The Henderson County
Board of Commissioners met for a regularly scheduled meeting at
Those present were: Chairman Bill Moyer, Commissioner
Also present were:
Planning Director Anthony Starr, Fire Marshal Rocky Hyder, Finance Director J.
Carey McLelland, Deputy Clerk to the Board Terry Wilson, Research/Budget
Analyst Amy Brantley, Engineering and Facility Services Director Marcus Jones,
Associate County Attorney
Chairman Moyer called
the meeting to order and welcomed all in attendance.
Commissioner Messer led
the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.
Commissioner Williams gave
the invocation.
Workman spoke in regards to the Animal Ordinance. He and his wife have been involved in animal
rescue for many years. Mr. Workman
realizes the seriousness of stray and unwanted animals but he felt that the
proposed legislation punishes the innocent and rewards the guilty. In his neighborhood a lot of people are
flaunting lease laws by letting their dogs run loose, there is no enforcement. He feels that if the proposed legislature is
passed now requiring registration and fining, enforcement would continue to be
a problem. If people are willing to
register their animals, perhaps a tax credit on a yearly basis would reward
them for doing so; where if you punish them for not doing so. He questioned the resources to enforce and
the expense of enforcement.
Turner spoke in regards to the Animal Ordinance. Ms. Turner had on several occasions called on
the Animal Services for assistance. She
favors spay/neuter for pets and animals adopted from shelters. Ms. Turner feels that while the proposed
Animal Ordinance contains good points, it does not offer a solution to reducing
the number of animals euthanized at the Henderson County Shelter. In her opinion, the spay-neuter requirements
outlined under the spay-neuter program are unrealistic, unobtainable and
subjective in definition and enforcement.
For example, note that the exemptions in Section E include some venues
of dog performance events and fail to mention many equally valid activities. More importantly it places on any
investigating officer, who may know nothing about what is being presented as an
exemption, the responsibility of making a subjective decision as to its
validity. By definition any
complaint-driven issue is subjective on the part of the person making the
complaint. It may be valid or just a
legal loophole to get at another unrelated issue. Henderson County statistics from 2001 to 2005
show that, while the numbers of cats and dogs taken into the shelter are
roughly the same, an average of 86% of cats were euthanized as opposed to 67%
of dogs. Neither of these figures take
into account animals which were turned in with specific requests from the
owners that they be euthanized, were critically injured or ill or were
feral. Passing any ordinance, good or
bad, places it into law. A bad ordinance
is harder to deal with than no ordinance at all. Once the ordinance is enacted the door is
open to amendments. As the current draft
fails to meet your stated objective you will be subject to constant pressure to
amend and “fix” the problem.
Meier spoke in regard to the proposed sell of
Beddingfield was representing the Appalachian Houndsman Association, of which
she is the secretary, in regard to the Animal Ordinance. She is a recent
appointee to the Animal Services Committee.
Ms. Beddingfield stated that many hours had been put into the proposed
draft Animal Ordinance. Her challenge to
the Commissioners, as a member of the community, is to make sure the
Commissioners realize the impact that the ordinance will have across the
community. The exemptions that have been
placed in the spay/neuter portion of the draft ordinance are to protect the
people who competition dogs. If the dogs
are altered for any reason other than medical, they are not allowed to be in
competition. She feels that the
responsible pet owners of
Hodges spoke in regard to the Animal Ordinance.
She was upset about the recent round of “shelter bashing.” Ms. Hodges felt that this was another case of
rescue beating up on animal control in hopes of taking over which is precisely
what happened in
de Lemos spoke in regard to the Animal Ordinance and thanked the Board for the
new shelter. She stated that 85% of the
animals that end up in the counties of
Wilson spoke in regard to the Animal Ordinance.
She was upset about the way animals were treated in the community. She was for spay/neuter.
Ritchey spoke in regard to thinking long term about the environment; in
relation to the public transit
Chairman Moyer noted
that a closed session for economic development would be added at the end of the
Commissioner McGrady made the motion to approve the agenda with
the addition of a closed session. All
voted in favor and the motion carried.
Commissioner Young made the motion to approve the consent
agenda as presented. All voted in favor
and the motion carried.
Consent Agenda included
the following:
Draft minutes were
presented of the following meeting(s) for the Board’s review and approval:
April 24, 2007 – Special called meeting
23, 2007 – Special called meeting
October 9, 2007 – Special called meeting
October 17, 2007 - Regular meeting
Tax Collector’s Report
Terry F. Lyda, Tax
Collector, had provided the Tax Collector’s Report dated October 26, for the
Board’s review and consent approval.
Collection information through October 25th for the new 2007
bills, as well as vehicle bills was included.
Annual Bills G01 only:
2007 Total Charge: $53,322,239.70
Payments & Releases:
Unpaid Taxes: 43,998,671.40
Percentage collected:
Motor Vehicle Bills G01
2007 Total Charge: $ 2,267,284.40
Payments & Releases:
Unpaid Taxes: 652,310.70
Percentage collected:
Fire Districts All Bills
2007 Total Charge: $ 5,920,380.46
Payments & Releases: 1,171,239.00
Unpaid Taxes: 4,749,141.46
Percentage collected:
Financial Report/Cash Balance Report – September 2007
Included for the Board’s
review and approval were the September 2007 County Financial Report and Cash
Balance Report.
Non-Departmental costs
include insurance premiums paid to date for Property and Liability insurance
coverage and Worker’s Compensation costs.
These costs will be allocated out to all departments on a pro rata basis
during the fiscal year.
The YTD deficit in the
Mills River Elementary School and Hillandale Elementary School Projects include
architectural fees and construction project services that have been paid on the
projects to date and will be reimbursed from new school financing debt issued
in FY2008. The County adopted a reimbursement resolution in the prior fiscal
year to allow reimbursement from future financing proceeds for these two
The suggested motion: I move that the Board of Commissioners approve the September 2007
Henderson County Public Schools Financial Reports – September
Included in the agenda
packet was the Henderson County Public Schools September 2007 Financial Reports
for the Board’s information and consent approval.
The suggested motion: I move that the Board of Commissioners
approve the September 2007
Henderson County Public Schools Financial Reports as presented.
Included in the agenda
packet was the EMS Accounts Receivable Report as information for the
Board. An aging analysis of accounts
receivable and total revenues received to date for the current fiscal year was
included in the report.
The billing process for
The suggested motion: I move
the Board of Commissioners approve the
Homeland Security Grants
The first grant is the
result of a collaborative effort between Emergency Services, the Sherriff’s
Department and the NC State Highway Patrol for the North Carolina Voice
Interoperability Plan for Emergency Responders (VIPER) in the amount of
$1,500,000.00. This grant will provide
new towers and infrastructure for our current emergency communications
equipment along with new equipment for the statewide VIPER network.
The second grant is the
result of a collaborative effort between Emergency Services, the NC Department
of Agriculture and the NC Division of Emergency Management in the amount of
$19,755.00. This grant will provide a
mobile animal shelter to support the statewide Collocation Animal Sheltering
Program (CASP) which compliments our mass sheltering and evacuation program.
Waterline Extensions – Cummings Cove,
The City of
Suggested motion: I move
that the Board approve the water line extensions for Cummings Cove and
Modification of Agreements
At the Board of
Commissioners’ meeting held June 4, 2007, Blue Ridge Community Health Services
was granted $45,000 in remaining FY 2006-2007 Maintenance of Efforts funds,
proposed to be utilized within the grant cycle which ended on October 31,
2007. Because these funds were received
relatively late in the grant cycle,
Staff proposed to extend
the period for
The suggested
motion: I move that the Board of Commissioners approve the modification of
existing agreements between the County and
Proclamation – Human Rights Day
The Human Relations
Council of Henderson County had requested that the Board of commissioners read
and adopt a Proclamation proclaiming December 10, 2007 locally as Human Rights
Day. The adopted Proclamation will be an
attachment to this set of minutes.
The suggested motion: I move that the Board of Commissioners adopt
the Proclamation as presented, proclaiming December 10, 2007 locally as Human
Rights Day.
Waiver of loan provision
A recipient of Community
Development Block Grant – Scattered Site Housing assistance from Henderson
County, Shirley Owns, was seeking a waiver of the provision in the terms of the
documentation of her assistance which provides that should she ever re-finance
any loan for which the real estate (which is the subject of the assistance) is
collateral, she would owe repayment of the assistance amount. The administrator of the program under which
The suggested
motion: I move that the Board grant the waiver of the loan provision as
requested, and that the Chairman, the
FY 2008 Vehicle Bids
The Henderson County
Sheriff’s Office requested that the Henderson County Board of Commissioners
approve the proposed bid from llderton Dodge for 9 Dodge Chargers and 1 Dodge
Magnum for purchase in Fiscal Year 2008.
These vehicles were approved in the Fiscal Year 2008 budget.
The suggested
motion: I move that the Board approve the bid from llderton Dodge.
Notification of Vacancies
The Board was notified
of the following vacancies which will appear for nominations on the next
Justice Partnership Program – 6 vac.
and Rescue Advisory Committee – 2 vac.
Commission – 3 vac.
Park Zoning Board of Adjustment – 1 vac.
Board of Trustees – 1 vac.
for Older Adults Block Grant Advisory Committee – 5 vac.
Advisory Committee – 1 vac.
Volunteer Services Advisory Council – 1 vac.
& Tourism Committee – 4 vac.
Chairman Moyer reminded
the Board of the following vacancies and opened the floor to nominations:
Child Fatality
Prevention Team – 1 vac.
There were no
nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.
Community Child
Protection Team (CCPT) – 1 vac.
Commissioner McGrady stated
that he is still working on a chair for this committee. There were no nominations at this time so
this item was rolled to the next meeting.
There were no
nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.
Commissioner Young
nominated James Thorndike for position #1.
There were no other nominations. Chairman Moyer made the motion to accept
James Thorndike to position #1 by acclamation.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Juvenile Crime
Prevention Council – 6 vac.
There were no
nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.
Planning for Older
Adults Block Grant Advisory Committee – 3 vac.
Commissioner McGrady
nominated Timothy Auwarter for position #3, E. Keith Ford for position #8, and
Wanda Moore for position #15.
Commissioner Young nominated James Phelps for position #3. They were no other nominations. Chairman
Moyer made the motion to accept E. Keith Ford to position #8 and Wanda Moore to
position #15 by acclamation. All voted
in favor and the motion carried. There
were two nominations to position #3 so this item was rolled to the next
Senior Volunteer
Services Advisory Council – 1 vac.
There were no nominations
at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.
Solid Waste Advisory
Committee – 1 vac.
There were no
nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.
Chairman Moyer
recognized member of the Hospital Board and called CEO Kris Hoce to the podium
to provide information regarding the budget for the Henderson County Hospital
Corporation for its upcoming fiscal year, and other related matters.
CEO Kris Hoce stated
that on October 31st the Pardee Board of Directors voted to seek
proposals from qualified nursing home operators who are interested in
purchasing the
Chairman Moyer asked the
Chairman of the Hospital Board to come to the podium and discuss the process
the Board had gone through, how long this has been in discussion, and the
Boards opinion on this situation.
Chair of the Hospital
Board Marcia Caserio stated that the process had been under consideration for
better than a year. To begin with the
Board was not unanimous in their decision about what to do to stabilize the
financial health of the hospital. They
studied and looked very carefully at their lines of services, at what could
only be done by the hospital, and what is already being done in the community
that some of their services may be duplicating.
As they looked and planned strategically it became very clear that
Pardee had to stay focused on the acute care that it provides citizens of
Chairman Moyer stated
that Kris Hoce had touched briefly on the concerns with Hospice and their
service and asked Ms. Caserio to reiterate how this was taken into
Ms. Caserio explained
that as they researched options, they had invited Hospice to look at the
possibility of expanding their services.
There is a condominium arrangement in place with their organization as
well as Hospice that she felt very much protected the relationship there. Hospice declined the opportunity to buy or
lease the facility, but they were offered the option.
Commissioner Williams
asked about the cost to patients with the new buyer compared to now.
Ms. Caserio stated that
110 beds were designated as Medicaid beds it would be her understanding that
Medicaid reimbursement would be the same for either. A large majority of the patients are Medicare
patients and certainly for those who are immediately post hospital and not into
custodial care, Medicare would kick in and pay the portion of their bills. From the custodial stand point, if it is not
Medicaid qualified and Medicaid reimbursable, that would probably be a consideration
of the new owner. This is one of the
factors that would be taken into consideration.
Vice-Chairman of the
Hospital Board Bill Smith agreed with comments from Mr. Hoce and Ms. Caserio. The Board had looked at this very diligently
and they feel that it is right thing to do.
Ms. Caserio emphasized
that after one year of careful scrutiny, as well as the committees very focused
work on looking at all options very carefully, the Board had unanimously voted
with no doubt that this is what needs to be done.
Bill Smith explained
that the RFP stipulates that any buyer would have to maintain the relationship
that exists with Four Seasons Hospice and the Pavilion. As they looked at what these programs were
providing in the community they did not want to disrupt the complementary
relationship that exists between
Commissioner Williams
asked, in terms of the sell of the property, if the county owns the facility
and if it is sold along with the real estate, did the funds all go back into
the hospital?
Chairman Moyer noted
that as part of the action that they would be discussing, he would be
recommending that the proceeds from the sale of the building and equipment go
back to the hospital for handling of their needs, growth, and keeping debt
down. No County money has gone forward
even though the building is technically in the name of the county.
Commissioner Messer
asked if anyone had offered to lease the facility or had the committee
determined not to look at this option?
Mr. Hoce stated that
there was never a formal proposal for lease, there was some informal review of
what’s out there in the market. When
they did the competitive cost benefit analysis of each option, the selling
option had more merit in terms of net value and the ability of the organization
to focus on the acute care side of the hospital operations. It was studied but not as a solicitation
Commissioner McGrady
raised a point as a matter of disclosure, he is a member of the Hospice Board
and he also chairs the Condominium Association.
He does not believe there is a conflict in acting on this issue but
deferred it to his colleagues.
Chairman Moyer felt it
was appropriate that Commissioner McGrady made the disclosure however, in his
view he did not feel that there was a conflict that would recuse Commissioner
Commissioner Williams
stated that while disclosures were being made, his grandmother resides at the
Chairman Moyer felt it
was appropriate for disclosure but did not feel it was necessary that Commissioner
Williams be recused.
It was the consensus of
the Board that neither Commissioner Williams nor Commissioner McGrady recuse
themselves from the action.
Chairman Moyer made the motion that the Board agree to the
marketing (including solicitation of requests for proposals and offers) for the
purpose of the sale of the
County Manager Steve
Wyatt stated that
Commissioner McGrady
disclosed that he has a contract with the Free Clinics and is in the midst of
helping them build a new building. He
did not believe that his association with the Free Clinics would cause a
conflict but deferred it to the will of the Board.
It was the consensus of
the Board that Commissioner McGrady’s disclosure of the arrangement with the
Free Clinic did not warrant recuse.
Western Highlands LME’s
specific recommendations were:
Appalachian Counseling $90,000
Community Health Network $75,000 ($50,000 current +
$25,000 future)
Henderson County Health
Department $43,280
Mainstay $25,000
Parkway Behavioral
Health $20,000
The Free Clinics $45,000
Total $388,280
At the Board of
Commissioners’ meeting held August 14, 2007, the Board approved a full time
Mental Health Therapist position to be paid for with Maintenance of Effort
funds. Maintenance of Effort funds in
the amount of $43,280 were requested to fund that position.
Commissioner McGrady made the motion that the Board
appropriate $388,280 of Maintenance of Effort funds at this time as recommended
by Western Highlands. All voted in favor
and the motion carried.
N.C.G.S. 143-129,
Procedure for Letting of Public Contracts, allows for the waiver of bidding for
previously bid contracts and the purchase of equipment/vehicles by the County
if with the last 12 months either a Federal agency, the State of North Carolina
or agency or political subdivision of the State, or any other state or agency
or political subdivision of that state had completed a public, formal bidding
There is a ten day
requirement to advertise a waiver of the bidding procedures under this statute
before the Board can consider and approve such actions. This waiver was duly advertised in the
Times-News on October 12, 2007.
Fire Marshall Rocky
Hyder stated that the Emergency Services Department had identified that
Buncombe County had formally bid out ambulances with the last 12 months and was
requesting the Board of Commissioners to consider adopting a resolution
allowing the EMS Department to piggyback on Buncombe County’s previously bid
contract awarded to Southeastern Specialty Vehicles to procure new ambulances
to replace four vehicles coming off lease this fiscal year.
Finance Director Carey
McLelland stated that the current year budget included funds for the lease of
these new ambulances replacements. These
vehicles have high mileage, are not practical for use by other departments and
have little residual value after 36 months of service. An analysis of purchase financing versus
leasing new ambulances was provided to the Board. A copy of the resolution is an attachment to
this set of minutes.
Commissioner Messer made the motion that the Resolution be
approved allowing the Henderson County EMS Department to piggyback on Buncombe
County’s previously bid contract to procure new ambulances in the current
fiscal year as allowed under N.C.G.S. 143-129(g). The vote passed 4-1 with Commissioner Young
voting nay.
The Animal Services
Advisory Committee had submitted the revised Animal Ordinance for the Board
consideration. Included for the Boards
review were:
Amendments included the
addition of spay-neuter program, expanded definitions, nuisance animals,
dangerous dog reporting and inspection requirements, animal fighting, rabies
vaccinations and livestock.
Assistant County Manager
Selena Coffey stated that a great deal of time had been spent on the Ordinance
Amendments and staff had 5-6 meetings with the Animal Services Committee. The Animal Services Committee and the public
had provided essential information.
Fire Marshall Rocky
Hyder covered the proposed changes in the ordinance. Under the definition section they added terms
as a result of the spay/neuter portion.
The role of the Animal Services Department was clarified to be
consistent with the authority that county is given through state statute. Public Nuisance has been defined so that we
not only talking about the behavior of an animal but we are also talking about
the conditions in which an animal is kept.
Dangerous dogs have been refined so that we can declare dogs potentially
dangerous earlier in the process if it’s a public safety issue. Mistreatment of animals was expanded to
include all animals as well as livestock.
Impoundment, adoption and relinquishment had been revised so that we can
microchip and vaccinate every animal that we come in contact with and impound
before their release back to the owner.
The penalty section has been clarified to make it understood that each
penalty includes per violation per animal per day. A two week period is provided to have a
rabies vaccination done after an adoption which is for the benefit of the
customer. The spay/neuter program
basically includes not only a spay/neuter program but it includes an assistance
program for the low income persons. It
requires alteration of either adopted, fostered, or any deemed dangerous
animals and is enforced only when there is another existing violation
present. An article was included on
livestock to help law enforcement officers address some of the issues which
mirror the state statute.
In regards to the
Spay/Neuter Program it was a challenge to make an ordinance that fits our
community. This would address the
animals that are giving us problems, the animals that are creating over
population and address this in a way that is effectively focused toward
resolving the program.
The Spay/Neuter Program
begins by saying that all cats and dogs 4 months of age or older adopted out
must be altered prior to adoption. Any
animals that are fostered must likewise be altered prior to the animal leaving
with the foster owner. If the foster arrangement
is organized through a non-profit organization, the organization shall be
responsible for altering the animal; if an individual initiates the foster
arrangement, the person will be responsible for the alteration.
Impounded Animals shall
be microchipped so that the animal can be identified in the future and must be
altered prior to release either back to the owner or through the adoption
Dangerous Deemed Dogs
must be altered within 10 days of the dangerous determination.
The Assistance Program
authorizes the county to operate as assistance program and enables the county
to utilize assistance programs that are already present within the
In the exemptions
section all animals that are associated with law enforcement or search and
rescue, service animals, dogs used for herding or guarding livestock, dogs of a
customarily accepted hunting breed used for hunting, animals kept for the
purpose of show, field trails, or agility trials, and animals where a
veterinarian has determined that it would be medically unreasonable to undergo
a surgical procedure.
Two methods were
provided as options for the Boards consideration of the proposed amendments.
the amendments on the first reading following a unanimous vote for approval.
an opportunity for public input at the December 3, 2007 meeting and provide
direction to staff following public input and adopt the amendments on second
Chairman Moyer requested
that the
It was the consensus of
the Board to hold a public input session (Option 2) on December 11, 2007 at
6:00 p.m. in the Board of Commissioners’ Conference Room.
Commissioner McGrady made the motion for the Board to go
into public hearing. All voted in favor
and the motion carried.
County Attorney Russ
Burrell stated that notice was hereby given pursuant to N.C. Gen. Stat.
§158-7.1 that the Henderson County Board of Commissioners would be holding a public
hearing on 5 November 2007 at 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the Board can
consider the matter, to consider the request of General Electric Corporation,
Outdoor Lighting Division, East Flat Rock Metalworking Unit, for economic
development incentives to assist in investment resulting in retention of
existing jobs.
The Company is a
manufacturing concern operating worldwide, including a factory located in East
Flat Rock,
The Board considered
granting assistance toward actual expenditures incurred in the Company’s plan
to construct its operation up to a maximum payment of Three Thousand Three
Hundred Fifty-Three Dollars and Fifty-Nine Cents ($3,353.50) per year for a
total of five (5) years. Each year’s
incentive payment for the five (5) years incentives would be paid would be
limited, under this proposal, to seventy percent (70%) of the ad valorem
property tax resulting from the capital investment for such year.
If approved, the request
would be funded through the general property tax revenue. The hearing was held in the Meeting Room of
Andrew Tate, CEO and
President of Henderson County Partnership for Economic Development stated that
General Electric had made an announcement several months prior that they would
be going through an assessment period which is common is a globally competitive
environment. This is a retention project
of six (6) jobs with salaries in the $50,000-$60,000 per year range. Benefits make their compensation packages in
excess of $80,000 per year. Paul Morris
and Terry Collins from General Electric were both present to answer any
questions the Board had about the project and give a timeline of the assessment
period they had gone through and the possibility of retaining this project in
Paul Morris informed the
Board that mid August they had announced their intent to transfer work from the
Hendersonville Plant and for approximately 60 days they had formed idea
generation teams made up of employees that are in the various area impacted
within the plant. One area being looked
at was the Die-Cast area. They pulled
8-10 employees from that area with a very aggressive meeting schedule and they
generated ideas on, “how can we save additional monies to keep that work
here”? Unfortunately with the Die-Cast
area they simply could not do that. The
competitive forces are such that they simply cannot compete in the Die-Cast
area. Certain other areas of the plant
they did the same thing. In their
Sheet-Metal area they had a pretty aggressive bunch of guys on that team and
they just simply would not let go. They
analyzed with help of finance some very good ideas with enough dollar savings
where General Electric could keep part of the Sheet-Metal operation here rather
than farm it out. Based on their
proposals and with the investment of 1.1 – 1.2 million dollar piece of
equipment they will be able to keep six (6) high skilled sheet metal type jobs here
in the 75-80 thousand dollar range, fully loaded with benefits.
Chairman Moyer requested
that Mr. Morris explain how incentives became involved.
Mr. Morris explained
that they are no different than any other big company. Corporate General Electric is in essence
their banker. They give them money to
invest in their plant and they expect a return on their investment. Part of the incentive that they are looking
for would help “sweeten the pot” on the return investment that their parent
company is looking for in order to give them the go to purchase the
Chairman Moyer stated
that the incentives were important from the standpoint of helping to tip that
balance to keep that investment in the job.
Public Input
There was none.
Commissioner Young made the motion that the Board issue the above
stated incentives to the General Electric Corporation for a period of five (5)
years. All voted in favor and the motion
Commissioner Messer made the motion for the Board to go out
of public hearing. All voted in favor
and the motion carried.
County Attorney Russ
Burrell stated that the County Manager
During the negotiations,
the Chamber and County Manager
Commissioner Young made the motion that the Board approve
the draft lease with the Greater
County Manager
There was nothing
Steve Wyatt reported
that he had received a letter from the
November 21, 2007 Meeting
Chairman Moyer made the motion that the Board cancel the
November 21, 2007 Regular Scheduled Meeting.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Request for public hearing on new road names
Commissioner McGrady made the motion that the Board set a
public hearing on new road names for December 3, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Boards consideration of 2008 Meeting Schedule
The following dates are
the proposed schedule of Regular Meeting Dates for 2008
Monday, January 7, 2008 5:30 p.m.
Wednesday, January 16,
2008 9:00 a.m.
Monday, February 4, 2008 5:30 p.m.
Wednesday, February 20,
2008 9:00 a.m.
Monday, March 3, 2008 5:30 p.m.
Wednesday, March 19,
2008 9:00 a.m.
Monday, April 7, 2008 5:30 p.m.
Wednesday, April 16,
2008 9:00 a.m.
Monday, May 5, 2008 5:30 p.m.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008 9:00 a.m.
Monday, June 2, 2008 5:30 p.m.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008 9:00 a.m.
Monday, July 7, 2008 5:30 p.m.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008 9:00 a.m.
Monday, August 4, 2008 5:30 p.m.
Wednesday, August 20,
2008 9:00 a.m.
Tuesday, September 2,
2008 5:30 p.m.
Wednesday, September 17,
2008 9:00 a.m.
Monday, October 6, 2008 5:30 p.m.
Wednesday, October 15,
2008 9:00 a.m.
Monday, November 3, 2008 5:30 p.m.
Wednesday, November 19,
2008 9:00 a.m.
Monday, December 1, 2008 5:30 p.m.
Wednesday, December 17,
2008 9:00 a.m.
Commissioner McGrady made the motion that the Board approve
the proposed schedule for regular meetings for 2008. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Public Input Session for Animal Ordinance Amendments
Commissioner McGrady made the motion that the Board set a
public hearing on the proposed Animal Ordinance Amendments for Tuesday,
December 11, 2007 at 6:00 p.m. All voted
in favor and the motion carried.
Commissioner McGrady made the motion for the Board to go
into closed session as allowed pursuant to NCGS 143-318.11 for the following
1. (a)(4) To
discuss matters relating to the location or expansion of industries or other business
in the area served by the public body.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Commissioner McGrady made the motion to adjourn the meeting.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Teresa L. Wilson, Deputy Clerk to the Board William L. Moyer, Chairman