The Henderson County
Board of Commissioners met for a special called meeting at 7:00 p.m. in the
Commissioners' Conference Room of the
Those present were: Chairman Bill Moyer, Vice-Chairman
Also present were: Research/Budget
Analyst Coordinator Amy Brantley, Communications Specialist Pam Brice, Senior
Planner Autumn Radcliff, Planning Director
Commissioner McGrady made the motion that the Board adjourn
as the
Commissioner McGrady made the motion that the Board adjourn
as Cane Creek Water & Sewer District and reconvene as the
Chairman Moyer called
the meeting to order and welcomed all in attendance. The stated that the second purpose of their
meeting as Henderson County Board of Commissioners was a workshop with respect
to the land development code.
Chairman Moyer stated that
an issue had come up with Commissioner Young with respect to rezoning on
Highway #191 and he had concerns with respect to reconsideration of a
commercial zoning matter off of the 225 connector. He had personally asked Mr. Starr to cover
these in the notice so that if the Board discussed these issues they would have
the authority to act upon them. He
called Planning Director Anthony Starr to the podium.
Chairman Moyer explained
that the Board would set up one or more workshops prior to a public hearing,
where the public would be able to (again) reflect their comments with respect
to the draft and any additional changes the Board had made prior to that
Anthony Starr shared a
power-point presentation which included the following:
LDC Residential Issue 1 – Transitioning R2 to R2-MH
Recommended solution:
This would allow mobile
homes anywhere they are currently with exception of a small area.
LDC Residential Issue 2 – Accessory/Temporary Manufactured
Recommended solution:
The accessory dwelling
must carry 50% gross floor of the principal dwelling.
LDC Residential Issue 3 – Suburban Overlay District
Recommended solution:
Develop an overlay
district with the following:
LDC Residential Issue 4 – Proposed R4 Zoning District
Recommended solution:
Create an R4 zoning
Commissioner McGrady
suggested using draft 10 map from July 2 which basically was the draft that
included R4 on all the public lands and amend this by placing R4 as recommended
on July 2 and take in the two “in holdings” on the northwest section, one of
which is the “lodge” property and the other tract the conservation area for
agriculture use.
LDC Residential Issue 5 – Subdivisions Referred by Planning
Recommended solution:
It was the consensus of
the Board to allow the Planning Board to refer any subdivision, at their
discretion, to the Board of Commissioners for review and approval.
LDC Residential Issue 6 – Subdivisions Review & Approved
by the Board of Commissioners
Recommended solution:
It was the consensus of
the Board that subdivisions of 300 or more lots/units should be
accompanied by conditional zoning requests and be reviewed and approved by the
Board of Commissioners.
LDC Residential Issue 7 – Public Water and Sewer
Recommended solution:
It was the consensus of
the Board that subdivisions with 300 or more units may be required to
connect to public water if located within 2 miles of an existing public water
system and/or public sewer if within 1 mile.
LDC Residential Issue 8 – Off Site Access
Recommended solution:
Table 3.2 Maximum
Number of Lots Permitted |
Road Frontage or
Existing Off-Site Row at the Narrowest
Point |
Maximum number of lots
permitted |
Less than 30 feet |
1 lot per acres with a
maximum of 25 lots |
30 feet or greater |
No maximum |
Discussion followed with
the consensus of the Board to stay with the same thing and no maximum.
LDC Residential Issue 9 – Special Subdivisions
Recommended solution:
Commissioner McGrady
proposed that the Board ban gated subdivisions and grandfather existing gated
subdivisions and asked that staff come up with appropriate language to be
addressed at a future meeting.
Commissioner Williams
suggested the possibility of gated communities being a special use.
It was suggested that
staff take another look at Issue 9, and other communities, and come up with
appropriate language and how to accomplish this and come back to the Board.
Discussion followed in
regards to setting an additional workshop.
Chairman Moyer made the motion that the Board schedule an
additional workshop at the August 14 Board meeting at an earlier
timeframe. The vote passed 4 to 1 with
Commissioner McGrady voting nay.
Commissioner Messer made the motion to adjourn
the meeting at 9:00 p.m. All voted in
favor and the motion carried.
Terry Wilson, Deputy
Clerk to the Board
William L. Moyer, Chairman