30, 2006
The Henderson County
Board of Commissioners met for a special called meeting at 7:00 p.m. in the
Commissioners' Conference Room of the Henderson County Office Building.
Those present were: Chairman Bill Moyer, Vice-Chairman Charlie
Messer, Commissioner Larry Young, Commissioner Chuck McGrady, Commissioner
Shannon Baldwin, County Manager Steve Wyatt, County Attorney Russ Burrell, and
Clerk to the Board Elizabeth Corn.
Also present were: Deputy
Clerk to the Board Amy Brantley, Fire Marshal Rocky Hyder and Animal Services
Director Morgan Woodward.
Chairman Moyer called
the meeting to order and welcomed all in attendance. The purpose of the meeting
was a public hearing and workshop on the draft Animal Control Ordinance.
McGrady made the motion to approve the agenda. All voted in favor and the
motion carried.
Rocky Hyder provided a
brief presentation about the proposed Ordinance amendment. The amendment as
written was designed to be enforced on a complaint driven basis. The animal
services committee views the amendment as a tool to resolve problems, and allows
staff the ability to do that. There are exceptions in the amendment for
livestock control, hunting, exhibitions and kennel club activities, and law
enforcement activities. The code enforcement cycle would begin with an
opportunity to educate the public. The second offense would allow staff to give
a civil penalty if circumstances warranted, and the third offence would allow
staff to pursue equitable remedies, such as a court injunction. The rabies tag
violation was an exception to these situations. If an animal were found without
a rabies tag, staff would attempt to contact the owner and take measures to
ensure the animal had the appropriate vaccination.
Chairman Moyer clarified
that the ordinance applied to the unincorporated parts of the county, as well
as those municipalities who wished to incorporate the ordinance.
McGrady made the motion to go into public hearing. All voted in favor and the
motion carried.
Rick Livingston – Mr. Livingston spoke
with regards to hunting dogs, stating that hunting dog owners are very
responsible as those dogs are quite expensive. He did not feel hunting dogs
should be held to the same standards as other dogs.
Stephanie McNabb – Ms. McNabb expressed
concern about the complaint driven nature of the ordinance, and the
enforceability of the ordinance given the number of staff at animal control.
Sara Huggins – Ms. Huggins stated that
she looked forward to getting some relief from wandering animals. She was
generally in favor of the ordinance, but did not feel that she should have to
fence in her property if her animals stayed on her property.
Mitchell Redmon – Mr. Redmon did not feel
there was a need for a law to control animals in the County. He felt tax
dollars would be better spent addressing crime in the County.
Mary Rose – Ms. Rose stated that
packs of dogs run in her neighborhood, dig in her yard, prevent her from
walking or putting out her garbage. She felt that caring pet owners would not
allow their pets to roam free to be hit by cars.
Diane Gilliland – Ms. Gilliland questioned
what the crime rate in the County would increase to if all dogs were confined.
She also expressed concern about neighbors using this issue to settle old grudges.
She felt that there were plenty of places for walkers or joggers, and the
County should let homeowners associations deal with this issue.
Linda Gilbert – Ms. Gilbert felt that
her dogs helped protect her horses and cattle. She was opposed to the
Tom Smith – Mr. Smith stated that in
his area, he was unable to walk without being chased and growled at by dogs.
While most dogs in the neighborhood were well restrained, there was always one
who would dig up the flower beds and the owner would do nothing. He was in
favor of the ordinance.
Diane Kucha – Ms. Kucha felt that
while there were valid arguments on both sides of the issue, it boiled down to
irresponsible pet owners. She feared for herself and her dog with respect to
loose dogs, which had attacked her while walking.
Martin Spielsock – Mr. Speilsock stated
that he had recently moved to the County, and was struck by the number of dogs
roaming unattended. He did not understand how people could feel comfortable
knowing their dogs were just out roaming around.
Amanda Pace – Ms. Pace stated that her
dog protected her, her children and her property. She felt that law enforcement
should not be the ones to take calls about animals, and that animal control
should enforce the laws already in place.
Larry McKay – Mr. McKay stated that
the County just doesn’t need another ordinance. If dogs are fenced or tied up,
he expected that the crime rate in the County would rise. Each time the County
passes an ordinance, in some way freedom is restricted.
Rita Metcalf – Ms. Metcalf stated that
she had about 100 guineas and chickens, and had dogs to protect them. She had
an acre fenced in for her dogs, but that still didn’t satisfy some of her
Dorothy Freeman – Ms. Freeman stated that
she had dogs on her farm, and when she went down to plow her fields. Her dogs
are her protectors. She did not feel that the ordinance was necessary.
Suzanne Morton – Ms. Morton stated that
she was opposed to the ordinance for all the reasons mentioned by previous
Robert Decher – Mr. Decher was not
present when his name was called.
Pam Hodges – Ms. Hodges stated that
she had 60 acres, and did not feel she should have to fence in all her property
if her animals stayed on that property. She also noted that there was a huge
movement in the country to take away all freedoms, such as forcing spay/neuter
and banning certain breeds. The number one way to prevent freedoms being
further eroded was by having a lease law. She was in favor of the ordinance.
Babs Newton – Ms. Newton stated that
she walked with a stick because she and her dog, which she walks on a leash,
are frequently attacked by dogs when walking on public roads. She was in favor
of the ordinance.
Theron Maybin – Mr. Maybin stated that
when children play with dogs, it’s hard to do when the dog is on a leash. He
felt that dog owners and neighbors could work together in an honorable fashion.
Judie Sloan – Ms. Sloan stated that
she’d had the experience of having a dog come in her yard and kill her cat, and
her dog being attacked while on a leash. She’d also had the experience of
having her dog fenced up and having walkers tease her dog. She did not feel
that if a dog remained on its property, that it should have to be fenced or on
a lease. The issue that had to be addressed was dogs off their own property
causing a nuisance.
Ron McNabb – Mr. McNabb did not wish
for people moving into the county to be able to change everything to suit
themselves. He felt that animal control officers should be doing a better job
to enforce the laws currently in place.
Dick Baird – Mr. Baird warned the
Board to be aware of unintended consequences that were probable if the
ordinance were enacted.
Jae McLaughlin – Mr. McLaughlin stated
that he’d owned several dogs in his life, and the only one that lived long
enough to die a normal death was one that he kept in a fenced yard. He felt
that pet owners should be responsible to take care of their pets.
Joann Turner – Ms. Turner addressed an
incident her mother had recently with a rabid fox, and the problems experienced
with trying to get animal control to the scene.
Jane Shelley – Ms. Shelley felt the
bite of the law should be on the owner rather than the dog. She asked that the
Board consider responsible versus irresponsible pet owners.
Jim Sherry – Mr. Sherry agreed that
owners need to be responsible for their dogs. He also felt that dogs must be
under voice control or leash.
Norah Schumacher – Ms. Schumacher stated
that she had recently moved here from Los Angeles to have some more freedoms.
Neighborhoods that have bands of wild dogs should be taken care of, but she did
not feel this ordinance would take care of that type problem.
Linda Gilbert – Ms. Gilbert commented on
packs of wild dogs roaming. She felt those dogs could be trapped by animal
control and dealt with by contacting their owners.
Iradj Khalkhai – Mr. Khalkhai stated he
was tired of packs of dogs roaming his neighborhood. In many instances these
dogs did not have tags, therefore the owners could not be contacted.
Robert Kaufil – Mr. Kaufil questioned
the need for Section B of the proposed ordinance, which dealt with fencing, or restraining
an animal on its own property.
Deb Foster – Ms. Foster had a poor
experience with animal control recently concerning a dog she had adopted which
her neighbor had reported for trespassing. She felt that animal control should
have a means of trapping wild dogs that cause problems, rather than punishing
responsible dog owners.
Mitchell Redmon – Mr. Redmon stated that
there were already legal means to solve any problems that anyone had with
animals. He felt those means should be pursued rather than enacting a leash
McGrady made the motion to go out of public hearing. All voted in favor and the
motion carried.
Rocky Hyder addressed
the Board stating that he had concerns about the customer service issues
mentioned. He requested that anyone who had concerns about customer service
contact him following the meeting. He answered several questions from the Board
about the current standard operating procedures employed at animal services. Morgan
Woodward noted that when a call comes in, the complaint is logged on an
investigation form. There is no tally taken of those complaints, and the
information is not currently being incorporated with GIS. The forms are not
numbered, but each complaint is filed by address. Staff tries to make contact
with both the caller and the person whom the complaint was made against on each
Commissioner McGrady
stated that a lot of information had been received, and he felt he needed to go
back and take another look at the ordinance. If the Board does adopt an
ordinance, he felt the Board should narrowly define what is being controlled.
His concern with the present draft was that it could be over broad. He had
trouble feeling that the ordinance should be applicable in an area like Green
River, but did understand the need for it in the urban areas of the county.
Chairman Moyer agreed with
the speaker who questioned Section B of the Ordinance. He stated that he would
like to see an ordinance without Section B, but that the main issue was to be
able to control dangerous dogs. He did not wish however, to create a problem
whereby the County would spend time enforcing issues where there weren’t really
problems to the detriment of where there really are dangerous situations. He
requested the County Manager and staff work on the draft in that light.
Commissioner Baldwin
stated that though he grew up in the County and had dogs, the County was
changing. There were more people in the County now, and more people and dogs
per acre. There were also now different types of breeds that tended to be
associated with a high risk of violent attack. In incidences involving this
type of dog, he didn’t feel there should be second chances. He also expressed
concern that Section B was attempting to micromanage how people controlled
their pets, and felt that section could be reworked.
Commissioner Young
agreed that Section B could be reworked, but that there was a problem in the
County. He felt the animal services should start keeping a good log on calls,
and suggested delaying action on the ordinance for 90 days to allow time for an
education program. If the education period worked, then he believed the
community could work together. If it didn’t though, he believed the Board
needed to pass a strict ordinance.
Commissioner Messer stated
that he felt the problem lay with the small percentage of residents that did
not take responsibility for their animals. He requested that county residents
work together to try to make the county a better place to live.
Commissioner McGrady stated
that regarding some of the language in the draft, he did not wish to have a
ferret ordinance or leash cats.
Steve Wyatt noted that
the State legislature had set up a process to deal with dangerous dogs, but
unfortunately it only dealt with incidences after the fact. He felt he was
hearing the Board say they wished to look at a common sense approach to
prevention. Staff will revisit the draft ordinance, and bring back to the Board
the ramifications of the State’s dangerous dog law for review.
McGrady made the motion to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion
Elizabeth W. Corn, Clerk
to the Board William L. Moyer, Chairman