The Henderson County
Board of Commissioners met for a regularly scheduled meeting at 5:30 p.m. in
the Commissioners' Conference Room of the
Those present were: Chairman Bill Moyer, Vice-Chairman
Also present were:
Public Information Officer Chris S. Coulson, Planning Director
Absent were: Commissioner Chuck McGrady, County Manager
Chairman Moyer called
the meeting to order and welcomed all in attendance.
Commissioner Young led
the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.
Commissioner Williams
gave the invocation.
Chairman Moyer asked
each person who had signed up for informal public comments to please limit
their time to about 3 minutes.
Dr. Barbara Barnett – Dr. Barnett lives at
Buford Adcock – Mr. Adcock lives at
Kenny Adcock – Mr. Adcock lives at
Dennis Crawford – Mr. Crawford lives at
Susan Stewart – Ms. Stewart lives at
Linda Soble – Ms. Soble lives at
Dick Baird – Dick Baird lives at
Baird congratulated County Manager
Baird was concerned with the fact that the County had underestimated in the
budgeting process the tax revenues by $1.8 million dollars. This information was derived from rumors but
was confirmed by the
Randy Neal – Randy Neal lives at 3033 Tabor Trails in
Margaret Davidson – Margaret Davidson resides at
10. Robert Armstrong – Robert Armstrong lives
Assistant County Manager
Selena Coffey introduced new employee Markus Jones, who joined
Chairman Moyer explained
that the County Manager
Chairman Moyer stated
that the public hearing scheduled to consider economic development incentives
had been canceled. He called Scott
Hamilton and Sherwood Packaging Manager David Norwood to the podium.
Scott Hamilton
introduced David Norwood and informed the Board that Sherwood Packaging was
located in Flat Rock across from General Electric. He explained that the public hearing was
previously scheduled for this meeting in order to discuss consideration of
incentives for Sherwood Packaging. Mr.
Hamilton introduced David Norwood.
David Norwood explained
that Sherwood Packaging was a business of International Paper. The packaging facility on
Chairman Moyer
congratulated the company in regards to moving ahead without the
Chairman Moyer requested
that Consent Agenda Item K, Personnel Action Request, be removed for further
consideration and that Discussion Item D, Construction Management Services
Henderson County Schools be removed for further review and consideration. Chairman Moyer also requested an addition of
Discussion Item H, Update on the Legislative Conference in
Commissioner Messer made the motion to approve the agenda as
revised above. All voted in favor and
the motion carried.
Commissioner Williams made the motion to approve the consent
agenda as amended above. All voted in
favor and the motion carried.
Draft minutes were
presented for the Board’s review and approval for the following meetings:
October 18, 2006
October 19, 2006
January 31, 2007
February 8, 2007 #1
February 8, 2007 #2
Tax Collector’s Report
Terry F. Lyda, Henderson
County Tax Collector, had provided the Tax Collector’s Report dated March 12,
2007, for the Board’s review and consent approval.
County Financial Report/Cash Balance Report – January, 2007
These two reports were
presented for the Board’s review and consent approval.
Non-Departmental costs
include insurance premiums paid to date for Property and Liability insurance
coverage and Worker’s Compensation costs.
These costs are being allocated out to all departments on a pro rata
basis during the fiscal year.
The current YTD deficit
in the Emergency 911 Communications Fund is due to the purchase of new
technology and equipment during the first quarter that was budgeted in the
current fiscal year and paid for from unreserved fund balance appropriated in
this fund.
The YTD deficit in the
CDBG-Scattered Site Housing Project and the Mills River Watershed Protection
Project is temporary due to timing differences in the expenditures of funds and
the subsequent requisition of Federal and State grant funds to reimburse
project expenditures. Reimbursement
requests are normally done on a quarterly basis.
The YTD deficit in the
Mills River Elementary School Project included architectural fees that have
been paid on the project to date that will be reimbursed from the issuance of
debt in the future.
The YTD deficit in the
Solid Waste Landfill Fund is due to construction expenditures incurred on the
new transfer station project. The total
cost of this project is being paid from $1.8 million of unreserved fund balance
appropriated in this Fund.
Henderson County Public Schools Financial Report – January,
This January report was
presented for the Board’s review and consent approval.
State ADM Fund Application
The current fiscal year
budget included a revenue source from the Public School Building Capital Fund
(“ADM Fund”) which the County has programmed to pay debt service on the
financing for the Clear Creek and Etowah Elementary School Projects that were
completed in 2003. Staff requested that
the Board consider approving the ADM Fund application for $640,000 to pay this
debt service. The Board of Public
Education had previously approved the application to use these funds.
If the Board is so
inclined, the following motion was suggested:
I move that the Board of Commissioners approve the attached
ADM Fund Application as presented.
Register of Deeds – Request to use ROD Restricted Funds for
Automation, Enhancement and Document Preservation
The General Assembly
enacted legislation that required counties to place 10 percent of certain
revenues generated by the Register of Deeds Office into a fund to pay for
automation enhancements and document preservation beginning in January
2002. This fund which is a portion of
the County’s Restricted General Fund Balance has in excess of $400,000
currently. Only the Board of Commissioners
may authorize the use and release of these restricted funds.
Register of Deeds Nedra
Moles requested the Board’s consideration to use the Register of Deeds
Restricted General Fund Balance for contracted service costs and the purchase
of two new computers and memory upgrades for existing computers. The budget amendment appropriates $19,188
from the restricted general fund balance for this purpose.
If the Board is so
inclined, the following motion was suggested:
I move that the Board of Commissioners approve the request
by the Register of Deeds and the associated budget amendment to use Restricted
General Fund Balance for the purposes indicated.
Western Highlands Area Authority – Quarterly Fiscal
Monitoring Report (FM) for the period ended December 31, 2006
G.S. 122C-117(c)
requires the staff of the local area mental health authority to provide the
county finance officer with the quarterly Fiscal Monitoring Report (FMR) within
30 days of the end of the quarter. The
county finance officer is then required to provide the FMR to the Board of
Commissioners at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the board. The report was received by the finance
officer on
February 22, 2007 and provided for the Board’s review and consent.
Joint Cooperation Agreement with the
If the Board is so
inclined, the following motion was suggested:
I move that the Board adopt the Resolution and authorize the
Chairman to enter into the Joint Cooperation Agreement with the
WCCA Community Services Block Grant Application
This is a continuing
grant that supports WCCA’s outreach to low-income residents as well as
self-sufficiency, homeownership, and senior adult programs. This grant application represents year 1 of
another 3-year cycle. No County funds
are required to fund these programs.
If the Board is so
inclined, the following motion was suggested:
I move that the Board endorse this application and authorize
the Chairman to execute the required documents.
Narcotics Enforcement Team Annual Report
This report was provided
for the Board’s review and consent approval.
Personnel Action Request
This item was pulled
from the agenda. No action was taken.
Amendment to Charter for the APFO Task Force
At the February 21, 2007
meeting the Board changed the charge of the Adequate Public Facilities Task
Force to first prepare a feasibility study concerning the creation and
enforcement of an Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance. Once all Task Force members are appointed the
group will begin work on the feasibility study. The charter reflects the direction
of the Board given at the February 21, 2007 meeting as follows:
The Task Force’s purpose
is to study the feasibility of implementing an Adequate Public Facilities
standard into the Land Development Code for
If the Board is so
inclined, the following motion was suggested:
I move that the Board approve the Adequate Public Facilities
Ordinance Task Force Charter as amended.
Improvement Guarantee for Hillcrest Crossing (Formerly
Edneyville Inn Subdivision)
Edney Inn Development
Company LLC, owner and developer, submitted an application for an improvement
guarantee for Hillcrest Crossing, Hillcrest Crossing is a 31-lot major subdivision
located off of U.S. Hwy 64 (Chimney Rock Road).
The improvement guarantee is proposed to cover road construction which
includes paving, drainage, erosion control and water system improvements.
The developer intends on
using a Bank Escrow Account with the amount of at least $755,034.00 to cover
the cost of the improvements ($604,027.20) as well as the required twenty-five
percent (25%) contingency ($151,006.80).
The proposed completion date for the improvements is October 1, 2008.
A draft Performance
Guarantee Agreement was provided for the Board’s review and consent
approval. If the Board approved of the
draft Performance Guarantee Agreement, then a Bank Escrow Agreement, in
accordance with the Performance Agreement, will be submitted to
If the Board is so
inclined, the following motion was suggested:
I move that the Board of Commissioners find and conclude
that the request for an improvement guarantee complies with the provisions of
the Subdivision Ordinance and is approved.
Designation of plat review officers
N.C. Gen. Stat. §47-30.2
required that all persons appointed as plat review officers be so appointed by
a resolution recorded in the Register of Deeds office. “Plat review officers” insure that all plats
to be recorded comply with the plat requirements set out in the General
On September 17, 1997
this Board first adopted a plat review officer resolution. This resolution also sets out certain other
procedures that all plat review officers must follow. The Board has from time to time updated its
appointments of plat review officers.
The Board needs to again
consider updating the list of those persons appointed as plat review
officers. The Planning Director
recommends that
If the Board is so
inclined, the following motion was suggested:
I move that the Board adopt the proposed resolution
appointing a new list of plat review officers for
Text Amendment to the Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance
This text amendment was
suggested to clarify the appeal procedure under the Flood Damage Prevention
Ordinance to make it internally consistent.
Right now as it is written, the appeals go to the Flood Damage
Prevention Ordinance Appeal Board who makes an order but in the following
section it requires people to obey the appeal order from the Board of
Commissioners. This text amendment
changes the ordinance so both refer to the Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance
Appeal Board and removes reference to the Board of Commissioners.
If the Board is so
inclined, the following motion was suggested:
I move that the Board adopt the proposed Text Amendment to
the Section 102-18 of the
Soil Erosion and Sedimentary Control Ordinance Enforcement
In November 2006, the
Board of Commissioners approved the Soil Erosion & Sedimentation Control
Ordinance. State approval of the
Ordinance allows
Acceptance is defined as
any municipality which has approved a corresponding resolution permitting
County enforcement. These municipal
resolutions must be approved by the effective date of the
By accepting County
enforcement, participating municipalities permit the Ordinance Administrator to
investigate, inspect, and enforce the Ordinance within municipal
boundaries. The municipalities also
allow the County to request any appropriate civil or criminal penalties or
injunctive relief on their behalf. The
County takes responsibility for plan and permit review for applicants within
the municipalities.
If the Board is so
inclined, the following motion was suggested:
I move that the Board adopt the Resolution to enforce the
ordinance in any municipality which accepts County assistance.
Notification of Vacancies
The Board was notified
of the following vacancies which will appear for nominations on the next
Zoning Board of Adjustment – 1 vac.
Board of Trustees – 1 vac.
Waste Advisory Committee – 3vac.
Chairman Moyer reminded
the Board of the following vacancies and opened the floor to nominations.
Adequate Public
Facilities Task Force Charter – 4 vac.
Commissioner Williams
nominated Tedd Pearce. Commissioner
Young nominated Bo Caldwell to position # 5 and
Blue Ribbon Committee on
Illegal Immigration – 11 vac.
Commissioner Young
withdrew the nomination of Sandra Crisp.
Commissioner Williams nominated Burt Lemkus to position #2. Chairman Moyer nominated Captain Dan Summey
for position #4. Previous nominations
were Patrick Tapia to position #3, Daniel McConnell to position #5, Benny Corn
to position #6, Larry Ford to position #7 and Mike Scruggs to position #8. Commissioner
Young made the motion to accept the seven positions by acclamation. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Commissioner Young
announced that
Bill Moyer |
1. Grady Hawkins |
1. David Arnold |
1. David Arnold |
1. Grady Hawkins |
2. Candler Willis |
2. Chip Gould |
2. Chip Gould |
2. Candler Willis |
The poll resulted in a tie so therefore this
item was rolled to the next meeting.
Child Fatality
Prevention Team – 1 vac.
There were no
nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.
Environmental Advisory
Committee – 1 vac.
Ron Ehlinger was
nominated at the last meeting. Chairman Moyer made the motion to accept Mr.
Ehlinger by acclamation. All voted in
favor and the motion carried.
There were no
nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.
There were no
nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.
There were no
nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.
Juvenile Crime
Prevention Council – 4 vac.
There were no
nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.
Nursing/Adult Care Home
Community Advisory Committee – 9 vac.
The Chair Nuala Fay
recommended nomination of Sylvia Crouse to position #2, Barbara Petrie to
position #7, Donalee D. Wermeister to position #12, Joan Laderach to position
#13, and reappointment of Rev. Martha Sachs to position #1. Chairman
Moyer made the motion to accept the five appointments by acclamation. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Senior Volunteer
Services Advisory Council – 1 vac.
There were no
nominations at this time so this item was rolled to the next meeting.
Gang Grant Personnel Approval
Sheriff Rick Davis
stated that the Henderson County Sheriff’s Office was requesting that the Board
approve the two positions requested in the gang grant. The grant had already received the approval
of the North Carolina Governor’s Crime Commission.
The Gang Enforcement
Officer and the Latino Outreach Coordinator are essential to the success of the
Henderson County Gang Prevention Partnership which was outlined in the grant
Funding for the two
positions will be provided through June 30, 2008 by the grant funds from the
North Carolina Governor’s Crime Commission.
Beyond that date, funds will be sought through the Justice Assistance
Grant Program to continue the program.
Currently in
Commissioner Messer made the motion to allow Sheriff Rick
Davis to hire the Gang Enforcement Officer and the Latino Outreach Coordinator
as soon as possible. All voted in favor
and the motion carried.
Update on 2007 Reappraisal
County Assessor
The Tax Base is composed
of Real Property; land and improvements (structures permanently attached),
including some manufactured housing, motor vehicles; licensed (tagged)
vehicles, personal property; business machinery and equipment, aircraft and watercraft,
untagged motor vehicles, and manufactured homes not meeting the real property
test, and public service companies; public utilities and other regulated
For FY 2006-2007 Mr.
Duncan’s initial projections delivered to the County and upon which the tax
rate was set was $7,673,400,000 on Real Property (81.98% of tax base),
$829,500,000 on Registered Motor Vehicles (8.87% of tax base), $689,270,000 on
Personal Property (7.36% of tax base), and $167,945,000 on Public Service
Companies (1.79% of tax base), totaling
a $9,360,115,000 projection. Real
Property data was based on valuations as of April 28, 2007. Personal Property was based on an estimated
4-5% loss over the prior year.
Registered Motor Vehicles was based on 98% of projected prior fiscal
year. Public Service Companies was based
on trend of three prior years.
The TR-1 Report, which
is a calendar based report, that is submitted to the Department of Revenue
along with the finance office shows that Real Property, based on reports ran
through the system at the end of the calendar year, 2006, was $7,773,053,453 or
80.23% of the tax base, Registered Motor Vehicles was $916,991,440 or .93% of
the tax base, Personal Property was $805,366,146 or 1.24% of the tax base, and Public
Service Companies was $193,340,879 or .27% of the tax base. The growth was attributed to discoveries and
property that was not listed on the books.
Registered Motor Vehicles was the largest increase. Public Utilities for the first time in four
years had a $3 million gain. When the
report for Public Utilities arrives the annual bills have already been mailed,
the tax projections have been made, and the tax rate has been adopted. This constitutes the total base of
The North Carolina
General Assembly determines how property in this State should be valued for
purposes of ad valorem taxation. All
property, real and personal, shall as far as practicable be appraised or valued
at its true value in money. When used in
this Subchapter, the words “true value” shall be interpreted as meaning market
value, that is, the price estimated in terms of money at which the property
would change hands between a willing and financially able buyer and a willing
seller, neither being under any compulsion to buy or to sell and both having
reasonable knowledge of all the uses to which the property is adapted and for
which it is capable of being used. There
is no basis in State law for market value being different from appraised value
for property tax purposes as of January 1 of the reappraisal year. The purpose of the statutory requirement that
all property to be appraised at its true value in money is to assure, as far as
practicable, a distribution of the burden of taxation in proportion to the true
values of the respective taxpayer’s property holdings, whether they be rural or
Personal property is
appraised every year at 100%. Real
property is appraised at 100% only in the year of the reappraisal.
Ad valorem tax
assessments are presumed to be correct, and when such assessments are
challenged, the burden of proof is on the taxpayer to show that the assessment
was erroneous. The taxpayer must present
evidence to show that an arbitrary method of valuation was used, or that an
illegal method of valuation was used, and that the assessment substantially
exceeded the true value in money of the property. To make an informal appeal the taxpayer
should tear-off the appeal portion of their bill, complete it, attach any additional
information, and mail it back to the Assessor’s Office. Formally they would
make a written application by the advertised adjournment date to the Henderson
County Board of Equalization and Review.
Mr. Duncan suggested that when trying to win an appeal that the
Mr. Duncan did suggest:
Land Design has
extensive experience in park planning and project design. CJMW has provided architectural services for
several park multi-use centers. The
combination of these two firms makes up a good team approach for the Edneyville
Park Project. CJMW was the architectural
services used for the
Commissioner Young made the motion that the firm of
Calloway, Johnson, Moore and West be approved for architectural services for
Construction Management Services Henderson County Schools
This item was
removed. No action was taken.
Financing – New Etowah Branch Library
Finance Director J.
Carey McLelland explained that the Etowah Branch Library project is
underway. It is a $2,050,000 project
including land purchase. A resolution
was presented to the Board of Commissioners for consideration concerning the
proposed installment purchase contract financing for the project. The resolution authorizes Staff to begin the
negotiation of an installment purchase financing contract with Bank of America
to finance $1,750,000 over a 10 year term at a 4.01% annual interest rate to
fund the design and construction of the new branch library. The annual debt service requirement for this
financing is $213,329. There is no
prepayment penalty for paying the loan off in full at any time. The resolution also makes the necessary
findings to undertake and finance the Project and authorizes Staff to submit an
application to the Local Government Commission for its required approval of the
installment purchase contract financing.
Finally the resolution calls for a required public hearing on the
financing documents to be held on the Board of Commissioner’s April 2, 2007
meeting date at 7:00 p.m. and directs the Clerk to the Board to cause a notice
of public hearing to be published in a local newspaper with general
Commissioner Williams made the motion that the Board approve
the resolution accepting Bank of America as the lowest responsive proposal for
the financing, making the necessary findings and authorizing Staff to make an
application to the Local Government Commission and setting the required public
hearing for the Board’s April 2, 2007 regularly scheduled meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
A ten minute break was
taken to change video tapes.
Reimbursement Resolution for
Commissioner Messer made the motion that the Board adopt the
draft reimbursement resolution regarding the
There was nothing
further at this time.
There was nothing
further at this time.
Barking Dogs
Commissioner Messer
stated that there have been concerns addressed in regards to barking dogs in
Chairman Moyer suggested
that the Board give direction to staff to explore and see what options are there
at this time. The Board needed to decide
whether to make this a priority. At this
time there is a Noise Ordinance but it is not effective in this area.
Commissioner Messer
reminded the Board that staff was not available to go out to someone’s house
and wait for a dog to bark and verify with a decimeter.
Commissioner Young feels
that the ordinance should include all loud noises. He does not feel that the decibel meter is
the practical solution.
Chairman Moyer requested
that Staff study the options, including enforcement, and come back to the Board
with options of handling the problem. Once
the Board has this information they can prioritize it based on the cost.
Commissioner Messer
directed the staff to check with other surrounding Counties to see what type of
ordinance and enforcement were in place.
NACo Conference in
Commissioner Messer
began by saying that it was a good conference.
One of the classes he attended was in regards to Methamphetamines.
The North Carolina
Association had a caucus on immigration which included approximately 30
Commissioners. Mr. Messer informed them
about the Blue Ribbon Committee on Illegal Immigration that was being formed in
The budget was discussed
primarily in regards to the Medicaid burden.
The Board discussed
changing the Public Hearing scheduled for March 26, 2007 to another date
because of a conflict.
Planning Director
Chairman Moyer made the motion for the Board to go into closed
session as allowed pursuant to NCGS 143-318.11 for the following reasons:
To prevent disclosure of information that is privileged or confidential
pursuant to the law
this State or of the United States, or not considered a public record within
the meaning of Chapter 132 of
the General Statures, in accordance with and pursuant to NCGS 143-318.10(e) and
Article II of Chapter 11 of the Henderson County Code.
2. (a)(4)
discuss matters relating to the location or expansion of industries or other
businesses in the area served by the public body.
_________________________________ __________________________________