools. She suggested the Board make a list and let
the citizens choose the next item to be dealt with. We need to petition our state to allow more
charter schools and have more flex quarter schools.
Chairman Moyer requested
that discussion item B (Water sand Sewer Line Extension – Hillandale Elementary)
and item D (Hillandale/Mills River School Bids) be switched. He also requested that item H (French Broad
River MPO Update) be added to the agenda.
Commissioner Messer made the motion to approve the agenda as
amended. All voted in favor and the
motion carried.
Commissioner McGrady made the motion to adopt the consent
agenda. All voted in favor and the
motion carried.
Draft minutes were
presented for Board review and consent approval of the following meeting:
February 18, 2008 special called meeting
Tax Collector’s Report
Terry F. Lyda, Tax
Collector, provided the Tax Collector’s Report for information only dated February
22, 2008.
Financial Report/Cash Balance Report – January 2008
The Financial Report and
Cash Balance Report for January 2008 were presented for the Board’s review and
consent approval.
Non-Departmental costs
include insurance premiums paid to date for Property and Liability insurance
coverage and Worker’s Compensation costs.
These costs are being allocated out to all departments on a pro rata
basis during the fiscal year.
The YTD deficit in the
Emergency 911 Communications Fund is due to the purchase of new recording
equipment ($45k) approved by the Board for the 911 Communications Center during
the month of January.
The YTD deficit in the
Crisis Housing Assistance Program (CHAP) Fund is due to the timing difference
between the expenditure of Federal and State grant funds and the subsequent
requisition and reimbursement of these expenditures.
The YTD deficit in the
Suggested Motion: I
move that the Board approve the January 2008
Henderson County Public Schools Financial Reports – December
The Public Schools
Financial Reports for December 2007 were presented for the Board’s information
and consent approval.
Suggested Motion: I
move that the Board approve the December 2007 Henderson County Public Schools
Financial Reports as presented.
Western Highlands Area Authority – Quarterly Fiscal
Monitoring Report (FMR) for the period ended December 31, 2007
G.S. 122C-117(c)
requires the staff of the local area mental health authority to provide the
County Finance Officer with the quarterly Fiscal Monitoring Report (FMR) within
30 days of the end of the quarter. The
County Finance Officer is then required to provide the FMR to the Board of
Commissioners at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the board. The FMR for Western Highlands Area Authority
was presented for the Board’s information and consent approval. The report was received by the County Finance
Officer on February 19, 2008.
Suggested Motion: I
move that the Board approve the
Surplus Property
A resolution (Exhibit A)
was presented for the Board’s review and consideration declaring the list
(Exhibit B) of vehicles and equipment no longer used by the County as surplus
property. The resolution also authorizes
staff to advertise for sale and dispose of this surplus property by electronic
public auction at www.govdeals.com after
the required advertisement of the sale.
A copy of Exhibit A and Exhibit B are attached hereto and incorporated
as a part of the minutes.
Suggested Motion: I
move that the Board approve the attached resolution declaring the list of
property presented as surplus and authorizes Staff to sell the surplus property
via electronic public action using GovDeals auction services.
Renewal of lease of Broadpointe floodplain/farmland
This is the property
donated to the County piece by piece when property is sold to businesses at the
The proposed lease is
identical to last year’s lease. In last
year’s lease, the annual rent was increased to $1,950.00 from $1,834.00.
Mr. Carland owns the
only legal right of access to this property except via the river.
Suggested Motion: I
move that the Board approve the lease for 2007 with Wayne Carland as shown in
the draft attached to this agenda item, and authorize the
2008 Spring Litter Sweep Resolution
The spring 2007 LITTER
SWEEP roadside cleanup, organized by the NC Department of Transportation, will
be taking place April 19 through May 3, 2008.
Suggested Motion: I
move that the Board adopt the Resolution as presented designating April 19
through May 3, 2008 as LITTER SWEEP time in
Attestation Letter for Medicare Billing
Due to an address change
for the Health Department, a new application of 45+ pages is required to be
completed in order to bill Medicare for Influenza vaccination services. During Medicare’s edit of submitted form
#855, all but three items were accepted.
A letter attesting the relationship between the Henderson County Department
of Public Health and the
Suggestion Motion: I
move that the Board approve a letter attesting a relationship between the
Henderson County Department of Public Health and County of Henderson, and that
the letter by signed by the Chair of the Henderson County Board of
Commissioners and the County Manager, and that it will be included in the
application process needed for Medicare reimbursement for services.
Notification of Vacancies
The Board was notified
of the following vacancies which will appear on the next agenda for
Task Force (Criminal Justice Partnership Program) – 2 vac.
Community Plan Committee – 9 vac.
Planning Board – 1 vac.
Chairman Moyer reminded
the Board of the following vacancies and opened the floor to nominations:
There were no nominations at this time so this
item was rolled to the next meeting.
Commissioner McGrady
nominated Dutch Burdette for position #2, Franklin Carland for position #6, and
Vollie Good for position #7 by reappointment.
Chairman Moyer made the motion
that the Board reappoint Dutch Burdette to position #2, Franklin Carland to
position #6, and Vollie Good to position #7 by acclamation. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
There were no
nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.
Commissioner McGrady
nominated Arnold Sheldon for position #3, Diane Grant for position #4, and Jon
Laughter for position #6 for reappointment.
Chairman Moyer made the motion
that the Board reappoint
Commissioner McGrady
stated that Karen Couch had retired and her position #7 was now vacant. The Department of Social Services recommended
Jerry McFalls for position #7. Commissioner McGrady made the motion to
appoint Jerry McFalls for position #7.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Commissioner Williams
nominated Drew Brannon for reappointment for position #1. Chairman
Moyer made the motion to accept Drew Brannon to position #1 by acclamation. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Commissioner Messer
nominated Donalee Wermeister for position #12 and Reva McClure for position #23
by reappointment. Chairman Moyer made the motion that the Board accept Donalee Wermeister
to position #12 and Reva McClure to position #23 by acclamation. All
voted in favor and the motion carried.
There were no
nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.
Commissioner McGrady
nominated James Phelps for position #2, Emily Anderson for position #5, and Tom
McCullough for position #9 by reappointment.
Chairman Moyer made to motion that
the Board accept James Phelps to position #2, Emily Anderson to position #5,
and Tom McCullough to position #9 by acclamation. All voted in favor and the motion
County Manager
Chairman Moyer felt that
the choice should wait until after the next LGCCA meeting on March 18, 2008. He thought when they left the last meeting
that they had all agreed to continue it for 1 more year and that we would then
start negotiating early in the fall period to try to work out some type of new
position and give everybody time to adjust their budgets, prepare for it and
have a thorough examination of all these options. We now have to do this on an expedited basis,
unless the municipalities decide to stay in it 1 more year. Based on his discussions with Henry Johnson
at Laurel Park, they seem to want to stop right now. It would be appropriate to defer this until
the next meeting after the LGCCA meeting.
He asked Finance Director Carey McLelland if the $27 million stated by
Finance Director Carey
McLelland stated that he felt confident with the figure of $27 million.
County Manager
Bids for the two (2)
seventy hundred twenty-two (722) student, 800 core capacity school at
Chairman Moyer felt that
renegotiations had been done and he was uncomfortable with the fact that there
was a difference of $500,000 for the exact same schools. He had hoped for an answer to the difference
at this meeting so that the Board would be in a position to get the 2 bids
close together.
Mr. Jimmy Wilhide stated
that there were some things at Hillandale they are looking to work on from a
value engineering standpoint. They were
not able to get this done before this meeting.
Mr Wilhide stated that
there is no way they can get $500,000 out of Hillandale. The point of the second bid for
Chairman Moyer asked
Chairman of the School Board Irvin Bazzle:
“On the NCDOT road work for
Chairman Bazzle
responded yes they are but there is a time lag in there and that there is no
guarantee that we will get it all back.
Commissioner McGrady made the motion that the Board approve
Chairman Moyer stated
with respect to the motion he was still concerned about the Hillandale bid and
if the motion did not pass he would move that the Board approve
Commissioner Young felt
that if the bid was under $30,000,000, it could be done without a tax increase.
Chairman Moyer did not
feel that these schools could be built without a tax increase.
Commissioner McGrady made the motion that the Board table
action on the school bids until the next meeting to allow time to further
negotiate the bid.
County Manager
Chairman Moyer reminded
everyone that the workshop was held before
It was the consensus of
the Board that the discussion of holding the tax rate was for the FY2008-09
only. All voted in favor of tabling any action on this item and the following
two (2) items to the next meeting.
This item was rolled to
the next meeting.
This item was rolled to
the next meeting.
Soil and Water
Conservation Director Jonathan Wallin stated that the members of the Henderson
County Agricultural Advisory Board request that the Henderson County Board of
Commissioners establish Enhanced Voluntary Agricultural Districts for Henderson
County by authorizing the Henderson County Agricultural Advisory Board to
develop a draft Enhanced Voluntary Agricultural Districting ordinance for
Henderson County, to be presented to the Henderson County Commissioners at a
later date. This would be a step above
what we currently have which is the Voluntary Agricultural Districting program.
Two benefits that a landowner would see if
this program were in place are that they would be eligible for a higher
percentage of cost through the North Carolina Agriculture Cost Share
Program. It would raise the percentage
from 75% to 90%. State agencies,
departments, and institutions would give priority to landowners that would be
involved with this program for grants if they applied. They also receive up to 25% of their gross
income from the sale of non-farm goods and still are classified as a farm.
The landowner would be
required to have a conservation plan and they would be required to sign a
conservation agreement for ten years stating that this property would remain in
agriculture for the life of the ten year contract. This cannot be revoked and will be attached
to the deed. After the ten year process
they could opt out or it can be renewed for a possible 3 additional years.
Commissioner Mark Williams made the motion that the Board
authorize the
Commissioner McGrady made the motion that the Board go into
public hearing. All voted in favor and
the motion carried.
Chairman Moyer stated
that the purpose of this public hearing to hear comments on the financing
documents and only the financing documents proposed to finance the cost of
construction of the new Hillandale and Mills River Elementary Schools and Phase
II construction and renovation of facilities located at Dana Elementary School required
by the State of North Carolina when entering into an installment purchase
contract for bank financing pursuant to N.C.G.S 160-A-20(g). The notice of the public hearing was
published once at least 10 days before the hearing. This notice was duly advertised in the Times
News, located in
Finance Director Carey
McLelland presented the Clerk with the Publisher’s Affidavit of the notice of
the hearing. He stated that the draft
documents were available for inspection by the public in his office and on the
county’s website.
Public Comment
There was none.
Commissioner McGrady made the motion that the Board go out
of public hearing. All voted in favor
and the motion carried.
Commissioner McGrady made the motion to approve the
resolution of the Board of Commissioners of the County of Henderson, North
Carolina, approving the installment financing of the acquisition, construction,
renovation and equipping of elementary school facilities and making certain
findings and determinations in connection therewith. Commissioner Messer seconded the motion. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Fire Marshal Rocky Hyder
stated that Henderson County Emergency Services would like to utilize the large
metal building located at
Commissioner McGrady made the motion that the Board request
the Planning Director to develop a conditional use zoning request for County
property located at
Chairman Moyer stated
that at the legislative conference in
Captain Cochran stated
that he and the Sheriff would be at a meeting the following Monday afternoon
with the representative of ICE.
Discussions were held in regards to the charge for each inmate being
The contract can be
terminated by either party (Federal Government or
Chairman Moyer suggested
that if the Board had questions, Sheriff Davis and Captain Cochran would come
back at the next meeting and action could be taken at that time.
Commissioner McGrady brought
to everyone’s attention that over the last several months the French Broad River
MPO, which is the regional planning unit that works under federal and state law
on transportation planning, has been considering moving its staffing which has
always been with the City of
There was nothing
further at this time.
There was nothing further at this time.
Set a date for the NCDOT Public Hearing on Secondary Roads
Commissioner McGrady made the motion that the Board set a
public hearing for NCDOT on Secondary Roads for April 23, 2008 at 10:00 AM at
Commissioner Messer made the motion that the Board adjourn
as the
Commissioner McGrady made the motion that the Board adjourn
as Cane Creek Water & Sewer District and reconvene as the
CLOSED SESSION - cancelled
Commissioner McGrady made the motion to adjourn at 10:34 am. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Teresa L. Wilson, Deputy Clerk to the Board William L. Moyer, Chairman